Hypnosis Stories

By JK_911997

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Hypnosis stories Prompting stories about Hypnosis Credits to the real owner of the Author who wrote all of th... More

Soldier Cyborg Bro
Nano-Tech Control Injections SCRIPT
Test #1357
Hypnotised Biker
Hypnosis show experience
The Training of 5834
Hypno slugs
Campus Hypnosis
Drone KJ Apa
New To Hypnosis
The Hypnotized Jock
mind control himbo powder
Pietro's True Colors
Jock Programming
Hypno Necklace
Alpha Hypnoslave
The Himbo Gym
The Alpha Family
Hypno Camera
Control Part 1
Control Part 2
The Facility
New Behavior
Musical Therapy and Conditioning
The Vampires Werewolf
Spiral eyes
My Journey Ends here

Cory Wants to Hang Out

15.4K 33 4
By JK_911997

“Hey Levi,” Cory said bursting into my room. I rolled my eyes and turned towards the door. I set down my weights and sighed.

“What the fuck do you want Cory,” I said politely. I could have thrown the weights at him if course, but 100 lb dumbbells would have dented the wall.

I had been avoiding his roommate for over a week. My already enigmatic housemate had come out of a month long reclusive stint with uncharacteristic enthusiasm, and I am having none of it. He has insisted that we hang out more, but I don’t have time for some twig sized squirt like him.

“We really should hang out some time,” Cory said without breaking eye contact. “It would be good for us roommates you know.”

“No, I don’t know,” I snorted. “Fuck off dude. This is like the 10th time you’ve asked me this.”

Cory was some kind of engineer. Beyond that, I didn’t even know his last name. His major presumably made him incredibly busy. It always sounded like he was building something in his room, but whenever I walked in, Cory would cover up his desk.

I am not concerned with school really. In fact, I don’t even know what major I’m in. As long as dad keeps paying the bills, the school is not going to care if I spend all day at the gym. If Cory wanted to spend all day doing homework that was fine by me.

“Oh but it’ll be fun! I swear,” Cory said. Damn was he persistent. It was starting to creep me out.

About a week ago, Cory had burst out of his room insisting that I do something with him. The request was completely absurd. There were no openings in my schedule. Workout at 5, dinner with the boys at 6, workout at 7, “dinner” with Rita at 8, followed by more “dinner” with Sandra at 9. It would just have to wait.

The very next day, Cory burst into my room again, with a firm insistence we hang out. Again, I just can’t cancel three dinners with four different women the night of. This guy has no chill.

It all came to a tipping point yesterday. I was in the kitchen cooking up a post-pre-workout meal. Cory, loud as a bullhorn, attempted to sneak up on me. His creaky bones cracked and snapped with every movement he made.

At that point, something had grazed my arm, and I quickly turned around. Cory acted all innocent, but he looked really shaken up. I just flipped him off and went back to my preparations.

“I’ve told you before fuck head,” I said. I turned around to pick up my weights again. Maybe I should throw these at him. “I. Do. Not. Want. To. Ha-AGH!

I recoiled forward quickly. There was a searing pain in the back of my right arm. I turned quickly to see a large syringe sticking straight out of it. Cory slammed his hand down ok it, injecting the needle further into my skin.

“WHAT THE HELL,” I screamed. I fell down onto the ground in pain. I swung my other massive arm around, nearly hitting him. He bolted, slamming his own door behind him. I felt woozy and dizzy, but I could stand.

I grabbed the syringe and pulled it out. Empty. Whatever he’d put in there was now flowing through me faster than I could know. I bolted out of my room and slammed my fist into his door. I could break it down if I wanted to, but last time I did that my dad was barely able to bribe my probation officer.

“You better fucking tell me what you put in my arm you fucking twat,” I shouted. He put something in me. Some kind of drug. Some kind of-

“You’d better fucking tell me what you put in my arm you fucking twat,” I shouted. He didn’t put something in me. Not anything.

