Princess and the Pauper (Jack...

By misspyknic

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A Princess is for a Prince. But this time, this Princess is for the Pauper. Copyrights go to → misspyknic (th... More

Princess and the Pauper (Jackunzel)
Chapter 1: Bread For the Family
Chapter 2 : Little Visit in Town
Chapter 3: Another Visit
Chapter 4: Princess Lessons
Chapter 6: Garden Activities
Chapter 7: Canvas
Chapter 8: Upcoming Tenth
Chapter 9: Choice of Words
Chapter 10: The Day Before
Chapter 11: Written In My Heart
Chapter 12: The Day
Chapter 13: Help Her Out
Chapter 14: The Masked Man
Chapter 15: Alfred
Chapter 16: Away He Went
Chapter 17: On the Way
Chapter 18: Wait For It
Chapter 19: Rogue Rebels
Chapter 20: Darkness
Chapter 21: Choices
Chapter 22: Paralysis
Chapter 23: Declaration Of Hope

Chapter 5: Mistakened Guard

313 17 5
By misspyknic


Rapunzel came here yesterday and I felt bad about the things I've said. I should have just supported her decision instead of babbling about what my opinion is! But if she can marry a very nice prince, wouldn't she be happy? Besides she'll fall in love with him in the process. But I was the one who said that she can't marry or just choose a husband she doesn't love! I was the one who told her that! And now, what have I done? It's no use. I have to convince her to stop whatever she's thinking about! It's my fault after all.

"Mom, I'm just gonna go to the castle."

"What? Go to the castle? Are you out of your mind?"

I shook my head. "I just gotta pay a visit." I told her. "With your clothes like that? You're gonna visit Princess Rapunzel, aren't you? Nasty child, you are! Well, borrow a suit from the tailor down the street. She'll give you one. We're friends after all." My mom, she's too kind. "Thanks mom!" I told her and ran away from the house and to the tailor's shop. I went inside. "Um, can I please ask for a suit? My mom sent me here." I told the tailor. She's actually a girl. "Oh, Caitlyn. Well, this is the cheapest suit here." She handed me a suit and it looked perfect. "Does it suit me? I mean, my size." I asked her. "Of course. Your body is standard size. It's good. It'll only loose off a bit, but it suits you." She said. I bet it's good enough! "Thank you! How much is it?" I asked her. "For Caitlyn's son? Maybe a euro or so. But, you'll just borrow anyway. I have no problem with it." She's so nice! I went out of the shop, with the suit hung to a hanger, I carried it with my hands. I went home afterwards.

"You got it?"

"Yes! And, she says as long as I return it, it won't cost us."

My mom chuckled. "Of course, you're just gonna borrow it." I nodded. "Yes. I don't know if it would fit me, but she said I have the standard size." I told her as I put the suit on me. I don't know how fix the loose sleeves, but I guess mom can help me. "Mom, I need your help!" I called to her. "Oh my! You look exactly like your dad." She went to me, fixing my sleeves. "He wore a suit on that festival we went to for our first date. I wore a polka-dotted dress and he wore a black suit like this one." There she goes again, telling her love in the past! I guess it's the only time she can talk about dad. "Is dad your first true love?" She nodded. "He was my only true love." She mumbled. "Well, off you go. As you go to the palace, what do you plan to do then?" Mom asked. "I told you already, didn't I? I plan to convince Rapunzel to not choose a husband. That she should also decide for herself! After all, it is my mistake." I told her and she hugged me. "Be careful." She told me and I nodded. "I will." I said.

"Say farewell to Emma too?"

"I won't be gone for long! I will return by sundown. See you!"

I said and ran out of the house and made my way out to the stables. I need to borrow a horse first. "Is anyone here?" I called to the stables, for I found it empty. "Ah! A young gentleman." Wow! I often get called a commoner selling bread. Just a simple Bread Boy. "Wait! You look darn familiar. Yes! The bread boy who roams around the town." The stable owner said. "What business do you have here?" He added a follow-up. "I need a horse. I have to visit the castle to see a young maiden. The princess, you see. I need to talk to her." I wish he's as kind as the tailor! "You want to see the princess? Do you two know each other? Or are you there to exploit their riches?!" Is he trying to accuse me of trying to rob them? "No, I will not exploit their riches. I'm only going there to talk to Princess Rapunzel because she talked me about something, and it went the wrong turn. So please! I need to convince her." I begged the stable owner.

"Alright. Take Busty."

"Yes! Aha! Thank you very much!"

I took the horse named Busty behind the stables. I rode him, and good thing he wasn't a hard-headed one. "Thank you. I'll return him as fast as possible." I said and I went to the castle. The moment I arrived, I pleft Busty in the royal stables. The castle grounds is just too big! I don't know how to make my way to Rapunzel.

"Oh there you are!"

"Here I am?"

