One shooting star... A millio...

By ToniTamarAnFace

22K 1.1K 121

Is Babyface really dead, or was it all a plan to save Toni&the boys from more harm Well let's find out More

A year without Kenny
A second chance
I object
No sex rule
Meeting&Greeting some Tigers
Zeak's toy car
Doctor, am I pregnant?
I want another baby
Somethings cooking in the oven
Shopping with ma
Could it be his falling in love
Family reunion
Baby gender
Happy bithday Diezel
2Months earlier
Am home
Dinner with Denim's friend
You say what now?
Me&My bestfriend
Happy anniversary
What my fans want
You did what now?!!!!!!
Do you know what could happen?!
Let's do it
Not while your there!
Shocking revelation
The shocking news
Lets sweat it out!!
Sex on the beach
The G Word
The end!!!
Part 3 was released

Defending what's mine

783 35 6
By ToniTamarAnFace

It's been about a few months and am so happy Kenny's back because I think Zeak just needed a dad his been bonding with Kenny so much I just love the 4man in my life, we finally moved into our house, me and Kenny got married and let me tell you my diamond is even bigger then the first one *blush* and I've also allowed my Toni Tigers store to finally open up and I've been doing so well, I've been so busy working that I don't even have time to go back into the studio, Kenny owns his own company and his assistant is a woman and that girl looks like she can snap my man away any day her husband works for me since his the manager for my store

Love, I forgot to tell you that Kesha had invited us to her husbands 55th birthday party

Toni Pov:
That's her since your wondering who's Kesha its that new assistant of him and her husband Eric who works for me(manager) it's his birthday and I guess I have to go, to support him not her

Are you asking me to go? Or are you telling me that we're going?

I was gonna ask you, do you wanna go or no??? We don't have to if you don't want to

Babyface Pov:
To be honest I don't really like that guy Eric he looks like he wants to steal Toni away from me

If you want to we can! But you know I have to go support Eric though

Yeah yeah, fine will go

•The Watson party•
I got up took a shower got out and got ready, then Kenny woke up and did the same as I did, we got ready and went to drop the boys off at Tamar's, we got there I got out went inside and greeted everyone and left the boys

Okay my loves bye, see you guys later or tomorrow

Bye mom, love you

Bye Toni, bye Kenneth!!

Bye love!! *starts laughing*

Bye, little man!!

As I got in the car we left and then Kenny placed his hand on my leg

You know I love you right... And am so happy your my wife at last

I love you too!!

Then I took his hand off my leg

Let's not be sexual today, you promised me no sex this month and we've been doing so well


We arrived at the party and greeted everyone then Kesha came and also Eric I hugged Eric and then you know Kenny had to say something...

Ok, Eric, you can stop suffocating my wife... My wife!!

Your right, welcome guys, honey aren't you gonna say something?

Hi Kenny, welcome, we've been expecting you

Then she grabbed Kenny's hand and walked him to the back where everyone was at, I was so pissed that she grabbed my husbands hand and that her husband didn't even say anything

Toni: *whispering to Babyface*
I don't like her

Babyface: *whispering to Toni*
I don't like him either, but you don't see me complaining

I then looked at Kenny and then I went to dish for us, when I got to the table she was seated next to Kenny

Umm, Kesha... Umm, am gonna go sit next to Toni

No stay here, let me go dish for you

I immediately rushed over there to give Kenny his food

Umm, no need Kesha

I handed him hi plate and then Eric called me to sit next to him I went and Kenny looked at me very funny but I didn't care, he didn't care that he was sitting next to that BiTCH... As me and Eric talked I finished eating and took his plate in for him, and then I went inside put the plates down and headed outside again, just to find her standing so close to Kenny

Ohh, let me fix your jacket for you

She touched his jacket and then she touched his chest rubbing it, then I lost it, I walked over to her and pushed her away from Kenny I then stood right in between them(facing her)

Umm, excuse me and what do you think your doing, leaning on my husband and touching him inappropriately?

He asked me to fix his jacket for him, so I did just that

No boo, that's not what I had heard, what I heard was you telling him that you were going to fix his jacket for him

Omg Toni!! There's nothing wrong with fixing someone's jacket

Oh girl, there's something wrong!

And what is that????!

This is my man, and I will fix his jacket for him and plus he has hands to do that himself, I've noticed that you have been flirting with him ever since we got here

Toni why don't you go work on your album!

On my album!! *I looked at my watch* no girl I start working on my album at 11pm and then I stop at 4am, and I can't work on my album because his standing right here *pointing at Babyface* this is my album I work on it every night!!...

You are such a... *gets interrupted*

Tramp!! I understand... But why you calling my a tramp when you the one flirting with another man in front of your own man

Toni stop it!


Take care of that...

Kesha!!!!! Am so sorry guys, she's not always like this

She walked away, I wanted to leave but Eric insisted we stay, as the night continued, me and Kenny were standing with Eric and some of his friends and their wives and we were just talking then I saw Kesha coming with two glasses of wines

Kenny, Kenny, Kenny!!!

I heard her but it didn't seem like Kenny did

My love, you know I love you right

I love you too

Then I looked at her then I grabbed Kenny's arm and then he looked at me and then I kissed him so passionately, and then she dropped the glasses then everyone looked at her

Oh darling are you alright, don't be dropping and breaking your glasses now

Kesha: *sarcastic smile*
Of course not... *softly* bitch...

I then smiled at her and showed her my left hand and then I showed her my wedding ring, and then I walked to her acting as if I was going to the rest room

Toni: *whispering*
His taken darling, get over it!

I then walked away headed to Kenny

Are you ready to leave my love?

Of course, whenever your ready!

After a few minutes we said good bye and then left

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