How To Save A Life (H.S. AU)

By lexdes_hiam

370 37 0

"I just don't want you to be near it okay?" Rebecca said. "She has a name," Harry said angrily. BOOK 1 OF 3... More

Drown (BMTH)
Too Good At Goodbyes (Sam Smith)
I Don't Want To Live Forever (Zayn&Taylor)
Better Off Dead (SWS)
Why (Rascal Flatts)
What Hurts The Most (Rascal Flatts)
If I Could Fly (One Direction)
Just Hold On (Louis Tomlinson)
If You Want Love (NF)
Temporary Home (Carrie Underwood)
Say You Won't Let Go (James Arthur)
What Love Really Means (JJ Heller)
Something Beautiful (NeedToBreathe)
Letter To Me (Brad Paisley)
Speechless (Dan&Shay)
Little Things (One Direction)
Wrong Direction (Hailee Steinfeld)

I Miss The Days (NF)

13 2 0
By lexdes_hiam


"Happy birthday baby," Harry whispered in my ear, waking me up.

"Thank you babe," I smiled groggily. He only smiled before leaning down and pecking my lips.

"Alright, get ready so we can go get dunkin' donuts," he chuckled. I nodded and got out of bed then started to get ready for the day. I grabbed the hoodie we bought on Saturday and my favorite pair of skinny jeans then changed. Harry sat on our bed and played on his phone as I got ready which didn't bother me at all. After I finished getting ready, I walked over to him and rested my hands on his triceps. He snoozed his phone and looked up at me, a smile forming as he did so. I smiled back and motioned for us to go. "You ready?" he asked.

"Yeah, just gotta put my shoes on," I said. He nodded and then waited for me to move before he stood up. After we got our shoes on we left for the day. Although, normally we get in by ourselves, today was different. Today, Harry held the door open for me and waited for me to get completely in before shutting it for me as well. I knew he was just being like this because it was my birthday, I mean that had to be it, right?

"Alright," he sighed as he got in his side of the car. He looked over at me and smiled. I gave him a weak smile back and then looked down at my lap and fiddled my thumbs. He didn't need to know that I hated my birthday. Then again, I doubt he remembers why. "What's wrong?" He asked, turning the vehicle off and removing the key from the ignition.

"It's nothing really, not that important. I guess," I mumbled the last part. He turned more so he was facing me fully and rested his hand on my knee. I looked up and sighed.

"Please tell me. If it's bothering you, I feel like I should know. You shouldn't be sad on your birthday," he sighed.

"Fine, it's just- I know you want today to be great for Niall and I, but it's just... I hate my birthday. And you should know why," I sighed, not being able to look at him. As I spoke I looked down to my lap again and fiddled with my hands.

"Why do you hate your birthday?" He frowned.

"Because on my thirteenth birthday we found out mom had cancer. And at my sweet sixteen, which wasn't really sweet, my dad forgot that it was my birthday too. And for the past two years no one has said happy birthday to me. Not even my dad. I've cried every year on my birthday since I turned thirteen and I just, I don't know. I don't see how turning eighteen is going to make this birthday any different," I shrugged. He let out a sigh and then put the key back into the ignition and turned the engine on.

"This one is going to be different. We all made sure of it," Harry said. I looked over at him with furrowed brows.

"How?" I asked.

"You'll see," he smirked. I rolled my eyes with a small smile settled on my face. Man, was I lucky to have him...

Once we got to Dunkin' he ordered us some donuts and two coffees then headed straight to school. We weren't really in a hurry, but I figured all of this was part of his plan to make my day as special as possible. When we got to school I noticed that all the boys were hanging out by Niall's car. I didn't think much of it, figuring they were wishing him a happy birthday since he was here already. After we parked, Harry turned the car off and pulled the key out of the ignition. I gave him a puzzled look and he just smiled and opened his door to get out. I too, got out and followed him to the back of the car where he took our food and drinks. When I got there he picked me up and sat me on the trunk of the car.

"Close your eyes Lovebug," he chuckled. I did just that and then felt his presence disappear. After a few moments he yelled from a distance, "Okay, open your eyes!"

