The Blinding Light of Sunrise...

By G12GFour

14.4K 544 528

Highest Rank: Number 1: TNT Duo The difference a single decision can make... c!Wilbur Soot has been a thorn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 18

446 18 16
By G12GFour

The air felt strangely still as Wilbur approached the meeting place. He sensed an electricity in it. He glanced towards the mountains looking for that someone. There, on the high ridge, was Technoblade, watching. A large speck of black sat on his shoulder. So his dad had sent a witness. Good, it was time both of them understood what he was capable of.

He'd brought a few men with him, villagers in cheap armor that would do nothing to protect them, but he had to put on a bit of a show. And they'd make a nice shield if the Eggpire tried to attack as he anticipated. Antfrost, the large siamese cat, and Hannah, her rose vine snowy white, stood before him, waiting. Wilbur halted the men and approached.

"Good afternoon, my good man- er cat, my lady." He made something of a bow. "I'm glad you were able to meet with me on such short notice.

"Where is Bad?" Antfrost demanded, his red eyes cold.

Wilbur put on a surprised expression. "And why do you think I would know that?"

"The last time anyone saw him was when he went to visit you."

"Ok... ok, fair point. I might know where he is." A smile tugged at Wilbur's lips.

"Let me speak to him," Antfrost said.

"I'm afraid that will be quite impossible."

"And why is that? I know he's not dead."

"Well, he said some... some rather stupid things yesterday that I had to put a stop to, and I'm just not sure how long it takes for a demon's tongue to grow back."

"You cut out his tongue?!" Hannah looked horrified.

"Well, yes. Among other things. Really, I've never enjoyed Bad's company as much as I have these past few days."

"You're a psychopath," Hannah breathed.

"I mean, yes. I thought we'd already established that." Wilbur grinned. This was so much fun! He felt the crackle of electricity in the air.

"Well, we're not going to let you play your sick games in the Eggpire. Men, attack!" Antfrost shouted. Instantly, dozens of corrupted villagers poured out from seemingly nowhere in an ambush, slaughtering Wilbur's men. Two of them grabbed Wilbur by the arms and put blades to his throat as he made no attempt to resist.

As Antfrost approached, they pushed him to his knees in front of the cat. "You really thought you could defeat the Eggpire with such a tiny army? Did you think if you sent a message telling us where and when you were coming, we'd just lie down and surrender? You arrogant piece of sh-t. We've been here all morning waiting for you," the feline said with a smirk.

Wilbur looked up at him with a smile. "It's a pity you weren't here yesterday night or you would have seen us, wiring the dynamite."

A cascade of explosions ripped through the Badlands, knocking Hannah and Antfrost off their feet as the huge red wounds tore through the ground. Soldiers disappeared as the land under them opened up.

Wilbur didn't even flinch. "You know, the thing about Ranboo, he's basically a bit of a badger, isn't he?" Suddenly, there were screams filling the air as the cascading explosions continued their thunderous applause.

Screams from further, somewhere beyond the mesa, then another pocket, closer by this time, and another. "He's black and white, he likes to dig," Wilbur turned his head as a black and white flash appeared, slicing through the Eggpire army with uncanny speed. "And you really don't want to find yourself on the wrong side of him." He looked up just in time to see the glowing-eyed half-Enderman leap in front of him, spinning as his sword lopped the heads off both of his guards. Their weapons fell to the ground before him.

Antfrost hissed and leapt at them, claws and trident out as Hannah drew a fishing rod. Ranboo barely even glanced as his sword slashed Antfrost. Hannah's line wrapped around the sword and she flew through the air, heeled boots aimed for a blow at Ranboo's head, but he dodged, easily swatting her down with his clawed hand as his sword hilt smashed into her. She shrieked, white rose petals coloring crimson from the gashes in her arm and across her stomach.

Hannah crawled limply to the bleeding cat. "You've killed him!" she cried.

Ranboo stood, staring impassively at them, his slender form accented by the long sword he held at his side. He glanced over to Wilbur.

"That'll be enough, Ranboo. Quite a show, my good man, you didn't even get any blood on your suit. Relax," Wilbur said to Hannah whose face was contorted with pain as tears streamed down it, "Haven't you heard? Cats have nine lives. He'll be fine. We'll make sure you both have the very best care in Las Nevadas while you await your trial."

