Distraction || Ray x Reader

By ThatWeeb_MC

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Two twins get shipped to the same farm at birth by mistake. Some rules have to be overlooked to take care of... More



398 7 9
By ThatWeeb_MC

"Ray..." you said while peeking your (h/c)ed head into the library.


"Oh your awake!" You said while sitting down next to him. "When did you wake up?"

"I've been awake for a while..." he said before opening up the book next to him. "You don't have to worry about me so much."

"Why's that?"

"I have a fool proof escape plan. Nothing will go wrong and you all will escape." He said with an empty smile.

"Well...you continue on with that, and I'll continue mine" you said finishing off the sentence rather quietly. It got to the point where the ravenette didn't hear you, but it didn't bother him. "When was the last time you left the library?" You asked trying to keep the conversation going.

"A couple of days ago if you are counting for a long period of time..." he started, "but I started leaving around the night time when everything quiet."

"A couple of days ago... so does that mean you heard.." you asked as you started to profusely sweat. Your face flushed as you looked away from the ravenette who hasn't looked up from his book.

"Heard what?" He said while peering over the top of his book. He knew exactly what you meant, but he was kind of embarrassed to admit it.

"Uh...it's nothing! Don't worry about it" you said trying to get his mind off it.

"You can lie all you want, but it won't get you anywhere." He said before getting up from his position on the floor. He put his book away before patting your head gently and facing away. "I'm not one to show emotions but... I love you too (y/n). I'm happy to see you smiling again so soon." As those words left his mouth your face turned fifty different shades of red. You thought he was unconscious during the whole thing, it was something you did just to clear your mind. Unfortunately your mind is now buzzing with so many thoughts.

"I...R..Ra...o..Tanks! Thanks...." were the only words that escape your lips by the time to ravenette was gone.

'That's rough' the wind spoke alerting you of a certain male's presence.

"Shut up...you don't get to say anything" you argued back trying to calm yourself down.

'Should've kissed him'

"!" His comment sent you back into your frenzy of thoughts that you couldn't control. "You're not helping!" You said as his comment reminded you of your dear sister and how she pestered you about Ray.

'Coming to the wall tonight?'

"Didn't you say to?" You sassed back

'Damn...No need for the attitude' he said before the wind flipped your hair into your face.

"That was uncalled for" you spat back trying to get the hair out of your mouth

'Just don't bring the kid this time' he reminded before going away

"Yeah yeah....what..

"There you are (y/n)" Isabella said while entering the library.


"Who were you talking to?" She calmly asked while looking around. "Ray left a while ago didn't he"

"Oh...it's nothing! Just spacing out is all" you tried to lie but Isabella noticed.

"Hmmm. I came to check up on your arm. You never stopped by my room yesterday to get it cleaned" she reminded while ushering you to the infirmary.

"Sorry it just slipped my mind" you said.

"And why is that?" She questioned looking directly at your shaking figure. "Are you plotting something perhaps?" She asked before turning to get the bandages.

"P..pl.. Plotting what? No one's birthday is coming up?" You coughed out surprised by how direct she's being.

"It's nothing..." she said wrapping your arm. "You should be healed soon so you can get back to playing with the kids."

"Is there something going on mother?" You asked while getting up, looking directly into her violet eyes.

"Just a few trouble makers nothing to big. You don't have to worry about me darling" she said with a smug smile painted onto her face.




Later that day




"Where are you Shi?" You said while approaching the wall. You were really nervous about what he wanted because you two have yet to talk about it. All you knew was that it was going to help with the escape, so you thought you had an obligation to do whatever he wanted.

' Well look who decided to show up' the male said the wind picked up revealing the boy dressed in his normal apparel minus his cloak.

"I'm not even late?" You questioned " and what happened to you cloak?"

'Not relevant...' the boy said with a light blush dusting his face. 'It looked better on her anyways...' he mumbled to himself thinking you wouldn't hear him.

"Better on who?"

