Ducktales Movie 3 - Moonvasio...

By LandofEvil42

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Ducktales Movie 3 - Moonvasion Infinity War More

Moonvasion Infinity War Part 1
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 2
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 3
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 4
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 5
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 6
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 7
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 8
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 10
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 11
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 12
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 13
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 14
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 15

Moonvasion Infinity War Part 9

281 1 4
By LandofEvil42

A battle was raging through the New Quackmore Institute as the Moonlanders charged through the streets, firing lasers at the multitude of civilians running for their lives. Near Shellgoose's old mansion a swarm of Moonlanders and Heartless were on the attack and April, May, June, Panchito, Jose, Xandra, Ari and Humphrey were fending them the enemies off. All of them had their weapons out.

May with her Starfire Sword stopped a spear swing, exchanging blows with a soldier. She thrusts, prompting May roll beneath her before delivering a jump kick to the back that sends the soldier flying. A pair of Soldiers attack and May slices one in half before kicking the other one.

May: To quote a friend of mine: Let's Dewey this!

April spins her glaive, deflecting a couple of shots fired and returning them to sender, knocking out the Moonlander's in the process. Two Lance Warriors proceed to strike her down and she barely blocks them both with both ends of her Glaive.

April: These guys just keep coming!

June bounced across the helmets of multiple Moonlanders, dodging shots fired by them and tricking them into electrocuting each other. She slices a Soldier in half with her Khopesh quickly jumps out of the way when a Neoshadow attacks.

June: Less commenting! More fighting!

Jose gracefully carthwheeled backward, dodging multiple laser shots and spears tossed at him. With a playful smile he opens up his umbrella and gives it a good swing to deflect the shots and electrocute Moonlanders. A couple charge at him with spears, one swings but he blocks diagonally before delivering a spin kick. When another soldier thrusts his spear Jose cartwheels backwards again and slices the spear in half much to Moonlanders shock before Jose knocks her out with a punch to the face.

Jose: Forgive me, I do not like to hurt a beautiful ripe flower such as yourself, but you know, you're invading our planet and I have to defend myself.

Without looks he impales a Neoshadow and tosses it away and when two Lance Soldiers thrust their lances Jose blocks and sends them bouncing up in the air by opening his umbrella. He leaps high in the air, slicing both Heartless appear faster than the blink of an eye.

Panchito dodges a punch throw at him before grabbing the soldier's arm and throwing him into another Moonlander. The rooster steps back dodging many shots sent his way by jumping and rolling. He quickly gets out his lasso and uses it to ensnare three Lance Warriors and spin them around, sending them crashing into a couple of Heartless and Moonlanders. When two more Moonlander fires he quickly uses his lasso to snatch their pistols. With an epic twirl he takes aim with both laser pistols and fires shots, electrocuting incoming soldiers and scaring them away. Two Large Bodies charge at him but Panchito kicks them both in the face before sliding on his back and destroying them with multiple laser shots. He fires more shots to disarm multiple Moonlanders before jumping back on his feet and twirling both his pistols with a smile.

Panchito: Hey, these guns are pretty cool! I think I'll keep them!

Xandra fired multiple arrows, either knocking out the Moonlanders, destroying their pistols and scaring them away. A swarm of Large Bodies jump at Xandra, for a while she struggles against them until she gets buried under a dogpile. With a shout she blows every single one of them away. A Large Body lands a punch on her face but Xandra doesn't even flinch. The Goddess of Adventure tackles it to the ground before lifting the heartless high above her head with a grunt and tossing it like a ragdoll into a couple of Moonlanders.

Xandra: If you guys wanna take down a Goddess like me you'll have to try much harder than that!

A Morning Star Heartless spins around and attempts to ram into Xandra but Humphrey tackles it to the ground. He grabs its arm, banging it across the ground and tossing it into more Morning Stars, ripping its arm in the process and using it to whack incoming Heartless large or small. Moonlanders charge at Humphrey but with a loud roar in their faces, he scares them and they're screaming for their lives.

Ari gets out two big metal spoons and uses them to repeatedly smash the helmets of two Moonlanders as though they were drums, comically disorientating and knocking them out. He finds himself surrounded by Heartless and Moonlanders, but he squawks without a care in the world.

Soldier 1: What did he say?

Soldier 2: I have zero ideas.

Ari gets out a wooden oar and uses his toon abilities to spin and swing it around, destroying multiple heartless and knocking out multiple soldiers. When more run towards him he gets out a terrifying sword and screeches before comically chasing after them. The Moonlanders are running and screaming for their lives as Ari comically slices away at them.

May fights off as much enemies as possible until a Large Body manages to smack her. She's sent flying and screaming to the pavement. She watches it proceed to crush her but her sisters impale it from behind, destroying it and they help her up.

April: You okay!?

May: I'm fine, but things are getting ugly real fast girls!

Panchito, Jose, Xandra, Ari and Humphrey gather with girls. All of them are in defensive position with their weapons as the army of Moonlanders and Heartless stalks towards them.

Panchito: Ay, ay, ay! There are too many of them!

April: June, this is the part where you're supposed to see an angle and think of a plan that'll save us!

June: I can't see any angles beyond this army!

Jose: We mustn't give up! Donald would tell us to remain strong no matter how bad it seems!

Xandra: We need more help! We need-!

Something crashes right behind the Moonlanders.

Xenoblade Chronicles – Unfinished Battle Music

Everyone looks to see the giant Mitzy looming above them all. The Moonlanders were in fear and Team Caballeros had their beak/mouths wide open in shock and amazement, Ari was so shocked his tongue was rolling out.

June: A giant monster to save us.

April: April's eyes are replaced with teary eyes. It's beautiful! And it saved our lives!

Xandra: What in Hades is that thing!?

Soldier 1: Fire at will!

The soldiers fire shots but unsurprisingly Mitzy is unaffected and merely lets out a vicious roar before whacking multiple soldiers and heartless with his tail. He grabs the equally large Spear of Selene replica and rips its half before tossing it away and releasing another roar. At that moment Team Donald (minus Donald) emerge and Fethry pets Mitzy.

Fethry: Good girl Mitzy!

Dewey: Did someone call for help!

May: Dewey, Webby, everyone!

Panchito: Two guys we've never met before…

Xandra: You're all here!

Della: No way were we gonna let you guys fight alone!

Gladstone: Last one there's a rotten egg! GERANIMOOOO!

Dewey: Gladstone is the first to dive off. Hey diving in first is supposed to be my thing! BANZAAAIII!

Dewey jumps off next and soon Della and everyone else follows.

Della: Hey, wait for me!

Webby: Save some for us!

Della, Daisy, Dewey, Huey, Louie, Webby, Lena, Violet, Gladstone and Fethry are all diving down and attack the remaining soldiers and heartless.

Fethry latches onto a Morning Star and forces it to stumble around uncontrollably and it ends up smashing Moonlanders and fellow Heartlesses. He jumps off and slide kicks a couple of soldiers off their feet.

Fethry: Gee, you guys seem real nice. Sorry about this!

Gladstone offers a flower to a female Moonlander.

Gladstone: Maybe this'll change your mind. She just vaporizes it and he steps back, pumping into a male soldier. Well, guess my charms and ruggedly good looks won't help this time. It's been a while but I suppose I'll have to save myself with my fists.

The soldiers fire and he quickly ducks. They electrocute each other and when more soldiers attacks Gladstone fights for the first time he's been known. He uppercuts a large soldier, jumps off a female one to double kick another Moonlander and when a soldier thrusts his spear he quickly dodges and grabs her side, tossing her into more soldiers. He punches a couple of Neoshadows and soldiers away.

Dewey runs around dodging multiple shots sent his way. He side jumps firing his own shots from his Quad Blasters, disarming the Moonlanders before knocking them out with electric shots. When a couple of Morning Stars spin towards him on both sides he quickly goes invisible and they slam into each other. Dewey reappears in the air and fires a barrage of electrified shots that destroy both large Heartlesses. He stylishly lands on the ground.

Dewey: I learned that move from a friend of mine. That's just how I De-wey it!

Della is faced with two Moonlanders and unfortunately she's recognised.

Soldier 1: It's that traitor, Della Duck!

Soldier 2: Get her!

One of the Moonlanders leap at Della but she quickly sends him flying back with a flip kick and when the female one thrusts her spear Della deflects it down with her metal leg before knocking her out with a spin kick from her other one.

Della: Gee, I'm really sorry about this! This is nothing personal! I'll find a way to make this up to you once this invasion's over…probably. Guys, whatever you do don't kill them! They don't know they're being tricked!

Huey: You don't need to tell us that Mom!

Huey sticks his guandao in the ground and spins around the other end, kicking and knocking out multiple incoming Moonlanders and Heartlesses in the process.

Louie has his goggles on as he becomes surrounded by multiple Moonlanders who have their spears and pistols aimed right at him.

Louie: Oh dear. I'm surrounded by a swarm of bad guys. Whatever shall I do? He summons his Khopesh. Oh, right!

