Ducktales Season 3 Rewritten

By LandofEvil42

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Ducktales Season 3 Rewritten More

Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 1
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 2
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 3
Quack Pack Part 1
Quack Pack Part 2
Louie's Seventeen Part 1
Louie's Seventeen Part 2
Louie's Seventeen Part 3
Louie's Seventeen Part 4
Louie's Seventeen Part 5
Louie's Seventeen Part 6
Rumble for Ragnarok Part 1
Rumble for Ragnarok Part 2
The Phantom and the Sorceress Part 1
The Phantom and the Sorceress Part 2
The Trickening
Lets get Dangerous Part 1
Lets get Dangerous Part 2
Lets get Dangerous Part 3
Lets get Dangerous Part 4
Lets get Dangerous Part 5
Lets get Dangerous Part 6
Lets get Dangerous Part 7
Lets get Dangerous Part 8
Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 1
Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 2
Teamwork Makes a Dreamwork
New Gods on the Block
The True First Adventure
Tales of The Duck Couple Part 1
Tales of The Duck Couple Part 2
Fight for Castle McDuck
The Last Adventure Part 1
The Last Adventure Part 2
The Last Adventure Part 3
The Last Adventure Part 4
The Last Adventure Part 5
The Last Adventure Part 6
The Last Adventure Part 7
The Last Adventure Part 8
The Last Adventure Part 9

The Engagement Ring

253 1 0
By LandofEvil42

It's night-time in Duckburg. People are walking through the streets returning from work, closing up shops or doing night-time sales. Jane who's shift at Funzo ended was walking down the streets after finishing some shopping but gasps and freezes in shock when someone lands right in front of her.

It was Merlock the Terrible Magician, his face is covered by his hood as he looks down on Jane. The people in their vicinity run away screaming for their lives as Merlock tugs Jane's shirt and lifts her up.

Merlock: You! Funzo Worker! He presents a photo. Have you ever seen this man?! He deals with antiques, POWERFUL antiques.

The photo was that of a brown-coloured owl that looked elderly, had a beard, worse a brown top hat and blue cardigan over a red robe.

Jane: Yeah, I know that guy! That's Mr Khan! He owns a shop around here! She points. Look, there he is now!

Merlock looks back to see the Owl called Khan walking down the street carrying some shopping. When he turns his head to see Merlock rushing at him with his hands flaring up with power he makes a run for it, not wanting to get caught by the dark mage.

No one notices Donald and Della coming out of a corner and walking down the streets wearing their secondary outfits. Tonight is going to be a big night for Donald, for he's about to do something he's been putting off for years.

Donald: Thanks for doing this for me Della, I'd have asked Daisy to come along too but I didn't want to spoil the surprise.

Della: Hey, don't mention it Don. It isn't every your twin brother decides to get married. Della excitedly wraps her arm around Donald and nudges him a little. I just can't believe it! My twin brother is finally deciding to make his marriage proposal! I've been waiting for this day forever! I was wondering when you'd stop chickening out of this part of the romance life! My favourite couple are finally gonna begin tying the knot and get married! And I'm gonna get a new sister-in-law!

Donald: Yeah! I'm finally gonna get married!

At first Donald was excited but when he processes what he just said he freezes in place and Della looks back in concern. After years of dating with her Donald is finally going to make his big marriage proposal to Daisy but is having the bad case of the nerves.

Donald: Oh boy…I'm gonna get married.

Della: Come on, Romeo!

*Della drags Donald by his collar and he quacks in surprise. They arrive by a corner shop in an alley with Chinese writing labelled around it and a glass display of jewels.€

Della: You still have to propose to her, who knows, Daisy could always say "no" and give you a big slap in the face.

Donald: Donald gets annoyed and sarcastic. Gee, thanks Della, you really know how to inspire confidence.

Della: No problem Don, that's just what siblings are for.

Donald: The only problem is where am I gonna find the perfect ring?

Della: Luckily, for you, you've got me helping you. They stop in front of the store. Here, word is on the streets that this shop sells real nice and shiny rocks at rock-bottom price. Eh, ehhh?

Donald: I get it.

They walk inside and find themselves in a fancy Chinese store filled with al sorts of jewels and antiques. It appears no one is home.

Della: Hello, anyone home!?

Khan: No! The store is closed, go away!

Khan emerges from the counter, hiding from Merlock. The Duck Twins approach the counter.

Della: Relax, buddy, my brother here is looking for an engagement ring. Khan silently gasps in horror to see Merlock out the window searching for him. The girl is kind of out of his league so it has to be real nice.

Donald: Della! What are you trying to do to me!?

Della: I'm just kidding Don, though it is a little true.

Khan turns around bring out of his robe a green ring with dragon engravings and a ruby diamond attached to it. He places it in a small box before walking over to the twins to hand it over.

Khan: What you're looking for is this! He gives it to Donald. Take it as my gift! Just go now!

He begins pushing them out the store.

Donald: Hey!

Della: Alright! We're going, we're going!

They're shoved out the door and Khan immediately closes it much to their anger.

Della: Well, that was rude!

Donald: What's his problem!? He better have given something good or I-

He immediately shuts when he opens the box to open the ring. Donald and Della are in awe of its beauty and glow under the night sky.

Donald & Della: Wow/Whoa!

Della: That has gotta to be the prettiest ring I've ever seen!

Donald: You were right Della! And we didn't have to pay a thing! Now that's what I call a steal!

Della: You can say that again, bro! She becomes nervous when her brother nervously sighs. You okay, Donnie?

Donald: I'm really worried, Della…what if Daisy does say no to my proposal?

Della: Della affectionately wraps her arm around him. Come on, Don, you know I was just joking around back there, right? Of course Daisy will say yes; she loves you and you love her. Whenever she's needed you, you've always been there for her. She'd have to be dumb not to say yes.

Donald: Ya mean it?

Della: Absolutely, trust me Donald, everything's gonna be alright. They begin walking away from the store. Now, come on, we'd better get you ready for the big moment.

Once they disappear out of sight Merlock appears and breaks down the door with a magic blast. Khan steps away until he's cornered.

Merlock: Knock, knock. You're pretty spry for an older fellow. But playtime's over, you have something I want. Merlock stomps forward. Hand over the ring at once.

Khan: The ring is no longer here, nor will I tell you who I've given it. Go ahead, do your worst.

Merlock: Merlock gives a sinister smile. If you insist, I think I will.

Merlock reaches out and proceeds to torture the old man for the ring's new owner.

(Insert Ducktales Intro)

At park, Donald and Daisy are having their date; now that the latter has more freedom from Glamour she's finally able to make time for her family and boyfriend.

The Duck Couple are sat on a fancy raft in the middle of the lake, Donald is wearing the fancy suit her wore in Glamour's part and Daisy is wearing the blue/cyan dress she made and wore at the same party. Donald is a bit nervous and sweaty but he plucks up the courage to make conversation before making his big move.

Donald: So, Daisy… uh…are you enjoying yourself.

Daisy: Oh, of course I am Donald. This has been such a wonderful night and I've really enjoyed spending it with you. Daisy gives a flirtatious smile. It makes me wonder why I ever put in those extra hours working for Miss Glamour when I could've spent it with you. Donald chuckles a little but Daisy worries when she sees he's nervous. But, Donald…are you sure you're enjoying yourself?

Donald: What? Me? Of course I am, I enjoy every second I spend with you. What makes you think I'm not?

Daisy: It's just that you're looking a little nervous and sweaty. Does it have something to do with what you wanted to ask me?

Donald: Donald blushes deeply. Uh…maybe a little…but we'll get to that later. Let's just enjoy this moment. They look up at the stars twinkling in the skies. Beautiful night, isn't it?

Daisy: Yeah, it's been so peaceful lately and the breeze feels so good; it's everything I could ever hope for.

Donald: I remember you saying you wish everyday could be like this.

Daisy: Daisy smiles at her boyfriend. Well, you made that all possible Donald, when you defeated Lunaris.