I stared at my arm. There was a small dot where the syringe had been. I held it in my hand, and it was in fact empty. He can’t have put anything in me.

But I could feel myself being angry. But I didn’t know why. All this pestering and bothering me. I’d fucking kill him. All he wanted to do was “hang out.” What did he real-

But I couldn’t feel myself being angry. I knew why. All this pestering and bothering me. All he wanted to do was hang out. That’s not that bad.

I looked around. I can’t believe I banged on his door like that. Why did I do that? Wait didn’t I just have a syringe in my hand? Where did it g-

**I can’t believe I banged on his door like that. Why did I do that? I wanted to hang out with him, maybe watch some TV. **

I reached to knock on the door, but it opened swiftly. There was the filthy little twig that I called roommate.

“Hey you want to hang out and watch TV or something,” I asked. What a loser. He was grinning ear to ear. Of all the obnoxious things he could be doing right now. He held in his hand some kind of tablet. It didn’t look like any name brand he’d seen. There was text flying across the screen a mile a minute.

Hey wait a second. That text is what I’m thinking. Pizza pizza pizza pizza pizz-

**He held in his hand some kind of tablet. Somethings on the screen, but I can’t really read it too well. **

“Come on Levi,” Cory said. “Let’s go hang out and watch TV.”

Levi nodded. That’s why he knocked on the door. To hang out and watch TV with this loser.

I followed fuckface into the living room area. I turned on the TV, quickly changing the channel to ESPN. I didn’t want this loser to pick out some dopey ass piece of shit show. There was a Chargers game on, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

The two of us sat on the couch, at opposite ends of course. A draft blew through the room. Even inside, the early signs of Fall were present it seemed. I grabbed a nearby blanket to wrap myself in. I grabbed for the remot-

A draft blew through the room. Even inside, the early signs of Fall were present it seemed. I notice that I had grabbed a blanket, but I could handle a little cold and decided to set it aside. I grabbed the remote and turned up the volume to a deafening level. I wanted to hang out and watch TV with Cory, but I certainly didn’t want to listen to him.

I certainly didn’t want to listen to him. But I REALLY wanted to take my shirt off. What a sudden thought. But I guess it was true. I did really want to take my shirt off.

It was a bit of an odd sensation really. My skin just felt so itchy next to it. And since I wasn’t all that cold it wouldn’t be too bad. It would be fucking weird though. Cory is right there, and he might be gay or someth-

I certainly don’t want to listen to him. But I REALLY REALLY wanted to take of my shirt. The cool draft would feel nice. And why not give my aching sculpture of a body get some fresh air? Besides, I just have this itch to get this piece of cloth off my body. That same feeling whenever I’m around Sandra.

But not around fucking Cory. It was so annoying that he was always home. I could never just drop my inhibitions. Not around some weirdo like him-

I certainly didn’t want to listen to him. But I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY HAVE THE UNCONTROLLABLE URGE TO TAKE MY SHIRT OFF. I began to sweat my hands began to shake. I had to get rid of my shirt. I just had to. No other options. The mere existence of this cloth in such close proximity to my chest was heretical.

But Cory. Was. Right there. My hands crumpled up some of it. It would feel so good to just take it off, to rip it to shreds. My body began to shake. But I couldn’t, not in front of Cory. It would be so fucking weird if I did that. But the sensation was like trying to resist an orgasm with Leslie, it was like-

I certainly didn’t want to listen to him. I did, however, really want to take my shirt off even even though Cory is around because I don’t think that’s weird even though it may be awkward and I won’t mind the draft and I will not put it back on. What a sudden thought, but why not? I pulled my shirt over my head and shucked it onto the floor. That felt better.

Cory made a small peep from the other side of the couch. I sighed and risked a glance over at him. He was staring at me. Of course he was. I mean I would be if I were him and him was I. This whole not wearing a shirt thing was a little awkward after all, but not at all weird.