She held her bleeding side. "Trial?"

"For the murder of Foolish and crimes against the continent, of course. Now then, Ranboo, what do you say we go down to the banquet hall and see about having an omelette? Don't worry, Miss Rose, we'll be back for you in a while. Maybe by then your roses will have returned to their lovely red hue." He began walking away with Ranboo by his side. Then he stopped, and turned. "Don't even think of running, by the way. My man here just loves a good hunt, and I won't be there to stop him when he finds you."


"Thank you, Eret. You saved our a-sses," Quackity said.

"I suppose there's no point in asking you not to go?" Eret asked. They hated to see them leave, knowing they were walking into danger. The idea that the trio would be so exposed without a stronghold to hide in if trouble came brought Eret no small amount of worry. It was hard not to want to keep them safe in their castle to wait out the storm. But the storm would come regardless, whether they stayed in a fortified palace or ran out to meet it.

Quackity shook his head. "I can't just leave them without f-ing trying. You'd do the same for me. Sh-t, you f-ing did the same for me." His hard gaze softened a bit. "When this is over and we've won, we'll stop by for dinner again."

In these small moments, it was easy to remember why they'd almost married Quackity. He'd never lost the better parts of his nature, as much as he tried to conceal them. "Just remember to send notice before you do," Eret said. "My kitchen staff don't appreciate surprises."

Quackity smirked. "See you soon," he said, pulling the pack of supplies up on his shoulders.

"Bye, Eret!" Tubbo called, waving from the road, grinning so brightly it was hard to believe he'd been bedridden just two days ago. "Thanks!"

Tommy nodded and raised a hand in farewell.

Eret smiled warmly at them. "Take care of yourselves," they called as the boys started down the road. They watched as the trio grew smaller and smaller. And then they were gone. Eret breathed a sad sigh of relief. They were glad to see them healthy and on their way, but it immediately felt lonelier for their absence. Tubbo no longer sitting in bed and asking for seconds of soup, no more bickering from Quackity and Tommy - it felt a bit too quiet after two days of their company.

They walked over to the stables and saddled their horse. A good ride would help clear their mind. They'd probably been too hard on Quackity that first day, they thought as they rode through the open pastures. Afterall, he'd truly lost everything, was it really the best time to remind him he was basically friendless? Though, perhaps, it was the only time he would actually be open to listening. And they were one of the few Quackity might actually listen to. Their love might have died so long ago, but they'd never stopped caring for the man and hoping for his happiness. But he'd never get it, even if he got Las Nevadas and even Wilbur back, if he couldn't open up to others.

They thought for a long time before finally walking their horse back to the stables and putting him in for the night. Tubbo was a good friend for him, they thought with a smile. He was kind and, from the story Eret had pieced together over the past few days, he'd forced Quackity to forgive a lot. And, though he denied it vehemently, it was clear Big Q really cared for him. As Eret strolled into their throne room thinking this, they froze.

"Hey Eret," Punz was relaxing on the throne, his medallion glinted. "I noticed you've had houseguests. Where are they?"

"They left. Just some old friends."

"You wouldn't happen to know where they were going, would you?"

"I see no reason why it should matter," Eret answered coldly.

"This is Quackity's handwriting, isn't it?" Punz held up a scrap of torn paper with the words Your Dearest Friend, Quackity scrawled across it.

The blood froze in Eret's veins. They'd ordered the whole castle scrubbed of evidence of their guests the moment they left. It must've fallen out of the trash when the maid emptied it this morning. "Punz, we've been friends for a long time-"

"This has nothing to do with friendship, it's just business. Now, you're going to tell me what I want to know or I'm placing you under arrest to await trial and execution for aiding and abetting the fugitives."

Eret held up their hands, awaiting the handcuffs.


"How did things go with the Eggpire?" Dream asked as Wilbur handed him a glass of wine.

The red wine reflected in Wilbur's glasses, concealing his eyes in their red orbs. "Fairly well. Ranboo performed as hoped. It almost seems a waste to bring Antfrost back from the brink of death just to execute him, but, then, I do enjoy the spectacle of a trial and execution."

"And the Egg?"

Wilbur tossed a piece of dark shell on the couch next to Dream and sat down in the opposite chair. "We weren't able to salvage much. I might have gone a little overboard with the explosives."