He gently whistles and the Moonlanders contort with confusion as Khopesh glows and floats around him. They prepare to fire away until Louie whistles in a way that makes his Khopesh fly around, cutting their pistols in half and piercing through the Heartless. With a cocky smirk and without looking Louie catches his Golden Khopesh, the Moonlanders run for their lives screaming and the Heartless are destroyed. He twirls his weapon and blows smoke leaving its tip.

Daisy ducks a fist thrown at her before uppercutting the Moonlander and he crashes into a Neoshadow. Daisy summons Royal Sabre to swing at and deflect a couple of shots fired at her.

Daisy: Quackers! How many of these Moonlanders are all over the world!?

Daisy charges to slice their pistols in half before leaping to double kick them in the face.

Daisy: Sorry! Like Della said, it's nothing personal!

Some of the soldiers are by a tree; unbeknownst to them Lena was hiding in the shadows, sat on its branches kicking her legs about. With a smirk and her amulet glowing she looks down on the soldiers. They look up at her, preparing to fire only for their pistols to transform into crows that fly away.

Lena: Hi, nice to meet you guys. Here's a little welcoming present.

Lena casually forms ball of purple energy and tosses a couple of them, knocking out two soldiers and scaring the other one away. Violet comes out of hiding with her Energy Mace to swipe the soldier off his feet and disarm him of his pistol. He points her Mace and he holds his hands up. Right from behind a female soldier attempts to impale Violet but Webby arrives to stop the spear with her sword, pushing back against the soldier. The girls smirk to each other before fighting off the soldier together.

Daisy slices a couple of Lance Warriors apart and at that moment her nieces run up to her.

Duck Girls: AUNT DAISY!

Daisy: GIRLS!

Daisy bends and holds out her arms for her nieces to jump into and the 4 of them share a family hug.

Daisy: I'm so happy you're all okay!

May: We're happy you're alive too!

Dewey: May, April, June!

The Duckburg Six run up the Duck Girls and the 9 kids share a group hug.

June: You guys came back for us!

Webby: Of course we came back for you, we're family!

Xandra: The rest gather around and look up ahead with serious looks. We're not finished yet you guys!

Everyone looks to see another swarm of Moonlanders and Heartless approaching them.

Gladstone: Looks like we're out of luck today…

Fethry: Where do these things keep coming from!?

Panchito: Where's a secret weapon when you need one!

Della, Gladstone, Fethry, Daisy and the Duckburg Six exchange smirks.

Lena: Good thing for us, we found a secret weapon before coming here?

Xandra: What do you mean!

Della: They all look up to Mitzy who bends back. NOW! Let 'em have it bro!

Donald emerged from Mitzy running down her belly screaming and holding Dewey's Laser Sabre. When he arrives on the ground he attacks a Morning Star, dodging a punch before slicing its arm off and forcing it to drop down. He then beheads a Soldier heartless and Team Caballeros was in shock and awe.

May: No way…!

June: Is that…!

April: It can't be…!

Donald stands up and turns, revealing his face.

Team Caballeros: DONALD!?

Donald: Donald happily walks up to his friends. Hi guys.

Xandra: Donald…it's you!

Jose: You're alive!?

Panchito: How did you…?!

Donald: Donald rests the sabre on his shoulder with a smile. Sorry to have kept you. But it looks we've made it in time.

Dewey: Incoming!

They look to the Heartless and Moonlanders charging at them but Donald shows no fear.

Donald: Don't worry, I got this!

He suddenly swells with blue aura and electricity, activating 50% of his true power again before charging the enemies with a battle cry. He one-handedly slices a couple of Neoshadows and High Soldiers into pieces before leaping and smashing the tip of his sword through the ground so hard pillars of electricity emerge, destroying every single heartless left and making the Moonlanders fall on their backs in fear. Donald glares at the soldiers with his glowing eyes.

Donald: Do you all seriously want to have a piece of me! That'd be the worst decision for you all to make! NOW LEAVE!

Soldier 1: Retreat! RETREAT! THE MAGE GUY IS BACK!

The Moonlanders run, screaming for their lives from the Mage of Thunder. Donald gets up stylishly twirling the sabre with a smirk.


Donald: That oughta keep them away from here for a while.

The Duckburg Six gather around Donald shouting and cheering for him with joy. The Duck Cousins also proudly walk up to the Mage of Thunder.

Fethry: Way to go cuz!

Daisy: That was amazing Donald!

Della: Yeah it was! Della punches his arms and he smiles at that. 10 years I've been gone and you haven't lost your touch bro!

Donald: Donald chuckles. Thanks you guys.

Gladstone: Now that was something Donald! Remind me not to get on your bad side.

Donald: You're always on my bad side Gladstone.


With tears in their eyes April, May and June tackle Donald to the ground and hug onto him as tight as possible and he gladly returns it.

Donald: Hi girls! It's great to see you three again!




Donald: Not yet, May! And I don't plan on dying anytime soon.

Panchito & Jose: Amigo!

Xandra: Donald!

Donald gets up and shares a group hug with Panchito and Jose and then Xandra joins in.

Jose: You're alive my friend!

Panchito: We watched what Lunaris' horror movie! We thought we'd never see you again!

Donald: I'm really happy to see you guys again!

Xandra: We're happy to see you're alive! Welcome back home!

Ari tackles Donald and squeezes him arm. And to Donald charigin Humphrey lifts them both up in a bear hug and his cheeks puff.

Donald: Nice to see you too Ari…Bear Rug…!

Della: He's dropped down. Can you believe that we found him on deserted island in the middle of the ocean!

Huey: Barely conscious, but we managed to give him some medical attention before it was too late.

Daisy: Daisy holds his arm. My boyfriend, the survivor!

She gives a kiss on the cheek and Donald blushes with a smile.

Xandra: But, Donald…how is this possible? We watched Lunaris torture you and blow up the ship you were in! We thought he killed you.

Donald: Donald boastfully stands on his feet. HA! No one can hurt Donald Duck!

Jose: We thought you were a goner, amigo!

Donald: No way! It'll take way more than some lame Power Stone explosion to kill me! You know how I am when it comes to pain! You've seen it before.

Panchito: Yes, we've seen it before but we never knew you could withstand an explosion like that.

Louie: You'd be surprised with how often our coolest uncle gets hurt.

Gladstone: I swear, between me and lady luck it's like my cousin's immortal.

Jose: Jose hugs Donald again. Who cares how you survived! We're just happy you're alive amigo!

Xandra: They all smile with joy. After what happened in Mexico, I couldn't bear to watch any of you guys die again!

April: We're just glad you're that you're alive Uncle Donald!

May: Don't ever scare us like that again please!

Donald: Donald chuckles. I'll try girls.

June: That's all we ask for! I don't think I can handle another emotional heart attack like that.

Lena: You and me both sister!

Fethry: So Daisy, these are the little Daisy's you've told us about.

Daisy: Yup, meet my nieces! You guys!

Gladstone: Gee, it's like looking at girl versions of Dewdrop, Red Hat and Greener Pasture.

Huey: Huey deadpans. We have names, you know.

June: June takes notice of Gladstone and Fethry. Who are these guys?

Fethry: I'm Fethry, Donald and Della's favourite cousin.

Gladstone: Name's Gladstone Gander, AKA the Luckiest Duck in the World.

Team Donald: They roll their eyes. Oh brother!

Xandra: Xandra is unsure what to make of them. These are your weird cousins you told us about Donald.

Donald: Unfortunately…

Gladstone: Do you mind if I call three little ladies: A-May-zing, Juned-up and Yellow Bow. They're easier to remember. The Duck Girls shrug, not minding as Gladstone walks up to Jose. Say, you look fabulous! Love the outfit, goes well with your green feathers. Is that stuff made out of cashmere?

Jose: The both of them happily shake hands. Hey, this guy has a keen eye. I like him already.

Panchito: Panchito and Fethry shake hands energetically. Wow! You my red-wearing friend have the handshake of a professional wrestler!

Fethry: Right back at ya my new red-feathered rooster friend!

Della: Well, now that the intros are done how about we all get down to business.

Dewey: Donald's group looks to him. She's right! You take the floor coach!

Donald: Donald determinedly looks to Team Caballeros. Me and my team are going around the world and gathering as much allies as we possibly can. Lunaris has made his main front in Duckburg. With the allies we're going gather we'll form our army to fight back against him. But we need to get them fast. Xandra, you can use your Atlas to teleport us anywhere around the planet.

Xandra: Sure! As long as there's a zoom point I should be able to take you there.

Gladstone: Atlas?

Fethry: Teleportation?

Dewey: We'll tell you about it later.

Donald: So, Panchito, Jose! Whaddya guys say! I'd say it's time for the Three Caballeros to ride again! You boys up for another world-saving adventure!

Panchito, Jose and Xandra smile wholeheartedly.

Panchito: Of course I am!

Jose: You can count on us!

