Ducktales Movie 3 - Moonvasio...

By LandofEvil42

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Ducktales Movie 3 - Moonvasion Infinity War More

Moonvasion Infinity War Part 1
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 2
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 3
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 4
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 5
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 6
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 7
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 8
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 9
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 11
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 12
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 13
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 14
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 15

Moonvasion Infinity War Part 10

237 1 2
By LandofEvil42

We go to the Planetary Engine's main control room where Gibbous and Zenith report everything to Lunaris sat on his throne via hologram.

Zenith: And that concludes our report sir in regards to the humans and McDuck's whereabouts.

Lunaris: Interesting. So the heroes of the Keyblades have finally appeared. I had a feeling that they'd come eventually. No matter, even with the boy known as Sora and his human friends joining this war my plan is all but flawless. And you say this encounter occurred in Scotland.

Gibbous: Yes sir, that's where McDuck has gone. From what we heard he kept talking about the Soul Stone and a place he calls Castle McDuck.

Lunaris: The Soul Stone? Castle McDuck? Could Scrooge know the location of Soul Stone.

This new information intrigues Lunaris and Zenith presents radar that has a gauge with the arrows moving left and right.

Zenith: If I may sir, when we arrived in Scotland the device you gave us to track down the rest of the Infinity Stones reacted.

Lunaris: What?

Gibbous: It went completely off the charts and it gets noiser the closer we go in Scrooge's direction. Maybe wherever he's going is the location of the Soul Stone itself. It's certainly a possibility.

Lunaris thinks hard about what he's studied on Castle McDuck and its mystical properties. When he puts two and two together with the information given to him, he's hit with a look of realization.

Lunaris: Of course! How could I be such a fool!? The answer was there all along! He smiles proudly at his two officers. Excellent worth Gibbous and Zenith! This information has been most helpful! Now I know where the Soul Stone is!

Gibbous: He quickly puts on his gauntlet. Of course, sir! Anything to be of service!

Zenith: Is there anything else you'd like us to do, General?

Lunaris: Send one of probes to keep watch of Scrooge's movements and then return to Duckburg to guard McDuck manor with Palus. I want Scrooge's fortress to be completely inaccessible.

Gibbous & Zenith: They salute. Yes sir!

And with that reported they both disconnect and Lunaris turns to see Maleficent and Pete smiling evilly.

Lunaris: Ah, I was wondering when you'd appear.

Pete: Sorry we're late. We had some business we had to take care of in Radiant Garden. Don't want any of the brat's close friends to cause trouble for us.

Maleficent: You've done well Lunaris. Your plan is finally in motion and is working quite smoothly. My compliments in having dispatched that temperamental mage, Donald with ease.

Lunaris: Why thank you. And your Heartless and Nobodies have been most helpful in my conquest. But I will require your assistant for a simultaneous matter. I've just received word that Della's group is in Disney Town; meaning Lena is likely to be there as well, hence the Reality Stone. Now that I know the location of the Soul Stone I'll need someone to lead my forces in Disney Town.

Maleficent: Leave that to me. I shall lead the army in battle there.

Lunaris: Excellent! Then I leave the matter of Lena to you, Maleficent.

Meanwhile, The Gummiship continues flying along the now rainbow coloured lanes in between. The main cockpit is much larger than normal, obviously modifications have been made. Fethry has taken over the co-pilot controls for Donald and Storkules points up ahead.

Storkules: Hephaestus otherworldly forgery is just up ahead.

Della: You said that like 10 minutes ago, Muscles.

Fethry: Yeah, make up your mind.

Storkules: My apologies. I've never really ridden a vessel like this before so I'm unaware of how long it will take to get there.

Gladstone: Gladstone looks out the window with the kids. This is actually my first time too. Always wondered what it'd be like to be in the Lanes Between.

Webby: It's so beautiful.

Dewey: Yeah, you said.

Huey: Lena and Violet would love this.

Louie: Say, Uncle Donald. How much longer will it take to get to this forgery place?

Donald: Donald leans against a walk with his arms crossed. You'll know when we're close, Louie. Hephaestus forge harnesses the blazing power of a neutron star. He takes a seat. It was the birth place of my staff. It's truly awesome.

Storkules: Awesome is right, Best Friend! The weapons Hephaestus forges is unlike any-

Storkules stops when he sees Donald is completely silent, looking down in sorrow. The rest notice too and all of them, especially Della becomes worried for his emotional well-being.

Della: Donald?

Huey: Uncle Donald?

Gladstone: Gladstone takes a deep breath. Okay… time to act like a good cousin. Gladstone walks up and sits next to Donald. You okay, Donaldo?

Donald: Yeah…I'm fine. I just… have a lot on my mind.

Webby: Della and the rest walk up to Donald. It's going to be okay, Uncle Donald. We'll stop Lunaris.

Dewey: Yeah. We'll fight him together this time. You're not alone.

Donald: Donald smiles a little. I know… it's just that…

Della: It's about Penny, isn't it…? Donald looks to his sister in surprise. You can't stop thinking about what Lunaris did to Penny.

Donald: Donald's face drops, close to tears. Yeah… I was thinking about Penumbra, how Lunaris betrayed her and then killed her without blinking an eye. I'm sorry, Della. I know she was your best friend and she meant to lot to you. But in the end… I just wasn't strong enough to protect her. I failed… I failed you and Penny.

Della: No… no! Della bends and clutches Donald's hand. You can't keep punishing yourself like this Donald, it wasn't your fault. What happened to Penny isn't on you. You did everything you could to help her.

Gladstone: Yeah, you can't keep blaming yourself for what Lunaris did, D-money. Some things can't be helped, I know it's harsh… but we can't save every one.

