Power of the Kings: Round Two

By Buttercup-Rosie

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Sakura Kururugi has had to play an act for the last year after the Black Knights revolution crumbled when Zer... More

Living a Lie
The Demon Awakens
The Return of Zero
Cooking with the Student Council
Rescuing Prisoners of War
The Knight of Seven Arrives
The School Festival
Slow Dancing
Little Fairy
Out to Sea
A Million Miracles
Crashing A Banquet
Power of the Heart
A Bad Call
Cupid Day
Geass Limit
Destroying the Order
The C's World
The United Federation of Nations
Rejecting the Ragnarök
Emperor Lelouch
The Democratic Way
The Final Battle
The Zero Requiem
Epilogue: Loose Ends
Epilogue: School
Epilogue: Little Mountain Home

Kidnapping an Empress

126 2 4
By Buttercup-Rosie


"He put me in a box," I chuckle, looking around at the space that will pick up Lelouch, Kaguya, and the kidnapped empress, while also giving Kallen her Guren MK-II. "Probably because I did not approve of the plan of kidnapping Tianzi."

It isn't often that I see into the past, but when I went to sleep last night, curled into Lelouch's side, I was blessed to see a crucial part of Tianzi's life. A promise that she made with that Xingke some years ago. With that information, I couldn't be there to kidnap the young girl from the forced wedding. My heart would break too much if she cried out.

"I'm setting you down now," Chiba says through my earpiece. "Not that it would be rough, but the front it going to open."

"Thanks Chiba," I smile, adjusting the skirt of my dress.

There is a small bump as the box lands in room where the wedding has officially been crashed. Once the front opens, Zero, with his cape around Tianzi, quickly enter. In the next moment, Kallen and Kaguya rush in as the two of them were attendees at the wedding. Kallen wastes no time in climbing into the Guren MK-II and heading out for the fights out there.

"You didn't make her cry, did you?" I step up to Lelouch as he sits down on a plush chair.

"She was almost married and taken off to be a hostage in Britannia," Lelouch looks up at him, but I wish that I could see his eyes to see how he is feeling. "Her emotions are already strung."

I look over at Tianzi sitting with Kaguya. The young empress's crimson eyes have tears welling in them, and her white hair done all up for the wedding she thankfully doesn't have to go through anymore.

"You can become her mother if you'd like," he grabs my hand, giving it a squeeze before letting it go. "Make her feel more at ease."

"Mother is a stretch, but I would love to be the older sister she could need," I smile, turning on my heel and heading over to the two young girls.

"Oh, your majesty, this is my cousin, Sakura Kururugi," Kaguya softly smiles as I step up.

The empress looks up at me, a tiny gasp escaping her lips.

"Hello, little empress," I tenderly smile. "You know my twin brother, Suzaku. It is an honor to meet you."

"It is nice to meet you. Are you really Infinity? What about your mask?"

Kaguya giggles, "She doesn't care who within our group knows who she is, and she'll do whatever she can to make you feel seen."

I drop down to one knee, reaching out to place my hand on hers. "I'm sorry that you've been through so much."

"You're sorry?" Empress Tianzi chokes out.

"Not for this kidnapping, but for your life before," I pat her hand before pulling my hand away. "I wish that it could have been Xingke to save you, but I promise, I'll keep you safe for the time being."

"I told Sakura all about you when I returned, and it seems she's already decided to be your friend," Kaguya nudges me with her foot.

"I just know what it is like to be young and feel like your life is out of your hands. Plus, you're even cuter in person," I giggle.

"Tohdoh!" Lelouch blurts out. "Return to your unit. You destroyed the Lancelot's float unit, so he can't pursue us. That's enough for now. We need you here."

The pout has returned to the empress's lips, as tears hang in the corners of her eyes.

"Your majesty, you'll be outside the Forbidden City soon," Kaguya looks at the girl.

"Huh?" Empress Tianzi looks between the two of us multiple times.

"I'm sure that having been within that place for all these years, you've been itching to see what the outside world has to offer," I grin, standing up and walking over to place myself in Lelouch's lap.

"Done talking with her already?" Lelouch wraps his arms around me, placing a hand on my thigh.

"I don't want to overwhelm her." I run my fingers over the bottom of his mask. "Besides, we haven't had any time together, except when we sleep. I just wanted to talk with you for a moment."

