It Started with a Hijabi's Di...

By flower_seeds_

9.9K 1.5K 2.2K

"And they plot and plan, and ALLAH plans and ALLAH is the best of planners" (Al-Quran) "Can you tell me to wh... More

1= Finding The Diary
2= Iman
3= Islam and Ethics
4= Are Flaws Actually Flaws?
5= Al-Raheem
6= Hazrat Muhammad صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ
7= What's in this bottle?
8= Secrets
9= Little hints
10= Ramadan
11= Lane of memories
#Free Palestine
12= Veil
13= Daughters=Princess
14= Badr is Missing
15= Soulmate
16= Finding new secrets
17= Letters
18= Search
19= Hayatuhu حياته
20= She found them
21= Proposal
22= Reaction
23= "it was the only thing I had of her"
24= "how did you know it was Me?"
25= Finally!
26= "this diary has more than it shows"
27= "the villian of our story..."
28= "I need to find her, no matter how much it costs"
29= "I dream to meet a secret agent one day"
30= "I Know You..."
31= "Where are we?"
32= "Let me surprise you..."
34 = "I Didn't Fake It "
35= Ilham
36= Choosing ALLAH
37= Mehram
38= "Been Shot..."
39= Graveyard
40= Wonders Of Love
41= The Court
42= Engagement
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3
About Author

33= "our last breath?.."

99 20 15
By flower_seeds_

In the Name of Allah Almighty, Who's the knower of everything. Whether it's our past, present or future. He Knows Everything.

May Peace and Blessings of Allah Almighty be upon our beloved prophets, especially Hazrat Muhammed (S.A.W.), their noble companions and all the true believers present in this world or other.

***' ***' ***' ***' ***'

If you haven't prayed yet, then please pray before reading this because your connection with Allah Almighty is Much more important.
Remember Salat is obligatory, this is not.



In the last chapter, I talked about skies... continuing to it. I was reading a novel where it was scenario of class room and they were joking about how many and the names of the layers of sky.

I thought that even I didn't know that - the number of its total layers - or their names. So I went to Google Akhi, and then I was in the process of my search when I had to go to college so I took screen shots saying that I will see it later and then went to college.

In the college our teacher was teaching us about Surat-un-Naba and I was a wide mouth shocked when she recited these ayats,

بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ
" In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful."

وَّ بَنَیۡنَا فَوۡقَکُمۡ سَبۡعًا شِدَادًا ﴿ۙ۱۲﴾

"And constructed above you seven strong [heavens] "

Ayat no. 12)

I unlocked my phone and then saw those screen shots and there was exactly that -

There are literally exact seven layers of sky,
1 Stratosphere, 2 Troposphere 3 Mesosphere 4 Thermosphere
5 Exosphere 6 Ionosphere 7Mesopause

And there's also in one place mentioned in Al-Quran about each layer of sky having some specific quality or specialty.

And today scientists too beleive that, that every layer of sky has some specific specialty.
Like one protect from UV rays, one is responsible for the rain and etc. etc.

Shocking right? But Allah Almighty explains to His creation, His signs. So that they worship only Him - and to he

And you know the Universe has Seven layers too


I know there are some wishes in our heart that are so vulnerable, so special to us. That you want to cry, that you want to whine.

And are afraid.. afraid of not having them - of losing them.

Today in our lives, in our society when ever someone imagines a happy thing for example like happily ever after. Then people mock them, saying that they can't have these things or it's just too unreal...


How can they say this?

I myself confess that when I see this world, it's bad parts, I become afraid, I become afraid for all the wishes, the special hopes, I have in my heart.

Until I look around me, and I see so many things. I look at the plants and then see the amazing texture of the leaves and think about its little pores that we can't see.
How plants so many plants that we pass.. see...they are actually breathing.

How a moon that looks so tiny from our view looks so magical - the stars seems more beautiful than any diamond. Our bodies having so many mysterical things.

Who made all this?


Then do you think He Will leave you alone. Why do you hesitate to imagine fantasies?

All the things He made, look at the mountains and all the magical things around you, the shine of the moon, start from tonight, spare just five minutes for yourself and sit under the sky and just look at the stars...moon. The magical sky. It will look nothing less than a fantasy... Like you are feeling something magical.

He... He Is Truly The Most Merciful. He says keep Tawaqul in Me, I will make your world and Akira so beautiful.
He says ask from Me, I Will Give you.

He never gave us any limit... He never said ask this much I Will Give you.

He says, ask, and I Will give you.

No limits... no matter how many times you ask no matter how much big you ask... He Is There.

When your Rabb is there, what are you afraid of?

When you have a protector Whose power is more than what we can't imagine, why do you feel afraid.


Keep Tawaqul in Allah, that He Will always listen to you and Will gift you best of the best gifts and His Mercies.

"Call upon Me; I will respond to you."
Ayat no. 60)

"My mercy encompasses all things"
(Surat - ul-Ayeraaf
Ayat no. 156)

And don't forget to read Ayat ul Kursi after every fard, Surah Mulk and last two ayats of Surah Baqara before sleeping.

Jazakumullahu khairun katheera

Now to the story,

Chapter no. 33

"Our last breath...?"