I asked the guy in a fine tuxedo, his gray hair waxed perfectly, and his shoes neatly polished. "Yes! You're the applying to be guard on duty eh? Well then, come with me to the office." Guard on duty? "I think you're mistaken." I told him. "Mistaken about what?" He asked. "The 'guard on duty' thing." I said. "Perhaps, the royal body guard for the princess? Is that what you applied for?" He asked. For the princess? That means I can talk to her then! "Yes! I applied for the royal body guard thing." I answered. "Good then!" He said and we made our way to the office. "Whose office is this?" I asked. "Mine! I'm Sir Pendleward, in charge of the household authority." He said. "That's a long name." I told him. "That's just my last name. What's your name?" He suddenly asked. "Jackson Overland. People call me Jack." I said.

"Where's your papers?"


He smiled. "So I can fill out the paperwork for your application. Speaking of, sit down, I have to ask you questions." I gulped. "Sadly, I didn't bring any papers. I'm just a peasant, selling bread. I thought being royal body guard doesn't require any 'shabadah' kind of thing." I said. He looked at me surprisingly. "Shabadah?" He asked. "You know, complicated. Or lots of things. Anyway, hear me out! I have no papers for you to fill out, I only have pure intentions to your castle, and believe me I don't want to exploit the royal family's riches. I just want a job to feed my mom and sister. Isn't that too bad?" I told him. "Well then, since nobody else is in line up for the job, I guess you have it then." He said and smiled at me. "Thank you!" I said. "Wait, before you go there are things I want to tell you." He said.

"Thee are rules you must know as a royal body guard! Especially guarding the princess."


"How old are you?" He suddenly asked. "17, maybe 18...I can't keep track of my age. I rarely celebrate my birthday!" I said, but I guess I'm 18. "If that's the case! You only guard the princess, not get touchy with her!" I nodded. I will never be touchy with Rapunzel, of course. "As a royal body guard, follow what the princess wants! Except if what she wants violates the code." I nodded again. "Most of all, be early and always guard her wherever, whenever, however. Except, of course in some personal activities." He said. "Yes!" I exclaimed and he let me go.

"Um, Overland, you may now escort the princess from this day forth."

"Of course, I will."

I hurried out to the hallway. Where can Rapunzel be? After a few turns, I found myself in the kitchen. Maybe I can ask the chefs. "Um, hello?" I asked. One turned to me. "Oh! Who might you be?" He asked me. "Jackson Overland, sir. I'm the new bodyguard to the princess." I said. "Why are you here in the kitchen? Anything a chef can do for you or the princess?" He asked. "For me, actually. I didn't had the chance to ask Sir Pendleward where Princess Rapunzel may be." I asked her. "Right now she's in her room. Well, I guess she wants to be alone for now. She's acting pretty strange! Letting Martha throw away all of her books!" I widened my eyes. Her books? Aren't those her 'life'? "Where's her bedroom?" I asked him. "To your right, up the stairs, then left, and right again and then last turn to the left and there you are!" He said. "Thank you." I said then did as he said. I went to the right, then upstairs, left, right agian and a little more to the left. I arrived at a large door, decorated with golden flower and a violet background. Pretty arttistic. I knocked on the door.


"Um, princess, may I come in?"

There was no response. "Princess Rapunzel?" I called out again. "Yes...?" I opened the door and found Rapunzel painting on canvas. "JACK?!?" She exclaimed my name. I pretty much smiled awkwardly. "What are you doing here?" She asked me. "I got a job in here. To feed Emma and mom." I answered. "As what?" She asked. "As your royal body guard. So, we'll pretty much see each other everyday." I said, and I felt she's grumpy about this. "That's crazy! I mean, not crazy, but it's good...for you. Now you've got a real job now, not that selling bread isn't a real job but," She suddenly saw me staring. "You know what I mean." She continued. "How are you?" I asked her. "Fine, you know." She said. "No, how are you really? I heard from the chef you threw all away your books." I said and she grew quiet. "I came to a sudden realization that you were right! I should think selflessly. All throughout, I've been really selfish! And now, I want what's best for the kingdom. I'm studying politics. All there is to know about being future queen of the land. So, I threw all away my not-anymore-needed childish books." She said. I know she's hurt by calling it herself 'childish' books.

"Listen, I was wrong Punzie!"

"No, you weren't."

How can I convince her if she doesn't have that 'optimistic' side anymore?!? "Look at this painting Jack, it's a beautiful scenery! It's my kingdom's future." She said with a grin. "Are you out of you mind? Punzie, I was wrong. Until now! And, you're wrong too! I mean, come on, this isn't you. You're the jolly, creative, free-spirited princess everyone knows." I told her. "Not everyone I suppose." She said. "I have to act like the future queen. An dall the traits you described me isn't what a future queen should be. I have to be daring, bold and wise." She said with her chin up high. "I don't care how long this is gonna take, as long as I can convince you to change your mind." I said. "Oh, yeah. You're gonna be here all the time now!" She said. "That's a good thing right?" I asked her. "Perhaps, yes? I guess so." She said. "Now let's get to work!" I told her. "What work?" She said. "Convincing you?" I said and she sighed.

This is gonna be a heck of a ride.


Yay! Finally updated! And guys, I couldn't think of a new part for RotBF!!!! :(

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