Ducktales Season 3 Rewritten

Bởi LandofEvil42

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Ducktales Season 3 Rewritten Xem Thêm

Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 1
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 2
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 3
Quack Pack Part 1
Quack Pack Part 2
Louie's Seventeen Part 1
Louie's Seventeen Part 2
Louie's Seventeen Part 3
Louie's Seventeen Part 4
Louie's Seventeen Part 5
Louie's Seventeen Part 6
Rumble for Ragnarok Part 1
The Phantom and the Sorceress Part 1
The Phantom and the Sorceress Part 2
The Trickening
The Engagement Ring
Lets get Dangerous Part 1
Lets get Dangerous Part 2
Lets get Dangerous Part 3
Lets get Dangerous Part 4
Lets get Dangerous Part 5
Lets get Dangerous Part 6
Lets get Dangerous Part 7
Lets get Dangerous Part 8
Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 1
Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 2
Teamwork Makes a Dreamwork
New Gods on the Block
The True First Adventure
Tales of The Duck Couple Part 1
Tales of The Duck Couple Part 2
Fight for Castle McDuck
The Last Adventure Part 1
The Last Adventure Part 2
The Last Adventure Part 3
The Last Adventure Part 4
The Last Adventure Part 5
The Last Adventure Part 6
The Last Adventure Part 7
The Last Adventure Part 8
The Last Adventure Part 9

Rumble for Ragnarok Part 2

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Bởi LandofEvil42

Team Earth have lost the handicap match and as a result they're tied with Team Ragnarok. Dewey and Webby have just suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of Hecka and Fenrir.

Seeing what his showboating and his lack of care for saving the world has done Dewey is immediately filled with regret. Hecka whistles and Fenrir goes back to her mistress before they disappear via a pillar of green flames. Dewey looks to see Webby being held in Scrooge's arms still writhing in pain from Hecka's finishing move which makes him feel guiltier.

He looks to the crowd booing and giving him the thumbs down.

Jormungandr: Jormungandr climbs up. Hey, hey, hey, come on, let's take it easy on the poor guy. It's not his fault he's a puny mortal with a toxic personality. Beaten and humiliated, Dewey leaves the ring. So it looks like Team Earth made it to the final round which means you all get what you've been waiting for. The main event!

A massive amount of flames spew from the ring post, causing the crowd to shout with joy and when he gets near the exit he turns his head in shame. Donald and Scrooge are no longer liking their chances and Della bandages Webby's stomach.

Della: Are you gonna be okay Webs?

Webby: I think so. But it hurts so much.

Della: It'll be okay.

Webby: Where's Dewey?

Della and Webby look to see Dewey solemnly walking into the exit. They exchange worried looks and Della helps Webby stand. She manages to limp in Dewey's direction while clutching her stomach.

Webby arrives at the exit. She leans against the frame for support, clutching her stomach in pain but is able to look at Dewey in sympathy as he sat against the wall hugging his knees.

Webby: Hey.

Dewey: Hey, Webs.

Webby: Webby sits right next to him, hugging her knees too. Are you okay, Dewey?

Dewey: Dewey begins to cry. No, I'm not okay. I feel stupid, I messed up out there Webby. I've ruined everything and lost us the match!

Webby: No, don't say that! It's not your fault we lost!

Dewey: Then tell me, whose fault was it!?

Webby: It was… well…

Dewey: Webby struggles to find the right answer. That's what I thought.

Webby: I'm sorry, I was just trying to help you. I-

Dewey: No, I'm sorry Webby. This was supposed to be a fight to save the world but instead I made it all about getting people to love me. I just wanted to prove myself to Uncle Scrooge. To show that I'm a good fighter like him, Mom, Uncle Donald, my brothers, you... I wanted to show I could protect Earth too and be loved for it but all I'm doing is just making an idiot out of myself.

Webby: You're not an idiot Dewey.

Dewey: Really?! I was trying to gain attention from strangers! I let my selfish need to make people love make me forget our true goal: Saving the world, because of me the world's about to get destroyed. I really am just a weak, pathetic mortal with a toxic personality like Jormungandr says.

Webby: We haven't lost yet. Don't beat yourself up Dewey. Just because you have a teeny tiny flaw like that doesn't mean it's the end of the world…well, except for today, but you know what I mean.

Dewey: It's just that all my life I've wanted the world to love me. Whenever I have an audience… I make it my mission to gain their love and approval. I completely forget the reason why we're doing stuff like this! I mean, I know the world was at stake but I just couldn't help myself, I-

Webby: Dewey, it's alright. No one can blame you for wanting so much attention. You're the middle triplet, so of course you want to stand out somehow, especially in a big family like ours. Knowing that you aren't invisible makes you feel better. You really wanna make yourself know, don't you?

Dewey: Yeah…that's exactly how I feel.

Webby: You don't need to feel that way Dewey. You just need to accept you for you. That's what you, Uncle Donald and Aunt Della have taught me. You helped me realize that I have my own special way of adventuring. Being the middle triplet doesn't change the fact that you're unique in your own way. You've spent your whole life trying to be special… when you were already special enough.

Dewey: Dewey is touched. Webby…

Webby: Dewey… You don't need impress the world's eyes whenever you do something impressive. Just do what you know is right. You're sweet, sensitive and the bravest boy I've ever met. You've always fought your hardest to save us and the entire world. You've saved my life more times than I can count. You're not weak at all, you're the strongest boy I know. I've seen it… with every adventure we've been on and every enemy we've fought you kept getting stronger. And you kept using what you learned to help us. That audience of jerks may not like you… but WE'LL always love you. You don't need their approval. And always know this Dewey…

Dewey: What's that…?

Webby romantically stares into his eyes, placing her hands on his cheeks.

Webby: Even if you're not everybody's hero…you'll always be my hero. Always have…always will. That'll never change…and that's why you're my Blue Warrior.

Dewey: *Tears stream down Dewey's face. Webby… *I…I don't know what to say…

Webby: You don't need to say anything. I just wanted you to know that.

Dewey: Looking at Webby's smile makes him look down in guilt. Webby… I'm sorry about what happened back there. I'm sorry I got you badly hurt. If I had just pinned Fenrir when you gave me the chance we would've won and you never would've gotten hurt like this.

Webby smiles and brings her boyfriend in for a hug which he returns.

Webby: It's ok my Blue Warrior. I know you didn't mean for that to happen. No matter what you do Dewey, I'll always love you.

Dewey: Dewey manages to smile. I'll always love you too Webs.

Webby gets up, using the wall as support as she clutches her stomach but ends up falling forward, prompting Dewey to catch her. She could barely keep her eyes open.

Dewey: Webby, maybe you should take a break.

Webby: I can't. The next match will start soon. I've got to keep fighting.

Dewey: What! But Webby, you're too badly injured! You can barely even stand right now! There's no way you can fight like this!

Webby manages to stand and smile painfully.

Webby: Don't worry about me, I'll be fine Dewey. The fate of the world's at stake after all. I'll just have to tough it out like I always have. Webby grimaces in pain but starts limping back to the ring. She turns back to Dewey. Are you coming with me?

Dewey: A disheartened Dewey sits back down against the wall. I think…I'll sit this one out. I'm not cut out to face this crowd. If I go back out there now I'll just screw things up like I always do. You're not afraid to be the bad guy Webby, you'd make a far better champion of Earth than I would.

Webby: Webby saddens. As much I'm thrilled with the idea of being the Champion of Earth… it'd just be completely meaningless if I don't have anyone to share it with. And the one I want to share it with is you Dewey.

Dewey: That's sweet and all Webby… but I just can't do it anymore. After being humiliated like that and what I did… I just can't do this anymore. I'm sorry, I'm such a coward…

Webby: Webby gives a kind smile. It's alright. Sometimes the bravest thing to do is to admit when you can't do something. But know this Dewey, even if Uncle Scrooge doesn't believe in you, even if you don't believe in yourself that doesn't matter… because I'll always believe in you. Remember that Dewey.

And with that said Webby limps off to leave Dewey to his thoughts.

Dewey: I will.

The Duck Twins were arguing with Scrooge in regards to Dewey. The old man is furious.

Scrooge: I knew we never should've chosen Dewey to fight! He wasn't ready to handle this!

Donald: Oh, get over yourself old man, what do you expect!? These jerks were bringing him down!

Della: He wanted to fight and he had every right to!

Scrooge: Well, that was clearly a big mistake because thanks to his showboating we've lost this match!

Della: Don't you dare go blaming my son for all this! If anyone's to blame it's you for not showing more faith and support in him like you do for Webby!

Scrooge: Because Webbigail doesn't care about approval from strangers! I knew she should've fought alone!

Donald: If Webby had fought alone the results would still be the same! She's strong, not invincible!

