I WANT YOU SO BAD (BoyxBoy) |...

Af Dark-hairedDamsel

108K 3.7K 562

"Can you please stop walking and talk to me." Nick growled when Jordan didn't slow down. Jordan whirled a... Mere

1. This is unhealthy.
2. It can be tough sometimes.
3. Not so sure.
4. Not again.
5. Mixed feelings.
6. Take me into your loving arms.
7. This kind of desire leaves me starving.
8. The nightmarish reality.
9. You keep me awake at night.
10. Always be Two Steps Ahead of Your Enemy.
11. Damn these mixed signals.
12. Accidental shenanigans.
13. There is beauty in small things.
14. Hug me like the night holds the moon.
15. Ripped to shreds.
16. Nothing can put me back.
17. You deserve to feel free.
18. Past always finds it's way back to you.
19. You're my addiction.
20. I hope you stay.
21. For those who believe...
22. Maybe I can do it.
23. Approach with caution because it is hot in here!!!
24. A new technique.
25. Trust me, you can dance.
26. What's mine is mine.
27. Little happy things.
28. There is no comfort in pain.
29. Sometimes it is best to let it go.
30. It goes both ways.
31. I want all of you.
32. I don't need paradise because I found you.
33. The (not so) perfect family.
34. Still reliving this....
35. I'm trying. I really am.
36. Psychopath: /ˈsʌɪkəpaθ/: an unstable and aggressive person.
37. Goodbyes...
38. You're worth everything. And more.
39. Déjà Vu
40. Comfort and support.
41. Pure unadulterated terror.
42. Hold up, this shit don't add up.
43. Bend over.
44. Invisible Scars.
45. A perfect date.
46. Pretty lips.
47. Black and white.
48. Unhealthy.
49. Sweet treats.
50. Oh, shit it's him.
losing my virginity to my teacher.

51. My Everything.

1.2K 46 15
Af Dark-hairedDamsel


I turn my head abruptly and look in Nick’s direction and find the same look of surprise on Nick’s face. He made the connection too. Obviously, because he looked like he was going to scream at the top of his lungs. And not the good type.

I am not faring much better because my brain was working overdrive. Adrian McLaughlin fucking shot Brayden. Shot.

And I can’t get away from that point. How the fuck does a college student becomes a hitman and when does this shit like this happen in real life. But as I recollect his story which Officer John told, apparently his uncle, is true. And I don’t know if I would have trained to be a killer if the same thing happened to one of my siblings. Even if I don’t have one, I don’t think I will start to lose myself over violence.

But, as I watched Adrian’s back as he talked to Amelia and her friends, he looked so unassuming. Like he has these two sides to him which are true, tho.

I looked back at Nick and he looked like he was about to call Adrian himself and confirm whether he was the one who killed Brayden and that should not happen.

I mainly don’t want Adrian to realize that we found out for some reason. And if Nick by any chance shoots that question a little too loudly, it is basically suicide for Adrian, even if people would think like it is a joke. There would be some right people at the wrong place, hearing this.

I instinctively grabbed Nick’s hand and made my way to the main living room where people were dancing, unhinged.

He tried to stop once or twice and shouted something at me but the music drowned his voice, and I was almost glad for that. Because I didn’t want him creating some scene in the middle of the dance floor.

“C’mon,” I shouted when he stood at the bottom of the stairs instead of coming up, where I was going. He was looking back at the spot near the doorway, where Amelia and Adrian were standing a few minutes ago. Good thing they went somewhere else because Nick looked like he was on the verge of going and searching for them.

My mind scrambled for an idea and a brilliant one came up.

I looked up the stairs and saw a drunk fellow sleeping on the steps like it was the most comfortable place to take a nap. I inched closer to him and when I was sure he was not going to wake up, I sat close to him but not too close that our thighs would be touching. But to Nick, it would look like I was sitting practically on his lap.

I sat patiently until he looked around for Adrian and let out a huge sigh, which I couldn’t hear because of the music but could see it. His eyes landed on the stairs and when he noticed that I was missing from where I was minutes ago, his eyes roamed around the crowded stairs until his eyes landed on mine.

I pretended to look at my blunt nails when he neared me and yelped when he pulled me up with my elbow. The poor guy who was napping near me, startled awake and put his fist up like he was going to fight. I cackled up and pushed his fist with mine, lightly.

“I like you, man,” I yelled at him as Nick dragged me upstairs and I was still laughing when he pushed me inside a room and locked it. But my mirth died off when he stalked closer and pinned me against the wall with his hand on my throat.


