Ducktales Season 3 Rewritten

By LandofEvil42

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Ducktales Season 3 Rewritten More

Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 1
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 2
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 3
Quack Pack Part 1
Quack Pack Part 2
Louie's Seventeen Part 1
Louie's Seventeen Part 2
Louie's Seventeen Part 3
Louie's Seventeen Part 4
Louie's Seventeen Part 5
Louie's Seventeen Part 6
Rumble for Ragnarok Part 1
Rumble for Ragnarok Part 2
The Phantom and the Sorceress Part 1
The Phantom and the Sorceress Part 2
The Trickening
The Engagement Ring
Lets get Dangerous Part 1
Lets get Dangerous Part 2
Lets get Dangerous Part 3
Lets get Dangerous Part 4
Lets get Dangerous Part 5
Lets get Dangerous Part 6
Lets get Dangerous Part 7
Lets get Dangerous Part 8
Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 1
Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 2
New Gods on the Block
The True First Adventure
Tales of The Duck Couple Part 1
Tales of The Duck Couple Part 2
Fight for Castle McDuck
The Last Adventure Part 1
The Last Adventure Part 2
The Last Adventure Part 3
The Last Adventure Part 4
The Last Adventure Part 5
The Last Adventure Part 6
The Last Adventure Part 7
The Last Adventure Part 8
The Last Adventure Part 9

Teamwork Makes a Dreamwork

452 3 0
By LandofEvil42

It's been a couple days since the events with the ImpossiBin and Beakely's deadly training. Dewey is sat down watching Ottoman Empire with a bored look. He hasn't been feeling himself lately ever since his fight with Webby. Speaking of Webby, she walks into the room, not realizing that there was someone on the couch. When she saw Dewey, and vice-versa, they yelped.

Dewey: Oh, uh… hey Webby.

Webby: Uh… Hi Dewey… hehehe…

There's a long awkward silence, barring the sound from the TV. Ever since their fight a couple nights ago and their decision to take a break with their relationship things have been incredibly awkward between Dewey and Webby. Both of them are nervous around each other, they don't know the right thing to say and they've barely even spoke to each other.

Webby: Uh… w-would it be ok if… I… j-joined … you…?

Dewey: S-Sure.

Webby sits down on the other end of the couch. Another awkward silence rang out.

Webby: …So, uh…Ottoman Empire, huh?

Dewey: …Yeah. I've been watching it since morning.

Webby: It… looks good.

Dewey: Yeah…

Webby: So, uh…how've you been for the past couple days, since, you know…uh… Dewey saddens and looks away, causing Webby to look down in guilt. Sorry, I didn't mean to bring up…

Dewey: It's fine. It's fine…

The two sit in silence. Now things were even more awkward, their relationship was really in the danger level.

Donald, Della, and Beakely had seen everything and they were gravely concerned for Dewey and Webby's broken relationship. And Beakely feels profoundly guilty over it since it's all her fault.

Beakely: Oh dear…

Della: How the heck did this happen?

Donald: Take a wild guess. The both of them glare at Beakely who reels back in guilt. Way to go Mrs B. You've officially ruined a beautiful relationship.

Della: You just had to force them to fight each other, didn't you Bentina?

Beakely: I didn't mean for this to happen. I just wanted to prepare the children for FOWL. They were a danger to the world the last time they tried to commit world larceny and they killed many of my closest friends.

Donald: But you went too far with the training Bentina. You made the kids afraid of Webby because it was so intense. It wasn't even training. Beakely looks down in guilt with each word Donald spoke. It was emotional and physical torture you put Dewey, Huey and Violet through.

Beakely: But that was never my intention. I was trying to give the children an idea of how to handle a FOWL agent.

Della: Well, guess what, we're not FOWL!

Donald: Thanks to you Huey's out of commission because his ankle is broken…

Della: And Dewey and Webby were literally trying to kill each other. Now Dewey feels guilty over hurting her and giving Webby a black eye and Webby feels guilty for almost killing her boyfriend, brother and sister. So, nice going Mrs B, hope you're proud of yourself.

Beakely: I'm not proud of myself at all. I know what I forced the children to go through was wrong. I never meant for things to go so far. I'm sorry!

Della: Sorry isn't gonna fix things between Dewey and Webby! It won't fix the relationship YOU broke! The three of them look at the normally adventurous duo in sadness. They were such a good couple, head over heels for each other. I didn't think anything could ever cause them to argue.

Donald: Well, Mrs B sure did.

Beakely: I said I'm sorry! How many times do I have to make that clear! I'm…sorry!

Della: Now things are so awkward between them. Well…at least they haven't broken up.

Donald: This is worse. The both of them aren't speaking to each other and trying to avoid one another. If this keeps up it's only a matter of time before they break up.

Beakely: There has to be a way to fix their relationship.

Launchpad: Launchpad walks by talking on his phone. Another mission tonight with you and Gos in ? You bet I'll be there DW!

Donald: Donald beams, a light bulb shines over his head. I think. I got an idea.

A couple minutes later Donald, Della and Beakely are in the garage with Launchpad, having explained the entire situation to him. He takes time to process Dewey's current predicament.

Launchpad: Hmm…it sounds to me… that this is all your fault Mrs B. All your fault and nobody else's.

Beakely: Beakely deadpans with an annoyed look. Yes, thank you for reminding me of that Launchpad. I hadn't realized that before for some reason.

Donald: We need your help LP.

Launchpad: Sorry, Mr D. I mean, I've had plenty of girlfriends but I'm not really the kind of guy who can fix a broken relationship.

Della: Oh, we're not asking you to talk to Dewey and Webby, that's the last thing we'd ever do right now. We just overheard you talking with Drake on the phone. So, you've got a mission tonight in St Canard, right?

Launchpad: Oh, yeah, totally. You see, Darkwing told me that there's been more sightings of FOWL Agents in Saint Canard.

Donald, Della & Beakely: What!?

Launchpad: He said something about creepy guys wearing yellow jumpsuits, visors and egg-shaped helmets.

Beakely: Beakely furrows her eyebrows. Eggheads.

Donald & Della: Eggheads?

Beakely: They're FOWL's main soldiers.

Launchpad: You know, it's weird, in our video game at Funzo Dewey and me faced some guys fitting that description.

Donald: I don't think it was a video game.

Della: But what's FOWL still doing in Saint Canard? Didn't that Steelbeak guy Huey told us about already stole the Solego Circuit Plans?

Launchpad: DW tells me it's something about secret Solego Circuit documents they need to find before FOWL gets their hands on them.

Beakely: We don't know what FOWL has planned for us but we need to ensure we retrieve the rest of the Missing Mysteries before they do.

Della: And who knows what they're gonna do with the Solego Circuit. Taurus Bulba almost destroyed all of reality with it and he was just flunky to FOWL.

Beakely: Perhaps the three of us should come with you and provide some assistance, Launchpad.

Launchpad: Sure, the more the merrier. Maybe we should bring Dewey and Webby with us too.

Donald: That's exactly what we were going to ask LP. Perhaps a little superhero adventure in Saint Canard might fix up their relationship.

Della: Yeah, the both of them love adventure more than anything. It's what caused them to go crazy for each other. They'll love to go an epic superhero adventure! I can talk them into it!

Beakely: Beakely determinedly stood up from her seat. Then, it's settled. We're all going to Saint Canard to retrieve the hidden documents of the Solego Circuit and to fix Dewey and Webby's relationship. Pack up your things people, we're moving out!

At night Launchpad was driving the limo through the bridge connecting Saint Canard and Duckburg. The adults were all sat together at the front while Dewey and Webby were sat at the back as far away from each other as possible with bored expressions much to the concern of the adults.

Della: They're still sitting away from each other.

Launchpad releases the wheel to turn to the kids, prompting Donald to comically take control, keeping them on the road.

Launchpad: So, uh…how's life been for you two?

Dewey & Webby: Fine/meh.

Launchpad: Got any dates planned out for this weeks. I bet you guys have hundreds.

Dewey: Not really.

Launchpad: I kinda heard what happened between the both of you a couple nights ago. Dewey and Webby just glare at LP. You know there's this old saying called 'Forgive and for'- They cut Launchpad off with the dividing windows and go back to sulking. The pilot/chauffeur turns back to the adults. Well, that didn't work out like it did in my head.

Donald: Gee, ya think.

Della: Maybe, Donald and I should talk to them.

Dewey and Webby were struggling with thoughts in their heads about each other.

Webby: "Oh…I don't like this. Dewey has been avoiding me for the past couple days. Does he hate me? Is he still mad at me for what I did?"

Dewey: "Webby's been avoiding me for the past couple days now. Is she still mad at about me giving her a black eye…again?"

Webby: "Of course he's still mad. I tortured him. I broke his brother's ankle and was willing to hurt and injure my own boyfriend. Why would he not be mad at me after I scarred the three of them for life just to give them an idea of what it's like to face a FOWL agent? That was so wrong of me?

Dewey: "I promised Webby we'd never fight like that again…but we did. And what's worse, I hurt her way worse than I did in the Temple of Heroes. I feel like the worst boyfriend ever."

Webby: "I feel like the worst girlfriend ever."

They finally break the silence but in a comical way.

Dewey & Webby: So…hey, listen. They become surprised to speak at the same time. Wait, what?! Never mind…

They look away from each other but Webby is tired of this space between.

Webby: Um…Dewey, there's something I want to say to you.

Dewey: They make eye contact. What is it Webby?

Webby: Uh…listen…Dewey, about what happened before. I…

It was at the moment the divider window opens for Donald and Della to slip through. Donald sits next to Dewey and Della with Webby, respectively speaking with them.

Donald: Dewey, are you doing okay?

Dewey: Yeah, I'm fine Uncle Donald, I just… I just have a lot on my mind right now.

Donald: Do you…want to talk about it.

Della and Webby speak together.

Della: You doing okay, Webs?

Webby: Not really… I'm not sure what to think about myself anymore Aunt Della?

Donald: You know, Dewey, you and Webby haven't spoken to each other in a long time. Are you still mad at her.

Dewey: Of course not. I'm not mad her at all Uncle Donald. We're just…taking a break to sort some things out. It's just that…I don't know what to think about Webby anymore. I mean…I always believed nothing could ever come between me and Webby. I loved her and she loved me…or at least that's what I thought until a couple nights ago.

Webby: I used to think Dewey would be together forever, Aunt Della. The two of us were the perfect team together, it didn't seem like anything could rip us apart.

Della: Nothing can rip you apart, Webby. You and Dewey are one of the best couples ever.

Webby: I thought that too. I love Dewey, I really do, but after what I did 3 nights ago I just don't know what to think about us anymore. It's just that whenever something exciting happens like Granny putting me in charge in training everyone to be ready for FOWL, I just jump right in there with my gut instinct and I assume it's what everyone else wants too. I get so overexcited with things like that, that I never stop to consider how I'm affecting the people around me. I mean…I got poor Huey hurt… I even lost my temper with Dewey and hurt him. I almost killed my own boyfriend. I never meant to do any of that to Dewey, Huey and Violet. I was just trying to help everyone get ready for FOWL, but I got so caught up in that, I-I never bothered considering what Dewey, Huey and Violet thought about the training. Huey and Violet have forgiven me, but I-I think Dewey is still mad at me…even after I apologised.

Della: Is that why you've been avoiding him?

Webby: Webby begins to cry, tears well up in her eyes. I'm afraid he hates me now.

Della: Webby, that's ridiculous. There's no way Dewey hates you.

Webby: The tears gush out of Webby's eyes. I hurt him Aunt Della! I hurt and attacked the person I loved most! Dewey was trying to talk me into remembering about trust and I completely ignored him! I don't know who I am anymore! When Dewey ran away after giving me a black eye crying and when I saw that I broke Huey's ankle…I realized what I let myself become! I became even worse than the monsters Granny devoted her entire life to fighting.

Della: Webby…

Webby: The two of us promised we'd never have another fight like this ever again, but I…I forced Dewey to break that promise!

Dewey: I'm just not sure if she loves me anymore Uncle Donald.

Donald: Dewey, that's not true. Webby loves you more than anything in the world.

Dewey: Does she? Look at what her and Beakely's training almost did. The both of them almost killed me! They almost killed us! Webby was even willing to hurt me! I never even wanted to fight Webby! But I stepped in because if I hadn't Webby would've mercilessly struck Huey down with that arrow of hers! I had no choice! I promised I'd never hurt Webby again but she forced to break it.

Donald: Wait… what do you mean "again"? This isn't the first time you and Webby had a fight like this?

Dewey: No…it isn't. We had a fight like this once in the Temple of Heroes, you know the first time we crash-landed in Ithaquack.

Donald: You did?

Dewey: It was while the two of us were searching for clues about Mom.

Webby: Dewey and I were hoping to find information about you in the Temple of Heroes. From that letter you left Uncle Scrooge I kept making insensitive theories of you being evil and having betrayed the family.

Della: Della is somewhat hurt after hearing that. What!?

Webby: I didn't actually mean them! They were just theories! I didn't actually believe they were the case! I was just stating the possibilities! I didn't know Dewey would take it so personally! When we were about to go inside the Chamber of Selene to find the answers we've been looking for Dewey blocked me. He didn't want us to go in.

Della: What? Why!?

Webby: He was afraid of what we'd find out. He wasn't sure what kind of person you were because of my theories so he felt it was better no one found out anything about you.

Dewey: I was afraid Mom might've been a bad person so I blocked the door leading to the chamber and Webby an I got into a fight. Even though she was stronger than me at the time I was able to hold my own against her.

Donald: You had a fight with Webby in the Temple of Selene. I-I didn't know…

Dewey: We didn't want to talk about it…especially me, not after what I did. I didn't want to fight her Uncle Donald, I really didn't…I was just so afraid of what I was going to find out about Mom. Dewey looks down in tears. Then when Webby asked me why I was doing what doing…I don't know what happened…I just snapped. I shouted at her punched her so badly I gave her a black eye.

Donald: Dewey…

Dewey: The two of us made up afterwards when I finally gave in and saw how Webby was more than willing to give up the biggest mystery ever for me. The two of us promised we'd never fight each other again after that. But… He cries even more. 3 nights ago I broke my promise. I forced myself to fight Webby again.

Donald: Dewey, you had no choice. You were just trying to protect Huey from becoming more traumatised than he already was. You were trying to protect your brother.

Dewey: Even so, I still hurt her Uncle Donald. I gave her a black eye and almost ended up killing her again like I did before. Now I'm afraid she wants nothing to do with me anymore. I don't know what to do.

Donald: Donald wraps a kind arm around Dewey, providing comfort. I have an idea of what you should do. Forgive yourself. You're a good person, Dewey. I know it, Della knows it and Webby knows it more than anyone. She could never hate you even if she tried. I know in my heart that she isn't mad at you at all.