Dream looked at the shell, then back to Wilbur. "Lie to them, not to me. You didn't want me to have it."

Wilbur took off his glasses, holding them so the tip dented his lip ever so slightly. "Why would I take the risk? Las Nevadas is too lovely to be covered in blood vines."

"You didn't think I could resist it."

"No, and I certainly wouldn't want to test if I could. I didn't go this far to play high priest or whatever to a giant egg."

Dream was silent, watching the wine as he swirled his glass. "You went against my wishes."

"Ranboo is your mindless servant, not me." Wilbur stood and refilled his glass. He took out a cigarette and lit it, savoring a few long drags.

Dream put his glass down. They sat in silence for a few minutes before he picked it up again and drank. "I'll have to remember that. By the way, have you seen the news?"

Wilbur took out his phone. A picture of Eret flashed onto the screen, with Punz behind him.

"Eret was arrested earlier today under suspicion of harboring the fugitives," the newscaster said. "This was the scene from the trial earlier today."

"Tell me where Quackity is," Dream demanded as Eret stood before him on the steps of the casino in the video.

Eret stood resolutely silent.

"Tell me or I'll strip you of your crown." Wilbur could hear the control Dream was fighting to maintain as he spoke.

"A king doesn't answer to a despot," Eret said.

Wilbur saw the shuddering shake of rage in Dream's shoulders on the video. "A king no more. I strip you of your role and your crown. You have been found guilty of providing aid and comfort to the fugitives Quackity, Tubbo, and Tommy Innit. In accordance with the law, you will be executed until you are dead in three days."

"Three days?" Wilbur asked.

"I'd like to have our victory over Kinoko Kingdom fresh in their minds and our fugitives dead on the day of the execution. Do you think you can handle that in three days?"

Wilbur thought for a minute. "Give me the use of Ranboo again. As good as Punz is, the three of them together could prove tricky. Ranboo would provide some extra insurance."

Dream chuckled. "I'm surprised how easy it is for you to throw your former friend into battle."

"I'm confident in his abilities."

"He'll never forgive you for sending him to kill Tubbo."

"Funny, it didn't concern you when you asked it of me. Besides, you're never going to let him think for himself again, anyway," Wilbur said.

Dream stood suddenly and instantly closed the distance between himself and Wilbur. "Is there a problem?" he asked.

Wilbur had a sudden flash of memory, one that was both his and not: of standing in Dream's prison cell, terrified, of echoing shouts. Of Tommy on the other side telling him it would be alright. He fought it back. They came too often these days. A bit of blue.  A piece of himself that didn't fit with who he was trying to reintegrate itself.

"No," Wilbur said impassively, watching the smoke from his cigarette curl around the smiling features of Dream's mask.

"Good," Dream said, stepping back. "Because even if you somehow managed to kill me, they won't see you as a sheep, they'll just see you as another wolf. And a lone wolf is much easier to kill."

Wilbur took his cigarette out and exhaled a plume of smoke. "Understood."


Karl spread jam on their breakfast toast, cutting the slices of bread diagonally. He tilted the frying pan and coaxed the fried eggs and bacon off next to a cooked fish nestled on a bed of rice. It was a simple breakfast. He sighed, it was nice to have simple pleasures away from the drama and the wars of the rest of the world, in their own little kingdom.

Sapnap came in and paused to kiss him. "Hey baby," he said as Karl ran his hands through his fiancé's black hair. He turned to the table. "Breakfast looks good. There was something in the mailbox this morning." He held up a white envelope.

Karl's brow furrowed. "The mail shouldn't be here this early."

"I don't think it's from the mailman."

"Maybe it's an invitation from someone?"

"Probably George," Sapnap said as he tore it open. He frowned. Karl saw the thick furrow grow deeper between his brows. It was sexy as hell in the right situation, but something about it now filled him with anxiety and a strange sense like he was watching a scene replay itself shifted one second before it actually happened.

"What is it?" Karl asked, echoing himself.

"It's a message from Tubbo. It says it's for our eyes only."

