Rewrite the Stars (bxb)

By seraph_of_yaoi

246K 8K 1.9K

Blythe Lovelace exists. He doesn't do much else. He's just there, living with his mom and brothers. But when... More

My Quick Ramble
Chapter 1 Arrival
Chapter 2 Jet Lag
Chapter 3 Exploring
Chapter 4 Mall
Chapter 5 Stolen Kiss
Chapter 6 Sugar Rolls and Village Idiots
Chapter 7 Campfire
Chapter 8 Campfire con.
Chapter 9 Bitten by a Werewolf
Chapter 10 Body Swap Part 1
Chapter 11 Body Swap Part 2
Chapter 13 Easter Egg Hunt
Chapter 14 The Gym Hurts
Chapter 15 Meet the Parentals
Chapter 16 Meet Death
Chapter 17 Karaoke Night
Chapter 18 Surprise Visitor
Chapter 19 Left Alone
Chapter 20 Portal Finding
Chapter 21 Secrets
Chapter 22 Lost
Chapter 23 Stubborn
Chapter 24 Cleave Day
Chapter 25 Concerts are Addicting
Chapter 26 Questions, Questions
Chapter 27 The Date
Chapter 28 Sick?
Chapter 29 Kitchen Sink
Chapter 30 Play Dead
Chapter 31 They Know What I Mean
Chapter 32 Me Time
Chapter 33 Overheating
Chapter 34 Sleepless Night
Chapter 35 Video Games
Chapter 36 Shrunk
Chapter 37 Colton Shows Up
Chapter 38 Eye of the Storm
Chapter 39 Nothing Special
Chapter 40 Cleaning Machine
Chapter 41 Dance with the Devil
Chapter 42 The Gang Splits Up
Chapter 43 Rest in Power
Chapter 44 Depression is Comfy
Chapter 45 Office Work
Chapter 46 Summer Bonding
Chapter 47 Conversation
Chapter 48 Roller Coaster
Stay Alive
Questions and Thank You

Chapter 12 Fighting Back

4.9K 171 57
By seraph_of_yaoi

I ended up falling asleep on the couch again last night. All of last night, I spent thinking about a way to get Ivan to stop bullying Peter without making it worse for him. To be honest, it was a lot harder than I was thinking. I've never done anything like this before, so I didn't really know what to do. It was very late last night when I was watching some show about a doctor and an eyeball, that the idea came to me, and I spent the majority of my early morning scrolling through the internet looking for anything related to Ivan.

It was about four in the morning when I found something very interesting, and the amount of euphoria that went through me almost felt like a drug high. After that, the plan that formed in my mind was simple and fast. I know how to stop Ivan, and I know how to stop him so that there won't be any lashback at Peter.

I just need to get him alone without the teacher tomorrow.

I feel someone shaking my shoulder.

"Blythe, you have to wake up now. School time."

I crack open my eyes and look around at the bed. "Didn't I fall asleep on the couch?" I mumble. I'm not awake enough to think about the words I am saying.

Orion chuckles. "Jax carried you in here when he saw you asleep on the couch."

I rub my eyes and sit up even though everything else in me is screaming at me to go back to sleep. "I'm tired."

"I bet. After school today, you can take a nap for as long as you want."

I nod, though his words aren't really sticking to my brain.

"You have ten minutes to get ready before we need to leave."

I nod again and climb out of bed, going to my room to get a change of clothes and to put in the contacts.

By the time I make it downstairs, I'm more awake, and as I remember my plan, I'm more excited.

Orion can barely stop the car before I'm shouting my goodbyes and jumping out of it. I fast walk to the classroom and sit down in my seat.

When Ivan enters and sits down next to me, I glance at him.

"Whatcha lookin' at, weeb?"

I look at the front of the room as the teacher walks in, and class begins.

Like yesterday, I focus on taking good notes for Peter. We couldn't go over them yesterday, so I can only hope I'm taking enough notes for him.

For some reason, Ivan doesn't throw paper balls at me today, and I'm thankful. Those things were annoying.

I glance over at him and see him actually writing notes down. I'm both shocked and impressed. I didn't think he knew how to take notes.

Lunch happens, but I don't put my plan into motion yet. I don't need the teacher coming in and ruining something.

It's after lunch that Ivan taking notes makes sense.

"Okay, everyone. Take out a piece of paper and a pencil. Time for the quiz."

What quiz?

The quiz gets handed out, and I look down at the paper. Since I've only been here for today and yesterday, I don't know the other topics on the quiz very well. I think back to when I took pre calc and manage to at least make sure he doesn't fail the quiz.

It takes almost an entire hour to complete it, and when I turn it in, I pray that not everything on it is wrong. I'll have to apologize to Peter later if I end up failing this quiz.

Once everyone has turned in their quiz, the teacher says, "I don't feel like getting into another unit today, so I'll let you guys go early. Please be prepared to start strong again tomorrow. You are dismissed."

