Ducktales Movie 3 - Moonvasio...

By LandofEvil42

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Ducktales Movie 3 - Moonvasion Infinity War More

Moonvasion Infinity War Part 1
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 2
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 3
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 4
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 5
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 6
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 7
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 8
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 9
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 10
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 11
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 12
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 13
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 14

Moonvasion Infinity War Part 15

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By LandofEvil42

Back in Disney Town the battle with Moonlanders and their allies was almost won. Leon and Cloud slash a Moonbot together, Yuffie cuts down some more Heartless, Cid and Tifa take care of some Nobodies, Aerith casts spells to knock out the Moonlanders, Arthur, the Roman Gods, the Minotaur, King Vomit and the Goblins finish of the remaining enemies and chant victoriously. Donald was with them, flying with his new weapon. He smashes through a multitude of Moonbots, Behemoth, Phantoms, Dark Thorns, Earthshaker and cuts down another Twilight Thorn in half. Donald could flew towards more remaining enemies as he exploded with electricity.

Meanwhile, Della and the rest were recuperating and taking a breather at the other side of the battlefield after dealing with Maleficent's army of monsters and knocking out the Moonlanders. The keybladers faced her and Pete, aiming their weapons at her.

Sora: It's over Maleficent.

Riku: You've lost witch.

Maleficent: To their surprise Maleficent just chuckles. Perhaps I've lost this battle, but HE hasn't. This war is far from over. I'd enjoy this supposed victory over me as much as I could…because in 5 minutes it will all turn into a crushing defeat.

She summons a corridor of darkness and Pete is confused.

Maleficent: Come Pete. We're leaving. He wanted us to buy time…I'd say he'd acquired it.

Pete: Uh…right!?

Ventus: Stop right there!

Kairi: You're not going anywhere!

Maleficent: If I were you, I wouldn't focus on the enemy that's before you…rather, the enemy that's soon to come.

Terra: Wait!

And with that, Maleficent and Pete disappear through the dark door, leaving them confused and scared.

Aqua: What did she mean by that?

Louie walks over to Lena and they take each other's hands.

Louie: You okay, babe.

Lena: Yeah. Thanks to you guys.

Louie: I didn't really do much of anything. It was pretty much Dewey's transformation and Uncle Donald with his new sword that saved us all.

Before Lena could respond to that her amulet glows and she feels a sharp pain that makes her drop down screaming and clutching in pain much to Louie's concern.

Louie: What's wrong!?

Lena: She pants in sheer fright. He's here…

Looks of fear suddenly crossed everyone's faces as they looked around, the rain stopped but the dark clouds still above, ominously crackling with thunder. It was strange…and eerie.

Goofy: Gawrsh…what is this?

June: Something bad considering those ominous thunderclouds.

Daisy: I don't think this is Donald's doing.

Della: Everyone…be ready. Gladstone…we could use all the luck you can lend us right now.

Gladstone: I can't make a any promises… but I'll try.

In a couple of seconds…a Space Portal opens distances away from the team and coming out of it was Lunaris in all his sadistic glory. Lena clutches Louie tightly and Webby protectively stands in front of her. Everyone brings up their weapons.

Fethry: It's him!

Della: Lunaris…

Daisy: Uh oh…

Sora: So that's Lunaris?

Riku: For a toon…he looks quite intimidating…

Mickey: He's come.

Huey: We're dead. We're so very dead.

Xandra: Not yet we're not!

Lunaris grins at his swarm of opponents.

Lunaris: So we meet again Della. And this time you have some friends with you.

Della: They're not just friends monster! They're my family and I won't let you hurt them if it's the last thing I do.

Lunaris: Oh, but I will hurt them.

Sora: You're not gonna win this battle Lunaris. We'll stop you just as we stopped Xehanort.

Mickey: You've caused too much pain and we won't let you get away with this!

Lunaris: The famous Keyblade Master Sora, hero of all worlds. And the King of Disney Town, Mickey Mouse. He mockingly bows. It's an honour to meet you both. A pity we must meet like this, but, oh well. My soldiers have done well. They may have gotten hurt but their efforts shall not go to waste. Lunaris turns his gaze at Lena. The child has something that belongs to me. I suggest you hand her over to me.

June: June stands with Louie, Webby and Lena angrily. Like hell we're giving you Lena!

Louie: I'd rather die!

Webby: We'll never let you touch her!

Panchito: Let's get him!

Della: We're finishing you once and for all! Louie, Webby, June, protect Lena!

Della and the rest charged Lunaris one by one. Storkules attacked first, attempting to thrust his sword only for Lunaris to use the Space Stone and phase through him before sticking the God of Strength halfway into a boulder

Della was blown away via the Power Stone before she could even strike.

Ventus leaps, his keyblade glowing with light as he attempts to slice Lunaris only to be grabbed in the neck for the tyrant to punch him down to the ground, Chirithy separating from his Ultima Weapon and his helmet destroyed.

Xandra shouts as she fires a multitude of arrows which have little effect on Lunaris and Selene draws power from the moon and sends a massive beam only for Lunaris to stop and redirect it. Xandra and Selene are engulfed and sent screaming.

Terra smashes his keyblade in the ground sending a rupture of Earth and Aqua casts Deep Freeze. Lunaris is engulfed in rock and ice but he effortlessly breaks through before using the Power and Space Stone to engulf Terra and Aqua in orbs of energy and electrocute them from within. They scream in pain as their helmets shatter before being thrown into trees.

Panchito and Jose charge together, the former tosses his spear like a javelin only for Lunaris to stop it midair via the Space Stone. Jose leaps to slash but Lunaris catches his blade, sending him flying with a Power Punch and then sends Panchito away with a Pulse Shot.

Humphrey charges with Ari riding him only for Lunaris to phase through via the Space Stone and stick them with Storkules halfway through a boulder.

Riku and Kairi cast Dark Firaga and Flower Shoot only for Lunaris to phase through via the Space Stone, traps Kairi under tree roots and when Riku thrusts his keyblade Lunaris catches it and sends him flying with a Power Punch. Riku smashes into Kairi and their helmets shatter.

D'Jinn and Amunet attack together next, slashing their blades but Lunaris slows them down with the Time Stone before releasing a Pulse Shot that sends them crashing.

Goofy leaps and attempts to bash Lunaris with his shield but he gets ensnared in the Space Stone and his armour is crushed before he's tossed aside.

Mickey and Minnie cast combine Pearlza spells but Lunaris neutralizes it and when they thrust their blades he catches them both, tosses them and blasts the Mouse Couple with a Power Beam, sending them screaming and shattering Mickey's helmet.

Gladstone throws a barrage of daggers but Lunaris redirects them all and the Gander is stuck to the boulder. When Fethry thrusts his halberd Lunaris sends him flying with a Power Punch and he smashes into Gladstone through the boulder. Both lose their hats/helmet.

Huey and April rapidly strike Lunaris but his Space Stone barrier blocks their thrusts, before sending them flying with a shockwave.

