The Blinding Light of Sunrise...

By G12GFour

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Highest Rank: Number 1: TNT Duo The difference a single decision can make... c!Wilbur Soot has been a thorn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20

Chapter 19

427 19 19
By G12GFour

Ranboo crouched in a dark room. "No, I don't want to. Don't make me do it," he cried.

"Oh, but Ranboo, you've already done so much." Dream's voice echoed in the darkness. "You don't want him to find out, do you? Isn't he better off not knowing what kind of monster he's married to?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't tell me you've already forgotten?" A book appeared from nowhere with Do Not Read printed on the cover. "Why don't you open it?"

Ranboo opened the book. "No... No... No..." he murmured as he flipped through the pages. He slammed the book shut. "No! I didn't do these things! I couldn't..."

"Oh, you did. You did so many wonderful things. And now I need you to do one more."

"No. Not Tubbo. I won't do it! I won't!"

"You will."

Ranboo's eyes glowed. He rose like a marionette pulled up by a string. "No... No... Not Tubbo... No..." his hollow voice repeated inside the black prison of his mind.


Sapnap checked the coordinates on Tubbo's letter again, he frowned. It was just a bunch of rocks and craggy hills. He shook his head. There was no one there. It was just like Quackity, say he was going to f-ing show up and then not be there. 

He let out an irritated sigh. Karl had looked so sad when he left, he hated leaving when he looked at him like that. He just wanted to get back home to him. "Quackity!" he shouted. "Quackity! I'm going to f-ing leave if you don't f-ing show up in the next three minutes."

"Shhh! Not so f-ing loud!" Quackity's voice hissed from... somewhere... Somewhere near an especially rocky part of the hill. "Did you come alone?"

Sapnap squinted into the shadows. He saw a flash of red. "Quackity?"

"Yeah. Get the f-ck over here." Suddenly, Quackity seemed to appear from the shadows. He waved him over. He looked rough, rougher than he could remember ever seeing him, but his red tie still hung loosely around his neck. It'd be sexy if this was half a year ago, before everything went bad.

Sapnap followed him through a thin crevice concealed by a strange, spikey rock formation. As he slid through, he saw a sliver of warm, orange light and then it abruptly opened up into a cave where Tommy and Tubbo sat by a small fire munching on apples.

"Hey Sapnap," Tommy said. Tubbo echoed the greeting.

"Is this where you've been hiding out?" Sapnap asked, surveying the small cave.

"I mean, today," Quackity said. "We got here pretty f-ing late last night. Here, have a seat." Quackity tossed an empty backpack to him.

He didn't need it, but he recognized Quackity was trying to be nice so he sat down on it. In the distance, he thought he heard the first rumbles of thunder. It had just been clear moments before. It was amazing how fast storms could pop up around here. He might as well settle in, it was going to be a bit. "Why the f-ck are you here?" he asked.

"We got some information from a... a f-ing reliable source, that Las Nevadas is going to attack Kinoko Kingdom."


"Probably pretty f-ing soon. Frankly, I was f-ing surprised it wasn't already on fire when we got here."

"So you came all this way to warn us?" Sapnap could feel his heart rising in his chest.

"Well, yeah. Sh-t, I'm not about to let anyone f-ing hurt you or Karl."

Sapnap could feel the pounding in his chest. So Quackity did care about them afterall! He'd spent so much time convincing himself that he didn't when he didn't join them in Kinoko Kingdom. But maybe, just maybe... Quackity needed a place to live now that he'd been kicked out of Las Nevadas, why not back with them? He'd face Dream and Wilbur a hundred times if-

He noticed the silver ring glinting from Quackity's left third finger and his heart sank. "You got married?" Sapnap managed to ask through the lump that threatened to close his throat.

Quackity glanced at his ring. "Yeah. Yeah, I did."

"To who?"

"Wilbur f-ing Soot. And before you say anything, yes, he did f-ck me over but él es mi marido y mi amor and that's not f-ing changing if I have anything to f-ing say about it."

The words hurt so much more than he'd thought they would. He couldn't even fake a smile and pretend to be happy for Quackity like he'd planned for this moment in his mind. He'd expected Quackity would move on, someday, but this?! Wilbur wanted him dead and here he was professing his undying love for that very same man. "What do you want me to say?" Sapnap said.

"I don't f-ing want you to say anything about it."

