Love Loyal Incubus

By WinterHusky25

196 0 2

A romance novel with secrets and deceit between a teen human girl and a teen incubus boy. But who will submit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 6.5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 5

6 0 0
By WinterHusky25

  Daniel caressed Karina's head as he hugged her saying that she is fine the threat is long gone. At this moment he heard a cry, Daniel bend down to look Karina in the eyes but she avoided his gaze not wanting to see the state she's in. But Daniel put his hands on her cheeks and move her head to meet his gaze. When Karina sees the look in his eyes it felt... apologetic, feeling sorry about the event like it was his fault, even if it isn't his fault at all.

  Karina spoke but in a low volume. "Please accompany me back to my apartment will you?" Daniel was surprised by her question and hesitated knowing well what would happen if he did go with Karina to her home, but he couldn't leave his friend only after the incident as Troy would strike again if he didn't accompany Karina, Daniel gave a nod and a smile saying that gesturing he would accompany her home. Karina gave a small smile as she is happy to know that.

  "You found her yet Daniel?" Out with a booming voice came Ray running to the pair with his bag and Daniel's in tow.

  "Oh you found her already. Well you left your bag in a hurry and in a panic I may add when you heard that she left the class so soon after the bell." Ray remarked as he held out Daniel's bag.

  "Well we should head home, but I think your old friend need someone to talk to after what happened to her. Plus you 2 have a lot of catching up to do so... see ya next week." Ray commented walking away from the pair and then ran off making a sharp turn to the right.

  Karina let go of Daniel to grab his wrist as it felt odd to grab his hand as they are friends. Daniel was a little flustered by this but distract himself with other things. As they walk, "Oh where do you live as of now I didn't get to know that." Daniel mentioned.

  "Oh... um... I stay at the Margarite Dew apartment flat." Karina answered to his question.

  "Wow, what a coincidence, we live at the same apartment block, it would be even more weird if we were neighbours and didn't know that. Hahaha." Daniel said without thinking, then he covered his mouth as he just said a little too much, he didn't dare to look at his friend but he heard a laugh from Karina which tells him that she is pretty much ok at this point.

  It took a while to reach to the apartment flat that both Karina and Daniel stayed. As they entered the lift Karina pressed the button of her floor which is level 18.

  "Huh??? We really are neighbours actually. To think this would happen, but what is even more awkward is that we didn't knew we are. Well it's at least more assuring to know." Daniel spoke at of concern for his friend, as for the incident did look like it scared her quite a bit.

  The lift opened to the floor both of them stayed, there were only 2 doors well 3 if you counted the escape stairs. But Karina still shaken up from the event, Daniel scratch his head knowing that if the words he would speak will be his biggest regret, but he couldn't afford to just leave Karina like that.

  "Karina do you need some company? I will only stay if you need me to. If not I will go back to my apartment." Daniel made up his decision and gave his suggestion. Karina knowing that this might be her only chance to know at least something important about the Incubus and Succubus, as of now in the 2nd week she stayed in her hometown, 9 victims in total were counted for the case she took.

  "I may need your company a bit longer. Please?" Karina gave her reply.

  Karina walked over to her door lightly tugging Daniel to fellow her. After the door opened and both step inside, Daniel's face turned a little pale.

  'What the... this... her home... I can't... no I shouldn't it will only scare her more then helping her. But this... her scent is all over the room is driving me absolutely insane... no you need to suppressed it. She needs to know before this will traumatized her for life' Daniel thought as he took slow but deep breaths to avoid Karina from knowing what's wrong but well Karina knew but she doesn't know why or what tiggers this sort of event.

  Daniel tried to distract himself and thought of something. "I could make you some tea, you head into your room I can bring it to you. After all majority would want to retreat to their room after whatever similar situation they experienced. So please wait for a while."

  'This... he is definitely avoiding me for some reason. For the tea part but it also felt like he needed this scenario for another reason. But whatever the reason I should wait for the right time.' Karina thought for a while and lightly nodded her head and slowly walked to her room while Daniel walked to her kitchen to make the tea. As the door to Karina's room finally closed, Daniel took a deep sigh of relief as he took out his medication and shook out 10 pills and doused it down with water, clearly not in good shape with that huge over dose of pills.

  Daniel proceed to make a calming tea for Karina, after taking the pills. Once that was done he brought it over to Karina's room, knocking on her door to get her permission to enter.

  "You can come in." Karina spoke with a subtle but a noticeable tremble in her voice. Daniel took a deep breath knowing that this would be a big mistake he has made. Putting his hand on the door, hesitating but eventually opening the door and entering the room. But his senses were completely caught off guard but was still capable of putting the cup of tea on a nearby desk. Daniel had difficulty trying to speak as he took deep breaths trying to calm his Incubus instincts.

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