Donald: Come on, I didn't do it all on my own. I had a little help.

As Daisy looks up at the stars Donald can't help but admire her even more beautiful and prettier features in the dress she's wearing. Daisy notices the look he's giving.

Daisy: Is something wrong, Donald?

Donald: Donald blushes. Oh, um…I just can't help but notice how much prettier you look in that dress you're wearing.

Daisy: Daisy blushes. Aww! Thank you, Donald! That's really sweet of you to say! You know, you look pretty handsome yourself in that tux you're wearing. Donald sheepishly rubs the back of his head. Are you sure, you're okay, though?

Donald: Uh…yeah. Oh boy…here goes…

Donald gets out a piece of paper gets off his chair to stand on one knee to read from it only to end up with hilarious results.

Donald: Um…Daisy, I love you like…my Uncle Angus like's boats…

Daisy wants to be touched but is completely weirded out as she does not know what to make of that comparison but was unable to listen to more as mosquitoes surrounded her and she tried swatting them away. Donald was struggling to say the right words until Daisy slapped by accident and puts him in a comical daze.

Donald: OUCH!

Daisy: Sorry! I'm sorry! What were you saying?

Donald: Uh…I guess, what I'm trying to say is-

He's cut off when the raft becomes unbalanced due to him standing up. Donald and Daisy both shout as it tilts and they fall into the water with a big splash. They emerge from it soaking wet and catching their breath, things couldn't be more awkward.

Daisy: Uh…maybe it'd be better for us next time if we had pizza and a movie.

After swimming out the lake, the Duck Couple walk on the ground and stop to catch their breath. Donald decides to throw away his formal act and throws down his top hat.

Donald: Aww, to heck with this! Forget this stupid formal act, I'm just gonna come out and say it! He stands opposite of Daisy. Look, Daisy, we've known each other since childhood, when we were about 9. And when I first met you…I knew you were the one for me. And after I got to know you, I always loved you, nobody else. To Daisy's surprise Donald takes her hand and bends to one knee in a proposal position. You've always meant so much to me, you've always been there for me Daisy. You love me for who I am and have always cared about me. And you've always stood by my side 'till the very end. It's because of you that I even decided to make things right with Uncle Scrooge and the boys after the Shadow War. You're the best girl I could've ever met aside from my sister; you're strong, brave, kind, generous, forgiving, and understanding. Daisy smiles, more and more touched with every word Donald says. I'll always love you Daisy, there's no other girl for me. It's always been you. It'll never be anyone else. Because my heart will always be yours Daisy, that's how much you mean to me. When I thought I lost you, I was broken hearted. But seeing you here today makes me feel like the luckiest duck in town, despite my bad luck. I love you Daisy Duck, always have, always will. I'm a fighter…but there's no point in any of that if I don't have anything to fight for…and that's you Daisy. You're the best thing that's ever happened in my life.

Donald's loving smile and words cause Daisy's heart to melt as tears of joy stream down her face.

Daisy: Oh, Donald…I…I don't know what to say. That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me.

Donald: And it's because of those things I want to ask you this. This was it. He's not going to back down. Daisy Duck, will you…marry me?

Daisy was shocked. The moment she dreamed about for years, the moment she ever wondered would come… was happening right now.

Daisy: YES! YES! Yes, Donald Duck, I will marry you! I love you so much!

In a fit of tearful joy Daisy jumps into Donald's arm for a hug before the two of them embrace in a passionate kiss under the moonlight shining down on them.

Donald: Daisy, I've got a little engagement gift for you. I hope you like it.

Donald pulls back to bring out the box and open it up to present the ring he was given. Daisy is immediately amazed with its beauty.

Daisy: Oh, Donald! It's so beautiful! I love it!

Donald: I just hope it fits.

Donald takes Daisy's hand again and gently slips the ring onto her finger.

Daisy: It's fits perfectly!


Donald picks Daisy up in a bridal-style before spinning her around. The both of them erupt with laughter of joy before sharing one last kiss until Donald accidentally trips and falls into the water with Daisy. When they're emerged they have lily pads on their heads and are not happy.

Donald & Daisy: Aww, phooey!

They widened their eyes and looked at each other, surprised that they said the same thing at the exact same time. Despite the embarrassing situation they were in, they couldn't help but burst into laughter. When they stopped they lovingly stare at each other before wrapping their arms around one another for a hug in the water. What they don't notice is Daisy's new ring glowing and it wasn't a good kind of glow, it looked like the sinister kind.

After the proposal and spending more time together Donald and Daisy had gone back to the mansion where they had called a family meeting in the living room couch.

Della, Scrooge, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, Lena, Violet, April, May, June, Launchpad, Beakely and Duckworth are sat/stood together around the couch. All of them are wearing their secondary outfits.

Donald and Daisy are stood in front, Donald is back in his blue sailor outfit and Daisy is wearing a new pink dress along with her black heeled shoes, bow and hairstyle.

Daisy has her hands hidden behind her back and Della is excited because she knows what the big announcement is going to be.

Scrooge: So, is there a reason why you called the entire family here lad and lass?

Donald: Daisy and I have a big announcement to make.

Beakely: What's the news?

Huey: Tell us!

Lena: This should be good.


Launchpad: Launchpad gasps. You're getting me a new plane!

Donald & Daisy: No!

Donald: Launchpad groans. Della, guess what, you're about to have a new sister in the family.

Della: Della gasps with sheer joy. OHMYGOSH! IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING!?

Scrooge: What? What is it!?

Daisy giggles as Donald wraps an arm around her.

Donald: Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, Lena, Violet. Guess what? You're officially about to get a new aunt.

Daisy: And April, May, June, you're about to get a new uncle.

The kids' eyes widen in sheer shock and joy, realizing what the announcement is.

Louie: Wait, WHAT!?

June: OMG!

Dewey: You mean it!?

Huey: Are you serious!?

May: Are you saying what I think you're saying!

April & Lena: NO WAY!


Violet: This is unexpected.

Donald: And Uncle Scrooge, you're about to get a brand new niece.

Scrooge: The billionaire's eyes widen in shock. BLESS ME YESTERYEARS! COULD IT BE!


Daisy joyfully presented the ring and they all gasped in shock and amazement.

Daisy: TA-DA! Everyone gasps in sheer joy and amazement. Donald proposed to me and now the two of us are engaged!

The entire family in front of them erupt with cheers and applause.





Duckworth: You have our blessings.


Della: WOO-HOO!

Della runs up and crushes the both of them in a hug. They struggle to breathe but manage to force on a smile at Della's excitement.


Daisy: AWW! Thank you Della, that's so nice! And you know, in our wedding you can be one of my bridesmaids along with Minnie, Clarabelle and Xandra. Would you like that?


Donald: Della, we're not married just yet!

Huey: But you're gonna get married soon! LOVE IS IN THE AIR!


Violet: Perhaps we can figure all the details of the wedding out once we celebrate.

Scrooge: AYE! Violet, is right!? This calls for a big celebration!

Dewey: Oh man, we gotta tell Mickey, Sora and everyone we know!

May: They're gonna flip with joy when they hear about this!

June: And when you two get married we're gonna start living here!

Webby: MORE GIRLS LIVING IN THE MANSION! THIS IS THE COOLEST! I mean, I know Lena and Violet sleepover here a lot but it's still so amazing!

Beakely: The two of you have our best wishes and blessings.

Donald & Daisy: Thanks everyone.

Launchpad: This is gonna be sweet! I haven't been in a wedding in forever! Wedding cakes are still a thing, right!

Lena: Lena and Launchpad high-five. You bet, LP!

Scrooge: By the way, lad, how were you able to afford the ring?

Donald: Believe it or not, we got it for free.

Della: Though the guy who gave it to us was in a rush to get rid of us for some reason.

Daisy: I really can't wait for this wedding, either way. I just know it's going to be perfect!

Donald: Yeah! Me too!

No one but June notices the evil glow the ring was giving off and she places a finger on her chin in suspicion.

