Cory Wants to Hang Out

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“Hey Levi,” Cory said bursting into my room. I rolled my eyes and turned towards the door. I set down my weights and sighed.

“What the fuck do you want Cory,” I said politely. I could have thrown the weights at him if course, but 100 lb dumbbells would have dented the wall.

I had been avoiding his roommate for over a week. My already enigmatic housemate had come out of a month long reclusive stint with uncharacteristic enthusiasm, and I am having none of it. He has insisted that we hang out more, but I don’t have time for some twig sized squirt like him.

“We really should hang out some time,” Cory said without breaking eye contact. “It would be good for us roommates you know.”

“No, I don’t know,” I snorted. “Fuck off dude. This is like the 10th time you’ve asked me this.”

Cory was some kind of engineer. Beyond that, I didn’t even know his last name. His major presumably made him incredibly busy. It always sounded like he was building something in his room, but whenever I walked in, Cory would cover up his desk.

I am not concerned with school really. In fact, I don’t even know what major I’m in. As long as dad keeps paying the bills, the school is not going to care if I spend all day at the gym. If Cory wanted to spend all day doing homework that was fine by me.

“Oh but it’ll be fun! I swear,” Cory said. Damn was he persistent. It was starting to creep me out.

About a week ago, Cory had burst out of his room insisting that I do something with him. The request was completely absurd. There were no openings in my schedule. Workout at 5, dinner with the boys at 6, workout at 7, “dinner” with Rita at 8, followed by more “dinner” with Sandra at 9. It would just have to wait.

The very next day, Cory burst into my room again, with a firm insistence we hang out. Again, I just can’t cancel three dinners with four different women the night of. This guy has no chill.

It all came to a tipping point yesterday. I was in the kitchen cooking up a post-pre-workout meal. Cory, loud as a bullhorn, attempted to sneak up on me. His creaky bones cracked and snapped with every movement he made.

At that point, something had grazed my arm, and I quickly turned around. Cory acted all innocent, but he looked really shaken up. I just flipped him off and went back to my preparations.

“I’ve told you before fuck head,” I said. I turned around to pick up my weights again. Maybe I should throw these at him. “I. Do. Not. Want. To. Ha-AGH!

I recoiled forward quickly. There was a searing pain in the back of my right arm. I turned quickly to see a large syringe sticking straight out of it. Cory slammed his hand down ok it, injecting the needle further into my skin.

“WHAT THE HELL,” I screamed. I fell down onto the ground in pain. I swung my other massive arm around, nearly hitting him. He bolted, slamming his own door behind him. I felt woozy and dizzy, but I could stand.

I grabbed the syringe and pulled it out. Empty. Whatever he’d put in there was now flowing through me faster than I could know. I bolted out of my room and slammed my fist into his door. I could break it down if I wanted to, but last time I did that my dad was barely able to bribe my probation officer.

“You better fucking tell me what you put in my arm you fucking twat,” I shouted. He put something in me. Some kind of drug. Some kind of-

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