A Pureblood's Guide to Dating...

By Ethereal6513

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Regulus Black has known two things his entire life: One, Colette Rosier is his best friend and two, he is abo... More

Author's Note
Lineage of The Houses
Part 1: Chapter One: Sirius Black!
Chapter Two: Endure It
Chapter Three: Potions & Profanities
Chapter Four: Sixth Year Pains
Chapter Five: Captain Regulus Black
Chapter Six: Jinx Me! Hex Me!
Chapter Seven: What Are You Doing Here?
Chapter Eight: Eavesdropping
Chapter Nine: Dreams & Nightmares
Chapter Ten: Take My Breath
Chapter Eleven: Don't Hide Lette.
Chapter Twelve: You Messed Up
Chapter Thirteen: Happy Birthday, Reg.
Chapter Fourteen: New Beginnings
Chapter Fifteen: The Great Disaster of St. Mungos
Chapter Sixteen: Magical Muggle Lighter
Chapter Seventeen: Jealousy, Jealousy.
Chapter Eighteen: Enjoy Your Life, Sirius Black!
Chapter Nineteen: Hex Me Once...
Chapter Twenty: Regulus... Sirius... Quidditch. Oh My.
Chapter Twenty-One: Easy To Love You
Chapter Twenty Three: Moon of Glass
Chapter Twenty Four: The Angel of Death
Chapter Twenty Five: Scars.
Chapter Twenty Six: Choices & Decisions
Chapter Twenty Seven: Chocolate Frogs
Chapter Twenty Eight: Chรขteau du Rosier
Chapter Twenty Nine: Honeysuckle
Chapter Thirty: I Wanna Be Yours. Do You Wanna Be Mine?
Chapter Thirty One: Champagne Problems
Chapter Thirty Two: Happy Christmas
Chapter Thirty Three: The Dark Lord
Part 2: 1978
Chapter Thirty Five: And The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Thirty Six: Regulus's Nightmare
Chapter Thirty Seven: Amortentia
Chapter Thirty Eight: My Bloody Valentine
Chapter Thirty Nine: Be Selfish For Me
Chapter Forty: Her Bed. His Mess.
Chapter Forty One: Behind The Stacks
Chapter Forty Two: I Will Kill Him.
Chapter Forty Three: Washed Clean
Chapter Forty Four: Nice One, James!
Chapter Forty Five: Didn't They Warn You?
Chapter Forty Six: Don't Leave Me, Brother.
Chapter Forty Seven: The Reeling

Chapter Twenty-Two: I Hate You

876 21 25
By Ethereal6513

A.N. I present you this beautiful chapter that was the sole reason why I started writing this fanfic. One night late July I wrote the Colette/Sirius spice (yes this chapter has spice) scene and suddenly PBGTDBB was born! So please enjoy this very MATURE chapter of not one but two spice/smut scenes.


Professor Peoria stood at the head of the classroom. His long robes cascading down like waterfalls as he stood in his lectern. Alchemy, which had once been Regulus best subject, was now becoming to be a royal pain in his arse. It seemed that each class was becoming more and more tedious by the minute. And on top of that, the Professor's voice was utterly monotone. He never minded it before when he had to endure this lecture, but today he found his thoughts in other places.

"Students, today we will be discussing more on the mysticism of Alchemy. Now, there is an importance to the languages and scripts created by alchemists."

A collective groan escaped the lips of the students in the classroom.

Professor Peoria frowned. "Now, now students. You are not going to be tested on reading them. However, I do expect that you understand the multilevel language that Alchemy was founded and written in during the Medieval and Renaissance periods. Who can tell me why this secret language came to be?"

Colette raised her hand.

"Ah, yes Miss Rosier!"

"Thank you Professor," Colette replied, sitting up a bit straighter. "The language that alchemist us is not a traditional language, but rather a way of communicating. They use puns, wordplay, phonetic similarities, alternative spelling, unusual punctuation and references to other works, symbols and myths. It can also be known as the Language of the Birds."

Professor Peoria beamed, bowing his chin in approval. His long white beard swished over his violet robes. "Excellent Miss Rosier! Ten points to Slytherin!"

Regulus quickly glanced over at Colette, who sat next to Greengrass— his fucking girlfriend— a few rows over. He should have been paying attention to Eleanor, but instead his attention was solely on Colette.

The dark haired witch wore a sly smile that showed her approval. Sometimes he wondered if Lette should have been placed into Ravenclaw. She was beyond brilliant and succeeded at everything she set her mind too. But the Rosier family came from a long line of Slytherins and he knew that the males of the family were notorious for the practice of Dark Magic.

Lette, however, never seemed to be interested in the darker side of magic. If anything she practiced Grey Magic. She was good— well, as good as a Pureblood who was surrounded by all things wicked got.

He was not good.

The Black family was raised in Pureblood mania and taught him, and his estranged brother, the same. Which was why Sirius had abandoned him. Why he left to go live with the Potters in their perfect home with their righteous morals. That was not a mindset that one would want to be in, nor was it an attainable lifestyle. Especially with the rise of the Dark Lord— his Lord.

He glanced over towards Colette again, something about her made his stomach twist. Maybe it was the guilt over everything that had occurred. Maybe he wished that he had been a better friend.

"You couldn't even see when she was hurting..." Sirius's vicious words still sliced at him like a sharp blade. "Are you jealous Reggie? You always were jealous when we were younger when Lette would prefer my company over yours..." Godric, Regulus was never even jealous. "I bet you didn't even realize your best friend was going through shit. You just assumed and then you chose to go on and shag Greengrass. "You didn't even think about how it would hurt her." It was like glass against Regulus's soul. Vicious and unending. "You're just as selfish and spoiled as you were when we were children. You are selfish, Regulus. You are a selfish low lying bastard!"