"You are lucky, I have an important work, or I wouldn't have missed the opportunity to hear your screams", KJ said as he fixed his tie,

"Bye bye, see you soon - or more like what would have been left of you".

He ushered his men out and then walked out himself but not before pushing the red button which caused the walls of metal thorns to move forward, ready to end them- to tear them apart.

And then the banging of the door and the sound of the walls moving forward was the only sound in the room as the walls moved towards them, and the three of them were locked in chains.

The three of them were terrified, and the uncanny thing was they were not scared for themselves but for their loved ones.

Like AbdulWadood was not scared that the metal thorns could peirce his skin, too, could make him bleed to death. But he was scared - no terrified - that these metal thorns could hurt his father and his best friend whom he loved very much.

He looked at the either side of him and around the room - to find something - anything - to save his best friend and father.

The same was going with Mr. Adam and Badr, they were not scared that they were going to be hurt, Mr. Adam was scared for AbdulWadood and Badr who was like a son to him.

And Badr was scared for his best friend and his boss- a person he loved as a father.

The echo of the metal chains could be heard as they tried to be free of these chains. AbdulWadood 's face was pale, and he looked at his father with terrified green eyes.

What could he do now?
The wall decorated with metal thorns was getting closer.

But they were locked in chains. They couldn't move their hands or legs to escape. They were completely defenseless.... Was it the end of them?


Mr. Adam' s voice slightly snapped him out of the trance he had fallen in.

Everything was normal yesterday, to having a normal life - having tea with his family - meet up with his best friend to suddenly know that his father and best friend were secret agents, the diary he always thought as normal was nothing less than a dangerous weapon. Knowing that the boy he loved very much - and just yesterday gave his sister's hand- to find out that he betrayed them and was the son of the mafia king. The same mafia king who left them in this position where he could see death so closely- and so brutally.

"AbdulWadood! Look at me!", Mr. Adam again said, and it made him look at his father but he totally regretted it, because behind his father he could see the wall decorated with sharp deadly metal thorns could be seen getting closer to them.

The beautiful green eyes that always shined gloriously, were now filled with terror and moisture- as he saw those torture wall moving near his father. His face was pale- and his breathing was dangerously heavy.

"AbdulWadood look at me!"

AbdulWadood then looked at his father's face- to see him looking at him with worried expressions- before he changed his expressions into soft expressions as he asked,

"What is your name, my son?"

This made AbdulWadood really confused and he looked at his father thinking that he maybe heard him wrong.

"What is your name, my son?", Mr. Adam repeated - and AbdulWadood replied,


"And what does it mean?"

This made a smile appear on his lips - even in that condition- and his eyes shined beautifully- as he replied,

"Servant of Al-Wadood".

"And Who is Al-Wadood?"

And that soft smile grew bigger along with the shine in his eyes as he replied,

"The Most Loving".

"The Most Loving", Mr. Adam repeated with a soft whisper, "Whose Love has no condition- no limits. Whose Love Is more than we can ever imagine".

Mr. Adam looked at AbdulWadood with soft eyes, as he said,
"You know, my son, your ammi and I love you so much, the love we have for you is something indescribable- a pure kind of love- and I don't think there's even an end to its depth."

He smiled as he gazed lovingly ay his son,
"Then imagine His Love. The One Whose Love is seventy times more than a mother's love. Do you think The One Who Loves you so much- will leave you alone?"

"My son, there are sometimes in our life when we face things that aren't pleasent, sometimes it can be the bad effect of any sin we have done intentionally or unintentionally. Like hurting someone's emotions- lying- or anything that we shouldn't have done.

And the best way to be save from that is Toba - asking your Rabb for forgiveness- asking forgiveness from The Most Forgiving. The One Who forgives His slaves again and again- His Mercy has no limits. He wants us to repent- and when we do- He forgives us instantly- and even rewards you that you repented sincerely infront of Him".

"Rabb....", Mr. Adam's eyes moistened as he said with an amazed tone- "He Is Truly The Most Merciful.... Al-Rahman, Al-Raheem, Al-Ghaffar... At-Tawwab".

"And sometimes it's a test from Him, He tests us because He wants to give us something very good as a reward.

"All we have to do is keep Tawaqqul in Allah Almighty. He never leaves you- never- and he wants you to ask to Him, so that He can rain with you His Endless Mercies.

It's all about Tawaqqul, my son. All about Tawaqqul (trust in Allah) ."

AbdulWadood took a deep breath as a tear escaped out of the wall of his eyelashes- and before a second; dropped on his lap.

He closed his eyes- and another fell- but his focus was not on that. He was focusing on the dikhr of his Rabb.

"Ya Rabb, The One Who can create life even in the depths of ice- The One Who can split apart the sky with a huge thunder storm- The One Who created all the things we know and don't know about.

I ask from You, to save our lives. To save our lives, Allah, and to help us get out of here. Please Allah, I ask from You, without Whose Will, not even a leave shivers. Ya Allah, you are our only Helper, The Best Helper. Please, Ya Rabb".

Before he could even complete the sentence- he heard the sound of chains dropping on the ground.

