The Crow Of Death (DSMP AU)

By Jedi_Raptor

10.3K 567 509

BOOK 2 OF THE CURSED AU SERIES The second part to the new AU that Casserole :D created with their animatic o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Finale Chapter

Chapter 7

569 35 33
By Jedi_Raptor

Techno almost immediately flopped down on the couch after kicking off his boots and taking off his cape. The soft cushions greeted him like a warm hug and he sighed when the cold started to leave his body. He faintly recognized the soft chirps and trills from the crows outside, probably them eagerly waiting for Phil to finish eating so they can have the rest. Hopefully he will actually eat the meat and not just leave it for the black birds.

The hybrid can only imagine how weird it is for his friend to eat raw meat. He really hopes that it at least tastes alright so Phil won't complain about having to eat like this for Prime knows how long. Now that he was thinking about it, how will they know when he will turn back. If he ever turns back.

He couldn't imagine what he would do if Phil never turned back into his human self. If the only way to do it is to be near death or die... No. He will never let anyone or anything hurt his friend for as long as he's alive. Even if it meant that he has to stay like this for a long time... possibly forever.

But who knows... Maybe Phil grows to like his new crow form? Be the same as his murder, fly around with them. A part of him didn't like the thought of Phil never returning back to normal. They would never be able to have long evening conversations while eating or just relaxing on the couch, never be able to train or hunt together like they used to. It would be... lonely. Yes, his friend is still here and able to spend time with him, but he can't talk, at least not in a way that Techno can understand him.

No, he shouldn't think like this. They can fix this... this won't be permanent. It can't be.

He groaned and turned on his back, wincing when his arm was twisted slightly in the wrong way. This won't get him anywhere. The voices usually were already enough bad thoughts as it is, he doesn't need any more.

A noise from outside caught his attention. Loud caws and trills. Sounds like Phil allowed them to eat the rest of his meal. Techno got up from the couch to open the window. As expected, the black birds were crowded around the carcass, while Phil sat in the snow a bit to the side, trying to preen his wings.

He had to admit that it looked quite funny, since Phil is so used to just using his hands to comb through his feathers. Using his beak must be a lot more difficult. So Techno decided to be a good friend and just sit at the window, grinning while he watches his friend struggle for a good ten minutes before giving up and calling a few crows over to show him how they do it. It's not like Phil would't do it to him either.

A sudden movement in the corner of hiis vision caught his attention. He could barely make out the black and white features of the approaching hybrid when a few crows already flew over to greet him. Right... the birds definetly have a big soft spot for the young Enderman. But so do Phil and Techno, even if the Piglin won't openly admit it to anyone.

Techno quickly fought his way back into his coat and threw the cloak over his shoulders. His boots decided to be especially bothersome right now, but when he finally managed to go outside, Ranboo had just stepped foot inside the fenced area. "Hello Techno!" He gave the hybrid a quick nod before glancing to the side. Phil was just out of view. Good.

"I'm supprised you still walk around this late. The sun is almost down." "It was a last minute decision... I wanted to come by yesterday, but then forgot and went out with Tommy instead so..." Ranboo smiled when a crow perched itself on his shoulder, chirping at him. "I also have something for Phil. He had asked about it sometime last week."

Shit... stay calm. Just make up a quick excuse. "He's already asleep... we had a long day. Trouble at the village with some Pillagers. I can give it to him for you if you want." "Oh. Is he okay?" "Yeah. Just some scratches here and there. Nothing bad. We're just tired, that's all." Ranboo nods and hands a bag to the Piglin. "I can bring you guys some healing stuff? I always have a bunch of it prepared in case Tommy or Tubbo decide to get into trouble." Techno shook his head no and grabs the bag. It was suprisingly heavy.

"We always have a bunch prepared too, just in case any wannaby army decides to pick a fight." The hybrid flinched and his tail started twitching nervously.

You made him upset! Good job Blade. Apologize! Apologize to him! Be nice to the boy! E. Blood. Blood. TechnoMean.

"Sorry... that came out the wrong way." "No. It's fine. I can understand that you're still mad about that." "Yes, but not at you. Mostly just Quackity. You were dragged into it... Phil told me the whole thing." In a split second decision, he placed a hand on the taller hybrid's shoulder and tried to give him a genuine smile. Ranboo's tail flicked as his ears perked up a little.

"You're a friend, you have earned that kind of trust. Of course I'm still suspicious of you and your little sleepwalk episodes and memory loss, but I know you don't mean me or Phil any harm. You are always welcomed here, that's why we allowed you to have your little base here in the first place."

The young hybrid smiled, his tail now happily flicking from side to side. It reminded Techno of a cat or a dog... "Thank you... I never knew you could be so nice... with how other people talk about you." Techno laughed and took his hand away. "I know. And if you even dare to tell anyone about this, I'll kick you off my property." "Of course."

Ranboo looked at the sky and wrapped the coat a little tighter around his shoulders. "I'll head to bed... I have to be back in the SMP lands pretty early." Techno nodded and picked up the bag from where he had put it on the floor. "Night Ranboo." The hybrid grinned again. "Night. And thank you again."

Okay... I managed to hide Phil. He just has to stay inside a bit longer tomorrow morning so Ranboo won't see him when he leaves. That should be easy if- "Um... Techno?" "Mmm?" The pink haired man looked up to meet Ranboo's gaze, who was already a few steps away from the house. "Is... Do you... I mean..." "Full sentences Ranboo." The hybrid's eyes flicked back to something above Techno's head. "Is that crow yours or...?" Techno frowned and looked up, immediately groaning at the sight. Almost! I almost managed to keep him hidden! Why in Prime's name did he show himself?!

Phil was perched on the roof of the house, watching the two.

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