Before the argument got worse and just as Webby catches up Jormungandr makes his special announcement.

Jormungandr: Warriors of Valhalla! I know you're all disappointed about how lacklustre Earth has been this year. So I have a special treat for all of you adoring fans. I challenge Earth to a BATTLE ROYALE!

Violet: The crowd is shouting with joy. Interesting. I've never heard of a battle royale before, does Jormungandr intend on fighting a royal figure.

Launchpad: No. It means he's taking on ALL OF TEAM EARTH! If you get knocked out of the ring, you stay out, folks. And the first to get a pin, wins.

Scrooge: Scrooge climbs up the ring. Challenge accepted, you showboating basilisk. They both shake hands. My family is ready to take whatever you've got. Right guy...? Scrooge notices Dewey is missing, causing the team to become sheepish as Webby points out back. I will be right back. He takes his cane from Webby. Stall.

Scrooge makes his way to the exit, using his cane as support and Jormungandr speaks into the horn again.

Jormungandr: And to make this extra interesting why don't we make this ring much larger.

Jormungandr snaps his fingers and when he does the entire arena rumbles violently before widening. The ring becomes 3 times larger in length and width and boulders are randomly placed on it. The crowd roars with joy.

Violet: With just a simple finger snap Jormungandr has made the entire ring larger so there will be more space to fight and less chance of being knocked out of the ring.

Jormungandr: Listen up, miser. I'm just a noble, humble snake-man of the people who's fed up with your ruthless reign of greed.

Webby: Webby jumps and snatches the Nordic microphone. Excuse me Mr. Jormungandr. Big fan. If you would like a fight, allow me to introduce you to this fist. She shows her fists and muscles. Her name is Lady Haymaker and of course, also her country cousin, the Duchess of Wailing.

Scrooge arrives at the exit and sits next to a humiliated Dewey against the wall.

Dewey: I'm sorry, Uncle Scrooge. I just... I can't do it.

Scrooge: I know, lad. It's ok.

Dewey: No, I can't, I- wait, it's ok? Isn't this the part where you tell me "Of course you can lad, I believe in you!"

Scrooge: Doing the right thing is not always easy or popular. Not everyone is cut out to be the "Champion of the Earth". You put up a good fight out there lad and I'm proud of you for that, but for now, leave the rest to us. I don't believe you're ready to handle those haters.

Dewey: Dewey is hurt by Scrooge's lack of faith in him. But what about the fight?

Scrooge: I called in back-up as soon as you had to take over. I mean, it is the fate of the Earth!

He walks back to the ring, leaving Dewey more disheartened than ever. He doesn't notice Donald and Della secretly watched, giving him angered glares as he walked out. Donald facepalms, their uncle's attempt to cheer up Dewey has hurt him more than ever.

Dewey: Well, that made me feel even worse. He doesn't believe in me.

Della: Hey, don't let that get you. Scrooge didn't mean it like that.

Dewey sees Donald and Della walk inside with compassionate looks.

Donald: Are you okay, Dewey?

Dewey: No I'm not okay. I suck. I completely suck.

Della: That's not true. You did great out there honey. And I bet you'll get hit and tossed around way less in the next match.

Dewey: There isn't gonna be a next match for me.

Donald: Dewey, you can't give up. Who cares about what those morons out there think. They're nothing but a bunch of idiots who don't understand the entire planet's gonna get destroyed. And Scrooge is just too stubborn to realize how good you are.

Dewey: But I can't face that crowd. You saw what happened to me out there, I completely fell apart. I'm not cut out for this at all. I don't deserve to be the Champion of Earth. Dewey looks down crying. Webby does.

Della: Della places hand on his shoulder. No, no! Don't say that! Dewey, you and Webby deserve to be champions of Earth! In fact, all you kids deserve to be the next champions of Earth. Don't let your mistakes or those people get you. They're wrong!

Donald: You CAN do this Dewey! This is what you've been training for! We all believe in you!

Dewey: Dewey turns around crying. But Uncle Scrooge doesn't. He thinks I'm not ready. And he's right. I can't do this, I'm sorry.

Della: Dewey walks off. No, Dewey, wait!

Donald: Dewey! Buddy! He disappears from sight. Aww, poor kid.

Della: That look in his eye…it was the same way I felt after being beaten badly by Lunaris.

Meanwhile, Webby continues threatening Jormungandr as he stonily crossed his arms.

Webby: And lastly, I'll use the dust of your bones as sweetener in my tea. So, thank you for your time.

She rudely drops the micro-horn, causing the crowd to shout in hatred at her.

Fan: Too far!

Webby glared with her hands on her hips as Jormungandr picked and held her up, unfazed by her threat.

Jormungandr: We, warriors of Valhalla, aren't scared of you!

Webby: It's not me who you should be scared of.

Webby points back and Jormungandr turns his head only to for a woman to smash a chair in his face. He wasn't hurt but he flinched enough to release Webby who landed gracefully on the floor.

The woman who assaulted Jormungandr was none other than Bentina Beakely wearing a brown Viking maiden's outfit, armoury, helmet and cape.

Launchpad: What a surprise, folks! The Millionaire Miser's Maid!

Beakely tosses the chair back and it almost hits Launchpad and Violet. She walks up to Jormungandr ready for battle.

Beakely: Shield maiden! The only thing I'm going to clean today is your clock!

Jormungandr: Bah! I've beaten far worse than you woman. I'm not afraid of some weak female mortals.

Webby: Um, you do realize I defeated a frost giant with nothing but my super strength.

Jormungandr: That won't do you any good against me little girl. I'm the greatest hero in all the land. Weaklings like you cannot hope to defeat me. But tell you what; I'll make this a fair fight. The two of you can fight me at the same time. Now come, Team Earth. Show me what you can do.

Beakely: Beakely cracks her knuckles. You're going to regret this arrogant decision Jormungandr. Are you ready Webbigail?

Webby: You bet! Let's do it Granny! This one's in honour of Dewey!

Webby and Beakely attack Jormungandr together. Donald and Della arrive by Scrooge's side to see what's going on.

Donald: What happened!?

Scrooge: I called in backup. With these two together there's no way we can lose now.

Della: The twins were outraged. What!? You called in Beakely!?

Scrooge: Of course I did. I called her in the moment Dewey had to takeover.

Donald: Dewey and Webby were already an amazing team together! We didn't Beakely's help!

Scrooge: Relax, I've chosen my champion now. Webby will be the new Champion of Earth so it was the right time to bring in Beakely.

Della: Dewey and Webby could both be the Champions of Earth!

Before the arguing could go on the bell rings and the fight really begins. Jormungandr is caught off-guard by Webby and Beakely's teamwork. Webby jumps delivering a punch to the face, followed up by two spin kicks to the front and back of the snake man's neck, that make him stumble. Beakely then jumps off the ring grabbing Jormungandr's neck and pulling it into the ring rope. The vibrations disorientate him enough for Webby to bounce off the ropes, wrap her legs around Jormungandr and throw him down to the floor. Webby then flips to her grandmother who catches and tosses her high in the air to crush the snake man who was feigning unconsciousness. With a smirk he surprised Webby by wrapping his tail around her and getting up.

Jormungandr: Hah! So much for muscles and super strength, you cannot hurt me with suck weak blows.

Jormungandr tosses Webby and sends her screaming into a boulder. She had no chance of avoiding that punch that was delivered into her already injured stomach. Webby let out a horrible scream of pain and agony. Jormungandr clutches her neck, repeatedly punching her face and Webby shouts in pain.

Beakely: Webbigail!

Beakely jumps back in and leaps at Jormungandr for a strong punch to her horror the humanoid reptile effortlessly blocks without even looking. When Beakely kicks Jormungandr simply catches it before landing a vicious punch in the face that sends Beakely sprawling and screaming across the enlarged ring. She struggles to stand and when she gets on her knees Jormungandr is already stood in front to send her flying and screaming with a ruthless high kick. She sprawls again and hits her face. She manages to shakily stand on her feet Jormungandr approaches.

Beakely: That one really smarts.

Jormungandr: She reveals the bruises on her face. If you thought that hurt, wait till you see what I'm about to do you next Maiden.

Beakely gives a glare before she and Jormungandr charge each other. The two equally sized fighters exchange punches and kicks of equal power. Beakely manages to regain some ground as neither can land a blow on each other. They take their punching and kicking to the air for a bit until the slowly drop back down and separate, waiting for each other to make the first move. Beakely and Jormungandr charge again and headbutt together. They both shout as loudly as possible until the snake man sends Beakely stumbling back with a blow to the face and wraps his tail around her neck.

Jormungandr: Too easy.

Beakely is chocking for a bit but then stops to give a smirk.