When I opened my eyes I saw that all of the boys, including Luke and his friends were holding either signs or presents. The signs said "Happy Birthday Treble!" Niall, Liam and Louis were holding the signs and the others were holding the presents. Michael walked up first and handed me a small box. I opened it to see a necklace with my mom's birthstone in it and the words, "forever with you," engraved. I smiled and looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

"Thank you Michael," I gushed. He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry for what I said about your mom a couple weeks ago. I feel like shit for it," he said. I shook my head and hugged him.

"It's okay. I forgive you," I said. He nodded into the short-lived hug and then walked away after we let go. Next to walk up was Calum, he handed me a card. I opened it to find fifty bucks in it. I smiled and then read the card. "I know this isn't exactly how you wanted us to apologize, but I'm sorry for how I treated you after all these years. I hope your future is brighter than your past. You live your life to the fullest -Calum."

"Thank you and I forgive you," I smiled and gave him a small hug. He walked away and Ashton walked up.

"Here you go, and can I talk to you later? I have something I want to ask you," he mumbled low enough that only I could hear. I nodded and then opened the bag that he gave me. In it was a morphe palette and some brushes. I looked up at him with wide eyes and then down at the gift.

"Do I wanna know how much this cost?" I asked as I looked him in the eyes.

"No, you do not. And you can thank my mother because I had no idea what the fuck I was doing," he laughed. I giggled and nodded and then gave him a hug. Luke walked up next and handed me a small box. It was a rectangle shape and was wrapped in wrapping paper. I looked at it confused and then looked up at him.

"Just open the damn present," he laughed. I giggled and nodded as I unwrapped the gift. What was underneath had to cost him a fortune.

"A new iPhone?" I asked.

"All you have to do is activate it. I'm paying for your bill until you can get a job," he smiled. I smiled back and gave him a hug.

"Thank you," I whispered in his ear. He squeezed a little tighter and then we let go. Next to walk up was Zayn. He held a bouquet of mixed flowers and a card. I set the bouquet down and then opened the card. It contained a note and an apple gift card. The note read, "Treble, I know that I treated you horribly for years, but I'm hoping now we can become friends. I know it will take some getting used to, but it would be really nice having you around all the time. Even if you bring Harry with you everywhere. -Zayn" I giggled and shook my head. "We are friends, you goof," I giggled and hugged him. After we let go Liam and Louis walked up together and handed me a bag. In the bag was some lotion, hair products and a new hoodie. On the hoodie it said, "Harry's Lovebug". I smiled and hugged the two together. "Thank you," I smiled.

"No problem," Liam chuckled and then the two walked off. Niall walked up next and handed me a key. I looked at it and then looked up at him.

"Don't tell me you wasted your money on a car that I can't even drive," I said.

"No, I didn't. Because I'm also paying for your driving lessons," he smirked. Excitement filled my body and I lunged forward and gave him a huge hug.

"Talk about going from worst brother to best brother," Calum laughed. I giggled as we let go at Calum's comment.

"Rude," Niall scoffed. I giggled and shoved him away, there's more people than just you," I giggled. Harry then walked up and pulled out a ring box. I looked at him like he was crazy and waited for him to speak.

"It's a promise ring before you freak out," he chuckled. I giggled and nodded. He pulled it out of the box and put it on my left ring finger. I looked down and saw how beautiful it was.

"Thank you," I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Anything for you," he smiled and winked at me. I giggled and shook my head.

"Well, I will say, I don't hate this birthday," I announced.

"Yay!" Louis said and high-fived Niall. After Harry helped me put everything in his car we all hung around his car as Harry and I ate. As other students started to arrive they ignored all of us and went straight into the building. Some students gave us weird looks but most just ignored that we even existed. I guess there's perks to not being popular.

"Alright, we better head in before we're all counted absent," Niall laughed jokingly. I giggled and then grabbed my things before grabbing Harry's hand and walking in with everyone.

"See I told you we made sure today would be different," Harry said as he leaned down to talk to me.

"Yes, yes you did," I giggled. "But, I will say Michael made me cry," I pointed out.

"Yeah, but they were happy tears. That's a good thing on your birthday."

"So is it true or what?" I heard someone say. I looked around and saw that there were students in the entrance talking and whispering. What if they were talking about me?

"What the hell is everyone whispering about?" Zayn asked.

"I have no idea," Harry said as he looked around. When he would make eye contact with someone they would quickly look away. Okay, they gotta be talking about our group at least...

