Sequel to IRONY

Door ktyui12345

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"Princess," Damian's voice sliced through the silence, dangerously close to where she was hiding, "I know you... Meer

Final Chapter

A little bit...

515 18 26
Door ktyui12345

Thanks to those people who reviewed chapter 4.

*offers mushroom-flavored pie.*

This chapter is 13 pages long :D Hoozah!

After the flashback chapter, we'll move on with the story.

Here it goes ...


"Will you please come out of there?"

She heard a small tap on her bedroom door. It was already Alya's seventh or so visit to her flat this week. They'd been trying to get her to come out, not that it really mattered.

Marinette still wouldn't answer.

There was still so much to think about, so much to plan. She had to prepare herself as much as she could for the worst to come.

Her eyes darted to the pile of newspapers sprawled messily on her bed. There was a moving picture of a good-looking man with brown hair and a sneer on his face as the cameras flashed around him, the bold words indicating the events that happened during the past few weeks.

Damian Wayne, Back From the Dead.

"Rose, do something!" She heard Alya say in desperation.

Marinette went to the bathroom and splashed water on her face, its coldness making her wince. She stared at her red, tear-swollen eyes and heaved a sigh.

She had thought that she had finally been rid of him when her doctor had found him in her Hospital room that night. She had been relieved and so sure he would spend the rest of his stupid life in jail.

How could she have been so wrong?

Damian Wayne Pleads not Guilty.

It wasn't fair, how he always got his way. She grudgingly admitted that he was too cunning and clever for his own good. It made her wonder if they even stood a chance against him.

They had gravely underestimated him, focusing only on the fact that he had the Luteus stone in his possession. They didn't even considered what he could do without it.

There was also a nagging thought inside her head, telling her that maybe the Stone was only a distraction, to distract them from what he could really do. Besides, it's no wonder Hawkmoth so readily chose him as his heir.

Damian Wayne, Innocent, Released From Prison.

She remembered how the Couffaine Mansion burned to a crisp, how the people ran wild while the fire engulfed them whole, but they were nothing but faceless strangers to her, a blur in her memory.

They were like missing puzzle pieces.

Yet for some reason, she was sure that Damian had been at her engagement party. Marinette knew he had done it on purpose. He had never intended to warn them about the fire, he had just come to watch the Couffaines burn to death.

And she still recalled his disturbingly happy expression as he told everyone how the Couffaines had died. Not even one of them had noticed that his voice held no remorse, no sympathy.

She hadn't known there was a punishment for betraying the bond, she hadn't known if Damian had been alive, and she certainly hadn't known that the bond would take innocent lives.

She hated not knowing.

She should've done something, but she hadn't. She should've researched about the bond rather than just trying hard to forget all about it.

But she hadn't. In the end, the Couffaines had died because of her. Just like how Adrien had. She fought to keep the tears from falling once more. It was all her fault.

"Please Marinette, they need you! We need you!" Alya shouted. "They said you had to finish the Denovorum."

"Go away," She shouted weakly, wiping her face roughly with her hands. Merlin, even her voice sounded pathetic.

"They said it's urgent!" Alya tried again. "They said those poor blokes who got sick would lose their energy and die if you don't help them! You know how it's been!"

Marinette remembered how she had magically turned into of of the greatest doctors in town.

For a moment, she was tempted to grab the knob, her heart sinking at the thought of all those sick people, but she hesitated.

"Perhaps she's held captive by the tooth fairies?" came Rose's dreamy voice. "Tooth-like creatures. They're known to swarm during this time of year."

"Er—Do you know how to get rid of the Toath Fairies then, dear?" Alya muttered. Alya groaned in annoyance and knocked on the door once more.

"Tooth," Luna corrected him, there was a happy tone in her voice. "Simple. You just have to make a lot of noise and shout."

"Marinette Dupain Cheng!" Alya's voice roared loudly. She almost sounded like Chole, and she wouldn't stop banging the door. Marinette swore she saw the pink walls of her bedroom shake. "IF YOU DON'T GET OUT HERE, SO HELP ME GODRIC, I WILL BREAK DOWN THIS DOOR!"

Cursing furiously, Marinette finally turned the knob.