Violet casts an energy beam from her mace only for Lunaris to redirect it with the Space and Mind Stone. The purple hummingbird is engulfed and sent screaming in pain.

May and Daisy are the next to attack, the former thrusting her blade only to be knocked aside and smashed into a tree. Daisy leaps to cast a close range Pearlza spell but Lunaris punches through and grabs her by the neck. Using the Power and Space Stone he engulfs Daisy in an orb, electrifying and burning her from within. Daisy screams in horrible pain and anguish before she's sent flying into a boulder.

Sora and Dewey fly at Lunaris in their Ultimate Form, prompting him to summon his Double-Edged Sword. Both strike Lunaris like crazy and he momentarily struggles to parry their sword strikes. Eventually they jump pack and attempt to finish him off with a Spiral Dove and Ultima Spin attack but Lunaris stops them with the Time Stone. He engulfs them both in a subtle Power Beams and when time resumes they explode. Sora smashes into a boulder and Dewey crashes through the dirt. Their helmets shatter and they lose their Ultimate Forms.

Louie, Webby and June leave their position to protect Lena. Louie uses his Earth Crusher technique but Lunaris easily breaks through the rocks and when Webby and June leap Lunaris to stab him he sends them screaming with a wave of energy. Louie claws him but is caught and punches to the ground.

Lena nervously held up her dagger as Lunaris approached her only for Della to slide in from behind, slashing across Lunaris leg and catching him off-balance. She then slashes across his face, body as best as she could but soon Lunaris had summoned his sword and was parrying her strikes. Della's aura was bright and her sword glowed with power as she locked blades with the tyrant, only to be eventually disarmed. Lunaris proceeds to crush her face but to his surprise Della catchers the Infinity Gauntlet. What surprises him even more is despite all his efforts he can't close his fist. With a shout of fire and determination Della manages to push back and lift Lunaris' glove up. Briefly impressed, Lunaris knocks Della out with a hard right hook to the face and she loses her hat and hairband.

She's down for the count and now all that's left is Lena. Lunaris stands in front of her and she steps back in fear. Lunaris offers his hand.

Lunaris: You have something child. I suggest you hand it over this instant…unless you'd rather take a permanent trip back to the Shadow Realm.

Lena: I'd rather go back there than ever let you wipe out half of life and kill my family!

Lena slashes but Lunaris effortlessly parries her strikes with his blade.

Lunaris: You are nothing but the shadow of a witch. You cannot possibly comprehend the power that is in that amulet.

Lena: At least keeping it as far away as possible from a monster like you. And as for being a shadow, at least I have people that I love and care about…unlike you!

Lena slashes a couple more times but eventually Lunaris and disarms her, destroying her dagger much to her shock. She steps back in fear before aiming her amulet.

Lena: Stay away from me you freak!

Lena unleashes a beam of energy, pushing Lunaris slightly back as brought up his gauntlet to block the beam. Lena put all her strength into this blast but Lunaris ploughs through slowly, eventually knocking the beam aside and luring Lena in via the Space Stone. She grabs her throat and finds her chocking under his grip. Lunaris activates all the Infinity Stones and Lena is screaming horrible pain under the immense cosmic electrocution.

Lunaris: I'll ask you one more time child! GIVE ME THE REALITY STONE! I CANNOT PENETRATE YOUR AMULET!


Lunaris: Lunaris smirks. I believe you.

Lena tosses her aside and Lena is bruised and singed.

Lunaris: But would you rather watch the love of your life, your best friend and another version of yourself die right before you.

Lena: Lena gasps in sheer horror and almost in tears. No… you couldn't… you wouldn't…

Lunaris watches Louie, June and Webby struggle to get up. They gasp when they're lured in via the Space Stone. They grunt and struggle to escape but it's in vain as they become encased in purple orbs.

Lunaris: I will torture those who are most dear to you one by one and if you do not hand over the stone Lena, then one by one I shall kill these children.

Lena: Please! No, don't do it.

Webby: Lena, don't listen to him!

Louie: Don't give in!

June: He can't ever have the Reality Stone!

Lunaris: Silence!

Lunaris closes his fist and Webby is the first to scream in horrible pain from cosmic electrocution. Lena is in tears.

Lena: WEBBY! NO!

Webby's scream resonate through the barrier. The moment it stops Louie gets electrocuted next and his screams were louder.

Lena: LOUIE!

Lunaris electrocutes June and she screams and writhes in agony. She's electrocuted longer and her sisters and Aunt wake up to gasp at the horror unfolding between them.


Lunaris grins sadistically before shooting a Power Stone Beam that pierces June's body like a sword and she shouts in anguish. One by one Louie, Webby, Lena, April, May and Daisy gasp in shock like they've been stabbed too.

May: No…


June chokes on her own breath before she's tossed back. She rolls on the ground for Daisy, May and April to run to her in tears.

April: June!


Daisy: June! Stay with me! Eyes of me!

June: May… April… Aunt Daisy… I'm sorry. I'm hanging by a thread… and I don't think hold on any longer.

Daisy: Tears gush out their eyes. YES YOU CAN! Just hang in there, June, please!

April: Don't do this to us sis! Don't leave us!

June: June smiles through her own tears. It's okay you guys… I've… I've had a good life… I know I've always been lazy and unexpressive… but I want you all to know… how much I love you guys. I just wish I could've helped more.

May: You can help more by not dying!

June: Thank you…for everything…my most…cherished.

June drops dead. May and April could only cry onto the body of their fallen sister and Daisy's is crying hysterically over one of her daughter-figures. Louie roars in anger, trying to smash out of the orbs only for it all to be in vain as Lunaris grins. Lena is mortified.

Lena: June…

Lunaris: How sad. You could've saved poor June…but you decided to be defiant. However, you can still save these two by handing over the stone. If not…

Webby: Lena! Don't listen to him!

Louie: He'll kill us all anyway! Don't give the Reality Stone.

Lunaris: Come now Llewellyn. You of all people should trust me, for did I not help you take revenge on your terrible mother.

Louie: Louie growls hatefully. I NEVER WANTED REVENGE MONSTER! You took control of my mind! You forced me to hurt my Mom!

Lunaris: That was only possible because of your own hateful thoughts. I was only able to take control of you because the desire to kill Della was already within you.

Louie: No…you're wrong! I love my Mom! I'd never want to hurt her even if I was mad at her! I may be an evil triplet but I'm not evil!

Lunaris: Believe what you will. Now Lena, you have another choice: Remain silent and watch me kill another loved one… or hand over the stone. If it's the former…

Lena desperately shakes her head but Lunaris closes his fist and Webby and Louie are violently electrocuted once more. Only this time it's far worse than before their screams are louder. Louie and Webby's eyes glow as they're tortured. Lena clutches her head in emotional torment, tears gushing out of her eyes and she finally breaks. Louie and Webby pant in pain. They're burned, singed and tattered.