But why?

"What the fuck?" Louis asked as he looked at his locker. He had post-it notes and some one even wrote on his locker, "FAGGOT!"

"What..." I said as I looked at it. "How did?" I asked and looked at the people around us. I then saw a familiar face. Oh my god. I grabbed Louis and Liam and pulled them out of the building with me.

"We are so stupid, of course people would find out," Liam said as he face palmed.

"I guess we didn't consider that people at our school also go skating," I sighed.

"Who?" Louis asked.

"Jessica Summers," I sighed. "Her boyfriend took her," I sighed.

"Those pricks," Liam mumbled.

"Look, all I can tell you is embrace it. We are all here for you and if it all becomes too overwhelming please talk to me," I sighed as I looked at them. They nodded and gave me a bone-crushing hug. After that we walked back in and grabbed our things then went to first period.

"I can't believe that Jessica would do that," I said to Harry as we sat down at our table. Zayn was already there with his head in his hands.

"Jessica?" Harry asked.

"Summers," I sighed.

"How do you know it was her?" Zayn asked with furrowed brows.

"Because I remember seeing her at the skating rink last night," I sighed.

"Damn," Harry mumbled.

"Okay, listen," Mrs. Clifton said after the bell rang. We all turned to look at her and she let out a long sigh.

"I get that drama is part of school. But calling people faggots is uncalled for. If you wrote a note on one of the two boys' lockers that have unexpectedly come out, I'd like you to please see yourself to the principal's office now. If you don't we'll watch the tapes and everything will be taken further from there," she said.

"In all due respect, they haven't come out yet. They never said they were gay. Someone saw them together out of school on a date and decided to announce it to the whole school without them knowing," Michael said, never even putting into consideration raising his hand.

"And no, I'm not close friends with them, but I do know that they didn't want everyone to know yet and it's really fucked up whoever did that," he said, anger hinting in his voice. I was surprised that he stood up for the two, but I was glad he did. And he was right, it was fucked up. It was really fucked up.

"No one's going?" Mrs. Clifton asked before she started the day. "Alright get working on your projects," she sighed. We pulled out our packets and then set them on our desks.

"You think she'll admit to telling everyone?" Zayn asked as he looked up at me.

"No," Harry said and then started reading today's assignment.

"Why?" I asked. He let out a sigh and looked up at me.

"Because I dated her. She'll do what she wants and then she'll get away with it," he shrugged. I only nodded and then went to read what we were supposed to do.

"Okay so since we're doing the proposal scene, we will need to start practicing so we can actually pass this with a good grade. God knows she is very critical," Zayn mumbled the last part.

"Yeah, you're right," Harry nodded in agreement.

"Why did she make this a month long, again?" I groaned.

"Wow, someone's all moans and groans this morning," Mrs. Clifton said as she walked up to our table.

"I mean, all we really have to do is practice our scene and then perform it in costume," I said.

"Yes, and that's why it's a month. Because you have to make or buy your costume and I know how hard it's going to be to find the stuff needed," she smirked and then walked away.

"She's not wrong. I was looking while Rose and I were at the mall and I couldn't find shit for my costume," Zayn said as he leaned back in his seat.

"I mean in all honesty if you think about it, Hobby Lobby would have it," I said. "That's where I get all my art stuff when dad takes me."

"They have costumes?" Zayn asked.

"No," I laughed, "they have the material to make the costumes."

"Oh," Zayn said and nodded his head slowly.

"I don't know about him, but I'm not very creative," Harry said as he looked over at me with a raised brow. I let out a sigh and shook my head.

"You two act like you actually have to make your costumes. The only one here who has to make their costume is me. You guys can literally wear blue jeans, a belt with a buckle on it, and a flannel tucked in. Put a cowboy hat on and boom you're set. I have to make myself an eight layer dress," I said.

"Are there actually eight layers?" Zayn asked.

"Something like that. Either eight or five," I said as I looked around with furrowed brows. The rest of class we goofed around and acted as if everything was okay. Even though Liam and Louis were probably getting picked on, we just wanted a break from all the drama. Even if it were for a moment.