As soon as the door opened, she was suffocated into a tight, almost brutal hug by a pair of arms. Immediately, she felt their warmth surround her, making her forget her worries temporarily. Home. Oh Merlin, she needed this. She couldn't help but smile.

Rose dreamily skipped towards them and joined in too.

"I told you it would work," Rose told Alya serenely.

"I never doubted you," said Alya, grinning. Then she glared at Marinette. "Don't ever scare us like that again."

"I can't—breathe," Marinette managed to say, despite their vice-like grip on her.

"You prat," said Alya. "You bloody well deserve it! Moping and sulking in here for weeks. You should know better!"

"I haven't been—sulking!" she defended, which was obviously a lie. "I was—planning revenge!"

"Without us?" said Alya while letting out a soft chuckle. "How rude."

After a couple of minutes, they finally let go of her and she breathed a sigh of relief. They stared at her exhausted form with worried expressions.

"You look horrible," said Alya with a small frown.

"Gee, thanks," she replied sourly.

"It's the Tooth fairy. They give off quite a depressing atmosphere," Rose said dreamily, as she surveyed the room.

"You haven't been eating, have you?" Alya accused. "Merlin, you haven't even slept at all!"

"I—I was thinking," was the only excuse she could come up with.

"Well enough of this—this— thinking," Alya waved her hand at her exhausted form in disapproval. "I'm going to make dinner. And you better eat everything on your plate or I'll bloody pound you."

"I wasn't lying about the Denovorum potion, by the way," Alya told her. "Juleka told me to tell you."

"Alright," Marinette nodded in understanding. "Alright, I'll go to work tomorrow."

"Not until you get some rest you won't!" Alya said fiercely. Rose nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry about it," said Alya, "I already talked to Mr.Hideous. He's not going to tell the public about your—" her face twisted in irritation, "—marriage to Damian. Strangely enough, Damian told him the same thing as well."

"He did?" Both Marinette and Rose said in unison.

"I know," Alya furrowed her eyebrows. "One minute he's ranting about it to everyone's faces, next he tells everybody to shut up about it. Rose, what are you doing?"

They all looked at the blonde-haired girl with pink highlights, as she sprayed a perfume all over the place.

"Removing the bad atmosphere," she replied serenely, not sparing them another glance.

"Do you reckon he's finally had it with Marinette now that the people know?" Rose asked, hopeful. "I mean, he is still a prejudiced git, isn't he?"

"Not bloody likely," Alya replied, while looking at the pile of newspapers on Marinette's bed and frowning. "Knowing Damian, he's definitely up to something. Listen, he's going to try to get you. It's only a matter of time."

Marinette felt fear rush over her at his words. "Get me?" she gulped.

"To live with him, in the Wayne Manor," Alya said sadly. "He thinks it's only right because you're married. Good news is, he can't make you live with him without being granted permission by the head department. I made sure too. I already talked to the officials to sort things out. We're not going to let him have his way. People's been very helpful, but we need more proof. It's going to take a lot before we can properly arrest him."

"So what happens now?" she asked. "We just pretend like nothing happened? We just watch while he runs free?"

"I'm doing the best I can!" Alya said, frustrated.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean—" She buried her face in her hands and groaned. "It's just been hard."

"Forget about it," Alya said in understanding.

"No I shouldn't have—"

"I said forget it. It doesn't matter."

"He can't get to you, alright?" said Alya, while patting her back. "We won't let him."

When she got to work the next day (with newly found confidence and strength thanks to Alya, Alya and Rose), she decided to proceed to the laboratory immediately, instead of heading directly to her office. She wanted to finish the Denovorum, then maybe pass by the library to research some more about marriage bonds.

As soon as she entered, she saw a group of people gathered around someone, a girl seated on the table. Her strong features were striking, with dark eyes, voluptuous lips, chiselled cheekbones and a defined jaw line. She looked like one of those girls in the fashion magazines. The crowd was listening attentively to her every word, all eyes were on her.

Marinette tiptoed as quietly as she could, so as not to be noticed, but apparently she wasn't quiet enough. The girl turned her head to her direction and smiled. Marinette groaned inwardly.

"Marinette," she said in a perfect high pitched voice that sounded much too enthusiastic for Marinette's liking.

