New Light

By CloneCaptainBriggs

626 10 13

(CP 1: Guild Sheet) Yggdrasil, a virtual reality as started to end, Jaune Arc, one of the four remaining memb... More

Chapter 1: Last Day

Guild Sheet

425 6 10
By CloneCaptainBriggs

Note: Well the only thing I'll be informing everyone before I start the first chapter of the story. Yes. A lot of the classes are original and came from a DnD Homebrew Site. I don't own any of the shown classes nor do I claim ownership.

The Oc 'Brain O'Conner' belongs to my co author unlimitedblades so show this guy a lot of love, he's been extremely active when we were forming this whole story.

All Information determining the classes both custom made and canon were determined to the best of our abilities, especially unlimited since he knows more on overlord then me.

A lot of you are probably gonna annoy me about some of these characters having 'too many rare classes' and from the limited information gathered from established npcs and speculation from both myself and my Co-Author, so don't annoy us on this especially since we already went months researching.

While a lot of people would comment that this is too much information for the guild itself, I see it as necessary for people to know as to not be confused as to what is going on with the guild. It's quite obvious some info will be added as time progresses but this is all the major information.

Oh and last thing, me and unlimited did the math on the levels so you needn't worry about that especially since I'll explain the end result in the some point if I remember too.

Last last thing, enjoy this guild sheet and show us some love, me and unlimited spent A LOT of time researching for this story. And show my partner some love because this wouldn't have been possible without him backing me up.

so please don't comment down that I click bated you, this is the basic information of the whole guild.

-Overlord Guild-

Guild Name: Republic of Midgard

Leader: Jaune Arc


-Jaune Arc-

*Jaune Arc was an 80 year old elderly man born in the Central Section of the United States of America after being reincarnated from being killed by a death stalker during initiation, having been born in 2060 in Union City, Oklahoma.

Jaune believed his reincarnation was a second chance to build himself from scratch. Graduating High School, Jaune applied to a well known college of the state to which he earned his masters degree for forensic science then applied to his hometowns Police Department and went into Crime Scene Investigation, for 20 Years.

Jaune operated on a national scale from being loaned down to numerous departments until at the age of 40, Jaune applied to the International Crime Scene Investigation Association which is a group of highly trained investigators that worked internationally.

until retiring at 67 and lived in a comfortable home in Japan for the past year until Yggdrasil was made public and Jaune having literally nothing else to do then to watch old detective movies, he purchased the game and the chair to play it then being raptured by the 'Customization' of the game.

-Avatar Age: 21

—Race and Classes—

**Level 100 - Racial Level: 0 - Job Class Level: 100

**Race: Humanoid - Human Lv0

**Job Class -

"-Fighter -Base- Lv10

-Sword Master -High- Lv10

-Great White Wyrm -Rare- Lv5

-Anti Magic Warrior -High- Lv10

-Path of Totality -Rare- Lv5

-God of Halloween -Rare- Lv5

-Way of the Vampire Slayer -High- Lv10

-Path of the Assassin -High- Lv10

-Myriad Knight -High- Lv10

-Lord of the Hunt -Rare- Lv5

-Way of the Monkey King -High- Lv10

-Path of Blood -High- Lv5

-Frost Origins -High- Lv5

-Velvet Scarlatina-

*Velvet Scarlatina was a 29 Year Old Engineer who traveled all across Japan working for some of the top engineering facilities ranging from tech companies, to vehicles and even the military.

Velvet loved her work as an engineer and did so back in her previous life as a huntress instructor training but this time with literally no combat and a relative peaceful time while the polluted air slowly kills her and everyone else in the world, so the young woman slowly gave up her dream of being a combat hero and chosen to build to help others and that is how she managed to be very successful as an engineer.

When the game Yggdrasil first came out with the marketing campaign of 'Player Customization' Velvet got very excited for such a game but knew she traveled to much and didn't have the cash to buy a new gaming chair just to play it so she settled down in Tokyo by getting a job for a very large tech company then bought the chair to play.

At first she chose a crafting build to simulate her IRL experience only to see very clearly with no way to fight back, she can't claim experience to level up nor can she build things in a safe zone. Until she met someone, an Angel who asked if she would like to party up.

She agreed and that was the primary means of leveling up by having someone there to give her experience from the shared party link.

-Avatar Age: 23

—Race and Classes—

**Level 100 - Racial Level: 0 - Job Class Level: 100

**Race: Demihuman - Beastman(Bunny) Lv0

**Job Class -

"-Craftsman -Base- Lv15

-Blacksmith -Base- Lv15

-Weapon Smith -High- Lv10

-Item Smith -High- Lv10

-Armor Smith -High- Lv10

-Vehiclist -Rare- Lv5

-Pharmacist -Base- Lv15

-Alchemist -Base- Lv10

-Concoctions -High- Lv10

-Brian O'Conner-

*Brian is an Irish American and 40 Years Old, many claimed Brian was a good for nothing drunkard, a constantly called 'The Town Drunk' though some claimed this to be an insult but for an Irishmen, it's a great honor.

The Drunk was a highly regarded bartender[to anyone who knew of the man on a professional level] with 20 Years of Mixology Experience, with a great love for the craft and the craft of alcohol.

Brian wanted to extend his experience to other nations so he gained citizenship for Japan and moved there to open the 'Slight of Hand' Bar. Brian is often compared to a stereotypical Irishmen, because he loves to drink, fight and cuss even though his speech is deeply impacted by vulgarity such as cursing every other sentence.

Brian is also a smartass that likes to remark things to get some laughs or annoyed or irritated groaning all because the man's mother encourages it. When the game Yggdrasil first came out to the public, the Bartender didn't really care much for RPGs or video games in general but decided to get it anyway to figure out why there was so much hype for such an expansive online game.

Brian had decided to become an Angel magic caster and formed a platonic relationship with a woman named Velvet a year after joining Yggdrasil, Now Brian having learned some spells for combat and meeting up with jaune to form the Republic Guild.

-Avatar Age: 245

—Level, Race and Classes—

**Level 100 - Racial Level: 40 - Job Class Level: 60

**Race: Heteromorph - Angel Lv15 - Archangel Lv10 - Seraph Lv10 - Ascended Seraph Lv5

**Job Class -

"-Priest -Base- Lv15

-War Priest -High- Lv10

-High Priest -High- Lv5

-Druid -High- Lv5

-High Druid -High- Lv5

-Wizard -Base- Lv15

-School of Time -Rare- Lv5

-Ruby Rose-

*Ruby Rose is a 60 Year Old retired JSDF Soldier, Ruby was reincarnated after being murdered by a bunch of white fang soldiers during a mission at Mountain Glenn though having been reincarnated on earth has instilled into the young girl that her way of thinking that the world wasn't how her mother, Summer Rose, depicted; no knights in shining armor, no hero to save the day at that last moment instead she was raped by a bunch of Faunus animals before being murdered.

Now having been reborn, Ruby chose to harden herself and to ensure what happened before doesn't happen again.

When graduating High School and Tokyo University then joined the Japanese Self Defense Force, years went by as average things happened aside from constant training. Ruby retired at the age of 50 at the rank of Major.

She moved to a nice comfortable home in the countryside which was at that year of her retirement when Yggdrasil was made public so Ruby having nothing else to do then most old woman activities has chosen to purchase that game since she felt that her time for combat hasn't ended yet and will not end anytime soon.

-Avatar Age: 20

—Race and Classes—

**Level 100 - Racial Level: 0 - Job Class Level: 100

**Race: Humanoid - Human Lv0

**Job Class -

"-Gunner -Base- Lv15

-Sniper -High- Lv10

-Ranger -High- Lv5

-Assassin -Base- Lv10

-Magic Marksmen -High- Lv10

-Arcane Shot -High- Lv10

-Speedster -High- Lv10

-Anti Magic Warrior -High- Lv10

-Hitman -High- Lv10

-Moon Child -High- Lv10"

Guardian NPCs-

-[First Floor Guardian]

*Alicia Markarth: Alicia is a 5'7 Brown Haired military girl, her hair is tied into twin tails along with her outfit is a blue tinted uniform with a brown bullet proof vest and a blue skirt. She wields a pearl colored spiral tipped lance and spiral shield.

Alicia's Build was made to be a powerful magical warrior and a powerful guardian.

When fighting at 100% Health to 50%, she wields a combination of a M1 Garand, Pistol and a Combat Knife while utilizing the Republic Bases sandbags and walls as cover.

However when entering 50% Health to 25%, she includes grenades and her attacks become much more aggressive while seeming to favor the knife more.

now entering 25% Health and below, Alicia Utilizes her 'Valkaria' Class to which she now wields the Spiral Lance and Shield then being coated in an aura of blue fire which mitigates all non magical damage by 50% and negates all physical ranged attacks while also dealing spiked fire damage to melee attackers.

-NPC Background: Alicia when she was a young girl had always looked up to the honest and proud soldiers of the republic, watching them in action while they faced the enemies of the nation who came to invade their lands.

As she grew up training herself to join the military alongside with her desire to be a baker, her skills with weapons and baking became second to none though throughout her training she tapped into a hidden reservoir of magical power she had which granted her powerful Fire abilities.

By the time she turned 18 she immediately enlisted and swiftly rose through the ranks, achieving the rank of Major. and given command over the republic forces in her sector.

-NPC Age: 21

-Creator: HomicidalBuilder/Velvet Scarlatina

—Level, Race and Classes—

**Level 100 - Racial Level: 0 - Job Class Level: 100

**Race: Humanoid - Human Lv0

**Job Class -

"-Gunner -Base- Lv15

-Sniper -High- Lv10

-Demolitionist -High- Lv10

-Valkyrie: Lancer -High- Lv10

-Shield Master -High- Lv10

-Valkaria -Rare- Lv5

-Fighter -Base- Lv10

-Dragoon -High- Lv10

-Paladin -High- Lv10

-Oath of Protection -Rare- Lv5

-Oath of Virtue -Rare- Lv5

-[Second Floor Guardian]

*Chief Tal: Tal is a 6'5 White Furred Beastman though wearing no clothing aside from its fur covering its body to protect itself from the cold, what makes Chief Tal different then the rest of its kin is that it has an overcoat of ice colored skin grafted together from slain frost giants.

