restricted ~ JJ Maybank

By void_blake

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Kooks and pogues should keep their distance at all times... especially if you're Toppers twin sister. All lov... More

not an update


2.2K 32 4
By void_blake

"Come on, girls, it's time to go."

It was the first thing I heard when I woke up that morning, I sat up with a groan, glancing next to me to see Sarah in the same state.

In the doorway stood Rose, a stressed look on her face. In her hands she held two bags with clothes sticking out of them.

"What?" I asked, my voice groggy as I struggled to keep my eyes open from the lack of sleep I got that night.

"Get up!" She yelled, in more of a hurry than before.

I was too tired to argue, so I got up and changed out of my pyjamas as fast as I could when my limbs felt like puddy. I kicked on my shoes and walked to Rose, who pushed Sarah and I out in the hallway in front of her, directing us to the front door. On the driveway was a black car with tinted windows.

Sarah silently got into the passengers seat as I climbed in the back, both of us too tired to notice Ward sitting in the drivers seat.

That was until he spoke up. "You two made the right choice." He said, my eyes widened.

"What's going on?" I asked, my voice back to normal in my state of panic.

"We're going to the Bahamas. You'll be safe there."

"Safe from what? Our friends?" I asked in disbelieve. My hand shot to the car door, I tried opening only to find it locked. Before I could tell Ward to let me out, he stepped on the gas pedal, sending me back in my seat.

Sarah looked over her shoulder, we exchanged worried glanced, but she nodded, as if telling me it was going to be okay.


My eyes were fixed on the landscape we drove by, until we reached a dock that looked like it was going to fall apart any second.

I clenched my jaw as I remembered the time JJ took me here, I was sceptical about the dock then too, but he proved it would hold the two of us for as long as we needed it to.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going, or not." I asked JJ who was driving my car to a location he seemed very excited about.

He took the blunt out from in between his lips, letting the smoke escape from them slowly before answering.

"Can't a boy take his girlfriend to his favorite place anymore? Do you not believe in romance?" He asked sarcastically.

"Oh, I believe in romance. I just didn't know JJ Maybank was the romantic type." I said nonchalantly as I grabbed the blunt from his finger and placed it between my lips.

"He's not, so don't expect some fancy candle lit dinner in the near future, gorgeous."

"And I prefer it that way." I said. I never was a big fan of fancy dinners or romantic gestures. If it is up to me, the perfect date is burgers and a movie.

"See, this is why we work. You don't like fancy shit, and I can't afford fancy shit." He said, grabbing the blunt from my lips and putting it back between his own before returning his hand to my thigh.

I blushed slightly, suddenly happy that it was the middle of the night.

Soon, the car came to a stop and JJ looked at me with a dumb smile. "We're here." He said, opening his door and getting out. I did the same and walked around the car the join him at his side.

He stood there waiting for me with his hand held out. I quickly grabbed it and entwined our fingers.

I turned to look in front of me, there, a few feet away, was an old and moldy dock. I cocked my head slightly, thinking about the fact that the dock was not going to hold our weight.

"Come on." JJ said tugging me along with him. I trailed behind him, stopping when we reached the edge of the dock.

"I'm not sure this is going to hold us both, JJ." I said, already taking a small step back.

"Of course it will," He started jumping. "See." He said when nothing happened. but I was still scared. JJ's face turned serious as he took a step towards me.

He dipped his head to line up with mine. His eyes flickered to my lips, hinting he wanted to kiss me. I smiled slightly before he connected our lips like he had done so many times before. But every time felt like the first.

My knees buckled at the feeling that was coursing through my veins. I started to feel lightheaded as my hands traveled up to his hair. I tucked on a few strands, feeling him hum against my lips. I smiled against his lips in victory, happy I got the reaction out of him I had hoped for.

He took that as and opportunity to run his tongue along my lower lip, sending shivers along my spine as it was my turn to fall victim to his actions.

He pulled away before things could become too heated. My face was hot as I stared into his eyes.

The corners of his lips turned up into a lopsided smile before he spoke. "See." He simply said. My eyebrows furrowed together before I noticed I wasn't standing on the grass anymore, but on the moldy dock. Bastard.

"Are you cold?" He asked as he noticed the goosebumps on my skin. Before I could answer, his grey vest was already around my shoulders.

He smirked as I pulled my arms through the sleeves, my cheeks became visibly red, even if the only light around us was the moon.

We both knew I wasn't the slightest bit cold.


