Through Sunsets and Midnights

By GwangsunLee1029

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It is finally time for Minju's wish to come true, but Chaewon seems to be the one going agaisnt it without he... More

my last hello, hopefully.


32 1 0
By GwangsunLee1029

The rest of the ride being incased in the deafening silence that engulfed all three of them,

Specifically when Minju and Heecheol stopped talking due to how things slowly went downhill,

They were both glad that Chaewon never woke up the whole time they were talking,

Because no matter how much Minju wished that she was awake there with her to see the stars shining in the sky,

The new information she has gathered about her might've chipped off some of her protective layers,

Every time his words hit her and though it is the truth that she needs to accept,

Chaewon suddenly looks different for her now and them looking at the stars together if she ever wakes up,

With them still in this car can only make Minju tear up on her own after knowing the truth behind everything,

Yet Chaewon's just here beside her asleep as she could be admiring the stars she has in her dreams,

Inside a universe much more further and maybe even better than the one they're in right now.

They entered the borders of the city leading to Seoul and Jungwon-gu is still a pretty long drive,

They are at the opposite corner of where they're supposed to be so with Minju starting to feel regretful,

To even ask Heecheol about that situation that happened years and years ago,

She thought why not sleep right now since the person cuddling onto her is slowly making her feel sleepy too.

She's been holding onto her arm with her head still leaning on Minju,

Like she was some comfy pillow Chaewon grabbed in bed while she was asleep,

Her body also leaning towards her may squish Minju onto her spot but nonetheless,

She feels comfortable with Chaewon being here with her and some of her favorite songs might just help with her falling asleep,

Now that they're entering the city full of opened stalls and buildings.

It keeps reminding her of the night life she has once wished of when she was a teenager,

Drinking beers,

Bar hopping,

Tons of friends,

Wasted money,

It amazes her how she once wanted to live like that since it could've been the worst decision she has made in her life,

But still,

There's that question in the end that always lingers onto so much more questions and 'What if?'

Is the only thing you could point your finger to after considering that it was really you who stopped you,

With making that decision to either live like an alcoholic or spend the early mornings on a car,

With the person you've been wanting to be with sleeping right at your shoulder.


Feeling the change in the surroundings once they entered the subdivision Chaewon's family lives in,

The metal gates by the entrance were already very grand and elegant but to be surprised,

That almost every other house or villa inside also has their own set of gates,

Makes Minju think how high their status in life must be or how much money they could be making,

To be able to afford gates this big and fences this high surrounding their whole lot,

That she couldn't even guess how much further it extends to based on what you see up front.

She could literally feel the shift with the lifestyle this subdivision has in opposite of the rest of the city,

And Minju kind of hates the feeling of having to know that.

It doesn't even matter knowing that your neighbors may have or may even have more money than you,

Or that your egos must be similar knowing that the both of you are rich,

And it's unnecessary for them to do these kinds of things knowing that they,

Rich people,

Know the basic manners a person needs in life for them to be even considered as one.

It's so unusual for her and she's really not loving the whole thing of it.

Rolling up on the driveway of a mansion that doesn't have gates,

Makes Minju a little bit more comfortable knowing that they won't just roll up on someone else's house in purpose,

If it's not theirs,

The greenery and outdoor furniture scattered all over their front yard feels kind of homy too,

Unlike the other places they passed by,

She thinks that whatever all this is they have displayed for every other people to notice,

Must be Chaewon's mom's work as she is the person who would be like this if they landed in here,

Due to the need to move here due to her status in life.

She knows her a little and she thinks she's not the person who's very arrogant,

And she can already feel how right she is after seeing only the front of their house.

Going down the car one by one with their bags in their backs and in their hands,

Heecheol locked the car they rode on for a good 3 and a half hours while Chaewon kept yawning,

Her hands rubbing the living hell out of her eyes ever since she woke up to be surprised they were already home,

She asked Minju when she first woke up and if she ever talked while she was asleep,

And she was glad that her answer was no or that could've been risky knowing her body can say anything while she's unconsciously sleeping.

"The mattress you asked for is already by your bedroom floor so, just look for me when either of you need anything."

"I know."

"Thank you oppa"

Following him through the stairs leading to the doors of their mansion-looking house,

Minju feels pressured walking onto it right now,

It's like a once in a lifetime opportunity and she doesn't want to fail it just because she became nervous,

Or she suddenly got too afraid to even step on its floors which Chaewon and Heecheol could normally step on.

If she could only have something to have her back at all times......

"You okay?"

"Yeah- yeah I am."

"Come on, you need to sleep."

Holding Minju's hand with Chaewon a step higher than her,

She followed her through the way as even though the lights shining behind their door is already making her anxious,

Chaewon's still with her to go through that door,

And that means she's going to be with her the whole time they're going to be inside this house of hers,

She's going to be right there beside Minju,

She's going to be right here.

