princesses don't cry: a secon...

By midnightmermaid2003

1.4K 70 4

The war is over and Amaris won with the help a a pack full of rouges and a pack full of normal wolves. reject... More

chapter 1 not this
chapter 2 its the ball
chapter 3 he wasn't invited
chapter 4 you should eat
chapter 5 im making you my number 2
chapter 6 your not okay
chapter 7 nightmares and fire
chapter 8 A new place
chapter 9 i wont reject you
chapter 10 im fine, but wheres the witch?
chapter 11 what they were told

chapter 12 so this is what heat is? fml

112 3 1
By midnightmermaid2003

I woke up to a burning stabbing pain in my lower stomach, like someone was taking a hot knife and cutting me open. My head was pounding and I felt like I was over heating like I was going to explode at any moment.

"I'm glad your awake my queen, you seem to be having your first heat dear so you have been assigned female guards" a women's voice told me. I sat up a little and opened my eyes just enough to see a doctor at the foot of my bed. "Wait what?" I asked and a shooting pain went up my back causing me to fall onto my back and wince and whimper in pain.

It felt like someone was pouring lava down my back and on my lower stomach and I didn't know if I could take it much longer. "How do I get it to stop?" I asked through a whimper "you have to mate with-" I cut her off "ok next idea please" I said and she sighed "you need to except the mate bond and just mate already you have no idea how much it pains Aiden. He feels its his fault you don't want him as a mate" is that how he felt?

"I never said I didn't want him, I'm just making sure he really wants me for a mate. If we can both hangout until the bond finally pulls us together it shows we are both strong enough. I have to help him and he has to help me. We can't run an empire together if one of us is weaker then the other right?" I asked. This kinda sounded weird now that I thought about it.

"True you both need to be strong but the bond makes you stronger. He's your second chance yes, but that doesn't mean he won't love you for who you are. You are his first mate in his long life he has been waiting for you since he was 14. He just wants you to love him for who he is" she said and I nodded.

"Well I don't want to just mate with him because it will help me, I want it to be special to the both of us" I said and she understood. "You don't have to mate you only go through heat for about a week and a half. You should last through that" she said walking to the door "ill have a female maid bring you food and ill have Damon and Mark come to keep you company" she said shutting the door.

"I've never wished for a mate but know that I'm dealing with this, my mate is all I want" I thought as I closed my eyes. I woke up to someone knocking on my door "come in" I said in pain. Mark walked in and I sighed "I'm so hungry can you get me something to eat?" I asked with a whimper. "Sure thing do you want water too or just food?" He asked and I wanted to glare at him but looked at my bed spread "water too" I felt like something was off but I wasn't sure what.

The next few days went on just like that. They felt off like something was wrong or something was missing.


Aidens POV

I sat in my office, wanting nothing more then to hold my mate who didn't seem to want me at the moment. I would make her love me, after her heat ill spend alot of time with her and when winter ends ill take her horse back riding and anything she wants to do "my king a message from the witches about their captured" my beta told me handing me the paper.

"Dear wolf king Aiden, we request an audience with you. We understand this has been a long time coming and wish to end this peacefully with no more deaths or taken pups. We shall arrive tonight before the sun rises for the first time this year, sincerely coven leader". So they want to have peace? "Sounds like a lie to me, they've never wanted peace before" I said to myself as I tossed the letter in the trash.

"But my king? Why don't we invite them over. If they try anything funny we can have guards standing by" my beta said. "You make a good point and it would help us eliminate as many of them as we can if they do something fishy" I said as I pulled out a paper and pen and began to write the coven a letter back. This sunrise was going to get interesting.

Hey everyone its me! I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm sorry for not posting like normal! I just moved and I'm still getting settled into my new house. I hope you all are enjoying the story so far, its about to get interesting! I hope you all have an amazing day! If you like the chapter give me a vote! Comment if you have something to say or point out some writing flaws because I haven't edited anything yet! Have a fantastic day!

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