The Death Of Me

By wildnmore

60.4K 1.2K 3.4K

//Kepa Arrizabalaga Fan fiction// Valerie Mirvette, A British medical student doing her M. S. in Obstetrics... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 22

1.8K 45 133
By wildnmore

My reunion with my childhood crush and best friend, Sebastian, was a big disaster. Kepa didn't let go of my waist at all. The only time he wasn't touching me was when I hugged Sebastian right when I entered Kyle's apartment.

That too was only for a second until he pulled me back into his arms. He sat beside me the entire time while Sebastian told us about his life in Paris as a model. Yep, that asshole really became a model.

Kepa's hold on me had tightened when Kyle brought up the topic of me having a crush on Sebastian. "Oh my god, you know what Kepa? So back in school, it was always the three of us but Sebastian was also in the popular group. Val used to literally stare at him as if he was the last man walking on earth. 'Where is Bash?' 'Why is Bash absent today?' 'Why is Mindy's arm around Bash?' Bash Bash Bash-"

I had to shut him up by hitting him with my face red and Kepa's was red too, but with anger. It was kinda cute actually and I laughed at his face but he was really pissed at something because he didn't return the smile.

We were now in his car and there was pin-drop silence between us. His hand was on my thigh in a firm grip and his face was blank. Definitely still pissed.

"What happened?" I asked keeping my hand on his. He glanced at me and then back at the road. "I'm your boyfriend, Valerie," he said looking at me for a second and then back to the road.

Him saying that sent a sudden rush of butterflies throughout my body. Yes, I knew he was but just him saying that made my cheeks red.

"Yes, that you are," I replied not really knowing where this is going. "Then why did you introduce me to Sebastian as your friend?" his eyes were narrowed now. Don't tell me he thinks I still have some feelings left for him.

So that's what he's pissed about. "I thought you didn't want to um...I thought we were going to keep this a secret because of your fame?" I said not really knowing how to frame this.

He sighed and rubbed his hand on my thigh going up a little. "That's right, we are keeping this secret for your safety but we could always share with our close ones, especially to the man of your childhood dreams," he replied looking at me.

I smiled at that and realised this was our first relationship talk if that's what it's called. I said, "I'm sorry Kepa. I thought-" he cut me off by saying, "Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong, amor. Don't say sorry,"

I smiled at him and shook my head. He's crazy. "Oh yes that I am," he replied letting me know I said that out loud. Ugh!

I looked outside the window to see it was cloudy today. "You look good in my clothes. Got to say that was the only thing keeping me sane back there," he said.

I didn't have clothes at Kepa's house so he had given me his black Nike sweatshirt and matching sweatpants. I had some clothes at Kyle's house but I didn't bother changing out of these so I just wore my shoes there.

I smell like him, totally. I had used his shampoo and also put on that addictive cologne. With his clothes on and being so close to him all the time, I couldn't get it out of my nose.

I'm not complaining though.

"We are twinning," I said looking at his black shirt and black sweat pants. He chuckled and said, "Wow, I didn't realise that,"

He was driving us somewhere and when I asked him he said, "That's for me to know and for you to find out,"

I kinda knew that is exactly what he was going to say but then too I couldn't help but ask. It took us some time but when we reached the destination I couldn't help but gasp.

A Fall Carnival! Back when I was a kid living in Birmingham, we used to have these in every single season and dad used to take me and Keith and sometimes mum used to join us too.

All of a sudden I felt as if I was a kid again as that excitement rushed inside me. I hadn't realised that I was staring for so long until Kepa opened the door for me.

"When did you park?" I asked getting out as the breeze hit me. "When you were admiring the carnival," he replied.

I kissed him taking him by surprise but he wrapped his arm around my waist the next second. "I've been living in London for ages now and yet I didn't attend a single carnival here," I said.

We were holding hands as we entered the carnival and the atmosphere changed. The laughs, the lights, and the colours, everything attracted me to it.

"This is so amazing!" I said wrapping my arms around his upper arm. It was crowded and I thought whether people would recognize him or something.

We ate unicorn-shaped cotton candy together and clicked pictures in the photo booth. The pictures were not decent at all because all of them were candid and while Kepa looked good in candid, I looked like shit.

Kepa hated bumper cars because of many reasons but I had literally forced him to come and sit with me while I was the one who drove. We were on a war with a random couple and he was cheering and hyping me up to hit them harder.

As soon as we got out my back ached a little because of the bumps and Kepa said, "That's another reason why I hate it," I scoffed and said, "It was fun okay! So this is all worth it!"

The other reason he hated those cars was that it was too small for him. It's his fault that he's 6'2, isn't it? I cant help but admit how hot he looks today though. 

He narrowed his eyes at me and shook his head. "Why don't we go on a roller coaster or the Ferris wheel?" he asked taking my hand in his.

"Oh no, let's just stay on the ground please," I said looking at the Ferris wheel. "Why? It's so fun. Come on let's ride the wheel," he said walking me towards it.

