Ducktales Season 3 Rewritten

By LandofEvil42

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Ducktales Season 3 Rewritten More

Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 1
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 2
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 3
Quack Pack Part 1
Quack Pack Part 2
Louie's Seventeen Part 2
Louie's Seventeen Part 3
Louie's Seventeen Part 4
Louie's Seventeen Part 5
Louie's Seventeen Part 6
Rumble for Ragnarok Part 1
Rumble for Ragnarok Part 2
The Phantom and the Sorceress Part 1
The Phantom and the Sorceress Part 2
The Trickening
The Engagement Ring
Lets get Dangerous Part 1
Lets get Dangerous Part 2
Lets get Dangerous Part 3
Lets get Dangerous Part 4
Lets get Dangerous Part 5
Lets get Dangerous Part 6
Lets get Dangerous Part 7
Lets get Dangerous Part 8
Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 1
Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 2
Teamwork Makes a Dreamwork
New Gods on the Block
The True First Adventure
Tales of The Duck Couple Part 1
Tales of The Duck Couple Part 2
Fight for Castle McDuck
The Last Adventure Part 1
The Last Adventure Part 2
The Last Adventure Part 3
The Last Adventure Part 4
The Last Adventure Part 5
The Last Adventure Part 6
The Last Adventure Part 7
The Last Adventure Part 8
The Last Adventure Part 9

Louie's Seventeen Part 1

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By LandofEvil42

It's a bright day in Duckburg. Daisy has dropped of April, May and June in McDuck Manor while she carries out her job in Duckburg as Emma Glamour's assistant. Unfortunately, her boss is a snob who gives no respect to Daisy and she's been spending so much time trying to impress her that she doesn't make time for her nieces anymore, much to their heartbreak. And it isn't just them, her negligence has also affected a certain boyfriend of hers.

In McDuck Manor, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, Lena, Violet, April, May, and June are sat together in the living room watching the episode where Darkwing Duck is fighting Paddywhack possessing Quackerjack's doll, Mr Banana Brain.

Darkwing: He aims his gas gun at the doll. Suck gas you perfidiously possessed plantain!

He blasts away and the kids smile in excitement at the episode.

Louie: Never stops being cool.

Lena: You said it.

The female triplets smile at the Duckburg Six.

April: Thanks for setting this up everyone.

May: Yeah, it's really nice hanging with you guys.

Violet: The feeling is mutual.

June: Yeah, better than what's been happening recently.

The Duck Girls frown in sadness, concerning Dewey and the rest.

Huey: April, May, June what's wrong?

The female triplets sigh with a hint of anger and mostly sadness.

May: It's Aunt Daisy and her new job with Emma Glamour.

Lena: Emma Glamour?

Violet: I'm sorry, who's that?

Huey: She's a famous global tastemaker…

Dewey: Who appears every once a year…

Louie: To post her annual IT list, which makes anything famous around the planet.

May: That's all accurate, except you guys are missing out one thing. Glamour is a stuck-up snob and Aunt Daisy has been her personal assistant for 2 months now.

April: Ever since Aunt Daisy got her new job, she's been super busy.

June: Yeah, she's obsessed with trying to impress "Emma Glamour," such a stuck-up dunderhead.

May: And she never spends time with us anymore. After our mom died, she was all we had left. But now she seems to care more about this stupid job of her than she does about us…her own nieces. She keeps dumping us here now and although we like spending time with you guys we really miss Aunt Daisy.

Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, Lena, and Violet give them sympathetic looks when they see April, May and June on the brink of tears.

Dewey: I'm sorry you guys have to go through that.

Huey: It was kinda similar with us and Uncle Donald, but we knew that he took all those jobs just trying to make a living for us.

Louie: But he was always able to spend time with us in the end.

Lena: Don't worry you three; I'm sure Daisy will come to her senses eventually.

Webby: We're always here for you, you know.

Violet: We are all friends after all.

April, May, and June smile gratefully in response to the kind expressions aimed at them.

May: Thanks you guys.

April: That really means a lot.

June: At least we can always count on you.

Della excitedly pokes her head through the living room entrance.

Della: Who wants cookies?!

The nine kids' eyes widen and they zoom to the kitchen faster than you can say "Corruption."

Scenes shift to the kitchen where the kids are sat around the table eating cookies made by Della herself who happily watches them eat.

Webby: These cookies are the best!

Dewey: Wow, Mom! Since when have you been so good at making cookies!

Della: Since Donald and Mrs B taught me after the Moonvasion.

May: Thanks a lot Aunt Della.

Donald walks inside and everyone brightens to see him.

Della: Hey, bro bro!

Kids: Hi, Uncle Donald!

Donald: Hi…

They all become worried when they see he looks emotionally heartbroken. His voice tone is monotone, he's unable to express any emotions and he walks in slump which is how he's been for a whole week now. He sits on the stool, attempt pour in cereal only for the whole thing to come out together. He follows it with milk.

Della: Donald…

Louie: Are you okay, Uncle Donald?

Donald: Peachy…

5 seconds later Donald dips his face into his cereal, stunning his sister, nephew and nieces. Webby's eyes blink in confusion. Donald emerges with milk dripping out of his angry and hurt face. Donald jumps off the stool and slumps out of the kitchen, leaving everyone feeling sympathetic.

Violet: Now that was strange.

Webby: And heartbreaking to look at.

Dewey: What's wrong with Uncle Donald?