Donald: Xandra! Ready to take part in one last war against darkness!?

Xandra: It would be my honour Donald Duck! The world's under siege from a dark threat, Cabs and it's up to us to protect it!

Panchito: It will be just like old times when we fought Shellgoose and Felldrake in our college years.

Jose: We were college knuckleheads back then and we still our, we're just more dangerous to the enemy.

May, April and June run up to Donald with excited looks.

May: Hey, don't forget about us!

April: We're joining this army too!

June: If Lunaris wants a fight, we'll give him one.

Della: The adults smile proudly, especially Daisy. It's gonna be dangerous girls. Lunaris has made it clear he's gonna go after all you kids to break our spirits.

May: The Duck Girls show no fear. I say: bring it on!

Dewey: Yeah, May!

June: We're in danger of Lunaris killing us no matter where we are.

April: If we're gonna be in danger we want it to be with you guys!

May: You believe we can take care of ourselves, right Aunt Daisy?

Daisy: Of course I do. I've always believed you three are capable of defending yourself. And I won't let Lunaris hurt you no matter what because I'm going to be fighting with you!

April: Thanks Aunt Daisy!

Gladstone: But what about this city… and all its civilians?

Fethry: Yeah, we'll be leaving it undefended.

Xandra: Don't worry, the institute will be fine. We seem to have taken care of most of the Moonlanders and Heartless that invaded the city.

Jose: It should be safe for now, we don't mind leaving.

Panchito: Now it's time for the Three Caballeros to help the entire world!

Donald: Donald is stood in front of Ari and Humphrey. Ari! Bear Rug! You guys in too!?

Della: They both salutes and give sounds of agreement. I'm taking that as a yes.

Fethry: Wow, I love these guys already!

Xandra: Xandra walks up to Ari and Humphrey with her Atlas out. Ari, Humphrey, I've got a special job for the both of you.

She opens it up and with a finger snap, a portal emerges. Fethry is amazed and Gladstone gives an impressed whistle.

Xandra: I'm entrusting you guys to go and gather the friends and allies we made on our adventures together. Can you do that?!

Ari and the Bear Rug salute before jumping through the portal in hopes of searching from everyone. Xandra turns to everyone with her Atlas open.

Xandra: Alright guys! Gather around! While Ari and Humphrey gather allies from other worlds let's do that in this one. First stop: Ithaquack!

Donald and the gang gather around Xandra and with a simple finger snap they're all teleported.

Sora, Riku, Kairi, Ventus, Terra, Aqua, Roxas, Lea, Xion and Namine are riding through the Lanes Between on their Keyblade Gliders in their armour/cloaks with Isa hanging onto Lea and Chirthy with Ventus.

Sora: We should be getting close now you guys.

Isa: Yen Sid told us that Scrooge and Della had split up into teams. I recommend we split up too and help them both out in anyway can.

Ventus: That's a good idea.

Roxas: Hurry! Times running out!

Aqua: If Lunaris gets the Infinity Stone!

Terra: Then half of all life will be gone!

Kairi: Sora! We need to make some calls to our friends in Radiant Garden.

Sora: Good idea Kairi!

Sora gets out his Gummiphone and prepares to contact Leon.

Donald's team arrive back on Ithaquack which is surprisingly still unscathed.

Xandra: For those of you new to this experience, welcome to Isle of Ithaquack.

They all walk up the stairs towards Zeus' outdoor throne.

April: Wow! So Ithaquack is real?!

Huey: It sure is.

June: Loving the feeling from the sun right now.

May: This place looks amazing.

Panchito: I couldn't agree more.

Jose: Looks like a good place to sing.

Fethry: I knew this place existed!

Gladstone: Hey, hey, I'm loving this place. Maybe I should come here for vacation from time to time.

Della: Donald, Daisy and Della exchange deadpanning looks. Yeah, I wouldn't try that if I were you cuz. The guy who runs this place is a total jerk and I doubt even your luck can charm him into ever letting mortals take a vacation here again.

Speaking of that jerk, Zeus is in a humiliating predicament. Storkules and Selene are finishing tying up their father after rebelling against him and his vendetta against Scrooge. He violently struggles to escape his bounds.


Selene: Sorry, Dad, but these "worthless mortals", especially Scrooge and his family are our friends.

Storkules: And right now our friends and the Earth are in need of our Godly assistance! I'm sure you'll understand sooner or later.

Dewey: Storkules! Selene!

The two demigods look to see Donald's teams (Donald being out of view right now) running up towards them.

Storkules: Our friends! You've returned!

Della: Whoa! What happened here!? I thought you guys were grounded.

Selene: We were. That's the problem.

Storkules: So we rebelled against our father and tied him up so we may provide you all and the Earth our assistance with our Godly powers!

Lena: You guys tied up your old man! Whoa, now that's what I call guts.

Fethry: Fethry walks up to Storkules in excitement. So you're THE Storkules of Greek legend! I'm Fethry, Donald and Della's favourite cousin! Can I poke your muscles!?

Storkules: But of course! Any family of Donald is a friend of mine!

Storkules flexes a bicep and Fethry pokes it a little just as Gladstone speaks with Selene.

Gladstone: Hi, Gladstone Gander, Luckiest Duck in the world. This is a vacation spot, right? You don't mind me coming here from time to time to make the life of a beautiful gal like you and whoever else comes around here a little richer, do you?

Selene: Selene can't help but chuckle at Gladstone's charm. Such a charmer.

Everyone rolls their eyes at Gladstone's immaturity flirting but that's forgotten when Della remembers someone that causes her to smile.

Della: You guys…there's a certain someone who wants to see you.

Jose: I can only say one thing about this someone: He's a survivor.

Everyone splits in two for Donald to walk and reveal himself with a big smile. As a result, Storkules and Selene are speechless, especially the former, their beaks wide open in shock after having watched Donald seemingly perish in the Power Stone explosion.

Donald: Did ya miss me?

Selene: My gosh…is that…it can't be?

Donald: Donald waves. Hi Selene.

Selene: Donald?

Storkules: By Narcissis' reflection! Donald! Is that really you?!

Donald: Donald smiles at Storkules. Hey buddy. It's good to see you again.

Seeing that it truly is his best friend who he thought to have been killed Storkules along with Selene bursts into laughter. The God of Strength tackles his best friend, lifting him up in a massive bear hug that's taking all of Donald's strength to smile through.

Storkules: I can't believe it! MY DON DON! MY BEST FRIEND! YOU ARE ALIVE!?

Selene: Selene jumps into join the hug. This is a miracle! AN ABSOLUTE MIRACLE! WE'RE SO HAPPY YOU'RE OKAY DONALD!

Donald: Thanks you guys. It's good to see you again, even you Storkules.

Della: We were just as amazed as you guys.

Storkules: Storkules holds Donald out. I still can't believe the miracle that is before us! You survived my chum!

Donald: Donald smiles for real. Of course survived I you idiot. Don't you know who I am? It'll take more than a Power Stone explosion to kill me? You didn't really think an explosion like that would be enough to end me, did ya?

Storkules: Ha ha ha! I should've known full well that such an explosion is but a mere tickle from a feather for the Greatest Adventurer throughout the entire cosmos.

Selene: Your family is seriously out of this world, you know that? You continue surprising us Donald. Fist Della surviving space and now you surviving an explosion caused by an Infinity Stone?! I know we can do that but you're really lucky to be resilient enough to survive all of that combined.

Donald: Donald chuckles a little bit. I guess Gladstone's luck decided to rub off on me... He frowns for a couple second. …For once... either way, I'm here and ready to deal with those aliens! But to do that we're gonna need your help! So what do you guys say, you interested in joining our own army we're forming to counter Lunaris.

Della: Della happily joins them. It'll be just like old times, us adventuring together and kicking some villainous butt!

They all turn to everyone else with Storkules holding Donald under his arm.

Storkules: It would be our honor to fight alongside our friends in the heat of war!

Selene: Thought you guys would never ask! Ithaquack is safe from the Moonlanders and I'm sure father can handle them easily if they were to invade. She pumps her fist in determination. So, let's do it!

Lena: Looks like we got another two recruits.

Xandra: Alright! Where to next? She opens her Atlas. Disney Castle?

Huey: Not yet! There's another stop in Egypt we need to make!

Louie: We're gonna need the help of living mummies on our side for this war, especially our desert warrior friend!

Scenes shift to Egypt in front of the temple of Toth-ra where the group of Moonlanders that had tried to invade the temple are tied up together, their rockets being torn apart by Mitzy herself. Donald's team is stood in front of D'Jinn and Amunet.

D'Jinn: We thank you Donald and family for assisting us in our hour of need. It was much needed.

Amunet: Those Moon people almost broke into the temple. If you hadn't arrived we never would've been able to push them back and my people would probably never be able to see the light of day again. Thanks a lot guys.

Huey: Don't mention it. It was our pleasure to help.

Webby: We're just glad we made it in time before it was too late.

Amunet: So there really was a Moon God out there who could help.