"Alright, let's go see the damage done to Liam," Zayn mumbled as he stood up and grabbed his things. I let out a sigh and did the same as Harry. After we were all packed up, we walked out of the classroom and went toward Mrs. Frost's class. Harry and I stopped a few feet away from the classroom and ended up just looking into each other's eyes.

"I love you," I smiled goofily and shook my head. My eyes traveled from his to his chest, where I played with the strings of his hoodie.

"Me too. Now kiss me so you can check up on Liam," he sighed. I leaned up and our lips met. We stayed like that for a moment before he pulled away. He motioned for me to go and I did just that. When I walked in I saw that Liam was sitting in his normal seat with his head down.

"I mean honestly, look at this. Everyone finds out he's a fag and now he won't even look at anyone," Joshua laughed.

"Shut the fuck up," I spat. "Who he loves doesn't affect you. The only way that it affects you, is how stupid you sound," I said. Everyone was quiet after I had told him to shut up. So all eyes were on me, even Mrs. Frost was listening.

"Thanks Treb," Liam said with a weak smile as he looked up at me. I smiled back and then sat down next to him. Zayn was already sitting there.

"Alright, if I hear one more word about Liam in a negative manner, you are going straight to the principal's office. Now start working on your projects. They are due by the beginning of class tomorrow. And I don't want any excuses," She said and then went to her desk and sat down.

"Alright, Liam are you good? Or do you want us to do the project?" Zayn asked as he looked over at his depressed friend.

"No, I'll help. I don't know how much help I'll be, but I'll try my best," Liam said with a weak smile as he looked at the both of us. I let out a sigh and nodded. Zayn then got up and walked to the table with the poster boards she provided and grabbed one with a few markers. I took the markers and wrote the title of our book at the top in big, bold letters.

"You have really nice handwriting," Zayn commented as he looked at the board. I shrugged and then looked at the guideline before continuing to work on the board. After I wrote down what I needed to before we discussed, I set the markers down and looked up at the two.

"So, for this one we could put that the man was trying to keep his son alive more than himself and say that it goes to show that when it comes down to it, not everyone is completely selfish in times of trouble," Liam said as he pointed to the question. I nodded and wrote down what he said.

"This one, we could say that the people they came by taught the boy that you can't trust everyone and that was something he had to experience instead of being told," Zayn said and did the same as Liam, pointing to the question he was discussing. By the end of class we had finished our projects and wrote our names on the back of our board. It wasn't a hard task and I was surprised at how much the two had actually learned from my favorite novel. It wasn't usual for people to understand such a complex book so easily.

"Have a good day," Mrs. Frost mumbled as all her students walked out of her class.

"She really was in a bad mood," Zayn mumbled as we walked out. I expected Harry to be waiting for me, but to my surprise he wasn't. I was kind of disappointed but shrugged it off. Zayn walked with me to Mr. Picoult's because his class was past mine. I thanked him and waited outside of my class for a minute, looking around for him. After a minute I went to walk in my class but a voice stopped me.

"Treb!" I heard Harry yell over the commotion in the hallway. I smiled and turned around. "Who walked you to class?" He frowned as he looked down, his hands finding their way to my arms.

"Zayn, his class was on the way here. Liam went to go get Louis and walk him here. Speaking of them," I smiled over at the two.

"Hey," they smiled and then turned back to each other. Liam pecked Louis on the lips and said, "have fun in class."

"Why's it so weird," Harry whispered.

"Because you're not used to seeing it," I giggled. He nodded and made a thinking face. A moment later he looked down at me and kissed me. It took me a second but I kissed back. When we separated we said our goodbyes and I walked into my class and he walked to his.

"You know what took him so long?" I asked Louis as I sat next to him.

"He was talking to Mrs. Stephens about the test tomorrow in her class," he shrugged. I nodded slowly and then looked down at my desk. There was no need to second guess Louis, he wouldn't lie to me, would he? "Hey, are you good?" he asked as he put a hand on the back of my shoulder. I nodded and then gave him a weak smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said a moment later.

"He's wrapped around your finger, you know that? He wouldn't leave you. So don't start thinking he would now," he mumbled as Mr. Picoult walked into the room.