Huey: He isn't his usual self.

Della: I don't know. He's been acting like this since last week when he got back home from his date with Daisy…which I think didn't go well, considering how distant he had been acting.

The kids look to each other, realizing immediately what's going on before looking back to Della.

April: I think we know what's going on.

Della: You kids know what's wrong with my brother?

June: It doesn't take a detective to understand that what's wrong is Aunt Daisy?

May: Maybe you should go talk with him Aunt Della.

Della: Good idea.

Della walks off to follow after her brother, leaving the kids on their own and worried for their uncle.

Louie: It looks like it isn't just you guys that Aunt Daisy hasn't been neglecting.

June: Apparently.

Lena: How could she do this to him?

Violet: Will he be alright? Nothing has been the same for him since he lost his powers.

Dewey: Dewey gives everyone a smile of assurance. This is Uncle Donald we're talking about, I'm sure he'll be fine.

Donald is not fine at all as he brokenly sighs on the living room couch. He looks at a photo of him and Daisy and he's on the brink of tears.

Donald: Aww…Daisy…how could you stand me up?

Della: Donald. Donald watches Della walk beside him with sorrowful look. You okay buddy?

Donald: He sighs deeply. I guess I wasn't doing a good job of hiding it.

Della: Della sits next her brother. Donnie, I don't know what's wrong... but I know I want you make you feel better. If you explain it to me maybe I can help.

Donald: It's Daisy. She doesn't want to be with me anymore.

Della: Why would you think that?

Donald: Because of her job.

Della: You mean as Emma Glamour's assistant?

Donald: It's just... ever since Daisy got her new job with Glamour, I never see her anymore.

Della: Well it does seem like a busy job.

Donald: Yeah, but now Daisy's become obsessed with it. At first it was fine because she and I still saw each other when she first got the job. But slowly I started seeing her less and now for the last couple of weeks it's like I'm not part of her life anymore. She never spends time with us anymore. Not you, her nieces, our friends... or even me, her own boyfriend... Now hurt and anger can be heard in Donald's voice tone. She's stood up so many dates for three weeks! Last week I waited at a restaurant we were so supposed to have dinner at for 5 hours for her to show up and she never came! No call, no text, no telegram, no smoke signals, no beak time, no video conference, no kind of message, no nothing! She completely ditched me last week and hasn't apologised for it at all!

Della could only have her beak wide open in shock to hear how badly Daisy has hurt her brother and how neglectful she's been towards her family and friends. She now feels anger at Daisy and sorry for Donald.

Della: Oh my god... Donald, I'm so sorry to hear that. Now I know why you came home all upset that night. I can't believe Daisy did that!

Donald: These days I only see her in the castle but even there she's always focused on finding ways to impress that Glamour. Whenever I try to talk to her she just says she's busy or to leave her alone. Donald expresses tearful and heartbroken concern. I'm worried Della! What if she suddenly turns back into the way she behaved during my days at the institute and break up with me all over again?! Donald sighs once again as he looks down. I guess it's inevitable; maybe she just doesn't want to be with someone who has the worst luck in the world. Maybe she just wants to be with someone who she could actually spend on with her job. Maybe I'm not even good enough for her anymore. She probably doesn't love me anymore…

Della: That's not true. Daisy loves you Donald. Nothing will ever change that.

Donald: Yeah... except this job of hers which she seems to love more now.

Della gives Donald a sweet, loving, sisterly smile and wraps her arm around him.

Della: Don't worry Donnie. Daisy will come to her sense and when she does you can rekindle your relationship again. Nothing will ever separate you two. Despite your temper and mild greed when it comes to valuables, you're a great man Donald! You care for your family, you always try to protect them, you protected the worlds with Sora and Goofy, and like her, you raised three kids all on your own…and those kids were my sons! You're strong enough to always pick family above anything else! What sad woman wouldn't want to be with someone like you?!

For the first time in a week Donald smiles gratefully at his sister for her kind words, happy to know he can always count on her.

Donald: Thanks, Della.

Della: Don't mention it, bro.

The Duck Twins share a hug and Della gives a kiss on Donald's cheek to provide comfort and Donald blushes a little. The moment is disturbed when they hear the doorbell ring. They arrive at the foyer and Della opens up the door to reveal Panchito, Jose and Xandra.

Jose: Donald, Della!

Xandra: Hi there you guys!

Panchito: It's good to see you both again amigos.

Donald and Della brighten up to see the three of them.

Della: Xandra!

Donald: Panchito! Jose!

Ari pops up and screams right next to them, making Donald and Della yelp and reel back in comical shock. When he stops and gives his greetings they sheepishly smile.

Donald: Hi Ari.

Della: Nice to see you haven't changed, pal.

Xandra: Xandra comes up and happily wraps her arms around them both. We can say the same for you. So how've you guys been?

Della: We've been A-okay!

Donald: Yeah, everything's fine here! More or less… what about you guys? How's everything been since the Moonvasion?

Xandra: I've had a good time living on Ithaquack with Storkules and Selene! We so enjoy pranking Zeus!

Della: Della bursts out laughing. Now that's something I'd love to see!

Jose: Ol'Panchito and I have continued travelling around the world, and then we'd thought we'd have a reunion together.

Panchito: That reminds me Donald, come over here so we can have our secret handshake!

He motions Donald to come but the former mage looks down in doubt.

Donald: Um…no, thanks you guys. I'm not really in the mood for our secret handshake right now.