Fethry: They're right. You did great, Donald. You fought as hard as you could.

Storkules: You fought to the bitter end like a true warrior my friend.

Webby: We already talked about how wonderful you were Uncle Donald.

Donald: Donald smiles a little. Thanks you guys.

Dewey: Uncle Donald… are you sure you're up for this personal murder mission we're going on?

Donald: Donald covers his pain with a faux smile. Uh…yeah! Absolutely, Dewey! Uh…the rage… vengeance, anger, loss, regrets. They're all extremely helpful motivators; they clear the mind so I'm good to go.

Gladstone: Yeah, but cuz, are you sure you can beat Lunaris this time. He's the toughest there is in our world.

Donald: Well, he's never fought me.

Louie: Yeah, he has.

Donald: He's never fought me twice.

Fethry: But, Donald… Lunaris beat both you and Della easily and he destroyed your staff like it was paper. He's stronger than the both of you combined. No offense, Della.

Della: None taken, you're right Fethry.

Donald: Well, don't forget I'm getting a new sword.

Louie: Well, it'd better be some sword or we're doomed.

Della: Donald… you don't have to fight if you don't want to. No one's forcing you too.

Donald: Donald chuckles a little to hide his trauma, struggling to hold back the tears threatening to come out. You know, I'm 84 years old. I've killed a hundred times as many enemies as that and each and every one of them would rather kill me but none succeeded. I'm only alive because fate wants me alive for some reason… maybe to make me suffer like it always but you know what… I just don't care anymore. All I care about is making Lunaris suffer like I have. Maybe I don't want to fight…but if I don't do it…who will. Lunaris is just the latest in a long of bastards and he'll be the latest to fill my vengeance if fate wills it so.

Huey: But what if you're wrong?

Donald: Donald is about ready to cry. Well, if I'm wrong and Lunaris does succeed killing everyone I love, including the sister I just got back… what more could I possibly have to lose after that…?

Della: Oh…Donnie…

Della sat down on the other side clutching his hand gently while Gladstone wrapped an arm around him. The rest could only stare at Donald in sorrow, he's been through so much pain and trauma; the loss of his parents, losing his sister, the Shadow War and now this. What they're seeing is a good man who didn't deserve to go through this kind of suffering. Dewey spots the suitcase Donald was given and drags it to him.

Dewey: If fate does want you to kill that crap-sack Uncle Donald, you're gonna need to suit up and get all the edge you need. Here.

Donald looks at the suitcase he was given.

Donald: My new clothes.

Storkules: Perhaps, now would be a good time to try them on Donald.

Webby: Depending on how cool they look might cheer you up a little?

Donald smiles a little before taking the suitcase and walking off with it.

The Mage of Thunder suits up, placing a new shirt on, a new jacket and slips his hand through the sleeves.

Donald walks up to his family.

Donald: So, how do I look?

Della and the rest turn their heads and gasp in amazement at Donald's new look. He's dressed similarly as he did in Toybox. He now wears a metallic blue and black shirt underneath a black full-sleeved jacket with blue cuffs and a hood. Donald holds down Mage Staff and a new blue porkpie hat with a big smile. He rolls the hat down his arms and back before swiftly placing it on his head. (1)

Gladstone: Gladstone gives an impressed whistle. Lookin' good cuz!

Fethry: Love the new outfit!

Dewey: Now that's the very definition of cool!

Huey: You said it!

Louie: You look amazing Uncle Donald!

Webby: It looks perfect on you!

Storkules: My friend, you look magnificent!

Della: Della walks up to her brother proudly. New look suits you. You look really handsome.

Donald: Thanks.

Suddenly, a loud beeping occurs that prompts everyone to run up to the controls and Donald and Della to retake their seats.

Louie: What does the beeping mean!?

Della: It means we've finally arrived!

Storkules: My friends! The magnificent forgery you are about to see will bewilder you unlike anything you've ever seen before! Behold!

They jump out of hyperspace… but when they do they become horrified at what they see before them. They were slowly flying through a field of rocks and in the centre of them was some sort of black sphere surrounded by multiple rings frozen into one.

Webby: Uh…I'm bewildered alright…and confused…

Louie: This place is more spooky than cool.

Della: Last time we came here things weren't this spooky… not that I don't like spooky.

Donald: Something's not right. The star's gone out. And the rigs have frozen.

Storkules: Strange. Such a thing hasn't occurred in 10,000 years. What could've happened? Fierce Della, fly us into the entrance. It's in one of the rings.

Della: Copy that Stork.

The Gummiship slowly makes its way inside the forgery, flying through a hole in the ring.

After landing, Donald, Della, Gladstone, Fethry, Dewey, Huey, Louie, Webby and Storkules walked about inside the forge and up some stairs, investigating the darkness and damages. Pretty much everything in this forge was either frozen or damaged.

Louie: Hope this guy is a better forger than he is a cleaner.

Gladstone: Maybe he moved out because he realized he lived in a junk pile in the middle of space.

Webby: For a forge…this place is really creepy.

Fethry: Storkules. Is it supposed to be like this?

Storkules: Not at all. This forge hasn't become dark in centuries. It was much brighter the way I remember it and full of light.

The kids stop dead in their tracks when they spot something that makes them gasp in sheer horror.

Huey: Uh…Uncle Donald. Mom.

Donald & Della: Yeah Huey.

Louie: Lunaris wore a gauntlet right?

Donald: That's right. He uses it to store the Stones he collected.

Dewey: Doesn't it look exactly like that over there?

Dewey points and everyone gasps in horror at a silver replica of the Infinity Gauntlet that Lunaris wore.