"First Treble and now Louis and Liam? You all should be a-fucking-shamed of yourselves," He said angrily and slammed the door behind him. I jumped at the noise, along with Louis. We looked at each other and then down at our desks. We had never seen him so upset and honestly, it was terrifying. "You guys are despicable," he shook his head and slammed his keys on his desk. "I'm ashamed to call you my students. I mean honestly, what's wrong with Treble? Name one wrong thing she's ever done to any of you? Exactly. And Louis, what the hell is wrong with being gay? What does his love life do to affect you? Nothing. So bud out and mind your own damn business. If I hear one more negative thing about another student in this school, I will make sure you get expelled. This is absolutely ridiculous," he spat as he looked at everyone but the two of us.

"Mr. Picoult, not all of us have said things about them," Calum said and raised his hand slightly.

"But you had your fair share when it came to Treble," he said, anger still in his voice.

"Treble and I are cool now, aren't we?" Calum said as he also motioned to Michael.

"Yeah, they apologized. There's no need to yell at the two of them," I mumbled. Mr. Picoult sighed and only nodded.

"My bad, I didn't know," he sighed. Calum only nodded and then the rest of class consisted of us working on the next target. It was definitely nice to know that there were teachers here that actually cared about their students, especially the way he demonstrated it. Sure it scared us at first, but it showed how others treated us really got under his skin. Like he couldn't sleep at night because of it. "Alright, partner work," he said after teaching us the new target and handing us a worksheet. Louis scooted closer to me and we started to work on our problems together when Joshua walked over and pulled a chair in front of us.

"Can we help you?" Louis asked bitterly.

"No need to be rude. I was just trying to ask for some help," he sighed. "I've got to pass this quiz or I'll get kicked off the team," he mumbled.

"I'm sorry, but I don't help people who try to break me and my boyfriend up or treat my friends like shit. Now bye," I said and shooed him off. I could see Mr. Picoult watching and listening to us as the situation went on.

"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done or said any of those things. Please, I'm begging you," he sighed. I looked over at Louis and then back at Calum and Michael. They all shrugged so I decided to write out in an explanation form, how to solve the problems. After I handed him the paper he smiled at me and put a hand out for me to shake. I raised my brow and shook his hand. "Thank you," he smiled and then went back to his seat. I looked down at the desk and then over at Louis with furrowed brows.

"Are you as confused as me?" I asked.

"Damn straight," he nodded. I nodded in return and then went back to our worksheet. By the end of class Louis and I were done and just sat and chatted about our relationships.


"Have a good day you two," Mr. Picoult said as we walked out the door to his class.

"You too," I turned back and smiled at him. He smiled back and nodded. When I turned back around Harry was standing in front of me with his hand out for me to grab. I took his hand in mine and our small group, with Liam joining in, walked toward the cafeteria.

"How are you guys?" I asked after a few moments of silence between us.

"I mean, every teacher has yelled at the students so no one has really said much of anything," Louis said with a small shrug.

"Good. I'm happy for you guys," I said and leaned my head on Harry's shoulder as we continued toward our destination. When we finally got to the cafeteria, we set our bags down then went through the line and got our food. After we did what was needed to get through the line, we walked over to our normal table and sat with our friends.

"How's your birthday going?" Niall asked with a small smile.

"Good, yours?" I giggled. He chuckled and nodded, then went back to eating his food.

"So, did you get a lot of shit today?" Ashton asked. "I mean, I know what happened in second hour, but other than that?"

"Not really," Louis shook his head. Ashton nodded and then raised a brow at me with a small smirk playing on his lips.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked as I set my fork on my tray.

"Did you tell Harry what you said to Joshua in second?" He continued to smirk. I held back a smile as I looked down at my lap.

"No, I haven't," I smiled.

"What'd you say?" Harry asked as he spoke with food in his mouth. My smile fell to a cringe as I looked at my boyfriend.

"He was making fun of Liam and I told him to shut the fuck up. Then I told him that Liam's sexuality doesn't affect him other than make him sound like an idiot," I shrugged.

"Then he asked for help last hour?" Louis asked with furrowed brows.

"Yeah. You would've thought he would've been pissed about what I said," I shrugged.

"Did you help him?" Liam asked with a slightly raised brow. I nodded slightly then went back to eating my food.

"He said he was sorry for everything he did after I said I wouldn't help him at first. Michael and Calum didn't say anything so I just wrote him down an explanation. If he actually understands big words, well that's another story," I giggled. Harry choked on his food slightly as he fought his laughter back.

