High Sea's Love (Rosé x Fem R...

By LittleRed11204

74.4K 3.9K 7.1K

In the late 1600's, two rival captains of the seas are put to their toughest test: surviving together on a de... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen [M]
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight [M]
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty-One

1.7K 102 342
By LittleRed11204

It's been about a week and Rosie and I have just been in complete harmony with one another. I swear we are starting to finish each other's thoughts and it's kind of freaking me out. We just know what the other is thinking at all times and know when the other person needs help. It's creepy, yet comforting.

I'm just outside of our house putting away some of the pork I had just chopped up. My knife was getting a little dull and I needed to go and sharpen it up on the stone I have inside. I stood up and ran right into Rosie's body. I didn't even know she was behind me and when I gathered myself, she had the stone in her hand. I pointed to it in disbelief,

"How the bloody hell did you know I needed that?"

"Well when I hear you muttering 'damn knife' to yourself every minute, I put two and two together."

So maybe we don't read each other's minds, but it's close enough. I thanked her as she handed it over to me and she told me she was going to go and pick some flowers because the inside of our house 'is damn near lifeless' in her words. I just let her go on her way and started to sharpen my knife so it actually becomes effective. I accidentally cut my finger a bit and had to go get some medical stuff real quick. I know I'm going to get an earful from Rosie, but I'll just reassure her that I'm fine.

After some time, I heard Rosie singing something and walking back over to our house from behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw she was already looking back at me with a wide smile. I copied her smile and then glanced down to see a bunch of different flowers in her hands.

"Looks like you have quite the assortment of flowers there, baby." I told her as she nodded her head happily,

"I do!" She then sat down next to me and I stopped sharpening my knife in order to give her my full attention. She laid them all out in front of me and went over each and every single one of them, and of course I listened to every word. Even though she's already told me about half of these flowers when she made paint with them before, I pretended I didn't remember when she asked me if I did. This got her just to talk longer and that's exactly what I wanted.

"These are all lovely, Rosie. Go ahead and take whatever pots you want from here," I said, pointing to the crate that held all that stuff, "and set up the flowers however you want. I'll be inside in a few to see."

"Be quick." She said as she leaned over to give me a quick kiss before standing up and grabbing different shaped pots. I watched as she went around the house and when she disappeared from my sights, I went back to sharpening my knife. I was at it for only about 10 more minutes before deciding it was sharp enough when it easily cut through a mango I was snacking on. I got up and went around to go inside,

"Rosie, I'm coming in." I announced to her as I opened the door. I didn't hear her tell me to not come in, so I walked in and saw her sitting proudly on our bed, a giddy smile on her face. I shot her one back and looked around our little home, seeing the flowers in pots placed around. I do have to say, she has a talent for making this place not look like crap.

"I have to say, I'm impressed with your decorating skills." I told her.

"Thank you, I really think it looks a lot better." I quirked an eyebrow,

"So you think it was bad before?"

"Yes." She responded without hesitation. I just shook my head and heard her laughing at me. I just made my way over to the bed and laid down on it, looking up at Rosie.

"You didn't have to respond right away; at least take a couple of seconds." She smirked down at me and moved on top of me, straddling my waist.

"I definitely had to in order to remind you of my dominance." I rolled my eyes at her,

"Just because I let you top me a little last night does not mean you're more dominant than me." I explained to her, pointing my finger at her. She just pushed my finger away and leaned down closer to my face,

"I think it definitely means that."

"Pff, yeah right. You can't even lift me up, stick arms." She gasped and pulled herself away from me,

"I am not stick arms! I can totally pick you up!" I just stared blankly at her, which made her huff out in annoyance. She then got off of me and I whined,

"Why did you have to move? I was going to make out with you."

"Shut up." She crouched down and was about to hook her arms underneath my body and try to pick me up,

"Woah woah, slow your roll there baby. Can you even do a push-up?" I asked her. She paused for a moment before dropping to the ground, ready to do a push-up to show her strength before trying to pick me up. She took a deep breath before lowering herself down, arms already shaking. I smirked at her as she gritted her teeth, trying to push herself up. But, she flopped straight down onto the ground.

I was about to open up my mouth and tell her 'I told you so', but she lifted a finger up, signaling to me that she doesn't want to hear it. I laughed and then she turned her head to face me, disappointment and anger being displayed on her features.

"I still love you." I said as I looked into her eyes. I watched as she fought back a smile hearing those words.

