Eager Wings (Destiel)

By Irontallica666

197K 8.4K 7.7K

Now that Cas is human, some things are a lot harder to do, but it has is plus sides. Feelings, for one thing... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 16

6.2K 263 113
By Irontallica666

Once they had eaten, they got in the Impala and went to Chuck Shurley’s house. It was a long drive, and they were tired, but they could get Cas back. Dean drove the first part of the ride, and once Sam had warned him 2 times already for almost falling asleep and crashing into another car, Sam took the wheel.

When they arrived at Chuck’s house, Sam woke up both Dean and Charlie. Dean jumped out of the car immediately; Charlie was still tired, but also awake very quickly.

Dean ringed the doorbell but no one opened the door. When Dean knocked, there still was no response. “Well, gotta go in the other way then,” he mumbled as he walked a few steps back. Sam knew what he was gonna do and put Charlie out of the way.

“Dean, what are you gonna do? Should I be scared?” she asked, “DEAN! You can’t just enter someone’s house!” she suddenly yelled, but it was too late.

Dean had opened the door and grinned. “Chuck doesn’t mind, he knows us.”

Charlie shook her head as if she couldn’t believe it, but then she just shrugged. They were the Winchesters. They probably had done a lot worse than breaking into someone’s house.

 The three of them went inside, Dean first, Charlie second and Sam third.

“Chuck?” Dean shouted. “Chuck, it’s us, don’t shoot, please!”

“Chuck doesn’t shoot on anyone coming into his house,” Sam assured Charlie as soon as he saw her face change, but Charlie wasn’t convinced.

“Then why is Dean asking him to not shoot?” she asked.

“So Chuck knows it’s actually us, we’re practically the only ones who would come in like that,” Sam explained, and suddenly it hit Charlie.

“You Winchesters and your code words,” she said. “You’re smart. Both of you are.”

Sam laughed. “Try to convince Dean of that, I’ll be surprised if you get him to believe it.”

When they had searched the whole house and had agreed Chuck wasn’t home, they decided to do some research with Chuck’s books. While Dean and Sam both got a pile of books, Charlie was gestured to the table where Chuck’s laptop was.

“Are you sure this is okay?” she asked, not sure what she would find. Sam and Dean nodded and she opened it. The first thing she saw was a Microsoft Word page, and even if she felt guilty for it, as soon as she spotted her own name, she started reading it.

They had searched for Chuck in the whole house, but when it became clear he wasn’t home, they just sat in the living room, searching for useful things in the books. Charlie could work on the laptop standing on the table.

 “Are you sure this is okay?” she asked, not sure what she would find. Sam and Dean nodded and she opened it. She opened it, and saw a Microsoft Word-page. She wanted to close it, but spotted her own name, and started reading.

“Oh my god,” Charlie said. “This is creepy.”

Sam looked up. “I think Chuck was working on a new book. Don’t read it if you don’t want spoilers,” he said and winked at the last part.

Charlie just nodded and went to search through Chuck’s files.

For a while, it was silent, except for the turning of pages and the clicking of the laptop. Then, Charlie spoke.

“Guys, you might wanna see this. I found it somewhere between a lot of useless files, but this is a video he made…” she typed something. “3 weeks ago.”

As soon as Sam and Dean could see the screen, she turned up the volume and pressed ‘play’.

Hey guys, uhm, this is Chuck, hello Charlie, nice to meet you.

I made this video because I already knew what was gonna happen. Charlie, you managed to find this video, so I am sure you’ll find the other files too. They are important to me. You’ll also need the books. Good luck with everything and…

I guess I’ll see you soon, bye guys.

Chuck waved awkwardly and then the screen went black.

“Alright,” Dean said. “I guess we gotta take this back to the bunker and find out whatever the hell he is speaking about.”

Soon, they were sitting in the Impala on the way back, with Chuck’s laptop and a few other books with them. Dean sighed. Ever since Metatron had been messing with heaven, the only thing they did every day was research, whether there was a case or not, the rest of the time was filled with research. And if there was one thing Dean hated, it was research.

“Go to sleep, Dean. We will start,” Sam said once they arrived.

Dean looked up in surprise. Sam didn’t say things like that so often any more. When he looked into the eyes of his brother, he suddenly understood. This is what Sam must have felt like in the very beginning when Jess died. And later, when Madison had to die.

Sam understood what Dean was going through, and he was right. Dean was tired; he didn’t sleep well any more. So, Dean just nodded and headed off towards his bedroom. He took out the small bottle of grace and looked at it.

The grace swirled around in the bottle, alive. It was fascinating, but at the same time it made Dean incredibly sad. This was Cas’ grace. It should be inside of Cas, not in a small bottle Dean had with him. He sighed and fell asleep with the bottle in his hands.

The next few days were spent just like a few weeks ago. Waking up, having breakfast, doing research, and going back to bed. It was as boring and frustrating as it ever had been, and no words were said unless they had to.

Then, one day Charlie jumped out of her chair and almost screamed, causing Sam and Dean to almost fall off their own chairs. “I got it!” she yelled. “I spent the whole day and night hacking this, and I finally got the files! I now know what to do to save Cas.”

“Good job!” Sam said, and then looked at Charlie. “So now you got this hacked, you get the hell to sleep.” She had big gray bags under her eyes and she looked more tired than she had ever looked before.

“No, I need to…” she tried, but Dean just picked her up from the ground and lifted her in his arms where she dozed off immediately.

“When we tell you to sleep, you go to sleep,” Dean said, smiling. Somewhere, he felt proud Charlie felt safe enough to fall asleep in his arms. He walked to her bedroom and laid her down. When he came back, Sam was stretching himself.

“I say we go take a nap too, none of us has been sleeping last night,” he suggested.

Dean agreed, the three of them had been really close to answers last night, so they never looked at the time and just worked until the sun shone through the window again. They weren’t even surprised any more when that happened. Both Sam and Dean had never slept much, but the past weeks had been a record.

Right before he fell asleep, Dean took the bottle with grace in his hands. I’ll find you. And I’ll save you. I promise.

A/N I'm sorry, this chapter has been more of a filler. I don’t think I have ever typed a chapter this slow. I just couldn’t come up with the words, it was horrible. I fucking hate filler chapters. But anyways, here it is. Next chapter will be about Cas ayyee (it’s a bit sad oops I hurt myself by writing it). Thanks for reading!


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