The Alphas Mermaid Princess

By Lovely_Reads2021

29.5K 972 176


Just the beggining
Auntie Sabrina's
Human School
His possession
Little Mate
Cat got your tongue ?
Unfamiliar suroundings
(More pictures of the house)
Night terrors
The visit
A new beggining
Find the Princess
Down Alpha
The Arrogance Of An Alpha
His wolf
In the enemys grasp
Save me
Finally a family
More than one mermaid
Bad little Mer
Where is she?!
Authors Note(Please read)

Saftley Ashore

522 19 5
By Lovely_Reads2021

WARNING:THIS NEEDS TO UNDERGO SOME MORE EDITING!Please be patient,I wanted to get this out as soon as I could!please ignore the typos!Enjoy!

2 days later days later.....

*Merina's P.O.V

The past two days have been stressful yet enriching.After resting my body I was finally able to take my mother's spell book and practice my magic

I was practicing a couple of spells,I was so happy and excited to finally learn the hard core stuff.I've been trying to practice outside in private in the woods by the house with the company of werewolf guards pretty much wherever I go outside of the house.Ryder insisted after our recent situation.

So far I've been practicing how to manipulate the wind and weather around me,Some of it was hard but i knew that the more I practiced the easier it would become.This will be a very powerful and useful spell to use against my opponents if mastered correctly.Using the Weather to my will- will be a huge advantage to me,it's one of my most powerful skills if mastered.

I was also trying to start practicing my telekinesis skills,this was newer to me aswell and I find my self beggining to grow slowly but surely

There was various other powers that I needed to work on,sometimes it over whelmed me the amount of spells and skills I needed to cram in,it made me feel helpless and stressed out trying to learn so many new spells with such an intense speed,I know I don't have all the time in the world to advance myself.I needed to cram as many spells as I could,all of the weight of the world was on my shoulders and I had a huge responsibility.This was the most suffocating feeling

Things between me and Ryder are quickly progressing,after he saved me,i realized how much I love and care about my mate.I knew I couldn't fight the mating bond and it's strong pull.I know this relationship will have its challenges,that was for sure.He has been extremely over protective of me over these past two days,and of course I can understand why but that doesn't mean it makes it any less irritating.

Usually ,when I first got here Ryder would leave me alone for hours at a time to deal with his pack,while he still attends to pack business he makes sure to check on me various times throughout the day.

He also was not allowing me to be formally introduced to his pack yet,no matter how eager they were to meet me,it wasn't safe if someone found out and some how some way connected the dots and sold me out to Austin for money,I know it was a bizarre thing to imagine but it wasn't impossible.

I sigh wiping some sweat off the corner of my forehead,I've been out here for a couple of hours to say the least,I looked up and sun had begun to set

"Luna"I roll my eyes at the name that Liam-one of Ryder's betas,called me"it's getting late,Alpha said to be back before sun set"

I rolled my eyes"Liam, I am  not yet officially yourLuna,nor have me and my mate even had the conversation"I told him

This was complicated,Now that Ryder knew of me being a princess soon to be Queen until Austin and his son took over,Ryder knows I would have my own responsibility with my own kingdom-granted we get it back.So how on earth could I be luna to his pack and him be King of my kingdom when he can't even get there.This situation was a unique and complicated one to think about which is why we avoided that conversation as a whole,I'm sure to avoid a fight.

I look at Liam with a stern and serious gaze"I need to practice.Ryder can wait a while longer"I said looking back at my mother's spell book reading over a weather controlling spell

I can feel liams worried gaze on me as the night slowly sets in more and more"We really got to go,The Alpha won't appreciate you being late.You know he won't be happy with me if I bring you back after dark,these are his orders not mine,so please let's make our way back"

"You won't be getting in trouble on my behalf,don't worry,I can handle my mate"I say obviously

As soon as I say those words the scent of a strong masculine presence and cologne with pine needless and forests musk filled my nostrils

"Is that so?"said a deep voice from behind me

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I inwardly jump from the start

"Alpha"Liam and the 6 other men around us quickly bow their heads

I slowly turn to see my tall muscular mate who was wearing nothing but black basket ball shorts