Beakely: Not yet.

Using her vast strength, the former agent removes Jormungandr's tail from her neck and with a might scream she tosses the reptile man above her and slams him into the ring floor. She then stomps on the other end of his tail before pulling with all her might. She flexes her biceps hard before completely ripping the tail off of Jormungandr's body and making him scream in pain.

The crowd is in horror while Team Earth is filled with joy.

Scrooge: Well done Beakely.

Webby: Awesome Granny.

Beakely: So sorry about that. Guess I just don't know my own strength, but at least your tail won't be a bother anymore.

She tosses it away and Jormungandr groans in pain.

Launchpad: Ooh! Now that has got to hurt! Using her insane strength, Shield Maiden has ripped Jormungandr's tail right off.

Violet: Violet looks grim. I'm afraid it doesn't matter for a reptile like Jormungandr. All Mrs Beakely has done is anger her opponent and made herself a target.

Jormungandr: The hummingbird with the mic is right. You haven't accomplished anything. With a smirk Jormungandr stands opposite of Beakely. When a bee loses its stinger it eventually dies.

After chuckling he screams and suddenly his tail regenerates, covered in green liquid much to the shock of Team of Earth and making the crowd with joy.

Jormungandr: But when Jormungandr loses his tail he can easily regenerate since my reptilian blood refuses to let me lose a single limb. I love being a reptile.

Beakely: Then I'll just have to toss you out the ring in one piece.

Jormungandr: Fat chance of that woman.

Beakely: Even so, I must try.

Beakely leaps forward to throw a punch but Jormungandr blocks, followed by a spin kick which he evades by bending back. The former agent then unleashes a flurry of punches and kicks but Jormungandr effortlessly blocks, catches and deflects her blows. Eventually, the snake man lands a vicious blow to Beakely's stomach and she screams in pain. He then knocks her to the ground, kicks her up into the air and then grabs her ankle to smash him. Jormungandr then grabs her face, yanks her helmet off and viciously delivers headbutts that make Beakely scream and spill blood. Jormungandr then tosses her into a boulder. Beakely struggles to move, her face is covered in blood and the snake man clutches her neck, the crowd cheer as he punches her stomach and makes her shout.

Webby: NO! GRANNY!

Webby leaps clutches onto Jormungandr's back, much to his surprise. She flexes her shredded back muscles to the max and with a pained shout bends Jormungandr back away from her grandmother to get her feet on the ring and with incredible strength smashes the humanoid reptile with a pile drive.

Launchpad: Whoa! A classic pile driver from a 12 year old! You don't see that everyday folks.

Strands of hair hang in front of Webby's face forehead as she pants in exhaustion and fatigue on her knees. Beakely clutches and lifts Jormungandr overhead before shouting and throwing him down so hard he smashes through the ring.

Seemingly having won Donald, Della and Scrooge shout with joy, so do Louie, Lena, Violet and Launchpad.

Launchpad: We've won.

The crowd boos as Beakely sits down, panting along with Webby. They both smile but that moment is cut short when a pair of hands emerge from the hole and wrap around their necks. Jormungandr emerges unscathed and unfazed much to the horror of the heroes.

Donald: It didn't work!

Della: But how! Webby and Mrs B managed to get in so many hits! He should be hurt at least a little.

Jormungandr: I'm far too strong and my skin is too thick to be hurt by attacks as weak as yours. Let me show you real strength!

Jormungandr brings Webby in to deliver a headbutt that makes her shout and sends her crashing to the floor. He then grabs Beakely's ankle and begins pounding her across the floor. He holds the injured Shield Maiden upside down.

Beakely: You…will…pay for this.

Jormungandr: Thanks for the entertaining brawl Shield Maiden. Goodbye.

Webby: Webby reaches out in horror. Granny!

With one strong punch Beakely is sent flying and screaming out the ring and smashes into Louie and Lena's t-shirt stand, prompting the mischievous duo to jump out of the way. She lies on a broken stand injured and unconscious.

Webby: Webby is in tears at the ring post. No, Granny!

Louie and Lena run up to Beakely seeing that she's barely breathing and feel her heartbeat.

Louie: Is she okay!?

Lena: She's fine! Just badly hurt!

Webby: Webby looks at Jormungandr in anger. You'll pay for that!

Webby leaps at Jormungandr to launch a punch but the snake man knees her right into the ring post. She screams in horrible pain and agony.

Violet: Oh dear! The Pink Predator is too badly injured and Shield Maiden has been eliminated, bringing Earth closer to destruction!

More of the arena begins to crack and break apart. With Beakely's loss Earth is closer to destruction. The crowd cheers as Webby drops down in near unconsciousness and the rest of the team is shaken.

Scrooge: This cannae be…they should've won easily!

Donald: We told you it should've been Dewey and Webby!

Scrooge doesn't listen and climbs up to face Jormungandr himself.

Scrooge: I'll shed your skin you rapacious rapscallion!

Jormungandr: Hah! With that back injury you cannot hope to defeat me!

Faster than the blink of an eye Launchpad jumps onto the ring out of his pilot clothes. He's now wearing his own red wrestling outfit, mask and cape with a spiked shape symbol at the centre of his outfit.

Launchpad: Whoa! In a completely unexpected twist, the announcer was Captain Crash this whole time! And he's come to provide the Millionaire Miser some assistance!

He runs over to Scrooge, picks him up and stretches him out so hard his back cracks, causing him to shout in pain but that turns into a sigh of relief when he feels it's been snapped back to place. He's placed down.

Scrooge: That's much better! Thank you Launchpad!

Launchpad: No problem Mr McD!

Scrooge: Now let's get this showboating slime!

Jormungandr: It doesn't matter how many of you there are. You'll all fall before my strength!

Scrooge and Launchpad attack Jormungandr together but Donald and Della do not like their chances.

Della: This is bad Donald! What do we do!? I can't believe I'm saying this but I don't think you and I can beat this guy 2 on 1!

Donald: Even if we could, we shouldn't be the ones to beat him! It should be the kids, so they can be ready for the future!

Della: Webby's too badly injured to fight! She can barely stay conscious!

Donald: Donald places her hands on Della's shoulders. Della, I need you to go get Dewey! We need his help and Huey's too! You've got to help them regain their spirits. As far I see it he's the only hope we have left of saving Earth!

Della: I'll get right on it! What about you!?

Donald: If Uncle Scrooge and Launchpad get knocked out… He throws off his sailor outfit, switching to his Court Magician outfit. …then I'll take on Jormungandr!

Della: But Don, he's too strong! You can't win!

Donald: I know that! But I can buy enough time for you to bring Dewey back! I can hold my own for that long at least. That Norwegian palooka won't know what hit him!

Della: Don… Della is nervous but relents. Alright, but promise me one thing. Don't die!

Donald: Sis, if I can survive an explosion in outer space I can definitely survive a fight with a jerk like this!

Donald and Della share a hug before that latter runs to the locker room. Louie, Lena and Violet run up in fear.

Louie: Uncle Donald, the worlds about to end! We have to do something now!

Donald: Don't worry! The world won't end kids! Once Della brings Dewey back he'll make sure of it!

Louie: She'll need help! I'm gonna get my brothers back now! He looks to Lena. Hold down the fort 'till then!

Lena: Got it! Louie runs off to join his mother and Lena sees an injured Webby on the ring nearly unconscious. I've gotta get up there and heal Webby! She can't fight like this!

Donald: She proceeds to climb up but Donald and Violet hold her back. No, don't! Healing magic is strictly forbidden during a fight! If you heal Webby with magic we might lose the match and all of Earth!

Violet: I'm afraid Uncle Donald's right, Lena! There's nothing we can do to help Webbigail without throwing the match and our entire world!

Lena: But we can't just do nothing! Webby's to stubborn to quit! She'll keep fighting despite how bad she's hurt!

Donald: That's why I'm gonna fight so she won't have to at least until Dewey comes back! Violet! Since Beakely's already lost we're allowed to heal her. See to it at once.

Violet: Leave it to me!

Scrooge and Launchpad throw a barrage of punches at Jormungandr but he's effortlessly blocking them both. He whacks Scrooge with his tail and grapples with Launchpad. Captain Crash pushes with all his strength but Jormungandr is slowly overpowering him and pushing him down. Launchpad holds his ground long enough for Scrooge to bounce off the ring ropes and kick Jormungandr in the face, making him reel back in pain.

Jormungandr proceeds to crush Scrooge but he dodges and jumps on the lizard man to get him in a headlock and Launchpad rams into him, wrapping his waist around his body to hold him down. Unfortunately, Jormungandr yanks them both off, ramming their heads into each other and tossing them into the ropes. Launchpad and Scrooge bounce off the ropes and Jormungandr clutches his fists and skilfully tosses them out the ring. Scrooge and Launchpad scream and comically hit the ground, latter hitting his head.