"Anything on your mind?"

"Only that every night is plagued with visions, but other than that, I feel great. Hearing Kallen call herself Japanese in front of all those people was exactly what I needed to hear. I call myself Japanese behind closed doors but knowing that one day I can proudly exclaim it to the world, that this past week being here I have been able to truly embrace it, I hate that I'll have to go back to hiding that part of me."

"I'm trying to work as quickly as possible to make sure you can be who you have always deserved to be." He gives my thigh a squeeze. "I want to get rid of Britannia more than anyone, so I am not going to drag it out."

I rest my head on his shoulder, "Everything has to be done perfectly."

"You've being transferred to the truck," Chiba's voice crackles through my earpiece.

"So much for spending some time together," I chuckle, getting off Lelouch's lap.

Once the box is placed within the semitruck being driven by C.C., the four of us climb up the ladder to exit out a hole in the top. Kaguya sticks close to Empress Tianzi as she struggles to stand for a moment. A staircase is pushed over to get us down off the box. Lelouch heads down first, followed by me in order to watch the two younger girls. Kaguya reaches the bottom, turning back in time to catch the empress as the truck makes a sharp turn.

"Are you alright, your majesty?" Kaguya concerningly asks.

"Are we, outside the palace?" Empress Tianzi lifts her head up.

"That would be correct," I softly answer.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect your dream would come true in such a violent way like this, but-" Kaguya says.

Empress Tianzi gasps, "You remembered my dream too! You both did!"

"Come, both of you," I motion to a simple table with four chairs at each side.

The four of us take our seats at the table. Kaguya and the empress are across from each other, meaning Lelouch and I are across from one another. Lelouch and I have nicer chairs than the foldout ones the girls have. The young empress receives water in a cup with a straw, per Lelouch's request that she get whatever she needs to make this more comfortable for her. He can be intimidating sitting with his elbows on the armrests and his fingers interlocked in front of him, which is why I explain first.

Our nation, the United States of Japan, should be thought of as just a part of a giant union of united states," I look at the empress, speaking soft but firm. "Including the United States of China, and for that, we need you."

"The Indian Southern Providence has already promised support," Kaguya adds. "Mongolia and Burma will probably move with them."

"This Union of United States will form an axis to oppose Britannia," Lelouch states.

"But, our nation's already a federated system-" Empress Tianzi speaks up but is quickly cut off.

"All systems are limited!"

She jumps, slouching her shoulders as she sips her drink in embarrassment.

"Zero, please," I take a deep breath. "That is why the High Eunuchs sold you to Britannia for their own ambition."

"That is unforgivable!" Lelouch stands, taking a few steps away from the table.

"Um, it's hard to understand this, but..." Empress Tianzi trails off, looking down as her eyes shimmer with tears.

"Your majesty, is Li Xingke the one you'd really like to marry?"

She gasps as a light blush spreads across her pale cheeks. "Oh no. He just made a promise."

"As your fiancé?"

Lelouch fully walks away from the table. Almost like he doesn't want to be involved in this gossip.

"Well, I-I told him I wanted to go outside six years ago."

"It was that long ago?"

"Then he must be destined for you," I smile as Kaguya and I lock gazes.

"You, you think so?" the empress stammers.

The door to the front part of the truck where C.C. and Tamaki have been driving us. Lelouch is no longer with us, meaning he's left this powerful young girl to be swayed by Kaguya and I.

"Oh, we know so," Kaguya and I look back at the empress. "Tell us everything."


"If there is anything that you need during your time with us, little empress, please let me know," I smile at the girl. "Either have Kaguya tell me," I pinch my cousin's cheek, "or somehow come to me yourself and tell me what you want. I'm not going to let you be miserable while here."

"Thank you," the empress looks up at me. "I'll remember that."

"It was nice to talk with you," I slightly bow.

"Sakura!" Lelouch calls out for me.

"Coming!" I turn to see him and C.C. walking together, so I lightly jog to reach them in a few seconds. "Did you need something?"

"A question, yes," he grabs my hand. "How is the empress doing now?"

After Lelouch left Kaguya and I alone with Empress Tianzi, it felt like all three of us where finally able to be girls that didn't have to worry about the outside world for once. We talked about boys, things we are looking forward to, and random childhood memories. It all ended when the airship picked us up once the fighting ended in our favor.