Sapnap fought back the burn of tears. He could keep it together. At least, he could until the thunder stopped. The walk home was going to be hell, though. He hoped it kept raining. That way the weather would match his mood.

It was better Karl wasn't here; Sapnap could figure out a way to break it to him gently. Maybe over dinner. They'd have to figure out this rumor of an attack from Las Nevadas, too. Planning a possible defense would help distract them.

No, he couldn't do it! "Wilbur ordered you dead! How can you say that?"

"He didn't order me dead. If anyone wants me dead, it's Dream."

"Didn't you..." Sapnap's eyes grew wide. "You don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Oh f-ck me!" Sapnap ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "You don't know, do you? Quackity, Wilbur put out an order for your arrest and execution two days ago. You and Tubbo and Tommy."

"Eh?" Tommy turned his attention from chatting with Tubbo to them.

"What?" Quackity said.

"Look, you can see for yourself." Sapnap swiped across his phone screen and Wilbur appeared in front of a podium, the casino behind him.

"Quackity is guilty of numerous crimes against Las Nevadas and the continent on which it sits. Anyone caught assisting the fugitive, Quackity, will be executed until they are dead. Any nation that gives him aid or comfort will be committing an act of war against Las Nevadas and can expect retaliation in kind. We will not rest until Quackity and his companions, Tubbo and Tommy Innit, have been brought to justice." Wilbur said.

"Sh-t!" Tommy cried.

"They've arrested Eret for helping you, his execution is going to be in two days."


Quackity's knees gave out. He fell to the ground, landing hard, not that he could feel it. Or anything.

"Big Q!" Tubbo cried, rushing over to him.

He swatted Tubbo away. "Get the f-ck away from me!" Quackity shouted. Tubbo retreated to the entrance.

"What the f-ck?" Tommy said.

Sapnap tried to put an arm around Big Q's shaking body but he pushed it away. "Don't. Don't f-ing touch me."

"I'm sorry," Sapnap said.

Quackity gripped his own arms, his shirt, his fingers traveled to his ring. He brought it up, turning it to show the asphodel. He pressed it to his lips. The metal felt cool. "I'm still alive." he said, reminding himself. "It's been two days and I'm still alive."

"So?" Tommy said. Tubbo's ears flicked.

"He can't want me dead," he muttered. "Some part of him doesn't want me dead or... or I'd be dead."

Sapnap stared at him in disbelief. "F-ck, Quackity! I know it's sh-t but don't go into denial on me."

"He has my compass!" Quackity shouted.

"What?!" Tommy and Sapnap cried in unison.

"He has my f-ing compass. I gave it to him, months ago."

"He had your f-ing compass this whole time and you didn't f-ing think that might be some goddamn f-ing important information to tell the rest of us?" Tommy shouted. "Oh my f-ng God!"

"You gave him a compass?" Sapnap looked as if he'd been struck. Quackity knew why; he'd never even talked about exchanging compasses with them.

"Guys, guys, shut up!" Tubbo said, his ears alert. "I hear something."

"Goddamn f-ing! You've killed us, you f-ing-" Tommy shouted.

"Shut up!" Tubbo yelled.

They all fell silent. The only thing that could be heard was a soft rumbling in the distance. Oh sh-t. Quackity suddenly felt very sick. His eyes met Tubbo's.

"I only hear the thunder," Sapnap said.

"That's not thunder," Tubbo said, warily. Quackity could see him swallow hard. "That's TNT."

"No. No. It's been going on for almost ten minutes... That'd be enough TNT to level a..." Sapnap went white. "No. No! Karl! You didn't!" He scrambled to his feet, lunging towards the entrance. Quackity grabbed his legs and he fell onto Tommy. "Let me go!" he kicked at Quackity, hitting him squarely in the face as Quackity fought to hold onto his other leg. "I need to get to Karl! I need to... Karl! Karl, what did you do?"

Quackity felt Sapnap's body limpen. He pulled himself up it and held him fast in his arms. He could feel Sapnap shaking as he cried. "He'll be ok," Big Q said. "He's too useful to Wilbur to kill right away."

"You don't understand. He knew this was coming... This morning... I knew something was wrong! I never should have left him alone!"

Big Q felt like he was going to throw up. Of course Karl had done that. The stupid f-ing b-stard. Sapnap would have run in and gotten himself f-ing killed if he'd been there. "We're going to go get him. Just, let's make sure there's no one waiting for us to come out, ok?"

