Vol 2 ~ What if I ain't no Vi...

By rin_rin40

3.9K 335 639

My second volume of one-shot and short stories of parallel worlds about Twoset Violinists Brett and Eddy. Wha... More

1. Twoset Banker
2. Twoset Searchers VIII (Warren's story 1)
3. Twoset Searchers IX (Warren's story 2)
4. Twoset Searchers X (Warren's story 3)
5. Twoset Searchers XI
10. Twoset Gap Moe
11. Twoset Gap Moe II
12. Twoset Gap Moe III
13. Twoset Gap Moe IV
6. Twoset Tutoring II (Brett's voice?)
7. Twoset Tutoring III (Brett's voice? 2)
8. Twoset Tutoring IV (Brett's voice? 3)
9. Twoset Tutoring V (Brett's voice? 4)
15. Twoset Traceurs IV - fight like an old couple, make up like newly weds
16. Twoset Gloved
17. Twoset Gloved II
18. Twoset Gloved III
19. Twoset Gloved IV
20. Twoset Gloved V
21. Twoset Gloved VI
22. Twoset Gloved VII
23. Twoset Gloved VIII
24. Twoset Gloved IX
25. Twoset Gloved X
26. Twoset Psychic VI (Halloween episode)
27. Twoset Choreographers
28. Twoset Choreographers II
29. Twoset Choreographers III
30. Twoset Choreographers IV
31. Twoset Choreographers V
32. Twoset Choreographers VI
33. Twoset Choreographers VII
34. Twoset Choreographers VIII
35. Twoset Choreographers IX
36. Twoset Choreographers X
37. Post Quarantine

14. Twoset Tutoring VI (Brett's voice!) - bonus chapter

113 11 22
By rin_rin40

A/N: Here is a bonus chapter for the Brett's voice story in the Twoset Tutoring series. I hope you enjoy it.


It's been just over a year since Eddy first met Brett in Maths tutoring, followed by meeting again at the youth orchestral practice the very next day. They had quickly become very close friends.

Eddy initially struggled with anxiety when his maths tutor thought Eddy had started talking to himself because Brett's voice was so soft and inaudible whenever the two were enjoying a conversation. The misunderstanding upset Eddy, as it felt like his friend's existence was ignored when he was someone important to him.  But Eddy had since grown more confident and by now no longer got shaken by such misunderstandings. His peer who initially dared Eddy to go talk to Brett was equally baffled and would not believe Eddy.

"What the f*ck do you mean you can hear him?"

"Just as I said, I can hear him.  We talk to each other all the time. He's really nice."

"Oh my god Eddy, are you sure you haven't just made up an imaginary friend?"

"What the f*ck? He's no imaginary friend, he's right there y'know!"

After their peer walked away, Eddy heard Brett's voice.

"Eddy, please don't get angry."

Eddy sighed.

"I'm not angry, Brett. I'm just disappointed."

"Of what, Eddy?"

"That people don't get to know you."

Know how great you are.

"Don't worry Eddy, it's their loss."

Eddy cast his eyes on Brett. Brett grinned. Eddy grinned back.

"It sure is Brett."

It sure bloody is.

And the best thing from all of this is that I get to have you all to myself.

Eddy blushed on his own thoughts.

"S, so Brett, were you always like this? Have people around you always struggled to hear you?"

"No.. only since I turned.. 13 or so?"

"Oh my god.. you've been like this for two years? That must have not been easy.. do you know why?"

"..I think I've been like this since the onset of my voice breaking, my voice just went really soft. I've been told by specialists to expect an improvement once my voice settles.. y'know, complete its transition."


"So next time you hear my voice a bit louder and clearer, it will be lower."


Eddy was 14 and Brett 15. In recent months there have been telltale signs of Eddy's voice breaking with the occasional octave jumps among the raspiness of his voice. Brett, on the other hand, having such a soft voice, it just dawned on Eddy that he had never paid attention to the pitch of his friend's voice. It was indeed soft, raspy and high.


"Yeah, Brett?"

"What are you doing for your birthday?"

"Hmm. I liked what we did for your birthday a couple of weeks ago Brett."

Brett smiled.

"But all we did was go out for some pizza."

"Yeah, I know. You said you wanted to express your gratitude towards those who've been supportive? That was nice."

"I.. don't have that many friends.. so it was just the two of us and my family."

Eddy smiled.

"I didn't mind. It's easier to chat with you that way, too. I liked it."

Brett looked relieved.

"Um, Brett, so, would you join my family for hotpot at a restaurant? Just my mum, sister and us two."

Brett smiled.

"Sure, I'd love to."

Brett had already been introduced to and accepted by Eddy's family and while neither Eddy's mum or sister have ever heard his voice, they believed Eddy when he said the two could communicate without any problems.

It was the day before Eddy's birthday hotpot dinner. It was Friday and the boys were at maths tutoring.

"..So Brett, about tomorrow."

Brett looked up at Eddy.

"So.. for tomorrow, um, you wanna hang out at my place after orchestra practise till we go out for hotpot?"

Brett bit his lower lip. He then parted his lips.

"Actually Eddy, would it be okay if I meet you at the restaurant?"

"Oh. Have you got some plans beforehand? "

Brett nodded.

"Yeah.. something like that."

"Oh. Okay, well, then we can stop by at your place to pick you up?"

Brett furrowed his brows then slowly shook his head.

"Um.. actually, I.. really prefer to meet you at the restaurant if that's okay with you."

Eddy looked a bit surprised but quickly replied;

"Oh. Um, sure if that's what you want."

"Yes, please."

Eddy was a bit disappointed. He always looked forward to spending time with Brett after orchestral practise on Saturday afternoons, whether it was grabbing lunch or busking together or just hanging out at either one of their places.

"Eddy? Where's Brett? Aren't you boys hanging out together this afternoon?"

"No.. I think he's got something on. He's meeting us at the restaurant."

"Oh. Does he want me to stop over at his place and pick him up on our way to the..."

"I already asked him and he said no thanks.. that he wanted to meet us there."

"Oh. Okay. It's almost strange to see you on your own on a Saturday afternoon, Eddy."

His mother had said it was a joke but Eddy agreed with what she had said. Since becoming close friends, Eddy had spent almost every Saturday afternoon with Brett unless either of their violin lessons were rescheduled or they had school commitments, but both occurrences were very rare. So yes it did feel strange, like totally weird.

And lonely.

"Chen. We've made a 7pm booking for a private dining room, thank you."

Eddy's family was shown to their private dining room. It was a tastefully decorated and cozy room but not too cramped. They had booked this particular room before as the restaurant was one of the family's favourites for celebrating special occasions.

Just as they settled into their seats, they heard a knock on the door and it opened.

Eddy's face lit up as it was his friend who had arrived. Brett stepped inside and approached the large table in the centre of the room. He smiled and nodded towards Eddy's mother and sister, then faced Eddy;

"Happy birthday, Eddy."

Eddy was shocked.  Mouth agape, he couldn't believe his ears. Loud and clear it was, the most beautiful baritone Eddy had ever heard, wishing him a happy birthday.

"Brett..? Your... voice? Oh my god, your voice!!"

Brett let out a chuckle.

"I was told I could get my voice ready before the end of the month if I had extra speech therapy sessions. I had to squeeze in one last one this afternoon to brush up before my.. voice reveal."

Eddy smiled.

"It.. sounds absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. Brett."

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