It holds a war hammer crafted together from ice stone that deals increasing ice damage with each strike along with the continuous damage debuff 'Frostbite'.

Tal is also an elemental Druid specializing in ice spells and ice elemental summons.

When Tal is in between 100% Health and 50% will primarily utilize physical attacks and an occasional ice spell.

When Tal is 50% Health to 25% it will use more magical spells, call forth Ice Elementals for support along with using class skills.

However when going below 25% it will enter a rage which increases all physical damage by 30% and mitigates physical damage by 50%.

-NPC Background: Tal was a ferocious warrior of his clan and having been the chief's son helped with that since being trained at a very young age, by dumping the small furred creature into a pit with extremely hostile and poisonous snakes and spiders.

Having returned to his village coated in insect blood and wounds that were swiftly healed by the village shaman.

Tal continued to bring forth achievements of his kills to his father then 50 Years later after enough achievements had been claimed.

Tal challenged his father to a Death Match to which the prize is to be the new chieftain of the clan.

Tal had won against his father and became the new Talz Chieftain, which lasted 30 more years.

-NPC Age: 165

-Creator: Blunt Machete.

—Level, Race and Classes—

**Level 100 - Racial Level: 0 - Job Class Level: 100

**Race: Demihuman - Beastman Lv0

**Job Class -

"-Fighter -Base- Lv15

-Barbarian -Base- Lv15

-Champion -High- Lv10

-Bloody Executioner -High- Lv10

-Weapon Master -High- Lv10

-Druid -High- Lv10

-High Druid -High- Lv10

-Shaman -Base- Lv15

-Battle Master -High- Lv5

-[Third Floor Guardian]

*Alucard: Alucard is a 6'3 Long blonde haired man who wears a pair of black dress pants, shoes and a clean basic t-shirt while wielding a telekinetically controlled rapier, the vampires rapier is magical weapon due to the purpose of bypassing non magical resistances and immunities.

Alucard is also a mage with a basic to adept understanding of elemental offensive magics so he doesn't rely on one style of combat for very long along with expert use of class skills to integrate with his combat style.

Between 100% and 75% Health, Alucard will primarily focus on swordsmanship and unarmed physical attacks to dish out to any opponents and invaders.

Between 75% and 50%, Alucard will begin to utilize Magic in conjunction with their fighting style while also utilizing any range they find themselves in.

Between 50% and 25%, Alucard will start to utilize class skills to try and turn the tide of battle into their favor; however, this paves the way for the Vampire to showcase its trump card.

Finally, Below 25% of its health, Alucard will start to rely on its racial class skills in the final attempt to defeat the enemy.

-NPC Background: Alucard was a normal human when he was technically alive, a good father, loving husband and well known in the village during those years as a brave man.

However it ended when the town was raised by a band of bloodlust vampires led by a vampire that loved listening to their cries of pain.

However he stood against them and was recognized by the murderous band and she gave him something to remember them by.

This happened many centuries ago as he forgot his human name, but he was able to kill the band and the vampires that lead them.

His name Alucard was given to him as a reminder of the Vampire who held onto his humanity.

-NPC Age: 355.

-Creator: Balzac/Hanako Hasegawa

—Levels, Race and Classes—

**Level 100 - Racial Level: 20 - Job Class Level: 80

**Race: Heteromorph - Vampire Lv10 - True Vampire Lv10

**Job Class -

"-Fencer -Base- Lv15

-Fighter -Base Lv15

-Wizard -Base- Lv15

-War Wizard -High- Lv10

-Knight -High- Lv10

-Cursed Knight -Rare- Lv5

-Champion -High- Lv10

-[Fourth Floor Guardian(s)]

#1: *Sun Wu-Kong: Sun was a shirtless Demihuman Monkey that was created to lead one of three major villages on the fourth floor, he wore slightly torn blue jeans with a holster on his back that carried the blonde monkeys red staff, the bo staff is treated as a magical weapon to bypass resistances and immunities towards non magical weapons.

Sun while not a mage aside from the magical class to cause illusions, he has numerous class skills and some racial skills to call upon as to not fully rely on its skill with the bo staff to achieve victory against intruders

Sun's built in combat style is a front liner that is balanced between physical strength, speed, item use and class skills.

Between 100% and 50% Health, Sun will utilize basic monk skills while incorporating the bo staff into his fighting.

Between 50% and 25%, Sun will utilize all of his monk class skills to defeat the enemy while also tapping into some of the other class skills to tap into as a way to shift the tides of battle.

Below 25% Health, Sun will utilize every class skill it has as well as utilize any items that sun has equipped as a final ditch effort to defeat the enemy.

-NPC Background: Sun was always an adventurer who loves to see new places, but his biggest thing he loved to do was pranks as he loves making people laugh with his tricks.

However, he always pranks the wrong person and always gets chased by guards.

It always ended this town after town, either a royal, governor or even the Mayor of the towns he goes to and gets chased off by guards who he then kicks their butts with, even literally just to rub the salt onto their already broken pride.

But during his travels he always finds time to relax, lay in the sun and eats his favorite treat, a banana

-NPC Age: 42

-Creator: GaryTheSnail/Ren Sakai

—Levels, Race and Classes—

**Level 100 - Racial Level: 0 - Job Class Level: 100

**Race: Demihuman - Beastman(Monkey) Lv0

**Job Class -

"-Monk -Base- Lv15

-Ki Master: Physical -High- Lv10

-Ki Master, Spiritual -High- Lv10

-Illusionist -Base- Lv15

-Fighter -Base- Lv10

-Weapon Master -High- Lv10

-Martial Lord -Rare- Lv5

-Way of the Doppelgänger -High- Lv10

-Brawler -High- Lv10

-Tactician -High- Lv5

#2: *Leo: Leo is an armored shelled crab with two large pincer-like arms and two smaller hands a bit down from its larger hands. It's color is primarily red but it's shell and tail is more known to look like a lobster than a crab.

The Crab wields an oversized battle axe with the appearance of a mossy sea shell and sharpened its edge, the weapon completing the crabs seal folk appearance.

Leo's was programmed with a specific combat style that fit its large muscular(?) size and armored shell, it's a tank known for taking any damage while dishing out as much punishment as the crap person can muster.

Between 100% and 50% of Health, Leo utilizes it's large war axe to swing it widely leaving little to no room for a counter attack while utilizing its lone pincer for unarmed strikes coupled that the shell is also a shield.

Between 50% and 25%, Leo will begin to utilize its monk class skills to turn the tide of battle, it will also begin to act more aggressively along with calling Crab People Pop Monsters for assistance.

Below 25% Health, Leo will utilize the full case of all of its class skills in the last attempt to defeat the enemy and intruder, and it's fighting style becomes the same as a raging barbarian.

-NPC Background: The crab people under their leader Leo are known to be pretty calm individuals but are great warriors, especially in their part of the sea.

Leo is very focused on always trying to improve his people's living as well as new ways to fight.

He was still new to the position, as it was trusted upon him but is known in that part as the sea as the wisemen

-NPC Age: 115

-Creator: MeForPresident/Minato Tomura

—Levels, Race and Classes—

**Level 100 - Racial Level: 10 - Job Class Level: 90

**Race: Heteromorph - Crab People Lv10

**Job Class -

"-Fighter -Base- Lv5

-Barbarian -Base- Lv10

-Weapon Master -High- Lv5

-Knight -High- Lv10

-Dark Knight -Rare- Lv5

-Monk -Base- Lv15

-Ki Master: Physical -High- Lv10

-Path of the Champion -High- Lv10

-Warlord -High- Lv10

-Way of the Water Elementalist -Rare- Lv5

#3: *Sprinkles: this creature is shown to be a large muscular horned beetle with its shell being twice as hard as tempered steel and carrying two serrated claymores strapped to its back.

Sprinkles was created to be an unrelenting warrior who specializes in full offense while forgoing defense while leaving that particular stat fully to his racial class, it's also been created to be a menace towards mage build players due to some of his classes being resistant to Magic.

Between 100% and 50% Health, Sprinkles will focus primarily duel wielding its twin claymores with primarily wide swings with the occasional stab, it will also sheath one of its blades periodically to dish out some unarmed strikes.

Between 50% and 25%, Sprinkles starts becoming more aggressive with its attacks while also including other insectoids to join the fight, unlike most pop monsters that roam the floor, these monsters are getting buffed from the beatles class 'tactician', he will also begin to use some of his class skills to turn the tide of battle.

Below 25% Health, Sprinkles will let go of all notions of control, it will dish out every skill it has in its build as well as the insectoid soldiers will gain more buffs to assist in combat in a final ditch effort.

-NPC Background: Sprinkle is a very powerful and very intimidating individual of the Beetle species and those under him can claim he can literally tear a tree right out of the dirt, roots and all.

But only those that worked under him can say he is the nicest person you can ever meet. They claim he did so to save an animal that 's home collapsed into itself and trapped a young animal inside.

He loved to care for nature and those that live inside of it, even would father some food if he saw someone under his domain is hungry.

But never do something to upset him as he will face those that will do harm to others, especially if they do it for fun.

-NPC Age: 75

-Creator: AlwaysDrunk/Umi Kinoshita

—Levels, Race and Classes—

**Level 100 - Racial Level: 15 - Job Class Level: 85

**Race: Heteromorph - Insectoid(Beetle) Lv15

**Job Class -

"-Knight -High- Lv10

-Dark Knight -Rare- Lv5

-Tactician -High- Lv10

-Fighter -Base- Lv10

-Weapon Master -High- Lv10

-Blade Master -High- Lv10

-Custodian -High- Lv10

-Way of the Gentle Arts -High- Lv10

-Plane Touched Warrior -High- Lv10

-Anti Magic Warrior -High- Lv10

-Way of the Iron Mountain -High- Lv5

-[Fifth Floor Guardian]

*Shiver Sniper: Shiv was created to be the master of long range, as no target is safe from this man from beyond 50 Meters.

He was crafted to be the watcher for the fifth floor and to snipe any invaders.

The moment any enemy players entered the fifth floor are going to be targeted by shivs enhanced long range detection and shot down with an equally overpowered sniper.