Sapnap nodded.

"Tubbo." Quackity gave a quick gesture to the entrance with his head.

Tubbo crept through the crevice, his long ears tilting to hear. He poked his head out, then back in. "We're clear."

"Thank f-ck. Let's go."


"Well, it's about time you woke up," Wilbur said from where he sat in one of Karl's armchairs, his legs hanging over the armrest. He lay the book he was reading on his stomach and took off his glasses. "I was beginning to think our dear girl put you into a coma."

"What the f-ck is this about, Wilbur? Kinoko Kingdom was no threat to you!" Karl strained against the ropes that held him to a heavy wingback chair like a captured animal.

Wilbur could see where the fibers were cutting into Karl's perfect, pale skin. A smile spread across his face. Karl was so helpless. His expression so desperate. Now the former Manberg Secretary of The Fence knew exactly how it felt to watch as something he loved was taken from him.

Wilbur turned so he was sitting normally, he tented his fingers, leaning forward. "Oh, Kinoko Kingdom was never my idea. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed my time here immensely; but this was all his plan." He inclined his head to the left. Karl's head slowly turned as though he knew exactly what he was going to see and feared it.

Dream tilted his head loosely from where he sat on an easy chair, his sister sitting on the top of the backrest beside him, her axe's head resting on the armrest. "Hello Karl. It's been a long time. You never visited me in prison," Dream said.

"Is that what this is about? We didn't visit you, so you burn down our kingdom?!"

Dream laughed a strange, hollow laugh. "No. No, that would be too short-sighted and I've been planning this for far too long. No, we're going to reunite the world. No more factions or kingdoms or countries, everything under one rule."

"Yours," Karl spat.

"Yes. Well, mine, Wilbur's, and Drista's. A triumvirate if you will. I can't be everywhere at once."

"A triumvirate gives all members equal power, but it looks like you're the one in control."

Drista slid from the top of the chair and strolled over to Karl, laying her index finger on his shoulder as she walked around to his opposite side and leaned over so her lips were next to his ear. "I know what you're trying to do, Karl Jacobs. You're not as clever as you think you are."

"And what am I trying to do?" Karl said.

"You're trying to sow division among us," she said, looking at Wilbur.

"It won't work," Wilbur added. "We know what we signed up for."

"Then what's my part in all this, why am I still alive?" Karl demanded.

"Bait." Drista said, simply.

"You're f-ing kidding me."

"Well, slightly more than bait. We'd also like you to put on a little show for the residents of Kinoko," Wilbur said.

"A show." Karl looked incredulous.

"Yes, we'd appreciate it if you would publicly accede your kingdom to Las Nevadas."

"Why the f-ck would I do that?"

"To protect your people, of course," Wilbur said. "They might try to fight us if they see us as invaders, and that would result in their needless deaths, like your fiancé, for example. I noticed he wasn't around. He does seem like the type to try to lead a revolt. Don't you think?"

Drista and Dream nodded in unison.

"It would be a shame if we had to execute him for treason."

"But Dream, he's your friend!" Karl cried.

Dream stood suddenly. "He was my friend. So were you. Before you locked me in a prison cell and forgot about me!"

"You were hurting people! You destroyed L'Manberg! You were manipulating all of us! We had to stop you."

"Stop me? Is that what you tell yourselves? You would have let Tommy kill me! I stopped him, not you, not Sapnap, me. Don't pretend you hold any special place of favor in my heart after that. I should kill you right now."

"Can I do it? Drista asked, swinging her axe so it came to a stop right at Karl's throat.

Wilbur chuckled, Karl was trying to look impassive, but his terror was so palpable he could practically taste it. "No, no. Don't cut up the bait yet. We have to give him the chance to think it over a bit." Wilbur glanced at Karl's hand, gripping the arm of the chair so tightly the knuckles had turned white. He tilted his head. "Dream, do you think Sapnap would cry if he saw Karl's arms stuck on a fence? I imagine he'd recognize the nails; he probably helped paint them."

Dream nodded. "Probably."

"Definitely," Drista added.

