Fake it till you make it - Lu...

By LifePlusMinus

83.7K 4.8K 11.9K

I wish my life wasn't like a script everything I do is an act I don't even remember who I am I have no idea w... More

1 - Who am I?
2 - Amaranth
3 - Kiran
4 - Wet
5 - Basement
6 - Rescue
7 - Dream
8 - Neighbor
9 - No way
10 - Miss Robber
11 - Athanasia
12 - Lucas
13 - Conversation
14 - Drinks
15 - Pissed
16 - Jealous?
17 - Second voice
18 - For now
19 - Her split
20 - Lucas home
21 - Sir Ace
22 - Scolded
23 - Visit
24 - For Sissy.
26 - Lily
27 - Baby
28 - Diana
29 - Ruby
30 - Text
31 -Kira
32 - Study
33 - What did I do wrong?
34 - Secret
35 - Something on each other
36 - Call
37 - White dog
38 - Date
39 - Baking time
40 - Dinner
41 - Pitiful
42 - Wanna go on a date?
43 - Preparation
44 - happy tears
45 - Dance
46 - Guilt tripped
47 - Episode 2
48 - Ambulance
49 - Awake
50 - Stay with me
51 - Good mood
52 - Sir Ace's office
53 - thmb drive
54 - Dad!?
55 - Truth & Playdate
56 - Books
57 - Mood swing
58 - Yet
59 - Date No.2
60 - Hallucinations
61 - Denial
62 - Hand
63 - Claude's will
64 - First horrible day
65 - Flaws
66 - Naiveness stopped?
67 - Four years
68 - Celebration (Happy new year)
69- What the future holds.
70 - The end
Bonus chapter - Jennette with who
Bonus chapter - WMMAP meet FITYMI
Bouns chapter- Ara
Bonus chapter - Devil's slave
Bounes chapter - Valentines
Bounes chapter - Kiran jealous?
Bounes chapter - Brothers
Bounus chapter - Book and homework
Special chapter - Call

25 - Music box

1K 61 49
By LifePlusMinus

  'Jennette... Why did you have to drive the car...' I silently though as I reached for my mug.

  I put it up so that I could drink my coffee.

  'Ugh... I ran out of coffee... This is like my third cup...' I scruntched my face to show my displeasure.

  'I don't want to go down stairs and risk almost making Father notice me...' When I was refiling my second cup I saw Father with tons of beer bottles beside him.

  'Im so tired...' I thought as I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

  "Get away..." I heard Amaranth call breaking me off my focus.

  "Mara?" I said silently as I got up and walked towards Amaranth.

  "No! Sissy did nothing wrong!" Amaranth started violently tossing turning and punching the air.

  "Mara!" I said a little bit louder as I ran to her side.

  'What should I do?'

  'The music box.' My second voice said with a sigh as if telling me 'How dumb are you?'

  I opened my door and ran silently towards Amaranth's room.

  I opened Amaranth's door into her pink and white striped room that had thinner yellow strips are thicker white strips.

  Her room floor was white but it was mainly covered with a huge white rug that was super fluffy.

  There was a shelf that had little box holes and it was in a staircase shape with 4 steps on the right of the room, that had alot of puzzles, Legos, books, a few decorative lights and alot of random things.

  In the center was a circle coffee table that was white. There was a lamp in the center and the table also had a little section under the table that had a few papers.

  On the left was Amaranth's bed that was a queen bed that had a blanket that was soft to the touch. It was yellow on the outside but white on the inside. It had a row of mini crowns that on the outside was white and on the inside was yellow.

  Her pillow was just plain pearl white.

  Beside the door on my left was a white wardrobe that had a crown design on top.

  'Where is it!?!' I was panicking at this point.

  I scanned around the room...

  'There.' My second voice spoke.

  It was on the edge of the shelf that was extended from her window which had translucent yellow curtains with white crown designs on them.

  I grabbed it and just darted out of the room not bothering to shut the door.

  "Papa! S-Sissy!" I entered the room again and was greeted with Amaranth crying.

  I whined up the music box and heard how the music slowly but surely filled the room.

  Amaranth went from full on breaking down to slow sniffles.

  "Mara, Sissy is here okay? Just sleep..." I shushed Amaranth who seemed to have listened as her scrunched face relaxed into a calm expression and stopped crying.

  I silently whipped her tears and sat down on the bed.

  'So tired...' I whined as I looked over at the music box.

  The music box itself was a dark brown colour and it had a star handle which is used to open the mini drawer, it had a star that was lied flat on the top of the box.

  The star glowed and it had a indent around it in a circle.

  The star would start to rotate when it's whined up.

  Outside the circle was alot more stars but they were more tiny in size and didn't glow.

  It had a little drawer inside it that was supposed to store jewelry but instead it had photos...

  Not normal photos...

  But photos of Mama...

  It was given to me as a birthday gift from Mama during my 5th birthday...

  Mam died when I was 10.

  Amaranth was just 1.

  She has zero memories of Mama.

  Around 4 years old Amaranth started having uncontrollable nightmares.

  Cry every night...

  Never stopped...

  When Father brought her to the phycologist he said.

  'This child seems o have alot of trama, try and keep her from having overly stressful situation.'

  Father took it personally and ignored Amaranth for a few months.

  That time Lily was working for us as a maid.

  Lily convinced Father that Amaranth needed her father too.

  Felix also did help.

  I was 13.

  I had to go school and on top of that I was doing freelance jobs.

  Ranging from cleaning to helping to mark papers.

  I didn't know what to do...

  I felt helpless towards me own sister...

  That's when this music box was like the light in the dark.

  I clearly remember how the moonlight shined into my room that day...

  I remember clearly how the star on top shined.

  For some reason I thought...

  'Mama would want me to give this to Mara...'

  So I gave it to her and played it to her...

  She instantly fell in love with the music box.

  I found that when it's playing she stops having nightmares.

  'Athanasia stop daydreaming and get back to work!' My second voice scolded.

  It was like 4 a.m.

  I got up and went towards my computer.

  'A Gmail?' I opened it and saw it was from the news station.

  'What questions would I like to be asked?' I saw that this was about the interview I was going to get.

  There was a template there with some questions already written.

  'Huh...' one question left me speechless...

  I have been asked it so many times...

  Yet Everytime it leaves me speechless...

  It wasn't like someone gave you what you always wanted kind of speechless...

  It was more of like someone was just murdered infront of you kind of speechless...

  'I though this died down already...' I never truly answered this question.

  I just put it to the side and avoided it all the time.

  I was about to drag my mouse to delete the question.

  'Leave it.' My second voice told me.

  'Everyone wants to know. If we leave it there it will attract more attention from curious viewers.' my second voice reasoned.

  I didn't fight...

  I didn't debate...

  Just went along with it...

  And swallowed the lump in my throat...

  Life loves messing with me...

  I can't ran away...

  I can't hide...

  So I have to just deal with it I guess...

  'Add a few more questions on jennette.' My second voice told me as we started going back into work.

  'Im so tired...' having the music playing didn't help...

  My eyes felt like there were weights on them...

  'Dont sleep.' My second voice commanded and I followed continuing to pull my all-nighter.

  'This is going to be a long night... Well long morning technically now...' I sighed as I got back to work with Amaranth sleeping peacefully behind me and music playing in the background.

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