I gulped and he surely felt my throat move against his palm.  His eyes darkened significantly and I know I was going in for a wild ride.

“You like that guy, huh?” He asked with a glare but I could easily see the bout of lust in his eyes. Fuck, I loved this game.

“I did. Very much.” I sucked in air as his hand tightened around my throat. “I was basically fondling him in his sleep.” I licked my lips as I felt him press his hard dick against my abs.

His eyes tracked my every little movement and he glanced at my now glistened lips with naked interest. I thought I was going to combust with the amount of intensity he was watching me with.

His other hand snaked around my head and he grabbed my hair to pull my head back, harshly. I hissed in both pleasure and pain as he wedged his leg between my thighs. My dick rubbed deliciously against the friction. Oh, yes.

I moaned through my parted lips and watched Nick from hooded eyes because it suddenly felt heavy even to open them fully.

His lips crashed on mine and in a split second, I was flying high of Him. My Nick. Fuck. His harsh kisses do something to me. I could feel my lips getting soft under his and I couldn’t even kiss him back because he took all control.

Slanting his tongue in, he thoroughly tasted every part of my mouth, I was just there for the ride. I cried out when he jerked my pants down without even pulling down the zipper. My hard cock slapped back against my abs as he slipped both my jeans and boxers down my thigh.

I was busy looking at my dick and how much I liked this type of foreplay when he pushed to my knees and I had no other choice but to fall down on my knees because of the constraint against my thighs.

I didn’t even realize he took himself out until he pried my mouth open and pushed his whole dick inside my mouth in one thrust. I gagged.

“Fuck.” Nick hissed from above me and his hand tightened in my hair. It felt so good. “You want some more?”

I hummed around his dick and tried to control my gag reflex as he thrust in again.

“Who do you belong to, Jordan?” Nick asked in a pained whisper, like holding back his orgasm which was literally painful.

I pulled back from his dick with a wet pop and looked up at him with my watery eyes, as I continued to stroke my cock in one hand, I had to squeeze myself twice before I embarrass myself and come too soon.

“You.” I rasped in answer, my throat sore.

Nick shot his load right at my cheek after I answered him and I gasped as both of his hands wrenched my head up and one of his shots went right inside my mouth, I gulped it greedily and waited until he painted my face with his cum.

I was so far gone into it that I didn’t even realize that I came myself until I felt hot liquid coat my fingers and the floor beneath.

I smirked a little and made eye contact with Nick before licking my fingers clean.

And after that, it was a frenzy of kissing each other until we had no breath left and fell on the bed together.

I felt Nick use a tissue on my face and clean up his mess. I was just lying there on the bed with my eyes closed as he cleaned both of us up and straightened up my dress as he did with his own.

I almost forgot that a world existed outside of us. Almost.

When Nick came back to bed, he nipped my jaw and slowly moved up to my cheeks and kissed it softly before pecking both the corner of my lips and looked down at me with his sweet grey eyes. He looked flushed and happy with a small smile playing on his lips.

“What?” I asked curiously.

“I am happy that I found you. Even if I was just curious about the flashing red pants guy.”

I chuckled. “It feels like it happened forever ago.”

“I think it did.”

My smile was huge as he leaned down and gave me the softest kiss and whispered against my mouth. “Love you.”

“Me too.” After a good minute of kissing, I spoke against his lips. “And the sex was good today.”

Like predicted he wrenched his head away and looked down at me with narrowed eyes.

“What do you mean by ‘today’.”

“I mean, we explored some but today was extraordinary. I think I should fondle many more sleeping guys so that you will go all caveman on me.” I teased.

I was joking and we both knew that. Sex with Nick was unlike any other. We get each other and we tend to know the mood we were in beforehand.

His hand came around my neck and he playfully tightened it.

“So, you are saying sex with me is not that good, huh?”

“Hmm mmm.”

“You little shit.” He started tickling me and I howled out in protest.

Tears streamed from my eyes and I heard my voice break, then only he gave me mercy and retreated his hands from my armpits and belly. I panted like a dying seal with a huge smile on my face.

Fuck, do I love him, making me always smile and laugh. But I became serious again. Because he would not stop this ‘Adrian Problem’ until he confronted Adrian himself and I didn’t want that.

“Nick. I want you to promise me something.” God, I hated manipulating him but I gotta do what I gotta do.


“Don’t ask Adrain if he was the one.” He knows what I am talking about.