'NOT IMPORTANT!' He screamed as his face turned red. His embarrassed state made it hard for you to take him serious. 'I thought you were going to show up at the same time you did yesterday, but you took 2 hours longer!'

"I had to make sure no one followed me? Don't you like watch over me or something? Shouldn't you know this?" You questioned as you placed your lantern down.

'I'm not a pervert! I pick and chose when I follow you around. Anyways time to discuss the plan' he said while getting serious. He made a large leather bag appear from thin air and placed it between the two of you.

"What this for?" You asked

'Supply Run Day 1' He said without looking up at you. 'We are going to go to HeadQuarters and see what we can collect. Preferably no food today as we wouldn't want it to spoil'

"You know there are demons there right! And my arm?! Do you want me to die!!" You tried to argue back and push the male but you phased right through him. You weren't expecting to pass through the boy so you started to fall before Shi turned around and caught you.

'God you're annoying...' he said before bringing you back to your feet 'if you injure your arm again, then you can't escape. Ever thought about that...' he said before shoving the bag into your arms and climbing the wall. He stood there waiting for you to start climbing before he remembered your arm even though he just yelled at you about it.

"Um...could I get some help?" You quietly asked not wanting to anger the ghost anymore. After not getting a response from the boy, you were going to go back to the house but you were picked up by the wind and was place on the wall next to the boy. He didn't say anything to you but you noticed him looking down. His dull baby blue eyes stricken with pain and his ash black hair shone in the moon light. "...I'm sorry?" You said almost scared to talk to him.

'...it fine' he said before leading the way to HQ. 'It's not you...I was just thinking' he said before picking up the pace.




As you were heading to the HQ, life in the house was quite normal. Most kids were sleeping, momma was working in the office, Ray was doing who knows what in the library, and Phil sat in the storage room with Don and Gilda as they made rope.

"Is this a good idea Gilda? To do this with Phil in the room..." Don asked as the quiet presence of the four year old bothered him.

"It's fine Don. Plus he was here before us, we can't really kick him out.." she reassured him before continuing to make rope. It was their first day enacting the plan Norman left behind for them and they couldn't delay anything. They all sat there in the dark for a good two hours before the young boy spoke up.

"Have you seen (y/n)?" Were the only words that left his mouth before tiredness caught up to him.

"Have you checked her room?" Don asked before noticing him dozing off.

"He stayed up this late for her?"

"I mean they are close, but why would she leave him hanging?" Don said before picking him up. "I'm going to put him to bed...I'll be quick" he said exiting storage.




'What are you doing? Are you trying to get spotted?' Shi said before pulling you around the corner before the demons turned around. You two have been in HQ for two hour and have little to nothing to show for it. The only thing you managed to get was information about grandma, someone called the One and some extra changes of clothes probably to big for the younger ones, but it will have to manage.

"I'm sorry! This is just getting annoying. We have nothing to show for our efforts" you complained back as the two of you hid in the shadows.

'That's why it was called Supply Run Day 1, I expected us to barely get anything. We just need to know the layout!' He whispered shouted at you before quickly quieting himself as he heard heavy footsteps that didn't sound human.

"Who's there?" The figure said before rounding the corner

"Hey! What are you doing?" Another demon asked

"Didn't you hear something?"

"That's what you get skipping curfew...now you're going crazy" the demon complained at each other. While they were distracted Shi led you to a different room full of boxes. It seemed like a good place to relax so the two of you entered and Shi locked the door behind you.

"What is all the stuff?" You questioned as you started examining boxes.

'Well this looks like storage so grab anything you think is important' he said sitting down and opening the brown leather bag.

"You know this would go faster if you helped?" You said while carrying a box full of compasses/tracking devices.

'What is that?' He said while stepping over.

"A compass tracking device...I thought they only made these things on pocket watches" you said before scrounging through the box again.

'This looks handy' the boy said before noticing that there was a dot on it. 'It looks like these still work because you're marked on here' he said while showing you the compass.