Gladstone: No… way…

Della: It's the same glove Lunaris wore!

Fethry: So… the Infinity Gauntlet… it was created here?

Donald: Why would Hephaestus ever help a maniac like Lunaris!

Storkules: Storkules points at something in horror. By Hephaestus' hammer!

They gasp to see a block of grey clay and trapped inside it with his face sticking through was Hephaestus, the God of Fire. The sight of this was utterly horrifying as they ran up to it.

Huey: Is that…?

Della: Hephaestus! The God of Fire!

Donald: He's trapped in clay!

Gladstone: How did this happen!?

Storkules: We must free him immediately!

Storkules punches the block of clay and it crack immensely under his strength… until it shatters into a million pieces and dropping down to the floor was Hephaestus, the God of Fire himself. He's on his knees breathing heavily in sheer pain and exhaustion. Storkules bends down to him quickly.

Storkules: Hephaestus! My friend! Are you alright!? What has happened to-!?

Suddenly, Storkules gets comically grabbed via his neck, Hephaestus swing Donald, Della, Gladstone and Fethry with his hammer and sends them screaming. He kicks the kids and sends them screaming too before tossing Storkules over to Donald. He stops over in anger, proceeding to crush them with his hammer.

Storkules: Hephaestus, please! Cease your wrath!

Hephaestus stops the moment he hears Storkules' voice, holding his hammer above his head.

Hephaestus: Storkules?

Storkules nods before the God of Fire then turns to Donald and Della.

Hephaestus: Donald… Della…

Della: Della sheepishly waves. Hey, Hephaestus…

Donald: What happened here?


Donald: Save the Queen has been destroyed… and Lunaris has attacked Earth… he's taken the Mind Stone.

Hephaestus calms down, dropping his hammer after hearing these shocking facts. Donald is the first to get up and points to the glove.

Donald: Hephaestus, the glove… what did you?

Feeling ashamed, Hephaestus weakly walks up and dejectedly sits against a metal desk while the rest get up to hear his story. Donald and Storkules walks up to him.

Hephaestus: 300 Greek followers lived with me in this forge… then came Lunaris with the Space and Power Stones. With two Infinity Stones I was unable to defeat him and my people were at his mercy. I thought if I did what he said they'd all be spared. I did what he wanted! They look to the glove. I forged a device capable of harnessing the powers of the 6 Infinity Stones. But… he killed them all anyway. Then he encased me inside that block of clay. I had been trapped for a year now.

Webby: A year… that was right around the time of the Shadow War…

Gladstone: How could someone be this cruel? You did what Lunaris asked for and he killed innocent people anyway.

Fethry: This guy's a monster.

Storkules: Storkules bends and touches his shoulder. You cannot blame yourself for this tragedy Hephaestus, 'twas not your fault.

Donald: Donald walks up, trying to give support. Hephaestus, we need your help. Every sword, axe, hammer, staff, including Save the Queen is all in your. Only you can forge us the weapons we need to defeat him once and for all. I know it all seems hopeless. But together… you, me, all of us can kill Lunaris.

Hephaestus looks at Donald, Della, Storkules and the new faces before him trying to encourage him. His distraught face turns into a smile of hope.

Meanwhile, Scrooge's group are now driving through the mists of Dismal Downs. Scrooge talks to Roxas over the Bulb Phone.

Roxas: So, Scrooge, we're heading to your ancestral home where your immortal parents live.

Scrooge: Aye. Once every five years Castle McDuck appears in our dimension, allowing me to see my parents.

Lea: But didn't this castle already appear last year. Donald told us all about it.

Beakely: Which means something is disrupting the castle's magic, making it react by appearing ealier than it should.

Gizmoduck: It must have something to do with the fact that all the Infinity Stones are in the same planet right now. They must all be releasing some sort of magical disturbance.

Goldie: Check out the big computer brain on Gizmoduck. You're right!

Scrooge: The appearance of all the stones, especially the ones gathered with Lunaris have made my ancestral home appear too early.

Isa: But what does this have to do with the Soul Stone?

Scrooge: I'll explain it all with my parents.

Launchpad: …Who seem to be waiting for us in front of the castle right now.

Up ahead the mists parted enough to reveal Castle McDuck and stood in front of it were Fergus and Downy McDuck waiting for their son. The jeep crashes into the statue, everyone inside exits, Gizmoduck and the humans drop down, Darkwing dismounts from the Ratcatcher and Demonworth reverts back to Duckworth. Those who haven't seen the castle are in awe.

Roxas: Wow! Look at this place.

Xion: It's huge!

Namine: Did Scrooge really rebuild all this!?

Goldie: Of course he did! He's Scrooge McDuck!

Isa: Impressive.

Officer Cabrera: I'd ask if he has a permit to rebuild a castle but now might not be a good time.

Scrooge is relieved and overjoyed to see his parent standing at the door, walking up to them with his arms open, it's the same with his parent.

Scrooge: Mommy! Daddy!

Fergus: Son!

Downy: Scroogie! Family hug!

Scrooge, Fergus and Downy all share a family hug before they separate to smile at each other.

Fergus: It's good to see you again lad.

Scrooge: And you Papa!

Downy: Oooh! And you brought some new guests!

Scrooge: Beakely and the rest walk up. You two remember Duckworth, Beakely, Launchpad and Goldie.

Launchpad: Hey, Mr and Mrs McD senior.

Beakely: It's good to see you both again.

Fergus: The feeling is mutual Bentina. He points at Goldie angrily. But what's this thief doing here?

Scrooge: It's fine, she's with me.

Goldie: Relax, older-timer, I'm not here to steal for once. I'm here to help.

