The Treasure Collector

By Future_author15

122 13 0

I look over at her, she closed her eyes as fresh streams of tears fall onto her cheeks. Good girl. I wrapped... More

Chapter 1: The Treasure Collector
Chapter 2: Detective Hewitt
Chapter 3: Detective Hewitt
Chapter 4: The Treasure Collector
The Treasure Collector

Chapter 5: Detective Hewitt

7 2 0
By Future_author15

"Honey I'm home and I brought a fellow co-worker with me" I announced as I enter the house with Manner following behind. Unfortunately we didn't get to have dinner yesterday so it was postponed until today. The sound of footsteps ascending towards us catches my attention as not only my wife but my son walks to greet us.

A wave of happiness fills me like a three year old when they got candy as a treat for good behavior. "Hey babe" Sophia greets me embracing me into a hug which broke as soon as she saw Manner. I roll my eyes internally seeing that it was every woman's reaction. "This is Detective Manner, he's helping me out with the case, this is my wife Sophia" I introduce him. He takes her hand giving it a light kiss on the back, her cheeks startes to flush and a small smile forms onto her lips.

"Yeah, yeah break it up" I retorted. Chuckles fill the room as my son comes up to greet me with a tight hug. He walks over to Manner and shakes his hand firmly while giving him a brief nod. We walk to the dining room as soon as we finished greeting each other. I told Manner to take a seat as I follow Sophia into the kitchen. The familiar scent of her famous lasagna catches my nostrils sending an 'I am frickin hungry' message to my stomach.

I walk up behind her as she continues to stir the sauce that's on low heat on the stove. As soon as I wrap my arms around her defined body she relaxes indicating that she's tired. I kiss her head and continue embracing her. She was a one of a kind woman, she did nothing but take care of me and Alex and gave us the love we deserved. But it's safe to say that I'm not deserving of it.

Whatever that has been going on with me and Kimberly is because there was no excitement again. Our sparks had died down ever since Alex was born, I wanted to talk to her about it but I didn't want her to feel shitty. Kimberly was a very beautiful woman when I first laid eyes on her and new to our forensic team.

Her character, how free spirited and out going she was grasped my attention. It went from flirting with her every little chance I got, to having lunch together, then to meeting in her office, one thing led to another turning it into a full blown affair and here we are, still continuing our two years of affair. She was also having problems with her marriage and needed some excitement too so we were a good match. Of course we kept it as a secret.

"'s finished, why don't you go join the others in the dining room with another white wine to refill their glasses" she says letting my hand loosen from around her waist. I nod my head and did as I was told,
they both seem to be getting along really well. Substituting the fact that they are both polar opposites.

"Who wants more wine?" I ask interrupting their conversation about Hockey. "I'm good" Manner responses while Alex shook his head causing me to pour him yet another glass. After pouring myself and Sophia a glass I took my rightful seat and within minutes Sophia comes out with her famous lasagna with a warm smile on her face.

"Do you want help Mrs. Hewitt?" Manner asks but she smiles and fans him off indicating that she was fine. She was acting rather strange today or was it my concise that was bothering me. She emerges another time out of the kitchen with the sauce and two utensils, a spoon for the sauce and a spatula for the lasagna. Sophia always likes trying new things when she's cooking but the apple sauce was the cherry on top.

She takes a seat after removing her apron and mittens. "Well dig in boys" she says chuckling. "Alright!!" Alex cheers with excitement as if this was the first time he was going to taste his mother's lasagna. After ensuring that everyone had something in their plates we started eating. The familiar taste tingles my taste buds each time, but I couldn't help but notice something different.

"Honey did you add something new to it?" I ask, she swallowed what she had inside her mouth before answering. "Yes, I didn't think you would notice.." she chuckles. "It's thyme" she admits, "Well it tastes hella good" Alex compliments making her blush. "It sure does taste amazing Mrs. Hewitt" Manner comments.

"Thank you, call me Sophia" she states smiling. Then starts eating again. After eating and having a few conversations here and there, we decided to go in the back yard with some beers to talk while Sophia cleans the dining room table and the kitchen. "So Manner, how's everything thus far at the station? I hope dad isn't working you too hard" Alex asks teasing me at the same time.

"It's actually good thus far. I mean other than this notorious serial killer on the loose I'm fitting in just fine. How about you and the working sector?" He asks. The Sunnydale Killer is a very sensitive topic, one in which I hate bringing up when Sophia's around cause all she does is worry.

"He's nuts that's for sure, well work is going well too, but that damn partner and boss of mine are really getting on my nerves." He says rolling his eyes taking a swing out of his beer. "What do you mean?" I ask a bit alarmed. "My partner is free spirited and an ass wipe at times...." He chuckles, "...but my boss won't stop calling me bud, kid, blah, blah, blah. Like I'm not a kid, I may be nineteen but I'm not a kid" he says sassily earning a laugh from both Manner and I.

"Manner can you relate?" I ask chuckling, "Captain Zein won't stop calling me those names either" he says rolling his eyes making me chuckle slightly. "That's just how bosses are you know" I state taking a sip from my beer. They both shake their heads in annoyance. "Any updates on the case dad?" Alex asks. "You know it's strictly confidential Alex...but I'm going to tell you this, we are trying our best ok" I reassure him shaking his shoulder slightly.

I know he's worried about his mom and I but I'll put up every fight left in me to stop this cold hearted killer. We spent the next hour talking about childhood memories but Manner didn't even say a word about his. Maybe his childhood was really rough, who am I to judge after all he's a grown man who is allowed to share whatever he feels like sharing.

His facial expression was cold and distant, but whether he came from a broken house or not I'm proud to see that he did something with his life. "I think it's about time for me to head out" Manner says rising from his chair picking up his two beer bottles. He's not much of a drinker I suppose, Alex and I got up immediately after following him to the front door.

During our conversation Sophia told me that she was going to get somethings from the grocery store then meet a girlfriend after. Alex and I offered a helping hand but she declined, we checked upon her every fifteen minutes to make sure she's ok though. She said her goodbyes to Manner before she went inviting him to come another time, no time soon I suppose.

"It was nice having you....bud" I tease, he points a finger at me grinning I held my hands up in surrender as silence fills the air. A laugh escapes my lips making the both of them erupt in laughter. "See you Hewitt, Alex" he says as he exits the house. "Drive safe hunny" I call earning a middle finger. "Love you too" I shout earning yet again another middle finger. Both Alex and I chuckle closing the door.

"Goodnight dad" Alex says as he makes his way to his room. "Alright son" I reply plopping down on the sofa, I reached for the remote and immediately started skipping through the channels. Everything is frickin boring, just as I turn off the television. A rattling sound catches my attention, then in comes Sophia struggling with a grocery bag in her hands. I walk over to her taking it from her.

"Thanks babe" she says hanging her coat. It was a bit chilly in the night at times to be honest. She walks with me to the kitchen letting out a exaggerated sigh. "You ok?" I ask her while unpacking the groceries. "Yeah why wouldn't I be" she says smiling cheekily, her mood changed since she left the house.

I guess she needed air. Her hair was a bit disheveled, maybe the wind but there was none tonight. Her lipstick was a bit disoriented and knowing her she's careful when it comes on to her make up, maybe she bumped into some one. "Anyways I'm going to bed" she says kissing my cheek. "I'll be there in a minute" I tell her gaining a nod.

After unpacking the groceries, I tried my best to ignore the voice in my head. She wouldn't.... would she?


Are the Hewitt's marriage going to spiral?

What is Manner hiding about his childhood?

They are both nicknamed bud/kid huh?

How's Hewitt's and Manner's relationship thus far?

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