Unlike the other created NPCs that have specific behavioral traits when pushed into a specific percentage of their health, Shiver has the lowest health out of any NPC and Republic Guild Member, due to that.

Shiv will utilize every skill it has while ensuring expert level to perfect accuracy for sniper shots.

When the enemy players manage to get close to the guardian, Shiv is capable of defending himself in close range as well.

-NPC Background: Shiver the Sniper, the lone Wolf, a man that can shoot over a hundred miles and can still get a headshot.

He is feared for his ability to accurately pinpoint his targets and makes sure no one ever escapes his sight.

Now he isn't a monster, he cares to listen into what their thoughts are like as well to understand their personality to do his duties much better.

Only those he leaves alive are always those that show compassion to others to tell the tale about the Sniper of Death

-NPC Age: 30

-Creator: NetflixAndKill/Tozen Ichikawa

—Levels, Race and Classes—

**Level 100 - Racial Level: 0 - Job Class Level: 100

**Race: Humanoid - Human Lv0

**Job Class -

"-Gunner -Base- Lv15

-Monk -Base- Lv5

-Sniper -High- Lv10

-Ranger -High- Lv10

-Open Mind -High- Lv10

-Arcane Shot -High- Lv10

-Magic Marksman -High- Lv10

-Way of the Fleet Foot -High- Lv10

-Journeyman -High- Lv10

-Hunter's Prey -Rare- Lv5

-Inquisitive -High- Lv5

-[Sixth Floor Guardian]

*Commander Alpha: Alpha is a humanoid based NPC modeled to look like the many Pop NPCs that are known to guard the sixth floor, it has a brown skin tone, a shaved head and brown eyes.

It's armor is a lightly plated and armored katarn armor that has a built in shield that helps mitigates any and all damage until the shield is taken down with a 3-6 minute recharge time, the armor is pure white in color with a black line paint job along with two flaps on both sides of the legs with dual pistol holders and a technological binoculars attached to the black arrow painted on helmet, this armor was a specifically crafted divine rarity armor by Velvet Scarlatina as a gift for the NPCs creator.

Alpha is a primary ranged combatant wielding the DC-15s Blaster Carbine and Twin DC-17 Hand Pistols, these weapons were crafted from Velvet as well

Between 100% and 50% Health, Commander Alpha will utilize expert control of ranged combat while commanding legions of clone troopers to overwhelm and defeat the enemy.

Between 50% and 25%, Alpha will tap into a lot of his other items that he possesses including explosives along with utilizing barricades and walls for additional defense measures, Alpha will also start to use some of his class skills to gain an edge.

Below 25% Health, In the final ditch effort, Alpha will utilize every class skill he has along with pulling out a divine rarity weapon known as the 'Darksaber' to initiate melee combat as well as getting fire support from clone troopers and automation security droids.

-NPC Background: Commander Alpha wasn't always a strict soldier, in fact despite his name he was always looked at as a failure compared to his other brothers as he was less skilled as they were.

But he made it up for his capacity to learn and his strategies to lead his group to battle and always succeed in every defense battle as well as attacks.

He was set up against one of his arrogant brothers with him and his ragtag group of nobodies and were able to defeat them by removing their key locations to abuse their constant use of strategy and never adapted to new things.

He was given command of the location for courage against odds stacked against him and his team along with the capacity to adept in any situation

-NPC Age: 22

-Creator: Deadeye/Ruby Rose

—Levels, Race and Classes—

**Level 100 - Racial Level: 0 - Job Class Level: 100

**Race: Humanoid - Human Lv0

**Job Class -

"-Gunner -Base- Lv15

-Sniper -High- Lv10

-Ranger -High- Lv10

-Assassin -Base- Lv10

-Magic Marksmen -High- Lv10

-Arcane Shot -High- Lv10

-Commander -High- Lv10

-Gunslinger -High- Lv5

-Demolitionist -High- Lv5

-Fighter -Base- Lv10

-Sword Master -High- Lv5

-[Seventh Floor Guardian]

#1: *Davy Jones: Captain of the Black Pearl, Captain Davy Jones was made to be equal parts of a terrifying combatant and leader, with its combination of classes making him deadly in both close and long range attacks along with he too possessing the Tactician class that grants buffs to its NPC Ship Crew.

Davy is one of three known guardians that inhabit the seventh floor and is known to be the toughest guardian out of the three, despite his odd appearance and reliance on created NPC Pirates.

Between 100% and 50% Health, Davy will initiate combat alongside 20 of the Black Pearl's crew which makes up the entirety of her crew. So long as Davy is active, his leadership grants buffs to his allies along with deadly sword strikes and ranged attacks.

Between 50% and 25%, Davy will call upon 3 Semi Large man eating octopi for assistance while they wait in the raging waters below, he will begin to utilize basic monk skills to get an edge while giving out more diverse commands to npcs for different buff effects.

Below 25% Health, Davy will now utilize every class skill it has to try and defeat the enemy as well as cause the Black Pearl's cannons to blow apart the enemy commandeered ship to prevent the enemy's escape.

-NPC Background: Davy Jones, the man, the myth, the legend.

A pirate cursed to forever stay in the sea along with his crew to watch the souls of the dead to leave and for him to punish any who perished in the waters to repay a debt of their soul to go beyond the mortal realm.

As he was once a Pirate, he loved gathering treasures and showing who is the best of the sea in every duel.

But his ambitions got the better of him and perished by his own sword being used by a wench that wanted his life and was tossed out to sea.

Now forever cursed to pay the debt he made in life for all his wrongs

-NPC Age: 145

-Creator: GoogleWasMyIdea/Nikko Ishida

—Levels, Race and Classes—

**Level 100 - Racial Level: 0 - Job Class Level: 100

**Race: Demihuman - Beastman(Octopi) Lv0

**Job Class -

"-Fighter -Base- Lv10

-Monk -Base- Lv15

-Ki Master: Physical -High- Lv10

-Ranger -High- Lv10

-Way of the Swashbuckler -High- Lv10

-Sword Master -High- Lv10

-Weapon Master -High- Lv10

-Way of the Water Elementalist -Rare- Lv5

-Beast Tamer -High- Lv10

-Tactician -High- Lv10

#2: *Thorkell: Thorkell is one of the most physically strongest NPC, excluding known guild members, He wields a divine rarity battle axe that can bypass a maximum of 25% physical and magical defense and was crafted by Velvet.

Thorkell was crafted to be the leader who fights alongside his men and was also created to be the one who enjoys fights with strong opponents and due to a specialized skill, it grants debuffs to his allies while this may baffle many who managed to face Thorkell, it was an intentional design flaw by the NPCs creator.

Between 100% and 50% Health, Thorkell will be on the forefront of a full offensive attack while backed by 40-60 Pop NPC Human Vikings wielding numerous weapons and mismatched armor's.

Between 50% and 25%, Thorkell begins to distribute his known debuff to any ally around him while such allies' resurgence will be slowed to a near halt granting the allies more breathing room aside from Thorkell himself, only to realize just how much of a monster this lone human is.

Below 25% Health, Thorkell now fights alone as no allies, regardless if they were alive, will have disappeared showcasing the Vikings true might, Thorkell will begin to rely on his class skills for an edge in battle along with having a more aggressive approach.

-NPC Background: Thorkell is the leader of the Viking clan of the children of Thor who supported their travel and battle in the sea.

With his mighty weapon in hand and their great shouts onto Thor and Odin.

They brave through anything they face and always prevail in great success as warriors and sailors of the sea

-NPC Age: 45

-Creator: HogwartsFailure/Minako Harada

—Levels, Race and Classes—

**Level 100 - Racial Level: 0 - Job Class Level: 100

**Race: Humanoid - Human Lv0

**Job Class -

"-Fighter -Base- Lv10

-Weapon Master -High- Lv10

-Barbarian -Base- Lv15

-Berserk -High- Lv10

-Path of Relentless Fury -High- Lv10

-Path of the Norse Gods -Rare- Lv5

-Path of the Survivor -High- Lv10

-Path of the Swift Striker -High- Lv10

-Path of the Warborn -High- Lv10

-Warlord -High- Lv10

#3: *Kraken: The Kraken is a very large octopus that fed off the radiation stemmed from the earth's core and grew to gigantic proportions, The Kraken was the first one to assist Davy Jones after he had died to destroy ships of crossing sailers.

It's massive size and multiple tentacles is perfect in fighting against numerous enemy ships and players along with bringing a dangerous thunderstorm whenever it appears giving it ammo and liquidation if it ever came onto land.

The Kraken, much like the Shiver Sniper, doesn't have behavioral traits consistent with its HP percentage due to the fact that it's size was far larger than any known NPC guardian.

Due to this, it will utilize its size, it's superior strength and all of its class skills to decimate parties of players but the down side, it's is size, due to the fact that The Kraken wouldn't be able to dodge most attacks delivered by players.

-NPC Background: The Kraken, the beast called from Davy Jones from deepest of oceans to do his bidding to destroy any hostile ships that must also pay the toll of their misdeeds.

Only those that survive seeing the beast never forget it and always warn any sailor going out there to pray for a safe travel or else it could be their last.

-NPC Age: Unknown

-Creator: LaughUntilYouPee/Eri Inoue

—Levels, Race and Classes—

**Level 100 - Racial Level: 15 - Job Class Level: 85

**Race: Heteromorph - Octopus Lv15

**Job Class -

"-Fighter -Base- Lv10

-Monk -Base- Lv15

-Ki Master: Physical -High- Lv10

-Way of the Water Elementalist -Rare- Lv5

-Way of the Frenzy -High- Lv10

-Druid -High- Lv10

-High Druid -High- Lv10

-Circle of the High Sea -Rare- Lv5

-Wizard -Base- Lv5

-War Wizard -High- Lv5

-[Eight Floor Guardian]

*Deena/Luna: Deena is a special NPC crafted by her creator for a full 72 Hours, not including breaks, due to that Deena is known to be one of the strongest Druid Wizard in the whole guild perhaps even surpassing some magic caster players.

Yet that isn't the full strength of her power, Deena was created to be master of elemental magic but also a curious explorer who loves to discover new animals and plant species, though becomes sad when a plant is sad.

