Mr Irwin |a.i|

By Mydeathisinevitable

198K 3.7K 2.3K

»"In which a teacher falls in love with a student"« More

Mr. Irwin |a.i|
Thank you, Zayn. (Not an update)
Not an update...
Not an update.
30 - Part one -
30 -Part Two-


3.2K 72 20
By Mydeathisinevitable

k a y l e i g h

Me: So does she think you're actually dating? 3:

Ashton: Yea... :/

Me: So technically you're dating us both?

Ashton: Don't look at it in that way.

Me: There isn't any other way to fucking look at it! >:/

Ashton: Please don't get mad. Are you still in Southport?

Me: Nope, got train home. Left my car there.

Ashton: I'll sort the car situation out for you.

Me: Thanks.

Ashton: I have to go on now but we can Skype later?

Me: Bai

Ashton: Bye.

Ashton: Fyi, I'm not completely sure if we're dating. I didn't ask you, you assumed because I asked if you'd be able to handle me being in a 'relationship' with Rachel and kissed you.

Me: Oh...

This house was far too big for me on my own. I want something more smaller, something more me sized. This bedroom was too big. The tv is on the other side of the room and I have to squint to see it. I guess I could bring it closer but.... Lazy and all.

I heard my iPad making that Skype sound calling thing. I pressed accept and Ashton's face was literally so close to the camera. I waved and he did too, I'm not so good at this whole thing.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" He asked and I wondered.

"Y'know, no life or friends I was thinking of going to a big house party and just-" He stopped me talking and just gave me a look that said. 'Shut up, you idiot,' "I'm probably just going to sit on the internet."

"Well, how would you feel about going to LA?" He asked and smiled widely. I asked if he was being serious and he said yes.

"I don't have that sort of money, I'm living off my ex-boyfriend. Oh, the joys of being broke."

"I'll pay for you." He smiled and then told me he'd have to text me because he was going to some club with the lads. Before he turned it off I saw Rachel walk past the camera in a black dress. A pretty black dress.

I closed off the app and lay back. Why would he even want me to go to LA when he had his little groupie that was constantly with him. Before I could get comfortable in bed I had another text from Ashton telling me to pack my clothes because a car will be picking me up in the morning. Sorry, but when did I agree to come?

Despite everything, I got out of bed and decided to pack some stuff. LA is warm right? I packed a few pairs of shorts, a few vest tops because I didn't know how long he wanted me to stay there for. It's not like I had school, work or friends here so nothing was keeping me here or dragging me back.

A car beeped outside, I grabbed my bags and made sure I locked the place up. I looked to my left and saw my car parked up in the drive. I smiled a little and got in the car and he drove us to a really tall building. I got out and the guy handed me my bag.


Private jet! Really?! Was Ashton shitting money? I got in and out in a head set and smiled as the guy that was driving set off into the air. We where so high up. From this height the world looked peaceful, colourful and beautiful. He made a left turn which made me fall into the window. I giggled to myself and closed my eyes.


The guy woke my up and I yawned first before anything. He helped me out and passed me my bags. I realised he had landed the helicopter on a house. He helped me down the stairs and knocked on the door for me before getting back into his jet and disappearing. I waited and someone came to the door.

"Who are you?" She asked me.

"Kayleigh?" I said as if I wasn't sure of my own name. She told me to wait there a minute and went to get Ashton. I just sighed and waited, my legs where killing. Ashton smiled when he saw me and told me to come in. Rachel quickly ran over to Ashton and hugged him. She glared at me as if I was about to burst in jealousy. I have self control.

Ashton let go of her and told me to meet him upstairs but make sure Rachel doesn't see. I said ok, I was confused. Ashton left to go upstairs and Rachel told me she wanted to talk to me for a minute.

"Ashton is my boyfriend, ok?" She said and I said I know. "He doesn't want you, what are you even doing here anyway?"

"Ashton invited me."

"Well, if he had to choose anyone, it'd be me." She said and I nodded.

"Of course, your beauty is impeccable. I'd choose you, too." I said and she blushed. She said thank you for understanding. I wasn't lying, she is really pretty and I get why she's being all 'over protective' because once you get hurt in the past, everything and everyone you once trusted goes and it is hard to trust again.

