
Bởi WeirdNisah

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When a room is already filled with lies, secrets, depression and anxieties; Is there any room left for love... Xem Thêm

I want to get lost in someone
love and lies; love or lies
Part 2: love and lies (28)
38 (Clandestine)


241 10 0
Bởi WeirdNisah

The alarm disrupts my peaceful sleep. I snooze it for ten minutes but the ten minutes miraculously turn into an hour. I consider skipping class today but my subconscious quickly reminds me why I can't. I barely scraped through the last semester and things aren't looking very good for me.

Why does 'adulting' have to be so hard?

I'm in and out of the shower within  the snap of a finger. I violently stuff my bag with the papers and books that are scattered on the table. I throw some gum into my mouth and I hide my messy hair under a beanie.

My ride is already here. I hope she hasn't been waiting for too long.

"One of those days, huh?" She says as I enter the car.

"Yeah" I force a smile. I like that she doesn't pry. It's a pity I can't say the same thing about everyone I'll be seeing today.

When we get to school, I don't really feel like getting out of the car but I do eventually.
I'm already late for my first class so I skip it anyway. I'm not really in the mood for those embarrassing stares from the two goody shoes who behave as if they've never done a single wrong thing in the entirety of their miserable lives.

I go to the nearest coffee. I need to check my emails anyway. It's been a while, so why not do it right now with all  this free time I've rewarded myself with.

The first email I check is from my sponsor. I'm hoping for some good news but with how my day started I'm quite sure I won't be getting any of that.

"We regret to inform you that your funding has been cancelled. We were very dissatisfied with your previous results as they did not meet the requirements of the funding as we have mentioned in the previous emails. We do however wish you good luck with your future endeavors".

Just what I needed. I smile at the universe in ironic disbelief

The final nail on my coffin. I don't even have the energy to read the other emails. What am I going to say to my father?

I watch as life goes on around me as if I'm watching a movie. It's as if I'm outside of my body. I go in and out of classes but it's as if I am not there.

On my way to work I check my phone for any missed calls or texts. There's only a text from Sphe.

"I know we had an early dinner date planned but I have to cancel,  I'm sorry. Thabo wants to see me. I'll make it up to you, I promise ❤️"

Don't get me wrong but I'm glad that she did. I wasn't going to be good company anyway. I had also forgotten about it.

When I get to work Bra White gives me one of his many distasteful looks. Over the years I've learnt to decipher his looks. There's one for being too early. One for being late. One for overworking and one for under working, and that's only a few.

He doesn't like it when we're too early for our shifts. He says we're tricking him into paying us for working overtime.

"Yeah I know I'm too early. Relax I'll be in the kitchen until it's time for my shift," I say to him as I head to the kitchen.

"Why so early child?" Nolitha asks me. "This isn't your dream job so don't tell me you want to impress the big boss." She laughs so much and I can't help but join her. She has a way of making one forget about their problems.

"Honey I want to be the employee of the month." I bat my eyelids

"As if...," we say in unison.

Before we know it, the only sound bouncing around the walls of the kitchen is the sound of loud laughter. For some reason I feel a bit lighter.

"I'll help with the dishes," I say to her.

"You're such an angel. Thank you." She blows me a kiss and I grab it in the air.

"I'm your angel..." My singing voice is so bad, I wouldn't even be able to carry a note if it were to save my life.

Spending time with Nolitha is so much fun. I wish I could stay with her for the rest of the day.

"Africa! Africa!..." Bra White sounds grumpy as he shouts out my name at the top of his lungs.

"Does he really have to shout though? You could swear he's talking to the entire continent." She whisperers and we both laugh. She seems more distraught over me leaving than I am. I guess she's very lonely in this tiny kitchen.

I find him in the bar area. The place seems to be more busier than it was when I arrived.

"You'll have to help the new waitress we're short staffed." he instructs me.

"You were mad at me for being early now you want my help."

I'm not brave enough to say the words out loud.

