By justarockstarbaby

32.5K 473 309

Sometimes some people aren't worth saving, wether it be someone you love dearly or someone in serious need, s... More

cast call
chapter one • the night we met
chapter two • summertime sadness
chapter three • are you bored yet?
chapter four • My Kind Of Woman
chapter five • the less i know the better
chapter six • summer
chapter seven • meet me at our spot
chapter nine • washing machine heart
chapter ten • hurts so good
chapter eleven • the heart wants what it wants
chapter twelve • can i call you tonight?

chapter eight • fantasy

1.8K 27 37
By justarockstarbaby

"Momma, what does this do?" The sweet voice of a four year old questioned, tone exploiting pure innocence as she held out the black tube in her feeble palm that was to be found on her mother's vanity.

"That makes your lashes darker and longer, something mommy uses everyday to make herself look pretty. But you don't need that baby, your lashes are already beautiful" the older female responded, the smooth voice almost too comforting and beyond craved for as she looked down with a coy smile towards the newly developed toddler.

The next item the younger girls eyes were automatically drawn to was a similar tube, only shorter in length and rather wider in width. Gold plated and reflecting the rays of light from the lamp and onto the brunettes face as she scanned the makeup items in complete awe.

"What about this one?" Her hand raised the cylinder towards her mother's vision from where she had perched herself on her lap, eager to gain more knowledge so it could be utilised when she was old enough to use the cosmetics.

"That is lipstick, you use it on your lips to add a pretty colour although this one is quite neutral. Bright colours don't suit me angel" her smile extended down to the child's desirous gaze she held on the lipstick tube, recognising the longing look her bold green eyes were portraying. "Want to try it on? So you can look like mommy?"

The toddlers eyes lit up with unfiltered elation, nodding vigorously up towards her mother with a broad exhilarated grin. Something that made the lady's heart melt and stomach burn in complete fulfilment and the most gracious love, holding out the stick of lipstick and painting it carefully against the child's pouted lips.

If there was one thing she knew for sure, was that once this little one grew up she'd be a handful and a half- already her forward attitude and expressionate actions were enough to convey her bright personality that would only expand to get even brighter and bolder. Most days realising that her child was an exact embodiment of herself.

Laughter tainted the air once her artwork was done, turning the toddlers face towards the mirror so she could get an in-depth look of her inevitable beauty with the chosen lipstick accentuating her pouted lips. As she watched their reflections carefully over the girls shoulder, she knew this would be a moment that would be surely held sacred in the memory box for them both, the child's face melting into authentic joy as her own laughter plummeted around the atmosphere.

And then she blinked, eyes opening and adjusting to the new lighting of the scenery. Every item matching on the exact same vanity that still sat proudly in the shared room, the identical lip colour painting Scarlets lips for tonight's event she was attending. But there was one thing missing that repeatedly shattered her heart into a million shards of broken glass, her mother.

Scarlet stood staring numbly into the mirror, only the ghost of her mother's presence in that cherishable memory for company. As well as the dust of cocaine that lined the desk top in reminder of the hefty amount of intoxicant that had been inhaled on Rafe's orders to prepare for the party.

There was one thing that Scarlet could agree with her mother on, they both didn't suit bright colours- maybe it was because the boldness clashed with their psyche, distracting ones eye away from their true character that was way more acknowledgeable than a colourful lip.

And there was an evident difference between the two scenes, when she was an innocent child the world appeared more saturated and radiant by honour of her mother's presence, but now a grey tint soaked into the atmosphere replaced the vibrancy with indecency- the only thing that resembled her mother being the expensive lipstick smothered across her mouth, in exception of her jade irises which were inherited in honour of the deceased parent.

Like she had previously told Rafe on the night they had met, Scarlet wasn't much of a house party girl, in fact that party they attended on that occasion was a one off that April had managed to talk her into. Somehow. The brunette felt almost, nervous? No, that definitely wasn't the feeling to describe the sensation that was welling up inside of her. Maybe it was the anticipation which was slowly devouring her, the anonymous outcomes which were sluggishly creeping up on the night hiding in the shadows.

So getting ready wasn't exactly the best of activities, Scarlet only being able to pull herself to do the makeup that would often visit her face on the daily with an additional smoked out brown wing to line the eyes and a subtle pair of lashes that grew in length near the end to give her that cat eye look. Her hair was down, draping over her shoulders with an effortless wavy style due to the lack of effort she held towards preparing.

But what she look most pride in was her outfit choice, picking out a black low waisted denim skirt which had a thick buckle belt sewn into it and a brown mesh, long sleeve top that spit just below her her breasts. Just the right around of skin on show as her lower stomach was exposed by the mini skirt, the colours contrasting her tan skin perfectly.

The hardest part of decision making was when the female was dwelling on wether to wear the black platform boots that grazed just below the knee or to just sport a simple pair of black converse with her desired outfit. After a series of mixed thoughts on the options, Scarlet pulled on the boots which she had bought not too long ago when shopping with April- they were comfortable enough the dance and walk in and also make her attire look that slight bit more sexier.

Which Rafe most definitely will not approve of, considering his little comments he made about the night already going to be a handful.

Time seemed to have been ticking away vastly, from staring in the mirror blankly at her own distorted reflection to having her nostril connected once again against the cold surface as the intoxicant rushed up her nasal cavity and demolished all sobriety that was left within her being. In a matter of half an hour, Scarlet had snorted around four lines in total and it was evidently portrayed in the white cast above her cupids bow and the dilation to her deep black pupils that were swollen with the cocaine high.

Never had she been a hard drug user, but the height she had reached since devouring that first line tonight was something Scarlet could definitely get used to.

Just then her phone lit with a notification, the vibration from the notion intensified by the coke within her system as she lifted her phone from the vanity. Unlocking her phone as her eyes absorbed the blue light to reveal the message from the male she had been waiting for all night.

I'm outside sweet

Sweet, that was a new one to Scarlet. Those little pet names that would effortlessly roll from his tongue on the daily always tied knots within the females stomach. Rafe was always so smooth and pleasurable with the way he addressed her, like melted chocolate dripping across her velvety skin with each appellation he spoke.