But her creator add a sadistic and cruel side to her, in the form of an Earth Goddess called Luna, Luna's size rivaled the krakens size along with appearing to be the plant version of a tentacle crab monster, while having no legs, she can use her own body weight to move with ease along with using her oversized hands and tentacles, armored tentacles and he upper body was that of a beefed up body builder along with her head being a mixture of a bird, dolphin and toothed monster with glowing red eyes.

Between 100% and 50% Health, Deena utilizes all of her spells from the get go while having items equipped that assisted with Mana regen and additional mana points to send out more destructive spells, in her human form along with having the 'Circle of the Land Class' she gets a bonus buff when fighting in a forest or biomes with green vegetation.

Below 50% Health, Deena now becomes Luna and transforms into a Terra green monster goddess to which her fighting style now becomes highly aggressive as if she almost forgos all forms of magic aside from Druid magic, she can use her oversized fists and tentacles to maximize AoE damage around her to swiftly destroy any intruders.

-NPC Background: Deena's connection to nature was odd to many around her as she was able to feel when something is off in plant life or even the ecosystem of the forests she stays inside of at times.

She loves spending time with them, but when she is forced to fight, she can speak to the plants and animals to help her face off against any who wish her harm or others that exist with her.

However this side of her may be true, but she has another side of her that is as cruel as nature.

The Earth Goddess Luna is the incarnation of nature in itself, it is very cruel and unkind, for facing her means imminent death as she can turn up anything and would even sacrifice the life of the forest to remove anything that is in her way.

The two personalities clash inside of her for control.

So be careful when you anger Deena as it's possible that you may face the goddess that the two are truly the concept of nature in itself, loving and cruel.

-NPC Age: 33

-Creator: FishTacos/Sakura Sugiyama

—Levels, Race and Classes—

**Level 100 - Racial Level: 0 - Job Class Level: 100

**Race: Humanoid - Human Lv0

**Job Class -

"-Druid -High- Lv10

-High Druid -High- Lv10

-Circle of the Shepherd -Rare- Lv5

-Circle of the Moon -Rare- Lv5

-Circle of the Land -High- Lv10

-Wizard -Base- Lv15

-War Wizard -High- Lv10

-High Wizard -High- Lv10

-School of Evocation -Rare- Lv5

-Circle of the Elemental Warrior -Rare- Lv5

-Priest -Base- Lv15

Non Guardian NPCs-

#1: *Susie Evans: Susie is one of the higher levels of soldiers that roams the First Floor, her primary duty is to provide support and healing to the main guardian, she wields the semi auto rifle along with a pistol secondary.

Her outfit is the same as the npcs and pop creatures of the floor which is a blue military uniform, she carries around a dark brown bag that holds medical packs that operate the same as healing potions.

She has no behavioral traits in corresponding to her HP and therefore has no special traits outside of her programming to assist the first floor guardian.

-NPC Background: Susie is a very timid girl and one never seen to sign up on her own choice.

However, that is exactly what she did and despite being a soldier, her nervousness made her a liability on the field but her commander choose her along with two others to try out new technology help her get better to loud noises which is the cause of her nerves

-NPC Age: 19

-Creator: HomicidalBuilder/Velvet Scarlatina

—Levels, Race and Classes—

**Level 85 - Racial Level: 0 - Job Class Level: 85

**Race: Humanoid - Human Lv0

**Job Class -

"-Gunner -Base- Lv15

-Sniper -High- Lv10

-Demolitionist -High- Lv10

-Fighter -Base- Lv10

-Monk -Base- Lv5

-Grenadier -High- Lv10

-Priest -Base- Lv15

-Summoner -High- Lv10

#2: *Marina Wulstan: Marina is one of the higher levels of soldiers that roams the First Floor, her primary duty is to provide long range sniper support, she wields a Scoped Bolt Action 1948 Springfield along with a pistol secondary.

Her outfit is the same as the npcs and pop creatures of the floor which is a blue military uniform, she carries around a dark brown bag that holds medical packs that operate the same as healing potions.

She has no behavioral traits in corresponding to her HP and therefore has no special traits outside of her programming to assist the first floor guardian.

-NPC Background: Marina signs up to show the skills her father has taught her to the soldiers in the army.

However the one thing to be recognized is not her skills but her anti-social side as she never hung out with others.

Which made it worse due to how she looked at people in the same platoon.

However her skills were needed to test new weapons but also to get her to open up to the others chosen as well to make it possible to get her to have a normal conversation with.

-NPC Age: 25

-Creator: HomicidalBuilder/Velvet Scarlatina

—Levels, Race and Classes—

**Level 85 - Racial Level: 0 - Job Class Level: 85

**Race: Humanoid - Human Lv0

**Job Class -

"-Gunner -Base- Lv15

-Sniper -High- Lv10

-Demolitionist -High- Lv10

-Fighter -Base- Lv10

-Monk -Base- Lv5

-Grenadier -High- Lv10

-Marksmen -Rare- Lv5

-Ranger -High- Lv10

-Assassin -Base- Lv10

#3: * Jane Cold: Jane is one of the higher levels of soldiers that roams the First Floor, her primary duty is to provide support and distraction to the main guardian, she wields the PKM Light Machine Gun along with a pistol secondary.

Her outfit is the same as the npcs and pop creatures of the floor which is a blue military uniform, she carries around a dark brown bag that holds medical packs that operate the same as healing potions.

She has no behavioral traits in corresponding to her HP and therefore has no special traits outside of her programming to assist the first floor guardian.

-NPC Background: Jane joined the forces for one thing, battle. She loves a good fight, she loves to spill blood of her enemies and loves the adrenaline rush of a large battle.

When people see her, they try to keep their distance, especially in a fight as she will beat anyone starting something black and blue.

She was always sent to the brig for her violent nature and was the first picked out to show her all the fighting in the world won't make her happy, which she denies is impossible.

-NPC Age: 28

-Creator: HomicidalBuilder/Velvet Scarlatina

—Levels, Race and Classes—

**Level 85 - Racial Level: 0 - Job Class Level: 85

**Race: Humanoid - Human Lv0

**Job Class -

"-Gunner -Base- Lv15

-Sniper -High- Lv10

-Demolitionist -High- Lv10

-Fighter -Base- Lv10

-Monk -Base- Lv5

-Grenadier -High- Lv10

-Knight -High- Lv10

-Cursed Knight -Rare- Lv5

-Bloody Executioner -High- Lv10

Guild Rank: #8

Governmental System: The Guild Primarily is ruled under a sort of monarchy with the guild master acts as king and leader.

Specialization: The Guild heavily specializes in dungeon raids and a side bit of Guild Wars.

Race Majority: Mixed

Guild Size: Former 50 Members.

Number of World Items Claimed: 10

*Creation of Origin.

*Mjubberichs Lightning Bottle.

*Poets Amnesty.

*Bringer of Dreams.

*Kalevara's Guide.

*All in One.

*The Golden Bough.

*Altar of the Lost Gods.

*The Chronicle.

*Key to Glory.

-Guild Membership-

Jaune Arc -Freedom Fighter-

Brian O'Conner -DrinkingIsntBlashphamy-

Velvet Scarlatina -HomicidalBuilder-

Ruby Rose -Deadeye-

Akemi Sato -JustAHarmlessPotato-

Akihito Suzuki -LOWERCASEGUY-

Akira Tanaka -ManicPixieMemeGirl-

Arakan Ito -Blunt Machete-

Atsushi Nakamura -KnewTooMuch-

Botan Kobayashi -Disembowel-

Daichi Yamada -KissMyAxe-

Daisuke Yoshida -Eviscerated-

Eichi Matsumoto -PennywiseTheClown-

Eri Inoue -LaughUntilYouPee-

Fudo Hayashi -MyMaceYourFace-

Fumiko Saito -DoraTheDestroya-

Hachiro Nakajima -TakenByWine-

Hajime Mori -JoeNotExotic-

Hana Ikeda -Dirtbag-

Hanako Hasegawa -Balzac-

Haru Kondo -KnobGoblin-

Izanagi Fujita -UnicornFarts-

Katsumi Aoki -ClawAndOrder-

Kenji Sakamoto -FlungPuPanda-

Kono Ota -TickleMeElmo-

Masashi Kaneko -MagicSchoolBusDropout-

Midori Nishimura -BudlightYear-

Minako Harada -HogwartsFailure-

Minato Tomura -MeForPresident-

Mizuki Tomura -MeatYourBeat-

Nikko Ishida -GoogleWasMyIdea-

Nobu Wada -Blowjab-

Rai Shibata -Unnecessary-

Ren Sakai -GaryTheSnail-

Ryu Takagi -BadChicken-

Sachiko Shimada -DamnKids-

Saeko Imai -MomsSpaghetti-

Sakura Sugiyama -FishTacos-

Satoshi Masuda -Molotov-

Sayuri Otsuka -HappyKilling-

Shin Arai -HappyPurgeDay-

Shino Arai -BestServedCold-

Shizu Sakurai -TheKingIsDead-

Taka Koyama -NoThisIsPatrick-

Tama Chiba -TeaBaggins-

Tetsuya Chiba -SuckMyPopsicle-

Tokiko Chiba -AmTrash-

Tori Sano -TooOldForThis-

Tozen Ichikawa -NetflixAndKill-

Umi Kinoshita -AlwaysDrunk-

Dungeon Location- Midgard

Dungeon Name: Vornfold

Dungeon Layout-

Outside: The Entrance of the guild is a slightly ruined entrance to the subway with the surrounding buildings ruins of a semi large city filled to the brim with traps and skeleton pop monsters to act as former 'inhabitants', while the city is typically claimed by the 'Republic of Midgard' it's not connected to the guild.


-First Floor: Midgard Republic Military Base; the first floor is a location of a war torn battlefield which is 100 Meters between the entrance of the floor and the Republic Military Base.

There is a defense line filled with riflemen, shock troopers, heavy gun emplacements and light, medium and heavy tanks that rains hellfire in 'No Mans land' however while the guild prioritized quality of each floor, they always made sure it was passable as to give a challenge that can be completed.

The Guardian is a brown haired woman wielding a spiral lance and a spiral shield while coated in beautiful blue fire and wearing a blue tinted military uniform with a skirt and small bits of armor standing on top of a tank waiting for the enemy to enter the camp.


