Vol 2 ~ What if I ain't no Vi...

By rin_rin40

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My second volume of one-shot and short stories of parallel worlds about Twoset Violinists Brett and Eddy. Wha... More

1. Twoset Banker
2. Twoset Searchers VIII (Warren's story 1)
3. Twoset Searchers IX (Warren's story 2)
4. Twoset Searchers X (Warren's story 3)
5. Twoset Searchers XI
10. Twoset Gap Moe
11. Twoset Gap Moe II
12. Twoset Gap Moe III
13. Twoset Gap Moe IV
6. Twoset Tutoring II (Brett's voice?)
7. Twoset Tutoring III (Brett's voice? 2)
8. Twoset Tutoring IV (Brett's voice? 3)
9. Twoset Tutoring V (Brett's voice? 4)
14. Twoset Tutoring VI (Brett's voice!) - bonus chapter
15. Twoset Traceurs IV - fight like an old couple, make up like newly weds
17. Twoset Gloved II
18. Twoset Gloved III
19. Twoset Gloved IV
20. Twoset Gloved V
21. Twoset Gloved VI
22. Twoset Gloved VII
23. Twoset Gloved VIII
24. Twoset Gloved IX
25. Twoset Gloved X
26. Twoset Psychic VI (Halloween episode)
27. Twoset Choreographers
28. Twoset Choreographers II
29. Twoset Choreographers III
30. Twoset Choreographers IV
31. Twoset Choreographers V
32. Twoset Choreographers VI
33. Twoset Choreographers VII
34. Twoset Choreographers VIII
35. Twoset Choreographers IX
36. Twoset Choreographers X
37. Post Quarantine

16. Twoset Gloved

110 9 26
By rin_rin40

"Brett Yang."


"Oh don't play dumb with me Eddy, I've seen the way you've been looking at him."


"W, what?"

"Yeah, of course you know the guy."

"So.. what if I do, Ray?"

"Just don't get your hopes up. He's a neat-freak-germaphobe."

"A what..?"

"Surely you've noticed the gloves?"

"Y, yeah..?"

Yeah I've noticed the gloves... of course I've noticed the gloves..!

"So he thinks everything around him is filthy, including people like you and me. What a f*cking insult."


"So I wouldn't bother with the guy."



"...Ray? F*ck, what time is it..."

"Get your ass to the campus pub, now!!"

"Whaaat? It's.... oh my god, f*ck, it's past 1 AM!! Why are you calling me so late.."

"You'll thank me for it. Just get here already!"

"Oh man."

"You, your ass here in 10 minutes or you will regret it!!"

"Fine, whatever. I'll be there."

"I.. don't understand... Ray, how could this happen?"

"To be honest, I have no f*cking clue."

"Didn't you guys share a meal?"

"I wasn't observant enough. I don't stare at the guy like you do."

"Oh shut the f*ck up!!"

"Look, to be honest I was surprised to see him. Like all of us at the tutorial were invited but I didn't think he'd come, you know.  So I was meant to call you to join us but I got busy talking with the ladies, y'know what it's like, or maybe you don't, whatever. Anyway, look, maybe he didn't eat cos we were sharing the food ? That would explain why he got so drunk ? So I'll leave him in your very capable hands, alright? Now be a gentleman Eddy. Consent is everything. No means no and you gotta respect that."

Eddy scoffed.

"Oh get bent Ray! I'm not like that!!"

Eddy pulled Brett's arm over his shoulder and practically carried Brett, very drunk and practically unconscious back to his dorm on campus. Ray said he had already tried repeatedly to find out where Brett lived but apparently he was too drunk to give a coherent answer.