This causes Panchito, Jose, Ari and Xandra to both become worried.

Panchito: No secret handshake.

Jose: Uh oh…something is very wrong…

Donald: You could say that.

Xandra: Let me guess, it has something to do with Daisy, doesn't it.

This earns shocked looks from Donald and Della.

Donald & Della: What!?

Donald: How did you-!?

Panchito: We've practically known you our whole life Donald?

Jose: You wouldn't look so miserable unless it had something to do with Senorita Daisy.

Xandra: Please tell me the two of you haven't broken up again.

Donald: No…nothing like that…

A couple minutes later the twins explain the issue with Daisy, her new job, Emma Glamour and Daisy's negligence. The Caballeros, Goddess and Birds give their sympathy.

Ari: Ooooh…

Jose: Ay…it is that bad, huh?

Panchito: No wonder you're in a bad mood, huh, amigo.

Xandra: Ohh…Donald, I'm so sorry you have to go through that.

Jose: But surely Daisy can't be obsessed with this job forever.

Donald: She left me waiting in a restaurant for 5 hours.

They cringe from that piece of information.

Xandra: Oooh!

Panchito: That does complicate things.

Della: If only there was some way we can grab Daisy's attention and slap some sense into her.

The Caballeros, Xandra and Ari think until an idea comes to Panchito's mind and he snaps his fingers when an idea comes to mind.

Panchito: I've got it! What if the Three Caballeros come together again!

Donald: Donald lowers an eyebrow in interest. Bring our band back together. Well, I had been planning on doing that some point but is now really the right time. I'm not sure-

Jose: Panchito and Jose come up and roughly wrap their arms around Donald. Now is the perfect time Donald! If we can go on a global tour and perform for the entire world…

Panchito: Our band will rise to super stardom and we'll become globally famous.

Della: Della and Xandra deadpan at them both. You're doing this so your dumb band can rise to fame.

Jose: Panchito and Jose sheepishly throw up their hands. We admit we may have some ulterior motives.

Panchito: But it will help Donald too. Daisy will never be able to resist our band's incredible performance.

Donald and Della brighten up in excitement, remembering one fact about Daisy.

Della: Of course! I almost forgot out of all the people in the world Daisy is the only one who loves Donald's singing.

Xandra: Seriously!?

Donald: If I can get Daisy to hear me sing she'll be more than willing to hear me out and there's no way she'll ignore me anymore!

Della: Great!

Donald: Donald turns his hat into an accordion. Enough doubt! Let's get the band back together!

Panchito: Panchito and Jose get out their guitars. Now that's the spirit!

Jose: Let's go find someone to fund our tour! Ari, get a video camera!

Ari gives his salutes and gets a video camera in a flash but Xandra is ever doubtful.

Xandra: Uh…but how are you gonna get your band financed. I hate to remind you but you guys aren't really all that famous.

Della: Oh…almost forgot about that.

Donald: Don't worry! It's in the bag! The Three Caballeros hold up their instrument. Come on boys! Let's go!

Panchito & Jose: Yeah!

Ari squawks in excitement before her and the Caballeros run out the door, leaving Della and Xandra alone together and looking worried.

Della: Think they'll get someone to fund them?

Xandra: With Donald's voice…not a chance.

Della: Agreed.


Donald's staff and Scrooge's dime falls out of the sky. The dime rolls and the staff flies away from Donald and Scrooge who are smirking with confidence. Donald motions Della, Scrooge, Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby to follow his lead and they run after both items while running from all of their enemies.

Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg!

They now run in the city itself, everything zooms out to reveal multiple people to Della and Launchpad (the latter giving a salute) before Della yelps in fear and points out to the window while grabbing his attention. Launch quickly takes back control over the plane and Della falls to the floor.

Race cars, lasers, airplanes

It's a duck-blur!

Webby uses a flashlight to help search the dime and staff in the darkness but the kids gets scared away by Demonworth.

Might solve a mystery or rewrite history!

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

Scenes shift to a room where Donald, Della, Scrooge and the kids relish with the treasure they've found but yelp in horror when a lobster monster arrives causing Louie to make a run for it but loses the gold he picked up in the process.

Every day they're out there making

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

Donald is in his houseboat with a determined expression sailing it across a violent storm across the seas with Scrooge and Della right next to him and Launchpad placing the boys in one life jacket. Unfortunately a rope from a pirate ship ensnares Launchpad and swings him around.

Tales of derring-do

Bad and good luck tales! Woo-oo!

Beakely drives Scrooge through a safari where he fails to grab his dime. The kids and Della ride on a rhino with Donald being dragged a long rope and failing to catch his staff.

Scenes shift to a room where Dewey pulls out a sword and Della is bent down next to him, opening a cage that releases the Golden Dragon. Donald, Della and Beakely get into a battle stance and the fire on Scrooge's torch goes out.

D-d-d-danger! Lurks behind you!

There's a stranger out to find you

What to do, just grab on to some...

Scrooge is tapped on the shoulder and now the mummy of Toth-Ra is chasing the 6 ducks across the room. Webby fires her grappling hook which grips onto a pole. Everyone holds onto her and they fly up. They surround Toth-Ra, grab onto lose papers sticking from his body and pull. He spins until he's reduced to nothing but bones.

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

They run back to the gold room.