Taking one last glance in the mirror with a heavy sigh, the brunette pivoted on her heel and made her way out of the bedroom with mild anxiety withered throughout her emotions and an unsettled feeling on what she should expect. Her father was working late tonight and Scarlet had already pre wrote a note and stuck it to the refrigerator to inform him of her where about's for the night, so all she had left to do was walk out of the front door and stalk towards the parked Range Rover that was occupied by her company.

Rafe was distracted by his own little world he had created whilst waiting, drumming his fingers against the wheel lightly as he made sure to turn on the radio already for Scarlet. Racks and racks of thoughts were stacked up within his mind, about the men at the party and how they'd behave with the females presence. How the girls were going to treat her, mostly the meaningless hook up's that the male had ditched as soon as the deed was done and wouldn't give them the time of day after.

Yeah, shitty, he already knew that. Yet those girls knew he only wanted one thing in the moment and had no interest in proceeding any form of relationship with those individuals, Rafe was also convinced that the easy girls were fine with being used considering the way they threw themselves at him. It simply was not his fault.

His attention was soon drawn towards the sound of the passenger door opening, eyes immediately finding their way to latch onto the bare area's of the brunettes physique. Containing self control was certainly one of the many things Rafe intended to have locked down tonight but that damn outfit was testing his will power with every split second.

Although the prettiest thing about Scarlet had always been her face, the male finding himself almost stunned every time he had the privilege to scan each and every single section of her features. No flaws could be detected no matter how hard he attempted to find them, that was the scariest part.

"Alright, try not to come in your pants Cameron" she chuckled whilst watching the lustful gaze of the dirty blonde leave trail marks from his eyes, running the tip of her tongue over her bottom lip before carefully biting down on the right side.

"It's hard to refrain myself when you look that fucking hot Scar" Rafe spoke out in a low tone, hypnotised oculars now sizing up her bare thighs whilst a twitch sparked within his groin. "You're making me hard by just sitting there and looking all pretty"

Feeling the sensational overload of confidence from the unnecessary amount of cocaine abused, Scarlet slightly parted her legs and slowly ran her fingertips lightly over the inner section of her right thigh, edging closer and closer to her centre with teasing intent.

An audible sigh left through the males ajar mouth, vision glued to the sensual movement that felt like a lifetime of pleasurable torture. His own fingertips were itching to mimic those same movements upon her velvety olive skin, to feel the warmth that would radiate from between her legs.

"Am I turning you on Rafe?" Scarlet spoke out almost innocently, voice as sweet as sugar as her touch stopped at the bottom hem of the denim skirt.

Becoming aware to the prominent bulge within his trousers, Rafe tore his gaze away from the tempting scenery and screwed his eyes tightly together in attempt to rid the build up of sexual frustration within his boxers. "Fuck you" he breathlessly replied, earning a devilish giggle from the female seated next to him.

This game they often played against one another was one that Scarlet found too easy, the odds now heavily weighing down his metaphorical points and lifting her own as she was now in the lead. The way she had effected Rafe just now with that minimal effort was enough to send the females ego into overdrive, raising her self-pride with the assurance of having full control over Rafe's uncontained emotions.

"What's wrong sunshine?" She smirked, riding the high of currently having the authority between the two and the everlasting thrill from the intoxicant within her system.

Allowing his eyelids to flutter back open and readjust to his surroundings, Rafe turned his profile sideways to view to female besides him and pointed his narrowed eyes in her direction. "You fucking with me like a whore before going to this dumb party"

Arousal stirred within the pit of Scarlet's stomach, hearing those words come from Rafe's mouth and directed towards her was something that she had rather oddly taken a liking to. All the right things came from his lips, the same damn lips she wanted so desperately to be littered all over her skin.

"Why don't you contain yourself Cameron so we can actually arrive to that dumb party"

She wasn't sure what the male was exactly doing, his torso leaned over towards where she was seated as his face inched closer with each shallow breath. Rafe lifted his thumb and brushed it gently under Scarlets nostrils, ensuring to keep stern eye contact as he did so. As he took it away and faced it towards her eye line, she was able to see the pad of his thumb decorated in a small amount of white dust, it now being suddenly embarrassing that he was aware of use she had taken.

"Good girl doing as she's told, huh?" His face was decorated in a smug smirk, slowly backing away and tracing the heavy series of deep breaths that were leaving Scarlets chest to his efforts. "Maybe I do have you wrapped around my little finger"

Fighting away the resentless emotions consisting within, the brunette scoffed and turned away from the male completely. "In your dreams Rafe, now drive his damn car so I can get fucked up already"

His deep chuckling filled the car, clearly now he'd taken the lead in their sick game tonight and was seemly proud of doing so. "Yes ma'am"

Majority of the car journey they listened to the radio music that was anything but party appropriate, what ever channel Rafe had chosen to play wasn't exactly to Scarlet's taste, but nevertheless she'd rather not be a prisoner to silence whilst trapped in the males car. Despite it always being comfortable when the pattern of their breathing was audible.

Just as the brunette predicted that they were close, his voice rang out and interrupted the low melody that was being plummeted throughout the atmosphere. "You don't leave my side all night okay? I don't trust fucking anyone here and I'm not taking any chances Scar"

Struck in disbelief, Scarlet whipped around and raised an eyebrow to her hairline at Rafe's sudden orders. Wether it be the drug laced within her system or the seriousness drawn upon the dirty blondes expression, Scarlet felt her anger flare like lightening. "What makes you think you can order me around like that?"

The car came to a sudden stop as Rafe pulled up at what the female presumed was the destination, at that particular moment she couldn't take the time to absorb the scenery as her focus was still glued to the conceited individual next to her as he soaked in all his self influenced ascendancy.

"Because I-" the words that Rafe wanted to say weren't to his true character as he never had felt the emotions that he felt towards Scarlet in the entirety of being alive, his sentences being broken by the lump that grew within his throat. "Fuck, it's just I- I- feel protective of you. Like I need to make sure you're okay Scarlet, I've been friends with these fucking guys for years and I know what they're like, particularly around girls. So just accept me being caring for once and listen to me yeah?"

The brunette wasn't sure what to feel to the rare outburst of emotions, he held up this cocky facade but allowed some true feelings leak out in an episode of desperation. It was an eye opener for Scarlet as she realised that maybe he was just as serious as she was about their entanglement with each other, he feels the deep concern to evidently protect her from males just like himself. How ironic.