I turned back to watching the game intensely. Wait a second, didn’t the Chargers only have 7 points? Wait wasn’t it the first quarter just a few moments ago? Did I miss someth-

**He was staring at me. Of course he was. This was not even a little awkward. It was completely normal. It is the fourth quarter of the Chargers game. **

I blinked. I felt out of focus for a second. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Cory staring at me. That was fine. No problem there. The game came to a close, thankfully the Chargers won.

I yawned and stretched out my arms. That was enough hanging out for a day. Maybe for a lifetime actually. Why had I even hung out with Cory in the first place? I stood up an-

**The game came to a close, thankfully the chargers won. I kinda just want to watch the blank TV screen for a bit. Admire my reflection passively. **

It was a beautiful reflection. I was sitting there in all my glory. i flexed my arm, moving about all of my exposed torso. I nearly forgot about Cory, who was breathing really heavily.

I flexed each muscle group individually. Hmm, a bit disappointed by some of them. 25 inch biceps are just a little too small for my liking.

I felt something on my arm. I turned quickly. It was Cory. He’d grabbed my arm.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing loser?” I pulled my hand into a fist an-

**I felt something on my arm. I turned quickly. It was Cory. He’s grabbed my arm. I kind of liked him touching me, so I didn’t stop him. **

Cory caressed his hands up and down my enormous bicep. Every touch felt incredibly soothing. As I monitored the status of my own reflection, I began to relax. Not physically, I wouldn’t dream of that. But mentally I was feeling good.

Eventually he reached my chest. It was a strange sensation, but very pleasant. Something akin to how Dani is when sh-

I kind of liked him touching me, so I didn’t stop him. I really want to strip naked. It was a strange sensation, but very pleasant.

Cory had placed his hand on my chest, which felt good so I won’t stop him. He was staring at me, which was completely normal and not weird. Not even for some fuck face like him. He seemed to be expecting something. He turned and grabbed his tabl-

**I kind of liked him touching me, but I need to stop him for a second. I’m going to strip naked and it’s going to be completely normal. **

“Hey, Idiot. Stop for a moment,” I said punching him aside. “I need to strip naked.”

I stood up and with practiced, lightning speed shucked the rest of my clothes off in one swift movement. That was a requirement to date Ida, so I’d learned how to do it some time ago.

I sat back down to admire my reflection on the black TV screen. My massive duck flopped down lazily, smacking against the couch and nearly reaching the floor.

Cory scooted back over and began to caress my chest. It felt so good. Like a professional massage. He moved both his hands down to my abs, rubbing each of them individually. It felt good to have all 12 of them caressed so gently. After all, even in the faint reflection of the TV could I see their beauty.

Cory moved down to my enormous leg muscles. Damn it felt good. Almost as good as it felt to look at my own reflection. I flexed my arms, checking each vein to make sure they were all still in place. Cory looked up at me, which was completely normal, especially given the circumstances. Who wouldn’t look at me?

Cory moved towards my midsection. He stopped all of a sudden, biting his lip. He looked up at me, but I didn’t meet my gaze. I met my own, in my reflection of course. I tensed my muscles, sending thick veins of beefy muscle rippling across my body.

Cory began to move a singular finger along my dick and balls. It felt really good. Not in a sexual way and I wasn’t hard at all. But man we’re my muscles so hard in my reflection right now. I began to do some poses.

Cory harrumphed from his seat and began to move his whole hand along my dick. That was nice of him. After all, I liked him touching me, and it felt good. Each interaction between his hand and my body created a blissful feeling.

“Your dick,” Cory said. He sounded upset. He snorted and bounced my left pec.

“What concerns could a dumb fucker like you have with my enormous cock,” I said. I flexed my right pec and it bounce upwards.

“Doesn’t it feel good when I touch it?” Cory asked.

“Yeah fucker,” I said. What an idiot. “You should be glad I’m not stopping you.”

Cory stared up at me and in one swift motion grabbed my cock in his hands and began to thrust it. I let out a yell and swung my arm at him. Damn was my aim bad. He fell backwards onto his side of the couch.