"Whatever." She said as seriously as she could, rolling over onto her back and sitting up. I patted the spot next to me and she looked down at it before sighing dramatically and scooting over to sit next to me. I took her hand in mine and brought it up to my lips and left a kiss on the back of it. She didn't pull her hand away from me and I then turned it over and kissed her palm gently. I tugged on her hand a tiny bit,

"Come here." I asked my girlfriend softly as she complied and moved over to my lap. I smiled at her and she smiled back at me, giggling a little as I moved my right hand to her waist.

"I love you too." She finally said as she started to lean in; I soon felt her lips against mine. It was a slow kiss, our lips moving against each other perfectly. I took her bottom lip in between mine and she sighed into it. She moved her arms to drape around my neck and I now had both arms loosely wrapped around her waist. As we kissed, Rosie slid her tongue across my lip and I parted them for her, not wanting to upset her any further since she's still made she couldn't do a push-up.

Her tongue darted into my mouth and started to explore, making me turn into putty underneath her. I could tell she was having the time of her life being on top of me by her body language. But I understand her because I feel the same way when I'm on top of her.

"Mm, babe." She mumbled basically into my mouth. It sent shivers up my spine and I pushed her back towards me so her front was flush with mine.

"You're everything to me." I replied to her as we continued making out. Rosie moved her hands to cup either side of my face, her thumbs brushing against the tops of my ears. She pulled her lips away from mine and rested her forehead on mine. I opened my eyes and saw her gorgeous eyes shining at me.

"You're my everything too." I broke out into a wide grin and leaned forward a bit, rubbing my nose softly against hers. She let out a breathy laugh and took her bottom lip in her teeth, just smiling at me. My heart was beating faster and everywhere her body was in contact with mine felt on fire.

I guess I like playing with fire then.

Our cute little moment was ruined when my stomach obnoxiously growled, making my face heat up in embarrassment. Rosie tilted her head back in laughter as I just groaned out,

"Shut up!"

"Nope. Get me food while you're at it. We both haven't eaten lunch yet. I'm surprised my stomach hasn't growled yet."

"Yeah yeah, I'll get some pork from outside along with a pineapple. Do you want raspberries too?" I asked her as I got up and brushed off my tailcoat. She thought about my question for a bit before answering,

"Yes please." I nodded my head and grabbed a plate that I'll just put everything on for the time being and walked outside. I closed my eyes as the sunlight practically blinded me. I groaned out annoyed and had to crack my eyes open slowly, adjusting them to the light. After blinking a few times and also sneezing twice, I was able to fully see everything as my eyes had adjusted.

Part of me wishes that they never adjusted; that time never moved forward.

Over the horizon, coming towards our island on the deep sea were three ships. I just froze and tried to see if I could tell what any of them looked like in detail, but they were still too far away. I cursed under my breath and went back inside, frantically searching for the spyglass we got not too long ago.

"Y/n? Is everything alright?" Rosie asked from beside me as I dug through a crate.

"Not right now, no." I told her as I finally found the spyglass. I ran back outside and heard her follow me. I brought the spyglass up to my eye and gasped at the details I could now clearly see.

On the far right was Rosie's ship, the middle was mine, then the far left was... the one Jisoo had before.

"What the bloody hell." I said angrily as I brought the spyglass away from my eye. Rosie took it out of my hands and also looked out onto the sea. I heard her mutter a 'damn it' under her breath.

If it was just Rosie and I's ships, that would be completely fine. But now I'm confused on why Jisoo's ship is alongside them; and why Lisa and Jennie allowed them to tag along.

"Something isn't right." I stated as we both just stood side by side, staring.

"I know." Rosie replied in almost a whisper. I looked over at her and saw her slightly panicked expression. I don't know what is going on in her head, but I want it to stop. I turned to fully face her and wrapped her up in a big hug, feeling her head rest in the crook of my neck. I slipped my hand under her shirt and rubbed her back gently, trying to calm her down.

"It'll be fine, I promise." I told her, trying to reassure her that everything will indeed be fine. But the truth is I don't even know if it'll be fine.

"You can't promise that and you know that." She said, her voice cracking, making my heart break. I squeezed her tighter and kissed the side of her head,

"I know, but I'll do everything in my power to make sure it'll be fine, and I know you'll do the same. I love you." I started to hear sobs coming from my lover and I just held her as close as I could to me. I brought my right hand up to her hair and gently played with it, trying to calm her down. By the distance of the ships, it will probably take them about 40 minutes to get as close as they can before they have to take the smaller boats to shore.

I felt her moving around in my embrace and she pulled her head up so she could look into my eyes. I cupped her cheek and she leaned right into my touch, giving me a frown,

"What if something happens?"