Downy: Oh, Scroogie! You ought to stop being so shy and admit your feelings. The two of you would make great babies together.

Roxas's team snicker as Scrooge and Goldie blush in embarrassment.

Scrooge & Goldie: We're not in love! We've never even dated!

Downy: Duckworth, it's good to see you back in the land of the living.

Duckworth: Thank you Mistress McDuck.

Darkwing: So…you're Scrooge's parents? He's told us about you.

Officer Cabrera: You both look pretty spry for people who are supposed to be over 200 years old.

Scrooge: Scrooge presents his parents. Everyone, meet my parents: Fergus and Downy McDuck.

Roxas: Hi!

Lea: Yo! Name's Lea! Got it memorized?

Xion: Hello.

Namine: How do you do?

Isa: Good evening.

Officer Cabrera: Nice to make your acquaintance.

Darkwing & Gizmoduck: Greetings!

Gizmoduck: Jinx! You owe me 3 sodas!

Darkwing growls in annoyance while Fergus and Downy smile at the new friends before.

Downy: It's wonderful to meet you all.

Scrooge: Listen… Mama, Papa… we need your help. You see…

Fergus: We know lad. Fergus and Downy put on deadly serious looks. We know what's happening around the world.

Downy: We know about that beast, Lunaris, the Infinity Stones, the alien army… They all look up the permanent night skies. …And the Earth revolving around the Moon.

Fergus: We also know what's to come. Normally I'd blame you for the any problems with the castle son… but today… that is not the case. I know what's really happened and what's going to happen. Lunaris will likely come here next for the Soul Stone and we need to be prepared.

Everyone (except Launchpad): WHAT!?

Manny: (Gasp!)

Launchpad: I don't get it…if Lunaris is coming for the Soul Stone why would he come here?

Manny: (Idiot!)

Isa: Launchpad's stupidity is ignored. Hold on a second. Are you saying the location of the Soul Stone is…?

Scrooge: This very castle.

Goldie: You're kidding!

Downy: I wish we were. But we're not. All of you follow us inside.

Scrooge, Fergus and Downy lead everyone inside the castle without knowing a gold orb with a camera lens is following them.

Everyone is underneath the castle where the McDucks are leading them along the tunnel with Fergus holding up a torch to light the way.

Lea: Whoa…what is this place?

Fergus: These are the tombs of our great ancestors. Every single McDuck is buried underneath our castle.

Darkwing: I suppose you're gonna tell us next that the ghosts of your ancestors rise from the dead from time to time.

Downy: Why of course they do… whenever we have parties.

Everyone is now making their way down stairs leading further down in a spiral.

Fergus: Have any of you ever wondered why I, Downy and Scroogie are immortal.

Gizmoduck: Gizmoduck's visors are red. My sensors are detecting ancient mystical druid stones having been used to build the castle.

Scrooge: The stones were on discount so naturally I brought them to rebuild our ancestral home, accidentally granting us all immortality.

Xion: That explains why you're immortal. I always thought toons just had a longer lifespan.

Downy: We do child, though by now at this age, Fergus and I should be dead. Remaining in the castle is what's kept us living forever and given us a chance to see Scroogie every 5 years.

Isa: And that's because of the magic from these druid stones.

Fergus: It's actually not that simple, lad. Druid stones are capable of granting immortality… but it's impossible for them to do so without a power source.

Scrooge: Aye… and it had to be something incredibly powerful, a source of high magical density.

They arrive at a dead end where Fergus pushes a brick sticking out against the walk. As a result, the lines glow orange and slowly split in two.

Downy: That's where this artefact comes in.

Launchpad and the rest gasp in shock to find themselves in a hidden room engulfed in orange energy. At the centre of it is a pedestal and floating above it was a brightly glowing orange stone. This was the Soul Stone.

Roxas: Whoa…!

Namine: Is that…

Beakely: It can't be!

Duckworth: The Soul Stone!

Darkwing: I can't believe it! It's been here this whole time!

Scrooge walks up and takes out the Soul Stone, presenting it to his team.

Scrooge: That's right. Believe it or not, the Soul Stone has been a family heirloom for centuries. I finally put it to use in rebuilding this castle by making it the power source for the druid stones. Without this Infinity Stone the walls of Castle McDuck would be worthless. They'd just be ordinary stones making a building.

Goldie: All these years, I've been wondering how you manage to stay so spry Scroogie. The answer has been in this castle the whole time.

Officer Cabrera: But why keep this a secret from the rest of your family McDuck?

Scrooge: I didn't want any of my enemies that may be interested in Infinity Stones to think that my nephews, nieces or anyone else affiliated with me knows where the Soul Stone is and torture them for it. The less they knew about it, the better.

Fergus: But the secret's out now.

Roxas: We can't Lunaris know about any of this! If he finds out about the Soul Stone being in this castle we're doomed!

Lea hears a mechanical noise behind him and turns to the orb floating above them.

Lea: What the heck is that!?

Scrooge and the rest gasp to see the gold spy orb floating in their vicinity. It attempts to escape but Xion stops in with orbs of light and Isa crushes it with his Claymore.

Darkwing: What is that thing!?

Lea runs and holds up the orb in shock.

Gizmoduck: I'll scan! Gizmoduck scans the crushed orb. It's some sort of drone created to spy on people and send information to its owner.

Scrooge: It belongs to Lunaris!

Officer Cabrera: But…what we just spoke about!? The Soul Stone…!?

Namine: He saw and heard all of it!

Lea: That bastard!

Lea kicks the orb as hard as he could to the edge of the room. Scrooge looks down in complete silence, not saying a word.

