Polaroids (ScarLizzie)

By 2Claemxraen

51.7K 1.5K 379

What if Scarlett had Rose with Romain Dauriac but she never married him nor did she start dating Colin Jost... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6🌶
Chapter 7🌶
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16✨
Chapter 17✨
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (epilogue)

Chapter 12

1.7K 58 19
By 2Claemxraen

"So Rose what's the movie you want to see?" Lizzie asked once they were all in Scarlett's car. She was in the passenger seat slightly turning around to better see Rose. "Sing 2!" (a/n; just imagine it was realized before December 21st.)

"That's a great choice now we can hear your mommy sing." Lizzie enthusiastically answered making Scarlett rolls her eyes playfully. She parks the car in front of a small diner not wanting to deal with the crowd in a big restaurant. "Let's go eat some unhealthy food."

"Yeah, burgers!" Rose jumped out of the car after Scarlett opened her door. They make their way inside, both adults keeping their caps on and Scarlett had her normal glasses on too. They sit at a corner table hiding from most of the other tables. "Are you heroes again in this movie?"

"We're filming a series and no we're not heroes in this. But it talks about time travel isn't it amazing?" Scarlett told her with a wide smile, she couldn't wait to start filming. And now that she was on a kind of good terms with Lizzie it won't be that awkward to film with her. "Would I be able to watch it?"

"I'm not sure it has a lot of fights and grown-up subjects." This time Lizzie answered her. Rose drop the conversation seeing as she wouldn't be able to watch it. They talk about what they want to eat and when the waiter Scarlett commands for all of them seeing as Lizzie didn't like to do it.

"Thanks." Lizzie said once the waiter left, Scarlett smiled softly toward her before concentrating on Rose coloring. "So did you read the entire script of season 1?" Elizabeth asked starting a conversation.

They talked about everything while eating until Rose got too impatient and they leave for the movie theater. After a quick ride Scarlett park the car near the entrance and they walk next to each other with Rose skipping in front of them. Their hands brush against each other both women craving to hold the other hand, but they didn't. Lizzie didn't want to push Scarlett too far and Scarlett didn't want to give her false hope.

Luckily for them, they didn't meet any paparazzi for now. Rose sits between them she chooses the perfect sits one of the last range in the middle. "This is weird, I'm going to hear myself." Scarlett pouted.

"Stop whining Scar you have a great voice." Lizzie reassured her with a small smile. "I know I'm the best." Scarlett replied with a playful smirk but she was shushed by Rose when le lights turn off. "Jeez sorry."

"Mommy shh." Rose repeated making Scarlett rose her hands in defense. Towards the middle of the movie, the older blonde lets her right arm go behind Rose's shoulder on her sit like she always does with the tips of her fingers brushing Lizzie's hair. The younger actress was aware of that but didn't know if she should acknowledge it or not.

She finally decided to slide slightly in her sit making it easier for Scarlett to play with her hair. Scarlett stops for an instant finally aware of what she's doing, she shrugs to herself and went back to playing with her hair.

At the end of the movie, they wait for most of the people to leave the room before they get up and put their caps and sunglasses on. "This was amazing mommy why don't you sing more in movies?"

"I don't know, guess I didn't have the opportunity." Scarlett told her honestly handing her daughter her own pair of sunglasses. They make their way outside but was slowed down by a group of paparazzi just outside the theater.

"Scarlett is it true you cheated on Lizzie with your ex?"

"Lizzie, how can you stay with her?"

"Was it hard to forgive her?"

"Are you two still together?"

These were the type of questions that flows to them when they were outside, Scarlett was shedding Rose's face from all the flashes all the while taking Lizzie's hand and leading them to her car. Making sure none of the paparazzi touch either of the girls.

She opens the door for Lizzie and closes it behind then she put Rose in her sit buckling her even though the seven years old could do it herself. She takes her place behind the wheel and starts to drive gripping the wheel so tight that her knuckles turn white. She turns her eyes for a second to Lizzie when she catches her rubbing her stomach frowning. "Are you alright? Did you take a hit ?" She asked worriedly.

"No, no it's just some cramps from the stress." Lizzie told her looking back at Rose who's frowning looking outside. "Rosie darling are you alright?" Scarlett asked her only receiving a glare from her daughter.

Scarlett let it slide maybe it was just because she felt pressure from the situation they were in, she park the car in front of the villa and get out of the car silently. She opens the door for Rose but the younger girl takes it from her. "I can do it myself."

"What's with your behavior young lady?" Lizzie asked once she's out of her car, her hands on her hips. Rose just shrugs and crosses her arm, she stomps her way towards the front door opening it, and walks into the house. Both women share a look and follow Rose inside. "Rose Johansson come back." Scarlett called for her.

Scarlett went faster and grabbed her just before she could go up the stairs, she lightly squats to be at her height and turn her around. Luckily for them, it was already night and only Florence and Adelaide were downstairs. "Talk to us. What's wrong."