"I wonder if it would break him?" His breath caught. In his own mind, he saw a severed forearm with a silver ring on the left ring finger. That hand he'd held and kissed so many times, that gave the caresses his face still felt if he let it. He knew he'd gone pale. His breathing came fast and shallow. He fought to control it. Thankfully, Karl didn't notice as tears began to fall from his grey eyes - his imagination must have been as good as Wilbur's. Wilbur could see Dream did notice. He willed himself back. It was the hand of the man who'd entwined it with another's. He could feel his mind clearing as his rage percolated. Perhaps he'd be the one to stick it on the fence post, himself.

"What's your answer, Karl?" Dream said.

"Fine. Just don't hurt him," Karl acquiesced.

"That depends on him," Wilbur said, his breathing calmed. "But we won't kill him."

"But if you try to double-cross us," Drista said, her axe blade still uncomfortably close to Karl's throat, "I'll kill you both."


The town was strangely deserted under a dark grey sky threatening rain. It felt still despite the crackling fires burning on cracked and broken buildings. Long furrows split the ground. Quackity, Tubbo, and Tommy carefully made their way through the smoldering buildings of Kinoko, Sapnap leading the way.

"Where is everyone?" Tommy said. "I mean, shouldn't they be putting out the fires or something, at least?"

"Tubbo, can you hear anything?" Quackity asked.

Tubbo's ears twitched. "Yeah. Up ahead, sounds like a crowd." He froze. "It's Dream. I just heard Dream! And Karl, too."

Quackity and Sapnap stopped short.

"What are we waiting for?" Tommy cried in exasperation.

F-ck! Quackity thought. He wasn't ready for f-ing Dream. But if Dream was here... "Do you hear Wilbur?"

"No, but I can smell him." Tubbo's nose crinkled. "Smells like Las Nevadas and gunpowder."

"Very good, goat boy." They all looked up to see Punz standing on the wreckage of what had once been a giant mushroom of some sort.

"I'm part sheep," Tubbo corrected indignantly, with a small bleat.

"You're a f-ing mutton-head if you think he cares about that," Quackity said, his axe at the ready.

"Hey Big Q, about time I caught up to you," Punz said.

Punz was talking. Why the f-ck was he talking and drawing attention to himself? He'd had the f-ing drop on them. Unless- Quackity swung around in time for his axe to catch on a sword. In an instant, he saw the black and white skin and glowing eyes of Ranboo. Then the enderman vanished.

"Quackity!" Sapnap yelled.

He heard a whistle and then the slice of a sword cutting through air, then wood, as splinters struck his neck. Three more arrows whistled through the air. He heard the dull thunk of them hitting wood. He glanced back to see Sapnap holding up a broken board like an arm shield, with three arrows stuck in it.

"It's Ranboo!" Quackity shouted.

"Ranboo?" Tubbo echoed.

"Watch out!"

Tubbo stared up at Ranboo from below Tommy's sword. Blood trickled from Tommy's bare palm where he held the other side of the blade up like a bar beneath Ranboo's sword. Ranboo had clearly meant to cleave Tubbo in half from above! Ranboo vanished again only to reappear where Punz had been.

Quackity cried out in pain as a throwing knife sliced his arm, blood ran from the wound. He looked down to see the tear in his shirt growing red with blood. "Hey! This is my favorite f-ing shirt!" he shouted, blocking two more knives with his axe.

Sapnap's sword was swinging, it took Quackity a second to even see who he was fighting, Punz was moving so fast, easily ducking and weaving. He caught the flash of silver just in time to block Ranboo's sword, again, and again. And then he was gone.

Big Q heard Sapnap curse and turned to see his headband fluttering to the ground, blood staining the white of it. Blood was pouring from a gash in his forehead, f-ing up his vision. Ranboo must've seen it too, because he suddenly appeared and drew back his sword. Quackity didn't even think, he slid feet first into Ranboo's legs, knocking him over, scrambling to his knees in time to block Punz who spun, delivering a kick to the side of his head.

It took him a moment to realize what was going on around him. He was on the ground, he knew that much. Above him, he could see Tommy and Tubbo fighting back to back. He felt something wet on his face. Where was Sapnap? Another wet thing. He rolled over and tried to get up. In front of him, the ground was filling with dark spots.

"It's raining!" he shouted.

"No!" Tubbo screamed. "Ranboo!"

Quackity stumbled to his feet in time to see what Tubbo was screaming about. As Ranboo lunged at him, he saw the rain burning the black half of Ranboo's body. It was like he didn't feel it at all, but his skin was clearly being seared, wisps of smoke rose every time a drop hit.