Finding the humorous side in the seriousness that had been exposed, Scarlet couldn't help but to allow her poker face crack into a smirk, attempting to hold in the laughter she desperately wanted to let go of as she cleared her throat to disintegrate to tension that had formed. "So you care about me, Hm?"

Rafe didn't answer the question that was directed at him as he simply did not want to admit that he may care, the possessiveness that over takes him once another male shows any sense of attention towards Scarlet drives him insane. It was foreign and he didn't like it in the slightest, telling the brunette was definitely one of his many regrets and the dirty blonde wasn't accustomed to his vulnerability in that moment.

So he aided his discomfort with the only medicine he wasn't a foreigner to, his most preferred way of self destruction, more cocaine.

Grasping his set of house keys that were resting in his pants pocket and forming a decently sized line, Rafe adjusted his nostril so it suffocated the substance and snorted it in one swift motion. The relief that washed over his being was like no other, a release of emotions being devoured into his favourite coping mechanism- there was no doubt in his mind that nothing would ever compare.

That was until he looked over to Scarlets amused expression and all those thoughts vanished quicker than the bump he just took back.

Damn fucking her.

"Are you done pretty boy?" she sarcastically queried, motioning down to the key that was still held between his fingers.

Nodding in response, Rafe climbed out of the car and waited for the female to follow- sniffling a few times and swiping his index finger under his nose to rid any evidence of his intake of coke. Upon first glance, the party was booming with energy, many people whom he recognised were scattered around the front garden and entering through the walk way.

Some even sparing a glance and a simple hello as they spotted the kook, surprised to see him attend with company at his side as Scarlet climbed out of the passenger seat of the Range Rover. Instantly Rafe threw his arm around the brunette's shoulders out of his vigilant and possessive impulses, marking his territory and authority over Scarlet to ensure the males knew she wasn't for the taking.

This only made the females eyes roll, knowing exactly why he had made that simple effort- but she knew better than to shake it away- not exactly wanting to cause a scene upon the first time of meeting Rafe's kook friends. Because god knew, he fucking knew, if Scarlet was to do such thing after that the bizarre speech he had made five minutes ago in the car, Rafe would loose all of his patience within a second.

It was a dangerous game that she so desperately wanted to play, the large red button looking all too inviting in that moment.

Her mind became suddenly distracted, because Scarlet couldn't ignore the sensation of his skin being pressed against her own, the knots that were tied in the pits of her stomach tightening as the tingles that evolved were creating goosebumps to surface on her sensitive skin. With all of her senses heightened by the drug, this was surely bound to drive her insane all night- longing sinfully for his delicate touch.

She hadn't even realised that they had entered the building, looking around and analysing that it was already extremely crowded. The atmosphere glazed in smoke as multicoloured strobe lights blazed left, right and centre. Bodies upon bodies were pressed against each other, grinding with the rhythm of music whilst liberating themselves under the electric mist. One thing was overpowering her sense of smell, the smothering scent of cannabis and tobacco perfumed throughout the entire area as it seeped through the walls and travelled between each form.

This scenery was never really Scarlets thing but she could definitely see why some people relished in the party life, it wasn't all too bad, considering she had come across her company at an event like so.

They continued to progress through the sea of bodies whilst occasionally being stopped by the odd individual who Rafe had to acknowledge, the female being alert to the vibrations from the roaring music pulsating throughout the floor- feeling them travel through the soles of her boots and slither against her bare skin. Causing her whole body to become fuzzy and electrified with thrill.

"Ah Rafey, there you are buddy!" An unfamiliar voice called out from over the music and caught Scarlet's attention, noticing the way the males grip loosened around her shoulders and managed to snake its way firmly around her waist.

Turning to view the face that accompanied the voice, the brunette was met with a very attractive blonde male that was around six ft one in height and just slightly shorter than Rafe. His eyes were a perfect mix between a hazel green colour and a mid blue, contrasting quite nicely with his golden tan skin. It was blatantly obvious that he was pleasing to the eye as she looked him over cautiously, but he didn't compare by any means to the dirty blonde besides her.

"Oscar" Rafe nodded, his fingertips digging harder into Scarlet's hip with protective intention. "Looks like a good turn out"

His unfamiliar eyes looked the females figure up and down with no subtlety before looking around at the mass of bodies consisting within his home, nodding proudly to himself before he addressed Rafe's comment. "My parties have always been legendary you know that Cameron. Anyway, are you going to introduce me to this lovely lady or?"

Scarlet instantly knew that whom she presumed is Oscar was trouble, his mannerisms and the way he addressed himself conveyed his problematic traits pretty clearly in her drug tainted eyes. Nevertheless she painted on a fabricated smile as she looked towards him, aware of the tightening grip that Rafe was deepening into her side by the second.

"Scar with is Oscar, Oscar this is Scarlet" the dirty blonde said uninterestedly, praying that after the introduction his friend would disappear somewhere else to manage his hectic party.

"It's really good to meet you Scar" Oscar winked, having a permanent creepy smile plastered upon his features that made the female question wether or not he knew the situation between herself and the Cameron.

"It's Scarlet" Rafe's voice spoke out, feeling his eye twitch with irritation as his jaw clenched to rid the build up of existing anger. He's never trusted Oscar and he certainly still doesn't now, especially with the way he was sizing up Scarlet with his predatory eyes like she was a piece of meat.

Feeling particularly smug about Rafe's reaction to Oscar's mere comment that had evidently ticked him off, Scarlet cleared her throat and analysed the smirk that grew on the hosts face- a weird feeling irking her on the way the male presents himself. "Nice to meet you"

Keeping it short and sweet is what she intended to do, something with this side of Rafe feeling incredibly arousing yet Scarlet still can't seem to shake the infatuation she feels towards having control between them. She capitalises off having dominance the same way he does, a rivalry that will be continuously on going between them despite the wobble in competition.

Both of them ensured they would win, but both of them were ignorant to the disaster that was condemned.

It didn't take long for Oscar to wonder off into the crowd to another drunken female who took his fancy as their eyes caught amongst the commotion, leaving Rafe with a firm slap on the shoulder and Scarlet with an inappropriate wink. Exhaling a thankful breath through his parted lips, the male released his hold for the first time since entering the party so he was able to concoct two poorly made beverages for them both.