*No Man's Land: This location is 100 Meters between the entrance to the floor and the Republic Base, mortars bombard the stretch of land along with sprays of bullets from gun emplacements.

No Man's Land has trenches and sand bags that can be used to remain safe from bullets and mortars though the entrance of the floor can look at No Man's Land to devise a plan to get to the entrance.

*Republic Base Entrance: Located just after exiting No Man's Land.

This entrance is flanked by two concrete bunkers housing heavy gatling guns, flanking on either sides of the adjacent bunkers is a line of concrete barriers lined with numerous republic riflemen and shock troopers along with 4 Heavy Tanks on both sides.

*Alicia's Private Tent: The Guardians Personal Room is a tent located on the top left corner of the base to which the guardian 'Alicia' uses to either relax, sleep or get away from the rest of the soldiers.

The tent's color is blue.

*Mess Hall: this wood and stone bricked building is located in the left section of the base which inside is only large tables and wooden chairs that are located that allows the soldiers of the base to have their meal and drink.

The meals consisted of roasted meat(Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Fish, Dragon), variety of fruits and veggies, breads, along with a choice of liquids ranging from Water, Soda, Beer, Ale, Wine and more Alcoholic Beverages.

*Republic AirField: to the large section on the right of the base is a large tarmac stripe to which numerous hanger buildings that acts as storage for large war machines called 'Fighter Planes' that uses flight and steam technology to enable flight for non flight creatures while harboring high projectile weaponry.

Other war machines located to be in storage of the Republic Airfield are Republic Tanks of the Light, Medium or Heavy Categories, Ragnite Fuel which powers the machines and lights for the whole guild is located in the air field while emergency back ups is located in the 'Storage' Facility.

*Communication's Building: this building is located in the center of the republic base and is perhaps the most defended as numerous tanks, shock and heavy troopers are located to guard the entrance and the back entrance to defend the building.

This building is the primary method to utilize a non magical way of 'message' which the spell itself operates the same as a GM call, this guild has learned of a way to utilize message through non magical means and have a stable connection through catalysts which are connected to the radio tower.

Among over the thousand + guilds that existed in Yggdrasil, only 20 had learned of this method and utilized it with the republic of midgard furthering development of communication which now includes music and news reports through radios along with devices that are connected to the tower regardless of distance.

*Storage, Development and Maintenance Field: this section is located above the republic airfield that operates like a mechanics playground to which mechanic npcs located on the grounds are creating methods to increase the effectiveness of the tanks, further the development on the war planes and strengthen the defenses of the base that includes barricades and weaponry.

this strip of land and buildings also maintain and issue maintenance to tanks, weapons, armor or clothing while several hangers were placed completely for storage purposes of excess weapons, ragnite fuel, ammo, gunpowder along with non perishable foods and emergency water.

-Known NPCs-





-Known Pop Monsters-

*Republic Riflemen: these npcs are basic looking humans wearing a blue military uniform with a vest while wielding an M1 Garand, the looks are the same while the female variant has a more feminine appearance to the basic look.

Every Riflemen has a blue helmet over their hair.

*Republic Sniper: these npcs are the same looking humans of the riflemen however their outfit doesn't contain any armor which is required for a long distance fighter, these soldiers are wielding Scoped Springfield Rifles.

*Republic Shocktrooper: these npcs are the same looking humans as the riflemen however they are wearing more armor then their fellow soldiers.

They are wielding metal chest plates, gauntlets and grieves along with more packs to wield ammo.

These soldiers are wielding an AK-74 without the stock along with having a flamethrower attachment underneath the barrel.

*Republic Grenadier: these npcs are the same looking humans as the riflemen however these soldiers have the same armor chest plate as the shock troopers but they 9mms as a ranged alternative but they deal primarily in chucking grenades at their enemies, these are ragnite grenades

*Republic Light/Medium/Heavy Tank: these tanks differ based on the armored class but they are metal war machines to be based on the 'Power Armor' item added to Yggdrasil 4 years after it was released, these tanks act as items to be used both its use is based after the original item.

—The Light Variant operates on speed and mobility while sacrificing power which the barrel is replaced by a quad automatic gatling gun though the weak point of this tank is the ragnite engine in the back and a heavy explosive hit can almost immediately destroy the tank, though the light variant is smaller in the medium variant

—The Medium Variant is a balance of power and mobility to which it has a tank shell barrel that doubles as a portable mortar cannon, like the light variant this tank has a ragnite engine on the back of its bottom half however it's slightly armored and it has a M7 Light Gatling Gun used to protect its weak point, this is larger than the light variant while smaller then the heavy variant.

—The Heavy Variant trades mobility and speed for overwhelming power and the tank as two shell cannons, one on top of the body and one directly in front while also gaining access to firebombing shells, mortars and smokescreens. This variant is the largest of the three and its ragnite engine is protected by a layer of armor to which must be taken off before using said weak point.

*Long Range Mortar Handler: these npcs while having generic brown(male) or blonde(female) hair like the rest of the republic soldiers.

These ones don't have armor or weapons nor helmets due to the fact that they operate long ranged mortar cannons that they use to provide support to destroy intruders and enemies in No Man's Land

-Second Floor: Blizzard Mountains of Misery; this floor contains a mountain range that is constantly bombarded with either a flurry or a heavy blizzard that greatly diminishes the sight of the invading players along with the sight of the npcs and pop monsters, at the top of the mountain is a wooden encampment of the mountains prominent dwellers.

A group of furred Demihumans Beastman called 'The Talz' are the mountain's apex hunters and having completely lived in cold climates, they have no restrictions or debuffs relating to the cold environment.

One Creature stands in front of the stairs to proceed to the next floor, one taller than most Talz and one that leads them for Chief Tal carries the golden key to enter the next floor.


*Talz Main Camp: The Main Camp of the Talz is located at the summit of the mountain to which numerous stone huts would be built as homes for many of the furred creatures, fire pits would also be built to provide temporary warmth to its inhabitants.

The largest stone hut is the home of the chieftain who guide the Talz to tomorrow, outside of the villain is logs bound together to form a wall around the village for protection of the tribe though primarily the females and children.

*Frozen Forest: the frozen forest is an expansive forest of trees and snow covering the roots of the mountains and while there isn't much noteworthy of the forest but it's the primary location to where the Talz gets their wood, along with numerous Frost Skeletons wander the forest looking for their next prey.

*Ragnite Mines: the entrance to the mine is located at the roots of the mountains in the center where 3 Frost Giants are protecting the entrance along with 10 Republic Snowtroopers.

Inside the mines where it's warmer is where numerous dwarfs are located to mine a precious material called ragnite that provides power to the whole guild.

These mines are self replenishing much like mines from all across Yggdrasil but very rarely does a guild get the fortune to get a self replenishing mine inside their guild for easy control.

Ragnite is used to power machines and automations and light up locations, it's primarily used to replace torches.

*Ore Mines: The Ore Mines is connected directly inside the ragnite mines through another series of tunnels.

Due to the guild leader and several other members of the guilds pooling together a large sum of money and spent to add this particular feature for easy metal access, these tunnels are mined by dwarfs and guarded by republic shocktroopers.

The ores mined within are Copper, Tin, Iron, Brass, Orichalcum, Quicksilver, Lead And Malachite.

It took an approximate of 2-3 thousand dollars spent in game to get the game developers to put the mines inside the guild and it's replenishment is once every 3 days and the mines are large so even round the cloak mining, most wouldn't scratch one third of the mines.

*Travel Village: this wooden village is built inside the frozen forest at the right corner of the floor to which is used as a sort of safe zone for players continuously hunted by heteromorphic skeletons, giants, virgins or from the Talz.

This village can be used for invading players to recuperate lost health or repair any damaged equipment.

It's complete with a stocked mess hall and a not frozen well of water.

*Long Distance Trebuchets: also known as catapults, these three weapons are located beside the Main Talz village which can be used to chuck explosives at the invading players in the center of the mountains or on the Talz side of the mountains.

However due to the constant blizzard does negate the Trebuchet handlers line of sight so sometimes they need to do a blind shot towards the invaders

-Known NPCs-

*Chief Tal[Guardian]

-Known Pop Monsters-

*Talzen: Talzen's are a tribe of Demihuman creatures of furred Beastman to which their fur is Snow White and their exposed skin is darkish blue as they were accustomed and evolved for the harshest of cold climates.

Talzens are typically Brutish like Warriors that wields a variety of crudely made wooden weaponry that is; Wooden Spiked Clubs, Wooden Spears, Wooden Axes, Stone Swords and more.

*Talzen Spear Launcher: Talzens who wield spears and use them like bats, these white fur warriors can throw spears which not only does it give the base damage of the spear, but gives an enhanced throwing damage.

Dozens of the Spear Launchers line the mountain's edge to throw spears at intruders.

*Talzen Archer: These warriors had taken up the use of archery though spear throwing has more damage output.

There is a limited number of spears before running out while arrows, while weaker, have more numbers then spears, especially being faster.

*Talzen Rider: These warriors had taken up the art of war riding to claim their victims, the creatures they are riding is a species of white furred saber tooth tigers that were specifically made to operate and hunt in the extreme cold.

The riders wield any bludgeoning weapon to maximize their attack output as the fastest of the tribe.

*Frost Giant: Giants are a species of humanoids that were extremely taller and more primitive then the Talz.

These giants were on par with trolls while these specific giants were designed to live in the extreme cold.

Having an immunity to ice and cold damage and gaining the ability to cast ice spells.

They wield a particular frightening club of frozen trees that can do a large chunk of bludgeoning damage.

*Frost Virgin: these human looking females are pure cyan blue skinned from having spent so long in harsh cold climates and wearing pure white dresses.

They look like normal human woman with an unnatural skin tone but these creatures are powerful ice magic casters and sentries, wielding ice spells and the ability to see through invisibility is a powerful guard.

The Frost virgins are located outside of the ragnite mines as watchers.

*Frost Skeleton: These skeletons were the ice version of the normal skeleton warriors, these one have the same deplorable stats as the normal counterparts but these were crafted for the harshest of cold climates.