"No please, I'm scared of heights and it looks so scary. Once Keith and mum went on it and it had stopped working. It took them 15 minutes to fix it but those were the scariest 15 minutes of my life. And I wasn't even on the wheel," I said remembering that time.

Kepa smiled at me and said, "I'll tell you what? Riding a Ferris wheel is one of the best things ever! Don't tell me you have never been on the London's eye,"

I didn't reply and he got his answer, "you are missing out on so much fun! Let's do this together, trust me." he said. I looked at the wheel and sighed nodding along.

Well, he did ride the bumper cars and with that face, I would never say no. We took the tickets and stood in line and that's when the nerves hit again.

"No, Kepa, I can't do this. It's too tall!" I said but he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and leaned in so his mouth was closer to my ears, "I'm here with you. Trust me,"

We stood like that until it was our turn to get on. My hands were now shivering as we got inside the round open balcony. He was beside me and wrapped his left arm around my waist.

The wheel moved making me flinch just a little. People were sitting in the balconies as we slowly started going higher and higher. I could see the ground getting far and far away making me take deep breaths in.

I hugged Kepa and kept my hands on his chest with my head next to his heartbeat. He wrapped his arms tighter around me holding me close. A bolt of electricity ran through both our bodies when he kissed my forehead.

"It'll be fine, sweetheart," he said running his right hand through my hair. His rapid heartbeat calmed me down and his hand in my hair soothed away the fear.

If the was a place I would be the safest, then it would be in his arms. I didn't care that I was at such a height. The ride had started now going a little faster than the previous speed.

I didn't let go of him at all and nor did he. I could feel the breeze hit my face and run through my hair. He kept kissing my forehead and eyes, which were shut tightly.

With him so close to me I suddenly had the courage to take a peak. I opened one eye and looked at the view. We were midway to reach the top and I could see London in all its glory.

The sun was behind a few clouds and orange and red highlighted the sky. The clouds were painted in ever-changing colours. The buildings in the city and the birds flying in the sky made it look like a drawing.

I hadn't realised that both of my eyes were open by now and I was looking at the view without any fear. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Kepa said in my ears making goosebumps cover my body.

I nodded and kissed him with a smile on my face. I felt bad once the ride ended and he chuckled at my pout. "Just how fast the night changes," he sang making me hit his shoulder.

God, I'm obsessed with his broad shoulders and arms. So obsessed!

We decided to take ice cream and watch the sunset. With ice cream in one hand and the other wrapped around his, we made our way to the other end of the carnival where the sunset looked much better.

A kid was running to where we were going with his dog and parents following. "That dog is so cute," I gushed looking at the husky. They were right beside us with his mum and dad a few steps back.

The dog ran ahead of the kid making him run faster. His mum told him to slow down and that's when he tripped and fell down. "Oh shit," I exclaimed running towards the kid.

I sat down and helped him up. He had some blood on his elbow making me internally wince at the poor kid. He made a face that told me he was about to cry.

"Hey no, it's fine! It's alright!" I said wiping away the one tear that flowed down his cheek. "Here, have this ice cream, it's chocolate flavoured!" I offered and his eyes immediately brightened.

I hadn't touched the ice cream keeping it for the sunset but it was fine. I took out my handkerchief and dabbed the blood away from his elbow and tied it around the wound.

I kissed it and said, "It's gone now. No more pain!" my dad used to do this to me and I knew it would work on him too.

"It's really gone?" he asked with big eyes and I nodded wiping away the dirt from his forehead. "You didn't have to," I heard a female voice say from beside me.

I now realised that his parents had kneeled down beside him and Kepa had too but he was on my side. The dog was beside Kepa and it licked the little boy's face making him laugh and run away again.

I giggled at that and his parents thanked me. Kepa and I walked to one of the seats there and sat down. "Here," he said giving me his ice cream.

I shook my head and said, "No, it's yours. You have it," he rolled his eyes and muttered, "god this woman!"

He pulled me closer so now half of my back was on his front with his head on top of mine. He took my hand and made me hold the ice cream. I giggled and gave his chest a kiss which made him shiver.

He tightened his hold on my waist as we shared the ice cream and looked at the sunset. The wonderful view of sunset throwing different shades of colours in the sky was perfect.

Say you'll remember me, 
Standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset, babe.

Literally getting those wildest dreams vibes with this man right now. Now that I think about it, the lyrics even suit him! God bless Taylor Swift.

The sky changed from minute to minute, from bright orange to hot pink and the golden disc which was now red, was already on the surface, ready to vanish. It disappeared so quickly, slipping away as it created an incomparable feeling.

The sky was now covered in various colours, red, orange and purple. It was getting dark now making the carnival look even more beautiful.

"You want to go home or stay for a little?" Kepa asked as we walked back to the carnival. "Let's get on the rollercoaster," I said looking up at him and he just smiled back in return.

word count: 2235

Hey hey hey! How are my favourite people doing? We hit 14k today and I don't know what to do other than cry. I love you all so much for this.

I can't stop writing this book because I enjoy it so much! I hope you guys are enjoying it too!


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