Lena: ALRIGHT! Lunaris stops and Lena sobs. I'll give you the stone! Just please, let them go! No more torture.

Lunaris: There's a good girl.

Lunaris offers his hand again, Lena reluctantly opens her amulet and takes out the red Reality Stone.

Webby: Lena…

Louie: Don't…

Lena: It's okay Louie… Webby… everything will be okay…

The tyrant tosses Louie and Webby aside and they hit the ground, barely conscious. The Reality Stone is attracted to the glove and Lunaris takes it. He places it in the final slot, resulting in his body being rocked by an energy surge so massive that he's screaming in pain. He manages to adapt and takes time to admire his complete gauntlet.

Lunaris: At last! I finally have them all. All 6 Infinity Stones are mine!

Lunaris chokes when Ends of Earth is impaled through his body from behind. Terra bruised and wounded was behind Lunaris clutching his keyblade tightly.

Terra: They won't do you any good if you're dead.

Ventus, Aqua and Chirithy were barely able to open their eyes to see what Terra just did. He twists his Keyblade.

Terra: You're through hurting people! I won't allow you to kill anymore Lunaris!

IBut in an instant a gold blade pierced through Terra from behind, he shouts in pain and his close friends are tearfully horrified.i

Ventus: NOOOOO!

Aqua: TERRA!

Behind him was…Lunaris. The one Terra had stabbed disappears and the real one held up his gauntlet, the Reality Stone glowing as he stabbed Terra.

Lunaris: Reality can be often disappointing, Terra. It never always turns out like you had hoped. But now…with the power of the Reality Stone reality can be what I wish for. A valiant effort to strike me down…but it was all in vain… Master Terra.

Lena is mortified at this sight. Terra chokes as Lunaris sadistically lifts him, dropping his Keyblade before he is tossed aside like trash. Ventus, Aqua and Chirithy run over to him. The two hold up his hand together.

Ventus: Terra!

Chirithy: Ohmygosh! What has he done to you!?

Terra: Terra coughs up blood. Ven… Aqua… Chirithy… I'm sorry. I couldn't stop him. He was too much for me… for all of us.

Aqua: Terra! STAY WITH US!

Terra: I'm afraid…I'm gonna have to clock out here. Master Eraqus is waiting for me.

Ventus: NO! That's not an option! We won't allow you to die!

Terra: It's alright you three. Everything will be alright. Ven…I know you'll become a True Keyblade Master someday.

Ventus: Ventus cries. Terra…

Terra: Chirithy…I wish I got to know you more.

Chirithy: Chirithy cries too. Oh, Terra.

Terra: Aqua…I love you…

Aqua: Tears gush out Aqua's eyes. I love you too…

Terra: I know you can stop Lunaris. I believe in you both. You can… you…

He exhales and drops dead, passing from this world. All Ventus, Aqua and Chirithy could do was close his eyes, mourn and cry over losing their brother/love-life again.

Gladstone helps Fethry up and they painfully watch Lunaris make his next move.

Lunaris sees Huey struggling to get up and holding his Spirit Guandao. He gives Lunaris a hateful glare as the tyrant approached him.

Lunaris: I made it my aim to wipe the children out first in order to break the spirit of the adults. I think I shall start with you Hubert. Any last words before you die?

Huey: You won't kill me! You won't kill us! I won't let you!

Huey leaps at Lunaris slashing and thrusting his blade multiple times but the tyrant is easily dodging them all by leaning his head and body. Huey can't land a single hit and eventually his arm is caught. Lunaris snaps his guandao in half and cuts his left arm off. Huey could only scream in the worst form of pain and agony much to the horror of Lena, Webby, Louie, Dewey, Della, Daisy, Gladstone, Fethry, April, May and Violet. (1)



Gladstone: OHMYGOSH!


Donald on the other side of the battlefield had stopped cold midair, having sensed Huey's agony and turns in the other direction as though he had a nightmare.

Donald: Something has happened… something horrible. Wait a minute…that energy…it's Lunaris! He's arrived! Someone just got hurt. His eyes widen in horror. Oh no… Della… Huey… my kids… my FAMILY! I've gotta there now!

Donald blasts off like a rocket and flies in the other direction.

Huey shouts in pain as he holds his cut off arm and Lunaris sadistically laughs like the tyrant he truly is.

Lunaris: It seems I may have overdone it and actually disarmed you. My apologies…it's hard to hold back my strength against such a weak little child.

Huey: You'll pay for that!

Huey attempts to punch Lunaris but is easily swatted to the ground. The Moonlander stomps on Huey and is proceeding to crush him mercilessly, causing him in to scream in immense pain and agony as his bones crack.

Della: Stop it!

Della charges but is smacked and send screaming into a tree. Lunaris' gloating left him vulnerable for Violet latch onto his back much to his surprise and annoyance.

Lunaris: What the!?

Violet latches on as tight as possible and Lunaris is hilariously unable to get her off.



Lunaris takes flight and Huey watches in shock, as do those that are conscious.

Huey: Violet!

Lena: What are you doing sis!?

Violet: If this tyrant is so intent in killing us then I'm taking him with me!

In a fit of anger Lunaris flies back and smashes Violet into a massive boulder. Violet screams in pain and agony. Lunaris does this again against the ground, another boulder and he keeps repeating. Violet's screams become louder and more agonised.

Webby: VIOLET! NO!

Huey: That's enough! Violet, get out of there, he'll kill you!

Lunaris smashes her again and Violet releases the loudest scream she's ever given. Lunaris uses the reality stones to make a tall mound of spiky rocks rise.

Lunaris: Let's see if this will get you off me!

Lunaris takes flight high up the barrier. Violet is bruised, battered, tattered, bleeding and dirtied up. She's barely conscious but she hangs in there as she glows with a purple aura surrounding her.

Violet: Huey…can you hear me?!

Huey: Huey gasps to hear Violet's voice in his head. Violet…

Violet: Thank you…for being my boyfriend…for appreciating who I am and seeing me as more than just a nerd. You've been the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. I'm sorry…that I have to leave you now.

Huey: Violet…what the heck are you talking about!? Get out of there while you have the chance! You're not going anywhere!

Violet: Lunaris has made it his mission to kill us all. This sacrifice is the only way to stop him.

Violet's eyes begin to glow purple with power and Huey becomes horrified.

Huey: No…Violet, don't do it! Not that spell! You'll die!

Violet: It's the only way. If this spell will save you then that is something worth dying for.

Huey: Why!? Why are you doing this Violet!? Why!?


Huey gasps in surprise, tears gushing out of his eyes.

Huey: You do…

Tears are gushing out of Violet's eyes as Lunaris flew up.

Violet: Yes Huey. Form the first day I met you I had always loved you. I just never had the courage to tell you…even after our first date. I love you…Hubert Duck. I'm sorry it took this to make me realize that and to finally express it.

Huey: That's okay…because I love you too Violet Sabrewing…but that's precisely why I don't want to lose you! Please, escape! We'll find another way!