Having a complete immunity to ice and cold damage along with the ability to cast ice spells. These particular skeletons operate as scouts for the Talz Tribe.

*Snowtrooper:(Located at the Ragnite/Ore Mines) These human soldiers are from the first floor but been tasked with guarding the sole ragnite mines of the whole guild, wielding automatic M16 rifles and blue tinted armor that covered the gear that protected the human soldier from the harsh cold climate even if the mines themselves are slightly warmer than snow and cold from outside.

-Third Floor: Insectoid Catacombs of Fear; these catacombs operate on a similar length of a labyrinth that stretches for miles and an equivalent of two hours, the tunnels are shrouded in complete darkness that gives anyone living both allies and enemies 'Blindness' that can easily be countered with dark vision, true vision or a simple fire lit torch.

Along the ground in the tunnels are limited with bones of all kinds yet the looks of them showed no signs of being harvested or eaten meaning a lot of the 'intruders' were either killed and left to decompose or have died from starvation or dehydration.

In the center of the catacombs lays a simple room with a coffin in the middle, a blonde man is lying in wait for an intruder to make it to his home to which he will do battle to defend the exit from any intruders


*Queen's Birthing Chamber: located at the right section of the catacombs and located next to 'Insectoid Hatcheries' the Queen NPC is located here to lay eggs of future insectoids to replenish any lost might from intruders.

The Queen, while having no combat capabilities to defend herself, numerous undead geonosians are located to quickly overwhelm intruders.

*Insectoid Hatchery: located at the right section of the catacombs and located next to 'Queen's birthing chambers', this large cavern is served as a location to put any recently laid insect egg for where they will remain until they have been hatched and ready to serve the high before being given a disease the kills and revives them as an undead insectoid

*Skeletal Mounds:(Four Locations Scattered) located on the four quadrants is four semi large caverns where massive bone piles are located that serves as pop monsters spots for undead skeleton warriors and mages.

*Prison Block: a location in the left quadrant is where numerous caverns had been converted into a prison to which the undead insects take any desired intruders and imprison them for interrogation.

The bars on the cells are made from hardened mithril so it's extremely difficult to break through them.

*The Sarcophagus Room:(Exit) in the very center in the darkened labyrinth is where a lone crypt and coffin is located to which it pops open and a youthful blonde haired man floats out of it while the sword is mentally unsheathed.

The npc guardian Alucard is ready to do battle to defend the exit and fellow guild followers.

This room is only known to hold Alucard's coffin

-Known NPCs-


-Known Pop Monsters-

*Undead Geonosians: these insectoids are quite unique as they are reminiscent of maggots then most other bipedal insects, however no matter if they have wings or not.

Their look is a sand colored outer shell with two nimble arms and legs while the head closely resembles an ant without the mandibles but when they are hatched they are swiftly killed and brought back as an undead to the catacombs.

The Undead Insectoid.

*Skeleton Warriors: These Pop Monsters form from the locations of skeletal burial mounds before they wander around.

These skeletons are the basis of undead skeletons with a buckler shield and a rusted/near ruined short sword of any kind.

They have very low HP and can be defeated easily however these creatures are the weakest and pave the way for the more dangerous undead insectoids.

*Skeleton Mages: These skeletons are different from their warrior counterparts as they deal in magic rather than weapons.

These skeletons, while they have lower hp than the others, what makes these ones more dangerous is that they can utilize ranged spells that make them more difficult to counter against.

*Undead Monster Worms: These worms are as large as serpentine snakes with some parts of its skin rotted away with darkened and infected flesh wounds.

These worms burrow in the underground to attack by surfacing underneath the enemy for a massive stealth strike.

These worms typically remain close towards the exit room of the catacombs.

Fourth Floor: Tropical Island of Sorrow; the island is a large that is home to three indigenous tribes that may seem to hold a tense relationship but are in fact close to each other but each remain in their own territory.

The island has a specialized set of wood that is almost as strong as the elven moon wood along with compressed stone.

The island is also the guild's only source of generated fish but with three tribes on the island and three guardians, any invaders will have an extremely tough time trying to get through.


*Kyuryu Forest: Kyuryu Forest is a large stretch of land filled with over enlarged trees that is 45% Larger and Thicker then average tropical and pine trees, the forest length is well over 50 Meters tall.

The tree branches are strong enough to withstand the weight of an adult human male to which Beastman Monkey Archers use to shoot downwards against intruders while staying above enough for close ranged attackers to not fight back and even ranged fighters have trouble pinpointing exactly where the archers are located.

*Daishan Village: Daishan Village is a wooden based village built very tall in the trees of Kyuryu Forest, the village is around 40 Meters, very high while remaining just below the tree canopy.

The village is very large, almost expanding 40% of the forest, inside are Monkey Warriors, Female Monkey Civilians and Monkey Children.

One of the Tri Guardians of the fourth floor lives and protects the village. Sun Wu-Kong.

*Western Caverns: The Western Caverns are a series of rocky tunnels that expand underground to which are the perfect conditions for insectoids to inhabit the cave.

The entrance to the cave is a rocky opening with a wooden wall and gate guarded by two beetle warriors

The cave is known to produce edible glowing fungus that grows on the cavern walls along with a flowing river that has been untouched by outside interference, making this flow of water pure.

*Beetle Village: In the northern reach cavern tunnels is where the village of the beetle insectoid species, most of the village is stone built huts with various campfires and torches to spread heat throughout the tunnels.

Some houses were larger as those were used as storages for excess food and metal containers filled with emergency water pulled from the mineral river.

The largest house is the house of sprinkles, the current tribe's chieftain.

*Northern Beaches of Fear: this area of the island's beaches has been claimed by the dangerous and secluded sea folk called, Crab People, taste like crab, talk like people, crab people.

These Crab People took possession of the northern beaches since the northern sea is the best location of the tropical cod and other fish.

The main housing is made from stone that the Crab People trade with the Beetle Tribe along with large tropical leaves and wood that they trade with the Monkey Tribe.

*Crab People Village: the village is quite larger then what one would expect when claiming a part of a beach which the upside is that with the village side being open to the water leaves little to no attacks on that side.

The village buildings consist of stone, wood and tree leaves which the larger buildings are used for storage and the largest housing obviously goes to the chieftain.

The primary export of this village is a high supply of tropical fish.

*Fruit Farm: This Location is located 5 miles south from the Ryuryu Forest and it's the only location that is tended to by all three tribes in an effort to achieve relationships with each other, most of the fruit consists of peaches, apples, oranges and bananas.

The monkey tribe has full rights on the bananas while the three tribes share the remaining fruits with each other.

-Known NPCs-

*Sun Wukong[Co-Guardian]



-Known Pop Monsters-

*Monkey Monk: This pop monster is a Beastman Monkey who is a monk, specializing in monk based attacks and skills.

this monster is regarded as a good physical attacker and close combatant but it has no way of ranged attacks.

This Pop Monster looks like a shirtless buff blonde man, a bandaged chest if one is a female with stitched green pants.

*Monkey Warrior: this pop monster is a Beastman monkey who specializes in sword and shield combat.

it's often seen fighting on the front lines much like the Beastman Monks but unlike monks who have a high physical attack but low defense, Monkey Warrior is a good proficiency on both stats.

The Warrior's looks like primarily the same for the monk, Blonde for both genders while the men has a male iron chest plate and wielding a short sword and shield combo, the female would be wearing a female's chest plate

*Monkey Archer: Despite the name, don't let it fool you, it can swing from trees and strike when you least expect it.

They guard the trees that they swing from and love a good laugh.

But these fierce warriors never want to feel their wrath.

*Beetle Charger: This being is not one to mess with as much as a human who is crazy for battle, this being is tougher to handle due to its shell being toughened through training day and night.

It's punches will send you packing as it will crush all of its enemies in its wake.

Which makes it worse as they can fly so you can never know when they will hit you.

*Beetle Heavy Warrior: This strong fighter of the Island is well known for having the toughest shells and well strategy for combat. Sometimes slow even in flight, they are hard to hit due to their natural armor.

They tend to use different kinds of weapons but all are known for their toughness and defensive abilities

*Beetle Javelin Launcher: while looking similar to its crazy brother, one of its arms has a special function to it to attack in range and can use its own arm like a club to attack any nearby enemies.

The name comes from the arm that looks like something you see on a boat but attached to its arm to fight with.

*Crab Charger: While looking like their leader, they are ones that no one wishes to face as the main troops in the sea.

They enjoy tearing apart their enemies as they can feast on the insides of their victor, their strong grips.

*Crab Monk: As similar looking as their leader, they also took on his calm nature and learned how to use their immense strength in the waters to face off against enemies in honest combat in or out of the ocean.

Having special patterns on their shells to show their willingness to follow this path and a way to tell the difference between the other types.

*Crab Heavy Warrior: It is rare to see a sea creature using a weapon, but this is exactly what you will see when facing these larger than normal crab people.

While calmer than their crazy siblings, they are able to use their pincers as hands to wield much heavier weapons at ease along with shields that would take two people to lift.

The shells are tougher as well, making it possible to see the difference before it's too late.

Fifth Floor: Desert of Vulnerability; an extremely large and sandy desert with the heated sun plowing the sand dunes which causes moisture to evaporate into the air at an accelerated process.

Due to the lack of cover for the most part outside of semi large sand dunes, any intruders may find themselves under the scope of the floor guardian to which a single second could mean life or death.


*Shiver Sniper's Tent: This tent is located 30 Meters beside the stone like exit gate that leads into the sixth floor, the tent is located on the tallest and most stable sand dune in the whole desert floor.

Along with the highest vantage point for the floor guardian to undertake its sniping with the greatest amount of success due to his great eagle eye.

*Water Farms: Located in the south west of the desert floor is where a semi small village has sprung up to collect moisture from the air to compress together into water.

the village is guarded and tended two by a tribe of 30+ Desert Lizardmen and under the command of the floor guardian, there are six groups of four lizard men patrolling the sandy desert in search of intruders and for salvage to build more moisture collectors

*Oasis: This location is perhaps the only location in the sandy desert to have a pool of water with some green grass around it.

The water is pure and contains traces of human safe minerals while the grass provides a spectacle towards any viewers who choose to stare at it; this location is on the northern point of the desert floor.

high up north as to remain undisturbed by any intruders.