"It won't because we won't let something happen." I told her firmly. A tear slipped out of her eye,

"I love you, y/n, so much." She brought her hand up to mine and placed it on top. I could feel the warmth of her palm on the back of my hand and it brought me immense comfort.

"And I love you," I gave her a small smile, "how about we get our weapons and prepare for who knows what. All I know is if Jisoo is on that damn boat and comes here, I'm making sure she isn't going back to it." That got a chuckle out of Rosie,

"Not if I get to her first." I leaned in to give her an emotion-driven kiss and she kissed back right away. It was a short lived kiss though because we both knew we needed to get ready for whatever the hell is going to happen in less than an hour.

We both went back inside and started to grab all the supplies we were going to need for the upcoming events and I also stuffed some raspberries in my mouth for energy. Rosie rolled her eyes at me,

"We still have time, ya know." She said as I was frantically popping raspberries into my mouth.


"I hate you." I swallowed the raspberries and repeat what I said,

"I said who said I was waiting for them? I'm just making sure you don't eat them." That got a light smack on my shoulder and I giggled as Rosie started to scold me. She obviously wasn't mad at me and soon she started to laugh along with me.

But our time alone was soon going to end.

I checked over everything to make sure I had all my weapons I needed and Rosie did the same. I nodded my head in affirmation and then pecked her lips once she was also done,

"I love you, Roseanne." I mumbled against her lips before pulling back with a stupid grin on my face. She playfully rolled her eyes at me,

"Love you too." I held out my hand for her,

"Shall we greet our awaiting guests?" I watched her look down at my hand and weave her fingers through mine. I waited for her eyes to meet mine again, and she lifted them up with a smile present on her face,

"We shall."

We walked out hand in hand and then looked over to the sea, seeing three row boats coming closer and closer to the shore. Two of the boats had two people and the other had three. I squinted my eyes and smiled brightly as I could see Lisa was frantically rowing the boat and Irene most likely yelling at her to hurry up. I chuckled,

"Those idiots." I also heard Rosie laugh from beside me,

"Jennie and Felix aren't any better." I glanced over to their boat and saw Jennie standing overtop of Felix, shouting at him.

I moved my gaze over to the final boat and my smile dropped as I saw Jisoo staring right at me. I couldn't see the other two people as their backs were facing me because they were rowing. I was about to say something to Rosie, but I felt her hand tighten around mine and put two and two together.

"Guessing you see her."

"Yes." She said coldly. I glanced over at her and saw her jaw clenched and eyes staring back at Jisoo's boat. I looked back over, but I met another pair of eyes.

"Y/N! YOU'RE BLOODY ALIVE!" I know the situation isn't the best because of Jisoo, but damn it my best friend always makes me smile. Lisa was now standing in the boat and waving obnoxiously at me, with Irene trying to make sure the boat didn't tip behind her. But Lisa being Lisa, she lost her balance and into the sea she went. I facepalmed and sighed,

"That's one part about her I didn't miss."

"ROSÉ! OH MY HOW I'VE MISSED YOU! THE CREW IS SO STUPID; IT HURT MY HEAD BEING ALONE!" I heard Jennie shout as their boat was only a few meters from shore.

"I didn't miss her yelling and complaining." I snickered at Rosie's words and I saw Lisa emerging from the water onto the shore. She was soaking wet, but the radiant smile on her face made it seem like she totally wasn't freezing. I squeezed Rosie hand,

"I'm going to let go because I really wanna give that damn idiot a big hug."

"Go ahead, she's sprinting towards you anyway." I snapped my head back in Lisa's direction and saw she was indeed sprinting towards me. I let go of Rosie's hand and laughed as I also ran towards her. We soon met in the middle and Lisa tackled me right to the ground.

"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Lisa screamed from above me as I was wrapped up in a bear hug. I was now soaking wet, but I didn't mind. It was also hard to breath, but I hugged her back tightly,

"You're really here." I said, honestly shocked they found us.

"Of course! We never stopped looking for you!"  I looked up into Lisa's big eyes and saw the absolute happiness she was feeling.

"I missed your dumbass too," she began suffocating me once again as she squeezed me harder. I tapped her back, "get off of me so I can breathe please."

"Oh! My bad!" She quickly got off of me and held her hands out to help me up. I saw Irene walking over to us and I glanced over to Rosie to see her happily talking to Jennie and Felix. She must've felt my eyes on her as she quickly glanced over to us and gave me a smile before returning to her conversation.

"Why do you have that smile on your face?" I heard Lisa ask me. I looked back at her,

"Just happy we were finally found." I said simply. Lisa eyed me suspiciously, but didn't say anything. Irene came up beside her,

"Nice to finally see you again, y/n. This one was a really handful to deal with alone."