His hungry dangerous eyes met mine and I shiver with delight for my mate

"Ryder"I whisper"I thought you had  buisness to attend to for Most of the night"i told him

He looks down at me sternly with his jaw locked tight,He was always so serious wasn't he?"What are you still doing out here?Why aren't you inside Merina??"My name  slides off his tongue dominantly as he slowly strides up to me and towers over my body awaiting my response

He looks over to Liam with an angry expression

I bring my hands up to his chest as I bring my body against his"Don't be upset with him,I was the one who didn't want to go in yet"I explain as I feel my mates satisfying sparks from our bond

My mate stares down at me unamused

He grabs my waist and holds me against him"you know the rules,Back into the house before dark"He says sternly as he digs his nose into the crook of my neck making me softly gasp

I gasp slowly from my mates provocative nature twords my neck "I-I just needed a bit more time to practice,you know I have to get this stuff down"I explain as I run my fingers over his broad shoulders

He stares down at me with sexy eyes"Not after dark,it's not safe out here"He says cupping my face at the end"you know this mate"

I look up at him cheekily"If my mighty Alpha mate had escorted me out here to practice,no matter day or night,you wouldn't need to worry for my safety."I sing sweetly into his ears from below

I watch as the beginning of a slight smirk began to form in the corner of his mouth amusingly

"My Strong and Brave mate can protect me against anything"I whisper buttering him up

I feel my mates hold on me slightly tighten as he now fully smirks,somewhat amused

"It doesn't matter if I can protect you or not little mate.Rules in my pack are made to keep everyone safe.Especially you.Just because I'm your Mate does not mean you can break protocol "he whispers nagging me like a child

I roll my eyes as he growls"even if your the only one who could possibly get- away with it, by trying to sweet talk me like that darling"he smirks playing into my playful flirting

I giggle as he pulls me close"I can't say I mind it though"he whispers into my neck as I giggle louder

I can feel his packs eyes on us still

His wolf has been even more protective of me since what has happened for obvious reasons.I can say that we have been much happier and healthier as a couple for what we have been through together

My now serious mate turns to his pack "Take the Luna inside"He growls the command and Liam and the rest of his pack nod

Just like that my mate is already back to business

I pause from the title he addressed me as.

Ryder lifts my chin to meet his golden eyes"I will be right behind you"I slowly sigh and nod in response with a small smile

Ryder's looks over me as he cups my face again with both hands so I'm staring straight into his eyes

"No pouting mate,you know it's not safe out here.I have these rules to keep you safe.I couldn't stand for anything to happen to you again "He says looking down at  me with a serious expression as his thumbs caress my cheeks

I smile a bit bigger and shake my head"Your right"I whisper awww struck with my mates care for me

He chuckles"Did those words really come out of your mouth?"He gawks

I chuckle back as I jokingly roll my eyes playfully"Yes,and it left a foul taste "I joke

He smiles down at me before kissing my head"good girl"he whispers in my ear

I sigh nodding,not wanting to argue and knowing that he was right

"Go on with Liam"He caresses my cheek one last time before  turning to dismiss his pack from training Via mind Link

" move out"My mate announces as every one shifts into their wolves followed by Ryder as he goes in another direction

I shut my eyes hearing numerous cracks and when I open them, I see multiple wolves and the sight alone is always startling

I notice Liam's wolf is a darker brown wolf with light highlights in his fur of a lighter brown,his eyes are a bright blue

His decently sized wolf makes it's way over to me before leaning down on his front paws so his back was lent down

Does he mean for me to get on?

Oh great.

This should be fun.

I hesitantly climb onto Liam's   large and furry back as he takes off leaping through the air across the woods.I hold onto his fur tightly as we sore through the air,I squeal with excitement as I laugh with joy.

I took a deep breath as I take in the bright stars and big moon above,the tall trees towers over us and quickly pass us as my mates pack speed by.I felt free,The nights fresh cool air,and smell of the forest drew me to this place.It was a world I could never have imagined.

