Ducktales Movie 3 - Moonvasio...

Por LandofEvil42

4.8K 12 20

Ducktales Movie 3 - Moonvasion Infinity War Más

Moonvasion Infinity War Part 1
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 3
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 4
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 5
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 6
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 7
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 8
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 9
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 10
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 11
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 12
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 13
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 14
Moonvasion Infinity War Part 15

Moonvasion Infinity War Part 2

264 1 0
Por LandofEvil42

After revealing Donald injured and barely conscious to the family Lunaris walks over to the opening evilly.

Lunaris: I know what it's like to feel so desperately that you're right...only to fail.

Lunaris walks over and looks down at Donald injured and broken but weakly trying to move. The tyrant lifts Donald up by his collar, causing Donald to groan, grunt and choke in pain as he cltuched Lunaris tightly with the tyrant moving closer to the camera screen.

Lunaris: It's frightening. The legs turn to jelly. If I ask you to what end? Dread it, run from it, destiny will arrive all the same. And now it is here. Or should I say...I am...

Lunaris holds up his gauntlet with an evil grin, the Power, Space and Mind Stone glowing brightly much to the shock of everyone in the room.

Louie: What are those things!?

Scrooge: Infinity Stones!

Storkules: By Odin's beard! The fiend already has 3 of them, even the Mind Stone!

April: What are these Infinity Stones!?

Storkules: The Infinity Stones are the greatest power in the universe! One stone is unparalleled in it's destructive capabilities! Together...all 6 are instruments of mass destruction!

Lunaris forces Donald on his knees, holding up his head as his beak spills out blood.

Donald: talk too much...

Lunaris: The Infinity Stone. Such remarkable artefacts, dating back to the day this universe was created. And now I have three of them. This mage was rather brave and foolish enough to challenge me despite my overwhelming power, along with my former lieutenant. I'm sure you're familiar with her Della.

The camera then turns to former Lieutenant Penumbra (helmetless) lying on her back bruised, tattered, bleeding and clutching her stomach in pain. She groaned helplessly on the floor.

Webby: Who's that!?

Della: Penny!

Daisy: That's your best friend!

Lunaris: The screen turns back to Lunaris. I suppose you are all wondering how this happened? How your greatest champion ended up on my planet? Why is he in this battered and broken state? Why my lieutenant I had fought alongside with in the pass has been brutally injured? And why do I have three Infinity Stones and what do I intend to do with them. Allow me to show you. You see...I've been planning on invading this planet for years now. My plan was simple, enslave the Earth and cement the Moon's place as the greatest planet in the universe. The only problem was that only one of my soldiers was a warrior, that being Penumbra and I did not have a form of transport I could use to get to Earth. The Space Stone has been a part of my family for generations. I had originally used it to teleport to your planet but unfortunately... An image of Disney Town and the Cornerstone of Light appears. ...Your cursed Cornerstone of Light blocked my passage to Earth. Not even the Space Stone could bypass the power of this wretched rock.

Minnie: Mickey and Minnie sigh in relief. What a relief.

May: Isn't the Cornerstone of Light that being ball of light underneath your castle.

Minnie: Yes, that's right May. The Cornerstone is our castle's most cherished items.

Mickey: The Cornerstone has always safeguarded our entire world from truly evil beings with so much darkness in their hearts. I guess it also applies to other planets too.

Lunaris: I was on the verge of giving up until...opportunity had knocked when a rocket had blasted off from Earth. Such a vehicle was exactly what I need so I created the cosmic storm using a special device of mine to have it crash land on my planet.

With that…the entire room was deathly silent; Della especially was shocked.

Della: What...?

Lunaris: And I knew Della would try to send transmissions to Earth. I couldn't allow her to leave the Moon, so I intercepted every single one of them to ensure no member of her family would ever come to save her.

Della: Della looked like she was about to cry. The cosmic storm… my transmissions never reaching Earth…?

Dewey: They were all because of Lunaris...

Louie: We've been orphans for a decade...

Huey: Uncle Donald's been an only child for years...

Scrooge: I've been nothing but an old miser for over a decade...

Della: All these years I've missed with my boys… my family… it was all because of Lunaris. How could he?