The brunette watched and added her well needed criticism on his ratio of vodka to soda, scowling as he dismissed her critiques with a blunt middle finger before cracking and letting the female take over. Rafe's arms were crossed firmly around his chest as he observed her attempts which weren't any different to his, making sure to add sly little remarks about his beliefs on the drinks being made in the exact same way as his were.

"Just because you work in a café, doesn't mean you can mix drinks better than me. I fucking do it enough Scar! I know what I'm doing"

"Have you ever been swilled?" Scarlet snapped, pointing an unappreciative glare in the males direction as she straightened her posture with the two solo cups occupying each hand.

"Not to my knowledge no" Rafe responded, drawing his features together in bafflement to the question asked whilst recalling his memory of any inconvenience.

"Well if you keep on with that stick up your ass, I'll make sure your swilled virginity will disappear by the end of the night" and with that promise she forced the cup into his grasp, taking a sequence of many very needed gulps of the mixture and allowing it to glide down her throat with ease.

Having an array of immediate unrelated thoughts spring to mind, the males smirk grew before he took a gentle sip of Scarlet's infamous vodka beverage. "Angel, I'm many many things but a virgin is not one of them"

"Does that clarification make you feel like a big boy Rafe?" Scarlet sarcastically pouted, watching his amused smirk disappear slowly to her snarky comment.

Just as he was about to respond to the presumptuous female standing in front of his eye line, Rafe felt an unexpected tap to his back to signify someone else was present to greet him. Whipping round defensively to reveal a being he wasn't as distasteful to being within his company and nerves slightly easing once he identified it was Kelce. "What'a happening bro"

"You tell me, seems like I haven't seen you around a lot lately" Kelce chuckled, pulling the dirty blonde in for a half hearted greeting by their closed hands.
It wasn't long until the males eyes located Scarlet standing next to his friend once they had withdrawn from one another, yet he also had an slight inkling to whom she may be. "This the lucky girl who sole you away from me at Jaden's party whilst I went to get you a drink?"

"Indeed she is, this is Scarlet" Rafe confirmed in a carefree manner, looking around to see if he could spot any more approaching people who he'd have to be aware of with the female.

"I'm Kelce, I knew you looked familiar" he introduced himself enthusiastically, the way he pulled the brunettes petite form in for a brief hug was enough to confirm to Scarlet that he had already had a lot to drink.

"How'd you know I stole him then huh, if I knew he was yours I wouldn't have bothered" Scarlet giggled, feeling a vast difference in positive energy coming from Kelce rather than Oscar.

"Well I came back with a new drink for the bitch to see he had disappeared on me. And when I asked around to see where he had gone, I was told he had walked out with a girl in a red dress- in my mind I instantly knew who you were because he didn't stop staring at you all night"

"Okay that's enough" Rafe interrupted with a swift roll of the eyes, not exactly feeling embarrassed about Kelce's confession but knowing it would definitely feed into the females expanding ego. She was already a lot to handle, much like himself, then again that's exactly why he was fond of her.

They were too alike for their own good, yet she was an amazing distraction to pull him away from the raw reality he suffers with when being alone.

"Oh no, please carry on" she boasted, enjoying the in tell of which she was receiving in that moment.

"I wish I could but I haven't seen him since, too busy following you around I presume" Kelce shrugged, voice at a heightened volume so she'd be able to hear him clearly over the loud thump of music.

"You do realise I can fucking hear you right?" Rafe objected to the conversation, not particularly liking the picture that was being painted of him as it couldn't be further from the truth.

It was simply a two way street between himself and Scarlet, admittedly he made the first move when showing up to the café on that one evening but the brunette was the one to approach him on the night they met. Their intertwined eyes being enough to draw the two together as their connection was obnoxiously smothering.

"Well you two should come and sit with us out the back, Oscar had some good fucking weed and they're smoking it down there" the other male proposed, pointing over his shoulder and inviting the two to where supposedly more people Rafe would be familiar with were.

As Rafe was about to open his mouth to refuse the offer and inform Kelce that himself and Scarlet would stay here where the coast was clear and there are no interferences, the brunette's features lit up with a shit eating grin and took matters into her own hands. Finding the mention of cannabis all too enticing and jumping the gun, she threw herself forwards with all too much enthusiasm for Rafe's liking. "Fuck yeah let's do it"

The three began migrating through the crowds of drunken forms and towards the back doors where the open porch was, just nearly reaching the pure outside air before the dirty blonde grasped onto Scarlets lower arm to pull her back into him.

"You'll sit on my lap and won't move, do you understand?" He voiced earnestly, leaning down so his mouth hung about an inch above her ear whilst they proceeded to walk at a slower pace.

Scarlet could feel his breath tickle the shell of her ear, the hyper sensitivity working in its ways to evoke a shiver of pleasure to surge down her spine. Despite the weakness that occurred in her knee's to sensation, she knew better than to let it overcome her and still stood her ground as his words became clearer within her frazzled mind. "I'm not your bitch Rafe, do you understand that?"

Growling with impatience, his grip enclosed with a more forceful amount of pressure around the top portion of her arm, enough to spin her around so Scarlet was now able to read the seriousness within his face. "You need to fucking listen to me when I say that these guys don't mess around, if you leave me they think you're free for taking and I can't have that. If one of them do so much as looks at you in the wrong way then I'll fucking kill them- let alone touch you. That's not happening, so why don't you just do as you're told and sit on my lap like a good girl, hm?"

She had never seen Rafe indulge in this strenuous behaviour before and he has never spoke to her with so much severity in his tone since they had met, the way his irises were completely soaked in black and awfully cold to look at. One thing within her mind was screaming that this could be the first warning sign as her vision became drown in red, yet as those numb eyes stared down at her for longer his hues began to melt back into the gorgeous grey they usually were painted delicately in.

And all of the danger that surfaced was suddenly subsided as Scarlet's mind chose to partner with green, ignoring the hesitancy she felt for a few meaningless seconds.