"Lila," Marinette replied dryly. "Back from Russia already?"

"Yes, just yesterday. I was just telling this lot about my astonishing discovery of the Vinewhip bushes in the Romincka Forest." She held up a leaf to prove her point. "It's very rare and valuable, very hard to find. Care to join us?"

Vinewhip bushes were, of course, rare bushes that had a lot of use in potion-making. Marinette resisted the urge to take a look. The girl was obviously trying to brag about it again, it was clear by the arrogant tone in her voice.

"No thanks, I have to finish the Denovorum potion," Marinette answered, forgetting that it would annoy Lila the liar extremely. Marinette was the only person in the building (the only person in the entire Britain for that matter) capable of making such a complicated potion and Lila didn't like the idea.

She always wanted to best Marinette at everything.

Sure enough, Marinette watched, as Lila's gorgeous face resembled an ugly mandrake within seconds.

(OF COURSE LILA IS NOT GORGEOUS. I just got her gorgeous in this book to make it more interesting)

"Oh, but you must!" she insisted. Her eyes flashed in irritation as she stood from the table and walked towards her. "Besides, you have yet to tell me how your engagement party went."

The whole room fell silent.

By her facial expression, it was clear that Lila already knew about the incident but the irritating cow pretended she didn't, just to spite Marinette. Lila probably abhorred the idea of Marinette marrying a famous, rich, international guitar player, and now that Luka was gone, she was going to rub it in.

"Didn't anyone tell you?" Robert said from Lila's right. He whispered something in her ear. Astoria's face twisted into an obviously fake shocked expression.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry." She pretended to be sympathetic, but it only sounded like she was more than happy about it.


Marinette's cheeks flushed red in anger, but before she had a chance to retort, Lila was surrounded by her admirers once more.

"It almost seems like Luka Couffaine would rather die than be married to someone like her," her perfect high pitched voice resounded. Her admirers roared in laughter.

Furious, Marinette raced to the other part of the laboratory without a backward glance and slammed the door shut.

Just calm down Marinette, she kept repeating in a sort of inane chant. "I'm going to get her back for this."

She took a nut and a chemical and crushed a nut seed with so much force it was a fine, powdery substance by the time she was through with it. She had imagined it was Lila's head the whole time.

The test-tube full of black liquid substance was still swirling and bubbling even though she had stored it in the cupboards about a week ago. Its continuous movement was fascinating, like a whirlpool of endless, magical flow. She worked on it for an hour, adding ingredients carefully, until the liquid substance finally hardened into a metallic form. She smiled in satisfaction. 500 more steps and the medicine would be complete.

"Marinette! There you are!"

Juleka burst into the lab immediately, looking more stressed and exhausted than ever, her usually long hair a mess. She paused a few seconds to catch her breath. "Where were you! I've been looking everywhere! What are you doing? Why aren't you dressed?"

She started to mutter to herself and stare at her watch in panic.

"What's wrong with my dress?" Marinette looked at her dress, confused. She wore dresses like these for work all the time. Juleka groaned and grabbed her shoulders, shaking her roughly.

"You have a meeting in 30 MINUTES!" She all but yelled.


"I thought Alya told you! Oh Marinette,"Juleka grabbed her hand and dragged her back to her office. "Somebody offered to fund your project! You have to get dressed. NOW!"

Without being given much choice, Marinette was dressed 15 minutes later, in record time.

The dress now she wore looked more presentable and formal. Her hair was tied into a messy bun, with loose curls framing her face.

"Now remember, you have to show him that this project will be worth it. Lila's in there too—"

"But Juleka, I'm not—"

"—eat you alive if you're not careful. She's going to try to steal him from you—"

"I'm not prepared at all—"

"Nonsense! Do your best and you'll be fine. Go!"

With a slight shove, Marinette was forced to enter the black double doors of the conference hall. Once inside, she realized that there were already people seated around a table, talking vigorously with one another.

"Finally," drawled Madam Dumass, her boss, as she noticed Marinette walk in. "You made it."

(I am proud of myself for coming up with such an amazing name!)

