By MisPokerface

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Love, relationship, commitment sounds so beautiful yet hard to redeem. "That's not fair, I wanted to spend th... More

Authors Short Note
1 : Sweet and bitter
2 : Mute
3 : Wedding Ritual
4 : Broken Hearts
5 : Jealousy?
6 : Secret
7 : Complicated
8 : Manipulation
9 : Ice-cream
11 : The truth untold
12 : Trash is Out
13 : Murderer
14 : A Trap
15 : Mastermind
16 : Honey, Don't leave me
17 : Pain
18 : Run
19 : Fake Love
20 : Savior or a troublesome?
21 : Please Love me
22 : Falling
23 : Into your arms
24 : Yours
25 : Deceiver
26 : Spill the truth
27 : Spain
28 : We could've had it all
29 : Jungkookie
30 : Promises
31 : Revenge
New Book

10 : Evil plan

17.2K 1.1K 206
By MisPokerface

Few Days later - 

"Jungkook-ah, give this to y/n and tell her to wear this for tonight's function..I selected this for her, I'm sure it will look great on her" Mrs.Jeon give the box of necklace to Jungkook while Natalie stared at them from the other side of the couch.Her eyes were on the mother-son duo all the time who looked so happy.She internally scoffed, wait till the function starts, this happiness will turn to sadness real quick.

"Natalie, uh this is for you" Mrs.Jeon passed her the other box.She opened it and rolled her eyes.

"Taehyung! Taehyung come downstairs right now!" She yelled, taking Mrs.Jeon and Jungkook by surprise.They looked at her with ceased brows, not understanding the reason behind her anger.

Taehyung walked downstairs while you stood at the staircase after hearing Natalie's loud voice.She shows the necklace to Taehyung then points at the box in Jungkook's hand.

"Your dear mother wants me to wear this for tonight's function and look at the necklace she chose for y/n..Mine looks like some simple necklace as compared to y/n's.. Isn't she treating me unfairly?Or she doesn't want me to attend the event because she doesn't accept me as her daughter in law?" 

Natalie exclaimed..Mrs.Jeon looked at her in disbelief..

"If you don't like it then just say it, I can give you the other necklaces from my collection" Mrs.Jeon said calmly.

"Yea so it could give you an opportunity to taunt me right?" Natalie fired back.

"What the hell Mom? Why so much love for Jungkook's wife and so much hatred for mine?" Taehyung exclaimed, clenching his fist.Natalie smirked and crossed her arms against her chest, enjoying the live drama in front of her eyes.

"Tae it's not like that, you are— 

"Really? C'mon Mom, I'm not blind..I can clearly see how you are favoring y/n and Jungkook over me and Natalie.." Taehyung cut her off harshly..

"Stop , it's all because of the necklace right? Then here take this..Y/n can wear something else..She will look beautiful with or without jewelry" Jungkook stepped in and gestured which made Taehyung even more angry.

He clenched his jaw and harshly snatched the box from Jungkook's hand."off course I know she will look beautiful with or without jewelry after all I've seen and felt every inch of her" Taehyung whispered into his ears before stepping back with a visible smirk on his lips.Jungkook clenched his fist at Taehyung's words, even if there's nothing like Husband and wife between you both..He still can't hear someone talking this way about you..

Taehyung walked upstairs and looked at you.He grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him."What a pity, your husband can't even stand for himself or for you..How is he even going to stop me from getting you back? Let me guess what he would do, cry?"

Taehyung chuckled at his own words.You tried to free yourself from him but he tightened his grip even more making you hiss in pain.

"You have lost your mind for real..Let me go" You muttered while trying to push him..Your nails dug into his skin in the process of trying so hard to push him away but still he wouldn't budge.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you doing this? You are definitely not the guy I fell in love with" Your voice cracked at the end making him release you in an instant.He stared at you with an unknown emotion before storming to his room.

You are not surprised with his behavior.He has been behaving like this from the past few days..When it happened the first two times, you tried talking to him but it was your biggest mistake.He only tried to take advantage of it and now his presence scares you.

He and Natalie always, almost all the damn time taunt Mrs.Jeon or Jungkook..But mostly Mrs.Jeon since Jungkook stays in Company most of the hours..Still that doesn't change the fact that how harsh words Taehyung throws at Jungkook, everytime he says something to insult Jungkook, you could clearly see the hurt in his eyes…

You never thought that one misunderstanding would change Taehyung to this extent that he would start hating his own family.. Maybe Natalie is manipulating him but he is not a kid who would get trapped by someone's sugar-coat words..At this point, he is the one at fault.You tried to make him realize his mistake but to no avail..

Sighing, you walked back to your room.

Time skips - 

Jungkook got ready for the reception party and looked at his reflection in the mirror for the last time.He smiled and looked over your direction who is busy arranging the accessories.He smiled at his choice of dress which looks perfect on you, maroon colour long gown with V neck which hugged your curves perfectly.

"I will take 15 more minutes, you can go downstairs" You said after noticing his gaze on you.He cleared his throat and looked away right after you made eye contact with him.

"Why are you sweating? Do you have a fever? Or are you nervous because of the reception?" You asked, he shook his head indicating a 'no' but he couldn't ignore the fact that his palms became sweaty and he is indeed nervous but not because of the reception..

