No choice (discontinued)

By Anemome_

375 12 21

Izuku Midoriya is happy going to UA, learning to be a hero and making true frievds he's happier than he's eve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

30 1 0
By Anemome_

After a long and tiring day, lights were finally out, and izuku had the top bunk on one of the many bunk beds put into the boy's room, but that also meant that he could be on his phone without Iida, who sleeps underneath, would notice and scold him for.

When he opened the phone he noticed a couple of messages that his father had sent to him.

Dad: text me when you've gotten there safely, izuku.

Dad: are you there?

Dad: izuku

It was a bit obsessive but it always had been.

Izuku: I'm here, dad, sorry the day got busy

Dad: good, are you ready for tomorrow? It will be hectic, but just keep to the plan we made and you won't get a single scratch

Instead of answering his father with words he simply sent him the emoji of a thumbs up, and then he began scrolling up.

Izuku had found out that his father was a villain when he was 13, but he was given his phone when he was 11 for safety reasons because his father knew that he was being bullied.

Scrolling up he finally got to the messages that weren't once plagued with a guilt izuku held. In.

The texts were innocent, izuku sending random pictures of himself and places, of hero figures he begged his dad to buy, and the occasional "can you come to pick me up?", but even if the izuku of the past suffered from low self-esteem it was better than this...anything was better than having texts and conversations about upcoming attacks on innocent people.

That night izuku had also found out why Kota hated heroes, that a villain had killed his parents who were heroes.

He had been so little, he didn't understand why his parents chose to go out there knowing that doing so might leave him all alone one day.

It was about to happen again. Surely nobody would die, but even if it was just seeing a battle between heroes and villains, it would surely break the boy that was already cracking.

Izuku knew what it meant to lose his parents.
In a way, he had ost the father that he knew in his childhood, and his mother had died when he was 3, but he barely remembered her.

'I'm sorry' izuku ran a hand through his thick messy hair, trying to dull a headache that was slowly growing stronger.

He was tired and stressed, two things that didn't match very well.

'I really should just close my eyes and sleep...ill need to get up early tomorrow'


"Push harder! Move faster! Put your soul into it!" Tiger, another hero cheered every training student on.
Each student had their own training regiment.
Iida needed to run long distances.
Koda needed to scream to train his voice.
Sero should continuously shoot his tape.

It was painful for everyone, including izuku who was supposed to push a giant Boulder to a white line, and then back and pull it towards him until it reached a white line behind him, and so back and forth to train how much weight izuku could move.

He continuously dropped the boulder but was forced to get right back at it, however, Aizawa ended up setting a table with water bottles up that the students could share so they at least didn't overheat from the vicious training.

"Are you putting your soul into it boy!?" Tiger was suddenly standing next to izuku as he was downing a water bottle that he then immediately choked on before setting it down.

"Yes sir!" He said and then got right back to training.
It was hard, but he knew that this was necessary, after all as a hero they also needed to be able to rescue others, so izuku needed to be able to move something heavy like cars or rubble.
Izuku halted for a second. 'No journey to become a hero ends today...almost forgot'



One would think that izuku would be so caught up in his own training that he didn't take notice of anything going on around him, but that would not be true.

Izuku was able to hear those close to him, and one of those was Katsuki letting out an angry shout, or maybe it was a shout of pain, every few seconds as he dunked his arms in warm water to expand his sweat glands so he could make a bigger explosion.

He was working hard too, and while izuku still couldn't help but be angry he wanted Katsuki to keep working hard.
He hoped that he was right when he thought that he definitely wouldn't turn into a villian


The day seemed to last for an eternity but finally, it was dinner time.

"Remember we did tell you that you would have to make your own food. Yesterday was a one-time thing" Mandalay grinned, seeing on the student's faces that they had no energy, but this would be part of their training as well. Saving others weren't just pulling someone from rubble or pushing them out of the way of an oncoming attack, but also tending to their needs and trauma afterward, and sometimes a good meal just helped wonders, so even if they were tired and they felt their bones creaking this was necessary, it wouldn't be easier when it would actually happen.

When they had to do that in the future they would look back to this moment and wonder at the fact that they thought it was almost impossible.

Luckily the students didn't protest, instead, they just let out the groans of the dying and went to prepare the ingredients and start the fires.

Izuku went to pick up a lighter and started a fire in one of the stone ovens with Todoroki standing beside him.

