Soldier Cyborg Bro

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Chris was sitting in his seat behind the counter in a small grocery store in the eastern side of Long Island, NY waiting for something to happen. It was just after 12 PM and almost everyone was in their jobs in New York City. Once in a while you had an old lady come to buy some stuff but except that… nothing more exciting was happening.

He was scrolling through job listings for Computer Science graduates when he heard the doors open. He looked towards them and saw a man in a camo t-shirt looking around the store and then coming to the counter.

“Hi, can you tell me how I can get to a Home Depot? I just moved here so I have no idea where everything is and the battery in my phone just ran out” Chris looked at the guy and one thought appeared in his mind. He’s so hot. This dude looked like the ideal boyfriend everyone interested in men would want to have.

“Ummm, you go 3 miles south, turn left next to a Burger King and then turn right at the first intersection. You will see it from there” Chris told the stranger and thought how he could keep the conversation going but before he could say anything else he heard the man saying “Thanks for help, man” as he walked out of the store. Well, that’s another missed opportunity Chris told himself as he returned to what he was previously doing.

Two days later

“Have a nice day” an older man told Chris as he took his bag full of groceries from the counter and exited the building. Chris then looked around the store to see if there were no clients and then took his phone from his bag. He turned it on, opened his email app and started writing a letter to a local bank in need for an IT guy.

As he was trying to find his CV somewhere within his phone’s memory when the stranger from two days ago came into the store. Chris quickly shoved his phone into his back pocket and asked

“Need any help?”

“Do you have any ATMs here? I need cash. Like - right now”

“Um, I don’t think so. The one next door is not working and the closest working one is probably next to the nearest McDonald’s, but if it’s urgent I can just give you some cash and you can just give it back within the next few days” said Chris. Then he took the wallet out of his bag and checked how much cash he had. “How much do you need?”

“30 bucks will be enough. I just need to pay for gas because their credit card terminal broke and I don’t have any cash with me” the stranger made an apologetic face and took the notes Chris handed to him. “Thanks, man. I’ll be back tomorrow with your cash” He was about to rush outside when Chris impulsively asked

“By the way, what’s your name? So that I know who I’m helping”

“Name’s Marcus. And you are…”


“Okay, thanks Chris, I’ll see you tomorrow” and Marcus was gone.

The next day

Chris was reading through the draft of his job application for the 10th time trying to make sure it was perfect when the doors opened and Marcus entered the shop with a few notes in his hand. He opened a fridge standing next to the entrance, pulled a can of Coke and came to the counter closing the fridge door with his leg.

“Hi, Chris,” Marcus put three 10-dollar bills on the counter “That’s your money”

“Thanks” Chris smiled, took the money and put it in his back pocket.

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