Launchpad: That was smart.

The arena crumbles apart and there are more cracks than ever. So much fire was emanating from the cracks the arena was lit up, turning orange-yellow. Lena runs over to heal Scrooge and Launchpad while Violet helps up Beakely after healing her. The people are chanting Jormungandr's name loudly and he arrogantly absorbs the praise.

Jormungandr: Is there no one strong enough to provide me a decent challenge!

Donald: Yeah! Me!

Donald drops down (in his mage outfit) to land a punch in Jormungandr's face that sends him reeling back in pain. Donald lands with a smirk.

Donald: Enter the Mage of Thunder, Valhalla!

The remainder of the family gather together in excitement as the crowd boos in contempt and hatred.

Lena: Oh yeah! That lizard's really in for it now!

Scrooge: Teach that rapscallion a humiliating lesson lad!

Jormungandr: Ah! The Mage of Thunder! Finally, a worthy challenge! But can you truly defeat me without your full power! I know you've lost it Thunder!

Donald smirks before shouting and transforming into his 30% true power state, causing a gust of electricity that makes everyone shield themselves. Donald is engulfed in electricity and blue aura as his eyes glow.

Donald: I think the power I have right now is more than enough against the likes of you!

Jormungandr: A vein almost pops out. You dare to mock me!

They charge at each other and meet fists, causing a resonation of energy. Launchpad quickly takes his seat back while placing an ice pack on his head.

Launchpad: What a surprise folks! The Millionaire Miser's nephew: The Mage of Thunder has jumped in to the fray!

Lena: Uncle Donald will kick this guy's but no problem!

Beakely: Unlikely. Jormungandr is far too strong.

Violet: He might be able to hurt him but it will be difficult.

Scrooge: But Donald's the best hope we have of saving Earth.

Webby finally regains consciousness, wobbly getting back up on her feet and clutching her stomach. She groans in pain while watching Donald duke it out with the lizard man.

Webby: Uncle Donald?

Donald: You're going down pal! Even if you defeat me there are still others who will rise to defeat you!

Jormungandr: And I'll crush them all!

They exchange a barrage of punches, meeting blow for blow and creating resonations of energy that forces everyone to shield themselves. Donald and Jormungandr are now exchanging a flurry of punches and kicks. Jormungandr swings his tail, prompting Donald to duck and dodge left and right. He lands an electrifying blow to the face that makes the lizard reel back in pain. Jormungandr back punches Donald's face in retaliation, sending the Mage of Thunder flying. Donald bounces off the ring rope and blasts away to ram his head into Jormungandr's stomach, pushing the snake into a boulder and making him hiss in pain.

Lena: Woo-hoo!

Violet: Yes!

Beakely: Brilliant Donald!

Scrooge: Keep up the pressure lad!

Launchpad: The crowd shouts in contempt. Wow! The Mage of Thunder is putting up an equal fight with Jormungandr! Does Team Earth have a chance after all!?

Jormungandr: Not one bit!

Jormungandr yanks Donald off of his belly and begins banging him on the ring floor and a couple of boulders. Donald screams in pain, but manages to escape by releasing energy that makes Jormungandr flinch in pain. He delivers a kick but it doesn't work and Jormungandr tosses him into another boulder. Donald shouts in pain upon impact but he blasts out to land an electrifying blow in the stomach. They exchange more punches and kicks, Donald hand jumps off of Jormungandr's tail and rams his shoulder into the face. He delivers a couple of punches in the stomach, Jormungandr retaliates with a swing but Donald ducks it and lands a blow in the back that forces the snake down. When Jormungandr turns to attack Donald quickly dodges and climbs up the snake, holding him in a headlock and Jormungandr struggles to remove him as he gets electrocuted.

Beakely: They're evenly matched for now but Donald can't keep this up by himself and my granddaughter is too badly injured!

Scrooge: Where's Dewey!? We need him now!

Donald: Donald gives Scrooge a dirty look. Oh, so now you want Dewey's help!? Well in case you're too dumb to know he's in the locker room doubting himself because he's spent the entire day thinking you don't believe in him one bit!

Scrooge: What!? What gave him that idea!?

Donald: Jormungandr violently struggles to remove Donald. Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that you said "YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN HIM!"

Scrooge looked back to the exit in guilt then to Lena, Beakely and Violet all giving him angry looks. Then he looks to Webby who looks even angrier at him.

Donald: He's a kid! He constantly feels he has to prove himself to everyone, especially you!

Scrooge: But all I said was that I didn't believe he was ready to handle the haters out here because of his love for attention!

Donald: Donald is slowly losing his grip on Jormungandr. And that's what caused him to lose his confidence! Thanks to you doubting him and showing no faith in him like you did for Webby, the poor kid doesn't believe in himself anymore! Dewey's not only a kid but he's the middle triplet! Even with a Keyblade he doesn't feel that special! That's how it's always been for him his whole life! He doesn't want to be invisible so he tries his best to gain the love and approval of everyone he meets even if he doesn't know them. In a big family like ours it's hard to stand out so of course he'd be obsessed with getting as love and attention! He wants to make himself known Uncle Scrooge! He doesn't want to be invisible!

Scrooge's looks down and his face contorts with guilt and remorse, as he thinks about his mistreatment of Dewey, pretending he didn't exist, trying to ignore him, exclude him from this adventure, openly showing more faith in Webby, his lack of faith in him and their most recent conversation. It takes Donald's words of contempt to make Scrooge realize how badly he's broken his own great-nephew's confidence and fighting spirit when should've been inspiring it.

Jormungandr eventually yanks Donald off and smashes him against the boulder before tossing him to the edge of the ring right near his team to glare at his uncle in the eye.

Donald: I know that our entire planet is at stake Uncle Scrooge but the least you could've done for Dewey is at taught him to overcome his insecurities, like an adventuring mentor is supposed to do but NOOOO! Instead you openly tell Dewey someone else is the Champion of Earth and you were replacing him with backup the moment he had to step in! Did it ever occur to you how hurt he was to hear how much faith you don't have in him! You expect way too much from these kids! You expect them to overcome their insecurities all by themselves when it takes help from people who care about you to deal with it! And who cares which of these kids is the next champion of Earth? As far as I'm concerned they're all champions of Earth! Dewey and Webby would've done great sharing that responsibility together.

Scrooge: *Now Scrooge feels guiltier than ever.€ Why didn't you or Della try to tell me this in the first place!?

Donald: We've been trying to tell you since this whole thing started! But you never listened to us and now Dewey's lost his confidence!

Jormungandr grabs Donald's ankle and he screams as he gets pulled in. Scrooge, Beakely, Lena and Violet cringe as they watch Donald get the beatdown of his life.

Scrooge: Ugh! Maybe I got a little carried away what with the end of the world and all! Dewey truly is a capable adventurer with remarkable talents and skills and deserves to be the next Champion of Earth just as much as anyone else!

Donald holds onto the top of a boulder as Jormungandr pulled via his leg.

Donald: Well, you should've told him THAT!

Donald is yanked of and banged around the floor before getting smashed into a boulder. He blasts off to throw a punch but that's caught by Jormungandr. When he throws a punch Donald catches his wrist and they grapple. Donald and Jormungandr are both engulfed in blue and green electricity as they push with all their strength but they find themselves in a stalemate and create resonations that rock the entire arena and create more cracks. The people root for their hero to win.

Jormungandr: Ah! Now this is a challenge! This is the fight I've been waiting for! A shame that it must now come to an end!

Jormungandr eventually ends this by delivering a headbutt that puts Donald in a comical daze and then sends him screaming out the ring with a punch to the gut. Donald falls down the air screaming and comically smashes into his uncle. They're both on the floor in a daze and the girls are in shock.

Launchpad: Oooh! That's gotta hurt folks! The Mage of Thunder, Team Earth's best fighter has been eliminated!

The crowd shout with joy and Jormungandr raises his fist.

Violet: He beat Uncle Donald…?

Lena: No way… if he can't beat this guy… who can?

Webby: I can!

They all watch Webby shakily limping towards Jormungandr while clutching her stomach.

Webby: I can still fight.

Lena: Webby, don't do it!

Violet: Don't be a fool, Webby!

Beakely: Webbigail! Stay back! You're too badly injured!

Webby: No! I won't give up! He humiliated and insulted my boyfriend and I won't let that stand! I'll fight to the very end for Dewey!

Jormungandr: How touching. The loving girlfriend fights for her disheartened boyfriend. Well, if you think you have what it takes despite the pitiful state you're in Pink Predator then by all means come at me. He spreads his arms. I'm waiting right here. Give me your best shot.

