Not Another Mummy (Shidge)

By VoltronMoon

628 38 138

It's kinda another Mummy (1999) Au but I'm changing up the storyline a little. It's going to have the basics... More

A Promise..
Death Is Not the End..
Awoken Curse..
A Puzzle Box..
A Kiss For His Life..
One Rather Good Looking Map..
Hate 'n Love..
He Is the Map..
A Bet well Won..
The legs of Anubis..
An Dropped In Sarcophagus..
Mistakes were Made..
One Juicy Mummy..
A Huge "Told You So"..
A Toast..
An unwelcomed Guest..
Chosen Sacrifice..
Locked Up..
A Sandy Kiss..
We'll Meet Again..
A Fallen Comrade..
Sacrifice Truth..
A Gained Friendship..
Her Awaited Hero..
Awaited Kiss..
Happy Ever After..

An Awaiting Adventure..

12 1 0
By VoltronMoon

(I'm not sure if I'm glad or disappointed that they didn't add Johnathan in the meme too) 




Inside Coran Office..

"I've already dated the map. It's almost 3,000 years old and if you look at the Hieratic just here. .. it's Hamunaptra" Pidge happily admitted as she stood at the end of Coran desk, watching the older man look over the map. 

"Dear god, don't be ridiculous" Coran huffed out in disapproval as he lifted his gaze from the map towards her, uncaring for Lance who was pacing about in front of his desk. 

"Bu-" Pidge was about to argue back only be sliced when Coran spoke over her, wishing to stop her before she even tried picking a fight over this matter.

"We're scholars, not treasure hunters" Coran simply reminded her, a tired look on his face as he looked to her disappointed face before he returned to looking over the map once more. 

"You might not be one but I am an treasure hunter, It's my life work. I can find this place, with Pidgey help and I can make a name for myself while she get's her chance in having her name go down in the history books. You may be nothing but an scholar but not me" Lance spoke up completely serious as he came to a quick halt, staring straight at Coran and showing how important this was and how far he was willing to go. He didn't need Coran approval or help, this was his life work, his daily job and with the  right information he could carry on by himself if need be. 

Coran took a heavy sigh, lacing his finger's together as he stared at the young man before him. Taking in as Lance had fully grown into his tall body, his long limbs no longer weighting him down like when he was a child. His olive skin was still as well taken care off and left without a scar but, his hands held a roughness to them from his years of treasure hunting. His chocolate brown hair, no longer holding it's slight curls and left short, left out of his face and neck completely to stop himself from getting overly hot by it. His ocean blue eyes, still sparkled with joy but his child-like innocence had vanished completely. He stood as a complete young man, ready to make his mark in the world and live his life without having anyone else tell him otherwise.

"You're not wrong, treasure hunting is what you do best. But, I can not give you any help over this matter. The map is clearly an fake. Hamunaptra's a myth told by ancient Arab storytellers to amuse Greek and Roman tourists" Coran calmly argued back, unlacing his fingers and picking up the map, waving it about as if it was obvious for them to see as fake. 

"I know all the blather that the city is protected by the curse of a mummy, but my research leads me to believe that the city may have actually existed" Pidge replied without skipping a beat, an old shine returning to her eyes that made both males freeze up on the spot for a second. Just staring at her before noticing the dullness returning to her eyes once more. 

"Hamunaptra. As in-" Lance started to say, not wanting to let the small shine they appeared in her eyes be lost for good all over again. Letting himself get spoken over as he hoped his plan would work. 

"Yes. The city of the dead. Where the pharaohs presumably hid the wealth of Egypt" Pidge answered without skipping an beat, the shine bubbling back up in her eyes and an old part of herself, her old love for this was seen once more. 

"Yes, in a big underground treasure chamber" Lance quickly added with a huge greedy grin, acting along to his normal self when he noticed his sister staring back at him with an raised eyebrow over why he was being so quiet. 

Coran scoffing back as he raised an unamused eyebrow towards the other male in the room while Pidge chuckled, glad that Lance was still excited over the map. Well, that he still held his treasure finding joy, she'd hate to see him lose that one day. 

"It's just a silly-" Coran started to spat back only to be stopped by Lance talking over him instead. 

"Oh, Com on, Coran. Everybody knows the story. The necropolis was rigged to sink into the sand on Pharaoh's command. Turn a switch and it would disappear into the sand with the treasure" Lance shot back as he remembered the most important fact that Pidge had ever told him whenever she use to go into her Hamunaptra's rants. 

Pidge nodding in agreement, the shine starting to outshine the dullness in her eyes as she remembered the old fact as well. Feeling a bit giggly over Lance actually listening to her about it and the old love she's always held for Hamunaptra starting to return. 