Every day they're out there making

The Duck/McDuck family are surrounded by their enemies again. Donald holds out his hand and his staff comes flying back to him. He leaps up and a blast of lightning changes his clothes before casting a thunder spell that shocks the Beagle Boys and clashes with Merlock. Scrooge stops where he is fearlessly before flipping up and diving inside the coins. He comes back and Donald, Della, Scrooge, Dewey, Huey, Louie and Webby continue fearlessly running across the floor of coins with the Sunchaser following.

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

Tales of derring-

Bad and good-

Not ponytails or cottontails, no

DuckTales! WOO-OO!

As he's chases by his enemies, Scrooge swims after his dime until he reaches the top of a formation where Beakely pulls the kids, and Donald up and Della catches Dewey. Donald points his staff at their enemies and the rest get into a battle stance while Scrooge finally catches his dime. Just as they were about to crash the Sunchaser crashes into 'DuckTales' signs, knocking their enemies off.

Scenes cut to dark room. The spotlight turns on to reveal the Three Caballeros performing their concert, with Donald at microphone and Panchito and Jose strumming their guitars and warming up the rhythm. Donald prepares to sing only for Panchito to steal the spotlight.

Hear my Voice (fail)

Panchito: Hear my voice

As I'm calling out for you

Hear my voice. He shoves Donald away from the microphone.

There are things I wish you knew.

Drop the Beat!

Now Jose steals the spotlight.

José: Drop the beat!

The parrot throws his guitar to an angered Donald and begins dancing to another music much to Panchito's frustration.

Panchito: I was getting to the good part!

José: Exactly! This is the good part!

Panchito tries to tackle him in retaliation only to be dodged. He gets up and tries again and now the both of them get into a fight with Donald trying to separate them both.

Donald: Guys! Guys! I don't think...

Soon, they comically trip around, hit the floor and the curtains and equipment set up around them fall to reveal they're inside Scrooge's bathroom…where Scrooge is having a bath right now and is furious.

Scrooge: Sorry, to interrupt… He turns off the radio. BUT WHY ARE YOU IN MY BATHROOM!?

Ari happily squawks and waves Scrooge hello behind a video camera as Jose comes out of the curtains first.

José: We wanted to give you a taste of our-

Panchito: …Followed by Panchito. As yet unpaid for-

José: Global tour! Now, we know how busy you are.

Panchito: But we also know how devastated you would be if you missed out on the chance to sponsor us!

Donald: Donald pops out of Scrooge's tub. We don't need money.

Panchito: …Followed by Panchito. All we need is equipment a tour bus, a plane with our faces on it...

He brings out Jose and wraps his arms around both of them, giving Scrooge nervous but sincere smile which he growls angrily at. Jose buries both of them in the water.

Jose: That's ridiculous! Scrooge is far and important to go plane shopping.

He falls down the tub and Panchito pops out again, followed by Donald and then Jose.

Panchito: You're right, We'll take the money instead.

Donald: Fifty million, Tops.

Panchito: A small price to pay to be a part of our band's rise to superstardom!

They excitedly spread out their arms around him in a triangle with Ari popping out to scream in Scrooge's face, causing him to cover his ears, hoping he'll accept only to be met with disappointment when he shouts…

Scrooge: Duckworth!

The ghost Butler appears and transforms into Demonworth. Donald chuckles nervously.

Scenes shift outside where Duckworth kicks the Three Caballeros and Ari out.

Demonworth: No solicitors!

He closes the door and the four of them look up to see Della and Xandra with their arms crossed.

Della: So…I'm guessing Uncle Scrooge to be a sponsor was a complete bust?

Donald: Shut up, Della…

The four of them get up in desperation.

Jose: That's the 4th rich guy's bathroom we've been kicked out of.

Panchito: What're we doing wrong?

Xandra: Oh I don't know…could it be Donald's bad singing…?

Donald: Hey!

Della: Or your lack of teamwork…?

Xandra: Or I don't know…the fact that you keep appearing in the bathroom at the same time someone is having a bath!

Della: …Which is disgusting and violation of personal space!

Jose: The bathroom is the best place to get their attention!

Donald: We don't need to respect personal space! We just need someone to listen to us!

Louie: Oh I'm listening.

Louie comes out of the grass vase next to them eerily wearing his hood.

Della: Louie? Have you been standing there this whole time?

Xandra: And how long have you been listening?

Louie: Long enough…So you wanna be famous?

Donald, Della and Xandra have unsure looks.

Donald: Uh…sure…but I just wanna…

Della: That isn't really the point of-

Panchito: Absolutely!

Jose: More than anything! He wraps his arm desperately around Donald.

Louie: And you're willing to do whatever I say, at any cost whatsoever.

Della: Louie, honey, I'm your mother and Donald's your uncle.

Donald: So…not any-

Panchito comically gets in Donald and Della's face.

Panchito: Quiet you two!

Jose: We'll pay you twofold!

Louie: Then, have I got a scheme for you.

June comes out eerily wearing her hood too.

June: It's going to be the best…

Lena pops her head out the grass.

Lena: The ultimate scheme.

The Caballeros are latched onto Donald and Della, giddy in excitement while the rest do not like where this is going.

Donald & Della: Oh boy…

Xandra: This…is going to get ugly.

Ari screams once more, much to their annoyance.

Scenes shift to the boys' room where Donald, Della, Panchito, Jose, Xandra and Ari are sat in front of Louie, Lena and June (the former carrying a laptop on his bed, Lena and June sat on both ends of the second bed).