The students and teacher pack up their things and leave the classroom.

I go really slow, so I'm the last one. My heart starts to beat faster, but I ignore it. I have to do this. For Peter. I have to stop Ivan from bullying Peter all the time.

I stand up, and Ivan is in my face.

"What is with you today? You've had this smug look on your face ever since this morning." Then he seems confused. "Wait. You're not Peter." He looks me up and down. "Who are you?"

"That doesn't matter," I say, not that concerned that my cover got blown. It would just make this easier actually. "You need to stop bullying Peter."

"I'm not bullying Peter." He puts this innocent look on his face. "I would never do such a terrible thing. Whatever he's told you, it's not true."

I laugh. He doesn't know it was me yesterday. "You can say all you want. I know you're a bully, and I want you to leave him alone. This will be your final warning."

His demeanor changes into the Ivan I know from yesterday. "Yeah? Or what?"

"Or I'll let everyone at school know how much of a weeb you are."

"What are you talking about?" He looks confused, and it makes me second guess if I got this right or not.

I decide to stand my ground. "I know your little secret, Ivan. Bullying Peter for cosplaying and watching anime and yet you do the same thing. That's pathetic. What's your reasoning for it? Are you just jealous that Peter gets more views, more likes than you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I found your Instagram account," I say, tired of his dodging. "Don't test me."

"What are you talking about? I don't have an Instagram account. What even is Instagram?" He glances to the side with a look that says he knows how idiotic he sounds.

"Really, Ivan? Or should I call you 'SpideyBoi764?'"

Now he looks shocked. "How the fuck—"

"Simple. I backtraced the Instagram account that kept sending nasty comments to Peter, and it seemed weird to me that the account was also following Peter. But that was just a hunch, so I looked at who was following the account, and I ran into your account—SpideyBoi764."

"You couldn't have known that was me."

I shrug, trying to look like I know what I'm doing. "I didn't." I pause. "Until now, of course."

He looks pissed. "I will get back at you for this!" he yells. "I may not get to you, but I sure as hell can get to Peter."

I glare at him. "I forgot to tell you that I looked up your username in Google, and guess what I found? Your Archive account. Would you like to explain to your classmates why you write rape porn or should I?"

The colour drains from his face, and for once, he has nothing to say.

I take a step towards him. "You don't touch Peter. You don't look at Peter. You don't even breathe in his direction. Understand?"

He nods.

"Good. If I hear one word from Peter about you, in any way at all, I'll leak everything to the students. We can both see how everyone likes what you write in your free time."

He nods.

I grab my bag and walk out of the school.

Orion looks at me when I sit down in the car. "You look... victorious. What happened?"

I shrug. "I just think I aced the quiz today."

He smiles. "Well, Peter will be happy about that."

"Can we have ice cream for dessert tonight? I'm feeling happy, and I want to celebrate."

"Sure. We can also celebrate Peter getting better. He's up and walking now."

"Oh, that's good to hear."

We both get out of the car and go inside to see Sam, Peter, Jax, and Lincoln already in the kitchen.

"Hey, guys," I say, feeling like I haven't seen them in forever.

Sam gets up and throws his arms around me. "Blythe! You're back!"

I pat him on the back as Orion goes over to check on Peter. "I was gone for half a day," I joke, though I did miss them.

Sam pulls back. "Still. I missed you. I feel like I haven't seen you in ages!"

I laugh. "I went to school, not a war. Peter goes every day."

"Yeah, but that's Peter."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Peter pipes up.

Jax comes over to Sam. "It means that Sam was worried about you," he says in a baby voice, and Sam shoves him away.

"I'm going upstairs." Sam walks off, but Jax grins and follows him.

I shrug them off and go sit at the table with Peter and Lincoln. "What's for dinner because I'm starving?"

"We're having stuffed cabbage tonight," Lincoln says.

"I don't know what that is, but I'll eat it."

"It's basically cabbage with meat stuffed inside." He deals the cards out. "Orion makes the best stuffed cabbages."

"I'll take your word for it."

I sit at the table and play Village Idiot with Lincoln as Orion makes dinner. Soon everyone else comes to sit down, and we eat dinner together.

I keep glancing at Peter, wanting to tell him what happened today, and I can tell he's just as curious because he keeps looking at me too, but I can't tell him right now. Not with everyone else here as well.

Like Orion promised, we have ice cream for dessert to celebrate Peter getting better and me going to school.

I celebrate kicking Ivan's ass.

Towards the end of the night though, the almost sleepless nights catch up with me, and I almost fall asleep at the table right then and there. I am so out of it, I don't even notice Lincoln taking my bowl from my hands, so I don't drop it.

"I think it's time for bed," Orion says and comes over to help me stand up.

"I'm fine." I wave him off and yawn. "Just tired."

"Exactly. You need sleep. You've had a busy past couple days."

Peter stands up. "I can take him upstairs. I'm tired, so imma go to sleep too."