Regulus wanted to scream bloody murder. He was far too fearful to ask Lette if she thought that of him. And especially after the events of last weekend... fuck.

The three of them when they were just children were inseparable. Him and Lette always the closest, but Sirius and her always had a sort of tethered bond. But once Sirius had been sorted into Gryffindor, the two of them drifted apart. Even his relationship with his brother was never the same and it all happened the day he left for Hogwarts.

Regulus closed his eyes, remembering the memory.

He clutched onto Walburga's obsidian skirts as he felt his chin wobble. He didn't want to cry. He was a Black and they were taught to be obedient, never shed a tear and serve their elders.

But this was his older brother— Sirius.

They had been attached at the hip, alongside Colette, and the thought of him just leaving for an entire year was far too much to bare.

Walburga narrowed her eyes at her son. "You belong to the Noble and Most Honorable House of Black, Sirius. If you dare disgrace or disobey me, you will regret the day you were born!" Her words were like venom. "You tend to want to disgrace this family with your obedience issues. I will not be submitted to having to explain your antics to the rest of the families."

Sirius only smirked up at Walburga, challenging her in a way. "I promise to only serve, Mother."

Regulus knew that it pained him to even say that simple familial term. Walburga's lip coiled up into a sneer. Nervously, Regulus glanced around, afraid that his mother would strike with her wicked back hand right here. She was not beyond public displays of violence. The two Black brothers had become used to such aggression over the years.

And Regulus could only assume that it would become worse now that his eldest brother was gone.

"Please don't leave," Regulus practically begged, releasing his mother's skirt.

Sirius sighed, pulling his younger brother into a tight hug. The two stayed like that for a long while, before Sirius whispered into his ear. "I will be back before you even notice that I'm gone. I give you full permission to raid my room, I believe I have a box of chocolate frogs stashed somewhere." Sirius gave Regulus a wink, before adding, "Christmas holiday is only a few months away."

Walburga bristled, running a hand over Regulus's curls. "He will be far better off without your—" But her words trailed off as she spotted the Rosier family. She stood up a tad bit straighter, running a hand over the bodice of her dark gown. "Cressida— Felix—"

The Rosier family, with Evan, Joséphine, Bastien and Colette in toe, strode up gracefully to the platform. The train screamed its high pitched whistle in the background, signaling that it was nearly time to leave.

Leave... Sirius would be leaving.

He couldn't help but wonder if Colette was feeling the same way. Her bright grey eyes were locked on Sirius, milky with hours of crying not only her older brothers and sister, but also for his own.

"Walburga— Orion—" Cressida dipped her chin in acknowledgment. With a soft motherly grasp, she placed her delicate hands on Joséphine's shoulders. "It is always such a bittersweet time seeing our children off. And this is your first, correct?"

"Yes, Sirius here will do great honor to our noble household. Slytherin is the best house after all and a long line of Blacks before him."

"Yes," Cressida smiled demurely. "It is Joséphines third year and Bastien's seventh But Evans first year. Of course we would prefer all of our children in Slytherin, but whichever house they so choose will be perfectly fine."

"Mum—" Bastien interrupted, "all of our friends are on board. Can we please go?"

Cressida placed a hand on her eldest son's cheek, before sending him off. Joséphine, however, planted a kiss on her mother's cheek and then her fathers.

Walburga bristled. "Coddling your children will do no good, Cressida."

She only arched a manicured brow, the corners of her lips twisting in amusement. "Well, we do have very diverse parenting styles after all."

His mother gave a little harrumph before gripping tightly onto Regulus's arm, but he didn't want to move. He desperately held onto Sirius, hoping that his eyes, the ones slightly lighter than Sirius's own, showed how badly he did not want him to leave.

"Please don't go..." Regulus begged, tears starting to swell in his eyes. "Please Sirius. Please don't leave me."

Sirius pulled Regulus close in, not caring that Walburga was trying to rip them apart. In a soft hushed whisper, that only Regulus could hear, Sirius breathed, "I promise to write to you every single day. I promise that she won't hurt you. And if she does, stay with Lette. She will keep you safe Reggie. She keeps me safe too."

Regulus shivered, earning a glance from Mulciber. His face was bloodied and beaten still battered to no end. Regulus couldn't dare to look at him for the past few days, but he supposed now that he had no choice. He had tried to sit next to Lette, but Greengrass pitched a fit. But he couldn't dare let him take the spot next to her.

Salazar after everything that he had said.

Truthfully he didn't care if he considered this prick to be one of his best mates. He would gladly murder him any day for her.

"You alright mate?" Mulciber cocked a brow.

Regulus only waved him off, leaning back in his chair with his leg propped up over his knee. His gaze flickered back over towards Greengrass. Regulus took the moment to study her delicate features. He had always known Eleanor to be undeniably stunning. Many of the wizards here had wanted her and she was constantly the talk of his side of the dormitories. And he how somehow managed to snag her without even wanting or trying to do so. Eleanor was a great shag, there was no denying it.

Then there was the issue of Slughorn's Annual Christmas Soirée. He always took Lette. They had gone as friends for the last seven years.

He chewed on the inside of his cheek, contemplating his options. He could ask her again. It wouldn't be strange if he did.

Ask your bloody girlfriend! His thoughts seethed.

Right, his girlfriend. What a foolish thing to have especially in times like these. There was no room at the Dark Lords table for women. Although he had no doubt that Eleanor wouldn't give two shits if Regulus was a Death Eater.

But Colette would mind and that was his fucking problem.

As if sensing his attention, Colette turned to glance at him over her shoulder.

Shit. Shit Shit.

He gave her a quick smirk and then turned his gaze back towards Eleanor. She paid no mind towards the lecture, as she chewed on a sugar quill. Regulus cocked his head to one side, studying her. Eleanor was the complete opposite of Colette Rosier, even though they shared some of the same blood from Claudia Rosier.