Louie: The fastest way to fame is Emma Glamour's IT list.

He turns the laptop, showing the list. Donald, Della, Panchito, Jose, Xandra and Ari are in gleaming awe.

Donald, Della, Panchito, Jose, Xandra and Ari: Oooh!

Xandra: This IT-list intrigues me. What's it about?

Lena was about to explain until Dewey surprises her, June and everyone on the floor by emerging from under his duvet excitedly.

Dewey: I know everything about the IT-List!

Lena: Were you always under there or-

Dewey: Dewey climbs down almost kicking Louie's head before sitting next to him. Whatever Emma Glamour posts on her annual online list, becomes instantly popular! How do you think I found my favourite band? Dewey points to a poster with the Feather Weights … and my signature hairstyle?

Dewey shows one of the Featherweights members on the IT list with a similar hairstyle to his. May surprises everyone by hanging upside down from Huey's bed.

May: Glamour may be a jerk. But she does have good sense on what to blog, I'll give her that. Most people around the world are famous because of the IT list.

Dewey: If I'm following the trends right, I think next year's big thing, is gonna be sick yo-yo tricks! He jumps down presenting a blue yo-yo.

Della: Oooh! You can do yo-yo tricks! Alright, honey, let's see what you got!

Dewey: That sounds like a challenge!

He casts his yo-yo but almost ends up hitting the guys in front and becomes bounded and entangled in the strings. He gives a sheepish smile.

Xandra: Uh…it was a good try.

Della: You did great honey! And I'm sure you'll get tied up way less next time!

May: May jumps down next to Dewey with a smile. You get points for trying. Don't worry Dew, you'll become a yo-yo master in no time.

Dewey: Thanks!I'll get it by the time the IT-List comes out!

Dewey falls on the floor

Louie: Yeah, sure Dew...

May: You know, I've got some yo-yo moves of my own. Watch.

She gets out an orange yo-yo and casts it, doing a better job than Dewey but ends up getting hit in the forehead.

May: OW!

June: Yeah, you're really good, sis…

Annoyed with the sarcasm, May casts the yo-yo at June and smacks her in the forehead.

June: OW!

She comically hits the floor and May smirks. The Three Caballeros are more determined than ever.

José: We must get on this blog!

Donald: But how?

Panchito: Why will no one tell us?

Lena: Lena motions them to calm down. Whoa! Easy Cabs! Thanks to some inside dirt we got from the Duck Girls we can give you some enlightenment.

Louie: Louie motions to June as Dewey struggles to escape. June, explanation!

June: June gets up rubbing her head. Emma Glamour is a famous tastemaker as you all know. She emerges only once a year to post her IT-List at…May…

May: …An exclusive party at the Duckburg museum. It's-

Dewey: Dewey gets in Louie's face, hogging the spotlight. A night of famous people celebrating how great they are! These are my people! He turns to Louie. We're going!?

Louie pushes while keeping his beak shut.

Louie: Will you stop that!

May: May pulls Dewey back and smiles. Of course we're going Dewey!

Dewey: Awesome! Louie addresses the Caballeros.

Louie: I get you in to that party…

They're all stood up in excitement, except for Xandra who's still sat down.

Panchito: We perform for Glamour…!

José: We get on the IT-List before it's posted online…!

Donald: Then we'll be famous around the planet…!

Della: And there'll be no way Daisy can ever ignore you again Donnie…!

Donald: Yeah!

Xandra: And April, May and June will get their Aunt back too!

*Dewey rolls in front of them, still bound.

Dewey: Internet fame, the most important fame of all. They watch him roll away.

May: If any of you ever get a chance to talk her make sure you knock sense into Aunt Daisy.

Donald: Don't worry we will, but there's just one problem... How do we get in?

Xandra: Yeah, isn't this party for rich people ONLY?

Louie: Louie feigns contemplation. Hmm. This is an exclusive party. He playfully lies on his side. If only someone had a super, elaborate scheme to get in!

Della: Della smiles slyly. You have a super elaborate scheme to get in, don't you honey?

Louie: Guilty, as charged! KABOOM!

Louie kicks the bed and a board appears, knocking him off the bed. The board is full of letters, blue prints, newspaper articles and post it notes 1-17 over 17 pictures each. Louie gets up and he, Lena and June proudly present his scheming masterpiece.

Louie: I give you Louie's Seventeen! A multi-part multi-person plan guaranteed to get us in! The perfect scheme!

Everyone in front is in complete awe.

Donald, Della, Panchito, Jose, Xandra & Ari: WOOOOOW!

Panchito: That is muy grande!

Della: Louie…did you make this scheme all on your own!?

Lena: Lena wraps her arm around Louie which he enjoys. He sure did! My boyfriend, the schemer!

June: We helped by giving Louie all the inside dirt we could give.

Louie: Add that with being able to see all the angles like I can it's easy to form the ultimate scheme.

Dewey gets up and untangles himself from the strings just Donald gives an impressed whistle and Della clasps her hand with tears threatening to leave.

Della: My baby boy, coming up with ultimate scheme. I've never been more proud than this moment.

Dewey: Ah, cool. Maybe if we...

He attempts to touch the board but Louie slaps his hand away much to Dewey's dismay.

Louie: Please don't touch the perfect scheme!

Dewey: But I know all about this party!

Louie: And I know all about schemes, dear Dewford!