"Oh my god," he chuckled after finally swallowing his food down. The rest of lunch consisted of us all goofing around and talking about how much things had changed over the last few weeks. It was crazy to think that we were already almost half way through the first semester.


"Come on babe," Harry said as he stood up and grabbed our trays.

"I can get it Haz," I said as I reached for my tray but he moved it away from my grasp.

"I got it," he insisted. I only nodded and let him take our trays to the garbage as we walked toward the exit of the cafeteria.

"Happy birthday," a beautiful brunette smiled as she stopped Harry and I in the hallway. I didn't know who she was, assuming that she was new.

"Thank you?" I said, trailing off, trying to catch her name.

"Sierra," she smiled, "I'm Luke's girlfriend."

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you," I smiled. Harry nodded with a firm smile on his face as he looked down at me to motion we needed to go. "I'll see you around?" I asked her with slightly furrowed brows. She nodded rigidly then walked on to her next class. Harry and I then continued to our own and stopped before we walked in. He turned me so that I was facing him and my back was against the lockers. He then leaned down and kissed me gently, his free hand resting gently on my waist. I smiled after we separated and looked into his eyes, them telling me everything he couldn't bring himself to say. "Come on. We're gonna be late," I said as I motioned toward the door of Mrs. Cummins' classroom. He only nodded and moved so we could walk in together.

"Happy birthday Treble," Mrs. Cummins smiled as I walked past her. I smiled back and nodded as Harry walked me to my seat.

"Don't have too much fun back here with Lou," he winked at me.

"I could never," I gasped sarcastically. He chuckled and walked to his seat and sat down. I then pulled my things out for our class as I waited for Louis to walk in. As the bell rang he and Liam ran in and sat down in their seats.

"I wonder what they were doing," someone mumbled as Mrs. Cummins shut the door so she could start teaching.

"Don't start. I will write you up with no hesitation," she said as she looked over at Rachel, one of the biggest sluts in our school.

"Yes ma'am," she mumbled and put her head down.

"Now, I am going to hand out some worksheets from Friday's lesson. If you need any help raise your hand and I will help you as soon as I can," Mrs. Cummins said as she picked up a pile of papers and stood at the front of the class. She then handed out the papers and sat back down at her desk and waited for students to ask questions. Louis and I started to work on the paper and finished rather quickly. I raised my hand and waited for Mrs. Cummins to come to our small group. "Yes?" She asked once she approached us.

"We're done," I said as I handed her our papers. She stood there and looked over it for a second before nodding.

"Go help your boyfriends. They have no idea what they're doing," she whispered to us. I stifled a giggle as I nodded and then stood up with Louis and walked over to their table. I stood behind Harry and draped my arms around his neck.

"Whatcha doin?" I asked.

"Hey smarty pants. Why don't you help us?" He chuckled and looked up at me. I smiled and moved so that I could look at where they were on the paper. They hadn't even started.

"You don't understand any of it, do you?" I asked with a raised brow. He chuckled and shook his head. He then moved so I could sit on his lap to help them. Louis pulled up a chair and sat next to his boyfriend. After explaining what we were working on, I watched as they worked on the rest of the paper. After they finished, Mrs. Cummins took their papers and let Louis and I stay where we were. Harry's arm wrapped around my waist as we sat there, the four of us talking about our date last night. "Yeah, I think I bruised Harry a little," I giggled.

"It's okay. You're getting better at it. We'll definitely have to go again soon so you can work on it," he said as he looked up at my lips. I bit my bottom lip and nodded in agreement. I definitely had a lot of fun learning new things with Harry, it was probably my new favorite thing to do.

"We have to go get our stuff," Louis said as he checked the time on his phone. I nodded and then stood up and walked to my seat and grabbed my things. After we had our things together we went back over to Harry and Liam and waited for the bell to ring so we could attend our last class of the day.

"Anything in particular you want to do today?" Harry asked as we waited.

"Cuddling sounds great to me," I said as I smirked looking down at him. He chuckled and nodded then kissed my jawline.

"I would have to agree," he smiled.

"Do we wanna know what you mean by cuddling?" Louis asked with furrowed brows as he blinked a couple times. I shook my head slightly with a small smile as the bell to dismiss the class rang. I stood up and then Harry did the same, the two of us grabbed our things then headed to our last period. We held hands as always and when we got to the classroom door, we stopped before we walked in.