Eleanor was... well, she wasn't her.

"Alright students!" Professor Peoria clapped his hands together, glancing around the room eagerly. "That concludes todays lecture. Next class, we will be discussing the magical properties of numbers. I expect you all to be prepared and ready. That means reading those books you let collect dust!"

There was a series of groans from the students, followed by the sounds of papers shuffling.

Regulus gathered his back, shoving in his unused parchment and ink pot. All just a waste of a day— and a class.

Salazar, he wanted this day to be over.

"Do you want to grab some lunch?" Eleanor's far too chipper voice sounded behind him.

Whirling, he met her cinnamon gaze, giving her a quick smirk in greeting. Mulciber seemed to chuckle, smacking Regulus on the shoulder, before moving to walk Colette out of the classroom.


It was taking every restraint in him not to push past his girlfriend and grab Colette. He had to keep bloody rutting Demeter Mulciber far, far, far away from Colette Rosier. It seemed that not even a brush with death could stop the bastard.

But as if the gods were somehow listening to him, Colette paused at the doorframe of the classroom and gave him a soft grin.

Relief washed over him, something cool and calming. He knew that Mulciber would never act on his words, but it still unsettled him the way that he... talked about her. That sort of protective nature in him that always wanted to keep her safe.

Regulus ran his hand nervously over the back of his neck, glancing down at Eleanor. "Er— yeah, I just need to run by my rooms first."

They moved through the long corridor, and Regulus thought that it might have been the most torturous moment of his life. Mulciber and Colette walking ahead of him, only a few paces, while him and Greengrass hung back. He watched with a possessive predatory stare as Mulciber wrapped his arm around Colette's shoulder, pulling her close.

No one touched her.

He could feel the anger slowly rise inside of him at the thought of that bastard getting anywhere close to her.

Colette pushed him away, rolling her eyes at something he said. Probably something inappropriate and disturbing. He wished that Evan had injured Mulciber enough so that he couldn't move for weeks— but apparently, Sev's potions were far too phenomenal, that they could create miracles.

He silently thanked and cursed the Potions prodigy.

"So!" Greengrass said far too enthusiastically for a Thursday. "Slughorn's Christmas Soirée is coming up and—" She chewed on her bottom lip, glancing up at Regulus through her lashes. "And I was thinking that we could coordinate our outfits."

He furrowed his brow. "What?"

"Slughorn's Christmas Soirée?"

"Er—" Regulus scratched the back of his neck. "Right, right. I... um, forgot."


He didn't forget. He just didn't want to bring her. He should ask Greengrass. It was his fucking girlfriend for Merlin's sake! Why was he even thinking about asking Colette?

Oh, that's right, because you can't think about anything else but her.

They approached the Slytherin common room, watching as the stoney snake coiled and slithered away, allowing for their entry.

It wasn't that busy today, and maybe that was because most of the students would be in the Great Hall. But Regulus found himself wishing that Greengrass was no where near so he could talk to Lette. He still needed to bring up the fact that he was getting the Dark Mark in December. He knew that if he kept it from her, she would find out and hate him for it. Or would she try to deter him from his goal?

Greengrass was saying something to him, but he didn't hear a word.

"I am just going to drop off my books and get my essay for D.A.D.A done," Colette said, snapping Regulus from his thoughts.

He whipped his head up to look at her, furrowing his brows. "But I thought we were going to grab lunch?"

"That was me, Reggie." Eleanor frowned, narrowing her eyes.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Colette cocked her head, looking between Regulus and Eleanor. She was about to say something, when Mulciber wrapped his arm around her once more, pulling her close.

"Don't worry, Black—" Mulciber flashed a wicked grin. "I'll make sure Rosier here gets her essay done and fed properly. You go on and tend to your girlfriend."

Demeter Mulciber said the word as if he knew the truth.

And maybe it was wrong to string Eleanor Greengrass along. Regulus would never marry her— in fact her never saw himself as the marrying type. She was a great shag, always so eager and willing to do whatever he needed. And she was needy... obnoxiously so. She was like a pesky fly that kept buzzing in his ear.

You have a girlfriend. You have a girlfriend. Eleanor Greengrass was his girlfriend. Colette Rosier is only your friend.

Regulus shook his head, wrapping his arms round Eleanor's arm and pulled her back towards the boys dormitories. She arched a brow, as if knowing exactly what he wanted.

Good. Yes, this was good. Wonderful in fact considering he was getting laid on a regular basis, unlike many of his friends.

Without another word or thought or feeling, Regulus pulled Eleanor up the stone stairs and down the long hall.

"Where are we—"

But Regulus didn't stop, not for one second, as he pulled her into the communal male bathrooms at the end of the hall. With a skillful click of the lock, Regulus was on Eleanor, his mouth pressed against the smooth column of her slender neck. With a vice-like grip onto her hips, Regulus lifted her up onto the sink with ease. The pleats in her already shortened skirt gathered around her waist. Eleanor released a loud, enthusiastic moan— loud enough that he was certain that the sound carried far, far down the hall.

Regulus didn't care.

His teeth grazed and bit against her neck, making sure to leave his marking. His claim against the witch. With skillful swipe of his tongue, he quickly soothed the pain that he caused her, earning a desperate whimper.

"Lift your hips," Regulus muttered into the crook of her neck, as he reached for her knickers. Eleanor obliged his command, allowing him to slide the fabric down. He recklessly tossed the cotton material to the side.

Wasting no time, he yanked down his trousers, not even bothering to fully expose himself. He could feel the kiss of the chilled dungeon air against him. It was always like this with them and Greengrass knew exactly what to do. She reached down between them, giving him a few expert strokes before aligning him into her.