Webby steels her nerves and injuries before charging and leaping at Jormungandr with a battle cry of determination.

Meanwhile Dewey ran in the locker room with a lollipop in his mouth and wearing his sports jacket. He throws his jacket down in a fit of humiliation and proceeds to do the same with the lollipop only for it to stick to his hand. He throws it off and it hits something. He's surprised to see Huey walking in and taking the lollipop off his head.

Dewey: Shouldn't you be announcing the fight?

Huey: Both have looks of hopelessness and depression. I can't do this. I thought I was smart enough to handle anything this adventure had to throw at me… but I'm just embarrassing myself!

Dewey: Yeah, me too. Dewey and Huey take a seat on the bench. I know we're supposed to take over for Scrooge, Donald and Mom one day… but do you ever wonder if maybe we're cut out for it?

Huey: With how badly I've been humiliated today…yeah. I'm starting to think we're not really cut out for protecting the Earth. We're just the helpers, nothing more. Once again Violet has proven why she's a better Woodchuck than me in every meaning of the word. First the contest, now this, she may not understand a lot of it but she knows enough about wrestling to be good at announcing without making of a fool of herself unlike me.

Dewey: I know how you feel, Hu. Webby's proven she's a better fighter than ME in every sense of the word. I may be stronger than her now but Webby didn't care about all those people hating her. I completely fell apart out there but Webby fought like she normally would. She doesn't care about selfishly getting attention like I do; she only cared about saving the world. She'll make a better champion of Earth than I ever world. Uncle Scrooge was right…I'm not ready for this.

Huey: Let's face it Dewey…we're failures.

Dewey: Yeah. I guess we are.

Huey: We should just change our names to "why" and "bother". Do you have a red lollipop?

Dewey hands him one and takes his blue lollipop back. They put them in their beaks as they sat on the benches.

Della: Hey, don't force me to hear you both talk like that!

Dewey and Huey watch their mother step up right in front of them with a kind smile.

Della: Hey my little angels. What are you both doing?

Dewey: Just sitting here…absolutely dejected…

Huey: …And humiliated.

Della: Personally, I think the both of you did great with your wrestling and announcing.

Huey: You saw the crowd out their Mom. They hate us both. All we're doing is humiliating ourselves.

Dewey: And you heard what Scrooge said. He doesn't believe in me.

Della: Who cares what those Norwegians morons think, or Scrooge, or anybody else!? As far as we're concerned you kids are all Champions of Earth! No one can ever say you aren't, not even Scrooge. She sits in between wrapping her arms around them both. You're heroes in your own special and unique ways.

Dewey: But you saw what happened out there Mom. This was supposed to be a battle to save the world but instead I made it all about getting people to love me for my own selfish reasons. I fell apart out there when everyone hated me; I can't be trusted with anything. And after getting Webby badly injured like that I don't think I have what it takes anymore. She's probably glad I'm not there. She's the champion of Earth, not me.

Huey: And I'm an absolute screw-up when it comes to announcement Mom. You heard me out there. I fell apart too. Every time I open all I ever do is humiliate myself and make things awkward. That seems to be all I'm good at ever since the Senior Woodchuck competition.

Della: I know it looks bad but you can't let your mistakes and other people define people you are. Dewey, I may not have known you boys for a long time yet but I definitely know you're the middle triplet. You don't want to seem invisible so you do your best to gain the approval of others so you can stand out and feel special as a person and a hero. But you don't need to go through all that to stand out. You're already a hero, Dewey, no matter what others say about you. They may not think you're a hero but we do, you're especially Webby's hero. Right now she needs her hero with her on the ring.

Dewey: She still needs me?

Della: Of course she does. Webby was upset with Scrooge's lack of faith in you. She wants to be Champion of Earth but she wants to share it with you, otherwise it's all pointless to her.

Dewey: That's what she said to me before she went back in the ring.

Della: Then you should take that to heart sweetie because Webby needs you more than ever. She's fighting in your honour and right now the world needs you as its hero. You can do this Dewey, I have faith you! Donald has faith in you, otherwise he wouldn't have worked so hard to train you.

Dewey: Dewey is touched. Mom…

Della: And Huey, I know you still feel bad about what happened in the Senior Woodchuck competition but that's in the past. Don't let it define who you are sweetie. You don't need to understand wrestling to love it. There are hundreds of things out there even I don't understand but you know what I did?

Huey: You assessed the situation to decide whether you liked it or not.

Della: Nope! I just followed my gut, loved it and went with the punches.

Huey: Follow…my gut?

Della: The both of you are heroes and you know who you are, the only person who defines you as heroes are you. And I'm gonna make sure Scrooge gets that through his thick but fragile skull.

Dewey and Huey take out their lollipops, smiling before sharing a hug with their mother. That was until the entire room was shaking and beginning to split into two in response to Team Earth losing the match much to their shock.

Louie: Louie runs inside in panic. The world is about to end! We need to do something!

Della: This is your chance you two! Let's go save the world!

Dewey: Dewey and Huey are still nervous a little. I can't do it. They hate me.

Huey: Huey jumps off his seat. And I don't understand wrestling.

Louie: WHAT?! Just roll with it. Louie walks up to his brother and mother. You don't have to understand something to love it. Say literally the first thing that comes to mind. Be L.P.

Huey: Be…Launchpad…

Della: That's it! Listen to Louie, the two things you should do Huey are: follow your gut and ask yourself what Launchpad would do.

Louie: Mom's right! He then looks to Dewey. And you…I've known you my whole life. I know how this plays out. You're a hero. So go save the world. He smiles in determination. Let's do this!

Dewey: I don't know.

Louie: Louie can't believe he's saying this. Buh… let's "Dewey" this?

Hearing Louie say his favourite catchphrase and seeing the smiles of encouragement on Della and Huey's face causes him to smile and he regains the fighting spirit he lost. He clenches his fist in determination.

Dewey: I'm in!

Back to the fight, Webby is midair delivering a vicious barrage of punches in Jormungandr's face, making the snake man reel back in pain.

Lena: Yeah! That's showing hi Webby!

Beakely: Keep up the pressure Webbigail!

Webby grabs a boulder and lifts it high above her head with a pained grunt leaping and smashing it into Jormungandr only for the snake to shatter it into pieces with an effortless punch. The shattered rocks fly by Webby and she tries to block them only to scream and drop on her sides when she's grazed and cut up. Webby groans as she wobbly gets on her feet in a slump and Jormungandr crosses his arms smirking.

Jormungandr: Ready to surrender Pink Predator!

Webby: She glares. Never! I'd rather die! I'm not gonna give up until I crush you!

Webby runs but as soon as she gets inches from Jormungandr she stops as she shouts and clutches her stomach in pain. Her injuries spur and the humanoid reptile kicks Webby up into the air and then smashes her with a swing from his arm. Webby screams and slams into a boulder.

Violet: Webbigail! No!

Beakely: My granddaughter!

Scrooge: No! Her injuries! They've caught up to her!

Donald: Come on Webby you gotta hang in there!

Launchpad: Oh boy… The Pink Predator has gone from predator to injured prey as her injuries from before catch up and limit her fighting skills! Is this it!?

Webby: No! This isn't over!

Webby gets on her knees panting in exhaustion as sweat and blood drip from her bruised face and body. She looks up in pained determination as more hair strands hang in front of her forehead.

Webby: I won't lose! Ducks don't back down! I can "Dewey" this! I have to keep fighting…for Dewey!

Webby limps towards Jormungandr to throw a punch only to scream when she gets kneed in the gut. Jormungandr then grabs her face and ruthlessly headbutts her multiple times. Webby screams in horrible anguish and spills blood. Donald and the gang are finding it hard to even watch.

While the crowd cheers for their hero Strongbeard, Fenrir, Hecka and Laufey are not pleased with the brutality they're witnessing.

Webby is held in the lizard man's hand, her face is covered in blood. Jormungandr headbutts Webby harder, following it up with two punches that send her screaming and flying. She hits the floor hard, shaking in pain but despite that she manages to get up and leap at Jormungandr. She delivers several blows that make him reel back but none have effect.

Webby: No way!

Jormungandr sends Webby flying with a high kick and then elbows her in her already injured stomach, causing her to scream in horrible pain and agony. She slams the floor writhing and screaming while clutching her stomach.

Scrooge: No!

Lena: She's getting pulverized!

Jormungandr uses Webby as punching bag, ruthlessly delivering blows to her stomach that make her shout and spill blood.

Donald: He's aiming for her stomach! That's where her injuries are the worst!

Lena: You monster!

Beakely: She's just a child! How can you be so cruel?!

Scrooge: Stop Jormungandr!

Violet: This is going too far!

Launchpad: Oh man! The Marauder of McDuck Manor is getting marauded and used as a punching bag!