But Marinette wasn't looking at Madam Dumass at all; instead her eyes were focused on the very handsome bloke sitting beside her boss, holding a mug of coffee in his hands. Her heart leapt in her chest.

There he was, in all his glory, clad in a black suit that was simply marvellous on him. His brown hair was still in disarray, complimenting his rather sharp, pointed features. He was absolutely stunning. His arms were sprawled in the arm rest, and once again he looked like he didn't have a care in the world.

He looked up at her and smirked.

"Why the bloody hell are you here?" Marinette yelled out before she could stop herself.

"Ms. Dupain Cheng!" Madam Dumass scolded, outraged at her sudden rude behaviour. "I would think you would show a little more respect to your sponsor."

"Sponsor?" Marinette drawled.

He was here to donate? Him?

"Finally decided to grace us with your presence, have you?" mocked Lila with a slight smirk on her face. She was sitting beside Damian. "Took you long enough."

Marinette raised her eyebrows and checked her wrist watch. "Juleka said 1:30."

"Oh dear, she must've misheard me then," Lila replied, trying to sound innocent. "I told her 1:00."

"I'm sure you did."

"Ms. Dupain Cheng," Madam Dumass warned, noticing the venom in Marinette's voice. She muttered a quick apology to Damian, then gave Marinette a glowering stare. "Take a seat."

Marinette stayed rooted to the spot.

Silently, she prayed for the ground to open up and swallow her whole.

She had clearly walked into a trap. It was obvious, with that feral look that was present on his face. She shivered inwardly. He was here because he wanted something and what better way to get it than the only way he knew how? By sheer cunning and relentless manipulation... very...

Or perhaps he just wanted to embarrass her in front of everybody by announcing their marriage.

"Is there something wrong?" Madam Dumass asked when she didn't move.

I'm doomed.

Inhaling deeply, Marinette tried to gather up enough courage to face him. Finally, Marinette staggered forward, her movements stiff and clumsy.

His eyes never left her, even as she took a seat across him, even when the meeting continued on. She avoided his gaze the entire time.

She bowed her head and stared at her lap, as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world.

You're braver than this, she told herself. Yeah right.

She would play his game, no matter the consequences. She had to know what he wanted. She couldn't just back down without a fight.

Come on, you're Ladybug!. Suck it up.

Meanwhile, Lila was doing her best to catch Damian's attention. When they started discussing the ingredients to be used on the Denovorum, she wasted no time trying to impress him. "I'm sure we should just use the Vinewhip bushes I discovered—"

Marinette rolled her eyes. Why couldn't she just shut up about the bloody bushes already? She'd heard her say it a hundred times now.

"No we can't," Marinette interrupted. "Vinewhip leaves may be a great alternative ingredient, but the reason why I didn't want to use it is because it's too dangerous. There are properties in them that could affect the human body."

"There's only 20% chance of that ever happening," she countered, looking at Damian as if she was afraid he would disapprove.

"I don't care," Marinette snapped back, once again finding her voice. She'd had enough of Lila's immaturity. "We can't take that risk. I told you this before you went off to Romincka, but did you listen?"

Lila huffed in indignation. She probably thought Marinette was trying to embarrass her in front of Damian.

"I think it's reasonable that we use Vine whip," said a man seated three chairs from Marinette's right. She recognized him as one of Lila's admirers "It's more effective..."

They droned on and on about the uses of Vinewhip, as if Marinette didn't already know. She rubbed her forehead with her hands.

She felt rather than saw Damian's eyes still burning a hole on her. He was awfully quiet. She didn't like it at all.

"What part of dangerous don't you people understand?" Marinette said loudly. "Vinewhip is used as a poison. It's mostly an ingredient for poison, not cure!"

Was this what Damian wanted? To fund a project that would legally distribute poisoned Denovorums to everyone?

A few people murmured in agreement, but Lila's minions outnumbered them. It was clearly a losing battle. They weren't listening.

The feeling of emptiness filled her up again, she couldn't feel her heartbeat. She clutched her chest, trying to feel that rhythmic pounding but it was lost again.