"Fucking hell," Regulus groaned, low and throaty as his cock slid into her cunt.


The very edges of his canines scraped against her throat, while he fumbled with her buttons of her crisp white Oxford. It never stood a chance, as he ripped at the thick material. Buttons flying and clattering to the floor like tiny marbles. He pulled her closer to himself, deepening the motion as his hips snapped forward in long, smooth strokes.

"God Reg—" Eleanor whimpered, moving her hips for more traction between them. "More— Give me more! I need—" Her head slammed hard into the mirror halting her words.

Thank Salazar for that. Regulus thought in a sort of twisted way, as his mouth wrapped around her hard nipple through the thin material of her bra. The white cotton soaked through, giving way to the tanned flesh underneath. Her full breasts were heavy, desperate to be sucked and pleased. But this was to be quick, there would be time for that later when she came to his room late at night.

Reaching down between her thighs, he expertly rubbed her clit, sending her trembling. Good, this was good.

Regulus had to admit, he wasn't really trying to get her off. He was more on a mission to get himself off, especially after seeing Colette— No. No. No. Not the time for those thoughts.

He quickened his pace, snapping his hips harder into her. Eleanor's fingers blanched white against the smooth porcelain sink with each quick stroke. And Regulus tried his best to think about what he was doing— no, who he was doing. But the thoughts kept creeping in.

Who was Colette shagging?

He knew that it was none of his friends, or else he would have know. Right? Yeah, no he would have known if Colette Rosier was shagging one of his friends or at least snogging them. And after that show last weekend with Evan, he knew that none of them would dare touch her.

Eleanor's head collapsed onto his shoulder, her painted talons, digging excruciating deep into his back. He was certain that she would draw blood through his perfectly pressed Oxford shirt.

He needed to get off. He needed to get off. He needed to get off. He needed to stop thinking of Colette Rosier while he was fucking his girlfriend. Eleanor was a nice— okay, that was a stretch. She was a cool girl who was born into a good family. A good family that his parents would adore and love if he said he was going to marry into.

Stop thinking of marriage while you are bullocks deep in your witch! His thoughts seethed.

Regulus gripped onto Eleanor's hips and thrusted harder, feeling the full long length of him slide in and out of her. Unable to help himself, he gazed at his reflection in the mirror.

Godric— He looked far worse than he had last time he bothered to check in on himself. His eyes were hollow, dark circles painting underneath his depthless irises. His normally kept hair, was far longer than when he came to school. Those rich, dark curls brushing just slightly past his jaw. He looked thinner— too thin. The sharp, knifelike angles of his jaw more pointed. Regulus had heard this was normal with the transformation of accepting the Dark Lord's magic and gifts. He had heeded all the warnings and so had the others.

But he would be the first to take the Dark Mark this December. And he was pleased with himself, enough so that it made his cock harder. He would be the youngest Death Eater. A victory for the most Noble House of Black.

"Regulus— I—" Eleanor manned loudly, her lips pressing against the crook of his neck.

"Hold out for me, love. I know you can wait just a few more minutes." His voice was low and rough, filled to the brim with he heaviness of desire. Regulus flashed himself a wolfish grin, before digging his teeth into her exposed shoulder. His fingers rubbed slow circles over her clit, gathering the wetness that slipped from her center. "You can't come yet."

As his nose grazed the sweet spot on Eleanor's neck, he was bombarded with the scent of roses and lilies. He didn't necessarily dislike the smell of her, but it was artificial.

It wasn't Colette.

He watched the back of Eleanor's head, the chocolate waves that sometimes reminded him of Colette's own. It was fucked up of him, and he knew it, but if he believed hard enough, it could be— no, Salazar, that was far too fucked up.

Even if he barely cared for the witch he was currently fucking up against the sink of his bathroom. Even if he knew that she barely cared for him. Eleanor Greengrass was just in this relationship for one thing: sex and status. And he didn't mind being used. Honestly, he got a good shag out of it and she was able to brag to her friends over and over again.

"Harder! Fuck Regulus!" Eleanor screamed.

"I said don't come!" He growled into her flesh.

"I can't," she was shaking her head. "I can't Regulus. I need to—"


He could feel himself drawling close, and he desperately needed release. So Regulus snapped his hips quickly, slamming into the witch wrapped around him like a vice. That delicious feeling slowly crept up the base of his spine and into his bones.

"Come," he breathed into her ear.

And she shattered.

"Salazar..." Regulus groaned, shooting hot spurts of him into her, before he collapsed against the warm body before him.

Not wasting anytime, Eleanor cleared her throat indicating that she was done. Regulus pulled out of her, feeling his own seed slip with him. Quickly, he tucked himself and his Oxford into his onyx trousers, before running his fingers through his curtained hair.

Eleanor slipped off the counter, waving her wand to clean herself up. She righted herself as well, before planing a kiss on Regulus's cheek. "I'll see you at supper, yeah?"

He only nodded, running a hand over his mouth. Once he heard the door click shut, Regulus braced his palms onto the bathroom sink and released a long sigh.

"Fucking hell."

How in Merlin's name did she get here?

That was the thought that was swimming in her head that night at supper in the Great Hall. She had shown her hand with Sirius in Hogsmeade, allowing him to talk to her and save her. No, Sirius Black did not save her. Yes, she could have fallen to her death easily when the railing broke in the Book Shoppe. But she was a handy witch, who knew many spells.

And she most certainly did not need him to be her knight in shining armor. Just when she was starting to forget him, she allowed him to weasel her way in.

Now— Salazar, now she was couldn't stop looking at the Gryffindor table, wondering when he was going to show up for breakfast.

She hated him.

She hated him.

She hated him.

She hated bloody hated Sirius Orion Black.