Jormungandr delivers a stronger punch but Webby rolls out of the way and leaps for a flying kick but Jormungandr catches it with his tail before swinging Webby and sending her screaming into another boulder. She drops down on her knees panting in pain, sweat covering her injured but muscular physique.

Donald: Webby! Stay down! You can't win like this!

Webby: No! I won't quit!

She struggles and shakes but manages to stand.

Scrooge: No lass! That's enough! You cannae keep going like this!

Donald: Webby, stop being so stubborn!

Beakely: There's no shame in forfeiting Webby!

Webby: If I forfeit now Earth is gonna get destroyed!

Jormungandr: You should listen to your team little girl. There's no shame in quitting.

Webby: Never!

Webby leaps to launch a flying kick but Jormungandr punches her away before running and kicking her in the air. Webby screams when she's kneed in the back and then the humanoid lizard begins ruthlessly punching her stomach and face.

Launchpad: Oh man! Jormungandr is torturing Webby! He should be disqualified!

The crowd boos at Launchpad and throws stuff at him. However, some of them are a bit disturbed by the violence being dished out. Jormungandr holds Webby by her hair and sends her screaming with a punch. She lands at the edge of the ring near her team who take a look at her injured figure. Webby is covered in so much bruises and blood and her hair is dishevelled. Donald looks back to the exit.

Donald: "Come on, Della, Louie! What's taking you so long? If anyone can bring Dewey back, it's the two of you! Webby can't hold on forever but she's too stubborn to quit!"

Lena: Webby! Are you okay!?

Scrooge: Listen lass! Perhaps its best that you pull out now! We won't hold anything against you! I promise!

Beakely: Webbigail, please! This physical torment is too much for you to handle!

Webby: I've…been through way worse Gran… She shakily gets on her feet, wobbling in pain. Dewey's… gonna come back. I know he will. Until he does…I have to hold on! I know I can.

Webby screams when Jormungandr holds up Webby by her hair and she's kneed right in the face, much to the shock of Team Earth, Team Ragnarok and some of the audience. Webby screams in horrible pain as blood drips from her face.

Jormungandr: Believe, I don't enjoy doing this, especially to a child but your resilience is leaving me no choice but to resort to my most brutal moves.

Jormungandr tosses Webby and she lands on her face. He rolls on the ring floor like a wheel, leaping into the air and body slamming Webby. She screams in pain and it worsens when Jormungandr ensnares his tail around her and puts the squeeze. Webby feels her bones beginning to crack and lets out a cry of agony.

Lena: NO! ENOUGH! The team looks to Lena. I don't care what any of you say! I'm saving Webby right now and stopping this fight!

She leaps up only for Donald to appear in front and punch her to the ground.

Scrooge, Violet & Beakely: Lena!

They run and bend down to Lena, helping her ease her pain as she looks at Donald in shock.

Lena: Gosh…Uncle Donald…

Donald: You could've been killed Lena and the whole world would've been destroyed!

Lena: So what!? It's better than letting Webby suffer like this! She wouldn't abandon you like this!

Scrooge: Donald angrily turns away. Lena, listen! Donald isn't abandoning Webby, none of us are.

Lena: We aren't.

Beakely: Donald is merely doing what he feels is best for everyone.

Lena: But does that seriously we have to watch Webby get tortured like this! That's your granddaughter out there Mrs B, how could you be so calm about this.

Beakely: Believe me Lena, I am anything but calm right now. I want nothing more than to jump in the ring and save my granddaughter from this physical abuse! But at the same time I know that if I attempt anything I'll only hurt Webby even further.

Violet: Besides, sister, look…

Everyone looks at Donald and Lena is surprised to see the electricity crackling around his body.

Lena: Whoa… Uncle Donald.

Violet: Look at him Lena. We're all hurting from watching this but I think Uncle Donald is more hurt than any of right now.

Scrooge: And believe me lass. I blame myself for all this. If I had just put more faith in Dewey as much as I gave Webby she wouldn't be suffering like this right now.

Lena: Lena guiltily looks at Donald. Um…Uncle Donald, I'm sorry about what I said.

Donald: It's alright, Lena, I'm sorry I hit you. I know how much you deeply care about Webby, I promise when Dewey gets her sacrifice won't be in vain! Donald clenches his teeth as more electricity crackles around him. "Darn it Della! Where are you!? Time's running out!"

Jormungandr squeezes even harder and Webby's screams become louder. Eventually she's thrown down on her side and Jormungandr presses her foot against Webby's face, invoking the loudest scream she could possibly give off. It kept getting louder the harder Jormungandr pressed his foot, Beakely hugged onto Lena and Violet as they tried to look away and Donald and Scrooge were nothing more than angry.

It became so painful Webby was practically screeching and beginning to cry from.

Jormungandr: What are you waiting for ref! Begin the countdown.

The referee does so and most of the oblivious audience chant Jormungandr's name and he raises his fist, enjoying every minute of being loved as he crushes his opponent… until the humanoid reptile is suddenly blasted by a "Stop the Pop" t-shirt, followed by a barrage. He removes them and hisses in fury.

The t-shirts came from Louie who casually blows his t-shirt cannon before leaning against the wall. Dewey and Huey exit the locker room to join their brother followed up by Della who stands behind. All of them are confident and Dewey is wearing his weighted jacket.

Dewey: I guess you forgot about the pop that never stops, no matter how hard it is!

Dewey shares a high-five with Louie and most of the crowds shout in contempt at the middle triplet.

Fan: Your catchphrases are farce!

Champ Popular Theme

This time Dewey and Huey ignore the crowd as they daringly stomp towards the ring.

Dewey: That's just how I Dewey it!

Dewey and Huey glare at Jormungandr as they epically walked forth.

Violet ran into Huey for a hug to which he returns.

Violet: Huey! They hold hands together. You came back!

Huey: Of course I did! Come on, let's give Dewey the mural support he needs, together!

Violet nods and they run to the announcement stand, taking their seats next to Launchpad who still has an ice pack on his head.

Huey: Wow! And in a surprising turn of events, Champ Popular is back to bite the snake that bit him!

Violet: It's not over for Team Earth yet folks! The real battle is about to being!

Lena: Dewey!

Dewey shares a hug with Lena and then Donald.

Donald: Glad you could make it back little buddy.

Dewey: Sorry I'm late. Guess I just needed some therapy help from my Mom and bros.

He turns to Louie giving a two-fingered salute, Della giving the thumbs up and Huey waving to him.

Dewey: Am I too late to join back in?

Beakely: No, you're just in time! And Webby needs your help right now!

Scrooge: Lad…

Dewey looks to his uncle giving an apologetic smile which he returns with a forgiving one.

Scrooge: Go get him, lad.

Dewey: You got it Uncle Scrooge!

He leaps up and Louie and Della join the rest of Team Earth with the Duck Twins sharing a high-five.

Dewey bounces off the ring ropes to drop down and send Jormungandr flying back with a speedy kick to the face. Dewey lands near Webby.

Dewey: Nobody hurts Webby, not while I'm around! Dewey bends down and twists his injured girlfriend, lifting her head up. Webby, wake up, come on don't you dare die on me angel!

Webby is barely able to open her eyes. Her vision is blurry but she manages to see Dewey smiling at her, causing her to smile with pained joy and relief.

Webby: Dewey…you came back.

Dewey: Of course I did. I'm sorry I left you all alone like that.

Webby: Webby just rubs his face. That's okay…I knew you'd be back.

Dewey: Dewey warmly smiles. That's right. No way was about to let you die on me all alone.

Webby chuckles a little before joyfully wrapping her arms around her boyfriend for a hug. Dewey gladly returns it and they're in a romantic embrace. Jormungandr crosses his arms, almost wretching at the scene.

Jormungandr: Excuse me Champ Un-Popular! We're in the middle of match! Are you here to fight or are you here to carry out lovey-dovey nonsense.

Dewey: Dewey gives the death glare. You freak! I'm gonna make you sorry you ever laid a hand on my girlfriend! Dewey and Webby share a smile together. Webby, thanks for stepping up and fighting in my honour.

Webby: Don't mention it. You'd do the same for me after all.

Dewey: And I'm gonna do exactly that now. I'm gonna take over the fight. You can rest now.

Webby: Dewey… promise me you'll win… for me… for all of us. And be careful; Jormungandr is vicious and ruthless.

Dewey: I promise Webby… I'll be fine. I'm not gonna let this jerk win.

Dewey picks up Webby in a bridal manor and hands her over to Beakely.

Dewey: Take care of her. I'm finishing this once and for all.

Dewey walks towards Jormungandr as the injured Webby shares a group hug with Lena, Violet and Beakely. Della proudly ruffles her hair and Donald and Scrooge smile.