Selene: Yep, except I'm a Goddess and a Greek one at that which is why you probably didn't know of me.

Donald: So D'Jinn, Amunet, what do you say? You both willing to join our army and help us end Lunaris' tyranny.

D'Jinn walks up and shakes Donald's hand before placing a fist over his heart.

D'Jinn: Donald Duck! Nephew of Scrooge McDuck, the finder of the lamp, I swear allegiance to the lightning and courage in your veins. United…we have the power to meet justice!

Donald: Works for me!

Amunet: Me and my Sun Tribe are more than happy to help you in any way we can.

Della: Della walks up and lightly punches Amunet. In that case, welcome to our team of family/friends!

Amunet: Amunet chuckles. I like this one. Though, I doubt my Tribe alone will be enough to match Lunaris' army of Moonlanders and monsters. He has like thousands of troops at his disposal.

June: No need to worry about that. We got it all covered.

Louie: Your army of living mummies won't be the only one we have at our disposal.

Dewey: Xandra! Do your thing and snap us to Disney Town!

Xandra: On it!

Xandra snaps her fingers again and everyone, including D'Jinn and Amunet are teleported once more.

Scrooge's group is in Scotland after taking a plane and bypassing rockets to get there. The Jeep and Ratcatcher were riding throw the rocky road and Gimzoduck and Demonworth are following them through the air. Scrooge and Goldie are sat at the front together with Launchpad driving.

Scrooge: Faster, Launchpad! We need to get to Castle McDuck now before it's too late! My parents lives depend on it.

Beakely: We'd really appreciate if you told us why we're rushing to Castle McDuck like this!

Officer Cabrera: And what does it have to do with the Soul Stone!?

Scrooge: When we arrive at castle I'll tell you all about it! Right now, we have to get there before Lunaris, or-!

All of a sudden the jeep and Ratcatcher screeches to a halt much to Scrooge's annoyance.

Scrooge: Why have we stopped moving!?

Launchpad: Uh…there's an alien roadblock right in front of us.

Scrooge looks to see blocking their way are a couple of Moonlander soldiers, Neoshadows, Lance Soldiers and Berserkers.

Soldier 1: Scrooge McDuck! Surrender yourself immediately! We have you flanked.

Darkwing and Gizmoduck defensively get in front of the jeep.

Darkwing & Gizmoduck: I've got this!

Gizmoduck: Jinx! You owe me a soda.

Darkwing growls hatefully just as Scrooge and the rest join them.

Scrooge: We don't have time to playing with you!

Goldie: Go crawl back to the rock in space you came from!

Soldier 2: If you won't surrender then we'll take you by force! Attack!

The Moonlanders and monsters charge, prompting Scrooge's team to get ready to fight.

Beakely: It seems we won't get through without a fight!

Launchpad: Bring it on baby!

Just as they got half way a flaming chakram flew in between, causing the enemies to halt in surprise before it sticks to a tree.

Beakely: What in the blazes!?

Scrooge: That chakram…? Is that…?

Lea: Burn! Baby!

Another chakram is thrown and slices through a couple of Neoshadows and Lance Soldiers. Shots of light are fired, destroying a couple more Heartless. An X-shaped energy destroys the Berserkers and a claymore smashes on the ground to create a blue flaming shockwave that blows away the Moonlanders and knocks them out.

Landing in front of Scrooge's astonished team were five black hooded figures carrying Keyblades, Chakrams and Claymore. They turned around bringing back their hoods and revealing themselves to be Roxas, Lea, Xion, Namine and Isa all smiling.

Scrooge: Roxas!

Launchpad: Lea! Isa!

Beakely: Namine! Xion!

Roxas: Hey, Scrooge!

Lea: Missed us?

Namine: It's wonderful to see you all again.

Darkwing & Gizmoduck: Humans?

Gizmoduck: Jinx! You owe me two sodas!

Officer Cabrera: Who are you people?

Goldie: I think intros are an order.

A couple minutes later Scrooge introduces Roxas' team to the rest of his team who don't know them and brings them up to speed. They were particularly surprised when they met Darkwing Duck in real life.

Scrooge: And that's pretty much our situation.

Roxas: We all know what's going on; Master Yen Sid gave us a summary of the situation.

Isa: We know about Lunaris, Maleficent, The Heartless and Nobodies returning, his trickery, his intentions with the Infinity Stones and…

The 5 humans looks down in sorrow and sadness over this last part.

Lea: What the sick bastard did to Donald…

Scrooge, Launchpad, Beakely and Goldie drop their heads in mourning.

Namine: We're so sorry for your loss, especially you Scrooge. Donald meant as much to us as he did to you.

Scrooge: Thank you lass.

Roxas: We're gonna help you Scrooge! Lunaris won't get away with this!

Scrooge: No he won't! I'll make the scoundrel regret he ever laid a hand on my nephew!

Xion walks up and bends down to Scrooge smiling kindly.

Xion: It'll be alright. Donald's still alive.

Scrooge: Eh?

Xion: Our hearts are connected with his. We'd know if he were dead. I'm sure Donald is alive out there thinking of you and fighting to find his way back home Scrooge.

Scrooge: Scrooge smiles gratefully. Thank you, Xion. I know. I know my nephew's alive out there somewhere. I may not be his father but he's like a son to me. I'd know if he were dead.

Goldie: Plus it'll take way more than a space explosion to kill the nephew of Scrooge McDuck.

Lea: Lea then looks to Darkwing. Who'd have thought though we'd be seeing Darkwing Duck in real-life?

Darkwing: You kids know about me?

Namine: Of course we do. Launchpad introduced us to your shows. It was strange at first but then it became fun to watch.

Lea: We got really hooked on it, even Isa. We became big fans.

Darkwing: So I'm popular even among humans, the kind that comes from other worlds.

Launchpad: Launchpad lightly smacks his back. That's right DW. There isn't a single world that your likeness can't reach.

Isa: I hate to break up this friendly discussion but I must ask, what are you doing in Scotland Scrooge.

Scrooge: Things have taken a turn for the worse for us. Lunaris captured half of my team after my plan to take him down failed.

Officer Cabrera: Now he's manning a rocket that's pushing the Earth out of orbit and revolving it around the Moon.

Gizmoduck: He's taken the Time Stone from the Money Bin, now he has for Infinity Stones.

Xion: Then we have to move quickly. If Lunaris gets the other two stones half of all life will become extinct!

Roxas: Do you know where the other two stones are?

Scrooge: The Reality Stone is with Lena who I sent away with Della to be protected. As for the Soul Stone… His expression becomes grim. It's in a very special place… which has reappeared earlier than it should. I need to head there now before it's too late.

Namine: We'll go with you.

Roxas: You'll need all the help you can get.

Scrooge: Thank you.

Beakely: If you five are here I assume Sora is too?

Isa: Yes, he went with Riku, Kairi, Ventus, Terra, Aqua and Chirithy to help Della's group. They should be able to protect Lena together.

Duckworth: I believe then, now would be a good chance to continue on then before Lunaris gets wind of this.

And with that everyone rides off towards Castle McDuck, Scrooge and the rest in the jeep followed by the Ratcatcher, Gizmoduck, Demonworth and the humans on their Keyblade Gliders (Isa rides with Lea since he doesn't use a Keyblade). Unbeknownst to them, Gibbous and Zenith emerge from some bushes, having followed Scrooge and heard every word that was said.

In Disney Town, the citizens are being evacuated underground by the castle knights and mages, though some are captured as the town gets ravaged by Heartless, Nobodies and Moonlanders the soldiers and mages are doing their best to destroy.

Mickey, Goofy, Minnie and even Pluto are in front of the castle gates, protecting it as best as they could from the enemies. Mickey blasts a couple of Nobodies with light spells from Kingdom Key W and somersaults to dodge lasers sent by Moonlanders before kicking them the ground.

Goofy deflects multiple laser shots fire at him with Save the King (KH3) before punching a Moonlander in the face and then another in the stomach before bashing some Heartless.

Shots are fired at Pluto and he runs around wildly to avoid them all before jumping and biting a Moonlander's arm, scaring him away and then tackling another to the ground.

Minnie slashes a couple of incoming Neoshadows and parries a couple of spear strikes from two Moonlanders before jumping and knocking one out with a spin kick to the face before dodging the other swing her sword to swipe her off her knees.

Mickey: Minnie! Look out!

Mickey tackles his wife to the ground just another shot is fired at her. More laser shots are unleashed but Goofy quickly deflects those away and more Moonlanders, Heartless and Nobodies approach them.

Goofy: Gawrsh! We're outnumbered!

Minnie: Goofy's right, Mickey! There's too many of them for us to handle! What can we do!?

Mickey: Keep fightin' you guys! We can't give up! Our people need us! We have to do our best to protect them.

Goofy: We need help! We can't do this on our own! If only Donald was here!

Mickey: Pluto is barking wildly at something in the skies. What is it boy?

