Seduced Fall ✔️

By _Swaralee_

5.2K 390 501

"Please, come back to me." "I never left." ... More

1. The Encounter
2. The troublemaker
3. The touch
4. The crazy family
5. The mess
6. The addiction
7. The Hangover
8. Thank you
9. His number
10. Stalking
11. Just kiss me
12. The crave
13. One thing led to another
14. Possessiveness
15. The call
16. Trying to take it slow
17. The Date
18. My Place
19. The panic
20. Sharing the past
21. Keep your eyes on me
22. The beauty
23. Ocean
24. The misunderstanding
25. Valuable lessons
26. The dinner
27. The unexpected
29. Weak
30. The cravings
31. Feelings
32. Friends
33. The Drive
34. The calls
35. The bargain
36. The fire
37. The fear
38. The argument
39. Love her
40. The non-existent
41. The ache in heart
42. Birthday
43. Caelfall
44. New city, new life
45. Special moments
46. Long lost friend
47. Moved on
48. Cary
49. Never left

28. The shock

71 6 3
By _Swaralee_

Clara Carter

"Just speak up already!"

After everything, it's unexpected of me to raise my voice in front of this tough woman. But, with my curiosity killing me on the inside, I can't help but get the information out.

As I maintain a defensive distance from all three of these unpredictable people, her analytical eyes for Christopher's boring and lame room hastily move to me.

Her black leather jacket is now resting on the bed, displaying the kind of muscles I've always desired for. Her careless but keen stare narrows down on my face.

She reflects everything I wish to be. Confident, powerful, dangerous, beautiful, and vivacious.

She forces an ear-to-ear grin and advances toward me with her hand extended for a handshake after she is pleased with the long look she gives me.

She says, "Let's start with the formal introduction." Even if my instincts tell me to push her hand away, I forward the gesture of formality nonetheless.

"I'm Mae. Mae Peirce."

My blood freezes.


The only person who associates with this surname clears his throat.

"My sister."

"Elder sister, you toddler."

Stefan seemed both irritated and habituated to these sorts of arguments. As Mae continues to speak with me, he squints his eyes at her.

"I had no idea Carter's sister will be someone like you," Mae says. This is the first time she has ever mentioned me since her savage invasion into my house.

It's difficult to grasp the real meaning of her words. Was it meant as a compliment? Or a criticism? Or just an outright insult?

"What do you mean?" my pitch has gained levels after having ten percent of knowledge about this girl and that's enough for me to dare utter the arrogant tone as well.

"Oh, no, no." she scoffs, "I meant it in a good way. Carter, you know, is always talking about his family, particularly you. I assumed you were some show-off, pampered brat. . . but damn."

She casts her gaze on me in a fangirlish manner, which makes me nervous.

She's obviously mistaking my daily and infamous bicker's attire if she's referring to my red short wrap dress and black dangle earrings.

"How do you two know each other?" Stefan asks, his gaze shifting between Mae and Christopher.

My brother cracks a little smile as Mae sighs dramatically and pulls Christopher into a side hug. 

"Long story short, we met in Chicago, fell in love, and it's been impossible to un-love this nerdy since."

"Fell in what?"

Stefan's sarcastic and elevated shriek makes me jump on my feet. That tone of voice is familiar to me. Christopher has used it for me several times.

"Jeez, Stef. That is something a fetus like you will never understand." She scolds.

To be honest, the number of times I've mentally pinched myself to see whether I'm dreaming is uncountable. I'm sweating lava after watching her walk in with guns, and this girl is joking around like it's nothing.

Stefan directs his gaze first at their intertwined fingers, then at my brother. The look that my brother was using to give him. He asks Mae, "Why didn't you tell me about him then?"

"Why? Are you my therapist?"

Stefan clenches his teeth and looks away.

Mae hasn't given Stefan a straight answer from what I've witnessed thus far between these siblings.

"Can we get to the part where it involves guns?" As I inquire hesitantly, I cast a peek around the room.

Except for me, everyone in this room knows everything there is to know about her.

Stefan and Mae share a glance. She turns to face me after a quick nod from Stefan.

The space is filled with a suffocating atmosphere and thick tension. Mae's stare remains fixated on me for a few seconds, still debating whether or not to tell me.

She takes a deep breath and begins.

"As you are probably aware, Austin Peirce, my and Stefan's father, is the owner of Peirce Enterprise, a global jewel, and precious stone exporter." She pauses as if she's about to delve into the meat of the story.

"I was always the spoiled brat growing up, but not the kind of spoilt brat who spends nights after nights in clubs or sleeps around and spends a lot of money. I was the one who was hitting, kicking, and punching people. I was stronger and rebellious than Stef. Still am."

She chuckles. Stefan relaxes after a long time as a faint smile appears on his face hearing Mae.