Settling under the freshly changed sheets of Chaewon's bed,

Minju never really expected that she'll ever be in her bed but here she is now,

Her head on the pillows she uses when she stays here for the night,

Her body on the incredibly soft mattress she's laying on right now,

Her feet warm by the opposite end of the bed without the need of using socks,

The very pleasing to look at lamp she has by her bedside table,

The paintings around her room,

The window behind her bed frame,

The colors on her walls decently fitting with each other,

Chaewon's room looks so much like it's something of everything fused into one,

And Minju's kind of loving it since she's like that as a person too.

She can have anything any other person can have and hers could even be more intense than theirs and that can either be bad or good.

Chaewon's in the bathroom right now after she sacrificed being the last one to take a bath, again,

Since they were both covered in mud and dirt on places they weren't even sure how it reached there,

Minju took half the time she usually takes when she's in the bathroom because she's indeed in a house,

That is not theirs and she's really going to feel bad if she sees Chaewon asleep on the air mattress by the floor,

After taking her time to bathe when she's not even feeling the need to take one,

And she wouldn't have taken one if Chaewon didn't start a conversation about it earlier when they were going up the stairs.

She's alone right now and the only thing playing inside her mind is their conversation earlier,

At the car while they were districts away from their destination,

And Chaewon almost waking up a couple of times wasn't even enough for them to stop,

Because it was that good of a conversation to drop just because another person could know what they are talking about.

Minju's trying to make everything fit and yes, things and stuff are making more sense now but due to the pile of new information dumped on her,

She's a little bit groggy with making sure that her story by now really is as straight as it can be,

She's aware of what took place and what happened that caused everything to be like this by now,

There could only be such little thing to blame yet she doesn't want to blame the wrong things,

That could easily overturn everything with one simple mistake.

The said conversation: (Heecheol's the first one to talk)

"What about it do you want to know?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am, why?"

"Aren't you scared to know about some things that can leave you in shock?"

"Is it about my dad?"

Catching Chaewon's brother off-guard earlier wasn't what Minju wanted,

But that's how things happened already and though she already knows what he did then,

Her mother's words and Heecheol's could still be drastically different.

And she's really into knowing what their side is to exactly know what took place,

And what made Chaewon's family separate her from her.

"A little yeah."

"It's fine, he and my mom got divorced a couple of years ago"

"Oh, and your brother?"

"He works abroad, he just went home last month and will leave before this month ends."

"Don't worry, I don't care about neither of them anymore. They left us so I stopped caring about them"

"Still remember the weekend both of our families decided to have barbeque over at our house?"

"Not that well anymore but I can"

"Things started there."

Back to the present,

Hearing the door to the bathroom open,

Minju watched Chaewon go out with her hair blown dry and the shirt she's wearing,

Looks quite familiar to her eyes but she doesn't really know why,

She looks a whole lot more ready for bed now unlike earlier when they were at the cabin,

Whenshe was fully attentive of everything happening with her and Minju.

"Do you mind if I turn off the lights later?"

"No, I really don't"

"I keep a night light on don't worry."

Dozing off with her gaze sticked onto the most interesting piece of art hung up on Chaewon's walls,

She already went pass by her eye sight but that wasn't enough to make Minju snap out of it,

She's been intrigued by this specific work of art on her wall and she's quite aware,

That it's something she has seen before but she doesn't want to assume what it is,

Knowing that there are tons of things that piece can be and Chaewon could only enlighten her with what it really is.

"What's that?"


Looking back to where she's staring, Chaewon saw the framed visual scans of her mother's iris,

And with the four panels full of her mother's eyes scanned and printed into a piece of paper,

She likes having it here in her room because she could only remember it so much,

That she actually needs something to remind her of what her eyes look like since the last memories of her,

Looking straight into her eyes,

Can be very blurry now that she's already in her mid-20s.

"That's my mom's eye. She got it scanned back then and I like to keep it here in my room."

"I never knew that your mom had some green in her eyes."

"I'm not sure too."

Watching Chaewon lay down on the bed lower than where she is,

Minju can't stop herself from trying to look at her while she's there,

But she is also scared of being caught by her but the chances of that ending horribly,

Is small.

And she kind of wants to take that risk just so she could see and maybe ask if she's fine laying there,

When there's still half of the bed free for someone to sleep in,

Minju has no bad intentions if she does sleep beside Chaewon even for just one night.

She already had the chance to sleep beside her back then,

And Minju tried so hard not to move onto the space beside Chaewon,

Just because she was so scared of losing herself within the looks of her while she was sleeping right beside her.

"Our dads were the ones grilling the meat out back while our moms were doing other stuff in the kitchen,"

"And we were just in a singular place where we all played together which was like mine and Chaewon's room."

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