Dewey: You really think so Uncle Donald?

Donald: Definitely. Webby loves you more than anything. I'm sure she understands you were just trying to protect your brother. Trust me Dewey; everything will turn out okay.

Donald ruffles his nephew's hair and Dewey aims a grateful smile at his uncle, feeling somewhat better.

Webby: So there you have it. Dewey fought once before in the Temple of Heroes and we promised to each other we'd never have another fight like that ever again. But…I took everything so far that I forced us both to break our promises. In my efforts to prepare us for FOWL I lost the one person I loved more than anything. Dewey is probably still mad at me, that's why he's been trying to avoid me. He hates me!

Della: What!? No, no! Webby-

Webby: And I can't blame him! First I made insensitive theories about you and caused one fight and 3 nights ago I attacked him, my sister and brother from every corner. I terrified and traumatised Huey, Violet and Dewey, especially Huey. I think I really creeped Dewey out when I impersonated as him to scare Huey. And I broke Huey's ankle! When I think about all that, I can't be mad at Dewey at all! He was just trying to protect his brother from someone who stooped down to the level of the monsters she was trying to prepare them for.

Della: Webby, you're not a monster!

Webby: The only person I have to be mad at is myself for ever trying to hurt him! Now things are awkward between us, my boyfriend is terrified of me, I hurt him emotionally and physically and now he's guilty over hurting me when I couldn't care less! I-I don't who I am anymore Aunt Della! More tears gush out of Webby's eyes as she hugs her knees and buries her face in them. All I know is that I'm a horrible girlfriend, a terrible girlfriend and the worst family anyone can have. Dewey's right to hate me!

Della: Della wraps a gentle arm around her. Listen to me Webby. Dewey doesn't hate you. He can never hate you.

Webby: How do you know!? Did he tell you that himself?

Della: He doesn't have to. I know in my heart that Dewey still loves you Webby. He loves you more than anything and that'll never change.

Webby: Then why's he doing everything he can to avoid me?

Della: Webby, if there's anything I've learned about Dewey, it's that no matter what mistakes you make he'll always love you. You made a mistake, a really big one, but what matters is that you realize it and want to make things right. These sorts of things happen between a couple, heck Donald and Daisy used to argue all the time and look how they've turned out. Dewey probably feels just as guilty about your fight as you. You can't keep avoiding him like this Webby; you've got to let your feelings out. Be brave. That was one of the many qualities that Dewey loved about you and he still does. Everything will be okay Webby. Just try and talk to him.

Webby stops crying. After hearing Della's advice she gives a sad but grateful smile before sharing a hug with the female pilot.

Launchpad: This is your driver speaking. They all look to Launchpad. We've arrived our destination.

They look to see they're underneath the tower Darkwing Duck's hideout is located.

Scenes shift inside the tower where Donald, Della, Dewey, Webby, Launchpad and Beakely are walking up. They arrive at the top floor.

Launchpad: Hello? DW?

Webby: Are you guys sure we're in the right abandoned tower.

Dewey: I'm pretty sure this is definitely the right place.

Della: 3… 2… 1.

The lights turn on and Darkwing Duck's hideout reveals itself. Beakely and Webby are in complete awe and amazement with their new surroundings and how modern the hideout as well as it's features. The two approach the railing to look on with awe.

Beakely: My word…


Launchpad: Pretty cool, huh?


Della: That's what I was like when I came to this place!

Dewey: Check out DW's motorcycle!

Dewey points over to the Ratcatcher which gleams in all its glory.

Webby: It's so cute that it has his face!

Beakely: Now this is the sort of hideout I expect from a superhero!

Donald: If you thought that's cool, take a look at that.

Donald points to the cases displaying Darkwing's arrows, suits, poster and lunchbox. Webby runs over to the displays in excitement like Dewey did once.

Webby: He has costumes for underwater and snow explorations! She gasps again before taking out the arrows. And high-tech arrows with his face on them! SO COOL!

Drake: I'm glad you like them.

Everyone looks up to see Drake Mallard sat on the top railing by the window ceiling, greeting them with a two-fingered salute.

Donald & Launchpad: Drake!

Drake flips off the railing and lands in front of Donald and the others.

Drake: Glad you could make it LP.

Launchpad: Are you kidding!? I wouldn't miss out on fighting actual crimes with the actual Darkwing Duck, even for Mr McD. By the way, I brought some company with me.

Donald: Hey, Drake.

Della: What's up?

Dewey: Yo!

Webby: Hi, Darkwing!

Drake: He begins shaking Donald and Della's hands one by one. It's great to see you guys again.

Della: Drake shakes Beakely's hand. Drake, you remember Mrs B, right? You met her in that stuff with Lunaris and the Moonvasion.

Drake: Of course, I remember her. You're the secret agent, lady, right?

Beakely: That I am. It's good to see you again Darkwing. It's been a long time.

Webby: Webby excitedly hops in front of him. This lair is so amazing! It's like everything I've always dreamed for a superhero hideout to look like!

Beakely: This is all rather impressive. Where do you get the money to afford a hideout such as this Drake?

Drake: Launchpad's pal, Fenton hooked me up and has been giving me a hand. He's provided all the tech and equipment and I have, his talents are wasted on that hack Gizmoduck. Between all of you, me and the motorcycle, Fenton told me he can't stand the guy.

Those who knew Fenton's alter ego as Gizmoduck cringe. Clearly, Drake still has no idea about that. Della whispers to Donald.

Della: He still doesn't know Fenton IS Gizmoduck?

Donald: No, and for both their sakes it's best that we keep our mouth shut.

Della: Agreed.

Beakely: At any rate, let's get down to business. You called us here because there've been sightings of FOWL agents in Saint Canard.

Drake: That's right. Come with me and I'll show you.

He motions everyone to follow and they do as they make their way to the main computer that is WANDA.

Drake: After that stuff with Bulba my new partner and me have kept a sharp lookout for any FOWL agents.

Webby: Partner? You mean Launchpad?

Launchpad: No, I'm the sidekick. She's the partner.

Launchpad points to the chair which turns around to reveal Gosalyn Waddlemeyer much to the joy of Dewey.

Dewey: Hey, Gosalyn!

Gosalyn: Dewey!

Overjoyed to see him Gosalyn runs up and jumps into Dewey's arms for a hug to which he gladly returns before separating holding each other's hands smiling with joy while the adults walk up to the computer.

Gosalyn: It's so good to see you again!

Dewey: It's great to see you too Gos! We haven't seen each other since that stuff in Saint Canard with Bulba and the Ramrod! How've you been?

Gosalyn: I've been doing totally awesome! It's been cool fighting crime as Darkwing's partner along with him Launchpad!

Dewey: Any epic superhero adventures you can tell me about!

Gosalyn: Oh yeah! Totally! It's been a couple of weeks and I already have a lot to tell you!

Webby: Uh…Dewey. Who's this?

Gosalyn notices Webby who's eyebrows have been lowered in confusion.

Gosalyn: So Blue, who's the girl?

Dewey steps aside for Webby to walk up to Gosalyn.

Dewey: Oh, right. I haven't introduced the both of you yet? Webby, this is Gosalyn Waddlemeyer. You know, the girl I told you I became friends with in Saint Canard.

Webby: Webby gasps in sheer excitement. You're Gosalyn!? Gosalyn Waddlemeyer! Granddaughter of Dr Thaddeus Waddlemeyer! GAAAAH!

With an insanely enthusiastic look Webby crazily shakes Gosalyn's hand much to her surprise as she feels herself shaking uncontrollably.

Webby: Ohmygosh! I've so wanted to meet you! Dewey has told me so much about you! She releases Gosalyn who's comically wobbling a little. Hi, I'm Webby! Nice to meet you.

Gosalyn shakes her head and smiles back, albeit a little weirded out.

Gosalyn: Uh…it's nice to meet you too. That's right, Gosalyn's my name. Man, you've got a really strong grip, haven't you?

Webby: Thanks!

Gosalyn: Wait a minute, what did you say you're name was again?

Webby: Webby! Webby Vanderquack!

Gosalyn: Hey, I've heard of you! You're Dewey's girlfriend! He's told me all about you!

Webby: Webby is surprised. Huh? He did? You did?

Gosalyn: Dewey nods. He sure did. Dewey's told me a lot about you. It's really nice to meet you Webby. I've wanted to meet you too ever since Dewey started talking about you.

Webby: Aww! Really, that's so sweet of you. So, what's it like being the granddaughter of a really famous scientist? How long have you been Darkwing Duck's sidekick? Do you find crime every day? Can I join in whenever I want?!

Gosalyn: Gosalyn can't help but laugh. It's only been 60 seconds and I already love this girl! You were right Dewey; your girlfriend really is one of a kind!

Dewey: Dewey blushes but then saddens. Yeah…my girlfriend.

Gosalyn: So, Webby, I bet you and Dewey have been hanging out together a lot!

Webby: Oh…uh…yeah…I-I guess you could a say that.

Gosalyn becomes concerned when she sees Webby's face drop as she holds her shoulder and looks down. She looks to Dewey.

Gosalyn: Uh… is she ok?

Dewey: Oh…well… things have been kinda awkward between us recently.

Gosalyn: Gosalyn widens her eyes in surprise. Really?

The adults share look of concern, especially Drake who's just found out about Dewey and Webby's lover's quarrel.

Drake: Did…something happen between them?

Della: Let's just say they had a bit of disagreement a couple nights ago.

Launchpad: It was all Mrs B's fault, but let's not get into that.

Donald: Beakely growls at that but ignores it. They haven't spoken that much to each other for the past couple days.

Drake: Those two seemed inseparable. How'd this happen?

Launchpad: Again, it was all Mrs B's fault.

Beakely: I think everyone gets that Launchpad.

WANDA: Suddenly WANDA turns herself on. Ooh! Sounds like trouble in Love Town!

Gosalyn: Butt out WANDA!

WANDA: I was just kidding! Drama Queen…

Webby: Webby gasps again. A talking computer that acts like Lena! Fun!

Drake: Drake takes his seat. WANDA, show our latest image and reports of FOWL Agents in Saint Canard.

WANDA: Way ahead of you there.

Wanda brings up a bunch of images, revealing eggheads breaking into what appears to be McDuck research facilities all around Saint Canard.

Donald: Who are those guys?

Della: They look like they're wearing helmets shaped like eggs.

Beakely: Those are the eggheads I mention back in Duckburg. FOWL grunts.

Launchpad: Hey, Dewey, those guys look exactly the villains we fought in our video game, right?

Dewey: I'm starting to think that was never a video game, LP.

Gosalyn: Video game?

Dewey: I'll tell you about it later.

WANDA: Since the incident with the Ramrod a bunch of these soldiers have been spotted around the city breaking into these buildings. What's strange is that these buildings are research facilities owned by Scrooge McDuck.

Donald: That's no surprise.

Webby: Yeah, who wouldn't want to steal anything from Uncle Scrooge?

WANDA: Except they haven't stolen anything?

Duck Family: Wait, what?

Drake: It's true. I've been keeping an eye on them with Launchpad and Gosalyn. Those Eggheads have been breaking into research facilities owned by Scrooge but they always leave empty-handed.

Webby: That's weird. What kind of FOWL agents break into a building but don't steal anything?

Beakely: Webbigail's right. I've fought FOWL for a long time. They wouldn't just break into a building and not steal anything. What could they be up to?

Launchpad: Maybe they're looking for something specific but just don't know where it is so they have to search every building for it.

Beakely: Everyone is taken aback to hear this from LP. That is…actually a well-reasoned deduction Launchpad.

Donald: But what could they possibly want?

Gosalyn: I think we've already got an idea of what they're after: My grandpa's documents on Solego's circuit.

Della: What!? What do you mean!?

Drake: Last night, the three of us managed to get some information when we ambushed one of the groups.


Darkwing Duck, Gosalyn and Launchpad were on the rooftop of one of Scrooge's research facilities. Gosalyn and LP are tying up a bunch of Eggheads knocked out together and Darkwing holds an unconscious Egghead by his ankle, threatening to drop him down the building. The solder screams in horror.

Darkwing: What's FOWL planning? My arm's getting tired.

Egghead: I ain't telling you jack!

Darkwing drops him down, tying a rope to his ankle and comically disorientating him by smashing him against the building before bringing the Egghead back up to the throw him onto the floor, stepping on the side of his head and he looks mad.

Darkwing: TALK! Or I'll crush every bone in your body! And you won't be walking…EVER!

While LP finishes typing up Gosalyn walks over and bends with a sly grin at the Egghead.

Gosalyn: Ooh, looks like he means it. I'd talk if I were you buddy. He doesn't normally show this side to him that much. So, if you don't want to be one of the unlucky punks who gets a traumatising interrogation then you'd be smart to give us the information we want.

Egghead: Alright! Alright! I'll talk! High Command sent us to look for hidden documents on the Solego Circuit!

Darkwing: What are you talking about!? One of your agents broke into my lair and stole the Solego Circuit plans already!

Gosalyn: Yeah, some of us still have the bruises to prove it.

Egghead: We have the plans but we need some secret documents that'll instruct us on how to harness it without destroying reality! We don't know where the documents are so High Command has been having us break into research facilities around Saint Canard that are owned by Scrooge to find them! That's all I know, I swear!

Darkwing holds him up by his ankle again and across the edge of the building. He screams in horror at the long way down.

Darkwing: You're lying! There's more you know!

Gosalyn: Why does FOWL want the Solego Circuit so badly! What's their plan?

Egghead: I don't know! I swear! I'm just an Egghead, I don't know the big stuff FOWL has planned out. All I know is that Director Buzzard has some sort of master plan and he needs Solego's circuit for it! He said it was the key!

Darkwing hears beeping and sees something red flashing inside the agent's pocket. He takes out what appears to be a communication device. Satisfied with the information he smirks.

Darkwing: Thanks for the information. I'd say we've got what we need.

Egghead: Sure, no problem. Now will you please let me go!

Darkwing: If that's what you want.

Darkwing drops the Egghead and falls down screaming. He crashes into a pine tree on the ground below which breaks his fall so he's pretty much alive. Gosalyn's eyes were widened, a little disturbed.

Egghead: You're crazy! You're completely crazy!

Gosalyn: You…did know that tree was there when you dropped him, right?

Darkwing: Of course I knew, what do I look like, a killer.

(End of Flashback)

After hearing the piece of information Drake acquired from the egghead the Duck Family are intrigued.

Webby: So the Solego Circuit is the key to whatever FOWL's planning?

Donald: What could Bradford's Master plan be? What does he want with the Solego Circuit?

Drake: That's what we're hoping to find out tonight. He gets out the communication device he stole and removes a chip from the back. We can use this to hack into FOWL's communications via a secure channel.