"That kid doesn't like heroes" Todoroki suddenly said and izuku raised his head to see Todoroki looking at Kota leaving the camp, and for a moment he wondered where the boy was going.

"How did you know?" Izuku asked and wondered if Todoroki had had a talk with Mandalay just as izuku had had, but for some reason, he wasn't so sure of that.

"His attitude is very telling, and he punched you"

Izuku chuckled and stood up. "Yeah he did, and you're right, he doesn't like heroes at all, I wish I could help change his mind"

"Like you did with me right?"

Izuku still remembered it clearly. How his throat hurt and how his voice broke when he yelled those words at Todoroki during their match at the sports festival.

"It's your quirk, not his!"

He had wanted to help Todoroki because he deserved the help, but also because izuku could relate to him, and at that moment during the match, he realized that he was telling himself that just as much as he was telling Todoroki. He tried to tell himself that it was okay to use his quirk because up until that point he had always held back, at least after he found out who his father really was.

It was like his powers had haunted him, but the words he had yelled in Todorki's direction didn't help him as much as he wished.

He was okay with using his quirk now, he was able to accept it as his, but the thing tearing at him was what was he was about to use it for.

He would be part of the league after today and that meant that he would use his quirk for evil, and not for good as he wished he could.

"You shouldn't do that"

"Huh?" Izuku turned to his dual-haired friend.

"You might mean well, but you really need to take a good look at whatever his situation is. You could just as easily make things worse"

If only Todoroki knew that he was about to.
He was about to do something horrible.

"Maybe so, but what would happen if I didn't try?" Izuku and Todoroki stared at each other for a moment, and it looked like Todoroki was really thinking of that question.

"Do you think he's like me?"

"Uh..." was he? Todoroki was angry because of abuse, but his anger was directed at his father, not all of the hero society that Kota seemed to hate.

"You just need to be sure before you stick your nose in a delicate situation, Midoriya," Todoroki told him, but then the two were called upon to help with dinner.

They were making curry, and with hard work, it was eventually done.

Nobody could say that it was the best curry they had had. The canned stuff would probably be better, but for the starving students, it was like gold on a plate.

Izuku stared down at his plate and then turned his head to where he had seen Kota disappear.

His legs somehow began to move on their own as he went to the tree line and then found a beaten path that left to a cliff where he found Kota.


"Ah!" the boy jumped up, startled and surprised that somebody had managed to find his secret hiding spot.

"What are you doing here!? Nosy hero!"

"I came to bring you a plate of food" izuku smiled and held the plate out, but the boy only pouted and turned away.
"It's okay if you won't eat it, it is not actually that good, but I'm gonna leave it here in case you change your mind" izuku put the food down gently onto a rock.

Now should be his time to leave.
He should take Todoroki's words into consideration...
"Mandalay told me what happened" izuku even flinched at his own words.
Not very subtle.

Finally, the boy turned to him, an angry look on his face.
Why wouldn't he be angry with izuku, a stranger, bringing that topic up?

"What of it?! Are you gonna pity me? I don't want your pity!"

"N-no, I'm sorry" izuku shook his head, and then cast his gaze to the ground below his feet.
"I'm sure you've already heard all the condolences"

"...why are you here?"

"I told you, I'm just here with dinner"

"No you're not, what do you want!?"

"Kota..." izuku took a deep breath. "I know what happened caused you to hate heroes, so you probably don't like me right? In all honesty, it's okay to not like heroes, my dad...he doesn't like heroes either, but you shouldn't hate them"

"Why not? All they do is leave! Saving stupid people from stupid villain as is stupid..."

"Can i...tell you a story?"


"Uhm you see, a friend I knew...he was quirkless, which is a condition that affects 20% of the population, meaning they have no quirk...he tried so hard to use a quirk, either one of his parent's, but nothing worked...until weeks later when a quirk magically appeared...he was so happy, he had always wanted to be a hero, and now it was finally possible, with his awesome quirk, and he...he always counted himself lucky that he wasn't quirkless after even if society sucks sometimes, isn't these powers still a gift?"

The boy was quiet. His hat covering his eyes so izuku wasn't able to tell how the boy was taking it, or. If he was listening at all.


Izuku shouldn't have expected anything else, but at least he tried to help...

At least he tried.

Of course, little did he know that had he taken a few steps forward, or looked at Kota's hands, he would see clear evidence of someone, perhaps a child, using their quirk.

Yes this fic is also like, 25% izuku coming to terms with his quirk

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