After 20 minutes of a silent drive, we arrived somewhere, I hadn't looked out the window yet. Instead I looked down at the surfboard necklace entangled between my fingers, JJ's vest from that night around my body.

I looked up once Ward opened his door, a plane. Right in front of me, they were loading in the boxes. Sarah and I looked at eachother.

"What the fuck? how did he-" But I didn't get to finish when Sarah opened her door.

"Let's found out." She said once she stood outside and opened the door on my side.

"Come on, guys. Let's get this stuff loaded." Ward yelled. "Hey, be careful with that." Ward yelled at the workers.

"What's in the boxes?" Sarah asked as she stepped forward.

"Uh, just some, uh... decorative marble pieces that Rose found for the properties down there. Antiques, I think." Ward covered up.

Sarah and I looked at each other, knowing what he said was just a bunch of bullshit.

"Excuse me. Hi." Sarah asked one of the workers, not at all believing her father. "What's in those crates?" Sarah asked, but the worker walked off.

Ward quickly apologised to the guy before pulling his daughter back to where I was waiting.

"Get on the plane." Ward said.

"no." Sarah and I said in unison as we took a step back.

"Please get on the plane. We have to get going." Ward begged his daughter, but Sarah linked her arm in mine before we turned around.

"No, we changed our minds. We're going home." Sarah said for the both of us, and I had no reason to resist.

"Sarah!" Ward spoke loudly, holding back his daughter, therefore, holding me back.

"Do not cause a scene." Ward yelled at his daughter as he picked her up. Sarah kicked against him as she yelled she didn't want to go over and over again. I grabbbed her arm, trying to pull her away so we could get the hell out of here. But Ward called one of the workers, who clearly knew Ward well, and told him to hold me back.

It was a big guy, someone who was able to hold me back with ease. I struggled and kicked against him but he wouldn't let go. I put my hand on his cheek, pushing his head away from me. His grip seemed to faulter slightly, I was able to get away for a second, but before I could even think about running back to Sarah, the guy had me back in his arms.

I saw Sarah get pushed up the stairs of the plain, Ward panted as he ordered the guy to push me up there aswell. And the guy did what he was told.

I kicked against his shin, hoping to get out of his grip. But it didn't work.

In a last hope to stay out of the plane. I put either one of my hands next to the door, keeping my elbows locked so they wouldn't bend.

But Ward helped his worker push my arms inward, and I was pushed into the plane next to Sarah.

Ward and the other guy put on our seatbelts before closing the doors.

The man got out, leaving Sarah, Ward and I on the compact plane.

Ward turned on the engine and started driving the plane up the runway, gaining speed for take off.

That's when I looked to the left and there was John B in the twinkie driving as fast as the van could go to catch up to us.

"Get off the runway!" Ward yelled. "Get off." But John B didn't back down as he sped up even more, getting in front of the plane. this guy was fucking crazy.

Ward only sped up, Sarah tried fighting against him but Ward pushed her back against the side of the plane. Her head hit the wall, making her cry out in pain.

I looked in front of us, only to see that John B had turned the car 90 degrees. He was standing right in front of us, and Ward was only speeding up.

"Stop the plane!" I yelled knowing that if Ward went any further, he would kill him.

"Stop! You're gonna kill him!" Sarah yelled.

Ward came to a sudden break. making up shoot forward, my head shot forward, hitting the back of Sarah's seat.

I groaned as I leaned back, feeling dizzy for a second as I put my hand on my head.

Once the dizziness had lessened, I leaned forward, only to see the front of the plane just a few feet away from the twinkie.

John B Kicked open the door, getting out as fast as he could. Ward was the first to get out of the plane.

"You trying to kill her and Jessica?" Ward yelled as he stormed up to John B. "You trying to get us killed?" Ward asked once more.

"No!" Sarah yelled as the both of us climbed out of the plane.

Sarah ran up to John B, holding his head in her hands. I walked to the twinkie, it was the only place I knew I could get as far away from Ward.

"John B, you're okay." Sarah sobbed. Ward tried pulling her back, but she turned around and John B protectively put his arms around her. "Don't touch me! and don't tell me what to do." Ward looked hurt, but that only made me feel better.

The sound of sirens suddenly started coming closer, and on instinct, I looked around, hoping JJ wasn't around, knowing he is on probation.

"You think this changes anything?" Ward panted. "It doesn't."


I know this chapter is kind of all over the place, but I really enjoyed writing it so I hope you liked it too and I'll have the next chapter up asap!!!!

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