"Ranboo!" Tubbo cried. He grabbed Tommy's cloak from the ground and leapt onto Ranboo, fighting to cover him. Ranboo knocked him down with a hard hit from the hilt of his sword. "Big Q! Help me!"

Quackity did the only thing he could do, the only thing he had time to do, defend himself. Tubbo leapt up to cover Ranboo again and was immediately thrown to the ground. Quackity saw the Enderpearl appear in Ranboo's hand.

"Oh no you f-ing don't," he said, slamming the bottom of the axe into Ranboo's hand, causing him to drop it. Ranboo's claws slashed his hand.

Tubbo was up again and slammed back to the ground. Again. And again. And again. Quackity could tell from his swaying it was hurting him to stand, but he kept getting back up with the cloak to try to cover Ranboo. "Ranboo, stop! You're hurting yourself!" he cried as tears streamed down his bruised and bleeding cheeks.

"Guys, I'm f-ing dying over here!" Tommy shouted. Quackity glanced over to see Tommy and a badly injured Sapnap fighting to hold off Punz.

They were losing.

Tubbo jumped onto Ranboo's back again, pinning him under the cloak as Ranboo clawed at him. "Ranboo, please! Ranboo, you were right! I f-ed everything up. I'm so sorry, Ranboo! This is all my fault. I'm sorry!" he shouted, his face stained with tears and rain.

Ranboo dropped his sword and pulled Tubbo from his shoulders, dragging him across his body to face him. "Hey Tubbo," he said with a calm smile, giving Tubbo a kiss on his forehead.

"Ranboo!" Tubbo wrapped his arms and legs around his husband.

"I can't keep Dream out for long. I'll distract Punz. You need to run," Ranboo said.

"No! I just got you back!"

"Come on!" Quackity grabbed Tubbo and pulled him off of Ranboo. "We've got to go."

"Ranboo!" Tubbo cried. "Let me go!" He punched at Quackity's arms around his waist.

Ranboo adjusted the cloak so it covered him and picked up his sword. "Bye Tubbo," he said. "I'll see you soon."

"NO!" Tubbo screamed. "RANBOO!"

"Tommy! Sapnap!" Big Q shouted. "Let's go!"

Ranboo stepped forward and brandished his sword. He smiled at them. Quackity couldn't hear what he said over Tubbo's screams, but whatever it was, Punz immediately faced him.

He heard the clash of metal, but didn't look back. Suddenly, he and Tubbo were on the ground and being yanked backward. Tubbo slid out from his arms. Quackity managed to turn over to see Punz and Ranboo pulling him in by the fishing line wrapped around his legs. "Keep f-ing running!" he shouted to the others as he tried to reach his razor blade.

A crossbow bolt buried itself in the dirt, cutting the line.

Quackity's eyes flew to where the arrow came from. Standing on a pile of rubble above them, he saw in the flash of lightning a golden crown and a flowing red robe blowing in the wind. Technoblade!

"Get out of here, Quackity!" he growled.

Quackity grabbed his razor and slit the fishing line still wrapped around his legs, making a run for it as Technoblade leapt down.


They collapsed back into the little cave after a long run. "So? What do we do now?" Tommy panted as Quackity bandaged Sapnap's injuries.

"We sneak back into the city tonight and save Karl," Sapnap said.

"And Punz will probably be f-ing waiting for us." Quackity said. "We can't rely on Technoblade to save our f-ing a-ses every time."

"Well, what do you want us to do?! We can't just leave him!"

"Sounds like exactly the kind of thing we'd do," Tubbo grumbled.

"We f-ing had to!" Quackity said.

"I will never f-ing forgive you for that." Tubbo said, darkly. "Never."

"For saving your goddamned f-ing life? Yeah, you're f-ing welcome."

"He was right there! If we'd stayed, maybe we could have broken Dream's hold on him! But we f-ing left him! You don't know how it feels to do that!"

Quackity saw red, he began to shake as he fought to keep his temper under control. "You're right. I have no f-ing idea how it feels to be dragged away from the person I love so f-ing much I'm f-ing determined to sit there and let him f-ing kill me. I have no f-ing clue how it feels to have to f-ing sit around not knowing how the f-ck he is or if he's even f-ing alive because some f-ing a-hole f-ing forcibly pulled me away from him so I wouldn't f-ing die like a f-ing moron. No f-ing idea! I've never been through that before in my whole f-ing life!" he shouted.