"As the Americans would say, it's all fairy tales and hokum- My goodness! Look at that!" Coran started to grumble back before yelping in fright as the map caught on fire by his candlelight on t he desk. Dropping the map over the edge as both Pidge and Lance hurried over, stomping with their shoes to put the fire out before kneeling down either side of the map quickly. 

"You've burnt the part with the lost city" Lance cried back, lifting his head and glaring weakly towards Coran for destroying the most important part on the map. His eyes snapping towards Pidge who simply stared at the burnt map, her shine slowly fading all over again. 

"It's for the best, I'm sure" Coran simply sighed as he moved back to much more important paperwork needing his input on. 

"You did this on purpose, didn't you?" Lance hissed back, glaring at Coran completely over what he did. 

"Many men have wasted their lives in the foolish pursuit of Ham-Hamunaptra. No one's ever found it. Most have never returned" Coran simply replied, sneezing as he stated to say Hamunaptra before carrying on like nothing happened. 

Pidge lifting her head, her eyes wide as she caught on to something before the shine started returning to her eyes. She quickly collected the burnt map, grabbing at Lance arm and before either knew it, they were rushing back to her own apartment. 

Lance just letting himself being dragged along by his sister, not understanding what was happening but knew it must be important if she suddenly hyped over it. He glanced around, taking notice that the puzzle box started to slip out from her pocket and he scooped it up with his other hand before dropping it into his own pocket. 

Within the blink of an eye, they were in her living room with him sitting on her sofa and happily stroking Rover. He watched her run around, collecting the bit of paper that they took from his and Matt place before she quickly grabbed a pencil and write something else underneath the "Ham" bit. 

"Matt told me where he was heading, he's done so from the start. Telling me it that it was a location that I held dear to my heart. His whole book being dedicated to me, a book that would make me fall completely in love with it by title alone" Pidge blurted out like it was completely obvious all along and feeling like an huge idiot for not seeing it before. The hints, they were never written down because he flat out told her the location the day he was leaving. 

"And?" Lance asked in pure confusion as he had no clue over what she was talking about. 

"I've been so foolish, letting my depressed self take over my heart and well, put out the fire that once burned so bright. My love, the one myth I've been devoted to for all my life before only letting it go as I couldn't take anymore hits from big wigs who thought better of themselves" Pidge grumbled back, hating herself for letting her defeated self fall so low in front of the ones she loved who never once gave up on her. 

"You've still lost me" Lance admitted with a troubled frown, glancing down to Rover who even lifted his head up in confusion. 

"Ham as in Hamunaptra. The one thing I wanted to bring true in my life, the myth that has been apart of my life since forever. Matt had always bugged me over giving up my search and instead, it made him complete it for me. He wanted to bring the one thing I truly held onto to me, instead of me letting be buried in my memory forever" Pidge answered as she hurried over, falling to the space beside him on he sofa before holding out the note, showing the link they've overlooked all along. 

"His own book is based on something you've loved but it was also a huge secret. He knew you'd be able to find him if you truly looked into your own heart. He wasn't trying to uncover Hamunaptra, he as trying to return that fire in your heart over Hamunaptra. If he found it, you could finally explore it and bring that gorgeous flame in your eyes back to life" Lance mumbled back in aww as it was all falling into place and making sense now. Rover hopping of his nap as Lance start to bonce his leg and making the poor cat have to find somewhere else to nap. 

"It all makes sense now .. I've always know, deep down where he was heading. I just .. I couldn't believe it because I gave up not just Hamunaptra but on myself. I couldn't let Matthew go this far for me when I held no hope" Pidge perked up, the shine keeping to her eye and an goofy look filling her face over how silly she was to overlook something as clear as day. 

"Than all we need to do is find a way to Hamunaptra, steal some treasure and return Matt home" Lance grinned back, pushing himself to stand and feeling ready to race off to an all new adventure. 

"But we don't know how to reach Hamunaptra. That map was all we had and well, Matt left no other way to find Hamunaptra. Anything he had on it, he must have took with him for some reason" Pidge stated with a troubled look, her shoulders shagging as she glanced to the burnt map left on her coffee table that once held the location they needed. 

"Actually, I might semi know a guy who can help us. Well, maybe at least send us in the right direction to someone who knows over Hamunaptra location. But, just don't hit me once we meet this guy" Lance awkwardly replied with an nervous smile while he rubbed the side of his neck knowing he was going to be in some deep trouble once she found out over the puzzle box. 

"Why would I hit you?" Pidge asked in confusion, lifting an puzzled eyebrow as Lance weakly chuckled. 

"Keep that in mind when you find out how we've gained this clue" Lance simply replied, looking to the young women before him who was only an year younger than himself. 

"Okay? So, when do we leave?" Pidge asked instead, wondering what had Lance nerves suddenly kick in. 