Pluto continues barking loudly, prompting the rest to looks up too to see Donald dropping down from the air like a meteor shouting as loudly as he possibly could before and smashing Laser Sabre into the ground. Pillars of electricity erupt, destroying all the heartless and terrifying the Moonlanders. When everything subsides Mickey, Minnie, Goofy and Pluto are shocked with the figure in front of them surrounded in crackling electricity as he rose up.

Goofy: Is that…

Minnie: Donald…

Mickey: Is that you pal…?

Donald turns his head, smirking to his friends before looking back to the remaining Moonlanders before him. They step back in fear before turning and finding themselves surrounded by Della and the rest of the team with their respective weapons out. The Moonlanders quickly run for their lives before they could get torn about by the overwhelming odds against them.

Gladstone: Just in the nick of time! These guys aren't so tough!

D'Jinn: But they are very persistent. They will return with a bigger army.

Mickey, Goofy and Minnie all walk up to Donald in shock and happiness.

Donald: Hey, guys! He opens his arms up for a hug. Don't leave me hanging!

Mickey: Aww, pal! Mickey shares a hug with his best friend. You're alright!

Donald: Of course I am!

Goofy: Donald!

Goofy lifts Donald and spins him in a hug, laughing to his heart's content and Donald returns it happily. Minnie is the next to share a joyful hug with Donald.

Minnie: Oh, Donald! You're alive! Thank goodness! We thought we lost you forever!

Pluto tackles Donald and licks him as much as possible which Donald happily takes in with a laughter from the tickle.

Mickey: We watched what Lunaris did to you and Penumbra!

Goofy: We thought you were dead!

Donald: Luckily for me I was tough enough to survive that explosion. I was unconscious on a desert island until I was finally found by my family!

Daisy: Speaking of which, let us join in on this!

Della: Leave some happy reunion for us!

Minnie: They watch Della and Daisy run up to them. Della! Daisy!

Donald, Della, Daisy, Mickey, Minnie, Goofy and Pluto all share their first group hug together in over 11 years. The Sensational Seven are all together again.

Goofy: Oh boy! This is great!

Minnie: The 7 of us are all together again, at last!

Donald: YEAH!

Della: You got that right sister! The Sensational Seven are back!

Dewey and the rest of the team smile almost tearfully at the touching reunion happening before them.

Everyone now finds themselves in a hidden room of Disney Castle that has Della, Dewey, Webby and May absolutely amazed beyond belief. It's a high teach room filled with screens, terminals, swords, staves, shields, blasters and steps leading up to thrones which Mickey and Minnie are sat on together. In the centre is a holographic display table which the adults and 6 kids are sat around right now. The adventurous trio takes everything in.

Webby: WHOAA!

Dewey: What is this place!?

May: It's so cool! It has weapons, high-tech stuff and everything!

Mickey: I knew you three would like it. Welcome, all of you to my hidden war room.

Webby: Hidden war room! That is so cool!

May: This castle just became cooler!

Dewey: Quick! Touch everything that's dangerous!

Dewey, Webby and May press random buttons and play with random weapons, almost destroying the room in the process until they're held back by their respective groups and forced onto their seat.

Della: Gosh! This place is amazing! Look at all the amazing stuff around here!

Donald: Lunaris isn't the only one with his own secret war room.

Daisy: Mickey's had this all prepared for a couple months now.

Louie: How come you have a hidden War Room king?

June: Yeah, I thought war wasn't your style.

Mickey: Normally, it isn't.

Minnie: Mickey and I do not wish to partake in the flames of war… but after the Shadow War and the Keyblade War…

Mickey: We decided to make preparations for another war to come like this Moonvasion.

Goofy: That way, we'd be ready to find ways to deal with war.

Lena: Good thing you created this place then…considering that we are in a war.

D'Jinn: D'Jinn and Amunet face Mickey and Minnie. Your majesties, King Mickey and Queen Minnie, we've never met before. My name is Farris D'Jinn. It is an honor to be in your presence.

Amunet: The both of them bow down. I'm honored too your majesties. I am Amunet, leader of the Sun Tribe that used to worship Pharaoh Toth-ra.

Mickey: It's nice to meet you too D'Jinn and Amunet.

Minnie: But please, there's no need to be so formal with us.

Mickey: Just call us Mickey and Minnie. We aren't really accustomed to being addressed formally.

Donald: Donald motions to his cousins. And you guys remember Fethry and Gladstone, don't ya?

Gladstone: Gladstone waves. Mick, Min, Goof, Pluto, long time no see.

Fethry: It's great to see you guys again.

Goofy: Goofy waves. Howdy you guys. It's been a long time.

Mickey: It's good to see you again too Fethry…and you Gladstone.

Minnie: How've the both of you been?

Gladstone: Not too bad.

Fethry: Though, we'd probably be better if there wasn't alien invasion happening right now. The sci-fi movies kept warning me but I didn't take them seriously.

Minnie: Well, it looks like we're all gonna have to take those movies seriously now.

Storkules: His highness is right. The Earth is in dire peril and it is up to her warriors to protect…

Selene: The warriors being us.

Minnie: Let's review and go over the current situation and what we know about Lunaris' plans. Daisy, if you would…

Daisy: My pleasure.

Daisy presses a button and a holographic display of Earth and the Moon appears with several red points appearing on Earth.

Mickey: So as we all know the Earth is being invaded by Moonlanders, the people of the moon.

Goofy: And supporting them are Maleficent, Pete, the Heartless and the Nobodies… which is strange because I thought we destroyed them all.

Minnie: And leading them is this treacherous fiend…Lunaris.

A virtual display of Lunaris appears and all of them, especially Donald glare at him in hatred.

Gladstone: Yeesh…that is one ugly alien.

Donald: You can say that again.

Della: Lunaris has used the instruction manual he tricked me into giving up to be build fleet of rockets that are golden versions of MY Spear of Selene and using them to invade us.

Louie: The dude's main front is in Duckburg since Uncle Donald and Scrooge live there…

Huey: And he sees our family as his biggest threat.

Amunet: Makes sense. And judging by how the invasion spread to my home…he's fighting on multiple fronts.

Mickey: That's right. Lunaris doesn't just want Duckburg, he wants to enslave the entire world and his invasion has already spread to Disney Town.

Xandra: And the new Quackmore Institute.

Goofy: And Spoonersville.

D'Jinn: What is it that Lunaris seeks?

Gladstone: He's looking for those magic stone things, right?

Donald: You're right for once Gladstone. Lunaris is looking for the Infinity Stones.

Images of the 6 stones and Infinity Gantlet appear in the display.

Amunet: What are these Infinity Stones, exactly?

April: They're six crystals that control the most essential aspects of the universe.

Violet: The aspects they control are Power, Space, Time, Reality, Mind and Soul.

Jose: They're Six of these Stones and Lunaris already has 3 of them.

Panchito: He has that Power Stone which he stole from Planet Mars.

June: The Space Stone, he's always had since it's some family heirloom to him.

Donald: He stole the Mind Stone from me when he destroyed my staff.

Mickey: All Lunaris needs then are the Time, Reality and Soul Stone.

Minnie: We have no idea where the Soul Stone is.

Storkules: Indeed. The Soul Stone was lost eons ago. None knows of its location, not even us Gods.

Selene: Probably best that it stays that way so Lunaris won't be bothered torturing any of us to get its location.

Fethry: Fethry thumbs over to Lena. And the Reality Stone is with Goth Girl, over here?

Lena: Lighthouse boys, right? Lena opens her amulet to present the Reality Stone. The Reality Stone is safe right here.

June: …Which makes Lena the top of Lunaris' hit list.

Webby: Well, like we said, we're going to protect her…!

Louie: Even if it kills us!

Dewey: And the Time Stone is in Duckburg right now.

May: It's safe inside the Timetub.

D'Jinn: Why does this Alien fiend even seek these Infinity Stones? What's his master plan? Every villain in a story has a master plan?

Donald: I'll tell you Lunaris' plan: He's going to use the Infinity Stones to wipe out half of all life on Earth and enslave the other half. It's his way of breaking our spirits and will to fight back.

May: Well, we need to figure out how to stop this guy.

Gladstone: Yeah, I don't wanna get wiped out like that!

Daisy: We've went around the world gathering as many allies as we could to bring to Duckburg so we can help Uncle Scrooge's team there fight off Lunaris' main army.

Donald: Now that we're all together I say we go back home to Duckburg and help Uncle Scrooge right now.

Della: And we have to protect the Time Stone, if Lunaris gets it he'll come after Lena next for Reality Stone. Let's all go back to Duckburg and take down that maniacal Moon menace here and now.

Donald: With our army combined with Uncle Scrooge's rag tag group in Duckburg, Lunaris won't stand a chance this time!

Dewey: So we're finally gonna go back to Duckburg and heroically charge the enemy!?

Donald: That's exactly right, Dewey!

Dewey, Webby & May: YAAAY! The three of them exchange high-fives.