Violet: I'm afraid there isn't another way Hubert! This has to be done! Thank you for everything you've done for me. Don't forget about me…and survive!

Webby & Lena: Violet!

Both Lena and Webby are in tears.

Violet: Webby…thank you for being my best friend. And Lena…thank you for being the best sister I could ever ask for…

Webby: Don't do it Violet! Please!

Lena: I barely got to know you as a sister!

Violet: I think…you know me at my best… which is why I'm happy to sacrifice my life for you… my family. Tell my fathers' I love them.

Lunaris: Farewell Violet Sabrewing!

Lunaris begins his descent towards the rock spikes and the aura around Violet engulfs him.

Lunaris: What manner of foul sorcery is this!?

Violet smiles in content as she cries.

Violet: Goodbye to you all… Fathers'… Webby… Lena… Dewey… Louie… April… May… June… all of you… and especially you, Hubert. I love you, I always will. Don't forget about me.

And with those final words Violet self-destructs, engulfing Lunaris in a massive magical explosion that forces horrifies everyone conscious, especially Huey.

Donald continues flying in their direction and gasps in horror.

Donald: Something horrible just happened! VIOLET!

Violet's bow drops to the ground and Lena picks it up. She's joined by Webby, Dewey and Louie as she held it close to her chest. The 4 of them share a group hug as they cry. Della, Daisy, April, May, Ventus, Aqua and Chirithy look away, crying too. So does Sora after regaining consciousness but Huey is the most mortified of all.

Huey is in a black background, beak wide open in trauma as images of Violet's beautiful and smiling expression play in his mind. His girlfriend blew herself up in the last minute…and in that last minute they finally expressed their true feelings to one another. But now it's far too late. Violet's gone forever and all Huey could do was cry.

Huey: NOOOOOOOO! (2)

Lena: Violet… she blew herself up…

Dewey: She sacrificed herself to save us.

Webby: Just like Lena did for us in the Shadow War.

Louie: Not again. Why did this have to happen?

Lunaris: Because anyone affiliated with his family is a fool!

To their great shock and horror the smoke subsides to reveal Lunaris has survived, having brought up a barrier to minimise the explosion.

Lunaris: I have to admit, that was a very bold and surprising technique. If I hadn't brought up this barrier that child's kamikaze could've actually killed me. Such a shame that her brave sacrifice was all for naught.

Della: They're all shaking in fear. No way…he survived.

Daisy: No…that can't be!

Sora: That's awful! Violet sacrificed herself for nothing!

Lunaris: Indeed.


Lunaris: Are you foolish enough to actually fight me disarmed, boy!? If you truly miss your beloved I shall happily send you to the afterlife to see her.

Huey screams with rage, charging Lunaris and scooping up the broken half of his guandao. He violent swings it like a sword but due to his anger and being one-handed now his swings were sloppy and Lunaris easily evaded them.



Louie: Huey! STOP!

Huey slices through a boulder and Lunaris knees him high in the air. Huey hits the ground hard but he gets up and attacks Lunaris, punching, kicking and slashing him like no tomorrow. Despite the fact that Lunaris is blocking him effortlessly Huey is putting up a good fight and that amazes everyone.

April: Whoa! Look at him go!

Riku: Riku has just regained consciousness. Huey's on fire!

Sora: You can say that again!

Della: And he's only fighting with one arm!

Fethry: Huey has spirit but he can't fight with heart alone!

Lunaris swats Huey away, losing his guandao and he hits his back.

Lunaris: Give up! You cannot defeat me boy! You-

Lunaris is taken back when he hears steam and watches Huey shaking like a maniac.

Della: Huey…

Dewey: Uh oh…

Webby: What does that mean?

Louie: It means the Duke of Making a Mess is about to be unleashed.

Lena: The Duck of what?

When he gets up Huey's eyes are blood red and his teethes are sharp as a carnivore. He releases a crazed scream of fury, charging Lunaris and zooming around him like Donald would.


Lunaris is caught off-guard, jabbed all around his body and his mouth is pulled beyond the breaking point but he yanks Huey and punches him so hard he screams in pain and smashes into a another boulder. Lunaris approaches him when he drops down with his sword summoned.

Lunaris: That was most unexpected, but no matter. Say hello to your beloved Violet in the afterlife, Hubert because you'll be joining her there.

He proceeds to impale him but Sora and Riku tackle him away from the eldest triplet, allowing the ducks to run over to him. Della and April twist his body in tears.

Della: Huey! BABY! ARE YOU OKAY!?

April: Say something Huey, wake up!

Dewey: Don't you dare die on us now!

Fethry: Come on, little Donald! Wake up!

They gasp in relief when Huey moves and uses the boulder to help him up.

Louie: You're alive!?

Webby: Huey, are you okay!?

Della: It's gonna be okay, sweetie. We're here for you.

Huey: Violet…

Huey is badly bruised and bleeding but is able to open his eyes enough to see Violet sadly standing from afar.

Violet: I'm sorry Huey…I've failed you…


Huey remembers the day he accidentally ran into Violet at the library and it was love at first sight.

They introduce themselves and shake hands.

Violet: Violet Sabrewing.

Huey: Huey. Huey Duck. Nice to meet you.

They walk together through the subway tunnels and Violet is fascinated as Huey talks.

Huey and Violet hold up their gold bracelets to each other they found in the underworld, beginning a new friendship.

They spend time together at Funzo carnival.

They walk arm in arm on their first date.

Huey and Violet share their first kiss.

Huey presents Violet the field of flowers on the island.

Huey: Violet. Just smile. He places a flower on her hair. I really like seeing you smile.

(End of Flashback)

Huey wobbly starts walking in her direction and Lena grabs his arm.

Lena: Red, where are you going!?

Huey just yanks his arm off and continues walking much to everyone's concern as he watches Sora and Riku exchanging sword strikes with Lunaris. He looks down in frustration and determination.

Huey: No…Violet. I'm the one who's sorry. I was supposed to protect you…but I failed. I'm gonna make it up to you Vi, I promise. He clenches his fist so hard his veins are visible. Mom… Dewey… Louie… take care of everyone. This alien tyrant goes down now…or I'll be with you again soon…VIOLET!

His hand flares up with a vast amount of energy and electricity and his body is engulfed in red aura that causes a massive gust of wind, forcing everyone to shield their eyes.

April: HUEY!?

Dewey: Where's he getting all this energy!?

Lunaris swings the gauntlet, sending out a wave of energy that smashes into Sora and Riku, sending them screaming and knocking them out.

Mickey, Kairi and the rest attack together but Lunaris knocks them out with a Power Pulse wave.


Lunaris turns to Huey and before he could react the eldest triplet screams, releasing a massive red energy beam engulfing Lunaris in a massive explosion and he screams in pain. The smoke engulfs almost everything and the ducks are amazed.

Gladstone: Did he get him?

To their shock it didn't work. The smoke subsides to reveal Lunaris is alive, tattered and bruised but alive overall as he blocked the attack barely.