I don't know what Orion does, but Peter is suddenly by my side and is helping me up the stairs, so I don't trip and fall.

The moment the door is closed behind us, Peter turns to me. "What happened?"

I can see the fear in his eyes.

I just wrap my arms around his shoulders, pulling him tightly against me.

His arms wrap around my waist.

"You don't have to worry about him at all anymore," I whisper. "He won't bother you ever again."

He sniffs. "Really?" He's crying.

"Really. I promise. He'll leave you alone."

"You're amazing, Blythe."

I chuckle. "I wouldn't say that. If he was bullying me, I don't think I'd do anything about it either."

"Then why did you stand up for me?"

"Because I don't care if someone hurts me. But the moment they hurt you, or anyone else in this house really, they're dead. I don't care who they are or how long it takes, they're dead."

Peter sighs and relaxes more in my hold. "Thank you." He kisses my cheek.

I smile and feel my face get warm.

He sees it and laughs before getting ready for bed.

I roll my eyes and do the same, and it's only when I crawl into bed that I remember that I put my ipod in Peter's backpack—which is still downstairs in the kitchen. I could get it tomorrow, but it unnerves me when I don't have it with me. It barely has anything on it right now, but old habits die hard.

I throw the blankets off of me and creep out of the room. Everything is dark and quiet as I walk down to the kitchen to get my ipod. I grab it as I walk back to the stairs, only to stop when someone knocks on the door.

It makes me jump and debate whether I should get Orion or not. Am I even allowed to open the door this late at night?

The knock sounds again. "Police. Open up."

Well, that settles that question.

My heart pounds in the chest, and my hands start shaking, but I go over and open the door. Right outside stands a male police officer, decked out in full uniform, and the other is a female dressed in jeans and a hoodie. Her hair is pulled back, and she carries a carrier bag. The male looks at me. "We're here to see Devlin Cooper."

"Um... I can go get him. Come in." I open the door wider, and they step in as I fly up the stairs. What would the police want with Dev? What the hell has he done?

I get to Dev's door, and I knock. Loudly. "Dev. Open up. There's police people here to see you." I hear movement in the room, and then the door swings open. Dev's hair is all messed up, and he's panting a little, but he's also grinning.

He shuts the door behind him and goes downstairs.

I quickly follow him, wanting to know what the hell is going on.

Dev's halfway down when he starts speaking, "Nice to see you two again. How's work going?" He stops at the foot of the stairs.

"Hello, Dev," the girl says.

"If this is about my brother, no I haven't seen him, and no he hasn't tried to contact me."

"We just need to confirm you are who you say you are, and if so, your whereabouts this past week," the officer says. "You know protocol."

Dev sighs. "Yeah, I know. Let's get this over with." He goes up to the girl as she pulls something out of her bag. She takes a swab from Dev's mouth, caps the container, and puts it in her bag. Then Dev turns towards the officer and puts his hands in his pockets. "Let's see. This past week. I've been here mostly. Went to the mall once. Grocery shopping of course. The market. Went to Target once. That's about it."

"And is there anyone that can confirm this?"

"Yes. Ask anyone who lives here."

"Okay. Thank you for your time. We just have to make sure."

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Could you at least tell me what he did this time?"


"Okay, thanks. If you see him, could you tell him I said hi?"

"Good night, Dev."

"Night, Ray. Night, Charlotte."

The two people leave, and Dev shuts the door. He groans. "Why couldn't my brother be a normal person who does normal things and not rob every fucking place he sees?"

I think he's talking to me when Orion speaks up from behind me and practically scares the hell out of me, "You know you can't control him, Dev."

I look up at Orion as he walks down the stairs and hugs Dev from behind. "But he always drags me into his stuff," Dev says.

"I know. And that sucks. But you can't change the fact that you guys look identical. They're just being careful."

Dev sighs. "I know." He turns around in Orion's arms to hug him properly, and he sees me standing there over Orion's shoulder.

"You okay, Blythe? You're shaking."

I look at my hands to see that they are still shaking. I hadn't even noticed. I nod, but Dev stretches out a hand, and I walk down the rest of the stairs to take it. He pulls me into the hug. "Sorry about that, Blythe," Dev says.

"It's okay," I say quickly. "I was just worried when they asked for you. I don't want you to go to prison."

"It would actually be jail," Dev starts and then starts laughing when I smack him. The hug finally ends, and I feel better, and I can see the Dev feels better too.

He stretches and runs his hand through his hair. "I'm going to bed. Night guys."

"Night," Orion and I say, and Dev heads upstairs.

"Are you really okay, Blythe? I understand how troubling it can be. When Sam found out about Dev's brother, he wouldn't stop crying until Dev reassured him that it was his brother doing all the bad things and not him."

I can totally imagine Sam doing that, and that makes me smile. "I think so. Or at the very least, I'll be okay in the morning."

"Okay. Then head up to bed. I'll see you in the morning." He places a kiss on my head and then heads to his room.

I smile and head upstairs.

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