“Why the fuck would you go and do that?” I yelled at him. I swung again but I misse-

**Cory grabbed my cock in his hands and began to thrust it. I moaned a bit, because it was a completely normal thing for my roommate to do and I was really happy that he was jacking me off and I had no reason to stop him and would not stop him now or in the future when he did this. **

“Unnnnh,” I moaned in accordance with my thought process. Damn did that feel good. Thank god I had a roommate who would jack me off. I let my eyes close and my arms go slack. No need to admire my reflection at the moment. The bliss of his completely normal touch combined with the pleasure of jacking off was immense.

My dick was getting hard now. Cory’s hands beat against my enormous meat. He was going faster, and faster, and faster until I had to let out a heave. I couldn’t ejaculate. After all, I had no reason to stop him. If I ejaculated it might stop him, and I can’t take that chance. It felt so incredibly good, and the temptation was overwhelming. But after dating Samantha for two months I had some incredible willpower and control.

I could feel the hot liquid burning up inside me. I could feel the pleasure and the ecstasy building up inside me. It could feel every point of contact on my enormous member. But I have no reason to stop him now or in the future. He can stop whenever he likes.

Cory seemed exasperated. He was practically putting his whole body into it. Poor idiot. It was awfully kind to put so much effort into it, but it wouldn’t work. My flagstaff was standing up straight and tall, longer than both his hands combined. It would not falter.

I moaned a bit. It felt so good, but I wouldn’t crack. I let out a huge sigh and continued to hold on. Cory began to slow down, eventually coming to a stop and falling over onto his butt. He didn’t even get close. 50% at best.

I sighed and opened my eyes. “Thanks dumbass,” I smiled a bit. “That felt really good. But I’ve got a busy schedule tomorrow, so I’d better be going to bed.”

I stood up and stretched. I was tired and I had so many appointments for tomorrow. I grabbed my clothes and began to put them back on. I wouldn’t put that shirt on again, so I’d have to grab another one from my clos-

I stood up and stretched. I looked at my clothes on the floor and I am confused. When I’m home alone with Cory I don’t wear clothes and I don’t even know what they are, even if I see Cory wearing them. I was tired and I needed to go to bed. I nearly tripped over some cloth items on the ground.

As I walked away towards my room, Cory scrambled behind me with his little tablet. I opened my door and slammed it behind me on that little creep. My king sized bed awaited for me. I pulled up the cover-

My king sized bed awaited for me and Cory. I pulled up the covers and jumped a bit. How had he gotten in here so fast? He looked at me oddly and I gestured towards the bed. What an idiot. I had to shove him in for gods sake. Hadn’t his dad paid for decency lessons? Or maybe like myself, Cory didn’t show up to them. I crawled in myself and moved over to one side. Enough room for both of us to never interact with each other. Thankfully.

I closed my eyes and began to breath more heavily. Cory began to caress my muscles, which felt really quite nice and was completely normal. He moved a little closer to me even though he had the entire other half of the bed to use.

While the touching felt nice, I did not appreciate how close he was to me. I, of course, was big enough to sink in the bed. My mass in comparison to his drew him in like a black hole.

I didn’t have time to be selfish. After all, I had so many appointments tomorrow that I needed some sleep. I turned away from Cory so that I could have more of the bed.

I heard him moving back to his side of the bad. Thank god. Now I can finally get som-

I didn’t have time to be selfish. After all, I had absolutely no appointments tomorrow and I needed to sleep with Cory by spooning him and wrapping my arms around him.

I turned over (how did I get to this side of the bed?) and moved towards Cory. He was on his tablet or something, just go to bed you fucking loser. I wrapped my arms around him firmly and moved to mirror the shape he was sleeping. Whether he liked it or not it was something I needed to do. As a plus, it did feel nice now that he was touching a rather wide portion of my body. Every point of contact created a blissful feeling.

If only he’d turn off that damn tablet. This puny ass bitch is causing me to get no sleep. I need to spoon him and wrap my arms around him, he could at least be understanding and allow me to get some fucking rest.