And she couldn't believe that she agreed to hear him out. That she was going to allow him to tell her everything and why he didn't show up last month. Gods, it had been a month since the last time they were together... alone.

Sirius entered the Great Hall, his gaze instantly finding her own. She felt her cheeks grow flush at the intensity of it. Godric, it was enough to knock the wind clean from her lungs. And she hated him for that.

Nervously, Colette glanced towards Regulus who was seated beside her. She studied him quickly, noticing the hollow marks under his eyes and the undeniable scratch marks on his neck.

Great, she thought to herself. Absolutely disgusting.

Colette had already seen the budding purplish bruise on Eleanor's neck when she had returned to the dorms after her free period. The Greengrass witch was busy trying to use concealment charms to hide the claiming mark. And Colette couldn't help but feel that twinge of jealousy take over.

No. No. No! Enough!

She wouldn't do this again, not feel guilty over Regulus or any sort of emotion towards Sirius. She was only going to allow him to explain— to explain everything as to why he didn't bother to show.

Maybe you are hurt by it all? She rolled her eyes at the thought.

She, Colette Marie Rosier, hurt by Sirius Black? Absolutely not. She wouldn't allow it even if the castle was crumbling down and the world was ending. Disappointed in him yes, that was obvious.

"What's on your mind?" Regulus inquired, flipping the page of his current read mindlessly. He glanced up at her, his dark eyes giving off that sort of boyish glint.

Oh, nothing just thinking about your brother.

"Nothing," she muttered sharply. "Nothing at all."

"Thank you for picking up this book by the way—" Regulus lifted up the novel by Oscar Wilde and waved it nonchalantly. "Picture of Dorian Grey. It's very—"

"Dark? Mysterious?" She bumped his shoulder with her own, feeling her lips quirk up. "I knew you would like it."

Regulus arched a dark brow. "It's a Muggle book. Quite a rare chance to take, wouldn't you agree?"

"Since when do you care if a book is Muggle or not?"

He only shrugged in response, leaning against his elbow casually. Clearing his throat, he gazed over at her with a sort of enchanted look. Quickly, in one fluid motion, he moved his leg over towards the other side, so that he was facing Colette head on. His lean, muscled thighs straddling the bench with ease. "I am going to need your utmost attention, Miss Rosier."

The corners of her lips curved up, as she set down her forgotten spoon, hooking her leg up onto the bench to face him. They were far too close to each other to look causal, but they had always been this way since they were children. To them, it was normal— to others, well, it looked like they were in the middle of an intimate moment.

He tried his best to put on what he liked to call, his very own Professor's voice. Regulus brought his fist up to his lips, clearing his throat. "Class is in session, let's pay attention now. No mistakes!"

"Will there be a quiz?" Colette hummed with a purr, leaning forward slightly.

"Maybe, if you're lucky." Regulus wiggled his brows tauntingly, his gaze becoming sinful. She had to look away from him, fearing that if he kept looking at her that way, then their position would definitely be mistaken for something more. Regulus cleared his throat, "Echem! 'Humanity takes itself too seriously. It is the world's original sin. If the cave-man had known how to laugh, History would have been different.'" Regulus glanced up at her quickly before flipping to another page. "Oh, yeah this one is my favorite. 'I have grown to love secrecy. It seems to be the one thing that can make modern life mysterious or marvelous to us. The commonest thing is delightful if only one hides it.'"

"That's your favorite quote?" Colette arched her brows high on her forehead. "Really?"

"Yes...? Why?"

"It's about telling lies! Keeping secrets!"

"We all keep secrets, Rosier. When will you learn." His lips curved up into a cheeky grin, but Colette couldn't help but find some truth in that.

Godric, wasn't she the one keeping secrets from him? She was having very inappropriate thoughts about Sirius Black, while ignoring her best friend. And she was still planning on seeing him right after she was through with this bloody meal.

Secrets. What an ugly thing to have with your best friend. Someone who had been there for you since birth. Her thoughts scolded, Honestly, what would he do if he found out that you and Sirius were—

"Go on—" She nodded her head, trying to stop the thoughts that were blaring inside of her skull. "What's another one that you like. I promise I will keep an open mind."

Regulus flashed her the most wondrous smile, teeth and all, before flipping ahead serval pages. "You'll enjoy this one, Lette. It gives a little bit of our favorite Shakespearian play." He cleared his throat, "'She is all the great heroines of the world in one. She is more than an individual. I love her—" His dark eyes met hers, "—'I must make her love me. I want to make Romeo jealous. I want the dead lovers of the world to hear our laughter, and grow sad. I want a breath of our passion to stir dust into consciousness, to wake their ashes into pain.'"

She could feel something deep within grow taught at his words. It was only words. Just words and they had no meaning unless coming from his lips. Regulus hadn't even written those words, they came from one of the greatest authors of the nineteenth century.

"I have one more," Regulus mused softly. The pages rustling in the loud chatter of the Great Hall, but to hear, it felt like they were the only two souls here. "I actually think this might be my favorite, Lette. And possibly yours." He glanced towards the yellowed page. "'You will always be fond of me—"

"'I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.'" She finished, feeling her throat grow dry.

Regulus blinked up at her, awe glinting behind those dark irises. He opened his mouth to speak, but halted once Esme slammed her advanced potions book hard on the wooden banquet table, causing them to pull apart abruptly.

Merlin, when had they gotten so close?

Colette could feel the blush begin to creep upon her cheeks. Quickly she ducked behind her curtain of hair, trying her best to shield her face from his.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. She was in so much deep, unicorn shit that she couldn't even begin to comprehend.

"I am done!" Esme hissed, narrowing her bright turquoise eyes. "I am done trying to gain his bloody attention, when all he wants to do is stare at this stupid book." She picked up the cobalt blue Advanced Potions book, waving it in the air as if she had just won some prize.