Beakely: Let me take a look at that.

Beakely takes the chip, inserts it into the console and a communication channel window comes up on the screen.

Heron: This Black Heron and Steelbeak to High Command.

Bradford: Heron, Steelbeak, have the both of you found the Solego Circuit documents yet?

Steelbeak: Sorry, boss, we've looked at just about every darn Scrooge lab there is and there's nothing. Are we even sure those documents are in Saint Canard?

Bradford: I'm positive. Thaddeus Waddlemeyer spent all of his research time in Saint Canard, they must be hidden somewhere in the city.

Heron: Why do we even need his documents? Steelbeak already stole the plans from the idiot Darkwing Duck.

Bradford: Combined with our resources and expertise those documents will be the key to ensure we harness the Solego Circuit without destroying all of reality. Let me know when you make progress in the search.

Heron: Yes sir.

The communications are turned off, leaving the family disturbed.

Webby: Was that Black Heron? She really is alive.

Dewey: Yeah, that lady is harder to kill than we thought.

Drake: I recognise that other voice. That's the bruiser with steel beak who broke into the lair, beat us up and stole the plans.

Donald: They're still in Saint Canard somewhere looking for the documents which means we have time to find them first.

Della: But they searched through every facility. Where could those documents even be?

Beakely: We're just gonna have to figure that out ourselves. I suggest we get into teams split up to search the documents.

Launchpad: I've got the Sunchaser parked up top on the tower.

Donald: Alright, people! Let's go get those documents before FOWL does.

Dewey: Epic superhero adventure here we come!

Drake: I'd better suit up.

Drake epically dons his Darkwing Duck outfit, presses a button that activates his cape before placing his mask and hat on. He looks up with a daring expression.

Darkwing: Let's get dangerous!

While everyone smiles Webby and Launchpad go fangirl and fanboy mode.

Scenes shift to the Cloudslayer where Donald and Della take the pilot and co-pilot seat, giving each other the thumbs up. Dewey and Beakely are stood with them.

Darkwing gets on the Ratcatcher with Launchpad sat behind and Webby and Gosalyn sat on the extra cart.

The Sunchaser takes flight from the top of the tower and Darkwing rides down the bridge rails with girls screaming for joy.



The Sunchaser flies through the night skies. As Donald and Della pilot Beakely keeps a sharp eye out the window through some binoculars, hoping to spot either Heron or Steelbeak.

Donald: Anything yet, Mrs B.

Beakely: Nothing at the moment. But we must keep searching. It's clear Bradford won't rest until he gets those documents. We can't let him achieve his master plan.

Della: We'll find him. And then we're gonna teach those fiendish FOWL foes not to mess with Duck Family.

As Beakely keeps surveying outside with her binoculars she notices Dewey sat alone in one of the seats, leaning the side of his head on one of his hands with a frown. Seeing this causes Beakely to look down in regret, knowing that Dewey's thinking about his endangered relationship with Webby. She loved seeing their relationship blossom, she totally approved her granddaughter having a boy to find true love with and she was happy for them both. But it fills her with guilt to know her pushing the kids too far, especially Webby has caused her and Dewey's relationship to be strained. Unable to accept this Beakely puts her binoculars away and walks over to Dewey.

The blue-wearing duck furrows his eyebrows when he sees Beakely sat next to her with a smile and immediately turns his head away.

Beakely: You know, I'm surprised you decided to not stay with Webby in Darkwing's team.

Dewey: Why, am I liability here?

Beakely: It's not that. I'm just surprised you didn't go on the same team as Webby…and that Gosalyn child.

Dewey: I'm just…giving Webby her space. I doubt she wants to be anywhere near me right now…after our fight.

Beakely: And I doubt that to be the case.

Dewey: Dewey glares at her. Why should you care? It's all your fault this happened to us in the first place.

Beakely: Beakely's face drops in guilt. I…can't deny the truth in that.

Dewey: Of course you can't deny it! It's because you and your stupid training Webby and I were forced to fight each other in the first place! If you hadn't tried so hard to push and kill us I'd still be in good relationship with my girlfriend but thanks to you that's all ruined now. I'm not even sure what to think about her anymore and I don't know what she thinks about me after our fight. You tried to have your granddaughter kill us all, she's lucky to have re-earned our trust! But me…I don't even know if she loves me that much anymore! I forced myself to hurt her and she was willing to hurt me, her own boyfriend, I swear there were a couple of times she almost killed me and I almost killed her. It's just crazy; I don't know what to think of it. I don't know who I am anymore or even who she is! You even wanted me to hurt her! Our relationship is messed up now and it's all your fault Bentina!

Beakely wants to be angry over the use of her first name but, knowing how right Dewey is about her actions and fault in ruining his relationship with Webby she saddens.

Beakely: Dewey…listen, I know full well that it was my actions, my rage and overly strict training that sparked the fight between you and Webby. I won't deny that I have indeed jeopardised your relationship with Webby and might possibly have destroyed. For that I am truly sorry.

Dewey: You saying sorry isn't going to fix things between me and Webby.

Beakely: I know it isn't. I just thought you should know. I'm truly deeply sorry, Dewey. The losses I suffered when I last faced FOWL was what drove my actions…but they were no excuse. I…I thought I was helping you and Webby avoid the same pain I went through…many years ago.

This actually catches Dewey's attention and he turns his head in interest.

Dewey: What do you mean?

Beakely: Dewey…did I ever tell you about my husband…Webby's grandfather.

Dewey: No…we don't know anything about your family other than Webby.

Beakely: It's…more personal for me than you realize…but you have a right to know. My husband was a great man… Beakely smiles fondly. When we first met it was love at first sight. It was as though we were meant to be together. I loved him. I loved him with all my heart. A year after we married we both became agents for SHUSH. We were partners before I met Scrooge…and we were the best team there was. And it became better when we gained a daughter and she married the man who became my son-in-law. Beakely places her hands on Dewey's shoulder. But the sad truth is…I was so caught up in my spy work that I started to become distant from my husband, daughter and son-in-law. In SHUSH and on missions it was like ballet, we were the perfect duo together. But, soon, being an agent for SHUSH was what my life was all about. It resulted in an argument between me and my family. As Dewey listens he starts to feel sympathetic for Beakely. I wanted to apologize, take back the things I said and make things right with my family… Beakely begins to cry. But, by then it was already too late. Everything was taken from me. I lost my husband to FOWL… and then years later before my final mission both my daughter and son-in-law were murdered by FOWL agents. The tears gush out off her eyes. I tried my best to fight, but…I was overrun by FOWL. I couldn't save any of them. For the first time Beakely begins to sob, albeit silently to keep her tough woman reputation. My family was gone.

Dewey: Dewey takes hold of her hand. I…I had no idea. I mean, Uncle Donald lost his parents and my brothers and I thought Mom was dead, but you…you've had it worse. You lost your husband and your daughter.

Beakely: Yes…it was all so difficult for me to cope with. I used to have so much…but I threw it all away and because of that…I lost everything. I didn't even know I had a granddaughter. She smiles fondly through her tears. But then…when I saw Webby as baby… all alone with no parents to take care of her anymore… everything changed and my life took a new purpose, much like Donald when you boys hatched from your eggs. Dewey smiles from that. I went into hiding with Scrooge and raised Webby in the mansion. I wanted to keep her safe, away from my old life so I'd never have to go through kind of loss again.

Dewey: And yet, Webby ended up adventuring anyway.

Beakely: Yes, I suppose so. She was bound to leave the mansion sooner or later and go on adventures with Scrooge. I can't really stop her from doing that, look who her grandmother is.

Dewey: She's lucky to have a cool spy grandma like you taking care of her Mrs B.

Beakely: Thank you Dewey. That…means a lot to me.

Dewey: Dewey looks down in confusion. Why are you telling me this and not Webby? Doesn't she have a right to know this too?

Beakely: She does. But you also have a right because when I saw you and Webby together, going on dates, sharing adventures and plenty of heartfelt moments together it all reminded me of my youth when I was in love. I could feel the joy my granddaughter felt whenever she was around you and I was truly happy for her. I believed there was nothing in the world that could tear you apart. But then…

Dewey: Dewey worries to see the trauma on her face. FOWL came back.

Beakely: Yes. I thought I destroyed FOWL and brought it to its knees. I thought it was all over. But then, a few weeks ago my worst nightmares were realized. The monsters who took everything from who I thought to have destroyed had come back to haunt me…and so did memories of losing my family to FOWL. I was afraid…of what they would do to us…to you and Webby. I didn't want the two of you to experience the trauma I had suffered…twice. The training I put you through was to prevent that from ever happening. I wanted to do everything I can to prepare you all so that Webby wouldn't have to experience the pain of the people she loves and those who love her back. Her expression is filled with shame and regret. But…I was too stubborn to realize my actions in pushing you all and training you like a FOWL agent was only making me and Webby look like monsters. I let my own darkness control me and turn me into the monster that I devoted my life to fighting. I failed to realize that I destroyed the wonderful relationship you and Webby shared… not FOWL. And for that, I am sorry. I'm not trying to make an excuse for my actions. I just felt you had the right to know.

Dewey: After hearing that…and your story…I think I understand now why you went through all that trouble Mrs B.

Beakely: Beakely takes Dewey's hand with a pleading look. Dewey. You must promise me that you'll always love Webby and look after her. Don't end up like me and my husband. Our relationship was strained because I was too obsessed with spy work to make time for my family. I don't want the two of you to go through what I went through. I want the both of you to be happy together no matter what.

Dewey: Mrs B, of course I love Webby. I'll always love Webby. Dewey looks down in regret and sadness. It's just that…I don't know if Webby loves me anymore…not after what I did. I hurt her Mrs B. I gave her a black eye and I almost killed her.

Beakely: You were only doing what you felt was right in your heart. You were protecting your brother and sister-in-arm. I'm sure Webby understands. You're a good person, Dewey. A far better person than I ever was. I know it, Webby knows it, we all know it.

Dewey: But she's been avoiding me! I'm scared she's still partly mad at me for our fight and I can't blame her. I don't know how I can ever approach her after that.

Beakely: Beakely places a comforting hand on his shoulder. Or perhaps Webby is avoiding you because she's afraid part of you hasn't forgiven her. Dewey widens his eyes in surprise. Perhaps Webby is scared because she' doesn't know what you think of her anymore.

Dewey: You mean…Webby's afraid of me? She's afraid I'll hurt her again.

Beakely: No Dewey. She's afraid that you want nothing to do with her. She's afraid that your feelings are still hurt…and so she doesn't know how to approach you.

Dewey: I…never really thought of it that way before. But what if you're wrong, Mrs B?

Beakely: Go to her, Dewey. Make amends. I've known Webby for 11 years and if there's anything I've learned about my granddaughters it's that she's never one to hold a grudge. More than anything in the world she loves you, no matter what either of you do. And if you want a better life than mine or Scrooge's look after the people who love you…or don't. It's your choice.

Dewey takes Beakely's words into contemplation. For the past days he's been afraid to really speak to Webby due to his fear of how she sees him now but he never thought about how Webby was thinking. Dewey gives Beakely a real smile.

Dewey: I…can't really say I understand everything you said, but I hope to… someday.

Beakely: That is all I ask. Believe me, I am always just trying to understand.

Dewey: I do know this though, I don't want to lose Webby, we've been best friends ever since we met and I'm not about to lose what we have. So…I think I'm ready to talk to her. I'm still not sure what Webby thinks of me now…but it's better than this silence between. I just hope she'll forgive me.

Beakely: I'm sure she will, Dewey. Just be sincere and honest.

Dewey: For the first time in three days I actually feel better. Thanks Mrs B.

Beakely: I'm glad I could help you dear. After all, this was my fault.

Dewey: You were doing what you had to because FOWL scarred you for life. Anyone would go crazy from that. None of us hold it against you.

And with that Beakely and Dewey share a hug, officially making amends themselves. Donald and Della watched and overheard them both, the Duck Twins share a smile before winking at one another.

Meanwhile Darkwing's team had split into two. Darkwing was with Launchpad on the rooftop of a tall building. The caped superhero sat on a gargoyle sticking out from the corners of the building, using binoculars to survey the city. Launchpad was doing the same on the edge of the roof near him.

Darkwing: See anything yet, LP.

Launchpad: Sorry DW, I've got nothing. Not a single Egghead or FOWL guy sight.

Darkwing: Keep looking, they're likely to crawl out of hiding sooner or later. He gets out a communicator. This is DW to Gosalyn. Where are you?

Gosalyn speaks from the other side.

Gosalyn: Webby and I are at the park. So far there's no sign of any eggheads or that guy with the steel beak. We'll let you know if we find anything.

Darkwing: Be careful kid, those villains could jump out from out of nowhere and surprise you. Stay sharp.

Gosalyn: Don't worry. I don't need to be careful of them; they need to be careful of ME.

Darkwing: Darkwing smirks. That is true, you have a point. DW out.

Gosalyn is in the main park, stuffing her communicator in her pocket after Darkwing hangs up. She has her hands in her pockets, looking around for any clues in the park but so far nothing.

Gosalyn: Come on! How hard is it to find some guys wearing egg-shaped helmets and an idiot with a steel beak? Webby, what should we-? Webby…?

Gosalyn sees Webby sadly sat down on the bench looking down in sadness, regret and self-loathing. Knowing what her problem is Gosalyn walks up to her new friend with a smile.

Gosalyn: Hey, you okay?

Webby: I want so say yes, but…I'm not.

Gosalyn: Mind if I sit next to you.

Webby: Webby smiles a little. Sure, I could use someone to talk to.

Gosalyn sits next to Webby and the girls talk.

Gosalyn: You know when Dewey mentioned you he said you were more happy and energetic, you know kind of like what I saw in the lair.

Webby: Normally, I would be, but…with what's been happening for me and Dewey…I'm just not sure if I'm bothered to be that happy at the moment.

Gosalyn: What was it that happened between you and Dewey, anyway? I swear from how he talked about you the two of you seemed like the best couple ever.

Webby: Well…

Gosalyn: You don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to. I don't want to push you.

Webby: No, it's okay, you have a right to know.

Gosalyn: So…what happened?

Webby explained everything to Gosalyn, the events that occurred after Taurus Bulba and the Ramrod, the training she and Beakely gave to Dewey, Huey and Violet, attacking her friends and boyfriend from every corner, terrifying them, creepily impersonating Dewey to scare Huey, breaking Huey's ankle and his insanity, her realization, her fight with Dewey, her fight with Beakely, Donald protecting them, her apology to her friends and finally snapping Beakely back to her senses. Gosalyn was horrified with what she had listened too, she had no idea things were that bad. Dewey and Webby's fight was what horrified her the most, especially the part where Dewey gave his girlfriend a black eye.