Darkwing: He saw the Soul Stone!? He knows it's in this castle.

Goldie: He'll come after us now!

Launchpad: Oh no! What do we do!?

Downy: We have to get the Soul Stone out of this castle!

Fergus: He's right! We cannae stay here now! If that maniac gets his hand on the stone he'll use it to destroy half of all life! He takes the stone from his son's hand. We need to evacuate the castle immediately!

Xion: But sir! If we leave the castle what will happen to you!?

Roxas: He's right! You and Downy will lose your immortality! You'll die!

Downy: Fergus and Downy smile in acceptance. The fate of the world is far more important than our lives! We may lose our immortality but we'll gladly accept it.

Fergus: Scroogie! What about you? Scrooge doesn't say anything. Scroogie? Son!? Scrooge turns to his father. You heard what we said, right? We must escape Castle McDuck before Lunaris gets here!

Scrooge: I heard Daddy. I just don't think there's any point in trying to evacuate the castle.

Hearing Scrooge say this surprises everyone, including Goldie.

Beakely: Mr McDuck, what do you mean?!

Goldie: Goldie walks up in concern. Scroogie…you're not actually suggesting that we use the Soul Stone to lure Lunaris here?

Everyone: What!?

Scrooge: That's exactly what I'm thinking of.

Fergus: No! Absolutely not! Fergus walks to his son in panic. That plan is beyond crazy! Son, under no circumstances can we ever risk letting Lunaris get a hold of our Soul Stone! We need to go into leave the castle and find a new place to hide it or-!

Scrooge: It won't do us any good Daddy! Fergus is surprised as his son angrily stands opposite of him. No place on Earth is safe from Lunaris! We can't hide anywhere from him! It doesn't matter if we leave the castle, Lunaris will hunt us down to the ends of the Earth. He'll tear it apart just to find us! I don't know what to do against an enemy like this! Lunaris is unlike any enemy I've ever faced in my entire life! He's smarter, wittier, strong and crazier than even my most dangerous enemies like Magica and Merlock.

Roxas: He's almost as strong as Xehanort. Maybe even stronger with those Infinity Stones!

Scrooge: Exactly! We cannae hide from Lunaris forever! No matter where we go Lunaris will find us and he'll find the kids too! Lena has the Reality Stone! That maniacal madman will kill her and the rest of my family in the most gruesome way possible and I will not allow that to happen! He's already captured most of my friends and associates!

Goldie: But now that he knows the location of the Soul Stone he might not be interested in getting the Reality Stone yet. He'll come here instead and that'll give Della's group an extra chance to remain safe from him.

Scrooge: That's exactly what I'm saying! Now that he knows the location of Soul Stone we can keep his attention away from the kids! If we all fight together we can stop Lunaris, take him down and remove that blasted glove from his hand.

Isa: If he loses the glove then he'll lose the Infinity Stones he's collected so far, the source of his power.

Scrooge: That's what I'm talking about!

Goldie: Goldie wraps an arm around Scrooge. Well, it's worth a shot isn't it? We've come this far. We just need to come up with a good solid plan of offense and defence.

Scrooge: They smile at each other. That's right. And we can come up with that plan all together. We can stop Lunaris together. The purpose of my original plan was to take down Lunaris. We can all have that chance if we lure him here away from any cities and especially the rest of our friends and family. He looks back to his father. That's what I'm thinking Daddy. Are you with me?

Fergus looks down in doubt, unsure if this is a very good idea. Downy however, smiles faithfully at his son.

Downy: I'm with you 'till the end Scroogie. Fergus is surprised and Downy places a hand on his shoulder. Let's trust our son Fergus. He's right… we can defeat this monstrous maniac as a family, like we've always done in the past.

Fergus: As a family… Fergus smiles at his wife then to his son. Alright, then Scroogie… we wait for Lunaris to get here. And we'll fight this Moon menace together as a family.

Scrooge: Scrooge smiles at his father. Hope you haven't gotten rusty with your fighting Papa.

Fergus: You'd be surprised with what your old man's capable of.

Roxas: We'll fight alongside you.

Lea, Xion, Namine and Isa nod in agreement.

Beakely: As will we.

Duckworth morphs into Demonworth and Officer Cabrera holds up her gun.

Darkwing: You can definitely count in Darkwing Duck!

Gizmoduck: And Gizmoduck!

Launchpad: And Launchpad McQuack!

Goldie: I'll fight with you too! 'Till the ends of the Earth!

Fergus: Then it's settled! Everyone! Suit up and prepare for battle!

Everyone is getting ready for battle. Scrooge dons in Scottish Battle outfit and twirls his Action Cane.

Goldie places on her battle vest and arm bands, before twirling her pickaxe. But Scrooge offers her up a sword which she gladly takes.

Launchpad dons his Atlantic Battle Armour and summons his Atlantic Trident.

Beakely dons in her SHUST attire, Darkwing Duck prepares his grapple gun and smoke bombs, Gizmoduck and Officer Cabrera lock and load their respective weapons, Roxas, Lea, Xion, Namine and Isa prepare their respective weapons and secondary weapons too.

Fergus is in his room in front of a glass case with gold and silver sword handles inside. Fergus takes the silver one and with a swing he opens it up into a sharp silver sword. He gives it a stylish twirl just as Downy enters.

Downy: Whenever you bring out that Sword of Thunder it always means you mean business.

Fergus: That's the case with everyone now that Lunaris will be here any minute. Speaking of which, is our team ready.

Downy: Everyone is ready. They're just waiting for you to get in position for Lunaris' arrival.

Fergus: I'll be there shortly.

Downy removes a silver sword with bronze guard from a rack while walking up to her husband.