We approach the pack house and already I smell my Mates presence near.I look off onto my left and my mate is walking out of the woods in his human form

He nods to Liam when he sees me and he slowly bends down so I can jump off

In a flash my mate is by me.He grabs me by my waist and brings me to the floor and into his arms

He stare down into my eyes as my body lights up from his touch

He chuckles and turns leading us towards the house

I walk into the pack house passing several on duty guards,The security had been pulled way over the top since the incident,Ryder has been extremly busy with his pack training,more worriers for protection and expanding his pack more extensively.He has been busy doing his duties while I have been practicing as much as I could.

As I enter the house with my mate behind me,I am greeted by my brothers who are sitting in the kitchen around the kitchen island chatting amongst themselves.They  watched the chefs prepare dinner

They all look to me and Ryder when we walk in

"Hey merina"Ashton greets me

"Hey guys"I tell them as I sit next to them and Ryder stands at my side

"How did your training go?"Zane asks as I set my mother's spell book on the table infront of me

I shrug"it went okay"

"What are you getting down so far?"fin asks me

I twirl my hair in my fingers "I did a few weather controlling spells which were difficult to control,I also practiced my telekinesis and invisibility spells"I commented

Ryder chuckles" would that explain the sudden down pouring and huge winds going in and out throughout training today?"

I smile sheepishly  "oh,I'm sorry about that.I'm still trying to get full control of my powers"I chuckle

Ryder smirks"that's fine,just don't create a tornado and blow my pack away in the process"He tells me

I chuckle twiddling my fingers"I wouldn't dream of doing a spell like that near by"I tell my mate reassuringly

My brothers stare at me"that's good,keep at it,You'll need some more combat spell training too"Ash tells me

I nod"I'll get there,I'm trying to learn as fast as I can"I tell them

My mate puts his hand over my shoulder gently"Don't push yourself too hard,Youll get it at your own pace"My mate tells me

I shake my head "At my own pace will not due.I need to be fully  100% prepared in order to beat them,my people are counting on it"I tell my mate

"Your doing great,I know this is a lot of pressure.But we were able to buy ourselves some time from destroying the power They tried to take from you"Zane tells me

I sigh as I nod In Agreement"We do have more time,but I need to be great.I can't risk loosing to them"I mumble angrily as lean my back against my mate who was behind me

"Don't over work yourself.learn what you can and what is necessary,leave the rest to me and your Brothers"my mate kisses my head as i smile and my brothers nod in agreement

"Pearl and Serefina should be here any day now,that's  something to look forward to" Finn says

I nod happily"I'm so excited to see them"I tell my brothers"I can't wait for you to meet them"I say turning to look up at my serious mate

"I have my guards patrolling the beaches every night to ensure we can be alerted of their arrival"My mate tells me

I nod"Good,I'm confident I can help them change"I say"I'm just worried they will run into trouble on the way keeps me up at night"I whisper

My brothers nod"We are all keeping an eye out at the beach at all times so we aren't surprised.I'm sure we will get them out of the water safely"Zane assured me

I nod in agreement as the chefs begin to serve us hot plates of food

We all dig in to the pasta and meat balls that Ryder had made for me once before

My brothers begin to dig in when I see them struggle to pick up the pasta

"Do it like this"I show them as I swirl the spaghetti neatly around the fork"Make sure you blow on it before you eat,or else you'll burn your mouth"I tell them

Fin chuckles"It looks like you have this land  thing down huh?"

I shrug"I have a great teacher to help me figure things out" I say looking at my mate as he scarfs down his pasta As I chuckle

We finish eating our food together,when we finish the staff puts our dishes away

"We'll,I'm going upstairs to practice some spells,I'll see you all in the morning"I tell my brothers

They nod"Good night little sis,We'll be out tonight and do our Rounds on the beach"Zane tells me as I nod

"Thank you boys"i tells them as I get up and my mate follows me up to our room with my spell book in my hand

My mate follows behind me"I trust you'll be doing inside safe spells correct?"

I nod smiling"Yes Ryder,I won't be knocking the house down"

"Yes Id appreciate if you didn't"he slightly chuckles

I gasp

My mate looks down at me with worry as I cover my mouth

"Merina?what's wrong?!"he asks me holding my head

I smile as I remove my hands"is my serious mate actually smiling for once?"I ask him

He lets out a sigh of relief before looking back at me smirking

"I can't help it,you make me happy Merina"He smirks as he holds me close to his warm large chest as I take in my mates sweet smell

I craved to be close to him and the mating bonds was pushing us closer and closer.