"That's cool! But scary... are there any more dots on it?" You asked while going back to collect more boxes

'No it seems we are to far to track anyone else. How many of these should we take?' He asked.

"Why are you asking me? I don't know like ten? Twenty maybe..."

"How many people are you even escaping with?!' He questioned while stuffing the bag.

"I haven't really thought of that...hopefully all of them" you said while going through the new box.

Shi sighed before glancing at the clock next to him. 'Hurry up after that box we need to get you back' he said receiving a small nod from you.




"Get up (y/n)!"


"Momma (y/n) won't get up"

You heard multiple voice of kids around you, but you blocked them all out as you were still tired. You only got two hours of sleep since you got back late last night. You pulled the blanket over you head and basically suffocated your face inside the pillow hoping the kids would leave you alone. Momma would probably be to busy with the younger kids, so you had some time before she would come. You were about the drift back to sleep when you head a particular voice that made your face red.

"Get up (y/n) it's already morning" the ravenette said while sitting on your bed. You didn't say anything and tried to ignore him but he moved closer and closer until he was in front of you. "Come on (n/n).... I know you can hear me... don't make momma come upstairs" he whispered into your ear.

"Ray!" You shrieked out looking at the laughing boy in front of you. His whispered made you feel weak inside and left an uncomfortable sensation in your ear.

"Look who's finally up." He said said while gently bopping your nose

"Your lucky I love you..." you mumbled while trying to fix you bed head.

"Love you more." He said before planting a gentle kiss on you cheek and walking away. You loved the affection he showed you, but after your stressful night it wasn't enough to get your day going. You quickly dragged yourself up to the ravenette before he got the chance to leave the room.

"Hey, you missed.." you said before leaning in for a long but gentle kiss . Ray wasn't expecting this in the slightest, but he still kissed back before turning bright red.

"Uh... I'm going to let you get ready now.." he barely got out before exited the room and freaking out. His stoic expression he normally carried was shattered, so he tried to hide away before anyone noticed him.





"(Y/n)! Play with us!" The kids shouted as they saw you exit the house. They crowded around with looks of anticipation.

"I guess... just nothing to rough my arm is still healing" you said while gesturing to your arm.

"Are you still going to sing tonight!" Jemima asked while tossing you the ball.

"Maybe not tonight....I'm quite tired"

"Did (y/n) not get enough sleep?" Eugene asked before getting tackled by Sherry. "Hey that's cheating!" He whined

"You should've been paying attention. Right (y/n)!" she fought back. You only nodded at her not really wanting to get into it. To be honest you didn't even know what game the kids were playing you just agreed to join them. You couldn't really dictate what was cheating or not.

"I'm going to head inside for a while! Continuing playing" you said before making your way back to the house. You were always happy to play with the kids, but it was such a burden today. None of the older kids have been playing with them lately, so they have a lot more energy then they normally have and it was annoying you.

'You should probably rest' the wind said while dancing around you.

"I can't... no one will let me" you grumbled back.

'Will you be able to go tonight?' He asked genuinely worried.

"I'll be fine just need a quick nap and maybe some coffee, so see you tonight" you said bidding him goodbye before stepping into the house. You were hoping to get away from everybody and hop back into your bed, but you were quickly stopped by the voice of mama. She hadn't noticed you but you could hear here humming that same song she was sings as she passed down the corridor. The song sent chills down your spine as you peered your way into the hallway. Nothing was happening today, so why was Isabella roaming. You watched her figure go around the corner when you realized Don and Gilda weren't outside playing with the kids. That could only mean the were making rope in the storage room and Isabella was heading straight for them. Deciding that their safety and the overall success rate of this plan was more important you up a rain check on you nap as you ran to Isabella.

"Mom!....Mom." You shouted as you jogged to catch up to her. She was quite close to the storage room when you caught her.

"(Y/n)? What is it sweetie?" She said surprised to see you not playing with the kids.