I walked upstairs and saw Ashton waiting, he smiled and pulled me into his room. I smiled and he kissed me.

"I've missed you."

"Same." I smiled and he kissed me again. I still had hold of my bag so I just put it down and sat next to him on the bed.

"Who was that girl that answered the door?" I asked.

"That's Calum's girl he's having this on and off fling with, he's like 'Oh, I like her.' Then he's like 'I hate her, stupid slut.' It's getting boring now."

"Why did you want me to meet you up here?" I asked and he told me to look out the window. I saw the most beautiful beach. The water was actually blue!

"Did you bring a bikini?" He asked and I nodded. He told me to get changed while he rounds up the troops for the beach. I had brought just a black bikini because I didn't like the fancy colour ones. I put an oversized black t-shirt that fell off one shoulder. I literally shoved my hair up in a bun, it was one side of my head, bits of my hair had fallen out, but I couldn't care less.

I put on some black trainer socks and my white converse. Fuck sandals or 'flip-flops' I'm sticking to my lovely, comfy converse. Ashton came back in and he was wearing a black vest and some shorts. He asked if I was ready and I said yes. I grabbed my bag that had my phone and stuff in.

Ashton and I walked downstairs and the girls were in bikinis and the lads had shorts and a vest. I suddenly felt overdressed. It didn't matter though because I preferred to wear a t-shirt it kept me from getting real bad sunburn. We all walked out and walked across the road to the beach.

Ashton put a towel down on the sand and sat on it, I did the same and sat on my towel while the girls ran off into the water with Luke. Calum and Michael went to go buy ice-cream.

I looked over at Ashton would was already staring at me. I smiled at him and he told me to meet him around that giant rock. I kind of loved the idea of me being his dirty little secret. It was exciting, it had this sexual tension to it. Ashton got up and walked to the giant rock. (More like mountain)

"Where did Ashy go?" Rachel asked me and I shrugged. She sat beside me and watched the others splashing around. Rachel told me that Mikey and Cal decided to go back to the LA house because they wanted to write some songs on their time off. Rachel gave me a hug and quickly ran back in the water.

I stood up and sneakily went around the rock. My focus was on the beautiful waterfall. I looked around for Ashton but I couldn't see him. I sat on the side watching the waterfall, I felt something grab my legs and drag me in. I screamed a little until I saw Ashton who was laughing like an idiot.

"Don't do that." I giggled and playfully slapped his arm. I grabbed his hand and out it up to my heart that was racing like crazy. He just started to laugh and told me to swim after him. I swam after him and he went on the other side of the waterfall. I was a little sceptical but just decided to do something wild.

"Welcome." Ashton smiled, he helped me on the rock he was sat on. If you think that the waterfall was beautiful from the front, you should see this. He held my face and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss.

"How do I know you've changed?" I asked and looked down as I paddled my feet in the water and then realised I still had my converse on. "Fuck." I mumbled to myself and took them off along with my socks.

"You don't. You just have to trust me and you'll see." He said and kissed me again. His kisses had changed, they used to be hungry kisses, always wanted more. Now, they're soft, sweet as if he didn't mind that he wasn't gonna get it.

"So, I'm just your dirty little secret?" I smirked and he smiled at me.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"I feel horrible. Rachel is actually a nice girl."

"Do you want to leave and never kiss me again?" He asked and I shook my head. I kissed him and he pulled away.

"I just want to ask you something." He said and I smiled asking what.

"Would you do me the honour of being my secret girlfriend?" He asked and I nodded kissing him again, he laid me down on the rocks and lifted the wet t-shirt over my head. He moved my legs and laid in between me. Flashbacks of being his student ran through my mind.

He took off his vest and started to kiss down my stomach, untying the laces to my bikini bottom and took them off, kissing my thighs and making his way to my intimate area. I couldn't help but moan.

"You can call me Daddy." He smirked. He stopped what he was doing and just looking at me

"In your dreams." I said quietly and smirked back. He went back to what he was doing. I grabbed his messy curls and moaned again.

a/n: I felt awkward writing that, but it was needed.

Srsly, drown me in holy water!

Daddy! Hahahaha! Makes me giggle too much.

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