He looked at the source of the sound, and saw Badr rubbing his wrists where his cuffs were- that side of his wrists were now red.

Wait- how did he free himself from those metal cuffs?

AbdulWadood and Mr. Adam looked with utter shock at the metal chains that were once around his wrists - like it was on theirs- was now on the ground.

How did he do this? At this time, AbdulWadood could even believe that Badr may have a super power.

"How did you do this?", Mr. Adam asked with his eyes and mouth wide open.

"We don't have time now sir- I will surely explain later", Badr replied as he ran towards Mr. Adam and inserted a key in his metal cuffs- and started rotating it. The metal was now rusted so it was taking more than usual effort for them to open the lock of those cuffs.

"No- first free AbdulWadood", Mr. Adam said and tried to protest but AbdulWadood screamed to Badr,

"No, Badr, continue freeing Abbu-, his life is much more important than mine", as he looked at the wall who was coming closer and closer.

AbdulWadood was sitting in the middle, and Badr and Mr. Adam was locked on his either side. Badr was free but to Mr. Adam's side- the wall was more close than AbdulWadood.

There was thick layers of sweat that decorated Badr's forehead as he continued rotating the key.

Just like a tensed scene in the movie - there life was so close to say bye if they failed.

Key being rotated - sweat dropping down from their foreheads - heavy heart beats -

And finally, Badr sighed with relief as he finally opened up that cuff. Mr. Adam and Badr then wasted no second to reach AbdulWadood and Badr inserted the key - and continued doing the same - as he did on Mr. Adam's cuff. And Mr. Adam held the lock in place so that it would be easy for Badr to open it.

If the atmosphere was tensed before - it was nothing compared to now. Both Mr. Adam and Badr tried to open the lock but it was rusted metal - and it was difficult for them.

The walls embedded with sharp metal thorns were now so close - it was so scary that could make even a very strong person shiver.

Sweat's continuous series fell down from Badr and Mr. Adam's forehead. And even tears started falling down Badr's eyes because of utter frustration. But he didn't have even the time to wipe them,

And you couldn't blame him, his best friend was tied in chains and the wall was coming so close to three of them - and they couldn't free him.

The wall was so close- so dangerously close that if Badr leaned back his head - he could have had his head chopped.

"Abbu, Badr you both should go! The wall is so close! You both should go! Please ", AbdulWadood pleaded and yelled to both of them.

"Shut up! You will be an idiot to think that we'd leave you alone here", Badr yelled as his eyes filled with thick moisture making his hands more shaky and vision blurry.

Mr. Adam's condition was no different - a tear dropped down from his eyes without him even knowing - as he grabbed the lock with shaky hands.

AbdulWadood again pleaded them to go - he was scared for both of them and now that they both were free - he didn't want them to risk their life for him.

AbdulWadood looked at his father and saw the tears that were flowing down his eyes - and he pleaded with a whisper -

"Abbu, please go".

But both of them didn't waver. And then AbdulWadood whispered softly,

"atleast say Bismillah when you try to open it".

Badr and Mr. Adam then together said,

بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ

" In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. "

And then Badr again rotated the key and they could hear the tick sound of the lock being opened.

"Alhamdulillah!", they all said together and then Badr and Mr. Adam freed him from chains and made him stand up, and then the three of them barely made out of the walls - that the walls closed. The metal thorns from either side joined together and resembled like teeths disclosing.

The moans of the metal chains could be heard as it squished in the teeths of the thorns wall- a pen that fell down from Mr. Adam 's pocket squished so badly that its ink splattered on them - irony of it being red ink.

The three of them rested their back on the door; their breathing was heavy and they had goosebumps on their skin knowing that it could have been them if they had failed to get free.

"How did you get the key?", Mr. Adam panted as he looked at Badr.

"Someone helped me - he gave me the key", Badr replied with pants.

AbdulWadood looked at both of them and sighed in relief as he sat on the ground near the door and away from the metal thorns wall. He thanked his Al-Malik trillion times in his heart that all of them were safe.

"shukran, Ya Rabb. Shukran, Ya Rabb", he mumbled and then looked at Badr and said,

"Then after Allah Almighty - we all three owes our lives to this person - the one who gave you the key and much more".

Mr. Adam nodded in affirmative,
"Yes, we really owe our lives to him and much more. Whoever he is - we'll be grateful to him always. With Allah's Will, if he had not been there we may have been squished in those walls".

"Allah made him the source for us", Badr replied, "and in truly - Allah saved us".

Three of them agreed and then rested their back on the wall. After such a traumatic experience - they needed some rest.

After few minutes, AbdulWadood asked,
"So how do we escape?"


Before Badr could complete his sentence, they heard a weird and unexpected sound.


Okay, I am not dragging it all. These chapters are intense and without me even knowing the scene extends more.

Next chapter will have a shock for you - and again asking how did you feel about knowing Ilham is the son of KJ?
He was the favorite character of many readers - so I was really curious to know about that...

Now how will they escape? Who is the person who helped them?
What will happen when KJ gets to find that they are alive?

Insha'Allah soon, you will find out.

Till then,

Stay tune

Allah Hafeez

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