Regulus's lips twitched, as he tried to preoccupy himself with the bowl of lamb stew before him. He was never any good with lies. And Colette could always tell when he was lying— it was the bloody lip twitch.

"Esme?" Colette arched her brows in question. "What happened?"

"Nothing!" Esme seethed, slamming her palms into the rough grain of the banquet table. "That's what fucking happened!"

Regulus leaned into Colette, muttering softly under his breath. "Er— is this about Snape?"

She only hummed in her agreement. Esme continued to ramble on, explaining to Regulus everything that had been happening between the two. She quickly tuned them out, picking up her spoon and began to eat.

But something was prickling against the back of her neck. Someone was watching her.

Glancing over towards the Gryffindor table, she instantly found that Sirius was looking directly at her. His dark eyes dilated with hatred even from this distance.

And if looks could kill, well he certainly had mastered it.




James leaned over, whispering something into his ear that made should have made him roar with laughter considering that the former was doing just that. But Sirius only glared at her before jerking his chin towards the door.


Slowly, Colette stood up, gathering her bag from the bench beside her. Regulus and Esme looked up, their brows tightly knitted together.

"Where are you going?" Esme chirped, glancing towards Regulus in confusion.

But Colette couldn't hear them as she watched Sirius mimic her motions. They were moving in complete synchronization, as if they were marionette puppets on the corner of some street in Muggle London. Whatever she did, Sirius followed in tandem.

Regulus's hand touched her own, causing her to snap out of the trance she was in. "Lette?"

Colette glanced down at him. "Yes?"

"Where are you going?"

"I—" But did she even have a response? She was going to meet with his brother and all of that wrapped together just seemed wrong. Wasn't this all wrong? Wasn't the fact that she had lie to her friends about who she was seeing— or at least wanting to see— wrong? She hated corrupt morals and lies, but she was now one of them. "I forgot that I needed to go to the library and— and check on something for Madam Pince."

Lies. All bloody lies.

"Right." Regulus nodded his head slowly, not completely buying the words that slipped from her lips.

Esme cleared her throat, moving to stand up. "I can come with you—"

"No!" Colette nearly shouted, causing both Esme and Regulus to jolt back. Her skin felt all wrong— this was all wrong. Quickly, she shook her head, and tried her best to plaster on a false grin. "I mean, no it's really fine. I am just going to be in and out. I'll see you two later?"

"Um..." Regulus ran his hand over the back of his neck. "Yeah... okay sure."


Godric, she was far too chipper.

But Colette didn't give herself another second to think on her actions as she hurried down the long row of tables, Sirius mimicking her strides two rows over. She quickly glanced at him, feeling the anticipation build.

What could he possibly have to say to her?

She doubted that it would do any good. It's not like they could ever go back to the way things were between them. Sure, they were partners on a project and they would have to continue to do so, even if Colette had nearly tried to blackmail Professor Sinistra into switching her with another student. She would have to endure his company for the next seven months until he graduated, and then he would be out of her hair for good.

And thank Salazar and Merlin for that!

Colette turned down the corridor. It was rather empty for a Thursday evening, the sconces on the wall only emitting a dull and weakened flame. She could feel the various portraits whispering and hissing as she passed, the sounds of boots against stone echoing behind her.

Sirius was following.

She hastened her steps, making a sharp turn before looking both ways and ducking behind the tapestry that lead to the hidden corridor.

Nearly seconds later, the tapestry moved and Sirius Black emerged.

Colette refused to look at him, keeping her gaze on the stairs that led to the upper floors. It was colder in here than in the rest of the castle. She hugged her arms closer to her chest, trying her best to not shiver.

"Rosier," Sirius hummed softly.

The smirk was so painfully evident in his tone and she wished she could slap it clean off his face.

Colette didn't answer.

He cleared his throat once more. "You and Regulus looked awfully cosy at supper."

"What!" She hissed, whirling on him. Colette could feel that rumbling annoyance start to build deep inside of her. "Are you jealous Black? Are you jealous because I was talking with my friend?"

"No, quite the opposite."


"I was amused, Rosier. Amused that you and Black have grown so close when you were just saying how much you hated him."

Colette bristled. "That was a month ago."

"So?" He shrugged. "And a month ago you were trying to snog me if I'm not mistaken."

"So what!" She was certain that her voice was carrying, but she didn't particularly care. Let everyone here how much she despised Sirius Black. Colette stepped closer to him. "A month ago you told me how you 'changed' and were this 'new person' and yet you—" Colette rubbed her hands over her face repeatedly, before pointing an accusatory finger at him. "You left me up there! You completely forgot! And maybe I would forgiven you if this was weeks in the making, and forgetfulness can happen... but I know that wasn't the case. You got drunk with your mates and decided that my time— my feelings were not enough! We made plans— you made plans with me, Black!"

"And I'm trying to tell you that I am sorry!" Sirius stepped closer, his knees bending slightly in emphasis. He reached for her but she jerked back. "Please let me tell you how sorry I am. I will get on my knees like you asked, because I am sorry."

"Sorry? Oh you're sorry now!" She threw her hands up dramatically. "If you are so sorry, then why don't you apologize to Regulus for punching him!"


"You fought him and for what? For a chance to show him that you could best him? For a chance to brag to your mates? To start rumors over something that never happened? Because I've heard them and now apparently I'm the whore who shagged a Blood-traitor! So why did you—"

"I fought him for you!" He held his palms out to her in offering. "I fought him for you! Don't you get it?"

"I don't need you to fight my battles, Black. I am a grown witch that can carry my own! And I most certainly did not need you to go on and punch him!" She took two strides forward, slamming her palms into the smooth muscle of his chest. She did it repeatedly, feeling all of that pent up anger explode. But Sirius didn't even finch a muscle. He held his ground, unmoving and unyielding like a marble statue in the gardens of Versailles. "I hate you Sirius Black!"