Lunaris: He chuckles. Impressive. That actually hurt me… a little.

Dewey: No way…he actually survived all that.

Webby: But…that's crazy!

Daisy: It's like…he's indestructible!

Huey is panting in sheer exhaustion, on the brink of death and his heart rate slowing down.

Huey: You monster… (3)

Having used up his entire life force and unable to stand he drops down on his face. He doesn't move at all and everyone is so shocked and frightened they can't move. Only Della had the courage to walk over and bend to her son, twisting him and holding her in his arm.

Della: Hey. Huey? Huey, wake up. This is no time to sleep. Huey! Huey, wake up! PLEASE! YOU CAN'T DIE! YOU CAN'T! Della desperately shakes her son but to no avail and she turns in tears. He's gone… Huey's dead…

Dewey, Louie, Webby, Lena, April, May and Daisy gasp and burst into tears. April and May hug their Aunt and the men drop down in shock. Ventus, Aqua and Chirithy continued staying with Terra.

Donald feels his heart stop momentarily as he tried to break through a multitude of flying heartless and nobodies in his way…as though he sensed Huey's death.

Della sets Huey down, crying over his body and Lunaris just laughs.

Lunaris: So now that's 3 children down. Which one should I destroy next until your spirits are broken?

The kids hide behind Daisy who gets protective and Della growls, clenching her fists hard before screaming and exploding with energy. She flies at Lunaris with her sword and swings violently. Lunaris easily matches her speed and parries all her strikes but to shouts in pain when he's stabbed. Della is in tears.


Lunaris growls and sends Della flying with a Power Punch. She screams and hits the ground hard, barely conscious. Daisy and the kids attack Lunaris together. Daisy and her nieces leap with their weapons but Lunaris uses the Reality Stone to smash rocks into them, knocking them out. Louie and Lena thrust their blades next but Lunaris smashes them both and they hit the ground in pain. Fethry slide kicks Lunaris' knee and locks onto it, allowing Gladstone to latch on behind and constantly stab a dagger in him but even in pain and on one knee Lunaris manages to throw Gladstone off and kicks Fethry into him, sending them flying with a Power Beam. Gladstone recovers and charges with his Diamond Cutlass to slash Lunaris but he knocks it in the air, grabs its handle and back stabs the Gander.


Gladstone could only gasp in pain before getting sent flying with a punch.

Dewey and Webby tackle Lunaris and lock onto his arm but he throws Dewey off and kicks him in the gut. He smashes Webby into his knee and she screams in horrible agony.

Lunaris: You have spirit Webbigail. But you lack strength like mine.

Webby's screams become worse when she's repeatedly punched in the face and then sent flying via a headbutt, losing her crown. She hits the ground covering her face in pain as Lunaris charges the gauntlet. Dewey gets up and gasps at what Lunaris is doing. He fires a beam at Webby and she screams in horror. Knowing what he must do Dewey quickly super speeds over to Webby and takes the blast. It explodes on his face and his vision disappeared as he screamed in horrible anguish and drops on his back covering his eyes. Webby is in tears and lifts Dewey's head.


Lunaris: Foolish boy. That's what you get for trying to play hero.


Della, Louie and Lena charge Lunaris together. They launch multiple sword strikes but Lunaris parries them all with his blade, blowing Louie away with a Power Beam and he hits the ground. Della and Lena slash Lunaris but he blocks them both and sends them flying and screaming with the Space Stone. He holds up his sword with his gauntlet and it glows with multi-coloured energy. Louie gasps in horror and the girls look in fear.

Lunaris: DIE!

Lunaris thrusts his blade and a massive energy beam is fired at Della and Lena. Both hug onto each other screaming in horror but then to their even greater horror Louie runs in and steps in front, protecting them. He takes the full force of the blast, screaming at his loudest as the blast tears him apart and engulfs him in a massive explosion. Lunaris is surprised to see him standing after the smoke subsides.

Louie is shakily stood up bruised and bleeding everywhere, his goggles destroyed, his shirt diagonally torn in half and his trousers are reduced to shorts. Della and Lena struggle to process what just happened.

Della: Louie…

Lena: Lou…

Louie: It's okay Mom… Lena… no sweat… I'm perfectly… (4)

His injuries proved too much and he drops on his chest. Della and Lena squirm over and turns him around in tears.



Louie: Louie chuckles in pain. What a sad fate… despite all my attempts to avoid this… this is how I die. But…at least I died protecting the people I care about. Lena… you were the first person who saw me as more than just an evil triplet. I want you to know that…when I die… I'll die thinking about you…because I love you!

Lena: Tears gush out of Lena's eyes. NO! YOU WON'T DIE AT ALL! YOU JUST WON'T! LOUIE, I LOVE YOU TOO! DON'T LEAVE ME!

Louie: It's okay Lena…everything will be okay…and Mom… He looks at his mother in tears. I'm sorry…

Della: What for!?

Louie: For letting you down… and disappointing you. I know when we met our relationship was rocky… then I caused the Timephoon… we had our fight… I said so many awful things to you. But despite all that…you forgave me…and from then on I wanted to make you proud of me. But I've failed… in the end I couldn't be the son you wanted me to be.

Della: Tears gush out her eyes. NO! YOU'RE WRONG! YOU WERE ALREADY MORE THAN THAT! I've always been proud of you sweetie! You didn't do this to prove anything to me at all! I loved you for who you were! Why!? Why did you have to do this!?

Louie: Because…I already lost you two once. I didn't want it to happen again. I figured…it was best that I died this time.

Lunaris: How truly pathetic.

Lena: Louie, don't say that! You're gonna make it!

Della: My brother will be here soon! He'll save you! Please, sweetie, don't leave us! Don't leave me! I've already lost one son! I barely even got to know you!

Louie: Louie smiles. I think…you know me at my best Mom. It's too bad… we never got to go to Big Rock Candy Mountain like we promised each other.. Della gasps at that. Goodbye Mom… Lena… I love you both… and Dewey and Huey too. Thank you… for everything…

Louie cries as he exhales his last breath and Lena cries in hysterics.


Lena shakes him but to no avail and now she's crying onto her fallen boyfriend's body. Webby cradles Dewey into her arms and Della looks like she's shut down, as though she's trying to avoid reality and finding a way to escape.

The entire background turns dead black and all there is are Della and Louie, the former crying her eyes out.

Dragon Ball Z OAV 9 OST – Bojack Unbound #17

Della: Louie…my son… He looks to the dead Huey. Huey… she looks to Dewey being cradled. Dewey…


Della and Dewey share a hug at the Doomsday vault.

Della and Huey share a hug after playing their video game.

Della and Louie share a hug after the former saves him from the Gilded Man.

(End of Flashback)

Della: "How could I've let this happen to my sons!? They've sacrificed everything for me and I've done nothing but fail and abandon them."


Dewey is blasted in the face.

Huey's arm gets cut off.