Downy: Just promise me you won't get yourself killed out there dear.

Fergus: Fergus rubs his wife's face with a smile. Despite all I've survived my wife still worries too much about me.

Downy: Downy gently clutches his hand. It's only because I worry about you and Scroogie too much that you've survived.

Scrooge: At that moment Scrooge enters the room. You wanted to see me Daddy?

Fergus: I did. Come in son.

Scrooge does so before closing the door and walking up to his parents.

Scrooge: What is it?

Fergus: With everything that's been going on and the foe we're about to be facing, I think it will take far more than a cane to help you son.

Scrooge: Ack! What are you talking about? He holds up his action cane. This isn't your average cane. And it's more than enough for me. It may not be an incredibly powerful weapon like Save the Queen but it'll do.

Downy: We've always admired your acceptance of everything you have son. But in this war, I think you'll need something more to fight this Lunaris.

Fergus: Aye. Which is why we'd like to give you this. This is for you Scroogie.

Fergus holds out the bronze handle and Scrooge gasps in sheer surprise as he dropped his can and took the handle.

Scrooge: This is…

Fergus: Fergus and Downy smile. The Sword of McDuck. I inherited that weapon after I became the head of the family. My father passed it down to me… and now I pass it down to you, son.

Scrooge: It's said that only a worthy member of Clan McDuck can open this sword. Do you both truly think I'm worthy?

Fergus: Your mother and I couldn't be any surer lad.

Downy: We know how hard you've been working in taking care of your nephews and nieces ever since the Shadow War, including you and Donald making amends and realizing your mistakes. You more than deserve to wield that blade. The moment you swing it I guarantee it will deem you worthy.

Fergus: Scrooge smiles, touched. Go on, lad. Open the sword.

Scrooge: For my nephew… my family… and my pride as a McDuck!

Scrooge swings the handle and emerging from it through black smoke and red electricity combo is a sharp, long silver blade shaped like Auron's sword but with the McDuck emblem in the centre. The Richest Duck in the world holds his new sword up high and his parents look on with pride at their son.

Meanwhile, back in Hephaestus forge, the God of Fire offers up a repaired and shiny Godslayer to Della after the twins gave Dewey his sabres back.

Hephaestus: Fortunately, Godslayer was easy to re-forge since it was merely snapped in half. It is fit to be used in battle again Della. Della happily takes and rubs her sword. I've used new materials to make it more powerful and sturdier than it was before.

Della: Godslayer glows brown in all its glory. Wow! Talk about an upgrade! This feels way stronger than before! Thanks Hephaestus!

Webby: That's great Aunt Della! You've got your sword back!

Della: Yeah!

Fethry: What about us?

Gladstone: I don't suppose you have any cool weapons for me and Fethry here.

Huey: They're gonna need it.

Louie: It's gonna take more than luck and a giant krill thing to beat Lunaris.

Hephaestus: Do not worry, I'm fully aware that you two cousins of Donald and Della do not posses weapons… which is why Storkules and I took the time to forge your own special weapons. Storkules.

Storkules walks up holding special weapons for Gladstone and Fethry.

In one hand he holds two green daggers of energy with gold handles and a sharp, large surfaced cutlass made out of green diamonds, similar to Lena's Diamond Dagger but almost as long as Jinn's Scimitar.

In Storkules' other hand is a halberd and trident combination. The spear is immensely sharp and looks like a harpoon. The spear and axe are bright red, as is the trident on the other end. The polearm is made of black metal.

Storkules hands over the halberd to Hephaestus and offers the cutlass and daggers to Gladstone.

Storkules: For you, lucky Gander Gladstone are these Magical Daggers and a Diamond Cutlass.

Gladstone: Ooh! You had at "Magical" and "Diamond"!

Storkules: Gladstone takes the daggers first. These daggers are special. They're made of special magic that makes your supply of them utterly infinite, you can summon as many as you want! Gladstone dismisses his new daggers and takes the cutlass next. And this is cutlass is made from the sharpest diamonds in the world, capable of cutting through anything! It is much more powerful than Lena's dagger.

Gladstone: Gladstone whistles, impressed. I am loving this!

Louie: With your luck Uncle Gladstone you can cut through anything and your aim with those Daggers will be dead on.

Gladstone: You got that right Lou!

Hephaestus then offers Fethry the halberd-trident.

Hephaestus: And for you Fethry is a Tri-Halberd! This weapon has the strength of an axe, the speed of a sphere and the piercing sharpness of a trident. That and it's made from one of the strongest metals in the universe.

Fethry: Fethry gladly takes his halberd-trident. Wow! A combination of a spear, axe and trident! That is so cool!

Huey: It's perfect for you, Uncle Fethry!

Fethry: Thanks Huey!

The new weapons are all dismissed.

Gladstone: Now all we need are cool battle outfits like the kids and Donaldo!

Della: Yeah, we could use special clothes like yours.

Donald stands in front of his cousins and sisters smiling.

Donald: Don't be so pushy you guys. Your outfits don't need to be forged. But you guys will definitely need those. I'll simply lend them to you through my magic like with the kids. I just need you three to hold still.

Donald holds up his three fingers radiating with energy and releases three red, green and brown beams that respectively engulf Della, Fethry and Gladstone and surrounds them in light that puts the kids in awe. The three of them look at themselves but don't feel much and aren't that impressed.

Gladstone: So…that's it.

Fethry: There's no ritual or anything.

Della: Meh… I was expecting something more exotic.

Donald: Just tap your right shoulders and see the results of my magic!

Though confused, Della taps her shoulder, resulting in a blast of brown light engulfing her until it subsides to reveal her new outfit.