His face became pinched and he started shaking his head.

“Hear me out.” I sat up on the bed and he did the same as he was literally on me. “I know you feel like you should know who he really is. But I am telling you that it is a bad idea. Just think about meetups with Amelia and him, it would be awkward and painful if he knew that we know and we could anytime tell Amelia that he was the one who shot Brayden.

“I know it is shocking for you to see your friend and teammate having this big of a secret and I am too, believe me. But if I was…. Killing people, um bad people, I would want to keep that as a secret too. And thinking about people knowing what I did would make me break into hives. And we don’t want that do we. We both know Adrian is no threat to us or our family, so why not leave it alone. Why not just forget you figured out this piece of information at all.”

“I don’t know.” He said frustrated. “I don’t know if I can act normal around him anymore. It’s not even that. It’s just that how did I not figure out that he could… just snap, kill a person. It’s not that I am mad at him for killing Brayden. I am fucking elated but it would still be weird to be around him.

“I know. Let’s take baby steps. When you feel like itching to ask him a question around him just find another person to talk to in your team. I know I am asking a lot but I don’t want unnecessary complications and if Amelia found out, I don’t know how she would react. We don’t want cluster fuck in our hands.”

“I understand, babe and you are not asking anything at all. You are just stating facts and I am thanking you for making me see reason.”

His next kiss was full of wonder.

“Come on. Let’s get downstairs and get shit-faced.” I said jumping up from the bed.

“But I don’t wanna.  Come here.” Nick said patting the free space next to him on the bed. A stranger’s bed. Shit.

“I don’t think I want to be back in a bed where I don’t know if any stranger’s cum stain is on it.”

Nick got up from the bed like a hot potato and I ended up laughing at his horrified face. He glared at me and made a motion of catching me, but I was prepared for it and dashed out of the room.

The minute I opened the door, the muted sound of music, blared to life and I felt disoriented for a minute but carefully ran down the stairs. I could feel him coming close to me. I yelped when I felt his fingers close around my elbow but it slithered away as I gained dodging speed against drunken college students.

I finally dodged enough people to secure myself a place in the middle of the dance floor. I was out of breath and caught it as I stood on my tiptoes and searched for Nick. I panicked when I realized I couldn’t find him in the direction of the bottom of the stairs and I convinced myself that he ditched me to go find Adrian. I was prepared to go after him when I felt hands snake around my waist.


I abruptly turned around and saw Nick’s smiling face looking down at me.

“Asshole.” I scolded and hit his chest, lightly.

He just chuckled and brought his hands tighter around me and engulfed me with his scent. It was the best place to be. I soon forgot that there were students humping and making out around us.

I looped my arms around his neck and just lazily rotated my hips to the pop song. It felt unnatural to go slow to a very upbeat song but I felt relaxed and just wanted to be held and swayed in the midst of chaos.

I opened my eyes after a while and saw Katie and her boyfriend dancing and griding not far away from us and I imagined how Amelia would be frowning at us for enjoying with our lovers because she couldn’t bring her boyfriend to the party. Because it would be awkward and highly inappropriate to bring an ex-professor to a college party and making out with him in front of half of his former students present.

I made a contented sigh and angled my head away from Nick’s neck to lay my head back against his shoulder to look at our surroundings. All I could see in the dim light and colorful strobes were just happy bodies. I was happy too. Considering what happened to me it was a huge feat. I was just happy that I had someone to fall back on.

My eyes widened a little when I saw Adrian. Staring.

I followed his line of sight and saw Katie and her boyfriend moving to the next stage of groping and kissing. I looked back at Adrian and saw him glaring at them and I was shocked for a second to see him mad. I can see how he could kill a person in cold blood or do I just want to see him different light? But I don’t know.

But if looks could kill, I think Katie’s boyfriend would be dead five times already.

I just have to not concentrate on Adrian being a killer and the rest is easy peasy.

After a while, we went back to the kitchen to score ourselves some drinks. And I popped open a couple of beer bottles and handed one to Nick.

“Did you see Amelia somewhere?” I asked as I took a sip of the bitter beverage. It was refreshing to drink something cool after being surrounded by body heat.

“I think I saw her somewhere near the back exit. Talking with her girlfriends.”

I nodded my head and looked around to see if I see any familiar faces but when I saw Adrian coming our way, I just wanted to go puff into thin air. Nick didn’t see him coming like I did because he was facing me and he didn’t get the time to mentally prepare like I did because when I next saw Adrian, he was right next to me.

Nick sprayed his beer and he was considerate enough to do it away from us and fell promptly into a coughing fit. Adrian went away for a second and brought tissues with him, I just got a plastic cup and filled it with water, and gave it to Nick.

He was teary-eyed and thanked both of us as he drank the whole cup and smashed it against the counter and used the tissues to wipe his chin and eyes.

“You okay man?” Adrian asked as he patted Nick’s shoulder.

Adrian didn’t notice that Nick flinched away from a little when he landed that contact. Fuck, this is not good.

“Yeah, man. Just took a huge gulp and it went through the wrong hole.”

“No pun intended, huh?” Adrian joked.

I forced a laugh which felt natural enough because I was scared and nervous. I didn’t want Nick to inadvertently blurt anything but to my surprised he laughed at the joke and I saw his shoulders relax a little.

I think he tried to separate his teammate Adrian and Killer Adrian in separate boxes. And it sounded like a bad psychology analysis.

But after they started talking about the game, I saw Nick relax completely and joke around like normal.

I think everything is going to be okay.


Yeah, I don’t think anything is okay. Because Nick was currently throwing a fit in the bedroom at me going back to the internship.

It was the next Monday and I decided enough is enough and broke to Nick that I was going to the firm again. You would think he would listen and talk to me but he was straight up no. I can feel his frustration and helplessness at the situation and he simply wanted to protect me. But I don’t feel so good to eat in this apartment with no contribution whatsoever and moreover, I genuinely thought that the experience there would bring me good exposure.

I just left him in the room to complete his tantrum as I strode across the living room to reach the kitchen. Amelia was already in there cooking something delicious.

“Good morning.” I chirped.

“Morning. Juice?” She tipped her head at the opened carton near her. I nodded and went to the counter before pouring some for me and sitting on the stool near the breakfast bar.

“I am going back to the internship,” I announced and just as I expected there was clutter and I saw the spatula she was using to turn the bacon over, on the counter.


“See, before you get into big lectures about how the firm is corrupted and unlawful, I know that too. But there are some great damn lawyers too. And I think we can learn many useful things from them. Won't you say?”

She narrowed her eyes at me but before she could speak, Nick came out of the room with a big bang and closed in on me. He locked me against the counter and got on my face.

“You are not going.  Period.” He said and bit my cheek, hard.

“Ow. Nick, why are you not hearing me out? Just imagine that you can get bail for even the bad of people within a week, and imagine how that much power is going to help the good people if we learn their tactics and know-how. How many people we can save?”

“I don’t care. I just don’t want you under that bastard’s radar.”

Bastard here is Brayden’s dad because that fucker somehow got bail and it was assisted by one of our firm’s lawyers. Even though my blood was boiling for him to have escaped this easily, I knew that I couldn’t just let it blind me. He has no way of finding my name, and Nick made sure of that. And I knew for a fact that he would go half old trying to fall back on his business. Because his whole company was brought down and was tarnished of its reputation.

I don’t want to be terrorized and live in fear of the unknown anymore. I want to live my life without any thought that who is going to take me next. And for that to start, I have to get back on routine.

“Nick, I love you and all but you can’t just straight out say that I can’t do something I love.” I reasoned.

He sighed heavily and rested his forehead against mine.  I opened my eyes and saw him scrunched in pain. God, I hate to see him like this but I don’t want to lose my life because of some asshole bigshot.

“Okay.” He said finally and I was so surprised that I didn’t even realize he agreed.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah, but I will till you now. If you think I was protective before, you going to be in a treat because I am not letting you out of my sight.”

“I am more than okay with it,” I said and kissed him.

“Um, guys? Can we keep it PG in the kitchen?” Amelia asked and threw a waste cover at us.

I laughed and finally released Nick.

“I love you so damn much,” I whispered against him.

“I love you more.”

He was the one who was eyeing my lips and he started kissing me in earnest, with tongue and all.

“Okay, I am done with this. Cook your own damn breakfast.” Amelia yelled and I heard her footsteps running to her room.

I felt his smile and a second later, I was hefted up on the counter and I broke my own rule and had kitchen sex. Not so much sex but hurried blowjobs before we accidentally flashed his brother and his girlfriend. Again.

Maybe routine is what we needed. Because I was happy to fall back on something that is concrete for me.

Like the solid thing, Nick and I created for ourselves.


- VV 🧡🍂

Epilogue is coming soon!!

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