19 - Her split

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  "Ew! Who delivered this drink!" I turned around and saw that Lena was complaining over her drink.

  'Since when was she this ungrateful.' I sat at my seat and stared at what was going on not planning to actually lift a finger.

  'What is she doing!' I was shocked Athanasia go up and walked towards Lena

  "I did." Athanasia said raising her hand

  "Why is it warm?" Lena said looking pissed.

  "Because I had to go and pick up those drinks myself." Athanasia sassed Lena.

  'So this is her split self...' I grinned sitting back and watching the show.

  "Then couldn't you be faster?" Lena complained.

  "I apologize for trying to help out, I'm afraid I'm incompetent enough to do this errand girl job that I wasn't hired to do." Athanasia said with a smile.

  'I see... This is interesting...' I was amazed with not only how her split self could talk but also the realization that hit me.

  The her that I met was cocky.

  And this her is quite cocky as well.

  But this is the split her.

  Which would mean the split her isn't another her it's a part of her!

  "Yeah this is how dumb you are, can't believe I'm putting up with your stupidity." Lena said.

  Athanasia looked around then looked back and Lena.

  "Me?" She said pointing one finger to herself.

  If I was drinking water right now I would've spit it out.

  'Damn! This girl is savage!' I let a few chuckles of laughter seep through my attempt to stop my laughter.

  I clenched my stomach from how hard I was laughing.

  "Duh! Who else?" Lena said rolling her eyes.

  "Oh! I'm sorry! I thought you were talking to yourself."

  The more I was watching this show the more amazed, amused and intrigued I got.

  "Ugh! Who hired her, we don't need a blind person on set." Lena said fuming.

  "Blind? I think we need to call a doctor, actually no. We should just call the ambulance, she seems to not be seeing things right, I think she needs medical attention." Athanasia said faking a worried voice.

  "Lucas." The director called breaking my focus of the catfight.

  "Can you stop them. I don't want to deal with actors acting like kids." The director said facing the script.

  "You got it sir."

  I looked back and saw Athanasia swiftly moving to her right and putting a hand in her shoulder.

  Damn! She's fast.

  "Don't worry Lena, we will get you some help soon ok?"

  I walked towards the two girls fighting.

  "Grr..." Lena growled she tried to attack Athanasia again.

  This was my time to step in.

  I caught her hand mid motion.

  "Just what do you think your doing?" I let my voice boom and bounce off the walls of the studio making it echo and sound louder.

  'That's strange... Why didn't Athanasia attempt to doge?'

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now