Della is now wearing an outfit similar to Daisy's battle outfit, only brown, the buttons are silver, gold linings cover the vest, there's a plane mark in the centre of the vest and her shorts, pilot hat and goggles remain as they are.

Everyone, especially Gladstone and Fethry are amazed. Even Della is astonished,

Everyone: WOW!

Della: WHOA! THIS IS THE COOLEST! This outfit's awesome!

Donald: Gladstone, Fethry, you tap your shoulders too and see your outfits.

Gladstone and Fethry nod to each other and tap their shoulders one by one, engulfing them both in a blast of green and red light. It soon subsides to reveal them in their own battle attires.

Gladstone is wearing a lime green full-sleeved shirt reaching past his waist, tight black pants and black boots with black soles and green decorations like Louie's. Only the shirt has gold linings, black cuffs half the sleeves are black and the other half is green and a herb mark is in the centre. Above his shirt he wears a long sleeveless jacket dark green, black and gold on the outside and black on the inside, complete with shoulder armour. Gladstone also wears a gold, metal headband-like crown with sharp antlers sticking out. (2)

Fethry wears a full-sleeved red shirt with black linings and black cuffs, tight black pants and black boots with black soles and red decorations, similar to Huey's but the symbol in the centre of his shirt is an anchor. Above the shirt is a yellow vest with black pockets and straps and Fethry's hat is decorated differently. It's zipped, holds headphones and is so long it reaches down to his tail feathers. (3)

Gladstone and Fethry are utterly amazed with their new looks and are joined by Donald and Della.

Gladstone: Now this…is golden!

Fethry: I love magic!

The kids join with the adults and swipe their friendship bracelets, engulfing them all in blue, red, green and pink light that dons Dewey, Huey, Louie and Webby in their battle outfits too. Donald summons Mage Staff. Della, Gladstone, Fethry, Dewey, Huey, Louie and Webby all summon their respective weapons and the 8 ducks calmly and epically pose together in front of Storkules and Hephaestus, creating an impressive picture together.

Storkules: What a might group of adventurers and fighters these 8 warriors make together!

Hephaestus: Indeed!

Della: Alright! We've got new gear and new weapons!

Webby: Now we're totally ready for Lunaris!

Gladstone: Then let's get back to Disney Town and-

Dewey: Wait! We're not done yet! Uncle Donald still hasn't got his new anti-Lunaris weapon.

Donald: He's right! Hephaestus, where's my new weapon. It's our last hope of killing Lunaris and none of the weapons I have will do any good.

Hephaestus: Donald…your weapon will be the most difficult to make.

Hephaestus leads every down the edge of the forge and claw places a mold on the platform. The mold is transparent light blue and radiating with energy but some are unimpressed.

Hephaestus: Unfortunately, Save the Queen is broken beyond repair. But I can use what's left of it, your second most powerful staff and your broke sword to forge you the most powerful sword in existence.

Della: Neat cube. From where I come we call this a brick.

Dewey: So…this is the plan? We're gonna hit Lunaris with a brick?

Louie: Yeah…that's not gonna help us.

Webby: But it does look kinda pretty.

Hephaestus: It's not a brick. It's a mold, containing a weapon that's said to be the greatest throughout the entire cosmos. It's actually feared by most beings so I've kept it well hidden.

Storkules: In theory this weapon is 10x more powerful than the X-Blade… and it has the power to summon the Nordic Bifrost.

Huey: Wow! That sounds really powerful.

Donald: Does this weapon have a name?

Hephaestus: Monado.

Gladstone: Meh…that's a bit much.

Fethry: I kinda like it. Monado is Greek for "Chosen One", perfect for you Donald.

Donald: Thanks. So…how do we make this weapon?

Hephaestus: First…we need to restore and restart the forge. They look to the sphere in the centre of the rings. To do that… we must awaken the heart of a dying star.

Donald: I know what to do. Della…fire up the Gummiship. We've got a sword to forge and a world to save.

Della: Got it.

*Back in Disney Town Daisy, Lena, Violet, May, April, Mickey, Minnie, Sora, Riku, Kairi, Ventus, Terra, Aqua and Chirithy were in the war room together, planning out their attacks until Goofy comes steps back inside wearing a brand new outfit. Everyone is amazed.*7

Goofy is wearing the outfit similar to what he wore in toybox only he isn't a toy. Green armoured shirt underneath a black jacket with green cuffs, a green porkpie hat with sunglasses attached, brown fingerless gloves, baggy green trouser with brown cuffs and black shoes with black soles. (1)

Goofy: So, how do I look?

Ventus: Lookin' good Goofy.

May: That's one dashing outfit!

Mickey: Got any news for us Goof.

Goofy: I've got great news Mick. The knights and mages are all assembled and ready for battle. It took a while but our defences are finally ready.

Outside the castles were army of knights and mages of different animal types carrying swords, shields, staves, wands and they were all in a formation.

Some of those knights and mages are in the castle's audience chamber right now, awaiting orders.

Mickey: That's good. Anything else we should know.

Daisy: Xandra's ready with the rest of our reinforcement. It turns out she sent Ari and the Bear to get all the friends and allies the Three Caballeros made across all the world. She brought King Arthur, the knights of the Round Table, King Vomit, all our allies.

June: And she even brought Amunet's army of living mummies here to help us.

At the outskirts of town Selene, Xandra, Panchito, Jose were greeting Ari and Humphrey along with a lot of old friends and allies: King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table: Lancelot, Galahad, Kay and Bors, the Roman Gods: Jupiter, Mars and Venus (all looking young again), King Vomit and the Minotaur. Panchito and Jose gladly greeted those who were there size and shook their hands. Xandra shared a happy reunion with King Arthur and the Roman Gods. An army of Camelot knights, goblins and Roman and Greek Warriors had assembled with them.