*Stripe of Attacked Military Vehicles: this stripe of military vehicles are remnants of an ancient military force that was killed off by a mysterious monster.

Skeleton corpses are inside the militant Jeep's along with legendary rarity M4A1 Assault Rifles, M9 Pistols and some left over ammunition along with several med packs.

This is the only place on the floor that willingly gives up items to intruders as a sort of reward.

*City Ruins: these ruins are located on the eastern block of the floor to which the intruders start out within when they reach the floor.

the tall commercial like buildings are used as cover while the intruders figure out a way to reach the exit while dodging the long ranged attacks from the sniper of death.

-Known NPCs-

*Shiver Sniper[Guardian]


-Known Pop Monsters-

*Desert Lizardmen: The Desert Lizardmen, Are a species of lizard humanoids that earns their living under the sand as it is cool with scales as yellow as the sand with their underbelly being more lighter in color due to them being used to the heat.

They are clever fighters who use spears, swords with shields, bow or even two handed axes.

It's tricky to notice them as they can feel the vibrations from the sand as it drops.

The look is like how you can imagine a regular lizard standing on its back legs.

*Skeleton Warriors: These Pop Monsters form from basically anywhere on the floor as a symbolic way of exclaiming to invaders that many had perished in the desert and roam the floor ready to sink them into the sun beat sand.

These skeletons are the basis of undead skeletons with a buckler shield and a rusted/near ruined short sword of any kind.

They have very low HP and can be defeated easily however these creatures are the weakest.

*Skeleton Archers: Skeleton Archers look like plain white bone skeletons but with a small leather armor covering the chest with a strap to hold 40 arrows inside.

The bow they use can change between short bows to longbows for certain types of ranges to even a crossbow but has only 20 shots for.

The wood for them looks black in nature due to the skeletons' magic affecting them but can tell the metal is rusty but very usable like they are brand new in nature.

*Large Desert Worms: The sandworms are hunters that target more creatures that can fight back than those at full strength.

They are around 50 to 60 feet in length, burrows are like giant caverns, light brown in color.

They have six eyes, three on each side to see and capable of seeing in the dark.

They can sense movement but the tunnels can stay around for months due to slime they released to help them move around.

They have rows of teeth to tear their victims apart and can be a large weakness as their body's can't be put up in fire, the insides are very vulnerable to flames

Sixth Floor: City of Midgard, Downpour of Powerlessness; this is a single domed city that stands in the middle of an ocean while braving through an extremely heavy and powerful thunderstorm which causes the waves to rise rapidly.

The domed city is made from a mixture of metals that makes it extremely difficult to damage from the outside as well as a resistance to rust and metal decay.


*Hanger: This room is located at the Far East to which harbors a specialized vehicle called the Low Altitude Assault Transport which is an advanced aerial vehicle that can drop on 12 Clone Troopers into the field with relative ease however due to the materials needed to make it and the complexity, only 20 LAATs are known to be in existence and the only known alternative to the magical flight spell.

*Mess Hall: an extremely large while illuminated room exposing up to 20 very large tables to which the soldiers come in to eat while on their break or designated meal times, the mess hall food is around the same they serve on the first floor mess hall for the main bulk of the republic's army.

*Communication's Center: This communications center is considered vastly stronger then the first floor as Ruby Rose, the main creator of the floor, was extremely invested in the concept of magicless communication as such utilized a lot of her time and some of Velvet's help.

she managed to empower this concept enough to reach outside of the guild for a very long range as such this is highly used in the realm of Midgard to remain in touch with the guild members and to send reinforcements if needed or send out additional orders via com link.

*Training Room: This room is a futuristic style training room to which the soldiers of the floor will often come down and practice against specialized automation training droids, which is a low grade version of the security droid.

The troopers use this to remain sharp so they can be of use to their generals.

*Barracks: the barracks span several corridors and massive rooms which showcases personalized pods for each soldier of the floor, usually designated with numbers, the pods grant a healing effect when used for sleep as well as granting other sleep related buffs.

There's also a break room for the soldiers with several board games such as Remnant: The Game, a personal item velvet made and circulated in the guild.

A ping pong table and a tennis court.

*Armory: The only location of the guild which has a guard of 6 Lv80 Commandos standing at attention and ready to blast away any intruders trying to stock up in legendary rarity plasma weaponry.

Within is filled to the brim of DC Weaponry, Gatling Guns, Rockets, Plasma Ammo and Grenades. Enough to supply an army.

-Known NPCs-

*Commander Alpha[Guardian]

-20 Republic Commandos.

-Known Pop Monsters-

*Automation Security Droid: All the droids will have a white color to them but a different color stripe to fit the different types they are.

Security droids look human in nature but are the most basic built types with a couple of blue stripes on them to show their function. As these types of droids do their patrols, they follow a simple system of capturing their targets over killing them but will not hesitate to use deadly force if unable to capture an enemy.

The security droid has a blue stripe running down their main torso and their main weapon is the E-5 Carbine Blaster.

*Automation Cleaning Droid: Cleaning droids have no lines to instigate their type as the equipment they have large vacuum on the back of each one but can be used for multiple uses to get dirt to even be used as a mop to clean as well.

Their main use is to sterilize the area they clean to perfection.

*Automation Messaging Droid: Messaging droids have a vertical green line that can communicate between one another and can be used to send emergency orders from captains from one floor to another while there is always one scene with a large group of troops patrolling to help pass information to another group almost immediately

*Clone Trooper: Clone troopers use a range weapon called a blaster to fight, it has multiple uses but mainly focused to combat hostile enemies.

A few others hold rocket launchers and Gatling guns to use against stronger opponents.

But mainly only have white armor with black areas to show where they move their arms.

The Blasters have a stun system in them for capturing a target, but it's main use is to kill the enemy.

Despite their basic equipment, they can fight hard and are courageous but sensible enough to know when they can win or lose in a battle

*Clone Grenadier: Clone grenadiers are clones with a black stripe on their helmet, left soldier and a grenade belt on their equipment holding what can be seen as a grenade launcher along with two pistols always set at their waists.

The weapon is designed to hold up to five shots which can launch the grenades farther than just throwing them.

The types they use are Stun Grenades, Regular Grenades, Thermal Grenades, and Shock Grenades.

What makes them dangerous is more in wide areas then in hallways where they use their pistols for the enclosed areas to avoid friendly fire.

*Clone Marksmen: Clone Marksman are clones with a green marking in their helmet, both shoulders, left green boot and special goggles that link to the scope for more accuracy.

They specialize in range combat but it's the sniper rifle in their hands that their enemies should fear as they can use it in any situation.

The range is too far for even an archer to hit and it's light so they can move around for more advantages.

They have one pistol on their waist for when an enemy gets too close

*Clone Heavy Trooper: Clone Heavy Troopers are either equipped with rocket launchers or Gatling guns.

Those using these weapons have a left side shoulder that is red, along with a part of the helmet, part of the right arm, and the right leg.

The guy with the rocket launchers has a backpack with regular rockets, thermal rockets and shock rockets.

While the others that use Gatling guns have a backpack that feeds ammunition to the gun as it fires, the backpack holds up to 300 rounds inside of it to control the flow of ammunition going to the gun.

To protect the users, they have a special field to protect them from being fired upon from the front of them for a small period of time before it needs to recharge

Seventh Floor: Forsaken Expanded Ocean; this floor is 85% Ocean to which any invaders or guild member that travels this floor must use a boat to travel from island to island.

sometimes there will be a powerful thunderstorm to which one of the floor guardians known as the kraken will surface to defeat enemy invaders and crush their ships therefore one must be careful as any known sailer as to not get attacked by raiding pirates nor a monstrous sea creature or the dreaded Captain Davy Jones.


*Island 1: Starting Port Town: This is the island where the intruders arrive first and the first island is free of all hostiles so the invaders can operate whenever they want.

But in order to proceed they must commandeer a ship at the docks in order to sail into the open sea to locate the exit.

but be warned, two of the guardians roam the seas looking for their next fight while one remains on one island to face intruders.

*—Docks: the docks are located at the edge of the island on the eastern beaches to which 1-3 old and near ruin ships are located to which the intruders must use to traverse the waters, there will be a large wooden sign with a red marked pointer pointing to the north east to where they must travel to the second island to locate the next sign to lead to the third island.

*—Deserted Marine Base: The deserted marine base was in fact a failed project submitted and done by one of the guild members due to the prospect that this particular member was kicked out due to illegal activities that initiated an account ban.

So this base is in fact deserted and filled to the 20% with furniture and beds to give sleeping bonuses to intruders.

*—Deserted Marine Armory: this armory was built inside the middle of the base with a near impenetrable iron door that can only be opened with a specific key to a planned mini boss who held the key but the boss and the whole base was a scrapped idea and it costed too much money to get rid of it.

inside the armory is made with outdated gun based weaponry of high quality but with most weapons being legendary rarity and above, these weapons a near obsolete along with caches of unneeded ammo and reserved food and water.

*—Abandoned Hotel: this hotel was meant to be used as a place for tourists to stay while they viewed and explored the island before the island ended up being abandoned.

The hotel is similar to most tropical based tourist hotels with 20 floors of guest rooms, employee only rooms.

This can be used as a resting place for the intruders as they discuss a plan of attack.

*—Market District: This location is a strip of buildings that display broken glasses, near old worn out signs of high deals and so forth along with caches of undesired items of food, gold, gems and material components for the intruders as a more incentive to survive the ordeal to cash in the goods.

The amount of buildings is 16 different kinds of businesses.

*Island 2: Vikings Stronghold: The second island is the home island of the Viking Tribe; Children of Thor.

these Vikings are some of the most blood thirstiest group of barbarians and Marauders ever seen in the game of Yggdrasil, the Vikings have patrolling boats of their group looking for intruders to attack and kill and the wooden sign is seen to be in the grazing field.

They have wooden walls used for archer barricades along with archer towers for long distance attacks and Bastilla Launchers to shoot at the comendeers boat.

*—Grazing Field: this is a large patch of grass lands to which the Vikings used to allow their domesticated animals, they used for their meat supply along with up to 12 Viking guards protecting the animals.