Gosalyn: So…let me get this straight. After being told about FOWL's return you and your spy grandma tried to prepare your friends for them but it ended up turning into torture with you attacking and terrifying them from every corner, driving Huey to insanity, ambushing your hummingbird sister and giving a creepy but perfect impersonation of Dewey.

Webby: Pretty much, yeah.

Gosalyn: And then you injured Huey and because of that you and Dewey got into a fight, a really big fight which ended with Dewey punching you so many times until you got a black eye.

Webby: That's accurate.

Gosalyn: By the time you realized what you'd done your friends were already scared of you. And when you refused to hurt them anymore you and your grandma go into a fight which eventually ended with you almost getting killed by her until Donald stepped in and stood up for you.

Webby: Yeah. In the end I apologised to my friends, especially Dewey. And so did Granny, but…the damage had already been done. Dewey and I became unsure about our feelings to each other after that, so…we decided to take a break to sort out our feelings…even though he said he forgives me.

Gosalyn: Wow…that's rough. I-I'm so sorry, Webby.

Webby: Why? You weren't the one the one who traumatised your friends and nearly killed your boyfriend. I was so horrible. I attacked my friends at every corner, terrified them and became the monster my Granny had devoted her life to fighting. If Dewey hadn't stepped in I might've actually killed poor Huey. I just don't know who I am anymore, Gosalyn. Webby hugs her knees crying and sobbing. Gosalyn does her best to provide comfort. After what I did I don't think Dewey wants anything to do with me anymore. He's been avoiding me for the past days. I want to talk to him, but…I don't know what to say or how to approach him. Part of him must still be mad at him for what I did that night and I can't blame him. It's just that whenever I get so excited about something like training my friends to be ready for FOWL I jump right in with my gut instinct and I assume it's what everyone else wants too. I never consider how people I love are affected by whatever I do. I mean…I hurt poor Huey and Violet. I even lost my temper with Dewey and now he's crushed by the guilt of hurting me. I'm a terrible girlfriend and I'm a horrible friend overall. I hurt Dewey's feeling and I ended up hurting Huey and Violet too. I just don't know what to do.

Gosalyn: Gosalyn smiles in comfort. Yeah, you're a horrible friend alright, but hey…so am I.

Webby: Huh? What do you mean?

Gosalyn: Gosalyn saddens. Did Dewey ever tell you about my grandpa, Dr Thaddeus Waddlemeyer?

Webby: Webby gives a look of sorrow and sympathy. He did. He told me how your grandpa got caught in a Ramrod blast a couple of years ago and got sent to another dimension. Darkwing, Dewey, Donald, Launchpad and everyone else did their best to help you get him back but in the end you had no choice but to destroy the Ramrod to save all of reality. I'm so sorry you lost your family, Gosalyn. I can't imagine what you're going through. I mean…I never met my grandpa. All I know is that he died in a SHUSH assignment. You've known your grandpa your whole life and now he's stuck in another dimension. It must be so hard for you.

Gosalyn: Thank you, Webby. I appreciate it the sentiment. I miss my grandpa but…I know he's out there somewhere and one day I'm sure I'll get him back. When I teamed up with Darkwing, Dewey, Launchpad and Donald to save him things weren't going like I hoped. I ignored the dangers that were happening because I was desperate to get my grandfather. I thought I could just beat up a supervillain and force him to let us in to Bulba's lab where the Ramrod was, without thinking of a plan, the reality of the situation or what would happen to me. I didn't care about any of that. And then when I got tired of running I tried to find a supervillain by myself. Dewey tried to stop me and we got into a fight too. Webby gasps in horror and Gosalyn waves her hands in reassurance. But don't worry, it wasn't a physical fight. It was more of an angry, verbal fight… Gosalyn looks down in regret. I said some awful things to Dewey. He got angry, I got angry, I accused Darkwing of not trying hard enough to get my grandpa back, I said something insensitive that got on Dewey's nerves and it almost did escalate to a physical fight until we got attacked by Megavolt, Liquidator and eventually Quackerjack. Dewey insisted we attack together but I acted like an idiot and just charged in without thinking. As a result I got beaten, tossed around like a ragdoll and almost my life.

Webby: How did you survive?

Gosalyn: I survived…because of Dewey. I shout some arrows that Liquidator. I thought that was it for me…but when I opened my eyes I found Dewey had taken he shots for me. My arrows pierced his body.

Webby: Webby gasps in sheer horror and shock. Ohmygosh… Dewey…

Gosalyn: He was barely alive. Luckily my arrows missed his vital points…but he was still bleeding and I was receiving an even bigger beating than before until Darkwing and Launchpad swooped and saved the both of us. But it didn't change the fact that me being a completely reckless idiot and not accepting reality as it was almost killed the both of us. What you said about jumping in without thinking about how your actions affect the people around you…it reminded of myself. I acted that way too.

Webby: You did?

Gosalyn: Yeah. I was so desperate to find my Grandpa I just kept jumping into danger and attacking head on without thinking. I acted like a spoilt brat; I never once thought about how hard Darkwing was trying in finding a way to bring my grandpa back and Dewey got injured protecting.

Webby: Then you…understand how I feel.

Gosalyn: Yeah. We've both done stupid things that hurt the people we care about, especially Dewey. I was afraid Dewey had been killed after that…but…he survived. Gosalyn smiles sweetly and fondly. Dewey Duck…he's one tough boyfriend of yours. I really like that about him.

Webby: Webby smiles proudly for Dewey. Yeah. He sure is. Dewey's the strongest guy I've ever know. No one could possibly be as tough as he is…except for maybe Donald and Darkwing.

Gosalyn: And he's not just tough. He's really kind too. He protected and sacrificed himself for me even after I insulted and yelled at him for no reason. He almost died for me. Not only that, he wanted to help me more than anyone in trying to get my grandpa back. He told me all about his Mom.

Webby: Dewey's Mom got lost in outer space for 11 years. The both of us were investigating about a year ago.

Gosalyn: Yeah. After telling me that I realized just how much in common I have with him and what a brat I've been. But…despite all that he never held grudge against me…even though it was all my fault he got hurt in the first place. He called me his friend. He invite me to join your little friendship circle.

Webby: Webby smiles proudly for Dewey. That all sounds like Dewey, alright. He's so sweet, sensitive, kind and is willing to lay down his life for his friends and family. He's risked his life so many times to save me and he's not really one to hold a grudge. It's one of the many things that I love so much about him.

Gosalyn: It's what I love about him too. Dewey's the first ever friend I made ever since I lost my grandpa. When we became friends, I felt a really close connection to him.

Webby: WHAT!?

Gosalyn: Gosalyn frantically waves his hands. No, no, no, no! A close friend type connection, not a romantic connection.

Webby: Oh. Okay, sorry, didn't mean to almost jump to conclusion.

Gosalyn: Meh. It's fine, that's a natural girlfriend reaction, it happens. Gosalyn places her hands on Webby's shoulder. What I'm trying to say here Webby is that Dewey still loves you. He always will.

Webby: What makes you so sure, Gos?

Gosalyn: Because I've had a lot of conversations with the guy and for most of the time he'd end up talking about you.

Webby: Really?

Gosalyn: Yeah. And it was kind of annoying.

Webby: Webby's face drops. Oh. Sorry.

Gosalyn: But it was also very sweet. Dewey kept talking about how amazing you were, he told me you were sweet, beautiful, really energetic and enthusiastic and how you always see the best in everyone. Those are many of the things that he truly loves about you the most Webby.

Webby: He really said that about me.

Gosalyn: Yeah. After hearing Dewey say all that about you I don't think he holds a grudge against you, not one bit. I mean if Dewey can forgive me for accidentally insulting how much he cares about his Mom then I'm sure he can forgive you too.

Webby: But then why's he been avoiding me? Does he really feel that guilty about the black eye thing?

Gosalyn: It might be that and he might be afraid that part of you is mad at him and wants to break up with him. So, he doesn't know how to approach you.

Webby: But I don't want to break up with Dewey. He means the world to me. I don't want to lose any of that.

Gosalyn places a hand on a nervous Webby's shoulder again as she gives an encouraging smile.

Gosalyn: Then go and talk to Dewey. Tell him how sorry you are and remind him how much you truly love him.

Webby: But what if he doesn't forgive me?

Gosalyn: You have to at least try, Webs. If you keep putting this off things will never get right between the two of you. You don't want things to be so awkward forever, do you?

Webby: Webby is nervous but she sees a point and relents. I guess you're right. I have to at least talk to Dewey. I feel like if I don't I might never forgive myself. Webby smiles fondly at Webby. If Dewey does still feel guilty and is afraid of what I think of him then he has the right just to remember how much he means to me and that I'll always love him. That's how I'll "Dewey" it! And just to be clear, that's how Dewey uses his name as a catchphrase.

Gosalyn: That's the spirit, Webs! Take it from me; everything will work out in the end because you have your family to support you. I may have lost my old family…but I've found a new one in Darkwing, Launchpad, Dewey, Donald, everyone who tried to help me save grandpa.

Webby holds Gosalyn's hand, giving a look of gratitude.

Webby: You've also found a new family in me. Thank you Gosalyn; I really needed that. Talking with you has really made me feel better and for the first in a couple days I feel like myself again.

Gosalyn: I'm glad I could help bring back that smile Dewey told me he loved to see so much.

Webby: Aww! That's sweet. You know, after this talk of ours, I'm starting to see you and I have a lot in common.

Gosalyn: Gosalyn chuckles a little. I guess we do.

Both Webby and Gosalyn burst out laughing over realizing the things they have in common before the pink loving duck wraps her arms around brown-coloured duck for a hug. Gosalyn gladly returns it and the embrace. Webby pulls back, holding Gosalyn's hands.

Webby: You know, if you want to see our friendship circle is really like up close you should come over to Duckburg for a sleepover with me and my friends.

Gosalyn: You know, Dewey once suggested I visit you guys in Duckburg and I have been thinking about it.

Webby: Don't think! Come with us! Trust me, sleepovers are so fun! You'd love to meet my sisters, Lena and Violet. You'd especially love Lena, she's the coolest girl ever! She's as sassy as you are!

Gosalyn: Really? Now I'm starting to wanna meet this Lena? You and your sisters sound pretty close.

Webby: Webby gets excited. Like you wouldn't believe! The both of them are family that you choose! We share secrets and have sleepovers together almost all the time! This one time we walked through a bog! She holds out her friendship bracelet. And we share these colourful matching friendship bracelets.

Gosalyn: I think saw Dewey and his brothers wear one of those.

Webby: Oh yeah! We make friendship bracelets for everyone part of our circle of friends.

Gosalyn: Cool, cool. Does…this mean I'm getting a friendship bracelet too.

Webby: Of course! If you could do this one favour for me!

Gosalyn: Gosalyn raises an eyebrow, intrigued. Which would be?

Webby: Can I take a look at your crossbow? I love crossbows!

Gosalyn: Gosalyn smiles at that. Sure, why not?

Gosalyn brings out her crossbow for Webby to examine closely with her classic joyful expression. She gently rubs it with the baby-doll eyes.

Webby: It's so beautiful.

Gosalyn: It's actually homemade. I made it myself.

Webby: A homemade crossbow! That's so amazing.

Webby takes the crossbow off of Gosalyn's hands for a closer examination only to end up accidentally firing it, taking the girls aback. What surprises them was when it disappeared out of view it ended up hitting someone and causing the person to yelp.


Gosalyn and Webby gasp before making a run for it and hiding in the play slide castle. Emerging from behind a tree was Black Heron and Steelbeak (who had the arrow stuck in his head). He removes it, growling angrily as he surveys the park only to find no one.

Steelbeak: I thought for sure some idiot fired and arrow from this direction.

Heron: Forget about it. Whoever it was is gone now. We have more important things to focus on right now, Steelbeak.

Graves: Indeed.

The two FOWL agents turn around to face none other than the world's most dangerous hitman, Falcon Graves after being freed from prison and getting recruited into FOWL.

Graves: We still need to find those hidden Solego Circuit documents.

When Webby sees Graves she gasps in shock.

Webby: Falcon Graves!?

Gosalyn: You know him?

Webby: He's a high level hitman our family's encountered 3 times now. Last time we was when we threw him in jail. He must've escaped and now he's working for FOWL.

Gosalyn: Yikes! He must really hate you guys.

Webby: He hates Uncle Donald, Aunt Daisy, Huey and Dewey more than anyone but yeah, he was pretty mad when we threw him in jail.

Gosalyn: And that guy with the steel beak. He's the one that broke into our lair, beat us up and stole the Solego Circuit documents.

The three FOWL agents conversed with one another, trying to figure out where to find the documents.

Heron: I still don't understand why we need to waste our time looking for some silly documents. As it stands right now we could use the Solego Circuit plans to bend all of reality to our will.

Graves: Perhaps, but it's not in our place to question Heron. Director Buzzard has made it clear he's not interested in outlandish super-villainy. He prefers to rule the world in a subtle manner. Plus, last time the Solego Circuit was recklessly used almost all of reality was destroyed. These documents combined with FOWL's expertise will ensure that is not the case.

Steelbeak: We've searched about every Scrooge facilities in this dumb city and we couldn't find any documents. Where the heck could the doc have hidden them!?

Heron: I'm not quite sure. We're just gonna have to expand our search to any places that Dr Waddlemeyer would often go. Come. We have work to do gentlemen.

The villains walk off into the distance and the girls had just listened into everything.

Webby: Did you hear that?

Gosalyn: They've searched every McDuck facility in Saint Canard and they still haven't found those documents.

Webby: …Which means there's still time for us to find the documents. But if they aren't in Scrooge's research facilities where could they be? Gosalyn, you knew your grandpa better than anyone. Wasn't there any place he loved going to you think he might've hidden the documents in.

Gosalyn: I…I don't know. Grandpa and I went out whenever we could but he spent a lot of time building and working on the Ramrod in Scrooge's main research facility and back home. Suddenly it hits Gosalyn and she widens her eyes in realization. Wait… home… home…

Webby: She suddenly gasps. Gosalyn?

Gosalyn: Of course! She gets out her communicator. This is Gosalyn to everyone, I think I've figured out where Grandpa hid those documents!

Sometime later everyone was together again. Donald, Dellam Dewey, Webby, Launchpad, Beakely, Darkwing and Gosalyn were at woods stood in front of a normal house made out of wood. This was Gosalyn's old home.

Dewey: So…this is your house, Gos.

Gosalyn: Yeah. This was where my grandpa and me lived before he disappeared. It's…been a long time since I've been here. I never thought I'd actually come back like this.

Darkwing: I guess it would make sense. Hiding important documents in your own home because it'd be too obvious does make it a good hiding place.

Donald: Let's get inside and see for ourselves if those documents are here or not.