"I'm so sorry about that." I told her as we just laughed at the now annoyed Lisa. We started to get into conversation, but a voice interrupted all of us.

"Sorry to break up the reunion, but I need to help these two lovely people." I clenched my jaw and turned my head to see Jisoo staring at me. I looked beside her and saw two older people, one man and one woman. They both looked on the wealthier side and I guessed that they were a couple.  Both were giving me a look that was not welcoming in the slightest. I leaned a little towards Lisa,

"So I'm guessing Jisoo told you we were here?" She nodded her head, "and did she tell you who these oldies were?" She then shook her head,

"No, she kept that a secret." I hummed and turned my attention back to Jisoo. My hand migrated down to the hilt of my sword as she was already on my nerves.

I saw Jisoo smirking, but not at me, at a person behind me. I turned around and saw Rosie as white as a ghost. Jennie and Felix were equally confused as I while Rosie was just frozen, eyes wide. I was about to call out her name, but Jisoo beat me to it,

"Roseanne Park, that's not the right way to greet your parents."

How the hell does she know her naparents? PARENTS???

All of our eyes widened simultaneously at the most insane information I've ever heard; who am I kidding, all of us have heard. I obviously have no idea what is going on in my lover's head right now, but I know it can't be good. We were just all silent as we let the weight of the information sink in. I turned my head back to the three and saw both her parents giving these disgusting smiles.

"Our baby girl is all grown up." Her father said with a very annoying voice. My hand tightened on the hilt of my sword, but Lisa's hand came over top to stop me. I was internally screaming at her, but I just waited for the situation to play out.

"Well, since I might as well tell all of you everything, here goes nothing. I obviously found these two over a month ago and when I came back to the mainland, I went searching for Rosé's parents because I knew she ran away. Turns out they've been trying to hunt her down and take her back. Then I told Lisa and Jennie about your guys' whereabouts so they can see your lives ruined." Jisoo explained to us.

"What...?" Jennie said out of confusion. Jisoo just shook her head in amusement,

"Oh you heard me."

"You're coming home with us Roseanne." Her mother said with a stern voice.

I didn't care about rationality right now and pulled my sword out, getting in front of Rosie. I held an arm out in front of her and I pointed my sword towards her bastard parents.

"Yeah, that's not going to happen on my watch." I told them, staring them down. Her father's eyes were on fire now,

"So you're the one... corrupting our precious Christian daughter."

"Excuse me?" I said, just making sure I heard the bastard correctly.

"You're her... ugh I can't even say it! You have a... romantic relationship with our daughter! You're the devil and making our daughter sin! That's against the laws of the church and you should be executed!"

The loud gasps that came from the other four people behind me definitely told me that they were all shocked. Forgot that they didn't know that Rosie and I are together. I dug my feet into the sand a little more and moved my arm so it was now resting gently across her abdomen. I softly tugged her towards me to further shield her from her spawn of satan parents. I think it's a little hypocritical that they're the ones saying I'm basically the devil when they're like that.

"So what about it? What if I am her lover?"

"We are going to end you!" Her mother screamed at me, face getting red from anger. I scoff and rolled my eyes at her,

"Oh no, I'm so scared!" I said sarcastically. I was about to say more, but the sound of a gun brought my attention back over to her father. There he had a musket that held a lot of power aimed right at my head. I gulped a little as I knew what that gun was capable of. Only the rich could afford it, so you know it's good.

"I see I wiped that confidence off your face, little girl." Her father said with a crooked smile. I readjusted my fingers on my sword and was thinking of ways to make the situation turn in my favor. I know Lisa, Irene, Jennie, and Felix don't have a gun because they obviously didn't know this was going to be the situation.

"Don't shoot her." Rosie said, finally speaking for the first time since we found out these were her parents. Both their eyes locked onto her,

"Our Rosie Posie, come home." Her mother said, faking politeness.

"I just said don't shoot her, I didn't say anything about coming home with you two." She stated boldly. I internally smirked at how badass my girl sounded right now. Her father's jaw clenched and he took a step towards us, making me take a step back and pull Rosie too. I felt her warm hand on mine as I stared down the barrel of his gun.

"You wouldn't shoot me." I said, trying to use the one thing a smart guy told me years ago. Reverse psycho? Reverse school? Reverse psychology? Whatever it's called, I'm trying to use that. He let out a chuckle,

"Let's find out then."