"Tomorrow morning, it'd take us two hours to reach the spot where the bus he was dragged on final stop is" Lance answered carefully, clearly thinking over what words to use towards her right now. 

"Do we pack for our adventure now or wait until tomorrow?" Pidge asked, pushing herself to stand and wondering if she should rush off to pack or go make them both something to eat. 

"Wait until after we see this guy, it might be a lose end instead of an lead" Lance quickly answered with a small smile. 

"Got it" Pidge smiled before hurrying off to the kitchen. 

The Next Morning,

At Cairo prison,

Around ten am..

"I am going to kill you" Pidge growled out as she held a tighter grip on Lance arm, glancing around the dirty prison. Flinching as one guard was beating a prisoner with an baton while other prisoners carried on shuffling about to where they were being lead. 

"I wouldn't since this is the wrong place to commit a murder" Lance weakly joked back, keeping rather close to her as he'd was completely terrified. 

"Don't worry, I'll make sure they'll never be able to find your body" Pidge simply replied with an dangerous smile, both stepping over whatever was staining the mud behind them and neither wanting their visit to be too long. 

Pidge was welcoming her despair as it took over her good mood. She'd woke up early, completely full of joy instead of her normal morning blues. She was so excited over her first real main adventure, one that was close to her heart and would also lead her brother to both her and Lance. Today was the first real step and it lead them into a dump of an prison ... it sucked.

She knew each and every adventures had their ups and downs but this was way past a down point. It was so deep that it went straight past hell and even the devil held no clue over what awaiting at the bottom anymore. 

"This place stinks" Lance finally complained out loud, hoping to bury his nose into his collar just to have the stench stick to his clothing already. 

"At least it smells better than the warden, can't we lose him or something?" Pidge whispered back, leaning closer to her taller friend before they both awkwardly glanced towards the warden, their personal guide for today. 

"You want to wonder around this prison without any escort? Do you see what I see right now, my own poop doesn't want to be left here" Lance whispered yelled in an panic, looking around the whole prison yard all over again and peeking in a few cells they've passed knowing that no part of him ever wanted to be here. 

"Disgusting" Pidge groaned out in disgust, hooking her arm from him and walking a little quicker.

"But true" Lance sing sang back, hurrying up and walking beside her all over again. 

"Welcome to Cairo Prison, my humble home" Varkon greeted them both happily, lifting his arms in the air as they reached the centre of the yard and he nodded for them to turn around on the spot, taking it all in. 

"I-It's really something" Pidge weakly smiled back as Varkon gave a proud nod before walking onwards, expecting them to simply follow after him. 

"The scents really gives me that special humble feeling" Lance sassed with a frown as he turned his head to the right, seeing an prisoner laying face first in the ground looking dead, in fact, Lance couldn't tell if the rotten smell was just the prison or if the guy was actually dead. 

"Like wanting to burn my clothes" Pidge commented under her breath as she glanced towards a few passing guards and knowing the smell was starting to set in her clothing too. 

"Yeah, there really isn't anything humble about this place" Lance sighed in defeat as he wasn't sure how to be friendly over this place but he also didn't want to upset the warden. A pretty boy like himself won't survive this place ... just like any shower's in this place didn't exist anymore. 

"Even the flies don't want to be in this place, they're committing suicide over there. Just flying straight into the fan" Pidge frowned as she stared at the pile of dead flies beside an old and worn fan that was left on an table near one of the doors. A chair beside the table, clearly the warden or some guard with an higher rank sat their to look over the rest. 

"I'd chose the same if I ended up here" Lance admitted without any shame as he glanced to the pile of flies. 

"Well, the prisoner you asked for will be yanked out soon. Let me lead the way to the cell he'll be forced to stand in for the visit. Try not to get too close, he's not well behaved" Varkon started speaking once more making their two both quickly snap their attention back on him and taking notice they were coming up towards the visiting cells. 

"Lance" Pidge finally spoke up as she felt him hook his arm back with hers. 

"Y-Yeah?" Lance stuttered back, his fear starting to rise the closer they get towards the cells. 

"We've both accepted the fact that I'm going to murder you since it's clear you did not get that box from Thebes. Just how did you get this box?" Pidge calmly asked as she kept her eyes glued to the empty cells, knowing that soon one of them won't be so empty. 

"You know the prisoner we're about to meet?" Lance shakily asked as he kept his eyes glued on the empty cells, already feeling her burning rage from beside him. 

"You did not steal from this criminal!" Pidge yelled back horrified, her eyes wide and unbelieving over what he did. 

"Actually I picked his pocket and in my defence, he was nothing more than a drunk in the pub" Lance argued back in his defence, giving an shy smile to the warden who had stop due to Pidge outburst before carrying on walking again. 

"Oh god! How is that any better?" Pidge whined back, completely freaking out over this. 