Louie is engulfed in the beam and screaming.

(End of Flashback)

Della is forced to accept the reality that two of her sons are gone and one of them has been severely crippled. Della clenches her fist as hard as she flares up with energy.

Della: "NO! I won't give up on him! There's still time to change things. Lunaris has crossed me for the last time. He played me for a fool, took me away from my family, cost me my leg, tricked me into giving the Spear of Selene manual, hurt my brother, killed my best friend, invaded my planet, mocked my Duck ancestry, but this…this time he's gone too far. He'll pay the ultimate price for what he's done to my sons!"

Della is taken back to reality and stands before releasing a loud scream of emotional agony and torment much to the surprise of Lunaris, Webby and Lena.

As she screams Della bulks up and releases a massive brown aura that resonates through the battlefield. It literally explodes all around her until her feathers turn brown, her hair whips about violently, her physique becomes more muscular and her iris' turn shiny brown. She's transformed into her 100% true power state once more and Lunaris is stunned by this turn of even.

Dragon Ball Z OAV 9 OST – Bojack Unbound #18

And with that she blasts off like a rocket, screaming and crying. Lunaris fires a Power Beam but Della ploughs through and lands a devastating punch to Lunaris' face that sends him screaming into a boulder.


Della reels her arm back and sends out a massive fiery energy beam that explodes on the tyrant, engulfing him in a massive explosion that forces Webby and Lena to shield their eyes. Della screams even louder and it became a repeat of Louie's anger after Lena died. She unleashes a barrage of fiery energy blasts from her hands and they explode in Lunaris' area, engulfing him in massive smoke that gets louder with every blast and screams Della gives off. Surprisingly, no one is blown away and soon it all stops. In front of Della is a cloud of smoke and falling pebbles as she pants heavily midair, seemingly having destroyed Lunaris.

But to her utter shock and horror the tyrant bursts out right in front of her with only a few more bruises. Her beak is wide open in disbelief.

Lunaris: Heh!

Lunaris knees her in the gut before smacking her into the ground. He then delivers a devastating drop punch in her stomach and she cries out in pain and agony.

Della lies on her back badly bruised, injured, bleeding and tattered with Lunaris grinning above her.

Lunaris: So, you've unlocked your full power. Pity that it came too late. Both your sons are now gone and your spirit has been broken Della Duck. But since you miss them already I will grant you the pleasure of seeing them again…in the afterlife. Farewell…Della Duck.

Lunaris holds up the gauntlet and all 6 stones glow. Della is too injured to move and braces herself for the end.

Della: Boys…I'm sorry…I failed you…again…

At that moment a blast of lightning smashes into Lunaris, blasting him across the ground.


He looks up to see Donald flying down from the air, him and his sword glowing in 100% true power aura as his eyes glow and electricity surrounds him, Lunaris unleashes a rainbow-coloured beam at him but the Mage of Thunder in a fit of vengeance hurls the Monado and it ploughs through the beam with ease, not slowing down one bit. Within the seconds the legendary sword slams right in Lunaris' chest.

Donald had landed on the ground and Lunaris was on one knee in pain. The Mage slowly walked up as Della stared in amazement at Donald's power and Lunaris' pain.

Della: Donald! You made it!

Lunaris: Donald…Duck… no! It can't be! I killed you! I destroyed the ship you were in! You should've died! You must be a ghost!

Donald: Can a ghost do this? Huh, Lunaris? He grabs his sword. I told you… you'd die for that? This is for what you did to Penumbra!

He pushes his sword through deeper and Lunaris screams in sheer agony from the new sword's overwhelming power and sharpness.

Donald: This is for betraying my sister!

Donald removes his sword and impales it through Lunaris' body until it sticks through his back.

Donald: And this is for destroying my walkman!

\He twists the blade and Lunaris' screams at his loudest ever.*


Lunaris continues screaming until his face falls limp and he's groaning in pain as he suffers from massive blood loss. Donald smirks in satisfaction, Lunaris is getting what he deserved. Miraculously, he manages to speak.

Lunaris: You…you should've… He gives a sadistic smirk. You should've gone for the head, Mage of Thunder.

Donald and Della widen their eyes in horror and Lunaris holds up his fingers with the stones glowing.

Donald: NO!

Too late, Lunaris snaps his finger, invoking a white flash of light. A massive power surge engulfs all off Earth, the universe and Lanes Between.

Lunaris shouts in pain, seeing the stones have immensely scorched his arm and the gauntlet. It's distorted, the stones are no long glowing and steam leaves him. Donald is deathly mortified with what just happened.

Donald: What did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO!?

Lunaris: I…win…

Lunaris uses the Space Stone to teleport and he escapes, leaving Monado covered in his green blood to drop to the floor. Donald exasperatedly breathes as the clouds above get darker and ominous. He looks all around to see the dead bodies of Huey, Louie, June and Terra and Violet's bow laid on the ground. The 5 of them have suffered horrible deaths and he wasn't here to save them.

Thor Dark World – Loki Death Music

He then looks to Gladstone and immediately runs over, lifting his barely conscious and bleeding cousin up by his head.

Donald: Gladstone…

Gladstone: He was too strong. I couldn't beat him.

Donald: You idiot! Why do you have to try and be hero!? Why!?

Gladstone: I know…I'm an idiot…I'm an idiot…

Donald: Stay with me! You stay with me, cuz! Don't you dare die on me!

Gladstone: Donaldo…I'm sorry…what I did…back in that casino…I'm sorry…I'm sorry…I…

Donald: Donald gently shushes him before giving a gentle smile. It's alright Gladstone…it's alright… Gladstone's smile is pained but relieved. I'll tell Uncle Scrooge what you did here today. I'll tell him what you and Fethry did for me… for all of us!

Gladstone: Gladstone smiles through his tears. Well…we're family after all, right? Guess…I'm not that lucky after all, am I?

€With that…Gladstone drops dead, gone.*

Donald: NOOOOO!

Donald screams and cries over the dead body of the person he saw as his least favourite cousin. Della painstakingly walks over to her brother, crying at the sight of Donald's mourning and Gladstone's death. He then turns to look in his sisters eyes after mourning.

Della: Brother…

Donald: Sis…

The moment they gaze into each other's traumatized eyes they immediately share a hug crying onto each other as much as possible.

Donald: I'm sorry! I'm so sorry I wasn't here!

Della: It's alright! It's not your fault! It's mine! I…

Sora: Donald…

They look to see Sora walking over to him, clutching his sides in pain.

Sora: Where'd he go…? Donald? Della? The twins say nothing and just breathe. Where'd he go?

Riku: Sora?

Kingdom Hearts 365/2 days – Xion Death Music

Riku walks over, his arm turning to dust. He looked to Sora as he suddenly fell forward and turned to dust, Braveheart falling down to the ground beside him. Sora stared in shock, mirrored by his friends as he walked over and touched the dust in disbelief.

Sora: Riku?