Merlock was in his lair watching over the Ducks through the water in his cauldron with a look of anger and disgust, he facepalms, trying to look away.

Merlock: Oh, please, I think I'm going to wretch. Merlock takes an interest in the ring Daisy's wearing. Curses! I need that ring for all my plans but it looks like Daisy's going to be wearing it on her finger. That temperamental idiot Donald has no idea what he's unleashed!

Merlock immediately arrives at the beach of his island. He snaps his fingers, causing a swarm of Heartless and his minions to appear. He addresses his own small army.

Merlock: Here me minions! The ring I seek holds ultimate power! The kind that I need to rule this world! BRING ME THE RING OF YIN!

€After their announcement and celebrating with family by having a big dinner Donald and Daisy spend the rest of the night together in her apartment.*

The living room of Daisy's apartment is covered pinkish-peach walls with fancy light blue furniture, drawers and fancy decorations and the living room shares the space with a kitchen. For some unknown reason, Daisy is in a terrible mood, much to Donald's fright when she begins yelling over some dishes he forgot to dry up.

Daisy: Donald!

Donald: Whack! Uh oh!

Daisy: I've told you this A THOUSAND TIMES! DON'T PUT WET DISHES BACK IN MY CABINET! He doesn't notice the ring glowing still as she grabs some wet dishes. If you're going to wash dishes in my home the least you could do is take the time TO DRY THEM!

Donald: WHOA! WHOA! Donald gets up trying to calm her down. Daisy, calm down!

He quacks in fear when Daisy begins throwing a couple of dishes at him, barely and comically avoiding getting hit and the dishes shatter against the wall. He jumps and takes shelter behind the sofa and waving a white flag as a show of surrender.

April, May and June are secretly watching the whole ordeal from their room in concern and deadpanning at Donald.

April: Ugh! Not two hours since their proposal and Donald's already blowing it!

June: What else is new?

May: I don't think it has anything to do with Uncle Donald? Is it just me or has Aunt Daisy been acting a little…angrier than usual.

April: Now that you mention, she has been losing her temper a lot for a couple of hours. I mean sure, she loses her temper pretty much every day but no like Donald and certainly not over stuff like this.

June: Hmm… June sees the ring glowing again. There's something up with that ring? You girls notice how it's glowing?

May and April finally notice the ring glowing and what confuses them more is when Daisy calms down. She covers her head, groaning in pain as though she's trying to fight off against something. When the ring stops glowing she full calms down and realizes what she's doing.

Daisy: I-I'm really sorry, Donald! I don't know what's come over me! Ever since you're proposal I feel…tense.

Donald: She looks at the ring in concern and Donald pokes his head out. Um…you're not reconsidering, are ya, toots? I mean, I don't want to force you to marry me if you're not ready yet.

Daisy: No, of course not! I love you! And I've been waiting for this forever!

Donald: Phew! That's a relief.

They look to see the Duck Girls coming out of their room.

May: Hey Aunt Daisy, Uncle Donald…

April: Is everything okay? We heard shouting.

Daisy: Don't worry girls, everything's fine. It's just classic me.

June: The girls look to Daisy in concern.,Uh…throwing and breaking dishes is usually classic Donald. Are you sure you're okay Aunt Daisy?

May: Yeah, you've been acting a little weird ever since we came home from the mansion. I know you lose your temper every now and then but not like this.

Daisy: I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. I'm probably just having a hard time processing the marriage, that's all.

Donald: Works for me. The girls watch Donald jump off the sofa and get a broom and dustpan to clean up the dish shards. Anyway, Daisy, I've been thinking of the perfect place to hold our wedding. Maybe we could do it a beach, or how about a skating ring.

April: Wouldn't that be dangerous?

Donald: Uh…good point. Okay, how about Disney Castle!?

The ring begins to glow again and Daisy feels a sharp pain her head. She clutches it, grunting and groaning in pain and agony. Whatever evil's inside the ring has taken hold of her and now her eyes are glowing sinister blood red. She gives an evil grin. No one even notices her walking upside down on the ceiling.

She speaks in a distorted version of her voice.

Daisy: Yes. And we will sacrifice oxen upon our altar.

Donald: Uh…sure, whatever you say toots.

May turns and gasps sheer fear when she sees Daisy walking upside down, her eyes red and her expression evil. She pokes both her sisters and when they turn around they gasp in horror too.

May: Aunt Daisy…?

She gives her nieces a jump scare when she jumps down. April, May and June comically hug onto each other, quivering and shaking in fear when Daisy looks down on them with a sinister grin. Unsurprisingly, Donald is oblivious to it all.

Donald: I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm really thinking hard about our future together and oh boy! It's looking bright!

By the time he turns to face his fiancé Daisy walks off into her room.

Daisy: Fool.

Donald: Uh…

Now Donald is really confused. The Duck Girls are so terrified and shook up by what they just saw they're unable to say anything.

Donald: Girls…are you okay?

May: They turn around in fear. Uh…Uncle Donald, there's something you should-

They're all taken out of their thoughts when knocking is heard from the window. Donald looks to see Della outside the window and walks over to open it up for her. He sits on the edge a little disheartened.

Della: Thought I'd come to check up on my favourite couple. She playfully nudges her brother. So, how does it feel to get engaged, champ? It's awesome, isn't it?

Donald: Um…it's supposed to be awesome…but right now it's just scary. Ever since I proposed, Daisy's been acting a little bit…well…weird.

Della: Oh, come on. There's nothing to worry about. Daisy loves you. I'm sure there's a logical explanation.

April: Uh…you're actually not that far off their Aunt Della.

May: They look to the Duck Girls grimly walking up to them. Uh…Uncle Donald, there' s something you might want to know.

June: That ring you gave to Aunt Daisy…I think it's-

Before they could say anything the wall to Daisy's room cracks and then explodes, causing them all to scream in horror. Donald, Della, May, April and June gasps in horror to see Daisy floating out of her room covered in dark aura, the ring and her eyes glow blood red and her face is covered in black markings.

Donald: Daisy?

Daisy: Her voice has become distorted. You didn't tell me we were supposed to expect company. Perhaps I'll invite some of my own guests.

Daisy shoots out two eye beams and they take the form of two winged and vicious insectoid monsters with 6 legs, 4 arms and disgusting tongues and teeth. One of them is purple and the other is black. The monsters release horrifying screeches and the Ducks scream in fear.

Della: What are those things!?

April: Heartless!?

May: They look like worse!

Daisy: Time for the engagement party!

The insect monsters attack, causing Donald and the girls to quickly scatter. The Duck Girls quickly summon their weapons to defend themselves. The insect thrusts it claws and May is forced to parry with a couple swings from he swords. When she jumps the insect smacks her and sends May scream. April thrusts her glaive only to be evaded and the creature catches it before tossing her away. June jumps down to slice with her khopesh only to be smacked and sent crashing into the ceiling.

Donald throws some punches as the insectoid monster he's facing but it blocks his blows with its hard arms. Della drops down with a metal kick to the back of it's head only to have no effect. Her hair is grabbed she's sent screaming into the TV.

Eventually, Donald is kicked out the window and falls down the building, grabbing onto the balcony outside the apartment of their neighbour below. The insect monsters busts out the wall to land near Donald's area and tear him apart. Della jumps down and grabs the creature in a headlock, pulling him away from his brother.

Della: Keep your dirty little claws off my brother you disgusting dragon-insect thing!

The Duck Girls are faced with their monster in the kitchen.

May: Come on, ugly, let's rumble!

The Duck Girls dodge some swings and avoid getting stabbed.

April: It's our turn!

April and June slash across its chest, allowing May to jump on and stab its back, causing it to screech in pain. April and June jump on too, dismissing their weapons and locking onto its wings, causing the beast to struggle.

May: I ain't exactly sure where you came from, but I know where you're going! DOWN!

They force the insect to crawl out the broken window wall but instead of dropping it takes flight in the air and the triplets hang on screaming in terror.

April: You were saying!?

June: How could you not see it has wings!?

