Company secrets( Book one)

By Creativewritingmom94

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Dara Keegan is a 25 year old girl who is raising her 11 year old (soon to be 12) brother Dexter since he was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 5

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By Creativewritingmom94

The next morning Dara was ready to head to her first day at Parker Tech company. She yells for Dexter as usual. He comes down to eat a bagel and some apple juice. He's playing on his phone. Dara smiles knowing what a great boss she is going to have. He did go above and beyond for her to be able to keep in touch with Dexter.

There's a knock at the door. Dara goes to the front door opening it. There's a very large dark-skinned man in front of her. And a white man behind him. He was bald. Both look like body builders.

"I'm Tyrell call me Ty, this is Paul, we are here for young Dexter, to take him to school, the driver is in the car his name is Mike," he said. An older man sat in front. Around fifty years. These two bodybuilders were probably in their forties.

"Hi I'm Dara, Dexter your rides here," she said yelling for Dexter. He ran out with his lunch box and backpack. He looks at Ty and his eyes go wide. They tell their names.

"Hi, you're very muscular do you work out," he asks. Ty nods.

"I do, and so does Paul, it's nice to meet you, sir, we have strict rules to do as you tell us, so first school, are you ready," he asks. Dexter nods and hugs Dara.

"He's in great hands Miss Keegan I assure you, no one will get past us, and we will stay close to the play park in front of the school no one will get past us," he said. She nods.

"Thanks both of you," she said. Ty nods to her.

"Here's my number and Paul's, you are welcome to call us to check on him, we will gladly go in to check on him if we need to," he said.

He hands her a card. And waved to her helping Dexter in the black Cadillac. And they all wave and head off. She gets in her car and heads in the opposite direction. It's fifteen minutes before she has to be at the fire so she puts the pedal to the metal. She begins to get worried about Dexter but he messages her telling her he made it to school. He promised to keep his phone in his backpack.

Dara pulls up at the firm two minutes before the time to be there. And she sighs. Wearing a black and white dress outfit the black pencil skirt connected to the white chiffon top. And a pair of wedge heels. Short heels but beautiful. She walks inside the firm and says hello to the receptionist. And walks to the elevator again. This time Blake wasn't in the elevator. She rides to the tenth floor and it dings. She gets off greeting Marissa with a smile. Marissa looks excited to see her.

"Hey Dara," she said. Waving to her. She waved at Marissa. But Dara is curious. So she walks up to the desk.

"Marissa I know you don't know me, but you're wearing a wedding band and I don't see any images of a husband or kids on your desk so why wear the ring," she asked. Marissa grins and nods.

"It keeps all of these bachelors from hitting on me. To think I'm married they don't look at my workstation so, it makes sense, I was engaged once but he got killed and I kept the ring, so now I use it," she said. Dara nods.

"Smart, hey you're the only one I know up here, so can you tell me something about Blake that might help, level the plane," Dara asks. Marissa nods.

"Blake is a kind-hearted person but he has a stubborn mind, but he allows himself to feel emotions too quickly, meaning he likes someone before he gets to know them just by looking at them but he's a good judge of character," Marissa said. Dara nods. She then sighs.

"Alright, Dara Keegan, I've taken the day off my busy schedule so I'll be showing you around," Blake emerges from the right. Marissa sits back down. She looks at Blake and waves to him.

"Morning boss, good luck Dara," she says. Dara waves to her. Dara and Blake head to the elevator. Both of them standing in the middle.

"I hear your brother has taken an interest in Ty," he says breaking the ice.

"Oh, I'm yes, he was really surprised to see bodybuilders at the house this morning," Dara said. He chuckled.

"Ty messaged me, seems he likes Dexter, Paul never talks but Ty loves talking, and kids, he loves children, you're brother seems like a very smart and sweet kid," he said. She nods.

"He skipped a grade, he's a boy genius, and he is sweet, but he has his moments," she said. He nods. The elevator stopped on the fifteenth floor. He walks out and she follows him.

"This floor is where we hold most meetings, but also where the production team goes over their strategies," he said. She nods.

"If at any time you need to talk to someone about anything new in the firm, you come here, we hold most office meetings here from the top floor to the tenth. The lower levels are for interns to learn and for our research lab," he said.

"Now, we will go down to the fifth level, where our scientists are, or the labs," he said. As she follows to the elevator. They reach the fifth floor and he steps out. Scientists in coats, tip their heads to him. He has earned everyone's respect.

"Our researchers and developers are here, they design everything all the technology and anti-virus programs," he said. She nods.

"So the lab that you have set up, is it for database creation or storage of data?" She asks.

"Great question we do both, we create and store data, but not in the same lab, we also have our developer's room where we test the latest programs," he said. He walks to a room that had been marked 'Developer room' and he walks in. His employers stop dead in their tracks. Working on some sort of game.

"Boss, we need your opinion, do we go with the neon lights on this game or low light," a guy asked. He looks at Dara.

"What do you think," he asks. The guy gives her the low down of a game created for children under twelve.

"Well young minds need time to grow and develop high levels of light send something to the neurology of the brain and cause the brain to become clouded but low light doesn't transmit any kind of a shock to the brain so if it were me I would do lower algorithms of light so the brain has time to develop and it doesn't cause any problems," she said. The scientist looks taken aback by her but so does Blake.

"Maybe you should be in this department," the guy says. Walking away.

"Wow, you're really smart, I knew hiring you would be a good idea," he said. She smiles walking back to the elevator with him.

"Let's grab lunch, we've spent a couple of hours touring, next stop second floor," he said pushing the button. She nods.

They step out onto the second floor where he leads her to the right and through a long hall. Before turning left. Inside was a large dining area. There was food in the refrigerators and being cooked.

"What would you like, it's on the house."

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