Marinette couldn't take it anymore. If she stayed any longer, she would have no doubts that she would turn into Ladybug and curse every single one of the stupid morons into oblivion, starting with that annoying creature devouring her with his stony greys, then that little bratty bint sitting beside him, shortly after. She stood from her chair and headed to the door, ignoring the confused voice of Madam Dumass as she went. Nobody else seemed to have noticed her, they were all busy arguing. Good. She had to get out of there, she needed to breathe.

"And where do you think you're going?"

The sound of his deep voice drowned out everyone else's. The room was silent immediately, all arguments quickly forgotten. It was the first time he'd said anything since the start of the meeting. His tone was intimidating, demanding, and Marinette couldn't help but wonder how he'd managed to catch everyone's attention with just one sentence. She stopped in her tracks but she didn't look back.

"Out," she said icily. Away from you. She opened the door.

Before she could even step outside, the door slammed shut on her face with an ear-splitting bang, making her jump. She gaped at it for a few seconds in shock and confusion before she snapped out of her trance and moved to unlock it with her key. It wouldn't budge.

Furious, she faced him. He was waving his hand lazily. "Open the door, Damain."

He made no attempts to do so. He just stared at the wall with a calm smirk on his face. Slowly, he took a sip from his coffee.


He was doing this on purpose. He was trying to get her to crack so that everything would go according to his plan, again, whatever that plan was. She was so close to losing her temper. She didn't sit down.

"Ms. Dupain Cheng," Madam Dumass said calmly. "Mr. Damian is willing to give a large amount of money for your project—"

"I'm not doing this anymore. I don't want his money," she hissed, feeling her blood boil.

Everyone eyed her in surprise. They all knew how much she had wanted this project to push through. She'd been working her arse off for this. Now here he was, her volunteer donor, who would basically give her anything she needed, and yet she so easily turned him down.

Despite her rejection, Damian didn't look surprised one bit. He faced her this time, with a predatory glance that almost made her look away. "Really? And what about those people?" He clicked his tongue again, his voice laced with mock disappointment. "You're just going to let them die?"

She opened her mouth to say something, but the words died in her throat. At that very moment, when she was about to abandon all sympathy she felt for those sick people, she felt her heart beat again.

Unbelievable. Clever. He was using her conscience against her now. He was openly questioning her morals, so she would do something rash and let him have his way again.

"Sit," he said again, arrogantly this time.

Nobody was talking anymore. Even Lila kept her mouth shut.

They all looked at Damian with amusement and fear. He tended to have that effect on people.

Begrudgingly, Marinette dragged her feet on the floor and sat reluctantly in her chair again.

Damian watched her expression change as she battled with the contradicting thoughts in her mind. She was obviously thinking of a way out. He leaned back and enjoyed the show. She was beautiful when her face was scrunched in concentration. She must really hate him now but it didn't bother him the slightest.

He knew what she was going to choose in the end.

She needed a fat load of gold to complete a Denovorum that would help those people. Her moral compass wouldn't allow her to just abandon them. She was much too good. She knew it.

...And so did he.

He stared at her again and smirked, irking her even more. Her blue-colored eyes sparked to life and her cheeks flushed red in anger, making her look even more breathtaking.

Oh Merlin, was she gorgeous as hell.

She'd probably thought of a way out, judging by the look on her face. Her brilliant mind could do wonders. However, it remained that she still needed his money, so nevertheless she'd still have to agree to this. She waited for him to say something, but he didn't utter a word. He placed his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his interlaced hands.

"Well?" she questioned impatiently, massaging her temples with her hand. "There must be a catch. What do you want?"

He lips curled into a triumphant smile. I win.


And her head snapped up to look at him, as if she couldn't believe what he was saying. "Nothing? N-Nothing?"

"Yes, you heard me," he said nonchalantly. "Nothing."

After the meeting, Marinette locked herself in her office and shouted at everyone who would dare knock and disturb her peace.

Her mind was on overdrive.

She had been so sure she had found a way out of the game he had been playing... but when he'd said he wanted nothing... well... she'd lost it.


The word echoed in her mind, taunting her relentlessly. For him to offer help and want nothing in return, well, that was impossible. What was going on?

Had he finally come to his senses?

She decided to go to Alya's flat to tell her what had happened and to discuss the matter further. Marinette grabbed her things and headed to the door in the lobby.