Lunaris: Eventually, after patiently waiting for 10 years I decided to finally make my appearance. Gaining your trust Della was easy, considering your desperation to go home to your precious family. It was even easier to turn my people's admiration towards you into betrayal after the so-called malfunction in your rocket gave you no choice but to return home without fulfilling your promise to take them to Earth.

Most of the gang, especially Della growl at Lunaris' cruelty.

Lunaris: My plans were finally in motion…and then to my great surprise the Spear had crash-landed once more and this time with a different visitor. Allow me to show you all through these clips the events that unfolded here.


The entire teams watches clips of The Spear of Selene landing in a forest near Donald, his investigation of it and his accidental launch into space. Della curses herself for her stupidity and carelessness.

Donald arriving on the moon, proud of his amazing transformation into his world travelling attire, facing off Lunaris for the first time and tossing Save the Queen at him. But they are completely horrified and shocked when Lunaris effortlessly catches Save the Queen with just two fingers.

Donald: It's…not possible!

Lunaris: My friend…you have no idea what's possible.

Save the Queen is shattered into pieces much to the horror of Donald and everyone watching the clip, especially Della, Scrooge, Storkules and Selene.

Donald fights off the Moonlanders, his cape getting torn in the process. They're amazed and cheering him on but eventually he's ensnared in a net and Lunaris knocks him out with a punch to the face.

They are annoyed and unimpressed when Lunaris takes advantage of Donald's voice to spread his propaganda.

Moonlander: What did he say!?

Lunaris: He said…DEATH TO THE MOON!

Donald is muzzled, Lunaris motivates his people further and promotes Penumbra but Della could tell she was nervous about this lie she's being forced into.

Donald's muzzle is removed and he's in a cell. He and Lunaris exchange words and Donald is furious. To Della's relief Penumbra helps Donald out after a brief fight between them, proving what a true friend, she is.

The gang is utterly amazed when Donald fights off the Moonlanders in the barracks, first with just his legs then with his arms crossed before finishing them off. What pleases them is his unwillingess to kill them since this isn't their fault. His foot ends up getting smashed by a dropping bunk bed.

Donald: OW! HOT BELGIAN WAFFLES! Wait...I'm alone! I can swear for real! He takes a deep breath. SON OF A FU-!

Lunaris pauses and chuckles nervously as the rest cover their ears.

Lunaris: My apologies…I did not know about them.

Xandra: Yep…that's him alright.

Scrooge: I haven't heard him swear like that since the bookcase fell on his foot

Daisy: Sometimes we have to put up with it in the castle

May: You're joking, right?

Della: Nope. Heard if plenty of times.

Beakely: Highly unacceptable.

The video continues, Penumbra is impressed with Donald's skills, he talks about his staff, they realize they have something in common. They become good friends which Della is happy to see.

The both of them fight off Heartless, Nobodies and Moonbots together. Xandra, Panchito and Jose were shocked to see a Moonbot.

Xandra: Lunaris has a Moonbot!

Dewey: What are these Moonbots supposed to be?

Panchito: It is a long story. It was during our college years when we had an adventure on the Moon too.

Della: Wait! You guys already went to the Moon?

Jose: Again...long story.

They continue watching, amazed with Donald and Penumbra working together and Donald not needing Save the Queen, Webby particularly admires Penumbra.

Donald and Penumbra snoop into Lunaris' top secret files of war. Everyone, especially is beyond horrified to learn that Lunaris has been spying on them for so long now. He's been researching anyone who may be a threat to his invasion, including their otherworldly friends like Sora. He's particularly been doing a heavy amount of research on Donald, analysing his every move and preparing to fight him.

They see videos of his failed attempts to get to Earth, including the hilarious failure to use the Space Stone which Micikey and Minnie deduce was because of the Cornerstone of Light.

They're horrified by the video of the destruction of Mars, understanding why it's a red barren wasteland with no life forms and Lunaris acquiring the Power Stone. Obviously, Lunaris has skipped the locationd data of the Reality and Time Stone.

*What truly scares and horrifies them is Lunaris' plan to ravage Earth, make it revolve around the moon and use all 6 stones to destroy half of all life.8

Daisy: He's going to destroy half of all life...

Goldie: And enslave the other half...

Scrooge: And put the Earth in a new ice age.

Della: No...

Lunaris arrives, knocking out Penumbra and beginning his fight with Donnald. At first, Donald's attempts were futile but once he powers up and dons his Court Magician attire things heat up and Donald fights on even grounds with Lunaris.