The grass is large enough to which the animals can feast upon it without the island inhabitants having to worry about overgrazing their food stock.

*—Thorkells Tent: the largest tent on the island is where the chieftain of the children of Thor resides and spends some time in solitude, Thorkell, the tent is large enough to which inside has a wooden desk with a map of the floor along with a bottle of ink and feather quill as well as a bookcase filled with self written books about Thorkells journey of the floor(written by the NPC creator) and the fluffiest bed in the whole floor.

*—Farm: Though not as large as the eighth floor, some of the Vikings are more suited to grow food rather then fight and that's perfectly ok for a child of Thor, because in the children of Thor any occupation can be seen gaining honor from their supposed 'Father' and growing food to feed the warriors is as good as the one fighting battles. Most of the products consist of beets, wheat, carrots, potato fields and an apple orchard.

*—Beer Brewery: It is a known fact that Vikings love to drink, a semi large building, almost as large as the Chieftains tent.

This building consists of warriors that are dedicated to the art of beer making to which supplies the whole island with something to drink besides water.

Along with the guardian of the island having a supply route of more alcohol from the third island.

*—Docks: these docks are located 30 meters away from the Vikings stronghold gates to which the invaders begin to enter for when they leave the boat as rain of arrows begins to fall forcing the invaders to think quickly to get to safety and inside the stronghold gates.

*Island 3: Pirates Port Town: this particular island has been taken over and now ran by a particular set of people called pirates, most of the inhabitants are pirates that roam the seas in search of their next attack and raid while most in town are civilian npcs that have grown to accept the rowdy pirates.

the guild member 'Brian O'Conner' often frequents the many pubs and bars of the island to get a good drink even if such things are impossible for the man, he still does so because he is an Irishman.

Anyway most buildings are civilian owned homes along with several different businesses.

*—Docks: these docks are used to many of the Pirates ships therefore only have one remaining space to be used and luckily the docks are used to house any enemy NPCs to greet the so they may plan to figure out the next location where the sign is at to point towards the next direction which leads to the final small island that has the exit door.

*—Pirate Used Pub: This is the same pub that brian often goes too to get drunk, due to that, one of the three floor creators spent a lot more time and resources increasing the decoration and size of the pub while including Lv10 NPCs to be used as bar patrons and these pirates varies in race, species and gender while the amount of alcohol you can purchase is basically every alcoholic drink in the whole game.

*—Safe Zone Hotel: the only location on the whole island that won't attack players to which they can use this hotel as a way to recuperate and recover while figuring out their next plan, the hotel is around several blocks north of the Pirate Used Pub location.

*Black Pearl: this is the only sublocation on the whole floor to which it doesn't have a stable location and the worst possible way for an intruder to meet, as the captain is a floor guardian and the Black Pearl's crew is a minimum of lv70.

The ship looks old and has a black tint finish as well as the sails look tattered yet still functional. Along with a ghostly white haze that exudes from the decks and into the blue ocean.

-Known NPCs-

*Davy Jones(Co-Guardian)

*Black Pearl's Crew



-Known Pop Monsters-


*Man Eating Octopus:

*Viking Warrior:

*Viking Archer:

*Viking Barbarian:

*Pirate Swordsmen:

*Pirate Warrior:

*Pirate Gunner:

Eighth Floor: Farm of Acceptance; this floor is perhaps the safest of all of the floors as a sort of reward for anyone who has the strength and will to managed to make it this far however when such reward is given it's swiftly dashed in the form of a floor guardian that is known to be the strongest Druid girl from all of the NPC guardians, a sort of ironic twist that the guild gives an illusion of peace before swiftly dashed at the presence of her.


*Cave: these caves are just ordinary rocky tunnels that are inhabited by the green creatures called goblins and hobgoblins, these caves hold no significance aside from powerful green creatures for the intruders to fight.

*Vegetable Fields: an extremely large patch of land to which grows every kind of veggie in the whole game since this plot is used to fuel the human and demi human members of the guild and fill the storage houses with extra food.

*Fruit Tree Fields: an extremely large patch of land to which has orchards and bushes that grows every kind of fruit in the whole game, this plot is used to fuel the human and demi human members of the guild and fill the storage houses with extra food.

*Stardew Valley: the only town in the whole floor that actually is a safe zone for any intruders as a way to heal up and strengthen themselves in order to fight BAFM of a guardian along with preparing to fight against the guild master of the guild.

*Gem Caverns: this set of caverns is located next to the goblin housed caves to which the goblins go in and mine the gems to which they will be used as material components as well as selling them for pretty coin, the primary gems usually mined are Sapphires, Rubys, Emeralds and occasionally Diamonds.

-Known NPCs-


-Known Pop Monsters-

*Human Farmhands: Human Farmhands: between the age of infants to old men and women, skinny or large, they specialize in caring for the land for produce and animals for food and water.

They can also do simple tasks of repairs to the houses to basic combat to protect themselves.

If they have to fight, they use their farm tools as weapons along with simple large pieces of wood as clubs.

*Goblins: Goblin: Small, green, but clever in nature, they act on the basic instincts of looting and pillaging.

However these goblins are brighter than the regular kind and are able to work with humans as long as they get something from it in return.

*Hobgoblins: Hobgoblin: Tall like a human and having some features like one as well, the ability to fight like them as well which made them great guards but also can be dangerous when angered.

Weapons they use vary depending on them but can be reasoned with if misunderstandings happen.

But the way they fight shows their connection to the goblins as their evolved state and the dangers when facing them.

*Ant Insectoid Warriors: Ant Insect Warrior: These beings resemble the small version of themselves except able to stand on their back legs and use the front four as arm's with some differences in their shells of Black, Red, and Brown.

Led by a Queen in the forest, they defend it from invaders and keep the forest healthy due to their burrows to check on the health of every tree.

Their home is a gigantic hill that is in the center of everything.

Spouts happen with other intelligent beings but always settle down with all parties happy.

*Ogres: Ogre: these large beings can go from between seven to nine feet, with one horn to three on their head as they look more menacing then their hobgoblin siblings.

The weapons they use are usually two handed weapons but due to their size.

it can be seen as one handed and larger shields with ease as well.

The color of skin depends going from red, brown, light green and rarely black and white.

Some cases gain tattoos in parts of their body to show their connection to a god that shows favor for them.

*Republic Riflemen: these npcs are basic looking humans wearing a blue military uniform with a vest while wielding an M1 Garand, the looks are the same while the female variant has a more feminine appearance to the basic look.

Every Riflemen has a blue helmet over their hair.

Ninth Floor: The Key of Impossibility; the final hurdle to any known survivor who has managed to brave the eight floors of despair. One way in. One way out. Victory or Defeat.


*Throne Room: When the invaders finally reach the final point of the guild they must ensure they are fully prepared to deal with the guild master and the remaining guild members for they will not show mercy, the throne room is a large grand hall of marble flooring, walls, ceiling along with marble pillars to hold the room along with a long red carpet that leads to a black and golden throne, beside the red carpet is filled with five chairs running down to which ends up to 50 Seats all facing the throne.

*Crew Quarters:(Locked during guild invasion) while the guild is being invaded is then the base magically locks the doors to all entry halls except for the throne room and can only be opened by a divine rarity key and that is highly difficult to obtain as it is as every member contains an item box that even a high level thief will have trouble breaking.

There are 50 known rooms each decorated to each member's liking and as an extra precaution, each member has another divine rarity item that enters a specific room, another room is connected which is used for 25 Lv10 Female Maids that is used to clean the floor.

Ruby added that feature as she would've liked to be pampered like royalty.

*—Ruby's Room: This room is forged to what Ruby has wanted in a room, a large marble like room with a Day/Night Cycle outside her room indicating the Day/Night cycle equivalent to the in-game time.

There's a large king sized bed at the northern part of the room along with a door leading into a room filled to the brim of militant style clothing and the exact same red cloak her avatar wears, also includes a bathroom, couch with a coffee table on top of said table is numerous papers detailed weapon's.

*—Brian's Room: Brian's room was more strange than it looked, especially since the room had a wooden floor and a basic plastered wall finishing with a window showing off a vibrant greenery and a beautiful ocean, a memory he recreated from his mother.

Inside the room is a basic single person bed with white sheets, several tables, a book shelf containing how to make alcohol books and the biography of mixology and finally a personalized bar with a shelf filled to the brim with every known alcohol type.

*—Velvet's Room: Velvet had the most practical room out of everyone as it details a personalized forge room, a very metallic forge filled with liquid lava that seems to never harden and stays liquified.

There is a pile of ores inside of three metal chests in the far right along with tools to use for the metal forge.

Quite a practical room which the only out of place thing is a green cot in the far left with a white pillow on it.

*—Jaune's Room: Perhaps the most financial spent room in the whole guild since Jaune Arc redid the very look of the room which now the stone door leads a grassy path to a blue tinted two story house located on the ridge of a beach, the beach itself was pure with no signs of trash or decay while the ocean was as beautiful as it was blue.

The house came equipped with a modernized kitchen, living room with a black and white TV that was connected to the first floor of the guild, several closets for loose storage with the second floor including the blonde man's personal bed room and two additional guest rooms with 3 bathrooms, two on the second floor, one on the first.

*Guild Treasury:(Locked during guild invasion) while the guild is being invaded is then the base magically locks the doors to all entry halls except for the throne room and can only be opened by a divine rarity key and that is highly difficult to obtain as it is as every member contains an item box that even a high level thief will have trouble breaking.

This section of the guild is perhaps the most difficult to get in as not only are their golem security made from Lava Rocks, a near indestructible stone material just below adamantine.

It has near 100 Human NPC Mercenaries, several heteromorphic creatures and the inner sanctum which holds the guilds most powerful possessions, world items, is guarded by Devil Guard who carries one of two required keys which the other key is located with four of the original guild members

*Training Ground:(Locked during guild invasion) while the guild is being invaded is then the base magically locks the doors to all entry halls except for the throne room and can only be opened by a divine rarity key and that is highly difficult to obtain as it is as every member contains an item box that even a high level thief will have trouble breaking.

This location is located within the crew quarters and it was placed for players to test out items, class skills, magic and more as a way to determine their use in the guild and to see if they are dangerous

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