That tablet was just so bright. I was having none of it. I reached for the tabl-

**I don’t want him to turn off his tablet, and I can’t actually see it anyways. I won’t inhibit him from ever using it, even though I can’t see it. In fact, I don’t even know that he has a tablet. I’m going to fall asleep in exactly one minute. **

Since Cory didn’t have a tablet and I obviously couldn’t see it if he did, I was free to fall into a blissful sleep. My breathing slowed and I eventually lost consciousness.

People often say that you only dream about things that you were thinking about before you fell asleep. That was certainly true for me. I had one of the strangest dreams of my life. It was a series of phrases, and I knew them all to be true because I had just thought about them all the day before.

I have no appointments any time in the future. This was true. I had a completely free schedule all the time. One of the perks of having a new library wing named after my dad.

My main ambition is to keep my body in peak condition. I hadn’t strayed from that in over a decade. Other people have “life goals” or “things to do.” Lame excuses if you ask me.

I have no girlfriends and have never had any in the past. I really hadn’t. After all, women take up too much time and are often people’s main ambition. I can’t stray from mine.

I have no friends. Friends are lame. Almost as lame as my absolutely lame roommate. That’s why I never bothered with them. Just like I never bother with my roommate.

I’m going to ejaculate into Cory’s ass while I’m still asleep. I probably did this. I had no way of knowing, but I know for a fact that I must have. After all, my dream must have come from somewhere.

I’m going to carefully and delicately caress Cory without waking up. I go to bed with a plan, though I don’t always know if I end up committing to it.

Ejaculate into me again. Even though I don’t have any girlfriends, it’s always good to stay in peak condition for all qualities of the human body. The dick is no exception. My cock could rival the lengths of some snakes.

Ejaculate into me again. It’s always good to set high goals. If you never strive to improve then how can you attain your goals? What kind of bodybuilder would you be if you only lifted an enormous weight once? No, repetition is key.

Ejaculate into me again. I have to make sure that I properly warmup before I actually accomplish anything. When running, you never go all out to start. You need to prepare yourself for the long haul.

Ejaculate whatever you have left into me. They always so no pain no gain. If I can’t feel that tinge of improvement then I’ll just end up stagnating. This is the final rep, the biggest weight and the fastest spring.

And that was all. It may have been a strange dream, but it certainly made a lot of sense to me. After all, I had thought about all those things before. Why wouldn’t they show up in a dream?

I’m going to wake up now

My eyes opened up. Light was shining in through the windows. My arms were still around the failure of a human being that I shared living accommodations with. He was staring at his hands, but there was nothing in them.

I quickly rolled back over and stretched. I heaved myself out of bed and made my way to the door-

I quickly rolled back over and stretched. I heaved myself towards Cory to give him his completely normal required necessary morning blowjob.

The rude inconsiderate bastard was facing away from me. For fucks sake why can’t I just bend the little weakling to my will? I forcibly flipped him over and scowled at him. A look of terror crossed over his eyes. Good, he’s going to get what he deserves.

I pulled down the strange cloth covering his legs(which he had worn to bed covered in something sticky. Disgusting) and began to suck at his dick. It tasted horrible, but I knew that it was necessary.

Cory let out a moan like the sick man that he was. Was he enjoying this? I began to work harder, no point in drawing this out.

His dick began to harden and pulsate. I could feel the cum coming. I’d have to spit it out once it-

I could feel the cum coming. I’d have to swallow it whole, because I just loved the taste so much.

It seemed like I’d zoned out for a second, because I realized that my mouth was already full of cum. I swallowed it all in one gulp like the man I was. Delicious.

I rolled off the bed and stretched. I turned to see Cory pulling off bits of cloth from his skin. How strange, I didn’t know what they were. The moment the last bit escaped from his skin I recoiled. Cory was naked.