Fethry: Donald… Della…

Donald and Della look in shock as Fethry walks towards them, turning to dust as well before falling forward.

Della: Fethry!

Della tries to catch him only for him to be dusted, his Tri-Halberd falling to the ground. Donald and Della exchange mortified looks.

On the other side of the battlefield almost all the Moonlanders regain consciousness and make their escape. Half the soldiers and goblins sided with the army of heroes were turning to dust. Leon, Tifa, Cid, Aerith, King Vomit, the Minotaur, the Roman Gods, Kay and Bors all disintegrated into dust, their weapons falling to the ground much to the shock and horror of those closest to them. The most horrified is King Arthur.

Selene shakily walks over to a tearful Storkules, holding her arm as she turned to dust.

Selene: Storkules…I…

She fell forward with her sword and Storkules failed to catch her in time, dropping to the ground and looking at his hands in tears.

Storkules: Dear sister… Selene…

Humphrey was the next to disintegrate and Ari could only clutch onto him as tight as possible, crying as his best friend disappeared and mourns over his remains.

Jose and Xandra watch in tears as Panchito leans by a log was turning to dust too.

Panchito: Amigo…Amiga…I feel strange…

Jose: No. No, no!

Xandra: Panchito!

Jose reaches out but was too late as Panchito disintegrated and his Caballeros Spear fell. Jose cried his eyes out as he and Xandra shared a tearful hug together.

Mickey runs over to Minnie injured near a boulder and helps her up.

Mickey: Up Minnie! Up! This is no place to die.

The moment Mickey helps her he disintegrates and Minnie drops on her back in sheer shock to see her husband disintegrate right before her, Kingdom Key W dropping to the ground.

Minnie: Mickey…? She gets up in tears. Mickey! No, please! Not this! Anything but this!

April was laid near a log facing a petrified May as she slowly turned to dust.

April: May…I'm fading.

May: No… She tearfully tries to touch her but by then April disintegrates. No, no, no, no, no! April… no…

Sun Glaive drops and May cries, now she's lost both her sisters.

Goofy laid on the ground with Save the King by his side. He groaned as he lifted his head only to be dusted too.

Amunet lifted her head up as she disintegrated to dust and her Khopesh drops as D'Jinn searches for him.


Ventus and Aqua watch in horror as Chirithy turns to dust to and Ventus picks her up.

Chirithy: Ven…I feel…funny.

Ventus: She dies and Ventus is in horror. Chirithy…

Aqua: Ohmygosh…

Kairi walks to Sora in pain, slowly turning to dust too.

Kairi: Sora…I don't feel so good.

Sora: When Sora sees dust particles leave Kairi he becomes. Kairi… Kairi!

She falls forward and Sora catches her in his arm and bends as he tearfully looks her in the eye.

Sora: Kairi! It's gonna be okay! You're not gonna die! Stay with me, stay with me!

Kairi: Sora…I'm fading away.

Sora: No! Kairi, don't do this! Don't leave me! You're gonna make it okay! I… tears gush out. I don't know what to do!? What do I do?

Kairi: Kairi rubs his face with a tearful smile. It's okay…it's okay…I love you…

And with those final words Kairi turns to dust, Destiny Embrace drops and Sora falls to the ground. To his horror he isn't turned to dust and is left to cry on the ground over the loss of his girlfriend and best friend.

Lena cradles Louie in her arms as she slowly fades away.

Lena: My Green Lion… I love you…

She turns to dust, her amulet and Diamond Dagger dropping to the ground much to Webby's horror as she reaches out in tears.

Webby: LENA!

Dewey: W-Webby…

Webby gasps and sees Dewey moving, still covering his eyes on the ground. She holds on tightly.

Webby: Dewey! You're okay!

Dewey: W-what happened…? Where's Lunaris?

Webby: None of that matters right now!? You're gonna be okay! Everything will be okay.

Dewey: I…I can't see you. Webby, where are you?

Webby: Just open your eyes and remove your hands, Dewey. I'm here! I'm right here! When Dewey does so Webby gasps in horror. No…

Dewey: I-I still can't see you. Webby…I think I'm… I'm… I'M BLIND!

Dewey's face is covered black smudge and what's worse, his eyes are now fogged up. The blast has taken away his sight and he's lost his vision.

Dewey: I can't see! I can't SEE!

Donald struggles process everything as Della feels Fethry's remains in tears.

Donald: What's going on!? What's happening!?

Daisy: Donald…

Donald: Daisy?

8Donald widens his eyes in horror as Daisy weakly walked over to him while clutching her stomach.*

Donald: No… please, no!

Daisy: Donald…I'm not feeling very good. I don't know what's happening, I-

She collapses into Donald's arm and he tears up.

Donald: You're gonna be okay!? Daisy fell on her back and Donald quickly caught her in tears. Daisy, please! Don't leave me!

Daisy: Donald… Daisy gently caressed her boyfriends face with a tearful smile. You've given me so much… you always did your best to protect me. You're the only person right for me in my life. Without you…I'd feel empty.

Donald: I feel the same way, Daisy…

Daisy: Promise me, Donald…you'll stop Lunaris. Don't let what's happened here today destroy you. I know you can beat Lunaris. You can't let him destroy Earth… you can't.

Donald: Tears are threatening to leave his eyes. I'll try… for you Daisy…

Daisy slowly begins turning to dust, starting from her legs.

Daisy: Goodbye…Donald…thank you…for everything. I'm glad… I met you all those years ago. Oh… and Della, Mickey, Goofy and Minnie too. You're all my best friends… never forget… that's the truth. I love you Donald… I love you more than anything in the world.

Donald: I love you too… Daisy…

Donald and Daisy embrace in one last passionate kiss. When Daisy pulls back she holds Donald's face as she cries.

Daisy: See you again soon… Donnie…

Her eyes close and her hand drops until Donald catches it in desperation.

Donald: NO! Daisy! I never even got to ask you-

It was too late, Daisy completely turns into dust before Donald could finish and he watches as what's left of her flies off into the air. He watches her tiara and Royal Sabre clatter on the ground.


When he picks the tiara an image of Daisy sat on the Money Bin in her primary outfit and turning her face with a beautiful smile appears in his head.

(End of Flashback)

Donald: Daisy…

Donald lets all his tears drip and stream down from his eyes as he sobs quietly. (5) It becomes louder when he buries his face in the ground. Della walks over to her brother in tears, holding his shoulder and they embrace in a hug, crying as much as they could.

At the remains of Castle McDuck everyone regains consciousness and regroup. Beakely, Launchpad, Drake, Fenton, Manny, Duckworth, Goldie, Roxas, Isa, Xion and Namine gather around Scrooge and Fergus. Goldie helps up Scrooge and Fergus continues cradling his wife in his arms.

Goldie: Are you okay?

Scrooge: I'm fine… but my pride isn't.

Fenton has his damaged helmet back on so no one sees his face. Ominous clouds loom above them all.

Officer Cabrera: Something has happened…Something terrible.