May: Now May attempts to touch the board. Maybe I can help give this scheme an A-May-zing tou-

June: June pulls her back with a playful look. Whoa! Easy, May dear! This is Louie's scheme, so let's just leave it to him for now.

May: She throws up her hands. Whatever you say June-deenie.

Louie: All you have to do is listen to me… He lightly squeezes Dewey's cheek before presenting a contract. …And sign this legally binding contract; giving me half of any money you make after you get famous! Lena and June clear their throat and Louie realizes his mistake when he sees the looks being given. Sorry, I meant giving me, Lena AND June half of any money you make.

Panchito takes the contract in excitement but Donald is outraged.

Donald: WHAT? We can't-!

Too late, Panchito gets on the floor and signs it.

Panchito: I've already signed for you Donald!

José: Gimme the pen!

Now Jose signs it and Donald sighs before reluctantly signing in his signature too while the rest stand with Louie with deadpanning expressions.

Xandra: So this is to help your little Louie Inc scheme.

Louie: No, don't be silly dear Xandra. This is to help Uncle Donald win Aunt Daisy back. I overheard you guys taking earlier in the Foyer. And after I did I decided to put this scheme together to make help Uncle Donald. I just want him to be happy again. And I want the girls to get their mother figure back.

Everyone regards Louie proudly, June and May are touched and Della who ruffles his hair.

Della: Aww! Louie, that's such a sweet thing you're doing for your uncle and the girls!

Louie: It's the least I could do considering all he's done for us.

June: Thanks for doing his for us Lou.

May: Yeah, we really appreciate it.

Dewey: So what's the point of the contract? How does that help?

Lena: Oh, it doesn't. That's just on the off chance that the Cabs do make it to the IT-list.

May: You guys do realize that's not possible…

Dewey: Due to Uncle Donald's voice being, you know, terrible.

Louie: The worst.

Della & Xandra: Absolutely/you said it! Ari nods in agreement.

June: True, but miracles can happen.

Couple minutes later, Louie goes over the plan.

Louie: All Seventeen have an important role.

He removes note 1, presenting a cool picture of himself.

The Leader:

Louie (ME!)

Louie: I'm the team leader, obviously.

Removing note 2, 3, 4 and 5 presents funny pictures of Donald, Panchito and Jose and a cool one of Della.

2, 3, 4, 5:
The Talent:

Uncle Donald
Panchito Pistoles
Jose Carioca

Louie: Caballeros, Mom, you're the talents!

Dewey places a fake photo of himself on the board.

Dewey: And I'm the inside man, because I know this party inside and out!

Louie: What? No, but don't worry, I have a very special job, just for you!

He removes a fake photo and note 6, revealing a real photo of Dewey.

The Specialist:


Dewey: Oh-ho, ho-ho-ho! Special!

Xandra: And me? What's my role?

Louie: Don't worry Xandra; I have something very special planned out for you later. For now you're on standby so be patient.

Louie: This party is invite only, so we're gonna need...

He removes note 7 & 8 to reveal pictures of Huey and Violet happily standing in front of a hut.

**7, 8: The Forgers:


Scenes shift to the living room where Violet cuts a purple card with some scissors and a couple minutes later Huey makes it look like an invitation, finishing it by painting in Emma Glamour's signature.

Huey: HA! He victoriously takes off his goggles. And you said calligraphy camp was a waste of time!

Violet: This forgery invitation Hubert and I made should be able to get you inside the museum. I did the cutting…

Huey: And I did the forging.

Huey and Violet high-five just as Louie picks up and kisses the forged invitation.

Louie: Hubert, Violet, it's perfect! Welcome to the scheme!

Violet: Beg pardon?

Huey: I'm sorry what scheme?

Lena: Lena wraps her arms around them both. A scheme to get Aunt Daisy to come to her senses and make the Cabs famous.

June: You want in. It involves going to a party of high sophistication…

May: And elegance…

Huey & Violet: Now they're interested. Oooh! We're in!

Scenes shift back to Louie's room where note 9 is removed to reveal Gyro.

9: Tech Guru:

Gyro Gearloose

Louie: Next, we'll need a way to communicate all sneaky-like.

Donald, Della, Dewey, Huey, Louie, Lena, Violet, Panchito, Jose, Xandra and Ari are gathered in Gyro's lab where Gyro holds up a couple of earpieces.

Gyro: Alright, these earpieces are definitely not experimental, I'm definitely not testing them on you and they definitely won't explode in your heads if you wear them too long.

Xandra: We can communicate through such tiny devices!? Fascinating.

June: You really need to get up to date, girlfriend.

They each take earpieces and put them on before Gyro takes out the Barksian Modulator to give Donald.

Gyro: And this is the Barksian Modulator 2.0. Don't worry…this time there won't be any electrical surges so it will help during the later stages of your plan. Have fun at your party.

Louie first removes number 10, showing a cool picture of Lena holding up an energy disk.

10: Mistress of Disguise:


Louie: And lastly we'll need to figure out the party layout inside the museum. That's where you and your Shadow Magic come in Lena.

Lena: I am a pro when it comes to disguises.

Numbers 11, 12 and 13 are removed to reveal April, May and June.

11, 12, 13: Inside Jobs:


Louie: And we'll also need help from those who truly know this party inside and out.

June: That's us.

May: I'll go get April!

The gang arrive at the museum which has been decorated from the outside and now on the inside. Lena, April, May and June stand in front of the museum.