Della: You did an amazing job Webby, we're so proud of you.

Beakely: We all are dear.

Donald: Now, it's all up to Dewey.

Jormungandr looks down on Dewey who throws up his heavy jacket and glares at the snake in determination, his mind focused on the match, not the crowd this time.

Huey: This is it! The final 'bout! Champ Popular makes his final stand against the dreaded Jormungandr! Let's see if he truly does have what it takes to be the next champion of Earth!

Jormungandr evilly leans his head down.

Jormungandr: They hate you. You should give up.

Dewey looks at Donald, Della, Scrooge, Beakely and Louie giving him smiles of encouragement. Lena and Violet surround Webby in purple aura that heals her wounds and injuries. The girls give Dewey encouraging smiles too, showing that they all have faith in him.

Dewey: Dewey smirks at his opponent. I don't care. But you do.

Jormungandr: He merely scoffs. I don't care at all, why should I? I'm the most popular hero in all the land and for all time!

Jormungandr picks up Dewey and tosses him into the ring ropes. Dewey bounces off into his chest hard, hitting the floor. Jormungandr crosses his arms, ensnaring Dewey in his tail before banging the middle triplet on the floor and tossing him into a boulder. The triplet gets on one knee before glaring at the humanoid reptile.

Dewey leaps forward to throw a punch that Jormungandr block but the snake man surprisingly finds this boy's attack as strong as Donald, maybe even stronger. Dewey now launches a barrage of punches and kicks that push Jormungandr back as he struggles to block. Jormungandr throws some punches too and they exchange blows. When Jormungandr throws a strong punch Dewey hand jumps off his arm and lands behind. By the time he turns Dewey leaps and delivers a kick in the face, followed up with two fast punches that make Jormungandr reel back in pain.

Jormungandr: You may be stronger than your little girlfriend and most of your team but you'll never be strong enough to defeat me Champ Popular! You might as well give up!

Dewey: Never! Webby and my entire team got tortured to save the Earth! No way am I gonna quit and let their efforts be in vain!

Dewey leaps forward for a punch only for Jormungandr to block with his foot before delivering a vicious headbutt that makes Dewey scream and spill blood. His hair is grabbed and Jormungandr uses him as a punching bag like he did with Webby, punching him in the stomach and making him shout in pain. With every blow Dewey feels his bones shattering and now all of the crowd is silent. Jormungandr doesn't notice the look of disgusts being aimed at him.

Della & Webby: Dewey!

Donald: Looks like we're in for a repeat of Webby!

Louie: Come on! Dig deep bro!

Dewey is elbowed to the ground and gets stomped, causing him to scream in horrible anguish and agony. Jormungandr turns back, twisting Dewey with his tail and the constantly smashing his back with it. With each hit Dewey's screams kept getting louder.

Donald: Dewey! No!

Della: How can anyone be such a monster!

Scrooge: Come on lad…

Webby: Webby covers her eyes. I can't watch!

Dewey is twisted again, stomped in the stomach and he screams once more. He lies on the ground battered, bruised, bleeding and near unconsciousness.

Jormungandr: Bah! You're just about as good of a wrestler as Pink Predator is, maybe even weaker!

Dewey twists his body and slowly mages to get back up.

Dewey: Don't…sell me out just yet…I'm far from finished.

Jormungandr: Give it up Champ Un-Popular. When will you realize you can't win!

He grabs and tosses Dewey into one of the ring posts and he hits the floor hard. Jormungandr rolls like a wheel and leaps into the air to body slam to Dewey. He begins to give the middle triplet a big beating, banging him around with his tail and viciously whacking him into the ring post again.

After processing the beating their so-called "hero" has been giving to Webby and now Dewey they're all completely disgusted with his mockery and dishonourable fighting method.

Dewey: Dewey is struggling to stand up. The Pop…never stops!

Dewey is wrapped around his opponent's tail and his attempts to escape are in vain as Jormungandr gloats.

Jormungandr: You see how easy this is for me? I don't even have to use my hands. This next part will require me to use them, though…

Dewey is smashed to the floor where Jormungandr puts the squeeze on him and it's much harder than what he did to Webby so Dewey screams in horrible pain as his bones crack and it gets louder when Jormungandr begins pummelling the blue-loving duck with a flurry of punches much to the horror of the family.

Huey: Oh man! Jormungandr is unleashing a barrage of punches like a hurricane, using Champ Popular as his punching bag!

Webby: NO!

Webby attempts to jump in but Beakely holds her back.

Beakely: Don't even think about it Webbigail!

Webby: But Dewey's getting crushed in there! I have to help him!

Beakely: I know you did but you can't! Dewey can't accept your help without throwing this match and that would mean the end of us all and Planet Earth!

Webby: But Granny!

Beakely: Have faith in Dewey! We must trust he is strong enough to get through this!

Donald, Louie and Scrooge growl and Della clutches her hands together.

Dewey screams at his loudest and soon Jormungandr stops when he sees his small opponent on the brink of unconsciousness, preparing for one final strike.

Jormungandr: This little game is over! You put up a good fight little man but it's time for you and your precious Earth to end!

Before he could deliver the final blow the crowd begins to boo and shout in contempt once more, but this time it's all aimed at Jormungandr instead of Dewey. The reptile looks around in shock to see his fans now booing him.

Huey: Ooh, looks like Jormungandr is losing the crowd!

Lena: Finally, these idiots see him for the monster he truly is!

Jormungandr is so outraged to see no one cheering him anymore that he releases Dewey. He grabs the ring ropes in dismay, even his teammates are disappointed.

Strongbeard: Strongbeard shakes his head, This is not the Norse way.

Dewey is on his chest struggling to maintain consciousness but his team calls out to him. He's badly injured, his hair dishevelled, his outfit tattered and half the left side of trousers is torn.

Donald: Dewey! Now's your chance! Get up!

Della: You gotta fight honey!

Dewey: I can't… I can't win!

Scrooge: Yes you can, lad!

Dewey: He's too strong…I can't beat him. I was never ready for this!

The Duck-McDuck family give Scrooge looks and he immediately understands he must make things right.

Scrooge: Dewey, listen! He looks to his great-uncle. You're in no way suitable to replace me as the Champion of Earth! Dewey is hurt. You're 10x worthier than I'll ever be! I'm glad to have you on my team and call you family! I'M SORRY I made you doubt that by not believing in you, I guess I was just too caught up in saving the world to help deal with your insecurities and bother being a better mentor! I don't care which of you kids are the next Champion of Earth! As far as I'm concerned now you're all Champion of Earth!

Dewey smiles, touched by those words and the rest are satisfied with the humility Scrooge is displaying.

Webby: Dewey! You can do it! I know you can win!

Donald: We all believe in you!

Louie & Della: Don't give up!

Scrooge: Now rise lad! Rise and get that rapacious reptile and show him what you're made off!

Hearing these words, seeing the looks of encourage and the crowd booing at Jormungandr was enough to help Dewey regain his strength and begin standing up again.

Jormungandr: Jormungandr is too distracted by the crowd. What are you doing? Cheer me! I am your hero!

A chair is thrown at him and he hisses in anger until he hears an energy explosion. Jormungandr turns to see Dewey's eyes glowing blue and a blue aura surrounding him.

Dewey then transforms into his Ultimate Form, crossing his arms and releasing a scream of determination. White energy explodes from him, turning his aura and shirt silver much to the crowd's amazement.

Jormungandr: W-what is this!?

Dewey: This is my true form! You're dead Jormungandr!

Jormungandr: You're the one who's dead! Screw being a good sport! I'm going to crush you in my palms until there's nothing left! You may be more powerful now but you'll never have the strength to defeat me!

Dewey: Dewey smirks. Don't have to be! There's a lot more to winning than strength! For example…

Jormungandr throws a punch to his surprise Dewey disappears and he can't see him anywhere.

Jormungandr: What the!? Where did you go!?

Dewey: Dewey reappears behind. Peek-a-boo! That was my invisibility and super speed combo! And this is my Spin Attack!

Dewey curves into a ball rolling at high speed with wind energy surrounding him. He blasts off, moving so fast Jormungandr couldn't land a punch and ends up getting slammed, falling on his back. He gets up, unsure of how to deal with this.

Jormungandr: I've never seen these kinds of fighting techniques before.

Dewey's invisible again and smashes Jormungandr with another spin attack. Dewey circles around the ring creating a dust tornado engulfing Jormungandr.