"Have you seen my guitar? I cant find it." You said making up an excuse she would hopefully fall for. "I've checked everywhere and don't want to disappoint the kids tonight." You said slowly catching your breath.

"Give me a second and we will go look for it together alright." She said as she started to head for the storage room again.

"But Mom! This is important!!" You said as you forcefully dragged here away. " this is the only time I have to practice! And my guitar is missing" you protested leading her away from the storage room where your juniors were trembling at the fact they were almost caught. 

You lead Isabella around the whole house in hopes that your juniors would take the hint on leaving. You knew exactly where you put your guitar as you usually used to lull Phil back to sleep as you guys spent the night in the storage room. Isabella found it suspicious that you led her everywhere but the storage room, but she didn't have any reason to hold it against you. She had already squashed any plans the children had at escaping or at least she thought she did. You did a good job at keeping things under Isabella's radar and keeping her distracted. However as you started to enact your own plan in order to reach freedom you got a little sloppy here and there. Isabella took notice of this, but she only thought of it as behavior changes because quite a few of your siblings are gone. She was just glad you didn't revert back to the depressed muted stated you encompassed as a child.

"We finally found it." Isabella said as she took the guitar from its resting place. "We would've found it sooner if you would've just let me check here first."

"....we'll..." you tried to come up with a lie. "I never thought I would end up in storage... who even puts a guitar there!"

"Well that doesn't matter now" she said ushering you out of the room. "You need to practice for your show tonight. If you need me, I'll be with the babies." She said calmly walking down the hallway. As she disappeared you wondered what you got yourself into

"What am I even supposed to do?" You wondered while your gaze was fixed on the guitar.

'Looks like your in a pickle'

"Oh now you choose to watch over me!" You grumbled

'Hey I only stop by when I'm free. I may be dead but I'm a busy person' the boy responded as a soft breeze blew past. 'You can't really cancel tonight... you escape date is coming up soon'

"What's even on your supply list that we can't get from the house anyways"  you questioned as your (e/c) eyes bore straight into the wall.

'Weapons...map...um..food wait' the wind around you went still.


'Seeing as supply run day 1 wasn't a bust... I guess you could have the night off... you could get food and medicine from the house so enjoy your night'

"Already ahead of you Shi..." you muttered as the world slowly sank into darkness.




"Get up sleepy head..."

"(Y/n)?... Is she alright Ray?"

"She's not dead you idiot."

"Hmmm" you finally steered awake. "What time is it?"

"It's almost dinner time..."

"why did you fall asleep in the hallway?"

"... not important but thanks for waking me up guys" you said while fixing your appearance. You were about to head off but decided against it as it's been awhile since you Ray and Emma have sat down. "So everything okay with you guys..." you tried to spark a small conversation but they both turned away with grim faces. "...guess not" the three of you then turn to leave in separate directions all leading away from the dining hall. It wouldn't be the first time the three of you skipped dinner and it definitely wasn't going to be the last.


"Why do you always come to annoy me..." you grumble making your way into the music room.

'Well you seem down... can't a friend help?'

"I barely know you... leave me alone" you say before sitting down on the piano bench facing the open window. A harsh but cool breeze filled the room knocking nothing over. The wind directly made its way towards you and enveloped you in a hug you weren't expecting. "What did I say Shi..." you mumbled aloud only to be met with an oh so familiar voice.

'I wasn't expecting that kind of welcome...'

"Oh great now your fucking with me...Just because your dead doesn't mean you can torment me" you screamed at the voice before forcing banging you head down on the piano keys.

'What did you do to her Shi?'

'What do you mean....I didn't make her like this..'

'If not then who did'

'Maybe it's just life getting to her... it's not like we live in some perfect world where you can easily function on air alone.'

"Why are you talking to yourself...that's just creepy" you said as your fingers hit the Em keys.

'Maybe show yourself to her?'

'I can't do that! What if someone walks in!!'