*Everyone give shouts of agreement…but Mickey and Minnie exchange grim looks as they walked over to them all.€

Mickey: Um…guys. They look to the Mouse Couple. I'm afraid it's too late to help Duckburg or protect the Time Stone.

Huey: What do you mean Mickey?

Minnie: I'm afraid the battle there has been lost…and Scrooge has gone missing.

Everyone: WHAT!?


Mickey and Minnie press a button and a holographic recording of the latest news in Duckburg with Roxanne Featherly appears. She and her cameraman are seemingly on a roof, hidden behind a large billboard of sorts.

Roxanne: This is Roxanne Featherly with what will probably be her final news update. My cameraman and I are hidden in Duckburg which has now become a magnet of devastation. *Donald's team gasps in shock. They're seeing Moonlanders, Heartless and Nobodies destroying Duckburg. *As you can see the entire town is being ravaged by Moonlanders and their monster soldiers. Scrooge McDuck had formed a small army to charge General Lunaris and take back our Duckburg but was completely outsmarted and outwitted. Now half of his group has been captured, the other half, including Scrooge himself have gone missing. Most of our citizens have either been captured or they've gone into hiding. My sources have also told me that Lunaris has broken into Scrooge's Money Bin for reasons we don't know yet.

Donald: Oh no…

Daisy: If he's broken into the Money Bin…

Della: The Time Stone…

Louie: Uncle Scrooge…

Dewey: Launchpad…

Webby: Granny…

Huey: Gizmoduck…

Violet: Fathers…

Roxanne: But that's not the worst of it people of the world. What's more horrifying is this…

The camera turns to the Planetary Engine stuck against the ocean, slowly freezing it into ice. The sight of it causes everyone to gasp in horror, especially Donald.

D'Jinn: By the Egyptian Gods!

Storkules: By the Greek Gods!

Daisy: Quackers! What is that!?

Louie: It's different from all the other rockets.

Donald: No…he's done it!

Roxanne: General Lunaris is using what he calls a Planetary Engine to push the Earth out of orbit. In a twist of villainous irony the Earth is slowly beginning to orbit the moon even as we speak, slowly freezing our precious planet and putting it in an eternal night. This time her expression becomes compassionate. I've never really been one to express words of compassion but for those of you survivors around the world crazy enough to fight the Moonlanders even after this disaster here, allow me to give you one piece of advice: stay as far away from Duckburg as possible…and don't die. I'm Roxanne Featherly and I'm being chased by a Moonlander Soldier. RUN CARL!

Roxanne and Carl run for their lives and the virtual news disappears. The room is filled with nothing but silence as everyone contemplates their losses in Duckburg.

Della: No…please, this can't be. Uncle Scrooge…couldn't have lost…he just can't…

Webby: Granny couldn't have been captured. I refuse to believe she and Uncle Scrooge lost!

Storkules: I can't believe it…first that fiend defeated Mighty Donald, Fierce Della and now Corporate Overlord Scrooge.

Selene: The old man didn't even get a chance to fight him.

April: Lunaris has actually done it. He stuck the giant rocket against the Earth…

Huey: And now the Earth is revolving around the moon.

D'Jinn: So then…this battle is lost.

Gladstone: It's official…we're doomed! We're all doomed!

Jose: Do you think Scrooge is…?

Minnie: I don't believe so. Roxanne would've reported Scrooge's death if they ever found a body. I'm sure he's gone into hiding somewhere to plan his next attack on Lunaris…but, I doubt it will do much good.

Amunet: What do we do then?

Fethry: There's nothing we can do!

Panchito: By now then…Lunaris has the Time Stone. He broke into the Money Bin and no one could stop him.

Xandra: Then with that done his next target…

Lena: They look to a fearful Lena being comforted by Louie and June. Is me. He's gonna come after me and the Reality Stone. W-what's gonna happen to me then…what's Lunaris gonna do to me?

June: Don't think about it, Lena. We'll do everything we can protect you, we promised.

Louie: We won't let Lunaris hurt you! We won't let you get hurt ever again.

Dewey: Louie, June, Lena this would be a really good time to use those angle seeing abilities and come up with a plan to stop that monster.

June: Leave Lena out of this dummy! Can't you see she's scared!

Louie: Plus, I can't see the angles or take control of anything when I'm under this much pressure! We're up against a maniac who almost killed Uncle Donald and Mom, destroyed my Uncle's Staff like it was paper, outwitted Uncle Scrooge and Goldie combined, conned his people, has Heartless and Nobodies under his command and is going to destroy us all with some magic stone things. How am I supposed to come up with a perfect plan against all that!

May: You guys are supposed to be the sharp ones! You figure it out!

Now Dewey, May, Louie and June get into a big argument with Huey and April trying to calm them down. Lena hugs herself in fear as Webby and Violet do their best to comfort her. All the squabbling spreads across the table. Mickey and everyone are arguing over what to do in regards to Lunaris and the Stones. Della looks down saying nothing and Daisy places a hand on her shoulder.

Daisy: Della…are you okay…?

Della: Honestly Daisy…I just don't know anymore. I…I'm just as clueless as Louie right now, I can't see an angle out of this problem. I don't know of a plan to defeat Lunaris…

Della looks down ready to throw in the towel once more but luckily, one man refuses to give up and remains sane unlike his friends and family. Donald bangs his fist so hard on the table electricity surges through it.

Donald: ENOUGH!

And with that…all the squabbling stops and everyone looks to Donald in surprise for his outburst.

Donald: No one won a battle by arguing and acting like a bunch of babies over one loss. We need to stay united under one foolproof plan!

Xandra: I hate to break it to you, Donald but Scrooge had a foolproof plan to fight Lunaris and it wounded up with half his group getting captured and the other half going into hiding.

Donald: We might be able to use that to our advantage. Beating me and Della and outwitting Uncle Scrooge and his girlfriend Goldilocks will add to his ego and give Lunaris a new sense of superiority that'll make him arrogant enough to believe we'll surrender and won't form our own army to fight him!

Lena: Yeah! Cause it's crazy!

Goofy: How do you expect us to beat him Donald? Lunaris is too powerful.

Mickey: He's right pal. Even you couldn't beat him. I doubt eve me and Sora could ever beat him. He's far too powerful for us.

Donald: You think I don't know that! Everyone looks to Donald getting angrier and desperate. None of you here understand that Lunaris has been in my head for 1 year ever since Magica sent a Shadow Army to destroy Duckburg with an Infinity Stone in her staff! Then I started having nightmare about him killing everyone I loved and kept close to my heart! Now he's here to turn that nightmare into a reality! Everyone is horrified with what they heard. I don't know what to do you guys! Lunaris is stronger than any villain I've ever faced before. I gave it everything I had; even my life and I still couldn't beat that monster! But I do know he only seems invincible because he has the Infinity Stones. What do we know about the glove he's using?

Violet: Judging by what we've seen the glove is a device that allows Lunaris to harness the power of not just one but all 6 Infinity Stones.

Louie: He probably needs that thing to kill half of all life.

Della: What if we could remove it?

Donald: You're onto something there Della. If we could somehow remove that stupid glove of his Lunaris will lose the source of his power. I've seen how over-reliant he is on that Infinity Gauntlet. I know full well if he didn't have it I'd have been able to beat him easily when we fought on the moon.

Daisy: But Donald…how do you intend to remove Lunaris' glove? Do you even have a plan?

Donald: Of course I don't have a plan. That's why I need all of you. We can defeat Lunaris together. Donald jumps on the table sternly walking around with his hands behind his back. I remember something Uncle Scrooge used to tell me that his great-grandfather used to tell him. Give me 12 islanders and bagpiper and I'll give you a rebellion. We may be a rag-tag group of losers now…but we'll survive like we always do. Donald summons Laser Saber, turning to his friends with a determined smile as he rose it in the air. …Because we're tougher! We're smarter! And we're sharper! Just follow my lead people and we'll win this battle square!

The entire team chants victoriously, invigorated by their leaders amazing speech and fill up with courage, more than willing to fight Lunaris' army now despite the impossible odds. Della jumps onto the table with Donald and shares a soul handshake with him.

Della: My bros right! We can't give up! The Earth needs us to protect here! We can stop Lunaris if we all work together!

Daisy: Daisy wraps an arm around Donald. I for one will always fight by your side Donald no matter what enemy we face. We'll face it together!

Dewey: If Uncle Donald believes we can win the so do I!

Webby: Me too! I've never doubted him before!

May: That goes triple for me!

The other kids all shout in agreement.

Storkules: Noble Donald, if your will has not been broken then I shall follow your example and keep mine as strong as yours!

Panchito: We will fight together!

Mickey: You're absolutely right Donald! We've faced countless of foes and we've always won because we faced them together! This battle with Lunaris won't be any different.

D'Jinn: Donald Duck, I pledge my sword to follow you in battle!

Goofy: And I pledge my shield!

Minnie: Let's face Lunaris together…as friends!

Gladstone: I'll make sure lady luck does everything she can to help us!