Keeping her facade securely intact, the female yanked her arm from the hold he was burning into her skin and gave the dirty blonde a disapproving look- watching as Rafe walked ahead and lead the rest of the remaining way for them both. Ensuring to keep their hands clasped so he didn't loose her amongst's the shallow horde that blocked the exit.

Locating a singular vacant armchair that sat around the table in the middle of the circle of people, the male approached it and threw himself down onto the comfortable cushioned fabric that made up the outside furniture.

His index fingers reached out and threaded themselves through the loops of Scarlet's buckle belt that were to be found on either sides of the denim skirt, using them as leverage to pull her back and down firmly on his lap before leaning against the back of the chair in a lounged position with his legs spread slightly open so she had a comfortable space to place her legs.

It was all unnecessary, she thought. But she couldn't fathom a valid reason to fight against his actions as they were incredibly enjoyable, the possessive attention that was being received on this occasion only expanded her attraction towards Rafe- even the way he allowed his arm to wrap back around her stomach and left it there with a purposeful act of claiming what was his.

The others scattered around the table didn't bat so much as an eyelid to the scene, providing Scarlet with an uncomfortable thought that maybe he did this often with all the girls he met these stupid parties. Inevitably her instinct was to move, attempting to get up but his sturdy hold didn't oblige her with the privilege- keeping it tenacious so she only had a small amount of space to manoeuvre if she wanted to tilt her torso to get more intimate.

Feeling the stand offish mood oozing from the brunette, Rafe leaned his lips so they were once again by the shell of the females ear- keeping his tone incredibly low so the others wouldn't hear anything but their own conversation. "What's wrong with you?"

Sneering to his dumbfounded comment, Scarlet didn't even feel the need to look back and acknowledge him. Allowing her jealousy to take  complete control of all of the emotions she previously felt and permeate them with her bitterness. "I just want a fucking blunt"

It didn't take long for another brunette girl who looked fairly friendly to lean over and offer the two a perfectly rolled joint that was thick in width as lean in length, the female on Rafe's lap accepting it promptly with a sweet smile of thanks as she placed it between her lips and waited for the lighter to be passed around and land herself.

"Let me light it for you" the dirty blonde asked once the lighter was in their possession, earning a questionable look from Scarlet as she was eager to get the weed within her system. "I just like the satisfaction when the end sets alight" he shrugged, his insides rattling with excitement once he had an approving nod from his girl to the request.

It sparked with a large royal blue flame, the salamander tip grazing against the edge of the blunt to burn the papers the marijuana was rapped in and allow Scarlet to smoke it freely as the end lit with the first delicious inhale.

Hollowing out her cheeks to pull as much smoke within her mouth, she ghosted the vapour from muscle memory before it settled down her windpipe and into her deprived lungs. The remaining fog from her exhale spilling out her nostrils whilst she bought the joint back up towards her lips for a second hit.

This substance intake was one she was much more familiar with rather than the hard drug she had previously taken advantage of on the dressing table, everyone she associated herself with before meeting the male smoked weed regularly and only dabbled in cocaine. Her world had been completely switched upside down since then, coke being the preferred method of high and weed being on the sidelines.

Considering the gap of time she had taken away from smoking, it had already began to take its toll from the five inhales she had already had, the feeling enhanced by the powder running within her system. The white in Scarlet's eyes were soon replaced by a crimson tint whilst the world was enhanced in colour that slight bit more, her eyelids feeling heavier in weight by the second as her body began to feel much lighter.

"Can I have a hit please Scar" Rafe's soothing voice appeared from behind her, holding out his middle and index finger so she could slot it between them when handing it over.

Watching him smoke the cannabis stick was mesmerising to the female, any former short time hatred she felt towards him had melted into need- unable to wrap her head around the solemn fact that they had never taken the opportunity in sharing a kiss- no matter how much they both longed and desired to do so.

Hell, there were many things that they desired from one another but they had taken it as slowly as they could. That sluggishness was beginning to shred Scarlet's patience into a thin paper sheet, unable to control the appetite that expanded each day for Rafe Cameron.

Perceiving the eyes that were set upon him, the male focused all his attention onto the brunette- feeling a familiarity of emotions beyond her eyes that he was experiencing on the daily. They could take all the drugs in the world, revel in the euphoria of the substance as they strayed away from sobriety- but nothing could compare to the addicting ecstasy they felt when being together.

"Lean closer" his voice was merely a whisper, his hand soothingly lacing its way through the hair on the back of her head as he took a heavy pull from the blunt.

Scarlet did just that, eyes flickering down to his lips as he applied some force down on the back of her head to bring them closer together- the male waited until she responded with her lips just a millimetre away before blowing the all the thick smoke from his mouth carefully into hers.

She took it down effortlessly, tilting her head upwards to exhale the vapour they had shared between them with her mouth in an o shape to control the way it travelled upwards. Her mind went into a scrambled haze, unfiltered emotions drowning all control she usually held as her insides began to feel all fuzzy from the interaction.

It was only a matter of time before either of them snapped and dived into the daring temptations, but which ever one of them it would be was an even possibility as they both were itching to do so. Both Scarlet and Rafe were afraid that if they did crumble, they'd become too addicted to the feeling of the other individual, become that attached to the pleasure and completely infatuated with the intoxicating elation that they'd be unable to stop no matter how much they'd fight it.

It was a fatal risk that they'd both take within a heartbeat. The anticipation being around which one will be the first.

"Hey, do you wanna dance?" The same brunette interrupted the mediocre moment the two were having, Scarlet turning to see she was stood up in front of them with an inviting grin and her hands leaning in the dips of her hips.

An offer like that was one that the female could never pass up, dancing is and always will be one of the brunettes favourite things to do wether it be when she is at a party or a club. With a mix of the drugs plummeting throughout her veins, going to dance with a stranger felt like the most exhilarating thing to do in that moment- taking those chances and risks is what Scarlet thrived for, evidently portrayed in the way she played with fire when being with the male.

So with a polite smile of her own, Scarlet nodded her head and ignored the vivid glare that was burning into the side of her profile. "Sure, I'll dance with you"

A sense of discomfort fulfilled Rafe's whole being, chest heaving up and down dramatically with each breath he took as his eyes followed where the two began to trail off to. Without removing his eye's from the back of the brunette's head, he leaned forwards and doubted the end of the joint in the glass ash tray located on the table in front on him, feeling a rare loss without her body positioned against his.