He was suddenly surrounded by Kinoko Kingdom in flames. It was hard to find his balance, the earth kept shaking under him. Fire danced on the mushrooms and cottages. Acrid smoke burned his lungs. He could hear his own voice screaming, "Sapnap! Sapnap!" It sounded strange and muted like he was shouting underwater. He searched through the black smoke. "Sapnap!" He saw Sapnap's sword on the ground, it was covered in blood. "Sapnap!" He heard laughter echoing all around him. It was eerily familiar, but it wasn't Sapnap's. A bloody white headband flew by him.

Sapnap's large hands, calloused from weapons practice, brushed Karl's cheeks and forehead. "Are you ok, baby?" he asked. Karl could read the concern in his dark eyes.

"Yeah," Karl said, nodding his head. "Yeah, I'm fine. What does it say?"

"It says he, Quackity, and Tommy are just outside the kingdom and they need to speak to us immediately. Huh, I didn't think Tommy would actually respect the ban. Good thing, though. The last thing we need is a war with Las Nevadas because we had them over for dinner."

The flag of Las Nevadas hung like a banner from Kinoko Castle. He thought he heard Sapnap's voice in the distance. "Huh? What did you say?"

"Are you sure you're ok? You look pale."

"I'm fine," Karl gave a weak smile. "Don't worry about it."

Sapnap frowned. He was clearly worrying about it. "I asked: what do you want to do about them?"

"Oh, um, what were you thinking?"

"I don't want to tell Dream that they're here. Something about that whole situation just bugs me. We could just ignore it, but I kind of want to hear what he has to say."

Sapnap didn't have to specify who the "he" was. Karl missed Quackity, too. But Sapnap had loved him more.

He saw Sapnap's bloody headband slowly being blown across the ground.

Karl trailed his painted fingertips down Sapanap's muscular forearm to his hand, tangling their fingers together. "You should go see Quackity. Spend some time with him. I know it'd be good for both of you."

"What about you?"

"I have to stay, but I'll be ok."

Sapnap brushed his thumb across Karl's cheek. "Baby, what's wrong?"

Had he shed a tear? Maybe. He hated to face what was coming alone. But if Sapnap was here... He wouldn't... he wouldn't... he had to be far away or else, or else he wouldn't be safe. He'd try to fight. And he'd lose. Karl smiled up at him. "Nothing. I just want you to have some time with him. It's important."

"Something you don't remember?"

"Yeah, something like that."


Puffy stood in front of the casino in Las Nevadas, her hands shackled. She probably shouldn't have knocked out those guards with a shovel, but they were the ones who broke into the windmill where Sam had been hiding. At least Sam escaped. Looking up at the man she'd once called her Little Duckling, she had no regrets for what she'd done.

Dream stood before her. "Captain Puffy, you are accused of aiding the fugitives Quackity and Tubbo and helping with the escape of the corrupt warden, Sam; during which, you injured two guards. How do you plead?"

Puffy faced Dream without flinching. "I had no idea they were fugitives of Las Nevadas," she said, honestly. "If I'd have known, I'd have helped them twice as fast."

"If you tell us the location of Sam, I will spare your life." Dream said. She could tell by the wavering inflection in his voice he was clearly hoping she would spare him from having to order her death.

But she wasn't about to give him that. She set her jaw, tilted her chin up as she looked on him through half-lidded eyes and said, "Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you."


Karl washed the dishes from breakfast. Sapnap had gone off almost an hour ago, he'd be too far away to do anything; it was just him now. The air held the strange heaviness of anticipation in it.

The silence was rent by a sound like thunder when it booms directly overhead. The world seemed to shake. He rushed to the window and watched as the giant mushroom exploded. There were fires everywhere as explosions seemed to come from every direction. Screams filled his ears as the acrid smoke began to seep in through the window frames. People covered in blood ran past his windows.

He took a few slow, deep breaths, took one of Sapnap's swords, and walked over to the door just as the first knock sounded. He opened it to find Wilbur Soot leaning against the doorframe, cigarette hanging from his lips as his glasses reflected the flames around him. "Good morning, King," he said. "I was thinking we might take a little stroll. What do you say?"

"F-ck you." Karl said, raising the sword.

He felt something on the back of his head and, suddenly, he was looking up from the floor into a smiling mask surrounded by light brown hair.

"You know, you really shouldn't leave your windows unlocked," the young female voice behind the mask said. "You never know who might break in that way."

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