I heard the gunshot, meaning that I didn't get shot in the head because if I did, I wouldn't have heard the gun. I opened my eyes and saw myself on the sand and felt a body on top of me. I turned my head to see Rosie looking down at me. A tear rolled down her cheek,

"Don't do that again. I can't have you die." She whispered to me, even though I could barely hear it over the ringing in my ears. I nodded my head as words failed me right now. She looked up at her parents,

"I'll talk to you. Alone."

Uh, I think the hell not.


"Shh, it's okay." She told me with a tearful smile as she placed a kiss on my forehead. I tried to stop her, but she got off of me and walked over to her parents. I scrambled to my feet and helplessly watched as they walked away.

"She'll be fine." Lisa said from beside me now, trying to reassure me.

"What if–"

"Oi, it'll be fine. She's Rosé Park after all." Jennie said with a weak smile. All of us just looked at the three people in the distance, very animatedly arguing. I could feel my heartbeat everywhere in my body and I don't think that's good, but whatever. I nervously bit my fingernail and was about to run over there and kill the two bastards as I saw Rosie break down crying. I watched as she kept shaking her head no, but her parents just kept at it.

Eventually, I saw her nod her head and her parents smiled triumphantly at their daughter.

The three walked back over and Rosie couldn't even make eye contact with me. Her parents stayed about two meters away as Rosie walked up in front of me. I heard a violent sob fall from her lips and I reached out for her, but she backed away and shook her head.

Heartbreak number one.

"Rosie," I said weakly to her as she held her hand out defensively. She then found the strength in her to look up at me and make eye contact with me. Her eyes were the saddest I've ever seen them and completely bloodshot. I don't know what her parents said, but it wasn't good.

"You need to stay out of my life. For now and forever."

Heartbreak number two.

"You don't mean that," I said with a faint chuckle, trying to tell myself that this was all just one big joke. One big prank everyone was pulling on me. Tears fell from her eyes and she covered her mouth as she cried more. Tears were already in my eyes as reality was quickly setting in, "Baby, no. I can't do that. I love you."

"Don't make this harder than it has to be." She said as her voice broke from emotional distress.


"Roseanne." Her father's voice boomed. I glanced back at him and saw him impatiently waiting. Rosie started to turn around towards them, but I lunged forward and caught her wrist,

"Rosie please."

"I don't love you anymore." She told me as she ripped her wrist out of my grip.

Heartbreak number three

"That... that's a lie and you know it!" I yelled at her, hot tears now streaming down my face, "You know damn well that's a lie! The biggest lie you've ever told in your life! I know you still love me because I still love you, so much!"

"Y/n," she said, finding my eyes once more, "you remember that bet we had at the beginning? The one about if you lose, you have to do whatever I want?"

I nodded my head at her as I remembered the moment we made that bet. It dawned on me that she indeed won the bet because one of our crews showed up; in this case both did.

"Oh no," I said mainly to myself as I know what she's going to say, "no no Rosie, baby please no."

"Y/n, since I'm the winner of the bet, you have to stay out of my life for good."

Heartbreak number four.

Her voice was stronger and more confident than before, making me lose my confidence about her love for me. I reached out for her once more, but she turned away and walked towards her parents. I collapsed to the ground and cried harder than I ever have. I clutched my chest and cried out,

"Rosie, please don't go! I love you! Is my love not enough for you? Baby, you said that you'd make sure nothing bad happens to us and you did the worst thing imaginable to us! You can't leave me!" I wanted to cry out to her more, but I felt arms wrap around my back and I helplessly watched as my lover's parents and Jisoo got back into the row boat. This time, with one other person: my girl, my Rosie.

The boat went out into the open sea towards the ship and I cried into Lisa's arms for a while. After some time, I looked over her shoulder and saw the ship starting to sail away. I shot up off the sand and the four people still here on the island looked at me in confusion. I just ran into our home and grabbed everything that meant something to me; things like the wooden figures, Rosie's paintings, my journal, etc. I ran back out and past the four awaiting people. I paused and turned back to them as I sniffled for the last time, wanting to push my emotions away for now. I then cleared my throat and spoke up,

"There's no way in hell I'm letting the love of my life go that easily. Get your asses moving so we can follow that damn ship!"

no words, head empty. i told y'all that i came up with a plot twist, here it is :) i mean it's not like THAT unique, but it's causing some drama... well a lot of drama LMAO. so, will there be a happy ending? shit, i don't even know. this is also the first 5k chapter, yay. welp, i know most of u aren't too fond of the chapter, but thanks for reading it anyway! see u all in the next one... <3

IMPORTANT: updates may not be as frequent, check my conversation on my account for the explanation

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