The failure of keeping the control in the grasp of his palm had melted away, leaving Rafe with nothing but his conscious to keep him company and tell him deceitful phrases that fed into his paranoia.

Without his presence any male at this party could immediately take their chance with Scarlet, just the mere thought caused his blood to boil and a burn to occur within his chest. The imagery of their hands running against her waist, their eyes flickering down and grazing over the bare skin of her legs-

His eye's were immediately drawn to her as she became visible over the cluster of other dancing individuals, Scarlet and the brunette had managed to create some sort of podium on an elongated table not too far away from where the others were sitting outside. Giving the male a good view of the show that was about to begin.

When she began to dance to the rhythm of music his eyes were still stuck upon her, unable to rip away his gaze as she had him intentionally hypnotised with the movement of her hips and the eye contact that was being traded. The girl that had taken her away was just behind Scarlet, dancing in the same sort of fashion with her hands roaming all around her body, but his eyes were only attentive to the singular person that had been on his mind relentlessly for the past month.

Just then Rafe felt like a victim to deja vu as this scenery felt like a movie he had watched before, mind spiralling back to the night he had no choice but to be grateful for whilst he analysed Scarlets sensual movements. His surroundings became a complete blur, unable to tame the reminiscent smirk that was itching away at his features.

That pretty little red dress she was wearing was something he could remember vividly, cinching in at all the right places on her curves as her wild hair draped effortlessly over her petite shoulders. But in the reality Rafe was currently in, Scarlet was still dancing with the strobe lights licking her skin and holding her own gaze in correspondence to his.

Everyone's eyes were watching her in awe, captivated by the way she moved and struck in admiration of her beauty.

But it wasn't their eyes that she were locked with, it was his.

An array of emotions washed over him and left Rafe drowning in his own mind, finding appreciation yet lust swirling around within himself and mixing to make a suffocating emotion that he was finding hard to contain. His fingertips twitched with a need to touch her whilst doing an awful job in convincing himself that he could compress his urges.

If there was only a certain amount of time they had together then Rafe wanted to relish in each second that ticked by, feeling the intense withdrawals of addiction beginning to settle in.

However it wasn't from the lack of cocaine, no definitely not, he had snorted a hefty amount that could last to usual person a couple of days. It was from Scarlet.

Taking a steadying inhale and allowing it to fill his wide nostrils with crisp air, the dirty blonde battled against resisting his desirous appetite, struggling by the second as her hands ran up her bare stomach  invitingly. Her bottom lip being taken between her pearly whites and her hips swaying with ease, coordinating in pattern to the blasting R&B song playing.

There was only so much one man could take and he was edging closer and closer to the door that sent him down a path he couldn't go back down. Once he chose this route there was no turning around and disappearing into the darkness. Rafe wasn't one for disobeying his impulses, being an addict to many things was currently the only thing he was good at.

Fuck it.

He was out of the seat before his mind made a different decision for him, feet leading their own way to the angel entertaining the crowd. The people around him were a minor inconvenience as something like this he would of preferred to be in private amongst their own presence, but Rafe had no trouble in blocking them out as Scarlet created a mind blowing mirage that herself and the male were the only two in the room.

She began to look puzzled when becoming aware of his sudden approach to where she currently was dancing, her movements coming to a halt as she readied herself for what was about to come next- there was no telling of what the dirty blonde would do as he was exceptionally unpredictable on the best of days. Tonight certainly not being an exception.

As soon as he had gotten close enough to the table, both hands connected to each side of Scarlet's waist and lifted her up with ease; the females arms instantaneously latched around his neck as her feet had now left the surface and were relying on the males hold. The familiar magnetic force to be felt was paralysing, it had become too overwhelming to process as the build up over the last few weeks was gaining up on them.

All they could bare to do was give in, relapsing and allowing their lips to crash together in an overly prolonged kiss whilst the brunette was still lifted in mid air.

Like ice meeting fire, they melted into one another with equal parts hunger and desperation, immersing in the rich flavour of each other's deprived lips.

Even when her feet had met the ground and his hands were still guiding Scarlet to her stability, the kiss wasn't broken, it only intensified. The females hands leading their way from the back of his neck to the front to cup his jaw; whilst Rafe took advantage of the entry within her parted lips and allowed his tongue to glide freely with hers.

It was a combination of need, lust and danger. The forcefulness contrasting the underlying gentleness to the way they worked with one another, feeling spellbound by the surreality of the moment that outshone the scenarios either one of them had imagined within their minds.

In the midst of feeling electrified with thrill, one of Rafe's roaming hands snaked it way up towards the back of her neck and added a slightly amount of pressure to elongate their unexpected embrace. Carelessly shaking away the fact that there could be multiple people watching heated moment.

Many girls he had kissed in his lifetime; on nights where he was looking for a forgettable fix or a simple sweet end to a messy night- but there was nothing that could compete to the way Scarlet made him feel whilst their greedy influences worked together and dissolved into complete satisfaction. She had become the best distraction he had found since his fucked up journey had began, able to tear his schizophrenic thoughts away from his soul and replace them with a mind staggering amount of lust.

The environment they were in just wasn't making the cut for the male, somewhere more secluded and private would be much more up to his taste as the things he would like to do to the brunette were not made for another's eye.

Taking her hands that were rested against his jaw line into his own, Rafe pulled away breathlessly to rest his forehead against Scarlet's, craning his neck down so their eyes were in parallel and staring deep into each other's wide blown pupils. "I need to get you out of here"

Latching down onto her plump bottom lip to censor the wide grin that was battling its way to shine through, the brunette raised her arm to push away strand of hair that was brushing against his brow bone. "Then what are you waiting for sunshine?"

It was more than enough confirmation that he needed to make a move, eager to leave the surroundings there were currently suffocated in so they could be alone somewhere more placid and quiet, despite the fact their upcoming volume and actions they wish to take part in were going to contrast just that.

Getting to Rafe's car seemed to become a mass of blurry lines, not being able to remember a single detail about their journey due to their minds being set on ending up at whichever house they desired to be designated at. Considering the route in which they were taking, Scarlet came to a quick realisation that it wasn't her home they were heading towards- it was Taneyhill.