Donald: Alright, then! Let's get to work people! Louie, Lena, June, come here! The three of them got on the table and stood with Della. Alright, you 4 can see the angles better than anyone I know. Can you think of a plan to defeat Lunaris?

Della: Well, obviously we need to render him powerless against us.

Lena: And the best way to do that...

June: Is to take away the source of his power…

Louie: And that would be the Infinity Gauntlet. We need to find some way to restrain Lunaris long enough to remove that dumb glove off him.

Minnie: How do we do that?

Lena: Well, obviously we need to lead him here. He's after the Reality Stone so he'll come here sooner or later.

Louie: Along with an army of Heartless, Nobodies and Moonlanders we'll need to be ready for.

Mickey: We need to be careful not hurt those Moonlanders too badly.

Della: Yeah, they don't know that Lunaris is conning them.

Louie: Uncle Donald, you said that you needed a new weapon to defeat Lunaris, right?

Donald: That's right.

Gladstone: What kind of weapon are we talking about Donaldo?

Donald: The Lunaris-killing kind. The kind that'll be far more powerful than the keyblade.

Fethry: Shouldn't we all have a weapon like that.

Donald: Sorry, no offense. You guys are great and all but you simply lack the strength to wield weapons like these. Your bodies would crumble as your minds collapsed into madness.

Amunet: So how're you gonna get this new Lunaris-killing weapon?

Donald: The only one who can forge it for me is Hephaestus, the God of Fire.

Della: I'll need my sword repaired too.

Storkules: Hephaestus can indeed fix Godslayer and forge a new weapon but these days he does not reside in Olympus.

Selene: He has a new forgery out there in the lanes between.

Louie: Then we're gonna need the Gummiship to get there.

Mickey: I'll gladly have Chip and Dale prepare it.

Donald: Thanks Mick.

Louie: Ok then, so it's settled. Uncle Donald and his team will go to the Lanes between to forge that new weapon while the rest of us prepare an army to fight off Lunaris'. Then when we're all together I suggest most of us stay hidden in the shadows so we can prepare to ambush him and get ready to remove that Gauntlet.

Donald: Good plan, Louie.

Della: Della ruffles her youngest son's hair. My little boy, seeing the angles.

Donald: Louie blushes a little. So, who's willing to come with me?

Della: You can definitely count me in bro!

Gladstone: I'd like in on this little adventure myself.

Fethry: Me too! I'll gladly join!

Storkules: You shall need a guide to Hephaestus' otherworldly forgery. I shall join you as well Companion Donald!

Selene: Just make sure you stay okay out there, alright brother?

Storkules: Ha ha ha! Despite all I've survived my sister still worries about me.

Selene: It's only because I've worried about you that you survived.

Duck Boys: We'll help too!

Webby: Me too! I've always wanted to see an amazing superweapon be forged!

Violet wanted to speak but she notices Lena staring at her amulet in doubt.

Scenes shift to the castle's Collonade where Donald, Della, Daisy, the 9 kids, Mickey, Minnie, Goofy and Storkules are walking through.

Mickey: The rest of us will stay here and hold off Lunaris' army.

Violet: Is Maleficient likely to appear?

Minnie: We're not certain. But she's bound to appear sooner or later.

Louie: Xandra should be getting Amunet's army of living mummies and the reinforcements he had Ari and the Bear Rug try to find.

Webby: Webby and Louie look to Lena in concern. Lena, are you sure you want to stay here?

Louie: Yeah, you don't have to do this. You can come with us and you'll be safe from Lunaris.

Lena: The only way this plan will work is if I stay here to lure Lunaris the moment he tries to find me.

Louie: But-

June: Relax, you guys. June wraps her arm around Lena with her sisters by her side smiling. We'll stay here and protect Lena.

May: With bodyguards like us Lunaris won't even touch her.

April: We'll do everything we can to protect her.

Violet: Violet touches Lena's other arm. I will stay here also, you're my sister after all.

Lena: Thanks Vi.

Daisy: I'll stay here too and look after these kids. An adult helping out with protecting Lena should give some reassurance.

Donald: Though Donald is confident, Huey is nervous. Thanks Daisy. It does.

Huey: Violet, are you sure about this? This is dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt.

Violet: I'll be fine, Hubert. There's no need to worry. Don't you trust me.

Huey: Of course I do, it's just that- well…

Goofy: Maybe we should give a call to Sora. He could be a big help.

Gladstone: I've heard about him. Isn't he that human keyblade wielding kid?

Della: That's him. Nice kid!

Mickey: I'm way ahead of you Goofy. Sora, gave me a call earlier to tell me he'll be arriving right about-

Minnie: They hear noise of what sounds like keyblade gliders flying. Now!

They run outside to see 6 human armored figures and some sort of cat flying towards them on Keyblade Gliders, the center one giving a salute.

Donald: It's them!

Della: Wait, who are those other 3 and the cat thing with them? I only recognize Sora, Riku and Kairi.

The 6 figures jump down and stood tall, their armor being dismissed to reveal themselves as Sora, Riku, Kairi, Ventus, Terra and Aqua all smiling brightly.

Dewey, Donald & Goofy: Sora!

Huey & Mickey: Riku!

Webby, Daisy & Minnie: Kairi!

Louie: Ven! Terra!

May, Apri, June: Aqua!Chirithy!

Sora: Donald! Goofy!

Aqua: Donald! You're alive!

The World-travelling trio ran up to each other and grabbed hands, sharing a joyous reunion and so did the rest.

€A couple minutes later Sora and his team are brought up to speed on everything that's happened and introduced to Della, Gladstone and Fethry.*

Aqua: We're all so happy you're alive Donald. We were worried sick!

Donald: Huh? What do you mean?

Ventus: Master Yen Sid told us the star that's linked to you was blinking out.

Chirithy: Chirithy pops up Ventus' shoulder. We knew that meant something terrible had happened to you.

Sora: But it looks like you're a lot tougher than we thought. You survived! We were scared to death!

Donald: Donald sheepishly chuckles. Sorry I worried you all, but I'm fine. I managed to survive the explosion and crash landed on Earth.

Gladstone: Luckily we managed to find him on a deserted island.

Kairi: That's a really big relief.

Riku: Donald, you never cease to surprise us.

Della: Della walks up to the Wayfinder Trio. So, you guys are Ventus, Terra and Aqua?

Ventus: Yup! That's us! But my friends call me Ven for short.

Chirithy: I'm Chirithy.

Terra: And you're Della, right? Donald, Sora, Riku and Kairi told us a lot about you.

Aqua: It's wonderful to finally meet you Della.

Della: It's really awesome to meet you guys too!

Sora: Congratulations, Donald! You finally found your sister!

Donald: The twins happily wrap their arms around one another. You bet I have!

Della: The Duck Twins are back baby! Woo-hoo!

Riku: Listen, we all know about Lunaris, the Moonlanders, Heartles, Nobodies and Infinity Stones. Yen Side explained the whole situation to us.

Sora: Looks like the situation level is at 11. We've got our work cut out for us.

Kairi: We know what we're up against and we want to do everything we can to help you.

Ven: You guys helped us more times than we can count. Now it's our turn to save your world.

Minnie: Thank you! With everything that's happening we could use all the help we can get.

Gladstone: I think I'm gonna like these kids.

Fethry: Yeah, me too. These kids are real nice!

Storkules: A fine group of warriors you all are!

Kairi: Thank you.

Sora: So what do you guys need?

Donald: Time, Sora, as much as you can buy us.

Webby: And we need you to protect Lena since Lunaris will be coming after her.

Terra: We'll do whatever you need us to do.

Donald: Mickey, can you lead our army in battle while we get our new weapons.

Mickey: Of course. I'm not King of Disney Town for nothing. I'll lead the fight against Lunaris' army; you focus on getting that new weapon.

Sora: What kind of weapon are you getting exactly?

Donald: The Lunaris killing kind.

Dewey: It's gonna be unlike anything you've ever seen before! Way more powerful than any keyblade!

Chirithy: Wow! Really!?

Della: Yup!

Gladstone: Um…I hate to disturb this friendly banter but we've gotta go before Lunaris finds us.

Louie: Mickey here will introduce you guys to the rest of our friends and army. He'll bring all of you up to speed.

Aqua: Of course. But before anyone goes we have something to give.

Aqua snaps her fingers and two black bags appear in Donald and Goofy's hands much to their surprise.

Goofy: Hey, what are these!?

Terra: Master Yen Sid wanted to give the both of you some new outfits.

Kairi: They work like our ones, they'll protect you from the darkness and they hold special powers too.

Donald: Everyone smiles in excitement and gratitude. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I was wondering when Master Yen Sid would give the two of us some new clothes, considering how ripped up these ones are!

Goofy: Now we'll have special powers like yours.

Sora: Yeah! Pretty cool, huh!?

Daisy: You guys need to get going.

Storkules: Indeed! We must make haste if we are to save the world!