"So. . ." Mae trails off. "My dad recognized me as his secret backbone for the company's undercover and unrecorded business dealings as early as high school. Stefan, on the other hand, was always the one who was immersed in the trade and market's technicalities. And, as much as I hate complimenting him, he has a great way of dealing with people with his brain and words."

"And all you know is kicking someone's ass if they don't listen to you." Stefan pokes fun at her, something I would never do.

I hit the brakes of my thoughts. This was precisely what I expected to hear, but it sounded far worse, far more frightening, and far more unexpected.

"At the age of eighteen, I had my first real fight and kill. I'm not sure who it was, though." She shrugs, pouting like a complete naivete.

I take a deep breath and swallow hard.

She's a fucking crazed lunatic!

I take a step back unconsciously, unable to take my gaze away from her bright smile and sparkling eyes.

"In short," she adds, her posture totally relaxed and cool. "For our father's company and business, I do all the dirty work. People that threaten our family are killed, kidnapped, and tortured by me. Stefan uses the power he wields under our father's name to erase all of my tracks and traces."

Hell if he doesn't!

I keep an eye on Stefan and Christopher, as they wait for a response from me. I can't expect Stefan to tell me everything because we're not exactly the type to share secrets.

But what about Christopher? He's been dating someone who is meant to be hidden from the world her father has created, someone whose job it is to blackmail, beat, and kill people so that her brother and father can do business peacefully?

I let out a sigh. "That's all, right?" I ask, expecting that this will be the end of it. After the night's unpredictable and shocking events, my mind is numb and dizzy.

They exchange a glance and a nod as if their minds are linked. "Yeah, that's all," Mae admits. I nod at her.

"How did you end up here?" Stefan inquires, getting everyone's curiosity out.

"Don't even get me started," Mae raises her hand and pounces on Christopher's bed, mumbling about how soft it is. "Carter, it smells just like you."

Stefan groans. "Mae, tell me how you got here!" he shouts, the rasp in his voice shaking up my glued body.

He is furious and disturbed. He was carefree and enjoyed the chat with my parents at the dinner table downstairs. Not to mention nitpicking with them about me. When my mother complimented him now and then, he glowed with joy like a child. I simply wanted to hug him close as he was so adorable. 

I can tell by his looks of it that he is now out of his comfort zone with his sister showing up like this.

Mae purrs, still dazed in the warm bed, "Keep it down, my lovely brother.  You have no idea how I spent the last three days."

That captivates the interest of both the men in the room. "Why? What happened?" Stefan asks, placing his hands on his waist.

Mae hisses as she sits up straight to respond to the question.

As much as I felt left out earlier, I'm more than willing to stay and hear what she has to say. Despite this, I'm still quite intimidated by her.

"I can't spill the confidential details but," she explains, "there is someone who is currently threatening our family's lives, literally." Stefan's expressionless face drew her attention. "Someone you've encountered before."

My pulse quickens. My heart is racing at a dangerously fast rate. It's the first time I've heard something so vaguely frightening and disturbing. I can only imagine how Stefan and Mae must be keeping up with that.

If there's anything different about me right now, it's their faith and trust in Christopher and me. They're revealing the most intimate details of their business lives, which have unintentionally become their top priority.

Stefan nods, as if he understands every word she says, even though it doesn't reveal much.

"My hacker was able to trace their presence in this city, but failed to give a specific location."

Stefan's jaw clenches under her words, realizing something I couldn't. I maintain my position near the door, where I have a clear view of everyone's face.

I've known Stefan for a long time, and one thing I've learned is that when he's calm, he's more than playful and fun, and when he's serious, he's dead serious.

"Why are they in this city, Mae?" Stefan asks.

Mae gives him a pitiful smile, her anguish, and regrets visible in her expression. "You already know the answer, Stef."

Stefan's curt nod and clenched jaws made me wonder what was going on inside his head right now. What is this strange form of telepathy between the siblings?

When Stefan lifts his head to look at me, I feel a rush of emotions.

I'm worried about the scene due to his icy and dark demeanor.

I raise my brows at him but receive no response. He remains motionless, his gaze fixed on my face with more than simply displeasure.

"Keep talking." Stefan commands, his voice is husky and intense. His piercing eyes never left me.

"I was planning on throwing you a surprise visit, but then I got this information," Mae continues, her gaze ensuring Stefan hears everything she says. "So, with the help of my hacker, I tracked down who it was, but as you may have guessed by now, he fucked up with pinpointing the location."

I take a deep breath, attempting to take in all of the undeniably raw yet incomplete information.

Stefan's gaze finally drifts away from me and toward his sister. "I'll see into that matter with Dad."

"All right," Mae says with a tight smile and a shrug. "So, what are we going to do now?"

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