Not too long ago she had absolutely no knowledge that the dirty blonde lived in the mansion and was a member of the infamous family whom owned the land, now she was currently on the way to step foot inside of the building for the first time. It was nerve wracking to say the least, nevertheless her impatient mind was too preoccupied with endless thoughts of what could of happened by midnight between the two.

"Is anyone home?" She spoke for the first time since being seated upon the leather inside of Rafe's Range Rover, turning to see his full attention was averted to the road.

"Nah, my family are in the Bahamas" he shrugged off the query cooly, despite his insides inflaming with discomfort to the truth.

In all honesty he couldn't fathom why Ward hadn't asked him to accompany him on what seemed like a business deal, all the years he had grafted for a small segment of trust and respect had worked against the male- leaving Rafe feeling vastly deflated and worthless in the proud eye's of his father. All the son wanted was that validation, to be acknowledged for the sacrifices he had made in order to protect Ward, yet those wishes were more than an arms length away.

Apparently all Rafe bought to the picture perfect family was shame.

You did the right thing, Peterkin was going to kill Ward. You should be proud of yourself.

But how could he? When the one person he wanted to be the most appreciative was the one whom was the most ungrateful, passing Rafe's act as a moment of madness instead of his true protective intent. Nothing he did would ever be up to his fathers standards, those privileges flew straight out of the door his mother left through as she took them selfishly with her.

Along with his sanity and purity, since that day he had been forced to live in a mind that afflicted him deeper and deeper every single day.

Once the car had came to a halt in his usual parking space in front of his home, Rafe wasted no time in climbing out of the vehicle and beckoning his company inside of the transparent doors that welcomed them upon approach. Using her hand as a  tugging rope to hurry her along as his patience was shredding, Rafe guided them in the direction of his bedroom which was located on the first floor of the building.

Although it was around a thirty second trip from the front door to his en suite, the time it took the two to reach the destination felt like a lifetime- concentration aimed entirely on the staircase to ensure their wouldn't be any accidental trips that would unnecessarily delay the time until they were locked away entirely alone with one another.

Scarlet barley had the chance to breathe once before the door was slammed shut with an aggressive thud and her whole form was pushed against it, any oxygen she needed for her lungs to function was quickly enclosed between their pre dampened lips as Rafe's slender form was hastily pressed against her.

The tension that had been gradually built up in the time they had known each other was quickly disintegrated in that moment, it being devoured into the heated transaction whilst their sinful urges were tended to in the least gentle way possible.

His hands roamed possessively over every inch of skin he could possibly touch on her body, the ambition to feel a sense of contact he had lusted over for an gratuitous amount of time had completely consumed him. From the sharp edges of her jaw down to her prominent collarbones, he brushed the pads of his thumbs over the sensitive skin to earn murmured whimpers from the female that only provoked the dirty blonde further.

Without splitting contact between the kiss, Rafe's dominant hands sensually followed the silhouette of the brunettes waist and hips slowly before utilising his grip behind her thighs. "Jump" he demanded firmly, supporting Scarlet's efforts by hoisting her legs up so they wrapped securely around his waist for the remainder of his work.

Once again her back was met roughly with the cold wood of his bedroom door, proceeding with their broken kiss as their teeth smacked together with so much force it was painfully pleasurable- not being able to feel an ounce of hurt due to their heightened gratification towards indulging in an activity they had been tempted to do for far too long. Both didn't have time to feel anything else other than thrill, riding the high of each other's solemn touch.

Leaving Scarlet's lips unattended, Rafe's experienced mouth worked down the crook of the females neck to explore as much skin as he could, sucking and nipping at the thin layers of her sweet spot until soft, delicious moans slipped from the tip of her tongue unintentionally.

Just fuck her and get rid of her, she's making you fucking weak.

No, this couldn't be happening in a moment of such bliss- feeling the most content he had felt in the lengthiest amount of time. The way his skin reacted to her contact alone was enough to drive him wild, finding himself sucking harder on a spot that drew the most heavenly sounds to meet his ears just to rid the voices that were sinfully occurring in his mind.

Threading her fingers through his hair, Scarlet tilted her neck further back so her head rested against the surface behind to provide more canvas space for Rafe to decorate- the feeling of their centres pressed against one another sending her arousal into overdrive with the additional help of the drugs.

Tightening the hold her legs had wrapped around the males hips, Scarlet used her strength as leverage to grind against his hardening core. A touch of achievement surged through her organisms as a hoarse groan reverberated against the thin layers of skin on her neck, intensifying the pleasure with the vibrations from his sounds pulsating down her arched spine.

Pathetic, you're melting beneath her already and your pants aren't even off yet.

Rafe growled with irritation as his temper began to rise, burning hotter by the second as he suppressed the random outburst of thoughts the best he could. Is that what was really happening? Was he becoming weak by Scarlet's doing? He didn't dwell on it too long, instead he pulled them both vigorously from their current position and walked them back until his calf's hit the bed post to insinuate they had met the destination.

Nothing could persuade the male that he didn't want this because he did, the bold erection that strained against his material of his trousers was enough evidence to confirm his appetite for the brunette. Every single day for around a month he had fanaticised about this exact moment at least twice a day and the reality that contrasted his imagination was mind blowing, absolutely no competition was held on which was better.

Once you get what you want, get rid of her. It's embarrassing how vulnerable you've become.

The anger welling up inside was stretching like a fragile rubber band, at any moment it was bound to tare and snap into two. In comparison to the sultry thoughts he was weak, unable to mute the one sided conversation although he tried to with his best efforts.

Ignoring the voices that were toying with his emotions was the only other option, sitting down onto the bed and laying back so Scarlet was now straddling him- directing the female to now be in control as she used her expert tongue down his neck and ground down onto his groin with a mesmeric rhythm.

Rafe allowed the pleasure to consume him fully, eyes rolling to the back of his head in ecstasy as another husky groan ripped from his throat. The female was too good at making him feel the way he did, something that he usually didn't experience when having these encounters. "You're such a fucking whore for me aren't you?"

