Chapter 22

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A/N there is a slight lime? Lemon? Part of this chapter is not smut so no need to worry. But that is all happy reading.

  Meanwhile, when Daniel was going with his part of the plan, Karina was looking through the files regarding Maribel.

  The odd part is that Maribel is nothing but a gentle demon, and she is kind, generous, and caring. The files listed her daily life, which was the complete opposite of her actual lifestyle.

  Maribel is always beloved by others, always the centre of attention, and always open to helping those in need.

So it was odd that she is acting like this, but what is even odder is that Maribel is taking a completely different route. Everyone knows that she comes from a humble background.

  At this moment, her clan phone received a notification, and the message read... 'You need to watch this.' And there it was a video.

  Karina looked at the video and pressed play. The video was taken from the security cameras. From her exit from the university, she walked, taking tight turns as if aware of the cameras that are eyeing her. But there are plenty that catch her movements. Soon, the camera toggled to her approaching a car, an expensive one. She slipped into the car, and it drove off almost immediately.

  The cameras took some time to follow the speedy vehicle as if it knew someone is behind them. There were even some flukes that they toss out. But to no avail, they couldn't. In the end, the vehicle slowed down and stopped at the gates of a mansion. The gates opened for the vehicle, and it drove to the entrance of the mansion. Before the gates closed, out Maribel stepped, and she retreated behind the doors of the mansion.

  "How interesting, Maribel is rich. Huh? But I am still having my doubts. Unless... Demons can look like someone else... then that's the key to solving this." Karina monologued after watching the video.

  Karina proceeds to message one of the members to look more into Maribel. After that, she placed her phone at the side to charge and leapt to her bed, resting her eyes.

  A few minutes passed, and Karina opened her eyes again, sensing that she was not alone in her apartment. But relaxes when she registers who is here. She got up from her bed and walked to the hallway. And she saw Daniel flat on the floor, seemingly in agony.

  "A little excessive with the drinks? Aren't you a lightweight?" Karina jokingly commented.

  "I seem to be in the wrong location but I guess is not that bad, I needed to tell you whatever happened anyways," Daniel spoke after knowing that he ended up in Karina's apartment rather than his own.

  "I guess I am still on your mind, huh? Pfft... so tell me, did you get yourself a drink or something. And what happened over there?" Karina joked and then questioned Daniel.

  "I didn't touch a single glass. Also, I am nauseous from just being in the club. It is also one of the clubs that you mentioned, so there's that, but other than that, nothing else." Daniel states that his face is still on the floor, so he sounded slightly muffled.

  "Pfft... Please do not puke on my floor." Karina attempting to hold back a laugh spoke. Daniel, on the other hand, switches his position to face the ceiling.

  "Nah, no worries, that ain't going to happen. Just that the lights are something I am not used to, that's all. All we did was, well, all she did was to try and 'find' some company." Daniel spoke and put up an air quote gesture.

  "I'll go get water for you. You'd need it." Karina was concerned, walked to her kitchen, and took a glass, pouring the water from the jug till the glass is nearly full. She noticed a candle in the corner of the counter, a scented one.

  Karina took the candle and used a lighter to light the candle and passed the glass of water to Daniel.

  "You know you could just use magic, right? So why didn't you?" Daniel questioned, knowing that Karina is capable of using magic.

  "Well, I can't always be using magic 24/7, right? We are taught that even if we have magic, it is good to rely on our physical strength rather than magical strength. Sometimes, when we face opponents, they often forget that physical strength is a thing." Karina explained to Daniel.

  "I guess it is true. Many tend to neglect the other kinds of strength available." Daniel replied.

  "Well, to get back to the matter at hand, Maribel doesn't come from a wealthy background, but her current path home says otherwise. Also, is it possible for a demon to store a soul or something?" Karina explained and asked Daniel about that possibility.

  "Hmm... I was not taught much about that. But if I recall, demons in myths do take in souls, storing them... not commonly used, since well demons just consume the souls right away so there is no need to save it, well unless they want to." Daniel confirms

  "Then it may be possible to save those poor victims. We have sufficient evidence of her behaviour, just not enough if she is the main perpetrator." Karina continued.

  "So are you going to wait for the right time?" Daniel questioned.

  "No, I can't wait I'll be sneaking in there with my assigned partner." Karina corrected.

  At this moment a little figure was standing at the glass railing of the balcony. Is just a kid.

  "I am ready to head off. I can't wait, this is my first stealth mission after all." The little boy spoke in excitement. Daniel shook, he couldn't believe that Karina decided to take such a huge risk, going to that place to find out the truth; to add on with a kid with seemingly low experience.

  "Karina! Are you sure about this? We are not even sure if it is safe. What if you get caught? What if that kid gets caught? No one would know and I can't report you as kidnapped as you would be breaking a law of no treaso-!" Daniel spoke in a panic listing all the worst-case scenarios that can happen but was cut off by Karina as she placed her hand over his mouth.

  "Daniel, you don't have to worry about that, in the clan there are safety measures over safety measures. Plus the phones that are made by the clan, have GPS installed in them to keep track of our whereabouts." Karina explained, in an attempt to ease the worries out of Daniel.

  "Even a function to listen to the surrounding area in case anything happens, but is a low chance so they don't do that unless it is necessary. But if you are still worried about my safety, then make your suggestion." Karina continued asking for his opinion if he is still worried.

  Daniel without a warning, lifts her shirt leaving her lower torso exposed and planted his lips right above her belly button. Karina felt a slight pain, something like a bullet but half of that. Once he was done he looked at Karina in the eyes.

  "This is a form of GPS for us demons, however, I don't know where you are 24/7 unless I want to, it activates as long as I want to find you. If within 24 hours you are not back with me, I'll ask help from my dad, for backup, but I'll go find you myself before his group reaches the area. Time is of the essence after all." Daniel explained whilst touching the mark he left.

  "Alright, if that makes you feel better. I'll be handing off." Karina spoke, giving a small peck on Daniel's cheek.

  Karina then stood up, and her uniform appeared like a cloak covering her body, this was the first time he saw her in the clan's uniform. Clad in armour, that looks heavy but is quite light. She wore a headgear that covers her eyes making it difficult to read. Only her mouth was not covered so she gave a smile to Daniel showing the whites in her mouth.

  She walked to the balcony and she and her little buddy leapt high in the air. Daniel spoke under his breath.

"Please come home safe."

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