He let her at him, not even flenching as the witch fought. He could see the angry tears begin to form behind those quartz grey irises, making her look even more beautiful than she already was.

Merlin, he was royally fucked.

"Why didn't you show!" The tears now streaming down her face.

"Rosier, I didn't mean too—"

"I hate you!" She pushed off of him, as if she were done with trying to wound him. "Gods! You're insufferable!"

Sirius took one hand and rubbed at his chest. It wouldn't leave a mark, but damn the witch had some bite. He had to give her some credit.

"I hate you," Colette hissed under her breath, eyes filled with venom as she glared at him. "I hate you so much."

Sirius arched a brow, his lips curling up slightly in amusement. "No you don't love. No you don't."

"Yes I do!" She snapped, stepping closer to the wizard. "I bloody hate you, Sirius Black!"

"No you don't..." Sirius purred, stepping closer until she could feel him surrounding her— his scent that was intoxicating.

There was a standstill.

A moment where the battle ceased and there was nothing but the distant echos of passing students. Most likely returning to their respective houses for the rest of the night. Colette should have been doing the same. She should have turned around, leaving this day— this whole bloody term in the past. She should have ignored his snide remarks that he made about his brother. She shouldn't have agreed to meet with him, especially in a hidden corridor that made a broom closet look like a palace.

And she most certainly should not had wanted to kiss him.

Yet, here she was. Here she was standing a mer breaths apart from him. The one person she hated most in this world. But was that even true anymore? She didn't even know how she should feel or even think. She didn't even know who she was anymore, expect that she was standing far too close to Sirius Black.

"I hate you," she seethed. "I loathe you!"



Dead, painful silence as his deep eyes slowly dragged to her full lips and then back up.

His eyes gleaming with that devious mischief that Colette had seen when him, Potter, Lupin and Pettigrew ran away like cowards from Professor McGonagall. The type of mischief that she saw when they were younger and would sneak into the formal dining room at Grimmauld place and steal loafs of sweet bread or tiny biscuits with honey. When Walburga would scold Kreature, practically kicking the poor thing down into the dregs of the cellar. Yet, Regulus, Sirius and Colette would giggle— stuffing their faces full of the delicious treat.

"I hate you..." The words dripping from her tongue, as they sunk into the crisp Winter's air. "I hate you."

He only smirked at her, stepping closer until she could feel the rise and fall of her own breasts against his strong, lean Seeker's body. She could smell the strong woodsy scent of pine and birch. The scent of the muggle cigarette smoke that clung to his body like a vice. The scent of leather and Firewhiskey that was all him.

"Colette—" Sirius purred.

"Sirius," she retorted, brushing slightly against him as she folded her arms over her chest. "I want you to know, that unless you give me a full reason as to why you didn't show that night... I am walking out of this corridor." She sucked in a breath, "and we are never to speak ever again."

You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You hate Sirius Orion Black the bloody third. You hate Sirius Black. You hate Sirius Black. You hate Sirius Black. You hate Black. You hate him. You hate him. You hate him. You—

"I can't do that."

"Yes you can!"

"No, Rosier... I really can't." His tone was firm, more serious than she had ever heard him before especially from him. "It's not... it's not my story to tell."

Colette shook her head vehemently, not buying that for one second. "I knew this would be a waste. You haven't changed in the slightest. And to think—" She swallowed down that building torment. "And to think that I actually believed you. You are a liar and I—"

"What? Come on, you don't really hate me, Lette." He breathed, his gaze still strained to her full lips. "Not entirely anyways."

"Stop calling me Lette!" She hissed through clenched teeth. "And you are wrong! So wrong that it s almost hilarious."

"Am I?" He mused, shifting slightly. "Am I so wrong? Tell me how wrong I am. In fact—" Sirius stepped closer to her.

Merlin he was so close. Her thoughts whirled and everything seemed to grow hotter in the small space that they were in. Too close, too bloody close.

"—Show me how wrong I am." He leaned in, that scent of spice and whiskey clouded her thoughts, making the whole small corridor spin. "Show me how much you can't stand to be around me. Show me how you don't think about me all the time. How you didn't think about wanting me to take you up against that wall all those weeks ago. How you didn't feel that connection between us when I touched you. Hmmm?"

Sirius smirked at her, stepping closer. Colette quickly took a step back, trying to create as much distance as possible.

"I hate—"

But her words were lost as he moved even closer to her, backing her further into the wall. Her eyelids fluttered shut, causing the overwhelming feel of him to become magnified. She could smell the leather, tobacco and firewhiskey just as his lips brushed lightly against her own.

Almost like she had taken a sip of the alcohol herself. Smooth and dark, like thunderous clouds in the sky right before a massive storm.

"I hate you," Colette breathed, although she wasn't entirely sure it was true anymore. Did you really hate him?

"Rosier—" This time his fingers wound into her untamed coils of chocolate curls. His lips brushing against her own. "No you don't."

She shook her head. "I hate you."

Sirius pulled her into him, tugging at the nape of her neck. It was too much and not enough all at the same time. She could feel electricity dance across her flesh, tingling the tips of her fingers that somehow wrapped into his leather jacket.

"I hate..." The words were lost on her lips. She tried once more, "I... I..."

Everything went white and bright as his mouth slanted over her own and Colette forgot how to think.

She forgot how to feel. How to breathe. What even was breathing? Was it the movement of her own body. That involuntary, rhythmic movement that seemed to move with time. Or was it him, pulling her close, their bodies flush against one another. The feel of his tongue fighting with her own as he kissed her deeply and fervently.

And as she kissed him.

It was delirium and madness all wrapped up together in one. It was as if her knew her body already and yet still needed to know every nook and cranny. And she thought that she knew what kissing was, but this— Sweet Salazar.