Donald puts down his bag and holds Daisy's hands, both romantically looking into each other's eyes.

Daisy: Donald…you be careful out there. I almost lost you once today. I couldn't bear it if happened for real this time.

Donald: Donald rubs Daisy's face. Despite all I've survived my love life continues to worry over me.

Daisy: It's only because I've worried over you that you've survived. Both of them chuckle. Something always comes up that force us to separate.

Donald:Don't worry, Daisy, I'll be fine. It's not like you won't know where I am this time. I promise I'll be back soon.

Daisy: I know you will.

Donald and Daisy share a hug and Della wraps an arm around her brother.

Della: Don't worry Daisy. Donald won't be getting killed today because I'm gonna be there with him.

The duck trio laugh together. Lena, May and June exchange words with Dewey, Louie and Webby.

Webby: Lena, are you absolutely sure you want to do this.

Lena: I am. Like I said, I've gotta stay here to lure Lunaris and make Louie's plan of ambush work.

Louie: I just hope my plan doesn't result in you being killed.

Lena: Lena rubs Louie's face. If I'm killed it won't be your fault Lou.

June: And like we said, we'll be here to protect Lena matter what.

May: That's right. Lunaris better watch out! He won't be able to handle girl power!

Dewey: With that kind of spirit and daring attitude how could we not trust you guys. You all take care.

May: We can say the same for you Dewey. Good luck out there.

Dewey and May share a hug. Lena takes Louie and Webby's hands.

Webby: Just stay safe Lena.

Louie: We'll be back for you as soon as we can.

Lena: I know you will.

Lena shares a hug with her boyfriend and best friend, Louie then shares a hug with June. Donald, Della, Gladstone, Fethry, Dewey, Louie, Webby and Storkules walk to the door while Huey speaks with April and Violet.

Huey: Are the two of you absolutely sure about this?

April: We'll be fine. Woodchuck's honour, we'll do our very best here. You can count on it.

Violet: Lena needs me, she needs all of us. I give you my word I'll be fine Hubert.

Huey: Alright… Huey sheepishly looks to Violet. And Vi… there's something I need to tell you. Violet listens carefully. What you said back there before. It's not that I don't trust you, I trust you more than anyone. It's just that-

Violet cuts him off by grabbing his collar and pulling him in for a kiss which they both share together. Everyone smiles at the scene and the girls all coo before Violet pulls back as her boyfriend blushes and she holds his chin.

Violet: I know.

Huey feeling a little content smiles brightly, nods to April and joins his brothers. Donald grabs his bag and holds it over his shoulder.

Donald: We'd better get going. Good luck you guys. We'll leave everything up to you 'till we get back.

Della: Remember to never give up.

Sora: Not our style to give up.

Mickey: You all take care.

Goofy: We'll hold of Lunaris' army as long as we can.

Ventus: We'll show Lunaris what us keyblade wielders are capable of.

Dewey: Yeah! And I'll catch up with you guys in no time flat in that department.

Kairi: This surprises everyone. What? Dewey, you want to be a Keyblade Master.

Dewey: Well, duh! Of course I do. I mean, Sora's been teaching me how to use a keyblade whenever we have a chance to hang out together. I'm trying to learn how to wield one.

Everyone: WHAT!?

Gladstone, Fethry, Huey & Louie: YOU!?

Dewey deadpans at his relatives, especially his brothers.

Dewey: Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence you guys.

Riku: Sora is this true? Have you really been teaching Dewey how to wield a keyblade?

Sora: Sora proudly smiles and places his hands behind his back. Yup! And I have no regrets doing it.

Donald: I guess Dewey's bound to wield a Keyblade sooner or later after that bequeathing ceremony you gave him Sora. And yeah, I did see it.

Now the humans, Mickey, Minnie and Goofy are absolutely stunned.

Everyone: YOU DID WHAT!?

Aqua: Sora! You bequeathed Dewey with a Keyblade!?

Sora: Yeah, it was after the Dream Festival.

Dewey: Sora and I had a talk and he decided to bequeath me with his powers.

Della: What does bequeathing mean?

Mickey: It means passing down the power.

Chirithy: I've seen it before. Keyblades are passed down to people depending on two things: whether if they've touched a Keyblade before and the strength of the hearts.

Terra: A bequeathing ceremony tests that out. It's done to pass down the power to a newer generation. It was done between me and Riku once.

Riku: Terra passed his power down to me through a ceremony. That's how I came to wield a Keyblade.

Webby: So bequeathing is basically passing the torch of keyblade wielding to the new generation. That's so cool!

May: And you can become Keyblade wielders just from touching a Keyblade! That's double-cool!

Aqua: But Sora, why would you bequeath Dewey with the power. Being a Keyblade wielder comes with so much danger and responsibility. Why would you wish your life on somebody else?

Dewey: Hey, I can handle a little more danger. I go through it every day?

Sora: I'm not wishing my life on anyone Aqua. I just felt someone in the Duck Family should have the power to wield a Keyblade too. Dewey was the perfect choice for me. He smiles at Dewey. He reminds me of myself when I was his age and younger. He's got a good, strong heart, he cares about his family and the people he loves, especially Webby and after hearing his reasons for becoming stronger I knew he was the best successor for me.

Everyone smiles proudly at Sora and Dewey.

Ventus: Well, when you put it that way, I'd say you did the right thing Sora.

Minnie: Oh, yes, I agree.

Lena: Makes sense to me.

Violet: Considering their similar personality Dewford would be the logical successor for Sora.

Webby happily places a hand on Dewey's shoulder.

Webby: Personally, I think a Keyblade is perfect for my guy here! He's more than worthy of wielding a Keyblade in my eyes.

Dewey: You really think so Webs?

Webby: Of course. I know you can do so much good with your Keyblade.

Della: Della bends and places an arm on his other shoulder. Webby's right sweetie. In my book you more than deserve to wield a Keyblade. Anyone related to me deserves it!

Donald: You can say that again.

Storkules: Any relative of the legendary Donald Duck is more than worthy to wield a Keyblade. In fact, I deem Intrepid Dewey worthy of having one, considering his bold brand of bravery and goodness just like his uncle.

Dewey: Thanks guys.

June: So what were your reasons for wanting a Keyblade in the first place?

Dewey: Dewey looks to Webby and then to Sora. For now I'll keep that my little secret. But, I'll tell you all one day.

Louie: Meh. Fair enough.

Dewey: Dewey walks until he's facing everyone. You know, you all may not have noticed but whenever we faced those Moonlanders and their monster squads I've kept trying to summon a Keyblade… He frowns in frustration. But it just doesn't seem to work. Dewey looks at his palm. I just can't seem to get mine to materialize no matter how hard I concentrate. It must be in the snap of the wrist or something.

Ventus: Well…in our experience Dewey, we use our hearts to summon our Keyblades, not our heads.

Dewey: You use your hearts to summon your Keyblades? He holds out his wrist. I guess I can give that a try but I'm not sure how to make it-

Before he could finish his sentence a blue blast of light emerges in his hand and for the first time ever, Dewey summons his Keyblade.

Dewey's Keyblade is basically a blue and yellow version of Sora's Ultima Weapon (KH3). The sword within is shiny blue.

Dewey: Oh! There it is.

Donald, Sora and everyone are astonished beyond belief to see Dewey summons his Keyblade so soon and its resemblance to Sora's best weapon, only it's a little smaller to contemplate for Dewey's size.

Everyone: WHOA/WHAT!?


Dewey: Now this is way past cool! Lunaris had better watch out now because Dewey the Keyblade Warrior is in the house. He gives his Keyblade an epic twirl before posing. Let's Dewey this!

*And with that, Donald's team departs. The 8 Ducks and Storkules have boarded the Gummiship. Donald and Della are at the controls, pressing a couple of buttons.9

Dewey: You think you can pilot this, Mom?

Della: Please, if I can pilot a giant cargo plane and a rocket, I can pilot anything.

Donald: You'll do great Della.

Webby: Oh boy! This is gonna be awesome!

Donald: Alright, Chip and Dale! Hit it!

In the control room Chip and Dale push down the lever and a blast off exit opens. Della points out.

Della: Blast off!

Dewey: To Hephaestus' forgery!

Donald: Donald widens his eyes in horror. OH NO! I COMPLETELY FORGOT!

Fethry: What is it cuz?!

A large arrow pointing down appears and the Gummiship falls down the hatch below. Everyone inside screams until they get it together when they arrive in the lanes between where the ship is straightened out and the engines ignite, allowing it to blast off.

Storkules: By Helios' chariot!

Gladstone: What was that!?

Della: That wasn't a blast off! That was a drop-off!

Donald: It was a budget issue.

Louie: Mickey owns a castle! He should be rich, how could he have budget issues!

Huey: We'll ask him later…if we survive in one piece.

Della: Don't worry sweetie, with me at the wheel what's there to worry about.

Everyone: Everything.

Della groans in annoyance. The Gummiship soars across the Lanes Between and they head off to a new destination.

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