Lena: And here we are girls, Duckburg's museum.

April: Home of the IT party! The Duck Girls smirk to each other. Ok girls, just like in Saint Quackmore…

April, May and June: Let's waiter up!

Lena watches April, May and June comically run into bush and there's a brief scuffle until the three of them emerged totem poled in the same waiters outfit they disguised themselves in Saint Quackmore but black this time, June at the bottom, May in the middle and April at the top wearing a moustache (which she twiddles with).

June: Ready…

May: Set…

April: Wait!

Though, just like before they're wobbling around and cry out as they struggle to maintain balance. Lena watches with her eyes comically widened while cringing as they bump into some vases and decorations before regaining balance right next to her.

Lena: You girls okay in there?

April: Of course!

May: Totally!

June: Completely normal!

Lena: Lena casually throws up her hands before smirking. Suit yourself. Now let me show you my disguise!

Lena holds out her hands, surrounding herself in purple aura and transforming herself into Jane from Funzo in a waitress outfit.

Duck Girls: WHOA!

Jane: Ain't I gorgeous!

June: You look exactly like Jane from Funzo!

Lena: One of the advantages of having shadow magic.

They hear feedback from their communicators and press them to hear Louie.

Louie: Lena, June, April, May, you ladies all set!

April: Ready and waiting to wait! What about you?

Donald and the rest are all gathered around Louie's laptop which is showing the museum entrance thanks to May using her video camera.

Louie: Everything's ready here. We just need you ladies to get inside and give us the goods.

Lena, April, May & June: On it!

The 4 of them are now inside the museum and surprisingly the Duck Girls were able to blend in just fine with the other waiters and waitresses. Lena heads to the other end of the room while the Duck Girls stay in the party area.

April: You getting this May?

May: May has her camera lenses getting all. Every single part of it.

On the outside Louie sees a sculpted brown throne and a stage by a dinosaur skeleton.

Louie: There's Glamour's seat and there's the stage.

May keeps taking a look around and someone caught her eyes that makes her gasp in shock.

May: No way!

April: What is it!? What's wrong! May points and April gasps.

June: Wait is that!? June's eyes widen.

Walking down the stage stairs is a female duck carrying a light green handbag, wearing a pink overcoat with black buttons, black high heeled shoes with bows on them and ankle bands, her hair is styled in a fluffy, soft, and swirly kind of way with a ribbon bow tied around it and she has green eye shadows and mascara. It was none other than Daisy with a new outfit and look.

Daisy gives a whistle and walks down sternly clapping and bossing the other workers around while holding a checklist.

Daisy: Let's go everyone! We want to start fashionably late! Not late, late! And remember, no one gets on stage without a stage pass.

Donald and Della are clueless but everybody else is in shock. Ari is so shocked his tongue comes out.

Jose: I did not see that coming.

Donald: Who is that?

Della: I have no idea?

They look at the twins as if they're stupid much to their confusion.

Donald & Della: What?

All of them facepalm at the stupidity they're witnessing.

Violet: Seriously?

Xandra: The two of you really are twins.

Huey: You guys seriously don't recognise her?

Louie: How about taking a closer look!

He gets the laptop in their faces and after looking at Daisy for a good 5 seconds and remembering the Quack Pack adventure they become stunned.

Della: Wait…is that…!?

Donald: Daisy!?

Wanting to get a real view, Panchito gives Donald boost and the former mage takes another look at Daisy through the windows.

Donald: It really is her!

Della: Looks like she's got a makeover for this party, huh?

Xandra: Xandra smiles a little. I actually like the new look.

Jose gives Huey, Dewey and Louie a boost to see Daisy giving more orders with Donald.

Louie: Regardless, Aunt Daisy is Glamour's personal assistant. If we wanna get to Glamour, we have to go through her.

Donald didn't listen and instead stares at Daisy's newfound beauty with wonder and amazement, completely mesmerised like he was in the Quack Pack universe. His eyes gleam but he shakes it all off.

Donald: Whatever…

The boys give him looks of concern and he looks back to see Della, Xandra and Ari giving the same looks.

Donald: What…?

Della: Are you sure you're okay, Donnie?

Donald: Yeah…I'm fine.

The hurt look on his face says other wise and everyone on the ground become even more worried due to the strain in Donald and Daisy's relationship.

Daisy walks to the centre and the Duck Girls quickly turn their back from her, organising some forks, knives and spoons.

Daisy: Nice placements on the banners Rosa, those shrimps puffs could be puffier Shawn. Daisy gasps in shock to see a vase of flowers being placed near the stair by a waitress and runs in panic. Are these Rhododendrons!? We gotta get 'em out of here before-!

Woman: Achoo!

Too late, Daisy looks in fear to see a woman up the stairs.

Daisy: …She…shows up…

Standing near the throne was a grey parrot wearing a light blue/green dress and coat with peacock designs, sunglasses and a hat with peacock feathers. It was none other than Emma Glamour.

Glamour: Are those Rhododendrons?

Daisy: Daisy looks to the employee. Run, I'll handle it.

She runs off just as Glamour walks down.

Glamour: You know I'm allergic to bad taste.

Daisy: Daisy sets down the vase and forces a smile. Of course Mrs Glamour, I mean, who would bring Rhododendrons to your party? A Rhodo-dum-dum?

She laughs at her joke and Glamour lifts up her glasses unamused, but shrugs it off and sits on her throne.