'I'll lock the door'

'You come out first!'

'No! You know about my trauma!'

'Seriously Shi please! You know how I feel about these things...'

'Ugh fine!'

The wind started to stir in the room again before the sound of a door locking was audible. It caught your attention but you still didn't turn your head as you fingers danced on the piano's ivory keys. As you where in your own little world seeing which piano melodies you would use tonight you felt a pair of hands on your shoulders.

"What the!" You scream before turning around to meet (e/c) eyes staring back at you. The ghost had long straight (h/c) locks that ended at their waist and was about (your height) but slightly taller. "Y...yo...you're not Shi.."

'Of course not silly!' She said. ' I wasn't expecting this reaction from seeing your own sister!'

"Artemis!" You said as tears formed around your eyes. You didn't know what to say or do as your mind and heart were out of sync. On one hand you wanted to scream, but that would draw unwanted attention this way and ruin this moment. A moment you would probably never have again for a while.

'In the flesh... um well in the spirit!' She said giving you a hug.

'I'm here to you know'

"Oh yeah..."

'What did I even do to you! I was nice this entire time!'

"Not in the mood to talk to people"

'Aren't I a person?'

"Your my sister...that's different"

'So what song you play tonight' Shi spoke up as he approached the piano bench.

'Yea! It's been awhile so I want to hear you sing!' Your twin spoke while leaning on you. Normally she would be heavy, but ghost can't really be heavy.

"Probably something more personal... something that speaks my mind" you replied as your fingers started to pick up a nice melody that resonated with your soul.

'Ew... are you going to get all sappy... I can't handle anymore female hormones' he had taking a seat next to you.

"Shi! That's mean!" Artemis whined while playfully punching the boy

"Don't plan on it" you smiled at their interaction. "Go invisible would you...I want to open the door"






The kids were now all gathered in the music room waiting patiently for you to start playing. You felt many eyes stare holes into the back of your head as you still tried to figured out how the chorus of this song will go. Even after trying to rack your brain for lyrics, you decided to just wing it. This wouldn't be like one of your regular concerts and that put your mind at ease. Tonight would be a night of story telling through song and you were only anxious to how Isabella would receive it or if she would receive it at all. Lately you mother figure hasn't been attending your concerts which would be a good thing, but you felt risky today. You were going to expose somethings and if people asked you would play it off as a fictional story.

"Alright guys! Whose ready for a little sorry telling!" You asked trying to get the kids excited


"I am!"

"Is it going to be scary..."

"Find out a see~"

Lately I've been talking with a ghost 

You began and could feel the aura of the two ghost beside you shift. They seemed uneasy that you opened your song that way, but they chose to stay and listen to what you were about to disclose in your song.

He tells me all the places I should go
He makes me paint my face so that I know

'Is she talking about you Shi?'

'Most likely but I didn't tell her to paint her face. That's so weird and unnecessary' the two spoke to each other questioning your lyrics. While you overheard their conversation you couldn't do anything but glare at the two so they would stop talking and let you focus.

That I'm not the only the person in my soul
He tells me that a monster lives inside
And when It gets too angry I should hide
Cause if I were to try and pick a fight
I would barely stand a chance and I'd die

Two face call me Harvey
Never know when it could change
Tried to talk to my reflection but he said he wants my name
Wake up the beast
Bury the bones
Enjoy the feast
Take all control
When I give you my soul~

"What was that one about (y/n)?" Multiple kids asked as you closed out the song.

"See I would tell you, but then we would be here all night." You explained. "Mother wouldn't like that so maybe I'll explain another time!"

"Aww...okay" the kids whined.

Hope you Enjoyed this mess of a long chapter! Literally had writers block 3 times while writing this and then I struggle to pick the two songs and make it coherent to what might happen in the next chapter. I'm sorry if this one was all over the place. The overall story is coming to a close soon since the book only follows season 1. Anyways...Love you all! <3 and the final two chapters will be released this week!

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