"She's calmed down, but I think all of this is still overwhelming," I answer.

"Well, it all went more smoothly than I had hoped. Perhaps I should thank Xingke for setting his own plan into motion. He's a talented strategist."

"So, how did you find out that he was planning a coup d'état at the ceremony?" C.C. has her arms wrapped tightly around her plushie.

The three of us enter an elevator, turning around to catch a glimpse of the other before the doors close.

"I was working on the same thing," Lelouch says. "It just so happened that Sakura awoke from a vision that gave some of the major points away."

"Kind of," I say. "I saw him discussing needing to save the empress, so I made a guess that he would make some kind of move."

"Including the E.C.M. and the ambush?" C.C. asks.

"Yes," Lelouch answers. "While we were setting our traps, we found some of Xingke's men setting theirs on the same escape route."

"I see. Then you got them to tell you their plan. Did you have to use a truth serum?"

"Yes, it's called Geass."

"Oh, don't be so dramatic," I look down at my hand held by his. "I wonder if some scientist out there is developing a truth serum."

"Like that girl who tried to kill the two of you last night?" C.C. looks down at me.

"All she cares about is getting revenge. Her heart is full of hatred."

"Forget her," Lelouch says.

"I wanted to prove all her fear about me right then that night, but I'll push her from my mind until she decides to become an issue," I chuckle.

The elevator doors open, and we step out into the room that holds navigation equipment, and all the people that are watching the Knightmares out on the field. I spot Ohgi and Diethard right away.

"Is there any news from Horai Island?" Lelouch demands.

"Reinforcements from India have already arrived there," Diethard answers.

"We just have to return and rendezvous with them," Ohgi adds. "How are things with the empress?"

I go to answer but am cut off when an explosion rocks the airship.

A girl in the front gasps, "An attack? Our forward Knightmare unit is being wiped out!"

"Stop! All units come to a halt!" Ohgi orders.

I shake my head. This attack should be impossible for at least an hour, which means someone is predicting our moves.

"A Knightmare!" another girl exclaims.

"Zoom in! Hurry!" Minami commands.

A screen pops up on the window that is mostly smoke and dust before a dark blue Knightmare appears in the clearing. It has a flight system and has a weapon I've never seen before. Three of our units go to attack, but are quickly taken out, leaving Chiba alone. She tries to fight back but is easily pushed out of the way.

"Can you hear me, Zero?" Xingke's voice echoes around me.

"Wait, Xingke!" I blurt out.

"Zero, you shall not pass!" His Knightmare's arm is held out to the side as a section of it spins a cord at an unfathomable speed. "Now, return the empress!" The arm stops spinning as the cord is retracted. "Do it and I spare your lives."

"Xingke!" Kallen's voice rings out as the Guren MK-II appears on the battleground.

Their swords are locked as they stare each other down.

"Sakura!" Kaguya's voice explodes through my earpiece.

I step away to respond to my cousin, "Yes?"

"Why have we stopped?"

"There has been an unforeseen issue, but there is nothing to worry about. The room you two should have been taken to is soundproof. Just, make sure the empress is doing well." I click the earpiece off, taking it off my ear and turning back to the fight.

"Scattershot!" Kallen shouts as missiles are sent at Xingke who expertly dodges them. "Not bad, but I'm a Black Knight Ace!" She reels back her claw arm with the radiant wave surger.

"Show me Shen Hu!" Xingke shouts as the circle on the front of his Knightmare opens slightly. "Show me your power!"

"Oh no, that's!" a male scientist blurts out.

"You know what it is?" Lelouch asks.

"Well, you see..."

"He knows because our team built it," Rakshata looks back at us from her spot lounging on the couch seat in the room.

"What are you saying?" C.C. questions, walking down to the next lower level.

"We developed it at the same time as the Guren, but it was too highspeed to handle. A one-of-a-kind Knightmare that no pilot could master. Until now."

"Eat this!" Kallen screams as she releases her Knightmare's energy.

"Try this!" Xingke counters as the middle of his Knightmare shoots the same energy right back.

"Wow," I mumble.

"But how did our enemies obtain it!?" Lelouch slams his fist onto the counter of his podium.