He kisses me head before we Head upstairs into our room ,I sit down on the bed as my mate goes into the bathroom to shower for the night

I sigh as I step out of the room to tell the guards to not disturb us for the night unless an emergency,I needed to practice as much as I possibly could without any minor interruptions.

I start doing some protective shielding spells so I can protect myself and others if worse comes to worse

I reread the spell over and over again in detail so I am able to do the spell accurately

I was taught to read old mer scripture, so I should be able to read between the lines.....I think.

I look over the book and I see various notes written down,some in my mother's handwriting,some other written by my grandmother and her grandmother

I read into my mother's notes

"You will be able to see the essence of magic flow through you onto any object or person you wish to shield from harm.This spell requires deep focus in order to protect yourself or your peer,Make sure you put all your focus into what you are shielding,you will require your mind to be clear and your focus unfazed "

After a couple of rounds i was finally able to focus enough to begin  to see the magic slip out of my finger tips twords random objects practicing my shield

I huff as I focus on the vase  across the room,I take a deep breath and stare into the vase pointing my hands in that direction

I see the vase dimly light up with my power,a beautiful cloud of blues,purple,and pink are what my magic appears to me as

I am able to hold it there for a second before a sudden loud bang of the bathroom door slam-startling me and causing the  vase  to crash to the floor

I inwardly curse"What did that vase ever do to you?"My mates unamused tone  laced  in his words

I roll my eyes,I'm too frustrated to notice my mate in nothing but a towel,his hair still wet from his shower

"I was practicing my shielding spells which requires an immense amount of focus,Until you come In slamming doors!"I rub my temples as I sigh loudly and slowly In frustration

My mate sighs before looking down at me like he was trying to hold himself back "You need to relax.You are over working yourself Merina"He tells me walking up to me seeing my frustration

He lifts my chin up to meet his intense gaze "Which is why I'm letting that attitude of yours slide"He grumbles as he started down at me with a warning"Just this once"

I shake my head as I pull my chin away "What I need is focus and quiet!I say loudly"The weight of the world is on my shoulders!Don't you get that?!"I say"i need to be perfect!"I say as I steer my hands towards the light next to the bed closing my eyes  and trying to clear my mine

I ignore my mate as he stays quiet watching me intensely before slipping back into the closet to get dressed as he grumbles under his breath

Slowly I can feel my magic slipping from my finger tips again onto the light across the room,I watch as it lights up with my power,I hold it there and concentrate trying to keep all my magic and focus on it

I needed deep concentration and quiet

I take a deep breath as I continue to hold my magic there,I'll need to practice keeping my power and focus on the item I wish to shield for as long as possible,Incase in battle to protect my loved ones even with distraction

Suddenly the double doors burst open causing me to groan loudly

I look to see a frantic Liam

"Oh fish sticks!What is it?!"I shout

He looks over my mate who strides back into the room alertly "Alpha"he bows"I'm sorry,But it's ergent"

"So ergent you had to interrupt?What is it?Someone better be on fire!"I say annoyed as my mate rubs  his temples

"Merina I'm running a pack here"my mate says annoyed"You can't just not allow anyone to enter.As Alpha I am always on stand by"

I roll my eyes"Ryder you know how important my training is!"I say upset

My mate growls"What is it Liam?"

"Your brothers and our men have spotted movement on the beach,I think it's your visitors"He says

And just like that time had stopped as my eyes widen

"Oh my Goodness!They are here?!"I say estaticly

He nods as I look to my mate"We have to get to the beach right away!"I yell running into the closet grabbing some clothes,I quickly run out the door past  liam and my mate

"Merina!"my mate shouts on my tail(no pun intended lol)"as I run down the stairs with him after me

I rush out into the porch and quickly make my way to the beach on the other side of the property

After a brisk run twords  the beach in the black of night,only the full moon lighting the way I can finally make out the beach

"Where are they?!"I ask anxiously as I search the beach for my brothers and my mates men

"Merina!Slow down!"My mate says inches behind me"You can't be running out here alone"He says protectively

I roll my eyes"your a land person telling a mermaid to slow down!I don't have much experience running so you as a werewolf should be able to catch up to me just fine,Now help me find my friends please!"I say anxiously