Glamour: You have narrowly avoided ruining this party…for now.

Donald is incredibly red with rage right now to see her girlfriend talked down to. Steam is coming out of him much to everyone's horror and Panchito and Jose's stress.

Ari: Uh oh!

Xandra: This isn't good!

Violet: That is an understatement!

Della: He's about to blow.

Donald: Why that stuck-up piece of-!

Donald was about to break through but the Duck Boys pull their uncle back and calm him down.

April, May and June were also furious. The three of them were growling and proceeding to stomp over and give Glamour a piece of their mind but to their shock their aunt is bowed down before Glamour.

Daisy: Oh thank you Mrs Glamour! I promise, everything's going to be…

Louie: Perfect!

Everyone but Lena, Xandra and Ari are back in the triplet's room sat in front of Louie who has a confident look.

Louie: I have Lena, Xandra, Ari and another member I secretly sent on standby back in the museum to give us any updates and await the most important parts of their role. We have exactly 30 minutes before the party starts so now it's time to get into our best party duds and really put this scheme into action!

Della: I haven't been to a party in a long time! I wonder what's changed.

June: Nothing…except that we now have to wear fancier clothes than before you got lost in space.

Louie: …Which will not be a problem, now to enact phase 2 of Louie's Seventeen!

He removes note 14 to reveal a picture of Launchpad smiling in front of the crashed Cloud Slayer.

14: Fancy Driver:

Launchpad McQuack

Louie: Step 1: our 14th member drives us their all fancy like-to help us blend in.

Donald, Della, Dewey, Huey, Louie, Violet, May, April, June, Panchito and Jose are sitting at the back of the Limo with Launchpad driving. All are wearing fancy outfits.

Donald is wearing a blue shirt with gold buttons underneath a black blazer, gold cufflinks, a blue bowtie and a black fedora with blue band around it.

Della is wearing a black one-strap dress that goes up to her knees, a couple of bangles, her hairband and black heeled shoes (a metal version on her robot leg).

Huey, Dewey and Louie were wearing their white shirts underneath black blazers and red, blue and green bowties respectively.

April, May and June are respectively wearing yellow, orange and purple sleeveless dresses, the skirts reaching up to their knees, bows attached around the back of their waists. And they both wear flat hats with bows attached to them.

Violet wears a light green sleeveless dress reaching up to her knees, a green bow wrapped around her waist, her black trousers worn underneath and a peacock bow tied to her ponytail

Launchpad is wearing his Double-O-Duck game outfit except this time he wears sunglasses and his chauffeur hat.

Panchito and Jose wear their regular clothes except Panchito's red bolero jacket is black with gold linings. His sombrero is also black and has a red band around it.

Jose's suit is black as well and so is his hat with a green band around it.

€Violet takes the time to admire and tug her dress.*

Violet: I very much like this dress and the bow tied to my hair is quite an elegant touch. She looks to the Duck Girls. And the dresses you three are wearing are quite graceful.

May: Gee, thanks Vi.

April: The feelings mutual.

Huey: I think you look beautiful, Violet.

Violet: Violet blushes with a smile. Thank you, Huey.

She gives a kiss on the cheek and the girls completely coo.

Della, April, May & June: AWWW!

Della: It keeps getting cuter and cuter! It all reminds me of the old days with my late husband! She then looks to Donald. Look at you, dressed all formal-like, bro.

Panchito: Panchito points at Donald. Hey, that outfit does look good on you Don Donald.

Donald: Thanks.

Della tugs on her dress nervously.

Della: But is it really necessary for me to dress like this? I mean I look completely…girly…

Donald: Well, good. It's nice for you to look girly for once in your life.

Dewey: And it shows you've actually got a leg.

Della: My other outfit showed that just fine!

Huey: I think you look great Mom.

Launchpad: Launchpad has his face turned as he drives. Huey's right, you're looking fabulous Ms D. Launchpad looks to Louie. So boss, what do you need me to do once I drop you off. Can I literally crash the party!?

Everyone: NO!

Louie: You're job will be to remain on lookout outside and keep a low profile outside until we complete the scheme. Launchpad's face drops in disappointment so Louie is forced to relent. And if things go really wrong then I'll order you to crash the party.

Launchpad: This raises Launchpad's spirit and he raises his fists in the air. Woo-hoo!

Everyone become horrified when he loses grip on the wheel.

Everyone: LAUNCHPAD!

Launchpad quickly takes back the wheel and barely avoids crashing into a couple of cars but causes them to crash, much to the anger of the drivers.

Louie: Louie presses his communicator. Papa Bird to Mama Bird, what's the latest update?

Lena: Lena speaks on the other line. Mama Bird to Papa Bird, there are bunch of weirdos wearing fancy outfits lining up outside the museum and coming in. I'm still inside, waiting for you guys.

Louie: We're almost there. Sit tight Mama Bird.

Lena: Roger that Papa Bird.

She goes silent and everyone aims teasing smiles at Louie much to his confusion.

Louie: What?

Donald: Papa Bird and Mama Bird, huh?

Dewey & Huey: Ooooh!

Della: That's so cute! I could just imagine what your babies will look like!

Louie blushes like crazy and gets angry.

Louie: Stop that! We're still kids! It's too soon to reach that conclusion!

June: But it's not far off dear, Llewellyn.

Louie: Shut up…

The limo drives off into the distance to Emma Glamour's party for phase 2 to begin.

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