"Can't I be here and you with the waitress. I'm not much of a teacher, you are." I try to bargain.

"You think I want to be here. I'd rather be in my office right now but beggars can't be choosers," he says and somehow I know that I'll never win this argument.

When have you ever?

That's how my subconscious consoles me. I groan and take the cloth on the table and I start clearing and cleaning up the empty tables. Whilst I'm busy with my work I see someone who looks like Thabo at one of the tables.

I approach the table and the closer I get, is the more I realize that it is him but why is he sitting alone when there's two glasses on the table?
"Who're you with?" I ask him aggressively.

"Hello to you too. I am well, thank you and how are you?"  He smiles and I just want to slap him.

"Don't patronize me damnit! I asked you a question?" Besides the fact that he's a paying customer, I know it's not my place and I'm out of line but Sphe's my friend and he's an idiot.

He fakes a shocked look and he goes as far as dramatically puting a hand on his chest.

"Not that it's any of your business but I'm here with your best friend," he says.
"Which one?" I question. If he thinks I'm going to let things go that easily then he has another thing coming.

"You're telling me that you don't know who you're best friend is?" He laughs hysterically.

"I know what you're doing..."

"Oh really now?" He scoffs looking at me up and down as if I disgust him.

Well the feeling is mutual.

"Yeah really now! You keep on taking advantage of her because you know she'll forgive you." I have now invaded his personal space and I'm in his face.

"It's called love." He steals peck on my lips. I almost slap him but quickly remember where we are.

"What's going on here?" I hear Sphesihle's voice behind me.

"I should be the one asking you that question." I turn around to face her.

"Friend I can explain..." She says to me. "Babe I'll be back now, now." she tells him.

We go to a nearby quiet corner.

"What you doing here with him" I give him a nasty look.

"It's not that simple. You of all people should understand that,"  She says.

I am defeated. Of course I should understand. I do the "through thick and thin" better than anyone.

"I do ...I just... I thought you were going to see him and break up with him."

"Something else is bothering you" She gives me an inquisitive look.

"My funding got cancelled." I confess.

She hugs me. I wish I could stay in her arms forever but duty calls and her boyfriend is quite impatient. They don't stay for long though.

When the place quiets down I decide to sit at the bar. I don't notice who I'm sitting next to until he speaks.

"I came here yesterday and I didn't see you." he informs me.

He has a bottle of whiskey infront of him and he has already drank half of it.

"Are you talking to me?"

"Yes. Do you want some?" He  points at the bottle.

"I'm on duty."

With each reply it is clear that there's no love lost between us.

"I came here for you." he informs me.

"So...?"I'm unmoved by his confession.

"So... If I'm to be here on a daily basis, I'd like to see a sight meant for sore eyes," he says and it sounds more like an order.

"I'm okay with my shifts." I tell him.

"We'll discuss the matter,"  Bra White says. I swear this old man would give away his mother for money.

"No we're not discussing anything. I've got school, remember?" I tell Bra White

"You can come in anytime you want it doesn't matter and you can work at the till. Whatever you want." Bra White is not the begging type unless there's money involved.

"I don't care how much he's given or promised but I'm not a prostitute." I don't like being disrespectful towards adults. My father raised me better than that but he's way out of line.

He quickly becomes aware of his mistake.

"I'm so sorry for offending you. I allowed my greed to get the better of me. I am so sorry. My mother is probably turning in her grave."

"Thank you, Sir."  I'm glad that he is aware of his mistake and takes responsibility.

"No one was asking you to prostitute yourself. Just show up at work and get a raise." His pride knows no bounds.

"And I'm guessing it's for your pleasure." I do nothing to hide my repulsion of him.

"I'm a paying customer aren't I? And isn't the customer always right, especially if it's a special customer."

"Not all that glitters is gold and I'd rather quit if you're going to be here everyday."

"I don't think you can afford to." He takes his glass and empties it.

The way he speaks and what he says sounds very creepy. He pays for the bottle and it's twice the amount. He tells me that it's for my tip and for being such good host.

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