Dewey: That's because I never realized how strong they truly are! The humanoid reptile shields his face, trying to avoid breathing in the dust. You see, I finally realize, the approval of the crowd is nothing compared to the love and approval from your family and the people who love you! And strength isn't how hard you can hit or how well you fight! It's how awesome you are at using what you got and how good you are being you! Donald, Webby, Scrooge and the family all proudly hear Dewey's mature words. I don't need the love of the audience to make me strong! I only need my family! Huey, Violet and Launchpad are just as proud. Their support in me has always given me the strength to fight and that's what's happening now! Too bad you'll never know that Jormungandr! You're not fighting for your people; you're just fighting to gain the affection of the crowd. A true hero isn't defined from being popular or people loving you; it's measured by the determination to do the right thing no matter what! I know who I am and I know what the right thing is! I'm Dewford Turbo Duck!

Dewey reappears, leaping up and turning back to normal to throw punch so hard Jormungandr hits the floor hard and Dewey becomes invisible again. The reptile man furiously stands as the crowd chants "Champ Popular".

Della: Way to go honey! You're winning!

Webby: Go Dewey!

Lena: He's De-weying it!

Donald: Show that snake who's boss!

Louie: Show him what a mortal can do!

Scrooge: Atta lad! Embrace your inner heel!

Beakely: Well done Dewey!

Huey: Champ Popular is totally catching Jormungandr off-guard with a combination of his speed, invisibility powers and his special technique: The Spin Attack!

Violet: Jormungandr is unable to land a single blow. Champ Popular is far too quick and agile!

Launchpad: No one can match the speed of Champ Popular! NO ON!

Jormungandr: Cease these cowardly tactics! Show yourself and fight me!

Dewey: You wanna see me! Fine! Dewey is visible again as he rolls towards his opponent. How good are you at ball sports?

Jormungandr: I don't play!

Jormungandr kicks him out the ring like a football but Dewey amazes everyone by extending his arms, allowing him to make a turn and fly down to an astonished Jormungandr.

Dewey: Well, you should! We call this game Dodgeball!

He rams into the snake and sends him crashing some boulders, engulfing him in a dust cloud. Jormungandr gets up only to be repeatedly struck by Dewey's spin attack as he bounced of the ring posts and boulders like a pinball.

Dewey: And I call this game "Dewnificent Pinball!"

He smashes into his stomach and Jormungandr falls on his back as Dewey slides back on the floor.

Launchpad: Wow! A classic dodgeball technique; followed up a pinball move! Folks, Champ Popular is on a roll!

Lena: Whoa! How'd you do that Dewey!?

Dewey: Oh, it's a little something I learned when I trained with Uncle Donald. All I do is extend my hands when I use my Spin Attack and I use the wind to help me control it better.

Donald: You're doing great Dewey!

Scrooge: Keep up the pressure! Jormungandr is getting tired.

Hecka nods to Strongbeard and he furrows his eyebrows, knowing he must do the right thing. Jormungandr struggles a bit but he manages to stand.

Jormungandr: It doesn't matter. You may have the edge on me with speed but you'll never have the power to beat me.

That does not deter Dewey as he prepares to fight once more until someone calls him.

Strongbeard: Young one!

Dewey looks to see Strongbeard stand up holding an axe. He uses it to cut off part of his beard and toss it to Dewey. The moment he catches it his arm becomes impossibly muscular. He smirks as the beard glows blue along with his friendship bracelet. The bracelet absorbs the beard and Dewey's bicep deflates to normal before he screams and unleashes a silver-gold explosion of energy as he absorbs the beard energy without becoming insanely muscular.

Huey: Oh my! Dewey's absorbed that beard energy!

Violet: Now his blows will have the strength to crush Jormungandr!

In a fit of rage Jormungandr bounces from the ring to destroy Dewey with one punch, making the arena rumble a little but when the dust subsides Dewey had effortlessly caught his fist. He twists it, causing Jormungandr to grimace. When the snake punches with his other fist Dewey caught it too before delivering a kick in the jaw. Jormungandr swings his tail but Dewey catches it and twists the giant snake, making him fall on his face.

With his temporary super strength Dewey throws up Jormungandr. The people are in awe as the humanoid snake's spin cracks when Dewey catches him with one hand. With a mighty scream and leap Dewey is high in the skies outside the building where he holds Jormungandr upside down to execute a pile driver.

They decent fast and Dewey crushes Jormungandr back into the ring so hard he creates a dust explosion that forces everyone to shield their faces. Dewey has Jormungandr pinned and the referee does the countdown to free. The bell rings, confirming Dewey's victory and the crowd shout with joy for their new hero: Champ Popular.

The family is filled with joy. Scrooge and Beakely look on in pride, Donald and Della share a victorious high-five, Lena shouts ecstatically as she threw her fists in the air and Webby and Louie clasp their hands, jumping with joy.

Violet: And Champ Popular is victorious! Team Earth has earned the final victory and that makes them the undisputed champions of Ragnarok!

Huey: All I can say is this is…

Launchpad: …Awesome.

Jormungandr is injured and beaten but accepts his defeat.

Jormungandr: Until next time Champ Popular.

His head drops back and through a bolt of lightning Jormungandr is turned back into a giant serpent secretly hidden in the skies encircling the Earth.

In response to his defeat the cracks close up, the arena's colour turns back to normal, the boulders disappear and the ring and arena shrinks back to normal. Strongbeard's beard piece flies out of Dewey's friendship bracelet and returns to its owner. Team Ragnarok give their applause.

Dewey reverts back to normal as he is sat on his tail feathers panting in exhaustion. He gets up holding his shoulder but when he sees everyone cheering for him he smiles and raises his fist with a cry of victory.

Webby: Dewey!

Dewey watches Webby run to him ecstatically. The adventurous couple laugh as Webby jumped into her boyfriend's arms for him to spin her around before they share and embrace in a romantic kiss that could go on forever.



Webby: I knew you could do it Dewey! I believed in you from the start!

Dewey: I couldn't have won without your faith in me Webby. Thanks.

They share another hug until Donald, Della, Scrooge, Huey, Louie, Lena, Webby, Launchpad and Beakely join in crosstalking and voicing their praises and congratulations to Dewey. Della lifts him up in a massive hug which Dewey gladly takes in.

Donald: Well done Dewey! You totally showed him whose boss!

Della: My little champion! I knew all along you could do it.

Huey: We knew you could do it!

Louie: See! Told you, you were a hero!

Lena: Lena lightly punches Dewey when he's set down. Way to go Dew!

Violet: You've saved us all!

Beakely: We're so proud of you Dewey!

Launchpad: You were totally amazing!

Dewey: Thanks guys!

Scrooge: Scrooge proudly places a hand on his shoulder. Well done lad! I knew you could do it and I'm sorry I didn't say that before. Win or lose you're more than ready to handle anything and takeover for me one day.

Dewey smiles gratefully at his great-uncle but then drops down groaning and holding his shoulder in pain, much to their concern as Donald catches him.

Donald: Are you okay!?

Dewey: He manages to smile through his pain. Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little banged up. That fight took a lot more out of me than I thought.

Lena: Lena and Violet walk up smiling. Violet and I can take care of that.

They extend their hands, engulfing Dewey in purple magical aura that heals his injuries, his wounds all disappear and his outfit is fixed up just as Webby's was. He smiles gratefully when they're done.

Dewey: Thanks Lena, Violet. Dewey looks to see all the people chanting his name. I can't believe it… they're all cheering me and chanting my name.

Webby: That's because they finally realized what a real hero is like.

Della: You've earned this sweetie. We're really proud of you.

Donald: And you should be proud of yourself too.

A couple minutes later after Dewey is healed and congratulated by his family (who are all standing outside the ring with the exception of Huey, Violet and LP at the announcement tables) the referee lifts his hand up the air, declaring him champion. He hands over a gold champion's belt to Dewey and he takes it.

Huey: A true people's hero.

Scrooge climbs up the ring and runs up to place his hand around him proudly.

Scrooge: You showed real grit in their lad, I'm proud of you.

Dewey: Thanks Uncle Scrooge. But why are you whispering?

Scrooge: So I can get close… and do this!

Scrooge snatches the belt for himself, straps it around his waist and climbs up the ring post to pose in front of the audience, causing them erupt with cheers for another match.

Huey: What's this!? The Millionaire Miser has turned on his own nephew! He's stolen the belt! What a heel!

Here comes my hero

Scrooge drops back down smugly crossing his arm at Dewey.

Scrooge: Ha ha! That's right…unless Champ Popular thinks he can stop me!

Dewey: That…sounds like a challenge! One which I accept!

With a smirk Dewey prepares for one final match for the day, daringly bringing up his fists. Scrooge gives a light chuckle as he also prepares to fight.

Dewey and Scrooge jump at each other to begin one last 'bout. And that's official end of this adventure in which Dewey learns he doesn't need the approval of anyone when he knows he's doing the right thing and when his family supports and believes in him.

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