May: Sorry! Poor choice of words!

Donald hangs onto the balcony as Della is now struggling to hold back their monster from devouring him.

Donald: I'm not taking this fall alone! Get ready to push, Della!

Della: You got it!

Using impressive acrobatics Donald grabs the railing with both hands and flips up to leg lock onto its neck. Della pushes and Donald pulls the insect beast falls with them off building, landing together on dumpster. The Duck Twins hit the ground hard away from the injured creature.

April and June were still hung onto their monster's shoulder as it flew while May still hung onto her sword.

May: Time to make an emergency landing girls!

She jumps and leg locks onto the monster's neck, pulling its mouth as hard as she could. The girls manage to take control and fly in the direction of Donald and Della.

May: This time you're going DOWN for real!

June: Please, don't! This is bad time for lame puns!

The creature on the ground proceeds to kill Della and she screams in fear. Donald comes up and forms a barrier, barely blocking. But it's slowly cracking under the creatures strength.

Donald: With half of my magic gone I'm not sure I can hold this thing off!

At that moment the Duck Girls are flying down with their monster insect.

May: Look out below!

April: Jump!

Donald and Della move out of the way just as April, May and June jump off their monster and it crashes into its brother, killing them both. Donald holds May and Della holds the other two as they cringe in disgust at the green liquid oozing out from the destroyed creatures' bodies.

Daisy gives off a distorted laughter before jumping and flipping down the apartment to the ground, destroying a car in the process. She jumps across the city and the Ducks are in horror.

Della: Uh…Donald, remember when I said there's gotta be a logical explanation? Well…don't ever listen to me again.

Donald: Agreed!

May: We gotta find Aunt Daisy now! We need wheels!

April: But the car keys are in her pockets.

June smirks and brings out a set of keys.

June: Luckily, for all of you I've got keys to everywhere in our apartment, including the mansion. She begins selecting the keys 'till she gets the right one. Let's see, the mansion, boys' room, Donald's houseboat, our room, aha! Aunt Daisy's car! They're all deadpanning at her. Yes, I replicate keys to everyone's private places, but that's really only when I'm bored.

Donald: Forget about that, let's roll!

Donald and the girls make a run for it.

The Ducks tear through the streets on Daisy's pink car. Donald is driving, Della is sat next to him and the girl triplets are sat behind them both. He drives as fast he could, ignoring road safety laws.

Donald: It's the ring, girls, it's gotta be! You all saw it glow!

Della: Yeah! Big time!

May: That's why she's been acting so weird, lately!

Donald: It's done something to her! What have I done!?

Della: It's not your fault, Donald! We didn't know it would do that.

April: Whatever that ring is it must contain some sort of dark power that's possessing our Aunt!

June: I think the dark aura and the monsters pretty much told us that! What kind of freak did you get this ring from anyway!

Della: We got it from some harmless old man! How were we supposed to know it was a mystical ring!

June: You got scammed by an old man!

Donald: Enough arguing! Daisy's in danger, we gotta ring off her now! And then I'm gonna find the geezer and give him the beating of a lifetime!

Daisy was running on the streets like a wild, bloodthirsty animal. She then begins hopping from car to car and then swings down a lamppost. She tears off a manhole and jumps down into the sewers as Donald, Della and the girls arrive. They quickly get out of the car.

The 5 of them jump down the sewers much to the disgust of June when they land on the water.

June: Ugh! It isn't bad enough our Aunt is possessed but now I have to walk on sewer water to get to her!

May: Shut up and stop complaining!

Donald: Look!

Daisy's eyes and the ring was glowing in the darkness at the other end. They slowly approach her.

April: Aunt Daisy, listen to us!

Donald: Daisy, it's us, your family! Let us help you!

Daisy: Help yourselves!

A beam of light blasts out the ring, forming another ferocious monster that looks like some sort of twisted armadillo on two legs and with sharp claws. It roars and claws at the Ducks, prompting them to jump out of the way while Daisy jumps out another manhole.

Della gets caught in the monsters tail and screams in pain when she gets squeezed hard. The Duck Girls attempt to help but May and April are caught in it's claws and June gets stomped. The girls are all screaming in pain from the amount of pressure the monster is placing.

Donald: Della! April! May! June!

Della:* Donald attempts to help.* No, don't! Forget about us Don, we'll be fine! Go after Daisy, she needs you!

May: Please, Uncle Donald! Save our Aunt!

April: We can take care of ourselves!

June: You'd better save her and come back alive!

Della: GO NOW!

Donald emerges out of another manhole to see people screaming for their lives and heavy objects being tossed around. He quacks in horror when he sees Daisy telepathically lift cars and toss them around, creating havoc anywhere. Donald is emotionally torn but seeing that there's no other way he has no choice but literally knock some sense into his fiancé before she does something she'll regret. He summons Save the Queen and reels it back.

Donald: Daisy, forgive me! This is gonna hurt me more than it'll hurt you! But it's for your own good!

He tosses his staff and it makes a direct hit, smashing Daisy and sending her screaming into a car. She drops on her face real hard and falls unconscious.

Della is struggling to stop the monster from eating her while the kids still get squeezed. Due to Daisy's unconsciousness the monster disappears and the girls fall into the water. They lift themselves up, shocked with what just happened.

Della: What the heck!?

June: Ugh! I've gotta put these clothes in the wash!

Donald slowly approaches, regretful of hurting her.

Donald: Daisy…? Daisy is beginning to come to. Toots, you okay?

Daisy lifts her head up, seemingly back to normal along with her voice and is horrified with what she's been doing. Unfortunately, the ring is still glowing.

Daisy: Donald… what have I been doing!? What's happening to me!?

Donald: It's the ring! Take it off, Daisy! Take off the ring!

The moment Daisy looks at the ring glowing she gets up trying to pull it off her finger but to her horror it's not moving an inch. The ring is stuck to her finger and won't come off. She grunts and groans as she tries.

Daisy: I can't! It's stuck!

The ring glows brighter and Daisy is engulfed in red light that burns and electrocutes her, causing her to scream in immense pain and agony before she drops down and falls unconscious for much longer.

Donald: Daisy! NO!

Before Donald could help a blast of purple energy smashes him. He shouts in pain and hits his back hard. Then to his shock he finds himself surrounded by a swarm of Lance Warriors, Flame Cores, Water Cores, Runemasters, Hammer Frames and Molten Golems. Donald gets back up.

Donald: What the!? Heartless! And those golems, they're-

Merlock drops down the air right near Daisy and stands to give Donald a sinister grin after not seeing him for almost a year.

Merlock: Well, well, what a surprise. Donald Duck, it's been a long time, hasn't it old friend.

Donald gives his greatest enemy a hateful glare.

Donald: Merlock!

Merlock: For a moment I was actually afraid I'd never find the ring, how ironic that my greatest nemesis has lead it right to me. €He summons an Ethereal Blade from one palm and points it right at Donald.* Looks like your little darling, Daisy has come across some new jewellery…and you've finally grown the spine to propose to her. You have my congratulations Donald. Donald blushes with rage. Unfortunately for you, your little engagement ring is of use to me.

Donald: Leave her alone Merlock!

Donald attempts to charge only for Rock Golem to grab and restrain him. Merlock picks up Daisy in a not so gentle way.

Merlock: Sorry. Like I said, this ring is of use of me. Once I harness its power I will destroy you and your family once and for all.

Merlock attempts to walk away but Godslayer is tossed like a boomerang. He quickly turns to form a barrier but the impact of the sword pushes him back and he releases Daisy. Della, May, April and June jump down in the centre with their weapons in hand.

Della: Sorry, we're late!

May: Is it too late to crash the party?!

Merlock: It's far too late because I'm going to kill you all and take Daisy! I must have the Ring of Yin! Destroy them all!

The monsters slowly approach them and the girls stand back to back. Donald frees one of his arms and holds it out. Save the Queen flies back to his arm for him to twist and smash the golem's head off.