Butterflies exploded like small little fragments of electricity pulsating in the pit of her abdomen to his words, unable to censor the faint moan that escaped through her ajar mouth and could be easily caught in atmosphere. Scarlet slid her hand to the nape of his bare neck, pulling him closer if that was even possible before muttering her own feeble response. "I'll act like a slut if you fuck me like one"

Clenching his jaw at the alluring proposal in order to contain himself, the male smoothed his palms up Scarlet's bare legs until they reached her ass, filling both large hands with either cheek to give him the leverage of controlling the pace of her hips. Rafe liked to gain back an ounce of that power, pulling the female upwards and then back down on his bulge at a much preferred speed.

The mere thought of how wet she would be was enough to edge Rafe closer to a release, despite no intercourse taking place he could feel the intense build up of a poorly timed climax welling up inside of him to the second. It feeling equal parts amazing yet so wrong, this was all too new to him.

You're basically her bitch, how do you ever expect your father to give you respect when you're about to come from dry humping? You're weak.

And there it was,


"Get the fuck off me" he snarled, utilising his previous grasp on her ass to push the female hastily off of him as his internal rage met it's burning point.

Struck startled to the sudden switch in mood that was evidently portrayed by the male, Scarlet furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What? What have I done, are you okay?"

She reached out to place a caring palm on his trembling hand, only for it to be shoved away aggressively with too much force beyond his reaction. "Get off me for fuck sake!"

Her eye's followed him as he stood rapidly from his position and began pacing frantically, Scarlet's mind met with numerous thoughts on wether she had taken their moment too far too soon. "Did I do something wrong? Have I hurt you?" Guilt was evident in her soft voice, body still lacking any movement as the shock hadn't melted away.

He whipped round with a cold glare, nothing could be detected behind his usual beaut ridden eyes as they were completely hollow and soaked in darkness. "No I'm just not fucking into it anymore! I'm already bored of you Scarlet so you need to fuck off now" he spat with a venomous tone, feeling no remorse for the harmful words he had aired.

The shallow breaths in the tiff of her throat caught, the disbelief deepening as her concern instantaneously moulded into infuriation. Bored? Oh how naive she had been, having her fooled since the beginning, like a jester toying with its audience to manipulate their mind until it all fell sideways in one cast hurdle of ugly underlying truths.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You're bored of me now huh? One minute I'm all that's on your mind and then I'm suddenly boring! Which one is it Rafe?" She argued back defensively and stood from the bed, starring at him with a firm glare that he effortlessly returned.

"I'm fucking bored of you! And I said get the fuck out! I don't want you anymore okay? Just fuck out of here" he exclaimed nonchalantly, as if those words hadn't sent imperative daggers through both their chests.

The brim of her waterline began to well in tears, the frustration she felt now being replaced with a deep hurt that ached her chest from betrayal. "You've fucking used me, haven't you?"

His face was as bare as a white wall, lacking any emotion or human decency he could concoct within himself, instead the male portrayed himself as a stone cold, heartless bastard with a obtuse exterior.

"Yeah" his response was flat and blunt, a firm nod to accompany it whilst keeping his eye's trained down on the ground. It wasn't far from the truth because in a sense he had, at first his intentions were purely to keep her around so she could numb his mind.

The increased addiction was additional, it happened so naturally that Rafe was completely blind sighted by it and remorsefully allowed it to happen. He didn't know what he was expecting really, as he doesn't do feelings or relationships- Scarlet was just solely a good fuck he was hoping to score and nearly had.

Scarlet let out a silent sob to his response, adamant to collect the all the emotions that vigorously bombarded throughout her body that second. His eyes were hard, glazed over with an emptiness like nothing she had ever seen before. It was petrifying how quickly he had turned off and switched, the female having a front row seat to experience it all against her will.

Choking out a disbelieving laugh, her hands lifted to her damp eyes to rid any fallen tears whilst sniffling back any vulnerability that had leaked. Rafe didn't deserve that. "I'm so stupid to have believed you"

And without another word she turned with all the intention to escape as fast as she possibly could, nearing reaching the door handle before a cold hand clamped around the upper portion of her arm to spin her around back into him. For some unspoken reason he felt the urge to pull her back and interfere with the exit she was bound to take, despite the amount of times he demanded her to do so within the last five minutes.

Whilst caught up in his repentance the dirty blonde wasn't able to catch the flying hand that was raised almost instantly, connecting to his tan cheek with a hefty smack that was certainly audible around the whole house. It was fuelled with so much power his whole figure followed the in the direction in which he was hit, stuck off guard his fingertips left their location on the females arm and scurried to aid the tender area where he'd been hit.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me like that" was all she could fathom to spit, snatching the opportunity as a quick escape from the male and left without sparing another glance.

He didn't respond, he physically couldn't, his mind wouldn't create a reasonable excuse to why he didn't deserve the feisty smack off the brunette. In alternative Rafe just watched the empty doorway, fading as white a sheet as soon as he realised she had disappeared, the mark that sat on his cheek becoming none existent as his Adam's apple bobbed slowly.

Now, why did you do that?

The males lip curled and twitched until his expression grew into the look of pure fury. Anger flaring quicker than lightening, he forced his fist into the wall that was closest to him with such force his knuckles were promptly decorated in ruby droplets of blood and a hole was left in its replacement, the warm substance trickling down his long fingers and pooling around his Gold signet ring.

Next victim was his dresser, taking a reckless hold of it and dragging the whole wooden frame down until it crashed against the floor, resulting in the vanity splintering and all the valuables that sat on top getting lost amongst the commotion.

A bottle of cologne caught his attention from the corner of his eye, grabbing it with no hesitation and launching it against the opposite wall with so much force the glass shattered on impact, rejecting off the surface and flying straight back at him.

Panting to recollect some pure air back into his deprived lungs, Rafe let himself crouch down, elbows resting on his legs as he controlled the rhythm to his breathing and recollected every piece of his self respect he still had.

A build up of emotions and then an outburst, a never ending cycle he was never able to escape. Like the devil trying to crawl out of the pits of hell, it was purely impossible.

"You, you made me fucking do it" he whispered, both sweat ridden palms nursing his forehead whilst screwing his eyes closed.

Sitting in the middle of his distraught room and surrounded by his own monstrous disruption, Rafe spent the rest of the night weeping in pain. Despite having a mass of external damage, the internal catastrophe what was inside was much more harmful.

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