Before she could even get there, however, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and muffle her screams of protest. Her attacker dragged her to an empty, dark room and locked the door.

Even in the dark, she could see his shiny brown hair glistening. "Wha—?" Without warning, his soft lips crashed onto hers. She suddenly felt his growing need for her tenfold, as if she was water that would quench his thirst.

She struggled to push him off. "Will you stop—" she managed to say in between his brutal kisses. "— harassing me!"

"I can't," said a voice that she easily recognized, before he kissed her again. "So addicting."

"Damian!" she screamed, but he only grabbed her wrists with one hand, placed them above her head and kissed her again, silencing her and ending her struggles. His kisses were aggressive and bruising. He grabbed her breast and she gasped in shock, allowing his tongue to invade her mouth, forcing her to kiss back.

His other hand made its way to her thigh, inching higher and higher.

His every touch burned her skin.

Panicking, she bit his tongue as hard as she could, and he pulled away momentarily, only so he could smirk and lick the blood that escaped his lips.

"D-don't—!" He leaned in again, much to her dismay.

"Running out of plans, dear?"

She tasted his blood in her mouth and felt his dominating passion rush over her along with it. She felt her legs collapse beneath her, his body the only thing keeping her up.

"I missed you," he said hoarsely, making her shudder involuntarily. He buried his hand in her tresses, tilted her head so he could start working his way on her neck, nipping and licking.

She bit her lips to suppress her moans. It felt so good. He kept licking and kissing, and touching her everywhere, it was driving her mad.

"Stay with me," he whispered softly.

In her dazed state of mind, she almost said yes.

"You're tired," he said, while still nipping her neck. His kisses sent electric jolts all over her body, leaving her breathless. "And lonely too. I feel it, you know." His soft lips were on hers again. This time, however, it was more gentle, sweeter, and to her absolute horror, she actually liked it.

"Forget about everyone else for a moment and just stay with me." His hand left her wrists and cupped her cheeks as he deepened their kiss, and she let her hands fall to her side.

She was frozen, too dazed to fight back, too hesitant to kiss back.

"Stay with me and you'll never be alone again."

Her heart skipped a beat.

His voice sounded soothing, sincere.

Or perhaps it was just her mind playing tricks on her.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, as if he never wanted to let go, as if he was trying to mold their bodies into one. She felt his passion radiating in waves, dominating her intensely, tempting her in every way.

She felt like she belonged here, in his arms.

No! She mustn't let him win.

It took every ounce of self-restraint she had inside her before she somehow managed to pull away from his kiss.

She felt a strange feeling of loss. Her breathing was uneven. She stared back at those beautiful eyes that had never stopped haunting her dreams.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly.

The silence between them was unbearable. His face was once again masked with cold impassiveness and she had no idea what he was thinking. Then, in a brief moment, she thought she saw his eyes burn with vengeful anger. He slammed her to the wall so hard that she groaned in pain. She couldn't stop herself from cowering in fear.

"Do you really think that your friends' silly little threats can stop me from getting you?" he laughed coldly, as if he found the whole thing comical. "We're bonded, Dupain Cheng. Blood and magic, heart and soul. I'll have you eventually. I'm offering you an easy way out, but if you're too stubborn to listen—" she winced when he leaned in her ear, his breath touching her skin "—then we'll do this the hard way, Angel."

She shut her eyes tight, thinking he would hurt her again. He only kissed her cheek, like he had so many times before.

"Enjoy your freedom while it lasts."

When she opened her eyes, he was gone.


So possessive :)) Oh noes, I'm scared for Marinette :))

Denovo means "reborn" or "beginning again" in latin. I know I didn't explain the Denovorum medicine very well, but I will, next chapter.

Romincka is a forest in Russia.

The feeling of emptiness filled her up again. Oxymoron bwahaha.

I added a lot of new characters here because Damian murdered the other characters already. TSK TSK.

Nino, where are you?

It's the people plus Marinette's friends versus Damian, I wonder what he'll do next...

Don't stop! Reviewing! Hold on to that feeeeeeliiiing!

Come on, I worked hard on this, at least let me know what you think :p

If you do get a chance to review, please add this sentence in the end: "I like pie."

Don't ask me why! Just do it :)) It's important! :))

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