Donald: Della! April, May, June, you 4 take care of the Heartless! I'd deal with Merlock!

Della: Go for it!

Donald leaps up to smash Merlock with his staff but the Terrible Magician summons and crosses both his Ethereal Blades too block and a resonation of energy and electricity is created. Donald jumps back before charging at Merlock and swinging his staff. Merlock swings his blades to parry Donald's strikes and spins upside down to deliver spinning slashes that Donald struggles to block. Eventually the Mage of Thunder is gets hit across the stomach and sent flying on his back.

Della blocks a Molten Golem's fist strike with her sword. She pushes it off and rolls around to jump on its back and impale its neck, destroying it. When she jumps off she destroys a couple of Lance Warriors, parrying their blades, slashing and impaling them. When a Hammer Frame jumps down to crush her she destroys it with an energy blade.

May comically avoids getting burned or blasted by a couple of Water Cores and Flames Cores before cutting them down in half. A Molten Golem smacks her and she hits her back hard. She then tosses her sword like a boomerang and behead the Golem, making it crumble to pieces.

April dodges spells casted by some Runemasters before charging forth and cutting them down before sticking her glaive down into the ground and spins around it to kick away a couple of Lance Warriors. Then with one toss she destroys a Hammer Frame.

June blocks two Lance Warriors, barely pushing them away before sliding underneath and cutting them down. When A Hammer Frame jumps down to crush her she jumps out of the way, avoiding its shockwave before tossing her Khopesh to destroy it and some Flame Cores.

Donald casts a Thundaga spell and Merlock unleashes an energy wave. Both collide in an explosion and that shatters a couple of windows and creates a small earthquake that almost throws everyone off balance. Donald blasts out of the smoke transforming into his 50% True Power State to bash Merlock with his staff only for the Magician to form a barrier that bounces Save the Queen back so hard it flies out of Donald's hand. He then proceeds to cut him down with his blades but Donald quickly summons Monado and holds it up to block. They're in a blade lock power struggle.

Merlock: So…you have a new sword, I see. I heard about you battle against Lunaris, I even watched it. Unfortunately for me I was one of the victims of his Finger Snap.

Donald: Really!? Then I guess should've asked Launchpad to make it so that everyone but scum like you is brought back to life.

Merlock: Even with your new weapon you cannot defeat me Donald! I know you've lost your powers and have recently only acquired half of your magic back!

Donald: I'm more than strong enough to stop you Merlock! I won't let you hurt Daisy!

Merlock: That's too bad, because I'm taking her with me once again! I'll get that ring even if I have to tear it off of her finger.

They exchange a multitude of sword strikes; Donald swings his sword but Merlock blocks and thrusts with his other blade, prompting Donald to flip above. He casts a Blizarra spell but Merlock smashes the shots of ice to pieces. Donald sends out a green energy blade but Merlock blocks with another barrier. When Donald jumps forward to impale Merlock with his sword the Terrible Magician ducks and smacks Donald in the stomach, electrocuting him and causing him to scream in immense pain and anguish.

He then grabs Donald and clutches his face hard. Donald muffles as he struggles to escape. When Merlock releases him he impales his blade near Donald's shoulder. The Mage of Thunder releases a loud scream of pain and agony as Merlock holds him up and digs his sword in deeper. The dark mage releases a blast of green energy from his talisman that engulfs Donald and sends him screaming and flying on his back. Della and the kids run over in horror as reverts back to his base form.

Della: Bro!

Duck Girls: Uncle Donald!

Della: That does it! No one hurts my brother and gets away with it!

In a fit of rage Della charges and leaps at Merlock only for him to releases a massive blast from his talisman that engulfs Della. She screams in pain and sprawls across the ground, falling unconscious. The Duck Girls gasp at Merlock in fear and before they hand the chance Merlock casts a Thundaza spell that electrocutes them. April, May and June scream in pain and smash into a car.

All the remaining monsters disappear. Merlock swipes his talisman and transforms into a griffin before grabbing Daisy with a sinister grin. Donald gets up holding his shoulder in pain and hatred.

Donald: LET HER GO!

Merlock: Do not bother following me, Donald. It will be most hazardous to your health.

Merlock releases a beam of energy from his mouth that engulfs Donald and he's sent flying back again, hitting the ground on his chest. With Donald, Della, April, May and June knocked out Merlock takes flight into the air with Daisy in his grip. Donald weakly reaches out.

Donald: No…Daisy…

And with that he slips into a state of unconsciousness

When Donald starts regaining unconsciousness he sees Khan, the same old man who gave him the ring looming above him near and alleyway. Donald, Della and the triplets are slowly regaining consciousness and getting up. Donald's shoulder looks like it's been bandaged up beneath the hole that was created in his outfit. All of them are groaning in pain, bruised a little and recovering from the concussion Merlock gave.

Khan: Oh, good, you are not too injured; I followed the ring's path of destruction just as Merlock did.

He helps Donald up, trying to calm him with a pat but the sailor remembers it was this man that gave the ring that turned his fiancé into a monster.

Donald: It's you! Donald grabs the old man's collar and smashes him against the wall in a fit of red, steaming rage. You gave me that lousy ring! YOU DID THIS TO MY DAISY!

Della: Della and girl triplets also walk up in anger. WHAT KIND OF RING DID YOU GIVE US YOU OLD GEEZER!

Khan: Khan looks down, regretful of his actions. I am sorry; it was the only way to keep it far from Merlock. You see, the ring is very powerful. It is…The Ring of Yin.

May: Yin, As in Yin & Yang, the symbol?

April: So you do study other cultures, after all, May.

May: Sometimes, when I'm bored and have nothing better to do.

Khan: Yin and Yang is more than just a symbol I'm afraid. He takes a seat on a crate. They're the dual forces of our universe: Dark & Light, Evil & Good, Yin & Yang. But the Ring of Yin upsets a person's careful balance and allows the host to tap into the dark, the yin and harnesses it into evil power. You've seen its effects consisting of fight, speed and the means to create the most horrifying of monsters. However, evil stains, the longer you wield it, the longer it corrupts you. You will no longer create the monsters…you become the monster…forever…

This piece of information was sheer horror for the Ducks, especially Donald. He's horrified the engagement ring he put on his girlfriend is gonna turn him into a monster.

Della: Ohmygosh…

June: You mean our Aunt…our mother…is going to turn into a monster.

May: No…it can't be…

April: How could we not know about this sooner?

Khan: The existence of the Ring was erased from history. Very few such as Isabella Finch knew of its existence, my ancestors have been travelling around the world guarding it from the forces of darkness. But it would seem Merlock had found a way to discover the existence of the ring and its deadly powers as well.

April: Isabella Finch knew about the ring!? Then it must be in her journal!

Donald: Why can't Daisy take off the ring!? When she tried to it completely electrocuted her!

Khan: A magical safeguard, I'm afraid. The ring can only be removed by the same person who placed it on the host. And Daisy was not the one who put the ring on her finger, was she…

Donald gasps in horror.


After presenting the ring Donald slips it onto Daisy's finger.

(End of Flashback)

Donald's beak is wide open, completely speechless. Daisy's wearing the ring but she never put it on…he put it on for her…which makes him responsible for Daisy's situation. Della touches Donald's shoulder to provide comfort and the triplets look at her in sorrow as May holds his hand. Khan begins walking off as Donald facepalms over his own stupidity.

Khan: No, I suspect you placed the ring on her finger which means you and only you have the power to save your Daisy. And if you want to save her then I suggest you follow me.

The Ducks exchange unsure looks but seeing they don't have any other choice they reluctantly follow Khan.

Meanwhile, in the Island of Merlock, Daisy is strapped onto a large stone block and quivers in fear as Merlock gets in her face.

Daisy: W-what are you gonna do to me Merlock?

Merlock: Relax, Daisy. This will all go easy and painlessly if you cooperate. You see, believe it or not I was one of the victims of Lunaris when he snapped his fingers and destroyed half of life with the Infinity Stones. He walks back to sit on a throne-like chair in between two Runemasters. I'd feel a lot better if I had an army of monsters ready for another alien invasion. After all, Earth belongs to me and only me. Plus, I'd be ready for your boyfriend the day he gets his full magic returns.