The door was locked so Della got out a hairpin which she uses to pick the lock until it opens much to everyone's surprise.

Della: What? Louie's not the only one who picks locks. I used to do that all the time when we were kids.

Donald: Some things never change.

They walk inside and now the family finds themselves inside a nicely decorated room with stairs, a kitchen, a living room with couches, television, a fireplace and plenty of decors that makes it look very nice and liveable. They all take a look around.

Dewey: For a wooden house, this place looks kinda nice. You had a pretty cool home Gosalyn.

Gosalyn: Gosalyn smiles from fond memories with her grandpa. Yeah, I sure did. This place may not be a giant mansion like yours but it's still home and it holds a lot of memories for me.

Darkwing: Let's start searching.

The search for the documents begin, Launchpad searches around the bathroom, even looking into the toilet.

Beakely and Della search around the kitchen.

Donald and Darkwing look around the living room.

Dewey, Webby and Gosalyn were in the latter's old room who looks around reminiscing as the others search threw drawers and under the bed.

Gosalyn: My old room…just as I remember it.

She remembers as it was before, filled with tools for making her crossbows, a target for darts and practicing her arrows, some archers, posters, plenty of things that made this room hers. Dewey and Webby look at her in concern.

Dewey: You okay, Gos?

Gosalyn: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just…reminiscing.

Webby: It's hard to forget about old times, isn't it?

The entire group is now inside Dr Waddlemeyer's old workshop, the last place Gosalyn saw her grandfather when he discovered there was a flaw in the Ramrod programming. They continue searching around, looking through papers, old blueprints and drawers.

Webby: What are all these blueprints for.

Gosalyn: Oh, mainly home stuff like washing machines, toasters, that kind of stuff. Some of the other blueprints involved big plans my grandpa had.

Beakely: For a famous scientist, Dr Waddlemeyer has had a strangely unsuccessful life.

Gosalyn: Yeah, a lot of my grandpa's big inventions before he discovered Solego Circuit weren't really all that successful. I mean, he and Bulba won a lot of rewards together and all but when it came to science in the business department it was a bit of a struggle. She smiles fondly. But of course, no matter how badly his inventions failed Grandpa always used those mistakes to keep improving. The Ramrod was supposed to be a big breakthrough for him.

Darkwing: He sounded like a great guy.

Gosalyn Yeah…he was.

Gosalyn looks at a picture of herself as a baby being held in her grandfather's arm. She takes the frame and gives it a longing look. She smiles through the tears welling up through her eyes until she notices Darkwing place a hand on her shoulder with a soft smile.

Darkwing: You really miss your grandpa, don't you, Gosalyn?

Gosalyn: Yeah…I do. I miss having him around me. My grandfather wasn't just smart…he was so wise; he gave me great tips on life and always being happy. I never knew who my parents were and I never met my grandmother. It was always just him and me.

Darkwing: I'm sorry.

Gosalyn: Don't be. I mean…my life wasn't that bad before, I always counted on my grandpa for support, he knew exactly what to say and talking to him always made me feel better. Gosalyn saddens. That's why…him disappearing from my life had such a big impact on me overall.

Darkwing: I can understand how you feel there. I always counted on my parents for support too. They were always there for me when I was kid. But…when they got shot down by some punk with a gun…my life was ruined…at least it was when watching Darkwing Duck inspired me to get back up and start anew.

Gosalyn: Gosalyn smiles warmly. Darkwing Duck has done that for me too. Or maybe I should say… you've done that for me too. I mean…if I hadn't met you Darkwing I probably would've remained alone for the rest of my life. Seeing you fight for me… fight for all of us, including my grandpa despite not having met him… it really inspired me to keep going too. She touches Darkwing's hand gently. That's why I was willing to destroy the Ramrod in the first place. My old family might be missing for now… but I've got a new family right here. And I've found it in you… Drake.

Darkwing: Darkwing is touched to hear this from her. That means a lot to me Gosalyn. But I meant what I said before. One day when the chance comes I'll help you bring your grandpa back from whatever dimension he's stuck in. I don't when or how… but I will.

A touched Gosalyn jumps into Darkwing's arms for a hug and he gladly returns it. Meanwhile the family has searched every corners of the workshop but there's no sign of any documents.

Dewey: Man! Waddlemeyer's blueprints are everywhere!

Launchpad: I can't find any documents!

Beakely: Tarter Sauce! Those documents must be somewhere in here!

Webby: But if they're not here then where are they?

Gosalyn: No! They've got to be here! I know in my heart Grandpa hid the documents somewhere in his workshop. This was the last place I saw him after all. Something that important has got to be here.

Donald: But we've searched everywhere. If they're in here where could they be?

Della: Hmm.

Della searches around using her observations skills to find the perfect place to store hidden documents or something that might reveal those documents. She spots a portrait of Dr Waddlemeyer with Gosalyn in her secondary outfit and it hits her. It's classic to hide something important via the thing you cherish the most.

Della: I think I have an idea.

Della walks over to the portrait and sees the bolts are in all 4 corners sticking it to the wall.

Della: She held out her hand. Screwdriver.

Launchpad hands one over and she unscrews all 4 bolts, allowing her to remove the portrait from the wall and to everyone's surprise hidden behind the portrait was a mini-computer of some sort with keys stuck to it.

Gosalyn: Keen gear!

Dewey: I did not see that coming!

Donald: A hidden computer panel.

Della: Ha! Classic hiding spot, you hide something important behind or underneath the things you cherish the most.

Gosalyn: Gosalyn was touched. Grandpa…

Beakely: Let me take a look at it.

Beakely walks up to the computer panel and turns it on. the screen shows a password block requiring 7 letters.

Beakely: It seems we need to type in a password to go any further. And it requires 7 letters.

Donald: Any ideas on what it could be?

Launchpad: I know! The password is "Crash!" They all deadpan at Launchpad who merely throws his hands up. That's the first thing I always try when it comes to passwords and stuff.

Darkwing: I think we're gonna need a more obvious and logical password than that LP.

Dewey: Gos, is there a word or any catchphrase your grandpa used all the time.

Gosalyn: Sorry, Grandpa was never really one for catchphrases.

Webby: It could take forever to research what the password is.

Della: No need, I think I've already figured out what the password is.

Donald: All eyes are now on Della. How would you know? You never even knew Dr Waddlemeyer.

Della: Don't have to. I just have to know what he's like and then see all the angles. How close would you say you and your Grandpa were Gos?

Gosalyn: Well, really close. Almost like a father and daughter relationship. Why do you ask?

Della: The password is 7 letters so…

Della walks up to the panel with a smirk and types.

Della: G-O-S-A-L-Y-N.

After typing in Gosalyn's name the screen flashes green and a tick forms much to everyone's happiness as they exclaim with joy.

Donald: Yeah!

Webby: It worked!

Darkwing: Yes! Alright!

Beakely: Well done, Della!

Della boastfully jerks a thumb at herself and Gosalyn is touched and surprised.

Della: No one can see the angles like I can.

Gosalyn: My grandpa uses my name for his password.

Webby: Webby places a hand on her shoulder. Looks like you're more important to him than you realized Gos.

Suddenly, the family hear metallic sounds and turn their heads to see the floor behind them revealing a hole. A metallic filing cabinet of some sort emerges from it. Everyone looks to Launchpad and he walks up to it. LP opens up the middle drawer and is immediately disappointed with what he find.

Launchpad: Aww… just one lame file. Oh well.

Darkwing: Darkwing stops him from closing it. No! No, no, no!

The caped hero takes out the file and opens it up. There were a bunch of papers clipped onto the file and one the first page were a bunch of formulas and mathematical equations but what gave away its identity was the Solego Circuit symbol on the top left hand corner.

Darkwing: This is it! Everyone, look!

Darkwing presents the files and the family gasps with joy to see the Solego Circuit symbol.

Donald: The Solego Circuit symbol!

Webby: That must be it! The secret Solego Circuit documents that FOWL has been searching for!

Dewey: We did it! We beat FOWL to it!

Darkwing: Now that we've found them we need to find a safe place for these documents! I'd suggest m lair but considering FOWL knows its location and one of its members broke into it before we need to store it in a different location.

Beakely: We should take them back to Scrooge in Duckburg. The documents will safer in McDuck Manor.

Donald: Good idea Mrs B!

Gosalyn: Well, what are we waiting for!? Let's go!

The gang had just exited the wooden house and were making their way towards the Cloudslayer but a whistle caught their attention. The moment they turn back two boulders are thrown, comically crushing Donald and Darkwing.

Della & Dewey: Don/Uncle Donald!

Launchpad & Gosalyn: DW/Darkwing!

Stood on the house's roof was Steelbeak, Graves and Black Heron all grinning evilly after the men threw the boulders, incapacitating Donald and Darkwing.

Heron: Well, well, what do we have here?

Steelbeak: Uh…we have the Ducks right here in front of us.

Heron: Yes, obviously, I know that dummy! It was a rhetorical question!

Webby & Beakely: Black Heron!

Dewey & Launchpad: Steelbeak!

Dewey: You're the same guy from my video game! So then it's true! You're really real for real! You aren't a video game boss at all!

Steelbeak: So, you dum-dums aren't that dumb after all. Of course I'm real!

Webby: Huey and Violet told us about almost getting assassinated by rooster with a steel beak. You're him!

Steelbeak: In feathers!

Della: Della points a finger at Graves. Hey, I remember you! You're that Falcon guy who tried to kill us at Emma Glamour's party.

Dewey: Falcon Graves! You work for FOWL!?

Graves: Indeed I do. Director Buzzard's agents broke me out of prison not too long ago. I've been working with them ever since to get revenge on the pests who had me sent to jail and ruined my reputation as the world's top hitman.

Beakely: How'd you know we'd be here?

Heron: Our intel told us that you were all in Saint Canard, 22. We couldn't find the Solego documents but we knew you could. So we followed you all here to the former home of Dr Waddlemeyer. Now that you've found the documents your usefulness has been exceeded. She holds out her cyborg arm. Now hand them over to us.

Gosalyn: Gosalyn clutches the documents close to her chest. Never!

Steelbeak: Suit yourselves.

Steelbeak and Graves jump down, prompting Della to summon Godslayer lunge at the former. She thrusts her blade only for Steelbeak to easily dodge and attack with his beak.

Steelbeak: CHOMP!

He catches Godslayer by chomping it with his metal beak before spinning and tossing Della away, sending her screaming into Launchpad, incapacitating the both of them. Beakely then lunges forward to throw a fast punch at Steelbeak only for Graves to easily catch her wrist before delivering a punch in the stomach and then tossing her away. She shouts and slams into a tree, knocking her out too.

Dewey: Run Gos!

Webby: Get those documents out of here!

Dewey and Webby dash forth and jump to attack the male agents but Heron sends out a blast of electricity from her arm that electrocutes them and they scream in pain. Gosalyn quickly makes a run for it with the documents but Heron jumps down right in front of her.

Heron: Going somewhere little brat.

Gosalyn gets out her crossbow only for Heron to quickly knock it away with her robot arm and then grab Gosalyn by her neck, lifting her up. She chokes and struggles to escape until Heron sends her flying and screaming away with another electric shock and she slams into her old house hard, dropping to the floor as she loses the documents. Steelbeak walks over to pick them up.

Steelbeak: I'll be taking these.

Gosalyn: NO! Give those back!

Gosalyn lunges at Steelbeak only for the rooster to knee her right into the wall, causing her to scream in pain and lose consciousness. Webby then jumps onto the back of his head and pulls his hair, causing him to shout and stumble around.

Webby: Give back those documents you bad baddy-!

Steelbeak was able to yank her right off and tosses her at Graves who lands a punch in the stomach that makes Webby scream. She's sent flying towards Black Heron who catches her in her robot hand. Electricity surges and Webby begins screaming in pain as she gets electrocuted. Heron snickers as Webby keeps screaming louder, but when Heron gets a good look at Webby up close she widens her eyes and stops electrocuting her.

Heron: Wait a minute. There's something familiar about you… I feel like I've seen you somewhere before… a long time ago. But when and what capacity?

Webby is covered in bruises and marks, groaning as she struggles to open her eyes. Heron narrows her eyes in suspicion. One good look at Webby and all of sudden her face is replaced with that of a baby. Heron gasps in sheer shock and realization.

Heron: It's you…! It's actually you! You were in front of me this whole time and I didn't even realize it! She looks to Beakely and back to Webby. Of course! It makes sense now! 22's final mission, you with her, the McDucks, everything! I should've realized it sooner!

Webby: W-what are you talking about…?

Heron: My dear, Director Buzzard will be pleased to have you? You will be the key to everything.

She electrocutes her again and Webby screams in agony until her head drops in unconsciousness. Steelbeak and Graves gather around her grinning.

Heron: We've got what we came for… and we've got a little added bonus, the key to everything! Let's get back to our plane.

Heron, Steelbeak and Graves run off but Dewey was able to get up holding his shoulders and watches the villains run off with Webby much to his anger.

Dewey: You're not taking Webby, not as long as I'm around!

The agents run inside what appears to be a silver plane a bit smaller than the Cloudslayer but loaded with weapons. An egghead was piloting the plane and Steelbeak appears next to him.

Steelbeak: We got what we came here for! Get us out of here dum-dum!

The Egghead obeys his superior, closing up the ramp and taking off.

The plane now flies through the air. Graves is with Steelbeak proudly holding the Solego documents in his hands.

Graves: With these documents in our hand FOWL is a step closer to achieving its master plans.

Steelbeak: But why do we need the pink gal? How could she possibly help us?

Heron: Heron holds up Webby who's still unconscious. Dear Steelbeak, Webby is far more valuable than you realize. Her very presence will be the key to ensure the success in the last stage of our Master Plan.

Dewey: Whatever you're planning, leave Webby out of it!

They widen their eyes to hear that voice. Dropping down from the ceiling was Dewey who lands on his feet and gets up with a daring look.

Steelbeak: You again!?

Heron: How did you get on our plane!?

Dewey: I used my chameleon powers to sneak aboard you plane! You're gonna give back my girlfriend or I'll give you all the beating of a lifetime!

The villains just laugh at that as Heron tosses Webby away before firing bolas from her arm that ensnare Webby as she lands on one of the seats.

Graves: You should've stayed on the ground where it wouldn't have been 3 against 1 boy.

Steelbeak: Steelbeak brings out two hand blasters. You're dead kid.

Dewey: Not on your lifetime pal! I've got this baby!

Dewey grins and summons Ultima Weapon but to his surprise it instantly disappears.

Dewey: What the-!?

Heron: Looks like your Keyblade has abandoned you. A blade emerges from Heron's arm. Get him.