Della: WOO-HOO! Get him bro!

Xandra: That's the way Donald!

Mickey: Way to go pal!

Panchito: Amigo!

Duck Boys: Best Uncle!

Goldie: Is that really your nephew Scrooge!?

Scrooge: Aye! It certainly is!

However, their joy was short lived as after a while Lunaris powered up by placing the Miind Stone in his gauntlet. Donald fought valiantly in his Caballeros armoru which Xandra, Panchito, Jose and Ari were pleased to see but in the end it was futile.

Everyone was horrified to see Donald's spells turned against him and knock him out of his formchange. They were absolutely mortified when Lunaris smashed him so hard in the area above his groin and the scream of pain was hard to hear.

Scrooge and everyone was stupefied to see despite Donald's best efforts Lunaris dodges his attacks and ploughed through his Double Ultima Spell like nothing. Donald is mocked before getting sent back to the secret war room.

The kids become terrified when Lunaris threatens to kill them, Scrooge is disgusted to see hear he's targeting the kids to break his spirit and Della and Daisy become fearful for their lives too.

Everyone is touched and amazed when Donald goes red with rage and viciously assaults Lunaris, giving a hilarious beatdown until he's temporarily knocked out.

Della, Scrooge, Daisy and the rest are proud when Donald unleashes his 75% true power state and clashes with Lunaris once more in a fight for them.

Donald and Penumbra work together to fight Lunaris but despite their best efforts they were no match for him. Penny is given a painful beatdown and Donald gives Lunaris all he's got until he lands a blow in the stomach after avoiding his punching barrage much to everyone's amazement as Donald smirks.

Despite that, he's still getting beaten. They watch and hear Donald make a speech about how his family and friends give him strength and how his arrogance and temper is his pride as a memeber of the McDuck Clan. To hear this truly touches their hearts as he powers up as much as possible but then some become horrified when he prepares to unleash a Zettaflare!

Mickey: No…Donald, you're not attempting that suicidal spell again!

Minnie: Donald, don't do it!

Goofy: That spell's gonna kill you!

Daisy: Donald, no!

Beakely: Has he gone mad!

Della: What's wrong!? What's Donald doing!?

Scrooge: He's using a spell that draws power from his life force! It's his most powerful and dangerous spell and it could result in him getting killed!

Dewey: Uncle Donald used it once during the Shadow War and almost died!

Mickey: And he used it agaiin in the Keyblade War! He's lucky to be alive!

This horrified Della and those who never heard of Zettaflare.

Violet: But in his 75% true power stat such a spell could put an immense toll on his body!

Della: You mean there's a good chance my brother could've died! NO DONALD, DON'T!


When Donald unleashed the most powerful Zettaflare ever Della and the gang were in sheer awe at the blast, Donald and the electricity engulfing the entire moon.

Panchito: Ay, ay, ay…

Xandra: That was awesome…

Della: Since when could Donald pull off a massive beam like that.

Storkules: I had no idea that Mage Donald had such a spell hidden in his reserves of spells. What hardship did he go through his training.

Louie: I don't think training had anything to do with this…

But once again the celebration is short-lived as Lunaris emerges with only a few bruised and engulfs Donald in a massive sphere of energy that severely injures and weakens him.

Penumbra attempts to save him only to get impaled and blasted.

Despite Donald's best efforts he's beatem badly, Caballeros Sword and Centurion get destroyed, Lunaris mocks him and beats him to death but to their amazment Donald continues to fight on but also to their horror he's mercilessly tortured, stomped on and blasted in the face.

In the last stretch Donald finds himself faced off with thousands of Heartless and Nobodies. Despite the odds stacked against him Donald powers up once more, shouting as loud as he possibly could and when the army of monsters close in on him Donald releases a massive electrifying explosion that engulfs him and all the enemies. Explosions occur all around the moon and it surges with electricity.

(End of Video)

Donald's courageous efforts to stop Lunaris and Penumbra's protectiveness over her people were amazing to watch but…what Lunaris just did to them now, all the torture and torment they've been through was horrifying to watch.

Daisy: Ohmygosh…

Della: Donald… Penny…

Louie: If Uncle Donald couldn't stop this guy… what chance do we have…

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