Daisy: Daisy is angry. Well, forget it! I'm not giving you this ring! I'll never play a part in some whack-job villain's scheme to destroy my boyfriend.

Merlock snaps his fingers and electricity surges through the block, electrocuting Daisy. She screams in horrible pain and agony as she feels hers body get burned horribly. When it stops she's singed and covered in bruises and her dress gets a bit dirty. Daisy pants in pain.

Merlock: Let's try that again! Hand over the ring, Daisy!

Daisy: Even if I could give you the ring I'd rather die than betray my family and boyfriend!

Merlock snaps his fingers harder and more electricity surges through the block. The electrocution was worse this time and Daisy was screaming louder than ever. She's more burnt, her dress is tattered, her bow has been burnt off and her hair is dishevelled.

Merlock: So, brave, it seems your boyfriend's stubbornness has rubbed off on you.

Daisy: If you want the ring so badly then why don't you pull it off my finger!

Merlock: Believe me, Daisy, I would. But unfortunately, legends say that a magical safeguard in the ring makes it so that person who placed the ring on the host in the first place is the only one who can remove it. Seeing as how you couldn't remove the ring I'm guessing Donald was the one who placed it on since he made the proposal. Merlock grins. Congratulations on the wedding, by the way. It looks like your boyfriend has grown a spine. Daisy blushes as Merlock begins walking up next to the block. I can't remove the ring proper way, but fortunately for me I am more than willing to explore other means of removing it.

He snaps his fingers and Daisy screams in the loudest form of pain ever as the electrocution begins destroying her body. Merlock summons one Ethereal Blade.

Merlock: Either you find a way to hand over that ring or I ensure you lose something you cannot replace.

As Daisy screams the ring glows once more. Her screams turns into groaning as it takes over once more. Her face becomes monstrous, her eyes are blood red once more and her voice is distorted again.

Daisy: I already have…

He tongue becomes long as she stretches it out to wrap around Merlock and send him crashing into his Heartless. Daisy breaks free from the electrocution and her restraints.

Then to Merlock's horror Daisy undergoes a horrifying transformation. Her arms become black and her fingers extend into claws, black ink blasts out the back of her dress, her bow melts, her hair becomes evil silver and she becomes engulfed in dark aura. Merlock becomes more fearful as Daisy enlarges and laughs.

Breaking out of the volcano was a massive and wicked humanoid female monster with a scary duck's face, a sharp beak, her body is ink black, her wings were massive and evil-looking, her claws were long, her face, hand and feet are silver and her eyes are as blood red as the ring glowing. This is the monster Daisy has become due to the power of the ring…this was Monstro Daisy.

Monstro Daisy screeches as she flies through the skies.

Within half an hour she's back in Duckburg soaring through the air and scaring people into running away, screaming for their lives. Donald, Della, April, May and June were with Khan and they were horrified at the sight of this gruesome monster.

Donald: What is that!?

April: Is that-!?

Khan: Evil made flesh, that is. That monster is your Daisy.

Donald and the Duck Girls gasp in sheer terror or shock.

Donald: WHAT!? NO!

They watch the monster that is Daisy soaring and screeching in the air.

Donald: WHAT HAVE I DONE!? I've created a monster! I've got to save Daisy! She wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for me!

May: We're coming too! She's our Aunt after all!

April: We're not gonna let Aunt Daisy stay a monster for the rest of her life!

June: She's been doing a lot for us! So now it's our turn to do something for her!

Della: Count me in too! In fact, the entire family is gonna help us save Daisy. She presents her phone before they all look up in the air. You see, Don and girls, I made a couple of calls.

As if on cue the Cloudslayer is flying down and Launchpad's piloting.

Launchpad: Did someone call for the cavalry!?

He gives Donald's team the thumbs up from the window as they run to the plane along with Khan. Donald, Della, April, May and June get inside to find Scrooge, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, Lena, Violet and Beakely near the cockpit with Launchpad. Della takes her seat and all have determined expressions.

Scrooge: Della told us what happened!? Let's go and save Daisy!?

May: We'll get our Aunt back, won't we Uncle Scrooge?

Beakely: Beakely places a hand on her shoulder. Don't worry May, we will save Daisy!

Donald: Della! Launchpad! Take us into the air!

Della & Launchpad: Yes sir/Aye aye, Mr D!

Khan smiles as the Cloudslayer takes off into the air, praying for their success.

Kingdom Hearts 2 – 1000 Heartless Battle Music

Monstro Daisy is hung onto a tall building and watches the Cloudslayer flying around and closing in on her.

Della: Let's get in close.

The moment they do that Daisy jumps off and attempts to rip the plane apart. The Cloudslayer evades and flies away from her and everyone inside screams.

Huey: That was too close!

Dewey: Dewey looks out the door. That thing is wicked!

Donald comes by after changing into World-travelling attire.

Donald: That thing is Daisy, believe it or not! Don't hurt her!

Everyone holds onto something as tight as they could.

Violet: Logically, it would be impossible to hurt her!

Scrooge: What kind of ring did you give her lad!?

Donald: I didn't know it would do that. Apparently it's supposed to be called the Ring of Yin! We just spoke to the old guy who gave it to us down there and he told us all about it!

Dewey: Huey! Is there anything in Finch's journal about that ring!?

Huey: Huey is flipping pages through Finch's journal. I'm looking, I'm looking! Wait, here it is!

April and Violet get by Huey's side and they see a drawing of the same ring Daisy has been wearing.

April: That's it! That's the ring our Aunt's wearing.

Huey: The Ring of Yin is a really powerful artefact but it was also dangerous! The Ancients in China originally created the ring using dark magic in hopes of using it for good. But it was too powerful for anyone to control and the dark magic within possesses people by tapping into the darkness inside them until they turn into monster. So they kept it hidden from the world and passed it down. The bearer of the ring must travel from places to places to keep it from prying hands.

Scrooge: And now the ring has arrived in Duckburg! And it's turned Daisy into that monstrosity! No offence.

The Duck Girls shake their heads.

Webby: How are we gonna turn this monster back into our Aunt Daisy!?

Donald: The ring on her finger is what's turned her into a monster and it can only be removed by me! If I can get it off she should be freed!

Violet: Uncle Donald's right! According to Finch's journal only the one who put the ring on has the power to remove it!

Scrooge: Della, Launchpad, take the plane above Daisy so Donald can jump onto her back and remove the ring!

Louie: How are we supposed to get above Aunt Daisy when she's chasing us down to rip us to shreds!

Lena: Maybe if we could get her to turn her attention to something else she might be distracted long enough for us to make our move!

Launchpad: Uh…guys, problem. They all get over to the cockpit to see the radar beeping. It looks like we've got company.

Flying from behind was a large Stormrider Heartless and Merlock is riding it. The heartless unleashes an electric bolt barrage that Della and Launchpad dodge by spinning the plane skilfully before pulling up to avoid getting clawed at by Daisy.

Dewey: Not that guy again!

April: Merlock just doesn't know when to quit!

Merlock: Merlock uses magic to make his voice louder. This is Merlock the Terrible Magician! Surrender the Ring of Yin to me and stay out of my way or I will destroy you all!

Scrooge: Scrooge pokes his head out waving his cane angrily. Ah, you and what army bub!?

Merlock: Funny you should ask that…

Merlock snaps his fingers and inside the Sunchaser a swarm of Heartless consisting of Neoshadows, Novashadows, Runemasters, Lance Warriors and Hammer Frames appear inside the bottom level. Everyone glares at a sheepish Scrooge.

June: You just had to say that!

Beakely: Great! Now we have to keep the plane from being torn apart from the inside and outside.

Donald: Uncle Scrooge! I need you and everyone else to handle the Heartless!

Scrooge: You can count on us lad! Scrooge summons Sword of McDucks.