“Ew that’s fucking disgusting,” I said averting my eyes. Of all the disgusting unnatural things to do, he went naked in front of his roommate. I wanted to slug him but I didn’t want to look at him. He was rummaging around for someth-

Cory was naked. Of all the normal natural things to do, he was naked in front of his roommate. I wanted to go make breakfast for the two of us. I didn’t mind looking at him.

My stomach rumbled. I’d slept too long. It was probably already past my post-second breakfast snack. I hurried to the kitchen to cook food for the two of us. Cory scurried behind me.

I grabbed a pound of bacon from the freezer and began to hastily cook it. My stomach was burning for some calories to burn. I was worried that it might start to chew away at some of my abs. I couldn’t deal with any less than I already had.

Cory had sat at the table expectantly. I was going to make breakfast for him, even though he was super lame.

A bit of grease shot out and sputtered against my skin. I recoiled a little. I’d made bacon a thousand times but I don’t ever remember feeling that. I was too hungry to care.

In a matter of minutes I had placed the bacon on a plate to cool. I grabbed two more to serve the food on. I turned towar-

**I had placed the bacon on a plate to cook. I grabbed one more to serve the bacon on for me. I grabbed the other plate and laid down on the table, dumping it all over my chest. It hurt a little, but I didn’t mind. I was going to let Cory eat the bacon off of my chest. **

Cory grabbed a piece of bacon off of my chest. For a brief moment when his fingers came into contact with my chest, I fell really good. I reached awkwardly for a slice of bacon from my plate. It laid on the table right next to me, but was a little too close to my head for comfort.

Breakfast went by quickly. Cory only barely finished his bacon faster than me, even though I had nearly ten times the amount. The moment he finished, I jumped up. I had no appointment now or in the future. But I needed to keep my body in prime condition.

“Alright I’m sick of all this foreplay,” Cory said. I turned to look at him. He was staring at his hands, even though they were empty. What kind of loser talks about for-

The moment he finished, I jumped up. I needed to be ready to serve him, as I will do anything he asks me to do without questioning it. Whatever he asks me to do, he’s doing it with a good reason in mind. Anything he tells me I will believe it to be true completely and wholeheartedly.

“Walk upside down on your hands,” Cory commanded. I, of course listened. I was ready to serve him and I had to do anything he asked. I flipped upside down and stood up completely straight. With muscles like I have, support was not a problem.

I walked over to to the kitchen, making sure to continue to walk on my hands. The counters were still a complete mess. I turned and faced Cory, who was grinning ear to ear.

“Hey loser,” I shouted. “I made you breakfast. Be happy. Can you clean this up? I gotta go workout.”

“No, you clean it up,” he said crossing his arms. That was really quite reasonable, coming from him.

“Fine,” I replied. I turned around and began to clean up. I was able to stand on one hand just as good as two, so I was able to reach up and maneuver myself. Dishes in the dishwasher we’re clean so I had to do some extra stretches with me feet to put some of the items away. The counters required a bit of awkward contorting, but I eventually got around to the whole thing.

I turned around to make my way to my room. Cory’s hand was around his dock, but he quickly returned it to the table. What a weirdo. He was also trying incredibly hard not to snicker.

“You can stand normal now,” he said. He let out a small snort and covered his mouth. I cartwheeled to normal and glared.

“What the hell are you laughing at,” I said crossly. I spat at him and he let out a small peep of laughter.

“Get on the ground and do twenty pushups!” he said. He was chuckling now. I got on the ground and did twenty. He must have had his reasons for asking me to do that. Maybe he was trying to help with my goals? Then why was he laughing?

I stood up and he smacked the table with his hand. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. I curled my hand into a fist.

“You won’t hurt me,” Cory said chuckling. His laughter began to die down. “You can’t harm me in any way.”

I clenched my fist harder. I knew it was true. Even with all my strength I couldn’t harm him. Even though he was a complete and utter loser he-

“You are my slave, and I am your master. You exist to serve and do my bidding.” Cory said. His eyes locked with mine. I knew it to be true. As if I had known it my entire life but had only just learned it for the first time. “You enjoy serving me and it is something you want to continue to do. You will help me achieve whatever goals I may have. All of your ambitions are done so that you may please and serve me.”