The Agents of FOWL charge Dewey and he quickly summons his Quad Blasters. He fires a barrage of shots from them, but Heron is able to expertly deflect every single one of them with her sword. Steelbeak leapt up to impale Dewey with his beak but he quickly steps back before flipping around the agent and the jumping far back to fire multiple shots at Steelbeak which he dodges and deflects with his beak. He ducks a blow from Graves before flipping back while firing a bunch of shots and slides underneath Heron's sword, followed up with a backward cartwheel. Heron thrusts but Dewey rolls beneath her before jumping and sending her stumbling back with a kick to the face. Heron turns to slash but Dewey leaps to bounce off the back of her head.

Steelbeak then unleashes a barrage of shots from his blasters and Heron continues gracefully slashing with her blade, prompting Dewey to go on the defensive sliding back before leaping up and hanging onto the top part of the wall while firing more shots.

Dewey: Why do you want Webby!?

Heron: That's none of your concern boy!

Heron unleashes a missile from her robot arm and Steelbeak fires a laser shot. Dewey jumps off the wall the small explosion was strong enough to catch him and send him flying down. He bounced across the floor until Graves grabs his leg, banging him around the floor and wall. He tosses him away and Dewey screams before hitting the floor hard. Dewey is grabbed by his throat and Graves picks him up.

Dewey: Whatever you want to do leave Webby out of it! She has nothing to do with you!

Heron: Oh, but that's where you're wrong blue one. Webby is far more valuable than you realize. There's so much you don't know.

Dewey: Wouldn't be the first time.

Dewey throws a couple of small grenades that sends Graves stumbling back with an electric shock. Heron catches Dewey off guard and slices him across the chest. Dewey shouts in pain, stumbling back. He quickly summons his Laser Sabres to cross and catch Heron's next slash before pushing her off and ramming his shoulder to send her flying back. Steelbeak swings his guns and Dewey quickly parries before jumping to thrust downward with one sabre only for Steelbeak to chomp onto it with his beak before spinning and tossing Dewey away.

Dewey shouts and slams into the pilot seat, before dropping down to the floor in front. He looks to see the FOWL agent approaching him with evil grins, ready to finish him off.

Steelbeak: Not bad for a kid.

Graves: Yes, very impressive. But in the end you're outnumbered and outclassed.

Webby was barely able to open her eyes and see her boyfriend's predicament.

Webby: Dewey…?

Dewey gets on his knees clutching his stomach and glaring at the FOWL agents before turning to the pilot controls, a grin forming on his face.

Dewey: I might not be able to outnumber or outclass you jerks but I can't definitely outsmart you! And I don't need to be Huey to do it!

Heron: Who!?

Dewey flips behind and lands on the lap of the Egghead pilot. He throws a punch in the face that knocks him out before turning to controls and stabbing it with his sabres.

Graves: NO! What have you done!?

Heron: You fool! The planes gonna go out of control-!

The agents all scream as they're suddenly thrown back.

The FOWL plane is flying straight up and as a result all the agents are forces to hang onto something as they scream for dear life. Dewey hangs onto the control and after bolas are loosened from her Webby falls down screaming towards the ramp. The controls are starting short circuit, surging with electricity that causes the ramp to open much to the horror of Webby.


Dewey looks in horror to see the ramp opening fully causing Webby to fall down screaming loudly.

Dewey: WEBBY!

Dewey leaps off the piloting seat diving down to his screaming girlfriend. He wraps an arm around her, takes out the grapple gun and fires, hooking onto the plane. It was continuing to rain heavily outside and thunder kept crackling in the air. The adventurous couple was flapping wildly under the wind and ascending plane.

Webby: Dewey! I can't hold on!

Dewey: Just hang on Webs! I'll find a way to get you out of this! I promise!

Steelbeak holds onto tightly and when he sees the hook he takes aim with his blaster and fires a shot that causes the hook to lose its grip. Dewey and Webby both scream as they fall down the raining air, disappearing from sight.

Later on at midnight it was raining heavily than ever. Luckily for Dewey and Webby the both of them survived, Dewey's clever use of Webby's grapple gun allowed them to break their fall through the trees. They're laid down together in the middle in the clearing hurt, injured, bruised, bleeding and soaked from the continuous rain and thunderstorm but their eyes were still open. Webby was hugged onto Dewey as tightly as possible, his boyfriend provided as much comfort and cover from the rain as he possibly could. They look like they could sleep.

Webby: Webby groans in pain. Dewey…?

Dewey: It's okay Webs…we'll be okay. We'll…rest here for a bit.

Webby: We can't rest out in the rain. It's freezing, we could always take shelter in that cave just over there.

Dewey: We'll just… rest here… for now.

Webby: Hmmm… mmm… Webby had a hard time staying awake, the rain soaking them. Dewey…

Dewey: Yeah, Webby.

Webby: She gives a really sweet smile. Thank you.

Dewey: He returns that smile. Anytime, Webs. Anytime.

A few minutes after resting in the rain Dewey and Webby were now resting inside the cave. Dewey had brought some wood together and starts a fire.

Both he and Webby were soaking wet from the rain and bruised up from the fall.

Dewey: Well…the fire's all we got for now. But it'll do. I guess all those times Huey forced me and Louie into going on his lame Woodchuck adventures have become helpful after all. Webby, you doing okay?

Webby was sat down on a rectangular piece of rock sticking out from the wall. She was shivering violently, soaked as she hugged herself as tightly as possible. Dewey gave a look of concern.

Dewey looks at his long sleeve shirt underneath his t-shirt. Webby feels something wrap around her back. Webby finds Dewey's full-sleeved shirt wrapped around her, she looks up to see her boyfriend wearing only his t-shirt and smiling.

Webby: Dewey?

Dewey: You look like you'll need something extra to keep you war.

Webby: But what about you?

Dewey: Meh, the fire is more than good enough for me. I'll be fine.

Webby smiles gratefully but gasps when she notices some red swelling in Dewey's arm. She walks over and takes hold of it.

Webby: Dewey, your arm!

Dewey: Dewey looks at the swelling. It probably got hurt in the fall.

Webby: Why didn't you say anything before?

Dewey: Webs, it's fine. It's not that big of a deal, I'm fine.

Webby gets out some bandages from her pockets that were surprisingly dry despite the rain and she begins wrapping them around Dewey's arm.

Webby: Fine or not, you should've told me! Better safe than sorry! Dewey blushes a little from her touch and closeness as she wraps the bandages around his arm. She finishes in minutes. There, that oughta do. It should be all gone by tomorrow as long as you don't push yourself.

Dewey: Thanks, Webs. I gotta say, you're one good non-mage doctor.

Webby: Webby blushes. Oh, well, Granny taught me more than just self-defence and spy skills. She taught me some basics in providing medical care. Looks like it came in handy today.

The both of them are stood opposite of each other smiling and blushing from their close proximity together.

Dewey: Well…I guess I'd better head outside and keep watch for FOWL agents.

Webby: Dewey proceeds to leave. Wait! He turns around to see Webby smiling and sat down on the rock. Dewey, there's room for two of us on this. He's a little nervous. Come on, sit with me. We haven't really talked for a long time.

Dewey smiles a little before walking over.

A couple seconds later Dewey and Webby are sat down together. Both of them look down in sadness, concern, pain, guilt and awkwardness. Both were still nervous but eventually one decides to break the silence.

Webby: Dewey, are you sure you're gonna be okay?

Dewey: What do you mean Webs?

Webby: I mean, I know the trees broke our fall and all but you took the worst of it when we hit the ground. I'm just worried.

Dewey: Webs, it's okay, I'm fine. You forget, I'm the tough one.

Webby: Webby smiles at that. Yeah, that's true. That's you alright. You've always been the toughest triplet. It's your thing.

Dewey: Yeah. Plus, I'm used to it. If I can survive getting blasted in the face and getting blinded then I can certainly handle a fall like this.

Webby: Yeah, I guess you're right. I mean with everything we've been through together, I should probably know that better than anyone.

The both of them look down smiling and blushing as they begin reminiscing.

Dewey: Yeah…with everything we've been through together.

Webby thinks about all the times she's spent with Dewey. She looks down to see a puddle and it was her reflection. She saddens to see the reflection of a girl who's guilty, ashamed, regretful and afraid. Fed up of all this fear and the space between them Webby finally makes her decision and makes her move. She jumps down and looks at Dewey in the eye.

Webby: Dewey, there's something I need to tell you.

Dewey: What is it Webs?

Webby: I want to say that… I… I… I'M SO SORRY DEWEY… FOR EVERYTHING!

Dewey is taken aback, especially when he sees the tears welling up in Webby's eyes.

Dewey: Huh? For what Webby?

Webby: For everything that's been happening between us! All the awkwardness and for avoiding you for these past few days ever since the awful fight that happened between you and me when Granny and I were training you! The truth is I… I was afraid to face you!

Dewey: What!? You were…afraid of me? Was it because I hurt you?

Webby: No! That had nothing to do with it! I was afraid of what you thought of me and how you saw me now! I was afraid you didn't like me anymore! I-I didn't know how to approach you! I mean, after all…a couple days ago I constantly terrified you, Huey and Violet! I relentlessly attacked the three of you! More tears kept gushing out of Webby's ashamed face. And then when I injured Huey and threatened to attack him when he was down I sunk down to the level of the monsters my Granny had devoted her entire life to fighting! And I sunk even lower when I was willing to hurt you! Her crying becomes hysterical. You were trying to make me realize what I was doing was wrong! You were trying to help me, but I-I was too blind to see that! I was too excited with training everyone to understand the things I was doing were hurting my family! I never wanted to go that far, but I did! I ignored what you were trying to help me remember about trust and family, but I ended almost throwing away everything we've been through together! Our friendship… the trust we share… and the love… all of it! I shouldn't have pushed all of you so far and mocked you like that! And I never should've imitated you like that! It was so wrong and creepy of me on so many levels! I-I didn't know what to do anymore! I wanted to reconnect with you and show you how sorry I am, but…I was afraid part of you still didn't forgive me! I was afraid you still hated me! I'M SO SORRY…FOR EVERYTHING DEWEY! Can you ever forgive me?

Dewey watches Webby sobbing and crying her eyes out hysterically in surprise and sympathy. That turns into a sweet and forgiving smile and he jumps down to wipe the tears from Webby's face much to her surprise when she looks up to see Dewey's tearful smile.

Dewey: I never hated you Webby. I was never mad at you. I was mad at myself… for breaking my promise. That wasn't the first time we had a fight like that Webby. We also had a big fight in the Temple of Selene. The first time we fought I ended up giving you a black eye and hurting you badly. After we made up I promised myself… to the both us that we'd never have another fight like that again. But then… a couple nights ago I forced myself to break my promise. I never meant to hurt you like that again or give you that black eye. I was just trying to protect Huey and Violet. I never meant to take it all that far. Dewey looks down in tears and guilt as Webby looks at him in sympathy. After that…I wasn't sure about us anymore. I was afraid after that fight you didn't want to be around me anymore. I thought you were scared of me…so I thought I should just give ourselves some space. But now I realize it was a dumb thing of me to do. I'm sorry I've been avoiding you these past couple days, for not being there for you Webby. And I'm really sorry about our fight. I never wanted it to go that far or to hurt you again. Can you forgive me?

Webby: Oh Dewey… Webby smiles through her tears touched and overjoyed as she gently rubs Dewey's face. There's nothing to forgive. It's only me that should only be asking for that. You were just defending your brother. If you hadn't hurt me Dewey I would've done something that would haunt me forever and I never would've realized how wrong it was for me to push you guys so hard. I know that if it were the other way around I probably would've done the same thing to protect Lena and Violet because they're my sisters. You reminded me just how important trust is Dewey… you reminded me how much I love all of you. That's why I never want to sink to that level again. Webby takes hold of Dewey's hands and they share tearful smiles. I don't want to the two of use to lose what we have

Dewey: I don't want to lose what we have too Webs. You're the most important person in my world… and I don't wanna lose you.

Webby: You're the most important person in my world too, Dewey. No matter what happens, no matter your mistakes I'll always love you…my blue warrior.

Dewey: I love you too…Webby. I always will…my pink angel.

As the fire begins to slowly die down Dewey and Webby lean forward to one another and their beaks meet in a big kiss that they share for a long time, officially making amends with each other.

5 minutes later after their big kiss Dewey and Webby are sat together on their rock. Webby leans against Dewey's shoulder as she clutches one of her hands and wrap his other arm around her, providing as much warmth and comfort as he possibly could.

Webby: Best kiss in my life.

Dewey: The best kiss in your life so far.

Webby: For the first time in months I feel so happy. I'm glad we can finally get rid of this space we've been forcing ourselves to create between us.

Dewey: Me too Webs. He then worries when he sees the look of fear on Webby's face as she looks down. Webby… you okay?

Webby: Dewey, I'm scared.

Dewey: About what Webs?

Webby: Why did Black Heron try to kidnap me again? Before it was to get revenge on me for ruining her plans the first time, but tonight…it was for something different. She said I'd be the key to FOWL's master plan. I don't have a Keyblade, what did she mean by that.

Dewey: You're asking the wrong guy Webs. Maybe FOWL knows something about you that none of us do. Or maybe you're so awesome they need your skills to find some sort of artefact. Webby blushes, flattered by that comment. But whatever FOWL wants to use you for I won't allow it. If Heron and her goon squad ever come after you again you won't have to worry. Because if they want to take you… He gives Webb a look of determination. They're gonna have to go through me first. I'm going to fight to protect you…just as I've always done Webby…with or without my keyblade.

Webby: Webby cries, touched again. Oh Dewey! Thank you!

She jumps into Dewey's arm for a hug and he gladly returns it. As Dewey hugs Webby he begins to reminisce his best memories with her.


Dewey and Webby meet for the first time (along with Huey and Louie).

Dewey teaches Webby how to play Uke or Puke.

The adventurous duo attempts to solve the mystery of the Spear of Selene.

Dewey and Webby share a hug in the temple of Selene.

Webby shares a joyful hug with Dewey after he was freed from Tiffany the Money Shark.

The two of them fight the Sword Horse together in the Other Bin.

Dewey, Huey, Louie, Webby, Lena and Violet share a group hug together, followed up with their friendship pact and the formation of the Duckburg Six.

Dewey and Webby sing their Dew-et song while working together.

Dewey, Huey, Louie, Webby, May, April and June share a group hug on the day they first met the Duck Girls.

Dewey and Webby hand each other their Christmas gifts and share a kiss under the mistletoe.

Dewey and Webby share the best time together ever on their first date, doing all sorts of things that they love.

They share a touching moment together in the Ferris Wheel.

Dewey saves Webby's life from Black Heron.

The two of them admit their true feelings to each other and share one of their biggest kisses yet.

The Duckburg Six happily explore Lena's dream together.

The Duckburg Six adventure together under Fort Duckburg and they scream in excitement during the mine cart chase.