Dewey: Let's show Merlock how we Dewey it! Dewey summons Laser Sabres.

Webby: Yeah! Webby summons Persian Blade.

May: This is for Aunt Daisy! May summons Starfire Sword.

Huey, Louie, April, June, Lena and Violet summon their signature weapons and Beakely cracks her knuckles hard. All of them jump down to the lower level of the plane and charge the Heartless with battle cries.

Donald: Della, Launchpad, I need you to fly the plane above Daisy since she's distracted by that Heartless!

Della: Got it!

Launchpad: We're on it Mr D!

With Monstro Daisy's attention diverted to Storm Rider the Sunchaser is able to safely fly above without any trouble. Donald goes out the door and does leap of faith off the Sunchaser.


Donald manages to clutch onto Daisy's back and the ring is within his sights. The Mage of Thunder begins climbing and crawling towards the arm where the ring.

Merlock from his Heartless spots Donald slowly and carefully making his way towards the ring. He growls in annoyance before leaping off his heartless and flying towards the Mage of Thunder.

Everyone fights off the Heartless inside the Cloudslayer as best as they could.

Scrooge parries a couple of Lance Warriors, swinging his sword and jumping back as they thrust. He knocks them off balance with one swing and then cuts them in half.

Dewey ducks and impales a Lance Warrior before shooting down some Hook Bats.

Webby rolls back and to kick a Hammer Frame right in Beakely's direction for the former agent to destroy with a punch. Webby cuts down a Neoshadow and Beakely grabs and tosses a Hammer Frame away.

May dodges a Novashadow before ducking another one slicing her and cuts them down.

Huey impales a Runemaster and when one sends a ice ball at him he whacks it like a baseball.

April jump kicks a Hook Bat before cutting down a couple of Neoshadows and impaling a Hammer Frame right in its nose.

Lena and Violet bring their weapons together to unleash a joint blast of purple and light blue energy that engulfs and destroys a group of Heartless.

Louie and June are each in a blade lock with one Lance Warrior. Louie jumps and beheads his heartless and June ducks before impaling hers. They stand back to back, faced with some Novashadows.

A Hammer thrusts its nose at Launchpad. He comically and barely dodges before grabbing its nose. Della delivers a metal kick and LP throws a punch to send it flying away before controlling the plane again.

Launchpad: We gotta stay focused! Mr D needs us!

Della: That's hard when we're constantly being attacked by heartless from the inside and outside!

They spin the plane once more to avoid an electric energy beam from the Storm Rider. When it proceeds to devour the plane Monstro Daisy gets in between and sends out a massive blast of flames that vaporizes the giant heartless.

Launchpad: Hey! Maybe she's on our side!

Unfortunately, Monstro Daisy releases another flame blast, causing Della and Launchpad to scream as they barely dodge.

Della: You were saying!

Launchpad: Never mind! Forget what I said!

After the Heartless are taken care of everyone hangs onto something as the plane vibrates and the kids all scream.


Donald is on Daisy's lengthened finger and reaches the ring. He grabs it and attempts to push hard.

Donald: Come on, come on! I've gotta get this thing off!

Suddenly he hears laser sounds behind him. He turns his head to see Merlock pointing his Ethereal blade right in his back. Donald grits his teeth in anger.

Donald: Not you again!

Merlock: What? Did you seriously think I'd let the ring go without a fight Donald?!

Donald: YOU MORON! Look, where we are! You still want this, knowing what it'll do to you!

Merlock: Sinister energy forms at the tip and he prepares to blast him. YES!

At the last second Godslayer is flung and flying through the air like a boomerang, cutting and destroying the Ethereal Blade which causes Merlock to shout and reel back in pain.

He looks in rage to see Della stood by the plane door and cockily calling out to Merlock.

Della: How 'bout you get yourself a nice pair of earrings instead you dog-faced palooka!

Merlock was so distracted by Della, Donald was able to electrocute him with an electric blast. He screams in pain and then Donald swipes him off his feet. Merlock screams as he falls down the air and into the water. Donald gives Della the thumbs up.

Donald: Thanks sis!

Della: You're all clear bro!

Della screams when the plane shakes. Everyone inside is screaming because Monstro Daisy has grabbed the Cloudslayer in one of her massive hands, shaking it violently as she screeches.

May, April and June in an act of bravery climb up the Cloudslayer and face their monster Aunt.


Daisy screeches at her nieces but they don't give up. Looking at them suddenly causes her to stop in confusion.

May: Aunt Daisy, you've gotta stop this! Please, come back to us!

April: It's us, your nieces, April, May and June!

June: We know you're suffering in their Aunt Daisy, let us help you fight it!

May: Daisy says nothing. Don't you remember Aunt Daisy? We're your family! All of us are your family! We all want to help you!

April: Try and think back to all the amazing stuff we've done together.

She gets out a wallet and presents a collection of beautiful photos of Daisy with her nieces. They smile pleadingly and beggingly at her.

June: Remember that trip we were taking to Hawaii only to fall off the plane and end up stranded in an island for 10 days! They glare at June. Granted, that wasn't a lot of fun…but for 10 days it was real quality time for us with you that day since you were always busy with work even if it wasn't what we attended.

May: And that day…you were no longer our Aunt. You became our Mom, remember?

April: We love you Aunt Daisy, don't let the darkness of Yin destroy you! Fight back for Uncle Donald! FOR US!

The girls are at the brink of tears as Daisy stares at her nieces with a blank look that softens into an expression of sadness. The girls gasp with joy, their words are getting through to her.

This gives Donald the time he needs to get the ring off. With all his strength Donald tries to push but it's still a massive struggle. The ring is completely stuck. He grunts and groans before glaring at the ring in determination.

Donald: Daisy! I told you I'd fight for you and I meant it! I'll fight for you with all my HEART!

Donald takes a different approach, getting on his hands to push the ring with his feet. Finally it loosens and budges, Donald grabs it with hand to push and grunt with all his strength. He transforms into his 50% True Power State and pushes even more bit by bit.

Donald: Almost there!

When gets more than halfway through Daisy notices and screeches. By then Donald had finally pushed the ring off her massive claw and the moment he does a red flash of light occurs.

Daisy is reverted back to normal the way she was before Merlock tortured her for the ring, the ring is normal size again and Donald catches it.

Donald: I GOT IT!

Daisy is falling and screaming loudly down the air away from the plane now that she can't fly. Donald dives down like a lightning bolt as the Duck Couple reach out to one another as far as they could. Eventually they join hands and Donald brings his screaming fiancé in to hug her tight as they fall. He provides comfort as she shakes in fear.

Donald: It's alright! I've got you, Daisy!

Daisy: Daisy is filled with tears. Donald! I'm so sorry!

Donald: It's okay!

In the nick of time the Cloudslayer arrives for Della to hang down and grab hold of her brother's hand, holding him and Daisy up as the plane flies.

Della: Am I the best bridesmaid material or what!?

The Cloudslayer flies to safety right towards the park. Launchpad crashes the nose of the plane right near the water but everyone's okay. It tips backward and is positioned normally again.

Launchpad: Did I crash good!?

Donald and Daisy drops down and Della gets back in to let them have their moment. Daisy runs into her fiancé, sharing a tearful hug with him. Donald returns it, providing as much comfort and joy as possible.

Daisy: Oh Donald! I'm so sorry! I didn't know what I was doing! I tried to hurt you! I-!

Donald: It's okay! I'm just so happy you're back! I'm really sorry for putting you through all that, Daisy! This was all my fault! I gave you the wrong ring and I turned you into a monster!

Daisy: They pull back tearfully smiling. It's alright! I wasn't your fault, you didn't know! Besides…you saved me…again.

Donald: I promised I'd fight for you Daisy and I meant it.

A tearful and touched Daisy presses her lips against Donald and they embrace in another passionate kiss. After pulling back and blushing everyone else run out the back of the plane and Daisy is overjoyed to see her nieces running to her in tears.

Duck Girls: Aunt Daisy!