Amunet's tribe of living mummies all held up their spears, khopesh and swords. Jinn and Amunet stare on with pride as they also held up their weapons. Panchito and Jose had donned in their Caballeros battle armour and summoned their respective weapons.

Sora: We called in our own reinforcements too. Leon and our friends from Radiant Garden have just finished dealing with a couple of Heartlesses that attacked their homes. They should be here by now on their helicopter.

The Caballeros' group are taken aback by gust of wind created by the massive helicopter floating down the skies. Jumping down from it via ladders were Leon, Cloud, Yuffie, Tifa, Aerith and Cid. The 6 of them were smiling as they held their weapons and walked towards the army of toons to give their greetings.

Chirithy: Then our forces are ready.

Lena: Lena pumps her fist. So we're finally ready to kick some alien butt! 'Bout time!

Minnie: Oh, Lena, I'm sorry. But we can't risk putting you in danger by exposing you in the battlefield. You will stay up in the castle's tower where you will be guarded by Violet, April, May and June.

Kids: WHAT!?

Lena: No! I want to help! I can't just sit back knowing that you're all being forced to die because of me! I don't want anyone to hurt because of me!

Riku: We're not forcing ourselves to do this Lena.

Kairi: We're protecting you because we care about you.

May: But we can protect Lena together in the battlefield!

April: Yeah, we may be kids but we can still help!

June: The 5 of us can't just sit back and be spectators to a war!

Violet: I agree! Let us help you! You need us!

Aqua: This isn't because your kids. You girls need to trust us like we trust you.

Terra: Lunaris' target is you Lena. That's why we need you to stay here in the castle, if anything happens to us then it'll up to you.

Ventus: Yeah. And we trust you girls more than anyone to protect Lena.

Chirithy: And don't forget Lunaris is determined to destroy you children just to break our spirits. We need to be very cautious with this.

Lena: Yeah, but-

June: Aunt Daisy, say something.

Daisy: Daisy walks over and wraps her arms around the girls. Girls, calm down. We know how much you all want to help, especially you Lena. But at all costs you need to protected, it's because we trust you kids so much that we need you here in the castle.

May: But, Aunt Daisy-!

Mickey: Girls! They all look to Mickey smiling. Just trust us. Everything will work out. And if things do get bad then we'll call you for help. How does that sound?

Lena and the girls exchange unsure looks but relent.

Lena: Alright, we'll stay here. Just don't die okay.

Sora: Relax. Sora jerks a thumb to himself. It's us after all.

Riku: Besides, Lunaris and his forces will have a hard time breaking through the barrier that protects the entire town.

The alarms ring and the entire room goes red much to everyone's shock.

Ventus: What's with the alarm! Are we under attack!

Minnie presses a button and virtual images of rockets appear.

Minnie: We have a fleet approaching the town.

A magical forcefield has surrounded all of Disney Town up to about a large distance away from the town itself. The forcefield seems to be derived from the Cornerstone of Light. The fireworks were about to begin as a fleet of ships hovered above the forcefield. Hatches open from beneath all the ships and unleash a bombardment of bombs and lasers that explode and pelt the barrier, vibrating the town itself.

Panchito's group watch the massive onslaught of explosions occurring above them. Panchito presses his ear communicator.

Panchito: Eh…King Mickey…we've got a bit of a situation here. A very explosive situation, I might add.

Jose: We've got rockets flying high above us, probably loaded with moon people!

Larger bombs explode on the barriers and Xandra and Selene can't help but be amazed.

Xandra: God…I love this place.

Selene: You can say that again sister!

Ari and Humphrey squawks/roar in agreement.

Cloud: I wouldn't start celebrating if I were you. The rockets are all beginning to land!

Cloud is right, the Spear of Selene replicas land on far outside the dome.

Sora and Mickey are stood at the very front of the main screen, having watched everything that just occurred. The rest are stood behind anxiously as they both nod to each other in determination and agreement.

Ventus: Looks like Lunaris had decided to start up some fireworks.

Chirithy: More like a bombardment massacre.

Sora: What should we do your Majesty?

Riku: It's your call Mickey.

Mickey: We hold them off as long as we can until Donald gets back. Daisy, can you escort the kids to the tower.

Daisy: Consider it done. Girls, come with me.

Daisy escorts Lena, Violet and her nieces to one of the elevators leading up to the Castle's tower. The rest make their way to another elevator with Mickey, Minnie and Goofy leading.

Mickey: Minnie, I need you tell Chip and Dale to engage all castles and our towns defences.

Minnie: I'll do just that Mickey.

Mickey: Goofy, give orders to our knights and mages. It's time for one of the biggest fights of our lives!

Goofy: Goofy salutes. Yes sir!

Pluto quickly runs up to his master whining in concern. Mickey rubs and pets his dog with a kind smile.

Mickey: Aww, Pluto. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Listen pal, I need you to stay with Chip and Dale and hold the fort down here. Can you do that for me? Pluto barks happily in agreement and Mickey chuckles. Good dog! Who's my pal!? Who's my pal!?

After little playing which everyone smiles at Mickey continues walking forth with a serious look.

Mickey: Everyone! Armour up! *He turns with a stern look. As of now…we are at war!

His friends nod sternly in agreement.


(1) Donald and Goofy's new KH3 type outfits are based from their Toybox outfit but modified and not blocky.

(2) Gladstone's battle outfit is based from Loki (MCU), just with my own modifications.

(3) Fethry's battle out is based on this website but with my own modifications too:

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