"The Solidarity of Indian forces might be split against us," Diethard looks back at Zero.

"That old man Maharaja!" Rakshata angerly spits out the name.

"Does it have a weakness?" Ohgi asks.

I rush down to the level C.C. is at where our seats are, wanting to be closer to the action as the two Knightmares lock swords once more.

"It's based on a different design concept than the Guren," Rakshata explains. "There's no radiant wave system, and piloting it takes skills that are almost beyond human."

"Well, there's a human piloting it now, isn't there!?" Ohgi shouts.

"Quite so."

"There are some people who can pilot Knightmares that should be impossible," I speak up. "My brother is one of them, and it seems Xingke is another."

The cord from the Shen Hu wraps around the Guren's leg after an intense few seconds of battle.

"I have you!" Xingke declares. "Your fate is sealed!"

"That's right, and so is yours!" Kallen responds. The normal Guren hand grabs the cord as energy from the radiant wave system starts to build. "You can't get away from me now! And this is where I take you apart!" The claw opens up at radiant wave energy bursts from it.

"Really? Then I have no choice. I'm going to have to crush you."

"Let's see you try!" She rushes right at him with her claw ahead, but her power supply runs out right at the worst moment.

"Kallen!" Ohgi and I fearfully shout as Xingke uses his cords to tie up the Guren.

"She can't eject," I grip the top of my chair.

"I didn't choose this course, you did," Xingke says as he places the tip of the Shen Hu sword right at where Kallen is within the Guren. "I have only one objective, to release the empress! Release her at once!" A cough is heard from the man, and he says no more.

An explosion is sent right at Chiba who blocks it with her radiant wave energy.

"Chinese Federation behind us!" a girl shouts. "A huge force!"

I watch as Xingke floats past to get behind us where the Chinese Federation forces are waiting. "No, she's their prisoner!"

"Kallen!" Lelouch exclaims. "Is your radio working!?"

With the video feed gone, all we can see is her name and the Knightmare's name.

"Sorry, I failed you," Kallen's little laugh breaks my heart.

"Forget about that!"

I gasp, looking back at him. The one who can always create a miracle.

"Don't give up! I promise I'll save you! Am I clear!? No hasty moves!"

"Uh, right!" Kallen replies. "I understand! I won't give up! I'll do what you--" Radio static fills the air before she can finish her thought.

"Damn it," I growl.

"Hurry, bring the Ikaruga around immediately!" Ohgi orders as an explosion erupts nearby.

"I respectfully suggest we withdraw," Diethard stands up.

"What!?" he whips around to face the Britannian. "We have to get Kallen back!"

"Kallen Kouzuki is a single combat loss."

"Don't say it like that!" I blurt out.

"Are you saying we just leave her!?" Minami burst out of his seat.

"Mr. Minami, consider our choice," Diethard says. "You don't take on an enemy like the Chinese Federation over a single loss, no matter who it is. We must preserve our military strength and hold out until we rendezvous with the Indian forces. Zero," he turns to look up at our leader, "it's your decision! You gave special comfort to Captain Kouzuki before. If you show her favoritism now, it could put our entire operation at risk. It could ruin us."

"This is more than military strength," I run my hands through my hair. "This is about them having the Guren, and for whatever political deal they are trying to make by having her. And this is about knowing a friend is in the clutches of the enemy."

"You must put your personal feelings aside, Miss Kururugi," he glances at me. "Grand plans require sacrifice."

"I know they require sacrifice! You're talking down to the wrong person when it comes to sacrifice!" I glare at him.

"Sakura," Ohgi begins to make his way over to me.

"I've made my decision!" Lelouch exclaims. "We're going in now!"

"But why?" Diethard asks. "If we lose, we'll be crushed!"

Ohgi steps up to me, putting an arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side.

"If the Indian forces betray us, we'll also be crush," Lelouch states.

"Yes, but..." Diethard's speech pitters off before he can even begin.

"Chiba and Asahina, use a crane wing formation! We'll teach Xingke the difference between strategy and tactics!"

"Right, yes sir!" Ohgi gives me a squeeze before rushing back down to his place. Even for being with me a brief moment, I feel a whole lot better.

"Thank you, Zero!" Minami smiles before sitting back at his place.