Daisy: Girls!

Daisy slides down and brings her nieces in for a big hug. They all cry onto her shoulders.

May: You're back!

April: We thought we lost you!

June: Don't you ever scare us like that again!

Daisy: I'm sorry so sorry, April, May, June! Thank you for remind me who I am! I'm just so glad I didn't hurt any of you!

She looks over to see Scrooge, Della, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, Lena, Violet, Launchpad and Beakely approach them with relieved looks. She stands with a look of regret as Donald arrives by her side.

Daisy: Everyone, I'm so sorry I tried to hurt you all. Can you ever forgive me?

Scrooge: It's not your fault lass.

Della: Yeah, it was the ring.

Violet: The thing that matters is that you're alright Aunt Daisy.

Dewey: And you're back to your old self again.

Louie: I'm just glad this nightmare's over.

Webby: We know you'd never want to hurt us Aunt Daisy.

Launchpad: Though next time you should probably go to the ring store that's in the mall.

Everyone: Agreed!

Daisy: Daisy and Donald look around the park. We're back in the park. This was where Donald made his proposal to me, if only I could relive the last 24 hours.

Khan: And for that, I am truly sorry.

Khan comes out of the shadows right next to Della, causing her to yelp in surprise.

Della: You really get around, don't you?

Khan: Khan apologetically bows. Your recent ordeal was my fault and mine alone. Do you have the ring? Daisy presents the ring for Khan to take and hide it in his jacket. From darkness it came to darkness it returns. Please, except this substitute.

Khan presents a new ring. It's gold and a silver diamond is attached to it, sparkling beautifully.

Donald & Daisy: Wow!

Khan: It's just as precious, minus the evil. Donald gladly takes it. I wish you both a future full of light.

Khan gives a bow before walking off and disappearing into the shadows.

Scrooge: Strange man, but at least he's not the villainous type.

Della: Yeah, I guess I can let him off the hook for once…I was very tempted to punch him in the jaws just now.

Huey: Huey gets out Finch's journal, ticking off the ring in the picture. And with the Ring of Yin found, that's another one of Finch's missing mysteries catalogued.

Donald slips the new ring on Daisy's finger, officially and properly wedding them once more. In a fit of joy she jumps into her fiancé's arm for a hug and Donald spins her around. Both of them laugh with joy. The Duck Boys jump into their uncle laughing as he holds them up. The Duck Girls do the same with their Aunt and Della wraps her arms around her favourite couple in joy. Everyone couldn't be happier.

Beakely: Looks like you both have a wedding coming up.

Daisy: That's right! And you're all invited! You're family and you saved me.

Webby: Oh, wow, I can't WAIT!



Everyone celebrates in the form of cross-talking ideas for the wedding and sharing a group hug. With Donald and Della's engagement and a wedding coming up for them the future was looking bright.

Donald and Daisy share another loving look and stand opposite of each other and a bit away from their discussing family as they spoke. They wrap their arms around each other.

Daisy: Donald, thank you for saving me. You're my hero.

Donald: I'm just happy my Daisy has come back. I can't wait for our wedding.

Daisy: Me too…but… Donald worries when he sees the frown on her face. Do you think we're ready?

Donald: What do you mean, Daisy?

Daisy: Do you think we're ready to take our relationship to this level Donald and live a married life. I mean…you and I were barely able to hold a up our relationship when we were teenagers in our college years. And so many things have happened for us, what if the wedding doesn't go as planned, what if something goes wrong between us again, what-

Donald: What we have is far too strong to be broken apart. I don't know what the future has for us Daisy, but whatever it is you won't face it alone. You and I will face it together. And we've got Della and the others backing us up, right?

Daisy smiles, feeling comfort from Donald's words and lets her worries go. She aims a loving expression at her fiancé.

Daisy: I love you Donald Duck.

Donald: And I love you Daisy Duck.

Donald and Daisy looked into each other's eyes lovingly, their beaks drifting closer.

Daisy: We'll always be together.

Donald: Till death do us part.

Daisy giggled as she and Donald embraced in one last loving kiss for the night.

But as they kissed, they didn't see a mosquito from about 100 feet away. But upon closer inspection, it wasn't a normal mosquito. It was a metal one who's eyes glowed red, revealing the picture of a bird's talon trying to grab the Earth.

The Buzzard brothers, Gandra, Black Heron, Steelbeak, John D. Rockerduck (iced), Jeeves, Phantom Blot, Taurus Bulba and surprisingly Don Karnage is sat around the table, watching Donald and Daisy hold their kiss through the camera on the spy mosquito.

Black Heron: Gross. Did we really have to watch this?

Steelbeak: Looks like those two have got a wedding coming up.

Don Karnage: Let them have their fun. They have no idea the final curtain is soon to come.

Bradford: Indeed.

With the push of a button videos switch to Merlock emerging out of the water panting in exhaustion after his big fall. He clutches hard onto the ground growling in rage.

Bradford: Phantom Blot, is your glove fully repaired yet?

Phantom Blot: Yes sir, it is.

Bradford: Excellent, I'd like you to deal with Merlock and bring him in. All magical threats villains or heroes must be contained by FOWL for our ultimate plan.

Phantom Blot: I'll get right to it. Phantom Blot gets out of his seat and walks off.

Bradford: Bulba, is the Ramrod nearing completion?

Taurus Bulba: Yes sir, it's almost finished. I just need to put the finishing touches.

Bradford: See to it, that you do. It will be crucial to the final stage of our plan. Taurus Bulba walks off too.

Gandra: What about the ring?

Bradford: Be patient. We'll steal it when the time comes.

Heron: Are we going to use it?

Bradford: No, we seal it away. I'd rather we don't become possessed and turn into monsters. The Ring of Yin is chaos magnified. We're not common villains. Heron rolls her eyes and Bradford eyes Steelbeak. Steelbeak, Karange I have a special assignment for you both.

Karnage: Anything to be of service.

Steelbeak: Sure boss, what do you need us to do?

Bradford: I want you to break out a new recruit out of prison.

Inside a jail cell Falcon Graves was calmly sat against the wall playing a harmonica and wearing a prisoner's uniform. Drawn on the walls is him strangling Donald and Daisy to death. He stops playing when he hears a strange noise.

Graves: Strange. That sounds like…a plane.

Suddenly the walls are blasted, creating an explosion that forces Graves to cover his face and the alarm goes off. When Graves opens his eyes he's surprised to see a bluish-silver plane being piloted by Don Karnage. The plane turns around to reveal the ramp open and Steelbeak stood with an evil grin. He tosses Graves his hitman outfit and he catches.

Minutes later the plane escapes before the guards could even arrive at Graves' destroyed cell. Falcon Graves was stood in the plane, pulling his tie after putting his outfit back on and getting out of his prisoner's uniform. He looks to Karnage piloting and Steelbeak leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

Graves: Who are you?

Karnage: The fierce pirate lord of the skies: Don Karnage.

Steelbeak: Name's Steelbeak. No need to thanks us pal.

Graves: I wasn't thanking you. Why are you helping me?

Steelbeak: We've got a little proposition for you.

Graves: And what would it involve.

Karnage: Revenge on those who've wronged and humiliated you.

Graves: Graves is intrigued. Very intriguing, but I have to know, does this involve working for an annoying parrot billionaire named Mark Beaks.

Steelbeak: Who's Mark Beaks?

Graves: Graves puts on an evil smile. Never mind. Count me in.

Scenes shift back to FOWL HQ where Bradford has watched Graves' breakout with a grin.

Bradford: Excellent.

Heron: Not bad, those two are more useful than I've given them credit for. I'm impressed.

Images switch back to Donald and Daisy sharing their kiss and the rest of the family expressing their joy. Bradford focuses on Donald the most with a smirk.

Bradford: Till death do you part indeed. And we'll make sure it happens very soon…Donald Duck. You and your family will soon face your final adventure.

FOWL is still coming and unless they're defeated Donald and Daisy may never get a chance to be married. The adventure continues.

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