You got off the bed and approached him.."Are you sure you are fine?" You asked.He couldn't stop himself from getting lost in your eyes which shows so much concern for him.

"The function will go smoothly, stop over thinking" You said softly and lightly pat his shoulder, showing him a reassuring smile.He found himself bringing his hand closer to your face  gently to tug the few strands of hairs behind your ear which were covering your face.

His finger trailed down to the length of your hairs, feeling your soft hairs against his fingers.His eyes travelled down along with his fingers which were to reach your chest or to be exact your breasts.You grabbed his wrist with wide eyes, his eyes snapped back at you making him realize what he was just doing.

He pulled his hand away and stepped back, panicking.What the hell got into him to do something like this? He mentally slapped himself.

He looked around and quickly grabbed the notepad from the nightstand and scribbled something on it.He handed you the paper and rushed out of the room.His face was completely red and his heart thumped loudly against his chest.

You looked at the paper and sigh..

"I'm really sorry" was written on it..You placed the note back on the table and continued getting ready.

Jungkook walked past Taehyung's room but stopped after hearing Taehyung's words.He looked inside the room since the door was left open and realized Taehyung was talking to himself while looking at the mirror.

"Y/n-ah, how long will we hide this from Jungkook?" Taehyung said and brushed his hairs back, revealing his forehead.A cocky smirk appeared on his lips as he watched Jungkook's reflection in the mirror.

"What are you looking for?" Taehyung asked, turning to approach Jungkook who looked lost in his thoughts..What did Taehyung mean? 

"Jungkook-ah, you are my brother and I am saying this for your benefit.. Don't get your hopes high with this marriage because y/n loves me and always will..Her love for me will never fade, no matter how much you try to get her attention.She only pity you just because you can't talk but in the end you are nothing but a burden to her.

She came to me when you were out with mom and you know what we did? Last night she confessed that she still loves me and can never get over me..She kissed me with much eagerness and love that I craved..We both didn't stop

"You are lying" Jungkook gestured.. Taehyung laughed and lightly pat Jungkook's cheeks.

"Wake up Brother, wake up and face reality.. Believe it or not, y/n and I made love yet again" Taehyung unbuttoned his shirt and showed him the visible nail marks on his shoulder which he got in the morning while you were trying to push him away. Well it give him a very good opportunity to use this to create misunderstanding between you and Jungkook.

Taehyung smirked proudly seeing Jungkook's pale face and shut the door at his face..

Time skips - You walked downstairs and smiled at the guests.You greeted all the guests and realized Jungkook is nowhere to be seen.He cane downstairs before you then where is he? You wouldn't give it much thought if Jungkook wasn't a sensitive person.You are worried because last time when some guests indirectly insulted Jungkook, he got all insecure.

You find Mrs.Jeon and ask her if she has seen Jungkook but she shook her as a 'no' . You both started searching for Jungkook but he was nowhere to be found.

"Hey love, you look beautiful" You turned around feeling his hot breath on your shoulder blade.Taehyung smiled and wrapped his arm around your waist.

"Taehyung stop it" You pushed him away and looked around to find some guests looking in your direction.He did it purposely..You clenched your fist and turned to walk to the other direction but he held your wrist, preventing you from leaving..

He pulled you back and rest his chin on your shoulder.."Don't leave me Love" He turned you around in a swift motion.All the time, that nickname used to flutter your heart but it aches now..The way he is behaving, makes you feel disgusted.

The music was playing in the background while other couples also joined.. Taehyung tried to intervine his fingers with yours but you yanked your hand away.He placed his hand on your waist and swayed his body along with yours..

You looked around and watched the couples dancing and enjoying each other's warmth but here you are in the arms of the person you love but you feel only pain..It reminds you of the countless times you both dances like this and then the night before the wedding where he promised so many things but broke all of them without thinking twice.

He hurt you yet you can't get rid of the feelings..It hurts so badly..Why can't everything be normal..Why..? Your eyes brimmed with tears as you looked into his eyes.

"Y/n….he— Taehyung couldn't complete his words as he felt his throat tightening..He himself don't understand what is wrong with him...All he could think about is you, only you and most of time he doesn't even remember anything..He doesn't remember what he has done, what he is doing and why..

Is he hurting you? He wiped the tear which rolled down your cheek.. 

"Let's change partners!" Someone shouted from the guests.. Taehyung doesn't want to let go of you but someone already pulled you away from him.You cleared your throat and danced a little with the man until he spinned you around causing you to bump into a hard chest whose arms wrapped around you securely, preventing you from falling.

You looked up and locked your eyes with his familiar doe ones.

"Jungkook" You whispered.He held your hand and placed it on his shoulder, swaying your body to the slow beat of the music.

"Where were you?" You asked, he stared down at your hand and interlocked his fingers with yours.You were really confused with his sudden change of mood.Is he still embarrassed because of what happened in the room?

You both danced quietly and it was really awkward.A pairs of eyes were watching you both with burning jealousy and anger.Jungkook stared into your eyes and you stared back confusedly.His hand caress your waist as he leans his face closer to yours and in blink of an eye, his lips moved dangerously closer to yours.

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