After the family is defeated by Lunaris and Dewey is blinded, Webby gently takes off his visors to look at him in the eye. They both share sweet, loving looks.

Dewey and Webby share a bunch of romantic moments together in the Quack Pack Universe.

Dewey and Webby share a dance together as the Three Caballeros sang their song.

Webby hugs and kisses Dewey in congratulations after he won the Rumble for Ragnarok.

Dewey and Webby flew together with angel wings grown from their back via their limit move. They're surrounded in millions of feathers.

(End of Flashback)

Dewey: You know what, Webs; I think I'm ready to end this break of ours. What do you think?

Dewey becomes surprised when he finds Webby sleeping on his lap, it looks like she was more tired than he originally thought. Dewey gives a sweet smile before closing his eyes and falling asleep with her. These two have finally made amends, now they just need to find the rest of their family and they're home free.

After getting some sleep together, it's finally dawn. Webby is the first to exit the cave and see the faint orange glow on the horizon.

Webby: Dewey, you awake?

Dewey: Dewey comes out yawning. Yep, rested and ready to go. You feeling okay Webs, you took a lot of vaults from Heron.

Webby: I'll be fine, I'm still stinging a little but I'll live. Thanks for asking. They share warm smiles, happy to finally bury the hatchet. So what do we do now?

Dewey: Well, Uncle Donald, Mom and the others should be finding us by now. We have two options: We go out there and search for them too or we could stay here and hope they find us.

Webby: Maybe it's best that we stay here. We could give some sort of signal, maybe the others will see that and come straight here.

Dewey: That works for me.

Heron: I have a better idea for you both.

Dewey and Webby freeze before turning to see Black Heron, Steelbeak and Falcon Graves emerging from the forest and approaching them with evil grins.

Dewey: Oh man! Not you guys again!

Webby: How'd you find us so easily!?

Heron: Oh, I placed a tracker on the blue one there before the both of you fell to your seemingly certain doom. It's on your neck right now.

Dewey: What!?

Dewey reaches for the back of his neck and feels something there. He takes it off and in his hand he's holding a chip which he immediately throws down before stomping on it. Dewey tries to summon his keyblade only for it to disappear instantly.

Dewey: Oh come on! Why can't I summon my keyblade!?

Webby: Uh…Dewey…!

The adventurous couple watch as the villains slowly approach them. They both prepare for a big fight.

Steelbeak: You're dead twerps.

Graves: No one is here to save you. No one can beat us!

Gosalyn: I can!

Everyone looks up to see Gosalyn stood on top of the cave with a sly smirk and her crossbow out. She takes aim with it, a dynamite charge attached to the arrow this time.

Gosalyn: Let's get dangerous!

She fires a couple of explosive arrows that explode in front of Graves and Steelbeak, sending them both flying back. Gosalyn jumps down in front of her surprised friends.

Dewey & Webby: Gosalyn!

Gosalyn: Need a little help lovebirds?

Heron was about to react until she finds herself surrounded and engulfed in purple electrifying smoke.

Darkwing: I am the Terror that flaps in the night…

Donald: I am the Thunderbolt from the clouds of injustice…

Heron searches in vain for the source of the voices.

Darkwing: I am DARKWING DUCK!

Darkwing drops down delivering a double kick that Heron barely blocks but distracts her long enough for Donald to make his move.

Donald: And I'm DONALD DUCK!

Donald flies in to deliver a punch that Heron barely avoids. Donald Duck and Darkwing Duck ran up to the villain and in sync they deliver a joint uppercut to the chin that sends Black Heron flying far back.

Donald: Wow…now that entrance felt really cool.

Darkwing: I know, right? That's exactly how I feel when I make my entrance.

At the moment Della, Beakely and Launchpad ran up to their side with determined looks.

Dewey: Uncle Donald! Mom! Launchpad! Darkwing?!

Webby: Granny! You're all okay… and you found us!

Donald: Are you kids okay!?

Della: We've been searching from the air after the rain stopped and we regained consciousness.

Beakely: The both of you are safe now!

Steelbeak: That's what you think lady!

They watch the agents of FOWL stand on their feet with looks of fury.

Heron: My patience is wearing thin! Hand over the girl or we'll take her by force!

Donald: Never! You're not touching her freak!

Della: You want Webby; you'll have to go through us!

Beakely: Why on Earth do you even want my granddaughter!?

Heron: All in due time 22!

Steelbeak: We've already got the documents! If you won't give the pink twerp then you're asking for the beating of a life time!

Launchpad: You're not touching my best friend, Dewey! Let's get 'em!

Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep – Vanitas Boss Music

Launchpad is the first to charge, followed by Donald, Della, Beakely and Darkwing. The five of them fight of Graves and Steelbeak while Heron approaches the kids.

Heron: Looks like I'll be playing with the kiddies for a while.

Gosalyn: How's this for playing!?

Gosalyn fires a couple of arrows but Heron deflects them with her arm and merely snickers. Dewey summons his Laser Sabres and Webby summons Persian Blade.

Dewey: We're gonna have to work together ladies!

Webby & Gosalyn: Yeah!

Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep – Vanitas Boss Music

Party Members:

Dewey Duck

Webby Vanderquack

Gosalyn Waddlemeyer

Information: Defeat Black Heron!

Heron fires a missile from her robot arm, prompting the kids to jump and roll away. Dewey runs into slice Black Heron with his blades the cyborg agent easily evades before sending Dewey comically flying and spinning away with a perfect high kick.

She then brings out a sword from metal arm which she uses to exchange strikes with Webby who can't seem to get past her defences. She leaps up to clutch onto Heron's face, making her stumbling around until she yanks Webby off and throws her away. Webby is sent screaming into a tree.

Gosalyn runs in firing a bunch of arrows but Heron deflects them with her arm before a laser shot that lands a hit and sends a Gosalyn shouting.

Dewey is now firing a barrage of shots from his Quad Blaster that Heron keeps dodging while firing more laser shots. Dewey dodges those too by ducking and rolling and soon this becomes a shootout between the two of them. Dewey fires a combination of electric and energy shots that Heron responds to with laser shot, until finally Dewey lands a shot in the stomach that makes Heron reel back in pain.

This allows Webby to jump on her back and get the evil agent in a headlock. Gosalyn slide kicks Heron and locks onto her leg and Dewey grabs her arm. They struggle with all their might to hold her down and Heron was having a hard time until she sends 3 of her robot fingers to impale the kids and electrocute them, causing them to scream in pain. She throws up Gosalyn and sends her screaming away with a kick to the stomach. She yanks of Dewey and Webby to bash their heads together before sending Dewey shouting far back by kneeing him the gut and then headbutting Webby hard, sending her screaming to the ground near Heron.

Heron: Dirty tricks and villainy win every time!

Webby: Webby manages to get up. That's what you think you bad baddy!

Webby charges Heron with a battle cry, launching multiple sword strikes and it becomes an intense swordfight between them both but Heron fought with her organic hand behind her back and was soon effortlessly parrying Webby. The agent in-training leapt up to cut Heron down only to be punched right in the stomach and sent screaming away. Heron sends out her robot hand grab her and starts banging Webby around the ground. She screams in pain and is then thrown to the ground.

Dewey: Webby!

Heron turns to see Dewey flying at her with his Spin Attack. Heron blocks with her metal arm and Dewey flips back. He leaps to punch Heron in the face and knock her down.

Dewey: I'm the bomb! It's not the size of the bomb but the boom that it makes!

Heron gets up and throws a punch that Dewey super speeds to dodge before going invisible, making it harder for Heron. Dewey throws invisible punches to the face that Heron grunts in pain from.

Dewey: Look at little old Dewford kicking your butt! He throws an uppercut that causes Heron to fall on her back. How do you like me now lady! Ready to call it quits?

Heron gets up placing a pair of goggle on which she uses to scan what's in front of her. In just a couple of seconds Dewey becomes visible again in her eyes and he's grinning triumphantly. He leaps at Heron for a knock out only to scream in pain from getting kneed in the gut, followed up with a punch to the face that sends him sprawling across the ground.

Heron: Night Vision goggles, how do you like me now blue boy!

She fires laser shots that Dewey quickly rolls away from before jumping back up on his feet. He ran forward firing more shots with his re-summoned Quad Blaster that she quickly deflects but then Gosalyn leapt up from behind him to fire an arrow. Heron catches it with graceful reflexes but it explodes in her face, leaving her open for a regular arrow to impale her metal shoulder, causing it to short circuit as she shouts and holds her shoulder in pain. She screams when Dewey impales both his sabres into her body and arm but the clenches her teeth in pure fury before grabbing both sides of Dewey's head to lift him up.

Dewey struggles to escape until Heron delivers a vicious headbutt to the forehead. Gosalyn and Webby gasp to see this. Dewey screams loudly as blood seeps out of his forehead. Heron delivers more headbutts that make Dewey shout until he's sent crashing into a boulder with a harder one.

Webby: NO!

Gosalyn: You freak!

Gosalyn fires another explosive arrow that catches Heron off-guard. But when Gosalyn drops down to deliver a kick Heron grabs her ankle to reel her in and throw a punch in the face that sends her screaming into a tree. Gosalyn drops down, falling unconscious.

Heron approaches Dewey with another sword emerging from her metal arm. Dewey is barely conscious enough to watch Heron loom above him with a sadistic grin on her face.

Heron: Any last words before I skewer my blade into your tiny blue body. No? Very well, then.

Heron reels back her arm and lunges down to impale Dewey but at the last moment Webby caught her wrist with both hands and was now struggling with all her strength to hold Heron back from her boyfriend.

Dewey: Webby…

Webby: Don't… you dare… touch my boyfriend you monster!

Heron: You think you can protect him! As I recall you tried to kill him 3 nights ago!

Webby: That was an unintentional accident…and how did you know about that!?

Heron: Oh we have our ways of keeping tabs on you even while you're in your precious mansion. Now move aside!

Webby: NO! I won't let you hurt Dewey! I'm not letting him get hurt because of me ever again!

Heron: Well, then, since you're so eager to die in his place I'll gladly grant you your wish!

Heron grabs Webby's throat and picks her up. Webby is choking and struggling to escape Heron's grip. She feels Heron impale her body with her sword, causing Webby to release a shrill scream of agony that horrifies the family.

Donald, Darkwing and Launchpad were fighting off Steelbeak when it happened and Della and Beakely were fending off Graves.

Beakely: Webbigail!

Graves sends Beakely flying on her back with a kick and throws Della off her back.

Launchpad and Steelbeak were grappling until the latter sends the former back with a kick to the stomach before trading blows with Donald and Darkwing.

Heron then begins to electrocute Webby and her screams are now filled with torture.

Heron: Either you come with me in one piece or in pieces! I couldn't care less!

She laughs as Webby screams louder, eventually getting tossed away. She hits the ground hard, barely able to keep her eyes open as she groans in pain. Heron begins to approach Webby and an injured Dewey weakly reaches out to her.

Dewey: Webby…!

Dewey watches as Heron prepares to strike Webby down. His thoughts linger off to the Moonvasion when Huey and Louie were killed.

Dewey: No…it's happening again… I can't… let this happen!

Dewey holds out his hand, trying to summon his keyblade one more time.

Dewey: Come on Ultima Weapon! I really need you! Why won't you stay in my hand!? Why does my Keyblade keep disappearing on me like this! He widens his eyes in realization when he understands what the problem is. Wait a minute…could it be…


He remembers his words to Sora, why he wanted to be strong…to protect the people he loves, especially Webby who he loves more than anything.

He remembers the day he unleashed his true power and Ultimate Form. When he unleashed his true power in the Moonvasion it was because Webby got caught by Maleficent and Dewey wanted to do everything in his power to protect her no matter the cost.

(End of Flashback)

His love and desire to protect the person he loved most is what fuelled his drive and energy to wield the keyblade, something which was on the fritz because of all the confusion between them both. Dewey stares at a pained Webby and his eyes furrow with determination.

Black Heron brings up her sword, ready to deliver the final strike and impale Webby.

Heron: DIE!

Webby screams in horror and Heron brings down her sword but at last moment it's blocked. To Heron and Webby's shock the blade was blocked by Dewey horizontally holding out… his keyblade, Ultima Weapon which releases sparkles of blue light.

Heron: What!?

Dewey: Don't ever… touch my girlfriend… AGAIN! There's no way you're taking Webby from me!

Dewey pushes Heron off and she jumps back.

Webby: Dewey… you're keyblade… you were able to summon it again! How?

Dewey: Because of you Webby.

Heron: She quickly gets over her shock. Get out of my way you annoying pest!

Dewey: Dewey stood tall holding Ultima Weapon by his side. No, you're not killing Webby. Not now, not ever. What happened the other night with Webby and Mrs B is done. I don't like it but the past is the past and I'm not one to hold grudges. But no way am I letting something like that happen again.

Heron: You still care about her? Even though she and 22 almost ended up killing you and your brother. I have to admit, that was rather villainous of them. I liked it.

Webby looks away in shame until Dewey speaks up in her defence.

Dewey: I know Webby and Mrs B went overboard with the training and they almost ended up killing us, but they had their reasons. I know they can change that, but they're never gonna get that chance if I let you kill them, especially Webby. She may be an insane, crazy, over-the-top girlfriend but she's MY insane, crazy, over-the-top girlfriend and I'll always love her! Dewey points Ultima Weapon at Black Heron with an intense and determined look. And so…I'm going to fight to protect her…just as I've always done before.

Ultima Weapon flares with blue aura, a show of Dewey's determination.

Webby: Webby is tearfully touched. Oh Dewey…

Heron: Gross…

Heron outright fires a missile that Dewey quickly cuts in half before leaping up and closing his body as his friendship bracelet glows. With a loud shout he's engulfed in swirls of silver light that explodes to reveal him in his Battle attire and Ultimate Form, his eyes glowing silver and his body engulfed in silver aura. He unleashes a blast of silver energy from Ultima Sword that smashes into Heron and sends her crashing into a boulder that smashes into pieces as a result of the impact. She quickly gets up and watches Dewey glow with power in his transformed state.

Heron: I've seen that form before! It's the one you assumed during the Moonvasion in your battle with General Lunaris.

Dewey: That's right! Now you don't stand a chance Heron! I've got you beat!

Heron: You arrogant punk! We'll see if you're so cocky when you face all 3 of us! Graves! Steelbeak!

Donald dives down to deliver a drop kick that Steelbeak blocks. The rooster trades blows with Darkwing who then flips up to allow Launchpad to throw some punches and kicks that Steelbeak manages to block before sending Launchpad back a bit with a kick to the stomach before flipping above the men to join Heron.

Della drops down to launch a kick at Graves only for her metal leg to get caught and she gets tossed away. Graves then trades a couple of blows with Beakely, equally matching her fighting prowess. He rolls beneath her arm before sending the former agent stumbling with a kick to her back and then runs off to join Heron.

