24 - For Sissy.

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  "What took you so long you wrench!" Father yelled.

  '"I'm sorry Father, I forgot something in Sir Ace's house. He just came over to return it to me."'

  "I'm sorry Father, I forgot something in Sir Ace's house. He just came over to return it to me." I said turning around and bowing down.

  In the corner of the eye I saw Amaranth who just manged to get her breathing steady go pale again.

  "Tch! You are going to go on the media and dismiss the news of Jennette being a reckless driver!" Father screamed.

  "P-Papa?" Amaranth spoke.

  I was in shock Amaranth dared to speak.

  But I saw her face was still pale and her breathing was unsteady.

  Which means she's forcing herself right now.

  Father looked at Amaranth who looked pathetic right now.

  The pang of guilt showed on Father's face as he probably started to hallucinate that Amaranth was Mama.

  Father stared at Amaranth for awhile before shaking his head as holding his forehead.

  "I am going to sleep! No one is to disturb me!" Father said as he stormed upstairs.

  "Mara?" I called.

  Amaranth slowly turned her head to me, her eyes were all teary and her face was pale on top of that her legs were shaking.

  "Come here." I said softly as I kneeled down so that both my knees were on the ground.

  Amaranth didn't want another second and darted into my arms.

  "M-mara is s-scared!" Amaranth started crying and quite loudly too.

  "Shhh. It's ok. Sissy is here." I replied patting her head slowly.

  "M-Mara did t-the right t-hing right?" Amaranth asked between hiccups and tears.

  "Yes. Mara was so brave." I said.

  My own legs couldn't support my strength.

  My own eyes and threatening to spill tears.

  But it all didn't happen.

  I needed to be here for Amaranth.

  What kind of sister would I be if I dealt with my own feelings first.

  "You know mara. Sissy feels ashamed of herself." I mumbled quietly.

  Amaranth looked up at me and tilted her head.

  "Sissy couldn't stop Father but Mara literally looked at him and he stopped." I said hoping that me putting myself down will bring out the Amaranth I knew.

  "Sissy feels like she failed Mara." I continued.

  "Sissy n-never fail Mara! S-Sissy though o-of Mara first when s-she could get out of S-Sissy room! S-Sissy isn't bad! Sissy i-is thoughtful!" Amaranth said cheering up.

  "Mara was sooooo brave just now!" I said knowing that it would help Amaranth's mood.

  "Mara did it f-for Sissy!" Amaranth said.

  'Huh...?' I stopped the smile that was about to appear on my face.

  "Mara did it for Sissy?" I asked back.

  "Mara thinks that Papa thinks that Mara looks like Mama. So if Mara looks pitiful to Papa, papa will go away!" Amaranth said finally stopping her hiccups.

Fake it till you make it - Lucathyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें