Superheros, Who needs them? |...

By Katykat200

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Teresa Mara Nicholas or Dunlop, Best friend and Adopted Sister of Jasper Dunlop. Teresa's birth parents were... More

Henry's Apology
Old Memories... and Secrets??
Uncle Captain Man!?!?!?
Author's Note


15 0 0
By Katykat200


"Okay, nobody move!" Had a feeling this would happen as soon as the guy asked about the weapons. Most of the time, it's never good when a kind of creepo asks about a superhero's weapons. Jasp puts his hands up while Captain Man protects Piper, Hen, and I. 

"He's got the wiener!" 

"Put that hot dog down, Dennis!" 


"You sick loner!" Ray makes Piper and I move back a little. 

"Don't do it!" Dennis grabs Jasp and Ray has to hold me back for him holding Jasp hostage. 

"Teresa, I know that he has your brother, but now is not the time to risk your life to save him!" Ray whispers to me.

"Now, anybody tries to stop me, this kid gets it." 

"All right, Dennis, just relax. Everything's fine." 

"Don't talk to me in calming voice! Just tell me the fastest way out of here!" 

"All right. Just step up there and a tube will come down over you." Dennis, with Jasp as his hostage, starts to walk over to the tubes. 

"And then you just say 'Up the tube.'" Dennis gets under a tube and lets Jasp go. He'll live.... for now. A tube covers Dennis. 

"Up the tube!" Dennis goes up. What are Ray and Hen planning? 

"You let him get away!" Ray pulls out a remote from his belt. 

"Did I? Override." We hear a alarm go off. 

"Reverse suckage." 

"Double power." Ray flips down the lever which makes the tube go down and Dennis come back. 


"Up the tube!" 

"No, wait!" Dennis goes up. 

"Down the tube!" Dennis comes back down. 


"Tube up!" The tube goes up and Dennis falls. 

"Right tube down!" 

"No, wait, ow!" The right down hits him. 

"Get the covert wiener." 

"Yep." Hen gets the weapon from Dennis and walks back over to Ray. 

"Nice going, Kid Danger." 

"Just doing my job, brother." 

"And now, triple sequence. Tube up, tube down, tube up, tube down, tube up, tube down... Go." The sequence starts. 

"Please turn off the-- ow! Hey-- Ow! I can't take it-- ow!" 

"Hey, remember when you smashed that lemonade stand and everybody was mad at you?" 

"Yeah. That seems like a long time ago." 


After the police take Dennis away, the tour ends which means that Jasp, Piper, and her friend have to be back in sacks. They get sent up the tube. I send Jasp a message that I'll see him at home later. 

"Ok, now, Hen. Please get that modular off you." Hen takes off the device. 


"Much." Let's just say today was an interesting one. 

Man Cave-Tess

Char is pacing a little, waiting for Hen and Ray to come back. The alarm for the tubes goes off. Hen and Ray come down the tubes. 

"Hey. How did it go?" 

"Oh, man, it was insane." 

"It was nuts." 

"Well, tell us. What happened?" 

"Okay. The news helicopter was flying around over Swellview, just going in circles." 

"Because the helicopter pilot fell asleep at the controls." 

"And did you guys figure out a way to wake him up?" 

"No. We just watched the helicopter fly around in circles." 

"Until it ran out of gas and fell right down into the Jandy River." 

"And you guys didn't do anything?" 

"I got video of it going down." 

"What about the pilot? Was he hurt?" 

"No. Just wet." 

"So very wet." Hen's phone goes off and it's most likely Jasp since he's been blowing up Char and I's phones for the last hour. 

"Ugh. Another text from Jasper." I was right. 

"That's 11 texts in the last hour." 

"I got nine." 

"I beat you both since Jasp and I are siblings, I got 20 texts." 

"Man, what's up with that Jasper kid? Doesn't he have any other friends?" 

"Well, yeah, but not the kind you'd be, you know, proud of." 

"We're his best friends, and Tess is both his best friend and sister. But now because we work for you, we end up having to leave him alone all the time." 

"I feel really bad for him." 

"Yeah. You guys hungry? Who wants Greek food?" 

"Ray, we just told you about a real problem we have with our friend and Tess's brother." 

"And all you can say is 'Who wants Greek food?'" Looks like we're having Greek food. 


We're sitting at the table, eating our said Greek food. 

"Mmmm...." This is better than whatever Iris or even Hugo are making for dinner later. 

"Man, I love these 'Jye-rose.' That's how you say it, you know, 'Jye-Rose.' You try." 



"Hey, so back to our problem with Jasper." Ray groans.

"Don't groan. He's our friend and Tess's brother." 

"Yeah, and it's not cool how we always have to lie to him and leave him all alone when you need us at work." 

"Okay. Here's an idea."


"What you got?" 

"One night soon, we go to Jasper's house..."

"Mm-hmm." I give Ray look. 

"We sneak into his room..."

"Mm-hmm. Yeah." 

"And we brain wipe his memory. So he doesn't remember either one of you." Is he trying to make me an orphan again? Jasper is the only one of the Dunlops I call Family. 



"Do that and I'll find a way to kill you." Ray looks at me when I say that. 

"I'm being serious. He's the only one I call family." 

"Friends don't wipe friends' brains." 

"Yeah, yeah. Pass the lamb balls." 

"Fine." Char passes Ray the lamb balls. 

"Poor lamb." 

"Anyway, I got a better idea." 

"It better not involve making Jasp forget us." 


"I say that we just tell Jasper that I'm Kid Danger." Ray spits out his drink. This is not going to end well. Ray gives us a dirty look when he turns to look at us. 

"That was charming." 

"No! No, no, no, no. No, sir." 

"Oh, why not? What's the worst thing that could happen?" 

"The worst thing is if Jasper blabs it all over the place, and then everyone in the world knows Henry's Kid Danger, and then bad guys follow him and find out he works here, so then they know how to find both of us, so then they could just blow this whole place, and then they could also figure out where Henry's house is, which puts him and his whole family in major danger." Ray does have a valid concern on if we told Jasp that Hen is Kid Danger. 

"Okay, but other than that?"

"Ray does have a valid concern about this." 

"Nobody is going to tell Jasper or anyone else that Henry's Kid Danger." 

"Come on, what if I promise you he'll keep the secret?" 

"You can't guarantee that." 

"All right. Why don't we just test Jasper and see?" 

"Yes. Good."

"No. Bad." 

"What are you guys talking about?" 

"We'll make up some big old juicy secret."


"And then if he keeps that secret for a week, we know we can trust him." 

"This won't end well." 

"What do you two think?" 

"Okay. But I get to pick the fake secret." As long it's not something bad, I don't care what the secret is about. 


"Done deal, man." 

"Okay then."

"So, what secret do you want us to tell him?"

"That you and Henry... are boyfriend and girlfriend." My heart drops. What? They're what? Ok, why am I feeling this way right now? 

"Ewww! Hey!" Ray knows what he just did. 

Hart House - Tess

At Hen's house, helping Char and Hen with dinner that will be them telling their fake secret to Jasp. 

"Okay, who's going to start?"

"You start." 

"No, you start." 

"I don't want to start."

"It's my house, I make the rules." 

"Well, why'd you ask me who's going to start if you knew you wanted me to start?" This dinner is going to burst up in flames. 

"Are you serious?" Hen and Char start to argue. Jasp walks through the door. 

"Hey, guys!" Char and Hen stop arguing when Jasp walks in. 

"Oh, hey, Jasper." 

"Hi there, Jasper."

"Hey, Jasp." Jasp puts his towel on the couch.

"So, why'd you guys invite Tess and I to dinner?" 

"Pfftt. What do you mean 'why'?" 

"Friends don't need a reason to invite friends for dinner, right?" 

"I guess."

"Although we do have a reason." 

"There is a reason." 

"But first, did you see we made your favorite dinner?" Jasp gasps. 

"Fish sticks and peas." Jasp seems to be happy with what we're having for dinner. As long as it's better than Iris' or Hugo's cooking, I don't care. 

"Yeah. Sit down." We all sit down to eat. 

"Uh..." Here we go. 

"So, we have something that we kind of want to tell you. But first, you have to promise, you got to swear that you'll never tell anyone this secret."

"No worries. I can keep a secret."

"Can you?" 

"Yeah. I never told Charlotte you were the one who killed her goldfish." I had to flush that fish for her. 


"You did not just say that!" 

"You killed Nemo?"

"We're getting off track here. Now, we want to tell you a big secret, but you got to seriously swear that you'll never tell anyone." 

"Ever, ever." 

"I swear on Nemo's grave." Yea.... Nemo's grave is the Pages upstairs toilet. 

"Stop mentioning Nemo." 

"I can't believe you killed him."

"I tickled his back, he had a stroke, it wasn't my fault." Char and Hen give each other looks that means that one of them has to tell him before I do. 

"Charlotte and I are boyfriend and girlfriend." Jasp seems shocked by this.

"You?" Hen nods. 

"She?" Char also nods.  

"You and She?" Hen nods again. 

"You and Him?" Char also nods again. 

"How are you shocked by this, Tess?"

"I dunno." Jasp takes the spoon out of the bowl of peas, and shoves them down his shirt. 

"Dahhh! Aah." Had a feeling this was going to go up in flames. 


"It's true."

"You guys are dating?"

"We are." 

"We're deep in love." 

"Wow. So you guys, like, kiss and stuff?" Where is he going with this?

"Mm-hmm. We sure do." 

"We kiss a lot." 

"Can I see?" Jasp! 

"Well, we can't kiss right now."

"Why not?" Mainly because I'm sure they don't want an audience, Jasp.

"Because Charlotte has a mouth sore." 

"Eww, gross." Oh come on, you get those too. 

"Yeah, it's real gross. Henry, why don't you take me to the mouth doctor?" And that is an excuse for Hen and Char to leave. 

"Sure, baby." Hen and Char get up and head for the door. 

"Wait, it's nighttime. I think the doctors are closed." 

"Remember, you promised that you'd never tell anyone that we're boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Okay, but where are you going to take Char--" Hen and Char leave which means it just Jasp and I. 

"At least I'm not the only one who gets mouth sore." Jasp eats a part of one fish stick before he feels a mouth sore. 

"Ow." I grab a fish stick until Hen and Char text me to follow them. I get up and leave Jasp all alone. 

The next day - Junk-N-Stuff

We're currently brushing the flame dinosaurs mouth. Ever since Gooch decide to quit, things have been hard. We're managing it, but it's still hard. 

"So, you guys told Jasper yesterday, huh?" Ray is cleaning the counter. 


"We did." 

"Ha. I bet he's already blabbed it to every kid in your school and if he did, it meeeans 🎵 I was right and you were wrong 🎵 I was right and you were wrong 🎵I was right and you were wrong 🎵"

"Hey. That song's really repetitive." I think that's the point. Jasp walks in. 

"Shh." Hen and Char start to walk towards Jasp. 

"I wasn't talking." 

"Hey Jasper."

"What are you doing here?" 

"I can't stop thinking about what you guys told me last night." 


"I didn't say anything. But man. this secret is hard to keep." 

"Ahem. Excuse me. Excuse me. Henry, Charlotte, I'm going to need you guys to go down to the basement and mop the walls." I noticed that Ray forgot that I'm here. Oh, well. I don't care. 

"Since do we have to mop the walls?"

"Since now." 

"But our friend Jasper's here and--"

"Oh hey, no worries. I'll keep your little friend company." Hen and Char leave while silently telling Jasp to not blow their "secret".

"I think something is up with those two." Ray.... Don't do it!

"I don't know anything." 

"You sure? they seem like, I don't know, like there's something they're not telling me." Watch it. 

"Well, I can't help you."

"Oh, well. Aah." Ray lifts up a bucket. Ray. Seriously, watch it!

"Oh, dear God. What is that?" 

"Oh, this? This is just King Tut's golden bucket." You have got to be kidding me!

"It is? I've read about that bucket. It's over 3,000 years old." 

"Is it? Cool. I'm just going to sell it for 30 bucks." That's cheap for a bucket..... A bucket that Ray is tempting Jasp to spill Hen and Char's "secret!" DAMN IT, RAY!

"Thirty? I could have 30 bucks by tomorrow. I can sell my grandmother's wheelchair. So you'll really sell it to me?"

"Uh... No." Ray...


"See, here's the thing, I think you know something about Henry and Charlotte. Liiike maybe a secret." Jasp groans. 

"Yeah, I think Henry and Charlotte have a secret, and I think you know what it is. And I'm not going to sell King Tut's golden bucket to a boy who would keep secrets from me." 

"But that's not fair." Jasp's right. It's not fair that Ray is playing dirty in order to prove Hen and Char wrong. 

"Mmm, life isn't fair, son. You know what life often is?" 


"Unfair." Jasp groans again. 

"Just tell me what you know. And you'll be walking out of here with King Tut's golden bucket right in your sweaty hands." 

"Can I tell you a secret about someone else?"


"My mom steals butter from restaurants." And Iris has been doing that for years. 

"Don't care." 

"Will you please sell me the bucket?"

"Tell me the secret." Jasp grunts. Stay strong, Jasp! Jasp runs around and then out the door. 

"You need to stop playing dirty, Ray." I seem to spook Ray. 

"Tess... How much of that did you hear?"

"All of it. Seriously, bucket tempting?"

"Your point, Tess?"

"Stop playing dirty or else it's not going to end well for you, Ray." I just walk out and walk home. 

The next day

Hen's sweeping, Char's by the counter, Ray's behind the counter, I'm sitting where I was sitting yesterday, and a customer just left when Char gets a text from Jasp. 

"Who's that?"

"Jasper. He just got off the bus and he's on his way here." 

"Ohhh. You mean out friend who's kept the secret we told him?" 

"That's the Jasper."

"The deal is he's got to keep your fake secret for a whole week."

"Only two days to go." 

"'Only two days to go.'" Oh, grow up! Jasp walks in. 

"Heey, guys." 

"Oh hey." 

"Come to hang?" 

"Nope. I'm here to talk to your boss." 

"Well, gooood. I like talking to you." 

"Uhh. Well, actually, Ray's really busy and we got a lot of--" 

"- Hey! Henry, Charlotte, please go down to the basement aaand rotate the light blubs." And he forgot I'm here too. Showtime!

"Rotate the light blubs?"

"What does that even mean?"

"It means I want you to unscrew all the light blubs and then screw them back in again. Off you go." Hen and Char leave again, silently telling Jasp to not blow it. Jasp walks up to the counter. 

"Hello." Oh my God.

"I know why you're here. You been thinking about something. Dreaming." Ray pulls put the bucket from behind the counter. 

"Thinking and dreaming." And he's playing dirty again. 

"I want that bucket." I will be ending up buying that bucket for him later. 

"I know you do."

"$60. That's double what you asked." Jasp puts the money on the counter. Ray puts the bucket on the counter. 

"Okay. I was very clear. I know you have a secret. If you want me to sell you this bucket, you better start talking." 

"I will not tell you my secret. This is a simple business transaction. My $60 for King Tut's bucket." 

"No deal." 

"Come ooon!" 

"I'll tell you what. You can have it for free."


"Just tell me your little secret." Jasp groans. 

"What's it going to be, boy?" Jasp groans again. 

"Bucket. For. The. Secret." 

"One sec." Jasp pulls out a taser? He starts to tazze himself. 

"Aah." Jasp pulls the taser back and walks back over to Ray. 

"I will not tell you my secret." Ray sighs and puts the bucket down.

"Hold on, I'll be right back." Ray starts to leave before he grabs the bucket. He leaves with the bucket. 

"I'm sorry about my boss, Jasp. He's acting a bit like a child."

"It's fine, Tess. I just really want that bucket." 

"I will get you that bucket, I promise."

"You will?"

"Yea. Just trust me. By the end of the day, you'll have King Tut's golden bucket." Ray comes back with the bucket in his hands while Jasp is counting his money for the bucket. 

"All right. I have $100 here. If you'll--"

"Stop. I'll sell it to you for 10 bucks." 

"Just $10?" Ray...... Stop playing dirty! 

"Well, you going to buy the bucket?' 

"I'm not telling you my secret." 

"You don't need to. Henry and Charlotte just told me down in the basement." 

"Really? They told you they're boyfriend and girlfriend?" Damn it, Jasper! You were so close! 

"- No... But you just did!" Ray starts laughing. 

"Nooo!" Ray gets in front of the security camera and starts to taunt Hen and Char. 

"🎵 I was right and you were wrong 🎵I was right and you were wrong🎵 I was right and you were wrong 🎵 I was right and you were wrong 🎵" Ray finally stops and I throw the heaviest object I could find. Jasp pulls out the taser again. 

"I deserve this. Aah!" I pull out money from my pocket, put it on the counter, grab the bucket, take the taser from Jasp, and hand him the bucket. 

"Here, take it and run home!" 

"Ok." Jasp leaves with the bucket. I go down to the basement where I see Ray, Hen, and Char. I'm angry! Ray was playing dirty and tempting my brother with a bucket he wanted. 

"Oh, hey Tess. I didn't know you were up there." 

"I already bought him the bucket, a reward for him making it 5 days without spilling it until today. What you did was dirty, Ray and you know it."

"So what? Who care--" Ray seems my expression. 

"Oh, you're mad."

"Bingo. If we have another bet or something like this, don't do that again. Hen, Char, let's go." Hen, Char, and I leave. 

Hart House

We're watching tv with Jasp. 

"So... Why'd you guys break up?" Char and Hen look at each other.

"Because he killed my goldfish." 

"She has mouth sores." 

"Well, even though you guys broke up, can't I just see you kiss once?" 


"Can't stop me from thinking about it." For the rest of the evening, we just watch tv. 

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