The three FOWL agents are stood together giving Dewey deadly glares as he held up his Ultima Sword. Heron had her sword out, Steelbeak brought out his double blasters and Graves brings up his fists.

Heron: Let's see you beat these odds!

Dewey: Watch me!

The adults were about to join in and help Dewey but the Duck Twins stop them all, both are smirking.

Della: Wait! I say we just leave this all to, Dewey.

Donald: Yeah, he's got this.

Dewey charges the three FOWL agents. Steelbeak fires a barrage of shots from his guns but as flies Dewey forms a blade barrier that deflects the shots. He then uses his Spiral Dove technique, flying at the enemies with hundreds of swords surrounding him. The agents quickly roll out of the way. Graves lunges at Dewey to throw a bunch but he quickly flies back, bouncing off a tree and ramming his head so hard against Graves' body he falls back in unconsciousness. Steelbeak aims his guns only for Dewey to instantly appear and cut them in half much to his shock.

Steelbeak: Uh oh…

Dewey unleashes a close range silver energy blast that sends Steelbeak comically smashing into a boulder. Heron charges Dewey and proceeds to cut him in half but Dewey easily blocks her. His sword glows white before slicing through her blade, cleaving it half much to her horror. Dewey then slashes through Heron's metal arm and she shots in pain, holding her metal shoulder. Dewey then jumps to deliver spin kick right in the stomach, sending her flying and screaming. Heron hits the ground near her compatriots.

Heron: What are you?!

Dewey: Me? Nobody, just the middle triplet.

Dewey then walks over to Webby as she clutches her stomach while looking up in awe. He holds out his hand.

Dewey: You okay?

Webby: Webby smiles gratefully. Yeah. I am now, thanks to you.

Webby takes his hand and Dewey helps his girlfriend up. The both of them are stood opposite smiling at each other.

Webby: Thank you…Dewey.

Dewey: Don't mention it, Webby.

They're disturbed when Heron, Steelbeak and Graves regain their composure and charge the adventurous couple. Dewey and Webby prepare to defend themselves but from out of nowhere a couple of arrows explode in front of the villains blowing them back a little. Gosalyn jumps down in front of Dewey and Webby after regaining consciousness.

Gosalyn: Much as I'm happy to see you two lovebirds make up we've got some jerks to deal with. I'll keep them distracted and you both get ready to finish them off!

Gosalyn charges forth, firing a bunch of explosive arrows that force the 3 FOWL agents on the defensive.

Dewey and Webby turn to each other, smiling with determination.

Dewey: Ready Webs!?

Webby: With you all the way Dewey!

Dewey and Webby leap into their air, Ultima Sword and Persian Blade in hand and holding hands while facing opposite directions just as the villains close in on Gosalyn who jumps back when she sees Dewey and Webby make their move. Through Dewey the duo spin together in the air, creating enough speed to become a concussive ball together surrounded in blue and pink sharp outlines of light.

Dewey: Come on!


The duo blast off brings out a device to form a barrier but the duo easily smashes through, the force sending the FOWL agents flying high into the air.

They both land on the floor where Dewey summons his Quad Blasters and throws one to Webby. They get side to side and aim the blasters together as one as the barrels charge with blue and pink energy.

Dewey: What's the phrase!?

Webby: It's…!

Dewey & Webby: Teamwork makes the dreamwork!

They fire blue and pink energy beams that combine, engulfing Heron, Steelbeak and Graves, sending them screaming and flying further.

Dewey and Webby separate to fly around in the air and back together to link each other's hands after dismissing their weapons.

Dewey & Webby: LIGHT!

Dewey and Webby struck a pose midair, surrounding themselves in an aura of light and out of nowhere giant angel wings of light burst out from their backs. One wing grew from them each and they're surrounded by feathers of the same light. They blast off towards Heron, Steelbeak and Graves spinning and ramming into them. The three agents of FOWL are sent screaming so far away until they're out of view, officially defeating them as feathers of light rain down around them.

Dewey and Webby drop down to the ground and the moment they Webby jumps into her boyfriend's arms screaming with joy and Dewey spins her around laughing. Everyone else also exclaims with joy and celebration.

Donald: Oh boy!

Della: Yeah! I knew could do it!

Beakely: That's my girl!

Launchpad: Way to go Dewey and Webby!

Darkwing: There was never a doubt in my mind!

Gosalyn: You guys were awesome!

The adults and Gosalyn run up to Dewey and Webby, congratulating them on their victory…though it isn't a complete victory since FOWL manage to get away with the Solego documents.

At daytime the gang is back in Darkwing's lair, contemplating the events that have just occurred. The adults are stood together in front of WANDA and Drake is back in his civilian attire.

Darkwing: With us beating Heron, Steelbeak and Graves all FOWL presence has been cleared from Saint Canard.

Launchpad: Then we've won! Launchpad raises his fists in celebration. Woo-hoo!

Darkwing: The rest of the adults don't share his enthusiasm. Not exactly LP. We beat the villains but they managed to get away with the documents.

Donald: Yeah. And considering past experience they're way too hard to kill. Those jerks are probably still alive and have run back to Bradford with those documents.

Beakely: Yes, which means Bradford now has the necessary materials and instructions to be able to fully harness the power of Solego's Circuit…without disrupting reality.

Launchpad: Launchpad immediately saddens. So, then…we've lost.

Della: No way! This war with FOWL isn't over just yet! We've only just begun this fight!

Donald: Everyone becomes determined. Della's right! We don't know what FOWL intends to do with Solego's circuit but that doesn't me we can't beat them! Whatever they throw at us we'll be ready!

Darkwing: Right, those fiends haven't be rid of us just yet.

Beakely: In any case we'll have to be prepared for the worst. Now that FOWL has everything they need to harness the Solego Circuit for their master plan we'll need be ready for everything and anything.

Donald: Don't worry, Mrs B, we'll be ready!

Della: Yeah! The Duck Twins smirk. Besides, last night wasn't a total failure. I mean…we succeeded on helping fix the relationship between a certain couple.

The adults all look to see Dewey and Webby stood opposite of each other holding hands and sharing a romantic smile.

Dewey: So, Webs. We cool now?

Webby: Yes. Definitely! Absolutely!

Dewey: So, then…you wanna go out with me on a date this Friday. I mean, that is if you want to, I mean I don't wanna force anything on you since we've just made up-

Webby just giggles at Dewey's sheepishness before grabbing his shirt and pulling him in for a big kiss which he sinks into and they embrace in that kiss. Webby pulls back and Dewey is frozen in shock, blushing wildly as Webby holds his shirt with a sly look.

Webby: Does that answer your question?

Dewey: Yup! Totally! It's a date!

The adults all smile warmly at the scene, happy that Dewey and Webby have fixed their relationship and are a couple once again. Donald and Della are close to tears as they each clutch their hands together.

Della: Look at them! They're a couple again! No awkward moments! And no avoiding each other!

Donald: Aww!

Dewey turns to Beakely, giving her a grateful smile and thumbs up to which she gladly returns, happy see her mess cleaned up.

Gosalyn arrives near Dewey and Webby slyly smiling with her hands stuffed in her pocket.

Gosalyn: So this is what you're like when you two lovebirds are lovey-dovey. I gotta say, it's really sweet.

Webby: Dewey and Webby are sheepishly blushing before the latter smiles at Gosalyn. Gosalyn, thank you. This all happened because of you. If you hadn't said what you said to me in park…I don't think Dewey and I would've made up.

Dewey: Webby told me what you said to her. Thanks Gos, we really owe you one. You're a good friend.

Gosalyn: Gosalyn waves her hand. Don't mention it. It was the least I could do considering all you guys have done for me in helping me with my grandpa.

Webby: So…remember that offer for sleepover I made not so long ago?

Dewey and Webby smile pleadingly and Gosalyn turns to Darkwing who voices his agreement by nodding much to her joy.

Scenes shift back to the mansion where the Duckburg Six are gathered together in Webby's room this time with Gosalyn and Boyd. All of them are wearing their pyjamas.

Gosalyn is wearing black shorts and a purple t-shirt with a big '1' on the centre.

Boyd is wearing grey shorts and a yellow blue-striped buttoned up nightshirt.

Webby and Huey are respectively tying friendship bracelets to Gosalyn and Boyd's wrist.

Webby: With these friendship bracelets the two of you are now part of our circle of friends!

Huey: And now I can officially say: welcome to the group Boyd and Gosalyn!

Dewey, Louie, Violet and Lena are sat down giving a round of applause and the two new kids smile and wave.

Gosalyn: Thanks!

Boyd: Thank you!

Throughout their sleepover the gang shares stories, play some games and socialise with each other. Boyd is sat with the Duck Boys, bantering with them.

Boyd: I've never been to a real sleepover before!

Huey: Are you liking your first sleepover ever Boyd?

Boyd: I'm loving it! Sleepovers are so much fun! I've always wanted to know what they're like!

Louie: Well, now you know little buddy.

Dewey: So, how's life at your house going for you?

Boyd: Mother and Father have been very kind to me, especially ever since Louie freed them from Doofus' tyranny… He becomes slightly disturbed. …Though I have heard my brother talk about how he'll devote the rest of his life to make Louie suffer for giving him a little brother… in a very scary manner.

Louie: Louie cringes. Oh boy…

Dewey: Changing the topic, I heard from Huey you changed your name after deciding your own person.

Boyd: Oh yes! I changed my name from Beaks Optimistic Youth Droid to Be-Only-Yourself-Dude!

Louie: So…your name is still Boyd for short?

Boyd: Yes!

Huey: He wants to be called Boyd so I'll respect it!

Dewey: Man! I wish I could change my name to Turbo!

Boyd: If it really means that means that much to you I can call you Turbo instead of Dewey if you want.

Dewey: Dewey gasps in sheer joy and almost cries. You really mean that!?

Boyd: Of course, Turbo.

Dewey: Dewey hugs Boyd overdramatically and cries. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful new friendship!

Louie: Dial down the drama…Turbo.

Huey and Louie snicker a little.

Meanwhile, Webby has introduced Gosalyn to Lena and Violet.

Gosalyn: So, these two are the sisters you've told me so much about.

Webby: Yep! These are Lena and Violet!

Violet: Dewford has told us much about you Gosalyn. It's a great pleasure to finally meet you.

Gosalyn: Same here.

Lena: 'Sup.

Gosalyn: Gosalyn looks at Lena in interest. Hmm, lazy greeting, snarky, goth appearance and a voice that makes you sound sarcastic and mean. You must be Lena.

Lena: Lena can't help but laugh at the insults thrown at her. Yup! That's my name! Looks like I'm not the only girl out there who loves throwing snarky comments. She good naturedly wraps an arm around Gosalyn. I think you and I are gonna get along just fine kid.

Gosalyn: Gosalyn grins. I have no doubt about that.

Webby smiles to see Gosalyn already opening up to her best friends.

She then sees Beakely clearing her throat and motioning her to come out the room for a bit which she does to privately speak with her pleased grandmother.

Beakely: I trust the party is going quite well.

Webby: Oh, you bet it is. Gosalyn's already opening up to Lena and Violet, Boyd is getting along with Louie and Dewey. And now that Dewey and me are a couple again I couldn't be happier!

Beakely: I'm pleased to see you and Dewey back on track with your relationship. She frowns in sadness before bending down on one knee. And Webby…I want you to know that I truly am sorry for almost destroying your relationship with Dewey.

Webby: Webby just gently took Beakely's hands. It's okay. You were doing what you felt was right for the family at the time. Besides, Dewey and I have apologised to each other. That's all behind us now.

Beakely: I'm glad to hear that. Beakely shares a hug with her granddaughter but when she puts her down she notices Webby looking down in fear. Webby… is something wrong?

Webby: Granny… I'm scared… why do you think Heron kidnapped me again? Last time she did that it was out of revenge…but today, she said I was the key to making FOWL's master plan a reality. What did she mean by that?

Beakely kindly places her hands on Webby's shoulder, worried but at the same time reassuring her granddaughter.

Beakely: I don't know Webby. FOWL never made their master plan clear in the past… She determinedly stands. I'm not sure why Heron kidnapped you but I do intend to find out and when I'm through with them they'll wish they never tried to kidnap you in the first place.

Webby: Granny… you don't have any secrets you're keeping from me, do you? Beakely widens her eyes in surprise at that question. I mean…we promised each other after our adventure in Mervana we wouldn't keep secrets from each other.

Beakely: Beakely bends down again with a kind look. Webby, I assure you I have no more secrets to hide from you.

Webby: So there isn't a dark secret to my past that you aren't keeping from me… or any connection I have to FOWL's plans?

Beakely: I can assure you there's no dark secret or some hidden connection between you and FOWL. I took you in as a baby and decided to raise you in the safest place possible. You trust me, don't you dear?

Webby: Webby is hesitant at first but then puts on a smile. Yeah… I trust you.

Dewey: Hey Webby! You coming!? We're about to watch Darkwing Duck!

Webby: Coming!

She smiles at her grandmother one last time for the night before going back into her room and closing the door, leaving Beakely to turn her smile into a frown of guilt and regret.

Beakely: I'm truly sorry, Webby. I'm a terrible grandmother. I can't tell you where you truly come from… She turns. Not yet.

And with that Beakely leaves to attend to other matters.

Black Heron, Graves and Steelbeak are back in FOWL's secret lair beneath Funzo. They're all bruised and injured but alive and Bradford is holding the Solego documents in their hands.

Bradford: Excellent work, the three of you. With these documents FOWL is step closer to achieving the master plan.

Steelbeak: It wasn't easy. We had to look through every building in Saint Canard only to find out it was in some lame wooden house.

Graves: And the Ducks got in our way. We were barely able to survive.

Bradford: Nonetheless, you've done good work to get me these documents. Steelbeak, Graves, you're dismissed. Heron I want you to stay here regarding what you want to report to me.

Graves and Steelbeak take their leave, the latter making a stupid comment that got on the former's nerves, leaving Heron alone with Bradford.

Heron: Director Buzzard, while we were stealing the documents from the Ducks I made a shocking discovery.

Bradford: Bradford raises his eyes in interest. And what discovery would that be.

Heron: Heron grins maliciously. I believe I've finally uncovered the whereabouts of PROJECT_87_CODENAME: April.

Bradford: Bradford widens his eyes in shock but then he grins. Tell me more. I want to hear everything.

Dewey and Webby have made amends but FOWL has retrieved the Solego documents and Heron has given Bradford much more. What is Project 87? And why is it codenamed April (a name which has already been taken). And what does this have to do with Webby? Does Beakely know anything about this, what has she been keeping from Webby? The answers are sure to come as the adventure continues.

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