Literally seconds after saying that Officer Cabrera disintegrates to dust much to their mortification, especially Fenton's.

Fenton: M'Ma…

Underneath his armour Fenton turns to dust too and the Gizmoduck Armour collapses. Even Drake was horrified as he dropped down to pick up the helmet in shock.

Darkwing: W-what is this!? Why's this happening!?

Launchpad: W-what's going on?

Manny: (Gasp!)

Isa is the next to start turning to dust from his arm to his entire body as he looks at his friends in fear.

Isa: Roxas…

Roxas: Isa… He then looks to Xion. Steady, Xion…

Xion: I…I'm fading…Roxas…

Xion fades away and Roxas was too late to catch her as Lost Memory fell to the rubble. He could only cry.


Namine: Roxas…

Roxas: Namine?

Namine slowly walks to Roxas, turning to dust to as she reaches out to him. Roxas attempts to catch her in a hug fails, she disintegrates, Shooting Star drops and Roxas falls to the rubble crying his eyes out and breathing in trauma over losing his best friends and girlfriend. He looks at his hands in tears before clutching his hair and releasing a scream of agony.

Goldie: Scrooge.

Scrooge turns to see Goldie weakly walking, clutching her stomach in pain.

Scrooge: Goldie…are you alright?

Goldie: I…I don't know what's happening. I…I…

With a pained groaned she falls, Scrooge catches her and they embrace as Goldie cries and begins disintegrating.

Goldie: I don't wanna go, Scrooge, please! I don't wanna go! I don't wanna go! Not like this!

Goldie falls on her back and Scrooge desperately looks into her eyes.

Scrooge: You're not going to die! I refuse to allow it! You won't die, Goldie! You hear me! I won't let it end for you like this! I won't let it END FOR US!

With a soft, touched and gentle smile Goldie rubs Scrooge's face in tears.

Goldie: I…I'm sorry… Scroogie…

Goldie is that last to disintegrate into dust and Scrooge drops down clutching the rubble, expecting to turn to dust too but to his horror he doesn't. Everyone looks on in sorrow and horror.

Drake: What is this? What the hell's happening?

Beakely: He did it.

Roxas: Lunaris…he snapped his finger and wiped half of all life.

Launchpad: You mean we've…

Fergus: I'm afraid so, Launchpad.

Duckworth: We've lost. Lunaris has won.

Scrooge processes it all, first he watches his nephew die, then his mother, his friends and now the love of his life. With that Scrooge breaks down, immensely crying and releases a scream of agony and torment. He buries his face in the rubble crying his eyes out. Beakely and Fergus place their hands on his shoulder, Drake drops down punching the ground, Launchpad places a hand on his shoulder and Roxas, Duckworth and Manny look down in sadness.

Downy and Lea are laid where they were, dead and unmoving.

Thanos Has Won Music

Back in Disney Town, May, Jose, Xandra, Ari, Storkules, D'Jinn, Minnie, Ventus and Aqua gathered nearby the emotionally compromised Donald and Della, Webby cradling the crippled and blinded Dewey and Sora feeling his eyesight.

Ventus: What is this…? What the hell's happening!?

D'Jinn: What foul sorcery is this!?

Storkules: I think…we've been defeated.

Sora sits on bottom, bruised, bleeding, his armour cracked and he's exhausted as struggles to process the horrors that just unfolded. Lunaris has won… they've lost.

Sora: Oh god!

All the Spear of Selene replicas leave Disney Town and Donald is the angriest.


His loud voice resonates throughout the entire town after the barrier disappears.

Inside the planetary engine Lunaris is beaten and badly wounded. Gibbous, Zenith and Palus help him to his throne and sits him down to regain his strength.

Palus: Goodness sir! You haven't this badly injured in decades! Are you going to be alright?

Lunaris: Do not worry for me. I'll live. For now I'd just like to rest and recover.

Zenith: We'll get those wounds fixed up in no time. The medical division is already preparing a healing pod for you to sleep in. Within a week you should be fully restored, including your arm.

Lunaris: That is good news. Gibbous.

Gibbous: Yes general.

Lunaris: Lunaris hands over the gauntlet. Take this to be repaired. I may need it again soon and I want it to be in peak condition.

Gibbous: Yes sir! I'll get on it immediately!

Gibbous takes the gauntlet and he, Zenith and Palus take their leave. Lunaris is left to breathe, exhausted from the battles he's been through. He brings up a massive screen and the only thing that brings an evil smile to his face is the suffering of the people as civilians all over the world are turning to dust with the other half having to watch their loved ones die right before their eyes. Maleficent and Pete appear on both his sides, exchanging smirks with him. They sadistically smile at Earth's predicament. Lunaris has done it…he's destroyed half of life on Earth and now the Earth is revolving around the Moon. A new ice age of fear has begun for the Earth and Lunaris now rules it with an iron fist. For the first time… the Duck-McDuck family have truly lost.

(Post-Credit Scene)

In the Mysterious Tower Yen Sid stands out his window with a disturbed look as he watches millions of stars disappear. The three fairies, Flora, Fauna and Merryweather approach him with worried looks.

Flora: Master Yen Sid, are you alright?

Fauna: You seem quite disturbed.

Merryweather: Is this about Donald, Sora and their friends?

Yen Sid: Yes…I'm afraid so. I sense that a terrible thing has just happened. Billions of stars are blinking out. Something dreadful has happened in the world of Disney Town and Duckburg.

When she hears the fairies gasp Yen Sid turns around and becomes horrified to see the good fairies turning to dust.

Fauna: Oh my word!

Flora: Master! What's happening!?

They disappear into dust and Yen Sid could only stand in shock before seeing himself slowly turning to dust too.

Yen Sid: So…Lunaris has done it. He's acquired and used all 6 stones to destroy us all. Sora…Donald… May your hearts be our guiding key.


(1) DBZ – Nappa cuts of Tien's arm

(2) DBZ – Chiaotzu Self-destruct

(3) DBZ – Tien Tri-Beam vs Nappa and Tien Death

(4) DBZ – Piccolo is killed by Nappa to save Gohan

(5) KH 365/2 Days – Xion Death

Casualties via Snap/death:

Hubert Duck (Killed by Lunaris)

Llewellyn Duck (Killed by Lunaris)

Lena Sabrewing (Killed by Lunaris)

Violet Sabrewing (Killed by Lunaris)

April Duck

June Duck (Killed by Lunaris)

Daisy Duck

Fethry Duck

Gladstone Gander (Killed by Lunaris)

Downy Duck (Killed by Lunaris)

Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera/Gizmoduck

Officer Cabrera

Goldie Ol'Gilt

Gyro Gearloose

Gabby McStabberson

Panchito Pistoles

Mickey Mouse

Goofy Goof

Selene, Goddess of the Moon

Humphrey the Bear

King Vomit









Terra (Killed by Lunaris)

Lea (Killed By Lunaris)








Ansem the Wise



Master Yen Sid





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