In the next few moments, the Ikaruga and all the Knightmares on the playing field turn around to face the Chinese Federation forces. It was going to happen one day, but I didn't think it was going to be like this. Anything to take out the damn eunuchs.

"Black Knights, prepare for battle! The terrain offers little cover and there's no geographic advantage."

"The Chinese Federation battleplan will be to but the Shen Hu on the frontline and breakthrough our center!" I exclaim as I plop down in my seat.

Tohdoh in his customized Knightmare the Zangetsu rushes out to meet Xingke in the Shen Hu.

"We've blocked Xingke!" Lelouch shouts. "Akatsuki team, fire!"

I watch the screen showing the Knightmares on the battlefield like an old school video game. "Always like a game of chess."

"They've broken through our center!" a girl up front looks back as the situation unfolds onscreen.

"Where's their main force?" Ohgi asks.

"On our forward line!" a girl with purple hair answers.

"Right!" Lelouch says. "All tasks at hand are cleared! Begin counterattack! Chiba, right flank! Asahina, left flank! Use attack pattern sigma! Prepare for rearward fire! Focus barrage on main enemy force! Hit the forward units! Once the Shen Hu's powers used up and Xingke's neutralized, the battle is ours."

I look around the screen pulled up on the window, catching glimpses of the battle happening right outside these walls. It is hard to catch every single explosion and figure out if it is the enemy or our Knightmares. My heart is racing, but not out of fear.

"We're taking Kallen back!" Ohgi declares.

Water from the nearby waterway flows onto the battlefield, but it is a lot less than Xingke was probably hoping for.

Lelouch chuckles, "Xingke, your plan was to rip down the bank of the waterway, but I lowered the water levels before the battle!"

Except all our units are stuck in puddles of sandy water, and they can't fight back as the Chinese Federation forces fire upon them. Xingke anticipated our plan down to the exact formation.

"Zero, you've lost!" Xingke declares.

"Xingke!" Lelouch bellows.

"This battle is far from over!" Tohdoh exclaims, rushing the Zangetsu at the Shen Hu to blast him at close range.

"We need a miracle, Tohdoh," I clasp my hands together, sending out a silent prayer that I remember learning years ago.

"Zero!" Diethard whips around to look at him. "I gave you my opinion! I told you to withdraw!"

"Then do it!" Lelouch snaps. "Protect the engine room and pull back all forces!"

"Even if we return to Horai Island," C.C. begins.

"I know," he cuts her off. "Ohgi, what about the other place?"

"Uh, right," Ohgi turns around. "We finished up a preliminary recon and survey, but-"

An explosion that rocks the airship cuts him off and causes multiple of us to gasp. The Shen Hu appears on the screen flying straight for us as he fights against Tohdoh. To think that a man like Xingke is on par with Lelouch as a tactician with the combined fighting skill of Suzaku.

"Bow-mounted hadron scatter cannon set!" one of the girls shouts.

"Gefjun control synch locked in!" the purple haired girl shouts.

"Target lined up," the last girl states. "Ready to fire!"

"Right!" Lelouch firmly shouts. "Aim at both enemy flanks! Fire!"

The cannons on both sides explode with impressive energy and take out all the enemies in front of us. All the symbols on the screen turn into boxes declaring the signals from them lost. Once the cannons have stopped firing, the Ikaruga begins to turn.

"Tohdoh, get the troops out of that trap and back on solid ground! The Ikaruga will lead the enemy away! Meet up with us at rendezvous point four!"

A sharp pain explodes in my head as I curl up into a ball on my chair. I can see Lelouch, but he doesn't seem right. There's something off about him, but he is gone before I can focus on it. Then there is Nunnally, who I haven't had any time to think about since we made our way over to Horai Island. She's like a doll, sitting in a garden with something I can't see on her lap. In a few more seconds, she is gone from my mind. Last, I see Empress Tianzi in grave danger being shielded by the Shen Hu. Her dress is dirty, and there is fear radiating off her, but she is not going to leave.

I'm not sure how much time passes as I stay curled up with the pain sparking through my head. Nothing new graces my mind; only visions I've seen before being replayed over and over again.


Hope you enjoyed reading! I have officially hit a part of this season where I remember nothing, so I am really going with the flow, and it is a lot of fun to write!  Also, the empress is precious and deserves the world. Anyways, I would love to know what you thought! :D

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