"I don't want to talk to you. It's all your fault if we're not a family anymore! Because you cheated on mama with dad! I hate you!" Rose screams at her with tears in her eyes, Scarlett lets her hands fall in disbelief letting Rose run upstairs slamming her door. Never have Rose said she hate her, and even if she knew that she didn't mean it deep down it still hurt.

"I'll talk to her." Lizzie said placing a comforting hand on her shoulder and jogging upstairs leaving the older blonde to herself. She gets up and went to the kitchen taking a bottle of wine and serving herself a glass. "She didn't mean it. She's just confused right now." Florence told her appearing in the kitchen.

"I know. It doesn't change how it made me feel. I bet there are already articles on us. What are they saying this time?" Scarlett asked downing her glass, Florence reach for her hand but the older snatch it away. "Let them talk they don't know shit."

"I'm tired, I'm tired of being the bad guy every goddamn time. I didn't do shit. I didn't cheat on her and still here with are with front lines saying 'Scarlett the cheating girlfriend' or 'Johansson back to her old ways' or this one 'Olsen the newly broken heart by Scarlett Johansson.' Why don't we go and tell them that she's the one that went and fuck around not even two weeks after she broke up with me!" Scarlett finally let her anger out, yelling at nothing in particular and pointing outside the kitchen to make her point.

"You're right you shouldn't be blamed for everything, but I doubt you really want to drag Lizzie in the mud to make you look good again." Florence answers her crossing her arms.

"Of course I don't, I still love her and I don't want her to get hurt, but I'm so mad at her. It doesn't go away in 24hours Flo. And I'm scared, what if I say 'okay I'm in' and then this guy comes back and wants to take our baby away."

"I'm gonna be honest with you because I think you need some tough love. Don't be selfish, don't stop yourself from forgiving her just because you're scared. If and I mean big If the guy comes back you deal with it in time. You were going to marry her and you wanted to have a baby together, it's happening, she's having a baby don't let the circumstances of how stop you from living your dream. Think about it, and I mean really think about it." Florence said patting her hand before leaving the kitchen when Lizzie makes her way in.

"She's asleep, I told her the three of us we'll talk tomorrow. And uhm I kind of heard I think you're right we should clear your name." Lizzie mumbled handing her a Polaroid picture, Scarlett takes it and smile slightly at it. "Our first interview just the two of us after we start dating. I was so nervous that day."

"Yeah, I remembered we were making it official and you were stressed about how the fan would react even though plenty of pictures of us was already out." Scarlett chuckled lightly.

"Eh don't laugh, I just didn't want your fan to turn their back to you. We should do it again, we have an interview with Jimmy Fallon on Tuesday 21st, he's a good man if we talk to him beforehand he'll ask the right questions to let you explain the 'cheating rumors'." the younger explained making the quotes mark with her fingers.

"What if he asks about us?" Scarlett wondered pondering the idea. "Then we'll answer as we judge is best. It's nobody business but ours Scarlett."

"Gosh, I miss the time where I could hug you whenever I wanted." The older actress sighed leaning on the counter. "You still can if you want."

"I don't want to give you false hope." Lizzie rolls her eyes and pulls Scarlett in a hug. She wraps her arms around her shoulders letting Scarlett put her arms around her waist. "It's just a friendly hug, plus I need it as much as you do."

"It feels good." Scarlett mumbled tightening her grip on Lizzie, the younger nods in approval closing her eyes to take in all the feeling. "I hate our situation so much."

"Yeah me too, I'm sorry you know. I really am." Lizzie apologized once again. She feels guilty, guilty of not listening to Scarlett when she tried to explain, guilty of being so hurt that she went and get drunk, guilty of not being smart enough to protect herself better. "I know I am too. If I just didn't hug him we wouldn't be here."

"With ifs we'll make a new world. We have to deal with what we have now, and it means a confused and sad seven years old girl." Lizzie smiled softly and gently reach for a lock of hair across Scarlett's face putting it back behind her ear. "She'll understand once we explain to her what happened that day." Scarlett said with a sigh.

"Are you sure you're okay you won't stop touching your stomach?" She then asked when she catch Lizzie frowning and rubbing her abdomen. "Yeah like I said it's only stress."

"I'll make you some tea then you can go in your bed and catch a good night of sleep." Scarlett told her making her way to boil the water, after a while she pass a mug to Lizzie, "Thanks love." She takes in the smell but stops with big eyes when she catches what she said.

"I-I'm sorry it just slip out." She apologized making Scarlett chuckled. "Lizzie calms down it's just a nickname it's okay."

"Yeah right just a nickname, you know what I'm going to sleep now goodnight." Elizabeth clumsily excused herself making her way out of the kitchen. "Goodnight, Love." Scarlett added the nickname knowing it would make Lizzie blush.

"Thanks, love, really couldn't make it more awkward Olsen." She heard Lizzie say under her breath when she get up the stairs.

Scarlett turns everything off and also makes her Way upstairs checking Rose's room first then went to take a shower and finally for the first time in weeks, she fell asleep with a smile on her face.


slight progress in their relationship what will happen after that ?

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