Upon arriving at Eddy's dorm room, with a struggle, Eddy managed to remove Brett's shoes and drag him along to the bed. A third year university student, Eddy was fortunate to score a single room in his dorm this year, unlike the previous years when he had to share with a roommate. He then went to the kitchenette and grabbed a bottle of water and a packet of painkillers and left them on the bedside table. One quick glance at Brett's red face and Eddy decided to fetch a bucket and a roll of paper towels and left those by the bedside as well. He only had 1 bedside table but thought Brett would appreciate having access to water and painkillers straight away so he decided to give Brett his side of the bed. He was about to turn off the room light when he noticed Brett's hands still had gloves on. They were the semi-transparent latex type that Brett always wore and condensation was already forming on the inside. Eddy momentarily hesitated but thought they would get uncomfortable if left on all night so he gently removed them, revealing what he thought were the most beautiful hands he'd ever seen. He placed the removed gloves on the side table. He then turned off the room lights and got into the opposite side of the bed and went to sleep.

Eddy opened his eyes to the sound of his alarm and he stretched his arm in an attempt to stop his phone when his face collided with something. He pushed himself up as he reached his arm over whatever was in front of him and tapped his phone to stop the alarm. Gazing down he realised it was Brett asleep in his bed, his back turned towards him. Eddy peered over to look at his face. Brett looked angelic and peaceful. Eddy smiled as he got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

When he finished, he stepped out with a bath towel wrapped around his hips to find Brett sitting up in his bed like a frightened animal.

"Good morning Brett, how are you feeling?"

"W, where am I? Who are you?"

"I'm Eddy, we're in the same journalism class. You're friends with Ray Chen in our class? We're distant cousins. He called me last night saying you were drunk and we couldn't find out where you lived so I brought you back here. This is my dorm room on campus."

"Oh my god..."

"Hey, are you alright..?"

Eddy reached out and tried to give Brett a pat on his shoulder.

Brett screamed out;

"DON'T TOUCH ME...!!!"

Eddy was taken aback in shock

"I.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

Brett stared at his hands as they started to shake.

"My.. gloves..? What happened to my gloves..??"

They're on the side table. The bottled water and headache tablets are for you. The bottle is unopened.. help yourself.

"W..will you please hand me my bag?"

"Um.. yeah, sure.. here you go."

Eddy handed over Brett's messenger bag. Brett snatched it and quickly opened it and pulled out a box of latex gloves. He quickly pulled out 2 new gloves and put them on, then sighed in relief. He then reached towards the bedside table and took the bottled water. His hands were shaking as he tried to open it.

"Do you want a hand with that?"

"N, no..! I.. I can do this..!"


Eddy watched as Brett tried to open the bottle. He seemed to be getting more and more worked up for not being able to open it.

"Brett.. please, can I help you?"

Brett looked up towards Eddy.

"Eddy.. can.. can I take his bottle home.. and.. will you open a new one for me, please?"

Eddy furrowed his brows in confusion but quickly replied.

"Yes, of course I can do that, not a problem."

He quickly stepped towards his kitchen and grabbed a new bottle of water from the fridge, cracked it open and whilst leaving the bottle cap on the top of the bottle, handed it to Brett.

"Is this okay, Brett?"

Brett nodded as he reached out to grab the bottle.

"Y.. yes. Thank you."

Brett took a couple of quick sips then secured back the bottle top.

"I.. I have to go. Thank you for letting me crash at your place."

Brett grabbed the used gloves from the sidetable and shoved them into his bag. The 2 bottles of water also got thrown in. He then got up and hurried towards the front door, brushing past Eddy's bare arm. Brett flinched and screamed out.

"Oh my god...!!"

Eddy furrowed his brows.

"It's okay Brett, I just had a shower..."

"No, you don't understand.. You..don't..."

Brett was holding back tears as he stammered.

"Eddy.. you.. you need to have another shower.. and wash your bed linen..."



They stared at each other. Brett's eyes pleading, Eddy's in utter confusion. But due to the seriousness of Brett's gaze, Eddy couldn't say no.

"..Okay.. I promise I will.. okay?"

"Okay.. thank you Eddy. Bye."

Brett left Eddy's dorm room. Eddy gazed up to the ceiling, exasperated he could not help the thought that saddened him;

Am I that filthy and disgusting to him?

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