Tubbo stared at him with wide eyes. His mouth moved but no sound came out.

Quackity turned away from him. He couldn't stand to see his stupid f-ing face anymore. "Now you know how it f-ing feels," he muttered. "And you'll f-ing get over it, cause we can't fix this f-ing sh-t if we're dead."

"Hey guys? Come here and look at this," Tommy said, waving them over to where he sat with Sapnap's phone. They crowded around him to see the story.

"Today the Kinoko Kingdom joined with Las Nevadas to become the Kinoko District of Las Nevadas." The voiceover said. Video showed Karl handing over a scroll and key to Dream who was flanked by Wilbur and Drista. "Kinoko District will be under the governance of High Judge Drista with the former king, Karl Jacobs, serving as her advisor."

"More like prisoner," Sapnap muttered as the shot panned out to show all four standing in front of the castle where a giant flag of Las Nevadas hung like a banner, rippling in the wind. There were no cheers from the crowd, everyone seemed so f-ing nervous as they looked to each other for some cue as to what the f-ck they should be doing. "Hey, wait a minute." He zoomed in on the images. "Where's George?"

"If I know George, he f-ing slept through the whole thing," Quackity muttered.

"F-ck! Yes!" Sapnap cried. "That means they probably haven't found him yet! Otherwise, they'd have him right up there with Dream! Look, we find George and we go back for Karl."

"Sapnap," Quackity said.

"No, it'll work. If you guys come from Niki's underground city-"

"Sapnap! Even with George we're no match for Punz and Ranboo. Not in a city we don't know."

"Tommy knows it!"

"Sapnap," Quackity said, putting his hand on the other man's shoulder. It slid down to his bicep. "What the f-ck happens after that? Wilbur and Dream come back and they f-ing burn the city to the ground and kill all the f-ing occupants. We have to take them on on their own f-ing turf before they have a chance to consolidate their power. If we're going to have any f-ing chance at this, we have to go to Las Nevadas and take it back."

Sapnap drew back from him. "No... No. I can't leave him." He took Quackity's hand in his. "You know I can't. It's Karl."

Quackity smiled warmly. "Yeah, I know."

"Are you two going to kiss?" Tommy announced.

Quackity glared at him.

"No, no, it's ok Big Q; I just wanted to know if you needed some privacy."

"I will f-ing murder you!" Quackity cried as he lunged after Tommy.

Tommy dodged. "Too slow! How do you expect to kill Dream if you can't even f-ing catch me?"

"I'll catch you with my axe!" Quackity said, grabbing the blade and leaping after Tommy.

"Are they always like this?" Sapnap asked Tubbo.

"Most of the time," Tubbo answered, handing him a steaming cup of tea.

"Stop running and let me f-ing kill you!" Quackity yelled.

"How have you survived this long?" Sapnap asked, taking a sip.

Tubbo shrugged. Suddenly his ears perked up. "Guys! Shush! Two people! Outside the cave!"

Tommy and Quackity froze.

"Is it Punz?" Tommy whispered.

"No," Tubbo's ears twitched. His brow furrowed. "No, it's-"

"Yo! You guys suck at hiding." Technoblade's gravelly voice announced as he slipped through the crevice. "We could hear you from half a mile away."

"We?" Quackity asked.

Sam appeared from behind Techno. Techno pointed a thumb back at him. "Yeah, I found this one skulking around Paradise yesterday."

"Sam!" Quackity cried in relief. "You look back to normal. Puffy take good care of you?"

"Yeah, but they caught her hiding me. Her execution is scheduled the day after Eret's."

"F-ck. Do you know where they're keeping them?"

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure I know how to break in there. I was working on it when Technoblade found me."

"How's Ranboo?" Tubbo interrupted.

Technoblade scoffed. "You mean besides being a mind slave to a tyrant? Yeah, he's fine. They stopped fighting after you all disappeared. I mean, I'm probably persona non grata now, but you know, not exactly a place I want to be in grata with. Not that I'm in love with you guys or anything, but you know, enemy of my enemy and all that. So what's the plan?"

Quackity grinned a vicious, shark's grin that twisted at his scar as the gears began whirring in his mind. "We're going to save Eret and Puffy. But first, we're going to stop by Tommy's house - I'm going to need some better armor."

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