"I'm surprised she let you sit on my lap," Harry mumbled, his hand still in mine as his other hand played with my chin slightly. His thumb slightly pulled down on my bottom lip as he stared at it. I smiled and leaned up and pecked his lips.

"It's because I'm her favorite," I whispered against his lips and then moved so that I was against the lockers again. He chuckled and shook his head, the two of us walking into our class shortly after. Mrs. Johnson looked at us as we walked in, never saying a word to us.

"We aren't doing anything today because I still haven't graded all of your last projects and we don't have everything we need for the next one," she said after the bell to start class went off. "You can just take this as a free day, but if someone comes in, pretend to be doing something."

Harry then turned to look at me. I turned toward him slightly and smiled. "Yes?" I asked.

"I grabbed your new phone from the box when we were putting your things in the car. Did you want to go ahead and set it up?" he asked. I nodded and waited for him to pull it out of his pocket. Once he had it out, he powered it on and waited. I leaned over and rested my head in the crease of his shoulder as I watched him set it up. "What's your email?"

"I only have my school one," I mumbled.

"Okay. Here, we'll make you one on my phone," he said and pulled his out soon after and opened it up then opened the safari. He went onto google and set me up an email. After he finished that he put the new email into my phone and finished everything else he needed before it was good to be used. He then handed it to me to check it out. "It's almost dead, so we'll have to charge it when we get home," he said in an almost whisper. I nodded and moved so that I could look at the screen more easily. I surfed through the settings and checked everything out. If I had a question, I looked over at Harry and asked him about it. He would explain it to me as easily as possible and then let me continue exploring my new phone. After I finished exploring the features on my phone I handed it back to Harry so I wouldn't lose it. He put it in his pocket and then looked over at me, his head resting in his hand as it propped on the desk with his elbow.

"We're just hanging out at the house tonight, right?" I asked as I looked into his eyes.

"If that's what you want," he smiled. I nodded and moved my hand toward his free one so we could hold each other's hands. He absent mindedly held my hand as we sat there in silence for the remainder of class. Once the bell rang, we grabbed our things and walked out of the class, still holding hands. We stopped at my locker and I put my things in my locker then we walked to his car.

"Don't have too much fun you two," Niall winked as he walked past us. Harry chuckled as I blushed, us stopping at his car.

"We'll try not to," Harry called after my twin brother. "Let's go home," he smiled and pecked my lips. I nodded and then got in on my side. We buckled up rather quickly and left soon after. The car ride home was silent and when we got home we got out and met at the front of his car. When we walked in Anne was waiting for us with a present for me, in hand.

"Happy birthday," she smiled and held the bag out for me to take. I smiled and took the bag from her and took out what was in it. A key to the house and an ulta gift card.

"Thank you," I smiled and gave her a hug. She didn't hesitate to hug me back and then pulled me back to look me in the eyes.

"Are you guys going anywhere tonight?" Anne asked as she looked between the two of us.

"No, Treb wants to stay here," Harry smiled at the two of us.

"Okay, I'll get dinner started and then make you a birthday cake," She smiled and looked at me when she said she would make a cake.

"You don't have to," I said as she shook her head.

"No, no, I insist," she smiled and then shooed us off to do our own thing. Harry held his hand out for me to take and I did just that. We walked up to our room and he shut the door behind us. He then picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Harry!" I squealed as he carried me toward our bed. He then threw me onto it and waited for me to stop bouncing before he hovered over me. He had a huge smile on his face as he looked at me. I couldn't help but blush as I looked into his eyes.

"Did you have a good day?" he asked and then leaned down and kissed my jawline. I hummed in response and let my hands find their way to his hair. His lips moved from my jawline to my neck, his free hand resting on my waist respectfully. As he kissed my neck I played with his hair and pulled slightly. He moaned against my skin and then gave me a hickey on my collarbone. A slight moan escaped my throat as his kisses stopped and he moved his hands to the hem of my hoodie. He then pulled it over my head and threw it across the room. I giggled as he struggled to remove his shirt, but stopped long enough to help him remove it. He then hovered back over me and started to leave kisses down my chest and along my bra-line.