"Because he wasn't a criminal when we met" Lance admitted like an idiot as Pidge used all her self control to not kill him in that exact moment. 

"And now he is one. We're so screwed" Pidge muttered out, accepting her fate and how she'd die by an enraged criminal that her future brother in law pissed off. She always knew an dumbass was going to get her killed, she just expected it to be some rather guy not family. 

"Maybe not. I'm a pretty boy and your a pretty girl so we'll just flutter our eyelashes towards him and hope that he doesn't kill us" Lance perk up as he came up with an idea on the spot, giving his best charming smile and earning a few wolf whistles from prisoners in their cells above.

"We're dead" Pidge admitted under her breath, lowering her head in defeat. 

"This is where he'd be brought out. Do not fear over anything, I'll be with you both the whole time and my guards would be ready to beat the rat if he tried anything" Varkon cheerfully spoke up as he came to a stop by one of the centre cells, standing sideways towards and turning his head towards the two who kept a few steps away from the rusty cell bars. 

In truth, both Lance and Pidge didn't hold much faith in the bars lasting long between them and the criminal. They were rusted and old  with just new-ish paint painted over to hide the evidence that a few of the bars seemed ready to pop straight out. 

Plus, neither had much faith in the warden protecting them much either. Sure, he was a big chubby guy but he seemed more like a guy who relied on mere violence and fear than anything else. Neither wanted to stand put and watch him try to "handle" an misbehaving prisoner who'd try making him look bad as an warden. 

"Excuse me, Warden" Pidge spoke up with a friendly smile as she stepped a bit closer only for Lance to pull her back by their joint arms. 

"For you miss, call me as Varkon" Varkon happily smiled back, giving an half assed gentlemen bow towards her and trying to seem ... seductive. Failing of course and Pidge smile falter ever so slightly while Lance lips parted, not believing his own eyes right now. 

"Warden, why exactly is this man in prison?" Pidge repeated her question with a much smaller smile than before, keeping everything professional between herself and Varkon. Her grip around Lance arm tightening ever so slightly so if she was kidnapped than he'd be dragged with her. 

"Who care's, let's just make a run for it while we can" Lance blurted out instead, his nerves and fear at full now. 

"Warden?" Pidge asked a little more sternly, sending a glare towards her taller brother for trying to make a run for it. 

"This I did not know. But when I heard you were coming, I asked him that myself" Varkon answered  as if Lance never once interrupted him, turning his head back in the direction of the cell as he was just as curious himself over the prisoner reasons. 

"Well, guess we'll never go. So, let's just go home before we end up in his kill count" Lance replied with a forced smile, turning himself around and trying to drag Pidge away with him. 

"And what did he say?" Pidge asked curiously, her feet completely halted in the ground and she simply spun herself around making Lance come to a stop beside her all over again and facing the cell. 

"He said he was just looking for a good time" Varkon answered with an amused look before turning his head and calling out orders in his home tongue. 

"Pidgey! Please, I'm terrified. I'm starting to remember what he actually looked like and this guy might actually kill me before killing you just because you're close to me.  I don't want to be here anymore" Lance fearfully mumbled back, close to crying as he didn't want to meet the guy anymore. He memories over the guy coming back and he really didn't want to mess with the guy if he's been arrested now. 

"We're not going anyway. This is our last clue towards finding Matt. Do you seriously want to run away now? Leave Matt wherever he is?" Pidge snapped back with a deep frown, an burning glare directed towards him as this was their only chance. 

"Of course not, I love Matt. I'm awaiting the day for him to propose to me but that's not going to happen if all three of us end up dead. Maybe we can find Matt clues or something, I just have a bad feeling over this guy. He was scary .. a broken man and they're the most dangerous type" Lance argued back completely serious and panicked, trying to reason with her over this whole thing. 

"Five minutes. If we learn nothing new than we'll leave in five minutes. Just, let's at least give him a chance. You said yourself he was drunk and broken, he's clearly lost something like we've lost Matt. Maybe he'd understand us, want to help us before we turn out like him" Pidge sighed, giving a small comforting smile as she tried calming him down a little and reason with him over the visit. They have came all this way after all, it'd be a long two hours back if they didn't at least try while they were here.  

"He's lost his soul, his will to live. That's not something that can just be found lightly" Lance huffed back like she was insane. 

"No but we might be able to give him a reason to live, to make him feel human again" Pidge offered back instead with a sweet smile, the shine still in her eyes making Lance give a defeated sigh. 

"Five minutes but if he tries anything or plays any games with us than we're leaving. I'm not giving up on Matt but I won't let you be treated as a fool either. If he a bad guy, we're leaving him for good .. deal" Lance calmly replied in defeat but being completely serious over them leaving if it's no good within five minutes. 

"Deal" Pidge grinned back, rather pleased they'd both got to an understanding. 

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