Her teeth scrapped at his bottom lip, feeling that slow, delicious rise deep within her belly. The heat slowly built, creating the desperate tug towards him. Her spine arched, needing more, more, more! A desperate moan escaped from between her lips, as she sunk deeper into him, allowing him to deepen the kiss. This was ecstasy and greed and everything that she never realized she was missing.

Sirius groaned, winding his rough, calloused hands into her thick chocolate hair then slowly down her back. The pads of his finger tips teased at her waist. Those purposeful hands of his moved further and further until they gripped with a steadfast hold on her arse, lifting her up and around him. They were all just limbs tangled together. She could feel the scrape of the stone against her back as it bit into her jumper, snagging the fragile threads until she was certain that there would be a small tear in the fabric.

A reminder of tonight.

Her back arched, causing her heated center to rub against him. She almost cried over the pleasure that coursed through her body with fervor.

Sirius gripped onto her tighter, his nails biting into her arse. He was so close to her, and she would do anything to have those fingers just move one inch closer under her knickers.

But she wouldn't beg.

They moved in tandem, as if they had done this before. His lean body pressing firmly against her own. Grinding and moving as his mouth discovered her body for the first time. Colette could feel the pleasure of him rising against her own core, straining against his trousers. Godric above, just the feel of the outline of his cock was massive.

Sirius Black did not disappoint.

She supposed that the rumors were true then about his well endowed size.

Sirius's mouth moved from his lips, tracing the length of her jaw. She arched up for him, allowing him more access to her. She needed him to have more access because they both had too many clothes, too much on them that this should be illegal. His canines grazed that sweet stop in the crook of her neck that made her see stars. He bit into her, only to lick away the hurt seconds later. A loud groan escaped her lips that would be considered sinful if anyone overheard. It was pain and ecstasy all wrapped up with a shiny Slytherin green bow.

And this— this was everything, but not enough at the same time.

She needed more.

She needed more as if the air that filled her lungs was not enough. As if she would never be fully satisfied again in thislifetime. As if he was a tether pulling her up out of the depths of the Black Lake from where she had been drowning all these months.

She needed more— More. More. More. More!

His tongue darted out, slowly kissing the way down the creamy column of her neck. And Sweet Salazar his hands... they massive against her and they were everywhere. On her breasts, at her waist, on her arse. Yet, nowhere at the same time.

Winding her fingers into his long obsidian locks, she pulled him closer to her, arching as his knuckles grazed against the bare flesh of her back.

Sirius moved even further down her body, grazing her collarbone, and then the curve of her breasts. They felt heavy and filled with need. His mouth worshiped the skin right above her brazier, and she wished in that moment she had worn something more scandalous. Sirius brushed his thumb over her taught nipple, causing her to gasp, rubbing her swollen and desperate center against him.

They had way, way, way too many clothes on.

She could feel the crimson flush of heat creep up her chest. And the mixture of the molten, churning heat in her core was about to make her go insane. Godric, she wanted more.

More of everything. More of him. She needed more of Sirius Black. She needed more— Oh dear gods.

Sirius Black was kissing her. Sirius Black was touching her. She was moving against Sirius Black. Her eyes flew open instantly, as his did at the same time.

"Lette..." His voice a warning and a plea. "Rosier please—"

"No..." She unwound her fingers from his hair. Her head shaking back and forth, as if she were trying to wake from a dream. This wasn't real... this couldn't be real. She quickly pushed back the chocolate curls that tumbled over her eyes. "No, this can't happen."

"Rosier just wait a minute and breathe."

"No!" Colette gasped, shaking her head back and forth in denial. "No..."

Sirius's face drained of all color, and for a moment, she could see that wall of adamant and confidence falter slightly. His all too handsome face and his dark features sliding into fear— as if her rejecting him had struck a nerve.

While she was certain that her own showed that of regret. Colette felt the acid taste rise up in her throat, as they stared at each other.

What have you done? What have you done!

Slowly, without her having to ask, Sirius set Colette down onto the sturdy floor.

She took a moment to study their surroundings— study herself in this state. Her skirt hitched up around her waist baring the white knickers underneath. His muggle band t-shirt pulling and stretched at all the areas where she had clung to him. His leather pants tight in areas where she had ground herself against him.

The desire of what could have happened still there.

No... Nope. This couldn't happen. This could never happen with them. This would be a slippery slope if it ever did and she knew it— he had to know it.

Quickly, she pulled down her skirt, straightening her jumper and smoothing the mess that was her hair. She needed to cover up any and all evidence that they had done this.

Sirius looked at her, his eyes both clouded with unreleased desire and hurt. "Please, Rosier... let's just talk and—"

She held up her hand to him, not daring to meet his eye. "Let's just not talk about this ever. Okay? You have enough problems and I have plenty of my own. I don't need Regulus or anyone, for that matter, finding out about this. He has enough to deal with, especially with you being—" She held her tongue, taking in a deep breath. "This was a mistake."

The words bit at his flesh, at his mind like a snakes fangs. The venom dripping from those poisonous tusks.

She was a snake after all.

Colette knew how to bite a lion and where it would hurt. She knew that well enough that the look on his face didn't even phase her, not even in the slightest.

The color that was draining from his face, making him look sickly. It was mixed so perfectly with that sad, melancholy, demoralized look that flashed across his features. The way that those onyx eyes, that were dark as night, seemed to falter, giving way to the emotion that was surely plaguing his thoughts.

Colette Rosier knew how to strike and she knew how to hurt. "I could never be with a Blood-traitor like you."

And with that, she turned on the heels of her Dragonhide boots and left Sirius Black to wallow in his own remorse. She knew she would be feeling some sort of strange way, as the taste of him and herself still lingered on both of their lips. 

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