His lips were soon removed from my skin as he moved to set me up and removed my bra. He then threw it across the room along with our other clothes, and then hovered over me again. "Harry," I moaned quietly as his lips found their way to my nipple. He licked it gently which caused a weird feeling in my lower region, a feeling I wasn't quite used to. Usually when Harry and I "cuddled" I would sort of get this feeling, but this time it was stronger than normal. Way stronger. This feeling made me want to go further, but I wasn't sure I was quite ready for that just yet. Suddenly, he started rubbing me through my jeans which caused me to let out a slightly louder moan.

"Shhh, I don't want my mom to hear us," he chuckled and moved so he could kiss slightly under and behind my ear causing that feeling to get even stronger.

"Sorry," I giggled quietly and watched as he went back to what he was doing. His hand started to rub me again and his lips kissed down my bare body. Once his lips reached the waistband of my jeans he sat up and unbuttoned them and then looked up at me. "Go ahead," I nodded with a small reassuring smile. He nodded and continued to pull my jeans off of my body. After he finished that, he threw them and hovered over me so he could kiss my lips. I kissed back with no hesitation as he resumed his previous actions. When we ran out of breath he moved both of his hands to the hem of my underwear and pulled them down. I bit my lip as he trailed down my inner thigh, making me feel a heartbeat sensation in my vaginal area. I let a moan escape my throat once again as I felt his hand on me. He started to rub my clit this time, my eyes closing in pleasure.

"Tell me if you want to stop," he whispered in my ear as he continued to do what he was doing.

"No more than just your hand, okay?" I asked as I opened my eyes and looked into his. He nodded and flashed me his beautiful smile before he slipped two of his fingers in me. Suddenly, I felt a rush of adrenaline go through me. My eyes slammed shut as my hands immediately pulled at our bed sheets as he started to kiss on my neck. After a few more moments he added another finger and continued pushing his fingers in and out of me. The more he continued what he was doing, the more I enjoyed it. Soon enough my legs started to shake and I could feel a weird sensation rising in me. Suddenly I felt myself let go and after a few more thrusts Harry removed his fingers and then licked them clean. "As much as you think that looks hot, I find it rather disgusting," I giggled as I struggled to calm my breathing. He chuckled and then hovered over me and kissed me gently.

"You'll be okay," he chuckled and then kissed the top of my head before getting up and grabbing something. He walked in with a hand towel and cleaned our bed and me up a little before he removed his own clothes and laid next to me.

"You know, I didn't have a flashback this time," I said after a few minutes of silence.

"Oh yeah?" He asked and sat up slightly to look at me better. I nodded and moved my hand to trace random shapes on his collarbone.

"Yeah. Next time we could probably go all the way if you want," I said as I glanced up into his eyes.

"That, my dear, is completely up to you. That's not my decision to make," he said and kissed my temple before laying back down and cuddling close to me. Once a few moments had passed I felt myself dozing off. The next thing I knew I was being woken up by Harry. "My mom is yelling for us," he said as he gently shook me awake. I got up and found my clothes and put them back on before Harry and I walked downstairs to find all of the boys here. Liam, Louis, Zayn and Niall were all sitting at the table waiting for Harry and I.

"Sweetie, you look like a wreck," Louis laughed as I sat across from him. I yawned loudly and shrugged as my head landed on Harry's shoulder. He chuckled and patted my head lightly as the food was passed around. Harry made our plates at the same time as everyone else did their own.

"Why are you so tired?" Zayn asked after everyone had finished making their plates. Harry had food in his mouth when Zayn asked his question which caused Harry to choke on his food slightly. I looked over at Harry as he shook his head and took a drink.

"I think I've gathered enough information to sort of figure out what cuddling means now," Louis mumbled.

"Talk about birthday sex," Liam mumbled. Luckily, Anne wasn't in the room during this part of the conversation.

"It wasn't full-on Liam. Thank you very much," Harry retorted. I giggled and began eating my food.

"I didn't need to know any of that. Thanks Zayn," Niall grumbled. I stifled a laugh as I chewed up my food. The rest of dinner consisted of us all talking and laughing around having a great night. After we finished our food Anne got the cake out and Niall and I blew out the candles. When we finished eating cake the boys left and Harry and I went straight to bed. Ready for the next school day to begin.

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