My mate looks around "I can smell my men,they are straight ahead"He tells me

I turn and look into the distance and I see figures and I quickly run to them

I approach my brothers who are crowed around the shore with 6 of Ryder's men guarding the perimeter

As I approach them I see what I have been waiting to see for the past weeks

I see orange and pink tails glistening off from the moonlight and I look to see my friends ,pearl and serefina

I almost cry with happiness when they see me

"Merina!"Pearl shouts with joy followed by serefina

I step closer to the shore careful not to get my feet wet

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you!"I shout with tears

My mate and his men stare at my friends awe struck,they haven't ever seen a mermaid before

I nudge Ryder"it's rude to stare"I say

He scratches his head"I'm sorry,I can't help it.its not every day you see a mermaid"he says

Zane nudges me"Merina,we have to do this fast,it's not exactly safe out here"

I nod"right,Right then.Okay girls.Let's get you some legs,Boys help get them out of the water and onto the beach,Quickly now!"I tell my mates men as they nod

Two of Ryder's men drag Pearl and serefina out of the water and onto the dry sand

My mate clears his throat"Let's move,fast"He tells me

I nod ,I walk over to my friends"Alright girls,Are you ready?"I ask them

They both nod"Give us the best pair of human legs you've got!"Pearl exclaims

I smile slowly"boys,Turn around,they won't have any clothes on"I say as I turn to my mate,my brothers,and Ryder's men.

They nod and slowly form a circle around us with their backs turned

I bring my hands over pearls tail,I shut my eyes as I chant the spell in my mind

I open them as I feel my magic slip off my fingers and go onto Pearls tail,it lights up as I slowly see her tail beggining to disappear into a trail going up her body and being replaced with toes to feet to then legs

I bring my hands down when it is complete anf I grab some clothes that I took from the closet and handed it to Pearl

"Oh my gosh!"Pearl exclaims as she wiggles her toes

Serefina stares at her feet weirdly"They are so ugly!"she says

I chuckle"it's your turn Fina"I tell her

She lays back and nods"Good bye beautiful tail"she says

I point my hands over serefina as I watch her legs slowly appear as her tail disappears just like pearls

I quickly hand her some shorts and the only thing they are left with are their shell bras

"Okay,it's done"I say as the boys turn around

My friends sit on the sand as they wiggle their toes

I drop to my knees as I let out a sob and hug my friends

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you here safely " I whisper

My friends hug me tightly as they let out tears of happiness"We are just happy you escaped successfully aswell"Serefina tells me

I feel my mates hand on my shoulder"Merina,We have to get inside"He tells me

My friends look up at Ryder curiously as they look back at me

I nod wiping my tears"Let's get inside"

"How do we walk?"Asks Pearl

I smile"Here,I'll help you up"I tell Pearl as Zane helps Serefina onto her feet

Serefina and Pearl stand wabily on their new legs

I hold pearl steady"Just walk with one foot onto the floor after the other,push off from the back of your foot to the front of your feet and bring the other forward the same way"I explain

We slowly help the girls walk"steady now,it's not a race"I tell them as they both squabble through the sand

"Ugh,I already hate these legs!"Serefina shouts

"It's not so bad"Pearl says as she struggles through the sand

I look over to Serefina and she struggles to walk correctly causing her to trip over her legs,Before she could fall Zane quickly catches her

"Your highness"She whispers sheepishly with a blush in her cheeks

Oh boy

He chuckles"your okay,it'll take a moment to get used to"he says looking into her eyes

I watch her blush as I chuckle nervously,her and my brother have always had a thing for each-other since we were small.I don't know why they can't admit it already,everyone in the whole kingdom could see it.

We helped get my friends into the house safely and promptly

My friends were finally with me,And I couldn't be happier

.........To be continued

Hey guys!im sorry about all of the typos!I will be going back and editing!im on a plane right now so I just wanted to get this chapter out even if it's kind of a rough draft!I hope you all can enjoy is either way!again excuse the spelling and grammar mistakes I'm still editing,I just felt so bad it takes me so long to update so I wanted to give you all something!I love you all so much and thank you for your patience and support!

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