I nodded knowingly. My only ambition was to improve my body, and it was all in service to my master here. I would not harm him. I would continue to give him my necessary morning blowjobs. Even now I only have a faint recollection of some before time in which I may have called my master a “loser” or “fuckface.” That was just simply inappropriate now.

“I’ve had a lot of fun with you over the past few days, but this isn’t sustainable,” Cory said. He’d sat up straight. This is the most my master has talked to me since we’ve been living here. Though I only moved here so that I could be his slave in the first place. At least, that’s what I think.

“I can’t just let you leave. You’re the prefect catch. I might go out and catch more of you later, but for now we need money.” Cory continued. I crossed my arms thoughtfully. He was right. I would be expected to do things out of the apartment. I’ve never had any friends or girlfriends, but it wouldn’t go unnoticed if I never left.

“Any ideas slave?” Cory said. He crossed his arms and smiled.

“A few, or course master,” I said. I was his slave and I needed to serve him. If his ambitions were to find some way to maintain our sacred master-servant relationship, then I’d have to help him. “My father is a wealthy man on a wealthy estate. We could return there and live there.”

Cory stood up and walked over to me. He began to circle me, no doubt inspecting me. Inside, I began to feel nervous. If worked so hard on this body. What if he found a defect? Or a muscle out of place? Or a feature he didn’t like? He slid his hand along my back. My master’s touch sent a blissful feeling throughout my body.

“That would be good,” Cory said. He trailed his hand down my back and into the crevice of my ass. He briefly fingered it. It was odd of him to do that. Surely that was a gay action. Perhaps my master was simply inspecting my ass for himself. I would not falter.

“But your father he is, well,” Cory hesitated. His finger trailed around my hip and towards my midsection.

“Well what, master?” I replied. I could not read his mind, and surely he knew that. Reading minds, what person could do that?

“Well he’s not my slave. Unlike yourself.” Cory said with a sigh. He suddenly grabbed my penis and began to stroke it. It felt very good, both blissfully and sexually. But this was clearly a test. I would not release.

“That is true,” I replied. He stared up at me and I down at him. He smacked my penis. I would not move. He punched it as hard as a man of his petite stature could. I would not move.

“How is it you think I control you Levi,” Cory asked. He gave him a quizzical look. What a strange question.

“Well aren’t I your slave?” I asked curiously. Cory laughed. Another test perhaps?

“But why are you my slave?” Cory asked. He put out his hands dramatically. He even pointed at the table, but there was nothing there.

“Because I just am,” I replied. “That’s my purpose, that’s why I’m here. So that I can be your slave.”

Cory began to laugh. I would have laughed with him had I known what was so funny.

“We’re going to enslave your father,” Cory said suddenly.

“A perfect idea,” I replied. Cory’s ambitions were my ambitions, and I would help him pull it off.

“Go purchase two plane tickets,” Cory said. “We’re going on a trip.”

Without another word, I bowed and hurried off to my room to make the necessary preparations. We’d be fulfilling Cory’s dreams in no time at all.

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Being flat broke is hard. To overcome these hardships sometimes take extreme measures, such as choosing to become a manager for the worst team in Blu...
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๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ๐ง๐ ๐›๐จ๐จ๐ค ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ฌ๐ก๐จ๐ซ๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐จ๐ฅ๐ข๐ฏ๐ข๐š ๐ซ๐จ๐๐ซ๐ข๐ ๐จ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ฒ/๐ง'๐ฌ ๐ฆ๐ž๐ž๐ญ-๐œ๐ฎ๐ญ๐ž๐ฌ/๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ข๏ฟฝ...
402K 5.5K 28
Emmett loves to be a rebel. He skips school to hang out, drink, and smoke with his two friends when suddenly he and his best friend are cornered and...
73.3K 3.3K 77